Performance Degradation W/Database Growth

Mar 27, 1999

At approximately what db size is sql 6.5 known to degrade in performance?

Also, what is the maximum db size 6.5 can handle?

thanks in advance...

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Performance Degradation ?

May 20, 2008


I have an ASP.NET application used in my university for student management. Any now and then the application throws an error like "DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name XXXX" where XXX may be different. Of course that this properties exist and they are generated ok by the stored procedures.

After an recopilation everything seems to work nomally for a while.

I did not succeed in identifying the moment when the error is thrown but I suspect some reports in sql reporting services that lead to a server overload ??? that also is strange because the server specifications are quite ok, I think:

- OS: Windows 2003 R2, 64 bit
- SQL Server 2005 Standard, 64 bit
- 8 GB RAM
- Intel Xeon E 5345 2.33 Ghz (2 quad-core)

I would need help for:
- identifying the moment when this error occurs and _why_
- how could I repair it
- how could I distribute the load on more cores (from time to time Process Explorer from Sysinternals shows that only 1 core from 8 is working at full capacity)


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Performance Degradation - Any Ideas?

Apr 11, 2001

Hi all,

Up until recently one of our SQL 7 databases has been running quite happily. However over the last 2 weeks the users have started to complain about performance levles, operations that would normally take 2-3 seconds now run for about 40 seconds. I have rebuilt all indexes and even ran update statistics althought both the 'Auto create Statistics' and 'Auto update statistics' are turned on. This failed to help so I ended up stopping and starting SQL server but still no luck.

I have run a DBCC SHOWCONTIG and the fragmentation is well within acceptable levels, scan desnity is at 94%. The only other thing I can think of is to reboot the NT server as it has been up for 67 days now. Can anyone else think of anything I might have overlooked?

All replies welcome.


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Dataware Performance Degradation - Urgent.

Apr 2, 2008

Thanks in advance !

We are having a situation (PROBLEM) with our DW - SQL SERVER 2000 SP4 ENT X86, it suddenly slowed a lot.

CPU Usage : 20%

IO : AVR DISK QUEUE LENGHT Between 1.5 and 2 (rarelly spikes (20/40)).


All the code that is running against the DB is fined tuned ( Most tables are Index Seeked with Clustered Indexes ), biggest table 450 GB.

No Lock Waits ( Except the main process(spid) that is showed has locked by it's own spid ( latch_xx (sh,ix)).

I guess that the problem is related to storage, because it is only doing 1-3MB sec (sometimes 20MB/sec).

PerfMon ( PROCESS SQLSERVER ( DISK Read Bytes ( between 1-3MB sometimes 20 MB/s), Disk Bytes Write Bytes/Sec same as Reads).

No more sql server instances or other software hogging the server.

I can't understand why the SQL SERVER is never using the IO it is used to use (25MB/S).

I don't see any DISK QUEUE on the Partitions that are used to store the datafiles/logfiles)

No Pages splits in the SQL SERVER ACCESS METHODS.

Sometimes I get about 1 GB in dirty buffers.

98 % Cache Hit Ratio.

ALL points to IO contention, but the counters from windows don't indicate this.

All help is REALLY appreciated.

Best Regards.

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Table Size And Performance Degradation

Oct 21, 2007


Working with SQL Server 2000, I have a table with the following structure:
userID (INT, foriegn key)
productID (INT)
productQTY (DECIMAL(5,2))

I have about a 1000 users, entering about 20-30 rows per day each, i.e ~20,000 - 30,000 new rows per day. The table might be queried with a simple "SELECT" for the products a user ordered per day or per time frame (purchaseDate column).
My question (finally) is - when should I expect to see performance degradation? Is there anything I can do to prevent it (i.e splitting this table somehow to several tables)?

Thank you all in advance

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Performance Degradation On Data Transfer

Jul 20, 2005

Hello guys,Wonder if any of you could help me out here. I have just created annew empty database and imported data from another database into it.This was done with the import wizard from MMC.First thing that I noticed was the size difference, the old databasewas well over 1GB, but the new one was only about 400MB.Second thing I've noticed, and this is the problem, is that accessingthe new (smaller) database instead of the old one causes a huge speeddegradation, about 5 times slower than the old version.We are using MS SQL Server 7. Any help would be very gratefullyreceived.RegardsGethyn

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Performance Degradation After Replication Rolled Out

Dec 14, 2006

Hi all.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

We recently created transactional replication to hopefully improve performance issues we were expereincing. The replication is between 2 SQL Servers (2000), and since we have introduced the replication, the performance has degraded considerably.

I will try and explain the scenario.

