Passing Table Name In Stored Procedure Got Error

May 13, 2008

@STATE varchar(50),@TBLNAME varchar(50)

BEGIN TRANSACTION -- Start the transaction
t1.Date_Taken as 'DATE', t1.Time as 'TIME',
FROM dbo.SEL t1 INNER JOIN dbo.station_info t2
ON t1.Main_ID=t2.Main_ID
AND t1.Date_Taken=CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101)
ORDER BY t1.Date_Taken, t1.Time

-- See if there is an error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
-- There's an error b/c @ERROR is not 0, rollback
COMMIT -- Success! Commit the transaction

Error said Incorrect syntax near '@TBLNAME'.

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Error On Passing Parameter To Stored Procedure

Jul 1, 2004


I have a procedure that will save to table in sql server 200 via stored procedure. When I hit the save button it alwasy give me an error saying "Procedure 'sp_AddBoard' expects parameter '@dtmWarrantyStart', which was not supplied" even though I supplied it in the code

which is

Dim ParamdtmWarrantyStart As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@dtmWarrantyStart", SqlDbType.datetime, 8)
ParamdtmWarrantyStart.Value = dtmWarrantyStart

below is the stored procedure.

create Proc sp_AddBoard(@BrandID int,
@strPcName varchar(50),
@bitAccounted bit,
@dtmAccounted datetime,
@dtmWarrantyStart datetime,
@dtmWarrantyEnd datetime,
-- @strDescription varchar(500),
@intStatus int,
@ModelNo varchar(50),
@intMemorySlots int,
@intMemSlotTaken int,
@intAgpSlots int,
@intPCI int,
@bitWSound bit,
@bitWLan bit,
@bitWVideo bit,
@dtmAcquired datetime,
@stat bit output,
@intFSB int) as
if not exists(select strPcName from tblBoards where strPcName=@strPcName)
insert into tblBoards
(BrandID, strPcName, bitAccounted,
dtmAccounted, dtmWarrantyStart,
dtmWarrantyEnd, --strDescription,
ModelNo, intMemorySlots, intMemSlotTaken,
intAgpSlots, intPCI, bitWLan,
bitWVideo, dtmAcquired,intFSB,bitWSound)


set @stat=1

The table is also designed to accept nulls on that field but still same error occured.

Please help

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Passing Table Name To Stored Procedure Dynamicaly

Dec 27, 2007

 It's my code: 1 CREATE PROCEDURE SearchFunction2 @SQ nvarchar(30),3 @pType nvarchar(11),4 @pCol nvarchar(11)5 AS6 BEGIN7 SELECT * FROM [data] 8 WHERE ([type] LIKE '%'+@pType+'%') AND (@pCol LIKE '%'+@SQ+'%')9 END
10 GOWhen I replace '@pCol' with 'nameCol' it works fine, but when i pass it trough parameter in my aspx page [pCol.Value='nameCol'] it does not work!  

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Passing A Dynamic Table Name To A Stored Procedure

May 19, 2004

Is this possible?

I know this doesn't work but I'll post it anyways so you can see what I'm trying to accomplish.

@something int,
@tablename varchar(50)
SELECT * FROM @tablename WHERE something = @something

Like I say, I know it doesn't work...but does anyone know how to accomplish something like this?

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Passing A Table As An Input To Stored Procedure

Jun 18, 2008

Hi everyone,

Is that possible to passing a table as an input to Stored Procedure?

Thanks in advance

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STORED PROCEDURE - Passing Table Name As A Parameter

Nov 29, 2005

I am trying to develop a stored procedure for an existing application thathas data stored in numerous tables, each with the same set of columns. Themain columns are Time and Value. There are literally hundreds of thesetables that are storing values at one minute intervals. I need to calculatethe value at the end of the current hour for any table. I am a little newto SQL Server, but I have some experience with other RDBMS.I get an error from SQL Server, complaining about needing to declare@TableName in the body of the procedure. Is there a better way to referencea table?SteveHere is the SQL for creating the procedure:IF EXISTS(SELECTROUTINE_NAMEFROMINFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINESWHEREROUTINE_TYPE='PROCEDURE'ANDROUTINE_NAME='udp_End_of_Hour_Estimate')DROP PROCEDURE udp_End_of_Hour_EstimateGOCREATE PROCEDURE udp_End_of_Hour_Estimate@TableName VarCharASDECLARE @CurrentTime DateTimeSET @CurrentTime = GetDate()SELECT(SELECTSum(Value)* DatePart(mi,@CurrentTime)/60 AS EmissonsFROM@TableNameWHERETime BETWEENDateAdd(mi,-DatePart(mi,@CurrentTime),@CurrentTime)AND@CurrentTime)+(SELECTAvg(Value)* (60-DatePart(mi,@CurrentTime))/60 AS EmissionsFROM@TableNameWHERETime BETWEENDateAdd(mi,-10,@CurrentTime)AND@CurrentTime)

