Good Morning Everybody,
I had a single table consists of one million records. To retrive data from that table it takes lot of time. how i can reduce execution time?
what is the procedures to tune the database. i implemented cluster index on primary key of that table. still i can't able to reduce execution time.
can anybody help me in this issue?
Earlier,As there is no tecnical / Syntactical errors existing and was perfectly running the report earlier and yielding the result in quick time.
But my Application running well earlier and If I execute the SP or report for which It takes more time what would be the consequences and what and where I should do and begin to see the problem.
I use Sql server 2000.I have implemented paging as guide in link : Is peformance good ? My database has 200000 records. I feel my web application quite slowly in loading. I suppose that 100 user simultaneously run in store above links.Mean that it create 100 temp table and load 100 * 200000 it correct ? Please give me valueable suggestion about performance. Thank you very much.
Server1 = Previous "Test box", Windows Server 2003 Standard, SQL 2005 Standard SP1 with hotfixes, 2 processor 4 gig RAM Server2 = New "Box for production", Windows Server 2003 Enterprise, SQL 2005 Standard SP1 with hotfixes, 2 Dual Core Processor, 16 gig Ram
This is for a datawarehouse environment. I pull a lot of data every night from an Oracle database. On Server1 the process took about an hour to pull all my data accross, on Server2 it takes more than 3 hours. I use SSIS packages to pull the data accross. Even just running an OPENQUERY statement takes a lot longer. On Server1 returned about 150K record in 1.5 minutes and now on Server2 it only return 40K. Have I missed a setting on my re-install. It the same SQL build number, SP_Configure has exactly the same settings and everything seems the same. I ftp'ed a file from the oracle box to each of my boxes and had very similar results, so it doesn't seem to be a network issue.
Any help would be much appreciated, is there anything that would cause SQL to pull data 3 times slower from an external datasource?
I have a view which joins 3 tables. One has 15 million rows the next another 5 million and the third 500k. When I join them the execution plan tells me that 15 million rows were retrieved from the first (taking about 5 mins) 1.5 million from the 2nd taking 3 mins and 4.5 million from the third taking almost no time.
The first two ause a clustered index, one being a seek the other a scan and the third a regular index seek. All followed by a hash match/inner join which takes 2 mins.
Any ideas on optimizing the SQL?
Here is the syntax: SELECT b.packno, b.COMM_DATE, a.ben_grp_cr, a.ben_dsc_cr, c.gst_inc, SUM( FROM TABC c INNER JOIN TABB B ON b.PACKNO = c.PACKNO AND b.COMM_DATE = BENDTL.COMM_DATE AND b.BEN_NUM = c.BEN_NUM INNER JOIN TABA a ON b.tran_id = a.tran_id WHERE b.tran_date > '20040401' AND c.gst_inc = 0 GROUP BY b.packno, b.COMM_DATE, a.ben_grp_cr, a.ben_dsc_cr, c.bendtl.gst_inc
I tried on finding out the problem in a slow running sp with profiler. I found that there are some waiting resource 'tracewrite' and 'async_network_io'. Any idea on it? Thanks in advance
I need to find a way to make this query run faster. Please let me know if you can help. Here are some of the issues.
1) I have a database with one table, and No indexes can be put in place.
2) This is a very large database. (4,000,000) records, and growing daily.
3) the following query returns 720,000 records.
4) The query takes about 18 minutes to complete.
I understand that by doing a table scan, the way this has to run is difficult, but is there anything I can do?
The Problem: When I run this query, I also run performance monitor, I have found that my page file is at 100%. I have 1 Gig of Ram on the server with 2 P III Xeion Processors. I don't know what other information I can give, but please let me know.
I want to use the Index tuning wizard on some of my tables. Is it OK if I use when people are on the server or to do it during off-pick period. Thanks!!!
I am interested in finding out if anyone out there has experience with extremely high-performance SQL Server applications. The I/O needs of my database server are growing very quickly, and I am on the verge of launching a major upgrade project.
We have done all the standard tuning tasks: proper indexing, stored procedure tuning, etc... and are running on good small-server scale hardware ( dual PIII 700s, 1G RAM, but no RAID). The only path I can see to achieving higher performance are:
- lots of RAID, perhaps on a SAN. - server upgrade, maybe 4 proc? I've been looking at RAIDZONEs and Netfinity's - data partitioning ( I REALLY want to avoid this if I can! )
What do you do when you need Major Enterprise scale database performance from SQL Server? I've found lots of resources for Oracle and DB2, but I can't find many case studies for serious SQL Server installations.