We have a primary db that our internal users use and we also have the newly replicated db that our website and another application use. The users are complaining that the website and the internal application is extremely slow and I was just wondering if it is possible to do an Index Tuning on both the primary db and replicated db based on trace files so as to create new indexes or would this have an impact on the replication?

Thanks in advance.

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Growth Of A Database!!??

Sep 17, 2007

Hi everyone,

I'm a beginner in SQL Server databases, my problem is this:

i'm making a database witch the frontend is an access project, the database has several stored procedures views and user functions (the normal..), but a few data, (only the experimental), last night i've noticed that the file grow from 22 MB to 89 MB, the objects are the same and also the data, the only diference was that i forgot to put in an event procedure code, the ADO method, "MoveNext", to update various records, and the loop was infinit.
Is it possible that SQL statments generated by ADO make the file grow so rapidly!?
If so how can i shrink it, because i've tried and and the results was 4%.

Can you help me!?


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Database Growth

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to know followings:

I want to see every day or weekly Database growth (%) save on table

I have some SP which will give me one time run and see the growth. which is ...

Please advice any other way to find out and save on a location ...

create procedure sp_growth as

set ansi_warnings off

declare @l_db_name varchar(50)
,@l_sql_string varchar(1000)

set nocount on
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth

create table DB_Growth (Database_Name varchar(30), Logical_File_Name varchar(15), File_Size_MB int, Growth_Factor varchar(100))

declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor
select name from master..sysdatabases

open db_name_cursor

fetch next from db_name_cursor into

While (@@fetch_status = 0)
select @l_sql_string = 'select ' + '''' + @l_db_name + '''' + ', name, ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192.0)/(1024.0*1024.0))) + '' MB''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'else convert (varchar, growth) + '' Percent''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'end' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'from [' + @l_db_name + '].dbo.sysfiles'

insert into DB_Growth (Database_Name, Logical_File_Name, File_Size_MB, Growth_Factor)
exec (@l_sql_string)

fetch next from db_name_cursor into
close db_name_cursor
deallocate db_name_cursor
select * from DB_Growth with (nolock)
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth
set nocount off
set ansi_warnings on


Faiz Farazi
Daudkandi,Comilla, Bangladesh

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Database Growth

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to know followings:

I want to see every day or weekly Database growth (%) save on table

I have some SP which will give me one time run and see the growth. which is ...

Please advice any other way to find out and save on a location ...

create procedure sp_growth as

set ansi_warnings off

declare @l_db_name varchar(50)
,@l_sql_string varchar(1000)

set nocount on
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth

create table DB_Growth (Database_Name varchar(30), Logical_File_Name varchar(15), File_Size_MB int, Growth_Factor varchar(100))

declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor
select name from master..sysdatabases

open db_name_cursor

fetch next from db_name_cursor into

While (@@fetch_status = 0)
select @l_sql_string = 'select ' + '''' + @l_db_name + '''' + ', name, ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192.0)/(1024.0*1024.0))) + '' MB''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'else convert (varchar, growth) + '' Percent''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'end' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'from [' + @l_db_name + '].dbo.sysfiles'

insert into DB_Growth (Database_Name, Logical_File_Name, File_Size_MB, Growth_Factor)
exec (@l_sql_string)

fetch next from db_name_cursor into
close db_name_cursor
deallocate db_name_cursor
select * from DB_Growth with (nolock)
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth
set nocount off
set ansi_warnings on


Faiz Farazi
Daudkandi,Comilla, Bangladesh

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Database Growth

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to know followings:

I want to see every day or weekly Database growth (%) save on table

I have some SP which will give me one time run and see the growth. which is ...

Please advice any other way to find out and save on a location ...

create procedure sp_growth as

set ansi_warnings off

declare @l_db_name varchar(50)
,@l_sql_string varchar(1000)

set nocount on
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth

create table DB_Growth (Database_Name varchar(30), Logical_File_Name varchar(15), File_Size_MB int, Growth_Factor varchar(100))

declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor
select name from master..sysdatabases

open db_name_cursor

fetch next from db_name_cursor into

While (@@fetch_status = 0)
select @l_sql_string = 'select ' + '''' + @l_db_name + '''' + ', name, ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192.0)/(1024.0*1024.0))) + '' MB''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'else convert (varchar, growth) + '' Percent''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'end' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'from [' + @l_db_name + '].dbo.sysfiles'

insert into DB_Growth (Database_Name, Logical_File_Name, File_Size_MB, Growth_Factor)
exec (@l_sql_string)

fetch next from db_name_cursor into
close db_name_cursor
deallocate db_name_cursor
select * from DB_Growth with (nolock)
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth
set nocount off
set ansi_warnings on


Faiz Farazi
Daudkandi,Comilla, Bangladesh

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Automatic Database Growth

Aug 21, 2001

I've got a question about the automatic database growth feature of V7. Here's an example:

I have a 1gb db that can grow to max size of 2gb.
I set the auto grow option to 75%
The first time the db grows it will grab 75% of the free space (1gb)

What happens if the database needs to grow again?

