Passing User Name From SSRS To A Webservice

Dec 17, 2007


I have created a report based on xml datasource using windows authentication as its credentials. Now the report calls a webservice to retrieve data from the database, I would like to pass the user name who will run the repoty to the web service, Is there a way to retrieve the user name from the webservice.


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Consuming Secured Webservice In SSRS

Sep 24, 2007

Hi All,

We have a webservice, which we are able to consume in the SSRS report.
Due to some requirement, we need to conver this webservice in to the secured webservice using the SSL https extension.
We did this and just changed the connection string from http to https.

But when we try to run the report, we get the following error message. Copied from BIDS.

TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer
An error occurred while executing the query.
Failed to prepare web request for the specified URL.
Failed to prepare web request for the specified URL. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions)
The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. (System)
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. (System)

Can anybody help in this.

Thanks in advance.


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Analysis :: Passing Parameter From SSRS To MDX

Aug 17, 2010

I want to create a parameter in SSRS and use it in the MDX query.But when i am trying to access the parameter , the resultset is returned blank.I want to get only the logo matching the customer number.parameter field is a double type. Below is the query listed.

Member [Measures].[Logo1] AS
When IsEmpty([Client].[Logo].MemberValue ) Then 'logo-chemwatch.jpg'
When len([Client].[Logo].MemberValue)=0 Then 'logo-chemwatch.jpg'
SELECT {[Measures].[Logo1] } ON COLUMNS, { ( [Client].[Logo].[Logo].ALLMEMBERS)}  ON ROWS FROM [Chem Watch]
Where [Client].[Customer No].[Parameters!Location.Value]

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSRS Passing Parameters In URL?

May 20, 2015

i have a url that opens my report with no entries in the parameters i then add &Search=96200 at the end of the URL and still the parameter is blank

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Passing Parameters To SSRS Report 2005

Aug 9, 2007


From a aspx page I was able to Pass values (valid values) for the parameters to SSRS report 2005 which uses OLAP cube as datasource and got back the expectd result. but when I pass value other than a valid value i am getting ERROR message. do we always have to pass valid values only? any help is greatly appreciated.


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Reporting Services :: Passing Values To SSRS Bookmark?

Jun 5, 2015

I am using 2 charts in my SSRS Report. Requirement is to load the Right side chart based on the click event from left chart.

I can achieve it using go to report option. But the issue is total page getting refreshed while using this option. I feel bookmark option will be the best. But I don't think I can pass a value to Bookmarks.

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Integration Services :: Passing More Than One Variable As Parameter Value To SSRS By SSIS

Jul 13, 2015

public Sub Main()
        Dim url, destination As String
        destination = Dts.Variables("report_destination").Value.ToString + "" + "Report_" + Format(Now, "yyyyMMdd") + ".xls"
        url = "http://localhost/ReportServer?/ssis_resport_execution/ssis_ssrs_report&rs:Command=Render&ProductID=" + Dts.Variables("ProductID").Value.ToString + "&user_id" + Dts.Variables("user_id").Value.ToString
+ "&rs:Format=EXCEL"
        SaveFile(url, destination)
        Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
    End Sub

How to pass more than one variable values in ssis as parameter values to ssrs. With the above code its showing as empty.If i am taking single variable i am able to render the data into  excel sheet.

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Reporting Services :: Passing Multivalue Parameter In URL In SSRS 2008 Not Working

Jun 17, 2015

I am trying to test the concept of passing multi value parameters from one report using the Action Property of a textbox to open another report is a new Window with the Multi Value parameter values already passed. The test involves the following:

Report 1:

1. Multi Value Parameter @ReportParameter1 has three Values: Value1, Value2, Value3

2. Has a text box with the Action Property set to Go to URL with the following Expression:
+ JOIN(Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value,"&ReportParameter1=") + "'))"

Report 2:

1. Has Two Parameters @ReportParameter1 and @ReportParameter2

2. @ReportParameter1 has Available Values as follows: Value1, Value2, Value3

Does not have any default Values.

When I click on the textbox on Report1, it does navigate to Report2 but none of the Values are being set.