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Passing Table Name And Order By Parameter To Stored Procedure

Jul 27, 2007

can i pass the name of the table and the "order by" column name to stored procedure?
 i tried the simple way
(@tablename varchar and then "select * from @tablename)
but i get error massesges. the same for order by...
what is the right syntex for this task?

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Passing Variable Table Names To Stored Procedure

May 5, 2000

I need to execute a stored procedure which selects all columns from the passed table. The table used is a variable.

Select * from @Passedtablename. This won't work. Any insights.

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Passing Error Messages From Stored Procedure To Osql Command

Oct 7, 2004

I have a process that is running on the os. This process is picking up FTP files every 5 min, it renames them so not to confuse them with the new files, copies all renamed files into one file to be used by bulk insert, runs the bulk insert to populate a table, and then runs the stored procedure that scrubbing the data and insert it into another table. For every transaction that I do in my stored procedure, I do the error checking as follows:

IF @@error <> 0

If my stored procedure encounters an error, return statement will stop it from running. If this happens, I need to stop the process that is running on the os as well.


How can that be accomplished?

How to restart the stored procedure ones the error has been corrected?

Thank you for your help.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Passing Multiple Parameters With Table Valued Parameter To Stored Procedure?

May 21, 2014

Can we Pass table valued parameters and normal params like integer,varchar a single stored procedure?

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Error Inserting Image Into SQL Server2000 Table From Pocket PC Application Only When Using Stored Procedure In Table Adapter Wiz

Apr 24, 2008

My Pocket PC application exports signature as an image. Everything is fine when choose Use SQL statements in TableAdapter Configuration Wizard.



string[] signFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Settings.signDirectory);

foreach (string signFile in signFiles)


mailsSignatureRow = main.ds.MailsSignature.NewMailsSignatureRow();

mailsSignatureRow.Singnature = GetImageBytes(signFile); //return byte[] array of the image.




But now I am getting error "General Network Error. Check your network documentation" after specifying Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Insert_MailSignature( @Singnature image )



INSERT INTO MailsSignature (Singnature) VALUES (@Singnature);

SELECT Id, Singnature FROM MailsSignature WHERE (Id = SCOPE_IDENTITY())

For testing I created a desktop application and found that the same Code, same(Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard) and same stored procedure is working fine in inserting image into the table.

Is there any limitation in CF?

Professor Corrie.

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Passing @UserName Into Stored Procedure

Oct 11, 2006

I have successfully Create a Site, Inserting Updating and
Deleting information in my DB all with Stored Procedures, But I need the
ability to pass their username into my Stored Procedures. How and where do I
code this in my ASPX file?

 My SP would be something like this

 Create procedure test



Select *

From table

Where username
= @username



All of the
data is tied to the user in one way or another but I do not know what code to
put in my page?

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Passing Xml To Stored Procedure For Inserting

Feb 16, 2007

Anyone got an example of passing xml to a stored procedure and within that procedure, grabbing values out of the xml to perform an insert ?

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Passing Parameters Into Stored Procedure

Apr 11, 2007

I have two variables in my code behind .cs,
string Zip;int MenuCode;
I am trying to pass them to the stored procedure below and am getting compile errors.  How do I properly construct the parameter object?
error: Cannot create an object of type 'System.TypeCode' from its string representation '"String";' for the 'Type' property. (points to Parameter Name ="Zip" Type="string"
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="LocalPremiumLinks" runat="server"            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString2 %>" SelectCommand="CPLink"            SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">            <SelectParameters>                        <asp:Parameter Name="Zip" Type="string" />             <asp:Parameter Name="MenuCode" Type="double" />                               </SelectParameters>

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Passing A Value To Another Stored Procedure...need Urgent Help