Will the db grow using the remaining free space (25%) or
has the database reached its max size because it can't grow any further?


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Database Size Growth

Sep 23, 2002

:eek: I am somewhat confused -- I have a database in production that I restored to a QA environment; upon restore, the size has grown by 200MB.

Both production and QA are running SQL2000 -- the only difference is that QA has the latest security hotfixes installed -- version from KB article at the following link:

Q316333 (;en-us;Q316333&id=Q316333)

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Tracking Database Growth

Jan 14, 2005

Hi everyone.

I am trying to find a way to calculate everyday my DB Growth, I did find a script on some site but it seems to give me the same information as the taskpad wich is not very specific. Basicaly i would like to know the size of a table in MB or in whatevever conversion possible, so that i will be able to do some forcasting.

Any help here would be greatly apreciated.

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Is There A Way To Find Growth In Log (ldf) And Database(mdf) ?

Sep 22, 2005

Hello,I need to monitor every 15 minutes growth in data file and log file .Since mdf and intial file sizes are set to high value,measuring these values at 15 min interval will not provide the changein size .My intention is to measure the log file size growth which helps tocalculate the disk space and bandwidth required to setup log shipping .We need to set up this infrastructure based on this calculationThanksM A Srinivas

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Database && File Growth Monitoring

Mar 8, 2004

Can someone point me to examples of database & file growth monitoring.

I specificially want to monitor a number of separate SQL servers (2000, 7.0)

I want to end of with statistics of any size changes on any of these over time.

Help is greatly appericated..


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Why The Database Size Growth Too Fast ?

May 31, 2005

My DB size was from 500MB to 10GB since 8/1998 to 12/2004. But now is 16GB (from 1/2005 - 5/2005), I don't why the data size growth too fast (as double) ?

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Rapid Growth Of SQL Express Database

Oct 30, 2007

I have a client running RMS, since moving to SQL express his database size has jumped 2 from 2G to 4G in 8 months. Previiuosly it took 2 years to reach the 2G size. has anyone else experienced this rapid growth of their database?

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Distribution Database Log File Growth

Jan 11, 2007

SQL Server 2000 | Transactional Replication

Suspected Problem: Distribution Database Transaction Log Not Checkpointing

I have a distributor with a distribution database that keeps growing and growing (About 40 GB in 7 days). The database is using the SIMPLE recovery model but the log continues to accumulate data. I have spent time looking at articles such as: "Factors that keep log records alive" ( and the one thing that stands out is the Checkpoint. I noticed that I can run a manual checkpoint and clear the log. If the log records were still active, the checkpoint would not allow the log to be truncated. This leads me to believe that the server is not properly initiating checkpoints in the Distribution database even though Recovery Model = SIMPLE and the server Recovery Interval = 0.

I found this: "FIX: Automatic checkpoints on some SQL Server 2000 databases do not run as expected" ( but I suspect this is a followup to a problem that may have been introduced with SP4 (since SP4 is a requirement for the hotfix). I am running SP3a (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.850) so I don't think that is the issue. I have several other nearly identical servers with the same version and configuration that have properly maintained log files.

SP4 is not a good option for me at this point - the next upgrade will be to SQL 2K5.

Any thoughts?


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Large Database Growth Out Of Control

Oct 23, 2007

Hopefully I'm posting in the right area. There is a database that has grown to about
41-42 GB in size in about a 2 month period. The previous database had grown to about
22 GB before it was purged out. I'm running this on SQL 2000, and I've tried running all
the DBCC SHINKFILE and SHRINKDATABASE commands to no avail. In this case,
the MDF file is the one that has grown out of control as opposed to the log file (LDF file).

Does anyone have any suggestions on what could be done to control the size?

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Database Size Not Growing Despite Unlimited Growth

Mar 11, 2004

Hi All,

Database size is not increasing automatically ,however I have set it as unlimited growth. Any idea about this ?

thanks for in advance,

Sedat Duztas


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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Monitor Database Growth

May 5, 2015

I need to monitor my database growth, as few of databases are growing rapidly. My client wants the growth list of my databases. have report of database growth of specific databases, at least of one month.

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DB Design :: Control Growth Of Database File

Oct 7, 2015

 I currently have a DB that is growing at a rate of 10gb per month. It is set to 1mb unrestricted growth and the log file is set to 400mb restricted growth. I take regular transaction log backups so the log file is well under under without any issue. This DB's recovery model is set to FULL as it has to be mirrored to a backup site.  Any recommendations on how to control the growth. - Is it advisable to take create a new DB with data older than 2 years and transfer that file to an external drive and if i do this, can i "attach" it back to the main server if and when required ?