Hi, does the upgradition SQL Server 6.5 to 7.0 will simply solve some problems which we are facing currently like ODBC errors Insert failed and update failed and also supporting more users ? We have Access front end to SQL Server backend, so do we need to touch code in front end for optimizations ?
Other than the SQL Server 7.0 Index Tuner wizard (which isn't suggesting anything). Is there a 3rd party Index Tuner piece of software out there? Or is there something special that needs ot be done to get the SQL Index Tuner to work?
Hi, i am working on sql server 6.5 version.actually this is developed just one year back. but now the system is almost dead(low performance).i think the reasons r database design,networking,hardware it correct. and how to rectify these errors. i am suggesting that upgradation is the best pl give the suggestions asap. Thanx Janreddy
What are some of the things i can do to improve query performance if the querey performance is realatively slow today compared to yesterday's performance: Here are some of things i looked at: -updating statistics -checking the execution plan -DBCC showcontig
In the older versions 6.5-7.0 you could adjust max_async_io setting if you had fast controllers and disks that could handle more IO from SQLServer. In 2000 this setting is removed. Are there any settings that I could adjust/tune regarding IO and disk handling ?
Hi Guys I need someone to assist me in having full understanding of what performance turning is. My Challenge is interpreting the System Monitor Graph of Performance tools.
I needed to know what does the value on vertical axis represent, while there is non on the horizontal axis rather I have Last, Average, Minimum, Maximum and Duration; Please What does all this value stands for, I indeed observe that when I click on any of the counters selected the value changes, therefore kindly assist me so that I can make meaning of this. Apart from all this please assist me with any material that can explain performance tuning to my maximum benefit, thanks in anticipation.
Mine Below Query takes considerable time at the time of execution. Can any one help me, what is the other way to write this query?
Declare @p_Mkt_View_Id int Set @p_Mkt_View_Id = 17
Select Distinct Customer_id From Active_Product_Cust_Dtl Where Product_Group_Code in (Select Distinct Product_Group_Code From Products Where Product_code in ( select Distinct ProductId from pit where pitid in (select pitid from marketviewdef where mktviewid = @p_Mkt_View_Id)))
Hi experts, I've run sql profiler with %processor time counter .it showed a large value of 75 so please give me steps to tune the long running query with high cpu utilisation.
for what purpose we are splitting the non-clustered index into 3 instead of 1
create index si_acct_info_dtl_INDX1 on si_acct_info_dtl(account_code, ctrl_acct_type) create index si_doc_hdrfk_ci_acct_info_dtl on si_acct_info_dtl(tran_ou, tran_type, tran_no)
whether index rebuit everycolumn when search is given????.if we build the index in one statement like this:create index si_acct on si_acct_info_dtl(batch_id) create index si_acct_info_dtl_guid on si_acct_info_dtl(batch_id,account_code, ctrl_acct_type,tran_ou, tran_type, tran_no)
i just wanna know how to reduce the performance of the query can any one pls help me in the gaining the performance of query SELECT tblBankruptcyInfo.MasterID, tblBankruptcyInfo.bk_Case_Number
INTO #ActiveBK
FROM FNFBSDataMart.dbo.tblReferral tblReferral WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN FNFBSDataMart.dbo.tblBankruptcyInfo tblBankruptcyInfo WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblReferral.RefID = tblBankruptcyInfo.RefID AND tblReferral.CloseDate IS NULL INNER JOIN FNFBSDataMart.dbo.tblSuperClientFile tblSuperClientFile WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblReferral.ClientFileID = tblSuperClientFile.ClientFileID AND tblSuperClientFile.SuperClientVendorID IN (1816,125,127,1706,766,1820,137,141,144,145,1593,1808,146,990,1745,149,1215,1854,1867)
GROUP BY tblBankruptcyInfo.MasterID, tblBankruptcyInfo.bk_Case_Number