Dec 10, 2007

Hi i have been working on these stored procedures for what seems like ages now and i just cant understand why they dont work. I have followed many tutorials and think i have the correct synat but i jus keep getting errors.
Basically, i have SPOne and SPTwo - SPOne is writing to a table called Publication that has PublicationID as its PK (auto generated). SPtwo needs to get this PublicationID from SPOne and use it to insert rows into a second table PublicationAuthors - the PublicationID is hence a FK in the table PublicationAuthors.
The error i get is: Procedure or function 'SPOne' expects parameter '@publicationID', which was not supplied. Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'publicationID', table .dbo.PublicationAuthors'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
SPOne is as follows: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedureOne      @typeID smallint=null,      @title nvarchar(MAX)=null,      @publicationID smallint OUTPUTASBEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON    INSERT INTO Publication (typeID, title)    VALUES (@typeID, @title)    SELECT @publicationID = scope_identity()
and SPtwo is as follows: ASDECLARE @NewpublicationID IntEXEC StoredProcedureOne @NewpublicationID = OUTPUTSET @publicationID = @NewpublicationIDINSERT INTO PublicationAuthors (publicationID, authorID) VALUES (@publicationID, @authorID)
SELECT @NewpublicationID

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Passing Column Name To Stored Procedure

Jan 25, 2008

HII m trying to use the following Store Procedure to search Suppliers... user provides a Column Name (Search By) and an Expression... but i m not getting it work properly... plz review it and tell me wots wrong with this stored procedure is... CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SearchSupplier    (    @Column  nvarchar(50),    @Expression nvarchar(50)        )    AS            SELECT SupplierID,Name,Address,Country,City,Phone,Fax    FROM Supplier        WHERE @Column LIKE '%'+@Expression +'%' OR @Column = @Expression       RETURN   Thanks

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Passing Radiobuttonlist Value To Stored Procedure

Mar 31, 2008

Hi i have some radio buttons, what i want to achieve is that if one of the radio buttons is clicked then the value is sent to the stored procedure, as as now the radio buttonlist is like this; <asp:RadioButtonList ID="SortButtons" runat="Server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatLayout="Flow" Width="69px" OnSelectedIndexChanged="SortButtons_SelectedIndexChanged"><asp:ListItem Text="Price" Value="productPrice"></asp:ListItem><asp:ListItem Text="Quantity " Value="Qty"></asp:ListItem></asp:RadioButtonList> My question is how will my stored procedure take in the radio button that has been clicked and order it by that value, e.g if price is clicked how will the stored procedure take taht in, this is how my normal unordered stored procedure currently looks; CREATE PROCEDURE stream_CategoryResults@subCategoryID INT ASSELECT DISTINCT Companies.companyName, Companies.companyLogo,SubCategories.subCategoryName, Products.productPrice, Products.productInfoURL FROM Companies INNER JOIN Products ON Companies.companyID = Products.companyID INNER JOIN SubCategories ON Products.subcategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHERE SubCategories.subCategoryID=@subCategoryID

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Parameter Passing To A Stored Procedure

Mar 31, 2004

Hey huys, I got this stored procedure. First of all: could this work?

--start :)

@domainUserID NVARCHAR(50) ,

@EmployeeID NVARCHAR(50) ,

@loginType bit = '0'


(employeeID, loginType, domainUserID)

(@EmployeeID, @loginType, @domainUserID)
--end :)

then I got this VB.Net code in my page....

---begin :)
Private Sub matchUser()
Dim insertMatchedUser As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim daMatchedUser As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
'conn openned
daMatchedUser = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("USP_MatchUser", SqlConnection1)
daMatchedUser.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
daMatchedUser.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@EmployeeID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50))
daMatchedUser.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@domainUserID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50))
daMatchedUser.SelectCommand.Parameters("@EmployeeID").Value = Trim(lblEmployeeID.Text)
daMatchedUser.SelectCommand.Parameters("@domainUserID").Value = Trim(lblDomainuserID.Text)
daMatchedUser.SelectCommand.Parameters("@EmployeeID").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
daMatchedUser.SelectCommand.Parameters("@domainUserID").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
'conn closed

End Sub

If I try this it doesn't work (maybe that's normal :) ) Am I doing it wrong. The thing is, in both label.text properties a values is stored that i want to as a parameter to my stored procedure. What am I doing wrong?

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Passing Array With Ids To Stored Procedure

Apr 1, 2004

I want to pass and array of ids to a procedure for inserting i a relation table.

I found some examples in other posts, but had problems getting them to work.

I just want to pass a parameter with value like '1,45,89' to the procedure, then loop through it to insert the relations.

(I´m using sql server 2000), had some problem with examples with strpos then.