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DB Engine :: How To Find Database Growth Rate

Apr 22, 2015

Wanted to do the forecasting of disk growth for one year. How to find the database growth rate?

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Can't Change The Auto Growth Option On My Database

Aug 3, 2007

I'm currently using SQL Server 2005. Before I have set my database on unrestricted auto growth. But today, I have noticed that the Log file has been set to limit its growth to 2,097,152 MB. I have 160GB space for my log files, I just want to maximize the space for logs in my hard drive.

When I try to change the settings back to auto growth it still keeps on returning to its previous setting it is still set on 2,097,152 MB. What I did was :
Right Click on the Database - Properties - Files - Click the (...) - set the auto growth option to unrestricted - Click Ok
But when I checked log file, it is still set on 2,097,152MB.

Can some one help me change the settings of my Database.

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Database And Logfile Growth When Attaching SQL2000 DB To SQL2005

Jun 25, 2007

Can anyone tell me why my SQL2000 database has grown aprox 15 % and my Log file 20,000 % when I attach it to SQL2005 .I've Thousands of Databases to Upgrade, but with the log file increasing to more than the size of the Database Its going to be a struggle !

It also takes a fair ammount of time to attach,

I suspect there is some reindexing going on , as when I try to reattach to SQL 2000 I get index errors ?

Is the re anything I can do in advance to reduce the database growth ?

I know I can truncate the log afterward but the peak diskspace consumed during my Migration may be an issue !

Thanks for any help

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DB Engine :: How To Track Growth Rate Of Server Database

Aug 25, 2015

I am only DBA in my company and client want to know the growth rate of his SQL server DataBase which is in production. How can I get the growth rate per day?

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Database Growth Excessive When Changing Varchar Length From 50 To 100.

Aug 9, 2007

Hi all,

I'm trying to get an understanding of a serious problem I have with a large DB in production. This is going to be obvious to someone (everyone probably) <bg>

I have a table which consists of numerous varchars and ints but also a Text type field. This table resides in a SQL 2000 Database. This DB currently has a data file size of 16Gb and a Transaction Log size of 17Gb. When I edit the table and increase the size of a Varchar field from 50 to 100 these files grow to more than double their size!

Why is this happening and how can I prevent this?



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Execution Plan Degradation

Mar 24, 2008

Hi all,

I am experiencing performance problems with one of my stored procedures. When the stored procedure is first compiled an executed, it behaves as expected (it usually takes 1 or 2 seconds to complete). But its performace it is degradated, so in 1 day, it usually takes 120 seconds to complete !!!. Once the stored procedure is compiled, its performance it is then the expected.

It is a complex stored procedure with two integer parameters with only one select, but composed by multiple views and sub-queries. We have been trying to break the query into small pieces using temporary tables but without success. The SQL Profiler shows an unusual number of reads when it goes wrong (more than a million reads).

I think the problem is in the execution plan. I know than compiling the stored procedure, the problem is fixed, but I do not know exactly when and why it starts to happen.

The stored procedure is running under the following configuration:

- Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition (64-bit).
- Version: 9.00.1399.06
- RAM 16 MB
- 8 CPUs

Anyone has any ideas or possible solutions?

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server 2008 :: Monitor Database Growth And If Any DB Grown By 20% Send Mail Alerts

Apr 30, 2015

Is there any automated script available to - "Monitor Database Growth and if any DB is grown by 20%, sending mail alerts"? If not, what is the approach to write the T SQL script ?

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DB Engine :: Recommended Size And File Growth For A Database And Log File?

Sep 22, 2015

What is the recommended size and file growth for a database and log file? We will be storing approx 10000 records a day.Currently we have the following:

( NAME = Dummy_data,
    FILENAME = 'D:....DATADummy.mdf',
    SIZE = 250MB,
( NAME = Dummy_log,
    FILENAME = 'D:....DATADummy_log.ldf',
    SIZE = 50MB,
    FILEGROWTH = 5MB ) ;

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Performance Of XML Vs Database

Nov 29, 2007

What is the performance comparison for XML and database?
Using system.IO to read the XML file will be slower than reading data from database , if only read data and not sorting?
 The RAM/CPU memory usange will be higher for get data from XML compare to get data from database?

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Database Performance

Dec 14, 2000

Same databse server, two databases, one a copy of the other origanol giving bad performance. New copy will return 300000 rows in a second. the origanol will take thirty seconds to return same data set. 7 users on bad one 3 on good one. Bad one has been reindexed, checkdb and newalloced with no errors. Still giving very bad performance. Any one got ant further ideas on what to do??? please help.

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