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Reporting Services :: Multiple Valued Parameter Passing In SSRS For Getting Performance

Aug 13, 2015

we are using SSRS 2012.Oracle 9i as back end database. Select A,B,C from view where A in (Param1) in above query when I am passing 1 value getting output in 30 sec. when I passed two values getting time out error in SSRS. how to pass multiple values in Oracle 9i in SSRS report.

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Reporting Services :: Passing Parameters To SSRS That Is Using Web Service As Data Source

Jul 16, 2009

I am building a webapp that calls an SSRS instance to display a report based on another servers web service.I can make a call from the ssrs server using this in the RDL:

<Method Namespace="http://machine/webservices" Name="HelloUser">
                                <Parameter Name="user">
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="true">*</ElementPath>

This works no problem.  but.. I want to have the user parameter "Craig" be a parameter passed in from the web app.  If it were a regular SQL data source you would put @user in the query.  How do you do it with XML text queries?

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Passing The User ID And AD Group As Parameter

Jun 30, 2006

I have a requirement where I need to pass the Users Windows userID and the AD group through which he is associated to the database so that I can get appropiate data.

Is there a way I can pass the Windows user ID and the AD group(through which he is authenticated in Reporting Serivces) through the Reporting Serivces as a parameter so that it can be used in the Reporting Query.


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Reporting Services :: Using Exists Condition In WHERE Clause While Passing Values From SSRS Parameter

Sep 10, 2015

Table : incident
incident_id usr_id item_id Inc_Date
10059926 191 61006 8-22-2015
10054444 222 3232 6-7-2015

Table: act_reg
act_reg_id act_type_id incident_id usr_id act_type_sc
454244 1 10059926 191 ASSIGN
471938 115 10059926 191 TRAVEL TIME
473379 40 10059926 191 FOLLOW UP
477652 115 10059926 191 TRAVEL TIME
489091 504 10059926 191 ADD_ATTCHMNTS
477653 504 10054444 222 ADD_ATTCHMNTSParameter: @attach (value=1, Label=Yes & Value=0, Label=No)

Result (While I am selecting 'Yes' in dropdown)
incident_id usr_id item_id
10059926 191 61006
10054444 222 3232

SELECT incident.incident_id,incident.usr_id,incident.item_id
FROM incident
where exists (How i can write query here to check the act_type_sc=ADD_ATTCHMNTS is exists)

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SQL 2012 :: Passing Through User Context On A Connection

Mar 3, 2014

I would like to know if we can have a generic "customer database account" to connect to the database (from a PHP layer) and then pass through the current web logged in user name for auditing purposes.

In the oracle world I would be using the setClientIdentifier function on any connection returned from a pool, but I cannot see anything obvious (to me) on the APIs to support this.

Our backup plan, because we only access table data through stored procedures, is to extend the API to have the username passed through - but this is a little ugly and less than transparent.

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Passing Values In User Defined Functions

Apr 25, 2007

i want to pass a value from one user defined function to another how do i do it.E.g

My first function calulate a value which is to be used by another function for calculation
my 2nd function is given below

Create Function Avg_WLPD_CFS(@Res float,@TotDay int)
Returns float

the value @Res is calculated from first function, how do i pass this value to the above function.

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Passing Parameter To Subreport Based On User Action.

Sep 12, 2007

I have a main report and a subreport. Subreport is not at row level but is at report level. The sub report has a parameter that needs to be passed from mainreport. However, the subreport's parameter should be set and the subreport should be refreshed when the user clicks on a row in mainreport. Can I use drill-through / navigation feature in any way to build this functionality?

Any help will be most appreciated.

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User Defined Functions, Passing Parameters From Another Udf's Results (end Result=Crosstab)

