Performance Issue Using Left Or Substring Function

Oct 18, 2007


I've tried the following query in SQL SERVER 2005, SQL Express and MACCESS.

select * from Table1 where drid in (SELECT DrID FROM Table2 WHERE (substring(PostalCode,1,3) IN ('B0E','B1P','B2H','B2Y','B3A','B3M','B4A','B4H','E1A','E1C','E1N','G0A', …)) and (substring(Telephone,1,3) IN ('204','250','306','403','416','418','450','506','514','519','604','613','705','780','807','819','902','905')))

The query is using two table. The first one Table1 is a table with user info. The second table Table2 has the info concerning a survey.

The Table1 containt approx. 6000 row and Table2 containt only 210 rows

The table structure from the different environment(MACCESS, SQL SERVER 2005, Sql Server Express 2005) are the same. The Table1 containt the field "PostalCode" and "Telephone".

When I execute this query on MACCESS and in SQL Server 2005 the result are approximately the same(Less than half second). But there a performance issue in Sql Express 2005. The query take an execution time between 7 and 9 secondes.

When I add a condition using a field from tblResponsePQ2Part1 ex: QA=1
like in the following query :
select * from Table1 where drid in (SELECT DrID FROM Table2
WHERE (QA = 1 substring(PostalCode,1,3) IN ('B0E','B1P','B2H','B2Y','B3A','B3M','B4A','B4H','E1A','E1C','E1N','G0A', …)) and (substring(Telephone,1,3) IN ('204','250','306','403','416','418','450','506','514','519','604','613','705','780','807','819','902','905')))
the query take an execution time of ~15 secondes!!!!

This issue only happen in Sql Server Express, on the others cases(mean MSAccess, Sql Server) the execution time is less than half second.

It’s weird because, Sql Express 2005 is supposed to be more performant
than MACCESS, and have the same performance than Sql Server Professional Edition. Please Help Me!!!!

Anyone have an idea why?

Mathieu Desbiens

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Substring From The Left?!?

May 21, 2008

we are using Moss 2007 and in one of our lists we add a hyperlink.
when we display this field into a report it is showed as: hyperlinkurl, name

for example:,testsite

What we want to is that the piece after the , is displayed as a value and the string before the , is used as hyperlink.

Now we have tested a few things like:

=Trim(Right(Fields!Variant_Locatie.Value, Len(Fields!Variant_Locatie.Value) - InStr(Fields!Variant_Locatie.Value, ", ")))

and this give's us the string part AFTER the , so that part is correct!

but I can't find out how to do the same thing but then for using everything BEFORE the ,


anyone got an idea? just changing Right with Left give's us (for example): http://thisisa
instead of (he's counting the number of characters from the right to the , and then displays the characters starting from the left but only the number of characters he counted previously) ...

urgent plz!

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Left-justifying Substring-Easy, Ya'd Think

Jun 9, 2007

Having a whale of a time, having tried almost every approach, except obviously the right one.

I have employee_no which is character size 10. It is right-justified for some reason. I'm using SUBSTRING to peel off the last five digits (it's going to a flat file where only 5 chars are allowed).

Now I just need to Left Justify the return string. What should I add
to this statement


My return is this:

A97 1Joe
A97 3Bruce
A97 4Scott

Many thanks in advance, you guys are amazing.

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How To Select A Word Substring In A Coumn Header From Right To Left

Oct 10, 2007

I have an application providing me with multiple headers which I havemergerd into one big header (below), this header my not always be thesame but I need to be able to extract a periodstart and periodend fromit. The periodstart will always be the third substring from the end(or 3rd from right) and the periodend will always be the firstsubstring from the end (or 1st from the right).How can I extract the periodstart and periodend?E.g:- Header'Jensen Alpha TR UKN GBP BM: Caut Mgd BM (50% FTAllSh 50% ML £ BroadMkt) RF DEF:RFI 3Y 31/08/2004 To 31/08/2007'I currently have the sql: convert(Datetime,(dbo.FDHGetWord(@FullHeader, 20)) ,103) but this only works in thisinstance, I need to use someting like the RIGHT function or REVERSEfunction but I can't get the sql right.Can someone please help!????