hi!!!the following is the sql which is veri slow cos of the 'Not In' clause,would appreciate if u anyone can suggest any other way to bring aboutthe same resultSELECT Id, LOC, AGENCY, BATCHFROM tblRowsWHERE tblRows.AGENCY NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT B.AGENCYFROM tblRows AS A, tblRows AS BWHERE A.LOC = "B"AND B.AGENCY = A.AGENCYAND B.BATCH = A.BATCH)tblRowsID LOC AGENCY BATCH1 B 1000 WAD2 R 1000 WAD3 B 1010 QAD4 B 1020 WAD5 R 1020 WAD6 R 1030 RRR7 I 1030 RRR8 V 1030 RRR9 B 1040 UIA10 R 1040 UIA11 I 1040 UIA12 V 1040 UIAthe subquery is to return the rows with LOC = B. the above query as thewhole should return the rows where LOC <> b and also must exclude rowsbelong to the LOC = B subset (that is for example the first two rowswith ID 1 and 2. the first row with ID 1 has LOC as B, Agency as 1000and BATCH as WAD. the second row with Id 2 has LOC as R as the sameAGENCY and BATCH as first row with ID 1 so is the subset of first row.similarly row with Id's 4 and 5.the above query must return the following the rows (that is we can saythe orphan rows which doesn't have LOC AS B nor belongs to the B'ssubset6 R 1030 RRR7 I 1030 RRR8 V 1030 RRRhope i am clear in my explanation and would appreciate if someone canpoint me in the right direction. the reason for posting this in msaccess group is because this is going to be a query in MS Access.regardsbala
Hi Guru,My company, every thing we need is to buy from a vendor. However, wehave PEOPLESOFT CRM app that has around 6000 tables and around 5000views and none stored proc. We start seeing the slowness of the app.When I started running a trace to capture some data, and there is nouseful info other than built-in API sp cursors in the following below:sp_cursoropensp_cursorfetchsp_cursorsp_cursorcloseWhat is the best way to capture SQL statements when I see very highREADS? If I tell the peoplesoft prorammer guy to capture SQL statementsfrom application, will he be able to do it?I just need the SQL statements to look at execution plan before I throwout some useful indexes.Please help!Thanks so much,Silaphet,
Hi have this query which is taking too much time to execute..........I have tried the following options but not useful till now 1. NOLOCK 2. SET NO ROW COUNT 3. CHANGED DISK LOCATION OF TEMPDB 4. CHECKED %Processor Time 5. Checked pages.sec
Below is the query, any suggestions will be really helpful
SE IFRepository --Query --Returns count of txns whose status is not (10001 or 10002) declare @fileruntimeuid int declare @Pendingackcount int set @Pendingackcount =0 set @fileruntimeuid =0 declare @clientname varchar(256) set @clientname = NULL declare @txncnt int set @txncnt = 0 declare @FileNameClient varchar(256) set @FileNameClient = NULL
declare @StageStatus int set @StageStatus = 0 declare @StageDesc varchar(35)
declare PendingAcks cursor for select distinct fileruntimeuid from tiffileruntime WITH (NOLOCK) where filecreationdt >= convert(smalldatetime,'9-11-07') and filecreationdt <= convert(smalldatetime,'9-12-07') and statusid <> 2 --and filetypeuid in (1,8,16,17,18) --and clientuid =1205 order by fileruntimeuid --244873, 244883, 244885, 244892, 244893, 244925, 244926, 244966, 244967, 244873, 244883
Print 'File Life Cycle Viewer via Database' Print '===========================================================================================' Print 'Status FileRuntimeUID Client Name File Status File name' Print '===========================================================================================' Open PendingAcks FETCH NEXT FROM PendingAcks into @fileruntimeuid WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN select top 1 @StageDesc = b.IFComponentDesc from TIFComponent b, TIFFIleProcessingStatus a WITH (NOLOCK) where a.IFComponentUID = b.IFComponentuid and a.fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid order by a.FPROCStageStartDt desc-- a.IFComponentUID desc
select @clientname = ClientShortName from tifclientattrib where clientuid = (select clientuid from tiffileruntime where fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid)
select @StageStatus = statusid, @FileNameClient= FileNameClient from tiffileruntime where fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid select @txncnt = FProcTxnProcessedInTotal from tiffileprocessingstatus where fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid and IFComponentUID = 5 --if @StageDesc = "" Begin @StageDesc = "------------" End print RTRIM(convert(varchar(10),@StageStatus)) + ' ' + RTRIM(convert(varchar(10),@fileruntimeuid)) + ' ' + RTRIM(@clientname) + ' ' + @StageDesc + ' ' + RTRIM(@FileNameClient) set @StageDesc = NULL FETCH NEXT FROM PendingAcks into @fileruntimeuid END
Print '===========================================================================================' close PendingAcks deallocate PendingAcks
This cursor is processing one row per second, all it is doing is appending a value to a column. There are 847,000 rows and I can't leave the query to run for 10 days! help!