Any hints ?


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Passing XML String To Stored Procedure

Nov 28, 2005

hi,i have a stored procedure that is used to insert the employee data into a EMPLOYEE i am passing the employee data from sqlCommand.i have the XML string like this'<Employee><Name>Gopal</Name><ID>10157839</ID><sal>12000</sal><Address>Khammam</Address></Employee>' when i pass this string as sql parameter it is giving an error. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: XML parsing error: A semi colon character was expectedbut when i execute the stored procedure in query analyzer  by passing the same parameter. it is working.please reply me on

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.Net Passing Bad Formatted Value To Stored Procedure

Jan 12, 2006

Hi, that's the problem:
I have a GridView, bound to a SQLDataSource, with an stored procedure as a Select query.  The Select Parameters are bound to controls in the web form, acting like some filter fields.
When I submit the page, everythings works fine, except when I try to set some value in the DateTime fields.  .Net is enclosing the date with extra single quotes, as I could see in the Profiler:
exec sel_despesa_procura @codigo=NULL,@fornecedor=NULL,@descricao=NULL,@vencto_ini=''2005-10-10 00:00:00:000'',@vencto_fim=''2005-10-20 00:00:00:000'',@pagto_ini=NULL,@pagto_fim=NULL,@valor=NULL,@valor_pago=NULL,@centro_custo=NULL,@pago=N'0,1'
The fields are defined as follows:
<SelectParameters>...<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtFiltroVencIni" Name="vencto_ini" PropertyName="Text" Type="DateTime" /><asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtFiltroVencFim" Name="vencto_fim" PropertyName="Text" Type="DateTime" />...</SelectParameters>
The stored procedure doesn't even execute, due to the bad formatted arguments.  It returns the error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Incorrect syntax near '2005'.
I'm going to change the parameter type to varchar, as a workaround, but I'd like to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance,

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Stored Procedure- Passing Arguments

Jan 18, 2006

I have the following stored procedure
@searchString varchar(30)
@parameter1 datatype = default value,
@parameter2 datatype OUTPUT
Select GAVPrimaryKey, NAME from towns where NAME like @searchString order by NAME

doesn't work!!!!
I would like to produce the following where s is @searchString:
Select GAVPrimaryKey, NAME from towns where NAME like 's%' order by NAME
Any ideas how I might acomplish this I have tried almost everything !

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Passing A Result Set To A Stored Procedure

Apr 3, 2006

Hi All,I have sometimes used the following sort of query to pull data from one table to another:INSERT INTO Table1  SELECT fname, lname     FROM Table2Now, let's suppose that I had created a stored procedure to do the insert (and any other logic i was concerned about) and I did something like this:EXECUTE Table1 _Insert SELECT fname, lname     FROM Table2It won't work, giving an error that looks something like this:Server: Msg 201, Level 16, State 3, Procedure Table1_Insert, Line 0Procedure 'Table1_Insert' expects parameter '@fname', which was not supplied.I assume I'm not doing things right... how would I pass a result set to a stored procedure, with each row corresponding to an input parameter of the stored procedure?

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I Am Passing A Stored Procedure A Do I

May 22, 2000

make it so that I compare that parameter, that is a char(3), to something like "XXX" and then choose the correct SELECT statement to use depending on that parameter.... much like an if else.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.


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Passing A List To Stored Procedure

Feb 12, 2001

Hello, I'd greatly appreciated if someone can help me out on this problem:
I'd like to pass a string (which is a multiple value in this case - "Smith", "Lee", "Jones", "Hanson") as an input parameter to a stored procedure. I'd like to use this string as part of the select statement:

exec sp_GetLN "smith, lee, jones, hanson"

In the stored procedure:
@strLN varchar <- "smith, lee, jones, hanson"

/*What do I need to do here to SET/REPLACE the original string so that the syntax can be accepted by the select statement??*/

SELECT * from tblCustomers

It looks simple but I've been trying to get the syntax to work. What can I do to change the quote from ' to "?? Can I use char(34) like VB??
Your help is greatly appreciated~

Thank you

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Passing Recordset In A Stored Procedure

Jun 8, 2000

Is it possible to have a stored procedure that passes recordsets which are created and passed from different tables and joins the information in those recordsets to form one group of information?

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Passing Database Name To A Stored Procedure

Jul 28, 2004

Hi all,
I want to use a stored procedure to access data in different databases. I was wondering if it is possible to pass the database name to the stored procedure as a parameter and use it in the sql statement.
Thank you for all the help you can give me.