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Transact SQL :: Invalid Length Parameter Passed To Left Or Substring

Dec 1, 2015

is it possible to identify which value is causing me the above  error message and how to resolve it,These are for British postcodes.

create table #tmp (postcode varchar(200) NULL)
insert into #tmp values ('NULL')
insert into #tmp values ('-')
insert into #tmp values ('.')
insert into #tmp values ('0L6 7TP')
insert into #tmp values ('AB10 1WP')
insert into #tmp values ('AB51 5HH')


This is the main query

select postcode,LEFT([Postcode], CHARINDEX(' ',[Postcode]) - 1)
from #tmp
order by Postcode
drop table #tmp

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Substring Function

Jun 20, 2008

it's early in the morning (well it is here anyway) and i need a shot of logic...

in the data base i'm currently working with i have a varchar field that holds either a number or a collection of numbers in square brackets. I need to extract the number or the first number in square brackets if it's a list. i know it's gonna be a simple one but my head just won't do it?? i'm trying with substring and charindex to determine the position of the '[' but just not getting it this morning

quick sample of what the data in this column may look like...

declare @t table (col varchar(30))
insert into @t
select '2' union all
select '[5] [4]' union all
select ' [12] [1]'

so i need to get...


OK, so i get this to work but only if there is actually square brackets

declare @t table (col varchar(30))
insert into @t
--select '2'union all
select '[5] [4]'union all
select ' [12] [1]'

select col
,substring(col, charindex('[',col)+1, charindex(']',col)-charindex('[',col)-1)
from @t


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Substring Function Error.....

Jul 29, 2003

select name, datalength(Name),
charindex('_2_', Name),
substring(name, 5, charindex('_2_', Name) - 0)
-------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Job_4927_2_7Sun 30 9 4927_2_7S
Job_250144_2_6Sat 34 11 250144_2_6S
Job_30197_2_1Mon 32 10 30197_2_1M

but when I use following - 3)
select name, datalength(Name),
charindex('_2_', Name),
substring(name, 5, charindex('_2_', Name) - 3)

I get the result I want (last column):
Job_4927_2_7Sun 30 9 4927_2
Job_250144_2_6Sat 34 11 250144_2
Job_30197_2_1Mon 32 10 30197_2

but also with an error:
Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.


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What Is The Max Length Of Substring Function.

Mar 16, 2001

hi thanks for your help

update vendor_invoice
set de_ftpdownload= (select SUBSTRING(de_ftpdownload,1,CHARINDEX('.',de_ftpdow nload,0)-1)as de_ftpdownload from vendor_invoice)
where vendor_invoice_id =931

This get me this error.... so what is the max allowable length of substring function.

Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.
The statement has been terminated.

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SQL 2000 - Substring Function

Jun 20, 2004


I want to select the characters before "-" from Column A.
For example:

I'd would like to select it as:

Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused:

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Problem In Substring Function

Oct 11, 2005

Harshi writes "Hello SQL Team!!

I have a problem in Substring function. There is a Text data type field in my Table and it has large no of characters. I want to get the whole text as the result. The problem is its just giving me 300 characters from a row, as the result.