Oct 25, 2005

Hi All:I've read a whole slew of posts about creating temp tables using storedproceedures to get the crosstab ability, but I'm wondering if, for thisspecific case, there might be a more efficient way.What makes this question different from the others that I've read isthat I'm using user defined functions, not tables. I actually thinkthat I've got the crosstab thing down, it's just passing the parameterto the 2nd udf that's messing me up.I've got a people table and an address table. Each person can havemultiple addresses. I need to create a dataset that has in each rowthe name of the person, the first address, any second address, and anythird address. I only need to show the first 3, so if there's 100, Ican just ignore the rest.I created a user defined function to return the 1st, 2nd, or 3rdaddress for a given person.udf_ReturnAddress(PersonID,MatchNumber)Another user defined function returns the people that I'm looking for(potential duplicates for a person in this case).udf_ReturnPossibleDupsForAPerson(PersonID)SELECTMain.FoundPersonID, Main.LastName, A1.Street, A2.Street,A3.StreetFROMudf(ReturnPossibleDupsForAPerson(@PersonID) MainTableCROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,1) Adr1) A1CROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,2) Adr2) A2CROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,3) Add3) A3If, for the first parameter for the return address function, I replaceMain.FoundPersonID with the ID of a person, it works just fine. Iobviously don't want a static id as a parameter - I want to use the IDof the person that the first udf found. Leaving the variableMainTable.PersonID there causes an error in the query designer though.I get "Error in list of function arguments: '.' not recognized.So maybe my problem is that I just don't know how to pass the id of theperson that's found by the first UDF as the parameter of the functionto find the found person's 3 addresses.Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!ThanksKen

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User Vars Of Type String Initialized To Nulls Not Passing Correctly To Sp

Feb 24, 2008

i defined 3 pkg scope user variables of type string in the ssis variables window, typed null as their value, and tried passing them (thru exec sql task) to an sp who expects 3 varchar(23) params.

The sp is blowing up because their values arent null.

The sql task command reads exec sp_name ?,?,?. In the sql task editor's param mapping window, I have each param listed with direction "input", data type varchar and the individual sp params in the parameter name column. I think the plumbing is set up correctly because I'm fine when I send the System Variable StartTime as a 4th param to the sp with data type DATE on the ssis end and datetime on the sp end.

Does anyone know if ssis string and engine varchar are incompatible or perhaps if null in the variables window doesnt initialize variables?

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Passing Report Parameters To An SSRS 2005 Report Hosted In Sharepoint 2007

Nov 18, 2007

Here is a situation in my company:

We have an Office SharePoint 2007 site, we developed a couple of web parts and added them to our site. We used SQL Server Reporting services 2005 as our reporting solution. The reports are hosted on the report center and when we need a report, we open it by sending a URL requesting the report, passing the report parameters in the URL query string. So the report is filtered based on the parameters passed from the web parts.

But since best practices say that you should host reports directly under SharePoint, by configuring the reporting services to run in the SharePoint integrated mode. We followed the steps and installed SharePointRS and we finally succeeded to publish the reports to a SharePoint folder, but we had a limitation: we are unable to pass the report parameters internally to the report hosted in SharePoint. If we passed them in the query string as the report center case, SharePoint neglects them totally.
So the question is: how can I pass parameters internally between a SharePoint web part and a SQL server 2005 reporting services report hosted in SharePoint?

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Reporting Services :: Passing Cascaded Parameters From Main Report To Drill Through Report In SSRS?

Sep 16, 2015

I am trying to develop a report from cube,and it has one drill through report.when i click on sales amount field on main report,then it open the drill through report with details.Here i passed the **(category,subcat,product)parameters(Cascaded)** to drill through report in action part of main report.In my main report i have two columns .

columns are **Level**  and              **Salesamount**.  

Values are like  

**[-]category**              **100**
    **[-]subcat**             **50**
         **product**          **30**

when i click on 100, parameters are passed & it open the detail report correctly, but when i click on 50,the values for subcat parameter is not getting values in detail report and same as the product also.

Here i used the expressions in parameter values




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SSRS User Interface

Jan 7, 2008

Using SQL Server Reporting Services, we're designing an executive reporting interface for a handful of high-level managers who need no more that a dozen reports.

What's the best user interface for them where they would choose the report they need?

- The SSRS Report Manager web page?
- A SharePoint page (integrated with SSRS)?
- A report menu within an existing application?
- Anything else?

Ben Aminnia

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SSRS:User Defined Reports

Oct 12, 2007

Hi Experts,

I'm using SSR5 2005. I have a set of Cubes. Any idea as how to created customized reports using SSRS. The end user should be able to create reports by himself. Please help or send me some links where I can get help in this regard.

Thanks & Regards,
Naveen J V

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SSRS Drop Down - Allow User To Select Value To Appear In A Report

Jul 30, 2013

I am really new to SSRS (This is my first report) and I am looking to create a drop down that will allow a user to select the value to appear in a report. Meaning that is my values are:


If the user types a B it would "jump to that letter in the selection.