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Passing A Boolean To A Stored Procedure

Mar 17, 1999

I am using VB6 and SQL Server 6.5. I want to pass a boolean to a SQL Server stored procedure. The code below is the main part that tries to pass 'True' to the stored procedure, but an error occurs when the line rst.Open.... is reached ? The error is as follows: The application is using arguments that are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

I have tried putting 'True' directly in the rst.Open... line instead of assigning it to a boolean variable but the same error occurs.

The stored procedure works fine when run in SQL Server.

Can anyone help ? Please.

complete = True
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
rst.LockType = adLockReadOnly
rst.Open "usp_CompleteUID_sel (" & complete & ")", UIDCon, , , adCmdStoredProc

Do While Not rst.EOF
lst_pastUIDs.AddItem (rst.Fields(1))

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Passing Values To A Stored Procedure

Mar 21, 2008

I have a stored procedure. Into this stored procedure i need to pass values to a 'IN' statement from So when i am passing it , it should b in like a string variable with the ItemIds separated by commas. the procedure i have is :

create procedure SelectDetails
@Id string
Select * from DtTable where itemid in(@Id)

Here the itemid field in DtTable is of type int. Now when i execute the produre it is showing error as the Itemid is int and i am passing a string value to it.
How can i solve this problem?

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Passing Parameters To A Stored Procedure

Mar 8, 2004

Hi, I'm fairly new to TSQL so I'll try to explain as best I can.
I'm using a stored procedure to return a recordset and I'm passing a variable/parameter into it from MS Access XP, the syntax for the SQL statement is something like the following (Extremely trimmed down) :

@MyLSN AS VarChar(8)


declare tcrl cursor FAST_FORWARD for SELECT TSAMPLE.*
FROM TSample
WHERE (TSample.ISmpShortCode = @MyLsn)

The value I'm passing (@MyLSN) is 24/12359 (one LS Number)

The above statement works fine (ie returns a recordset). But what I want to be able to do is pass a series of LS numbers into the Stored Procedure. So I've opted for using the SQL 'IN' function. So the SQL statement now looks like:

@MyLSN AS VarChar(50)


declare tcrl cursor FAST_FORWARD for SELECT TSAMPLE.*
FROM TSample
WHERE (TSample.ISmpShortCode IN (@MyLsn))

The value I'm passing (@MyLSN) is '24/12359','24/12360'

This is where the problem begins because the stored procedure now doesn't return a recordset.

If I run this SQL statement thru a VIEW (manually entering the LS numbers) then the correct recordset is returned.
Also if I run the Stored Procedure using the Query Analyzer (where it will prompt me for the value of @MyLsn) and enter just one LS Number then it works fine but if I try to supply 2 LS Numbers then nothing is returned. I've tried all manner of syntax when supplying the LS numbers but alas to no avail.

So if someone could point me in the right direction then that would be much appreiciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Passing Parameters In A Stored Procedure

Sep 19, 2013

I've created a stored procedure and I need to pass it a list of order IDs.The OrderSourceOrderID field is NVARCHAR(100) in the DB. <-Not sure if this piece of info makes a difference.

It all works, except for the @orderList variable. I'm listing OrderSourceOrderIDs that I do not want to appear, but they appear in the final list anyway. How would I pass this information the right way?

EXEC uspGetBuyCancelledOrders @orderList ='''12343'',''1122'',''123123132''', @companyID='123'


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Passing Variables To Stored Procedure

Mar 21, 2008

I have a stored procedure. Into this stored procedure i need to pass values to a 'IN' statement from So when i am passing it , it should b in like a string variable with the ItemIds separated by commas. the procedure i have is :

create procedure SelectDetails
@Id string
Select * from DtTable where itemid in(@Id)

Here the itemid field in DtTable is of type int. Now when i execute the produre it is showing error as the Itemid is int and i am passing a string value to it.
How can i solve this problem?

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Passing Parameters To A Stored Procedure

Nov 22, 2006

Hey people,

I am trying to pass a parameter to a stored procedure based on a select statement. Basically it's something like this (in my head :P ):

foreach PersonID in (SELECT id FROM person)

Multiple rows will be returned from the select statement.

The code above will be in another stored procedure (not that code but an equivalent in SQL). Is there something like a PLSQL in SQL Server 2000? How can I translate that into a stored procedure for SQL?

Thanks to you all!

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