CREATE procedure [dbo].sp_USR_TEMP_SESSIONAL_ATTENDANCE_APPENDasbegin DECLARE @I_UPN varchar(13) DECLARE @I_SURNAME varchar(50) DECLARE @I_FORENAME varchar(50) DECLARE @I_DOB datetime DECLARE @I_GENDER varchar(1) DECLARE @I_LEA varchar(3) DECLARE @I_DFES varchar(4) DECLARE @I_ATTEND_YEAR varchar(4) DECLARE @I_WEEK_BEGINNING datetime DECLARE @I_ATTEND_CODES varchar(14)declare @cnt intset nocount ondeclare cur CURSORfor select upn, surname, forename, dob, gender, '353' as lea, dfes, attend_year, week_beginning, attend_codes from tmpATTEND_IMPORTfor read onlyopen curfetch from cur into @I_UPN, @I_SURNAME, @I_FORENAME, @I_DOB, @I_GENDER, @I_LEA, @I_DFES, @I_ATTEND_YEAR, @I_WEEK_BEGINNING, @I_ATTEND_CODEStruncate table tmpATTEND_IMPORT_APPENDEDwhile @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @cnt = (select count(*) as cnt from tmpATTEND_IMPORT_APPENDED where upn = @I_UPN and surname = @I_SURNAME and forename = @I_FORENAME and dob = @I_DOB and gender = @I_GENDER and lea = @I_LEA and dfes = @I_DFES and attend_year = @I_ATTEND_YEAR)if @cnt = 0 insert tmpATTEND_IMPORT_APPENDED( upn, surname, forename, dob, gender, lea, dfes, attend_year, week_beginning, attend_codes) values ( @I_UPN, @I_SURNAME, @I_FORENAME, @I_DOB, @I_GENDER, @I_LEA, @I_DFES, @I_ATTEND_YEAR, @I_WEEK_BEGINNING, @I_ATTEND_CODES)else update tmpATTEND_IMPORT_APPENDED set attend_codes = attend_codes+@I_ATTEND_CODES where upn = @I_UPN and surname = @I_SURNAME and forename = @I_FORENAME and dob = @I_DOB and gender = @I_GENDER and lea = @I_LEA and dfes = @I_DFES and attend_year = @I_ATTEND_YEARfetch next from cur into @I_UPN, @I_SURNAME, @I_FORENAME, @I_DOB, @I_GENDER, @I_LEA, @I_DFES, @I_ATTEND_YEAR, @I_WEEK_BEGINNING, @I_ATTEND_CODESendclose curdeallocate curendGO
I want to take the execution plan of some transact sql queries, I took the execution plan as text based one, that having
index scan, index seek
Remote scan, remote Update
sort order by cluases
in the above clauses what is the high performance, and how will i change to the high performance clauses by changin the query to improve the execution speed of the query
Please guide me
the execution plan is
SELECT [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Alias] ,[Inventory_Profile].[InventoryStatusID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[InventorySubTypeID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[InventoryTypeID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[AcquisitionDate] ,[Inventory_Profile].[UnitNumber] ,[Inventory_Profile].[YearOfManufacture] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Manufacturer] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Make] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Model] ,[Inventory_Profile].[SerialNumber] ,[Inventory_Profile].[UsageConditionID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Description1] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Description2] ,[Inventory_Profile].[LocationEffectiveFromDate] ,[Inventory_Profile].[IsFlaggedForSale] ,[Inventory_Profile].[RentalPurchaseOrderNumber] ,[Inventory_Profile].[AquisitionPurchaseOrderNumber] ,[Inventory_Profile].[SortOrder] ,[Inventory_Profile].[IsSaleLeaseBack] ,[Inventory_Profile].[InterimRentReceivableUpfrontTaxModeID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[LeaseRentalReceivableUpfrontTaxModeID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[OverTermReceivableUpfrontTaxModeID] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsTaxDepreciationRequired] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsComputationPending] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[TaxDepreciationTemplateID] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryCostBasisAmount] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[DepreciationBeginDate] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[DepreciationEndDate] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsTaxDepreciationTerminated] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsStraightLineMethodUsed] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsLeaseTermUsedForStraightLineMethod] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[Division] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[Branch] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[SalesTaxPercent] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[SalesTaxAmount] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[IsSalesTaxIncluded] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[GLExpenseAccount] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[GLAssetAccount] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[SoftwareExclusionAmount] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[AssetCategoryCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[OwnershipCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[ManufacturingCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[ReimburseCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[BillingStatusID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[PropertyTaxExemptionCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[UserDefinedField1] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[UserDefinedField2] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[Notes] FROM [Inventory_Profile] INNER JOIN [TaxDepreciation_Inventory] ON [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID]=[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryID] INNER JOIN [Inventory_PTMS] ON [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID]=[Inventory_PTMS].[InventoryID] INNER JOIN [Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale] ON [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryStatusID] in (SELECT InventoryStatusID FROM Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale WHERE InventoryStatusName <> 'Donated' and InventoryStatusName <> 'Scrap' and InventoryStatusName <>'Write Off' and InventoryStatusName <> 'Sold')