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS User Does Not Have Required Permissions

May 29, 2015

I've got a Server setup at work on our RD domain
It's Windows 2012, running SQL Server 2012 with reporting Services
I've installed our application and reports to this server.

If I'm on my CORP domain on my development laptop I can enter the following into IE [URL] ...... and the SSRS reports page opens up fine

I then RDP into this server using my same CORP credentials Open IE on this server and enter the same URL within IE and get User 'CORPORATEjoep' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.

I'm on the Server itself. Why does my account not work there, but when I access SSRS from outside this SERVER with same login, it works

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Reporting Services :: User Folder In SSRS 2012

Jul 13, 2015

There's a new SSRS 2012 environment which was setup with My Reports folder to each user enabled. I know I'm supposed to see a Users Folder in the Report Manager root, I'm setup as a system administrator (under Site Settings) and also have content manager rights in the root directory and I still don't see the "Users Folders" ...the only way I can see that is if they give me admin rights in the server SSRS is installed. What am I missing here, is this supposed to be like that?

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Reporting Services :: End User Customization SSRS Report

Jul 21, 2015

I need to know is there any way to end user customization with SSRS, we are using ASP.Net page, we need to create SSRS report with end user customization like mail merge, but we don't want end user to use Report Builder or Report Designer.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Prompting For User ID And Password Of Admin

Nov 5, 2015

After publishing report on server and accessing it from URL its prompting for the USER ID and pAssword of Admin user of the server. Have tried to find the Virtual Directory of the Reporting server on IIS - which is not available. or unable to find the same. Apart from this have saved the Database credential in the report itself. 

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2008 Report Timeout For User Not For Admin?

Sep 17, 2015

When a user runs the report after a minute or 3 the user gets a timeout message, if an administrator runs te same report he will get the results. No errors in log. report timeout on 1800 seconds

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Error Logon Failed - SSRS Service User Account Rights

Jun 12, 2006

I am facing a problem which is based on the restrictions on the domain of the customer. After deplyoing the report on the server we are getting the following error message in the report manager after executing (clicking) a report link:

Logon failed.

Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070569)

I googled for that and it seems to be an authentication issue where some user / account is not granted to log on as service / locally, but the problems is better described than the solutions. Did anyone faced that problem so far ? Which account has to be granted what priviledges or permissions in Windows. We are using a SQL Server 2005 / Reporting Services 2005 running on the same machine whereas the virtual directories Reports and Reportserver are running in a separate Application Pool



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Reporting Services :: Create Report From SSRS And Then Export It In Excel For User?

Nov 4, 2015

I need to create an report from SSRS and then exported it in excel for the user. It has dynamic header/footer and dynamic excel sheet name. The developer told that it is not possible to have both the things dynamic.

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Reporting Services :: Admin User With No Access To (Home) In SSRS Manager

Nov 18, 2015

I just setup a developer as a site admin in SSRS, he has administration rights to the site and also rights on folders that contain reports. He can access the reports folders no problem, however when he tries to access the "Home" folder he get's the error shown below. 

UAC is switched off an other people are able to access this ok. 

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SQL Server 2012 :: SSRS - Display A Message When User Enter Wrong Parameter?

Mar 12, 2015

Issue #1 I have a report that takes 8 character parameter, A error message needs to popped out if user enters parameter less than 8 character.

Issue #2 I have a report with Tablix. A message needs to display if Tablix returns no Rows.

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User Login Box Appears On Trying To Deploy SSRS 2005 Project To Report Manager

Dec 1, 2007

I have picked up the same problem that quite a few folks have identified.

I have created a SSRS Solution and have a report which I am trying to deploy to the Report Manager.
The project 'builds' locally but when I try to deploy it, a User Login Box pops up.

Has any one been able to ascertain what causes the problem and how does one go about resolving the problem.
I am using Window Authentication on WIndows XP SP2 with SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition and Visual Studio 2005 Professional
I have not 'tinkered' with IIS,.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
regards Steve

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Why To Use A Webservice?

Feb 20, 2008

Please tell me why to use a webservice? Which factor outperform webservice?

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