My statement as follows;


SELECT a.L2Topic, a.TopicIndex, a.L1Topic,
Substring(b.Des, 1, 900), b.PriceGroup, b.Price,
b.L1TopicIndex, b.Qty, b.OtherPrice,
c.Customer, c.Address, c.Date, c.ChassyNo,
c.VehicleNo FROM wshpTopicIndex a

LEFT JOIN wshpEstimateDetails b ON (a.EstimateID = b.EstimateID)
INNER JOIN wshpEstimateIndex c ON (b.EstimateID = c.EstimateID)

WHERE (b.RandomNo = a.TopicIndex) AND (a.EstimateID = 54)

GROUP BY a.L2Topic, Substring(b.Des, 1, 900), c.Customer, a.TopicIndex, a.L1Topic, b.Qty,
b.PriceGroup, b.Price, b.L1TopicIndex, b.OtherPrice, c.Address, c.Date, c.ChassyNo, c.VehicleNo

ORDER BY b.PriceGroup, b.L1TopicIndex


Can some one please help me to get rid of this problem??

Thank you,

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Substring Function Can't Figure Out

Mar 5, 2008

I have a SQL query in Visual Studio (SSRS). I have a GL Account field that is formatted such as 100-400-123-1234. I wanted to use the substring function to pull out the second set of numbers which I can assign a location:

CASE WHEN substring(GlAccount,5,3)= '400' THEN 'Gainesville'
CASE WHEN substring(GlAccount,5,3)= '401' THEN 'Aledo'

I tried this and it comes back with syntax errors. Can anyone tell me how to approach this as I have a list of about 35 locations that I need to do like this. Thanks.

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Join Using A Substring Function

Jul 30, 2007

Hi All,
I am trying to achieve loading a fact table using my stage and dimesion data , I was planning to use a Lookup transformation to do this, however I am supposed to use a substring task to because the data in the stage table is in adifferent format from that in the dimensions, how do I incorporate this substring task within the data flow, any help is appreciated.


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Is There A Function Like SUBSTRING But For Integers?

Apr 14, 2006

I'm wondering if there is a function in SQL that works like SUBSTRING function but for integers. Like for example if I have a number like 20010112 and I want to cut it to the first for digits so that it reads 2001?

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Substring Function Requires 3 Arguments

Aug 30, 2007

Substring ('(' + left(@phone,3) + ')') + substring(@phone,4,3) + '-' + substring(@phone,7,4) + 'x' + right(@phone,4) getting an error on this code help please.

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Substring And Patindex Having An User Defined Function

Oct 30, 2007

Hi All,
Can we use the SUBSTRING or PATINDEX function with a User Defined Function as one of the parameters? Something like this:

Code Block
Select SUBSTRING(Select * from DB.dbo.Function('Parameter'), PATINDEX('%\%', Select * from DB.dbo.Function('Parameter'), 8)


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Invalied Length Parameter Passed The Substring Function

Nov 12, 2004

Does anyone know what the above error message means?

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Invalid Length Parameter Passed To Substring Function

Mar 3, 2014

I have a sql job which will execute the below stored proc.

Basically it Refresh the data by truncating the tables and using BCP to import the data. Job was running fine but today got a error message.

Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 536). The step failed.

USE [database]
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[Refresh_tables]

[Code] ......

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SUBSTRING In User Defined Function - Invalid Column

May 23, 2007

I'm trying to create a function that splits up a column by spaces, andI thought creating a function that finds the spaces with CHARINDEX andthen SUBSTRING on those values would an approach. I get an errorsaying that the I have an Invalid column 'Course_Number'. Not surewhy but I am very new to User Defined Functions. Here is what I haveso far:CREATE FUNCTION CourseEvalBreakdown(@fskey int)RETURNS @CourseTable TABLE(Col CHAR(2),Area CHAR(4),Number CHAR(4),Section CHAR(4),Term CHAR(3))ASBEGINDECLARE@Ind1 tinyint,@Ind2 tinyint,@Rows intDECLARE @crstbl TABLE (FStaffKey int,Course_Number char(20),Term char(3),Col char(2),Area char(4),Number char(4),Section char(3))INSERT INTO @crstbl (FStaffKey, Course_Number, Term)SELECT FStaffKey, Course_Number, TermFROM EvalWHERE FStaffKey = @fskeySET @Rows = @@rowcountWHILE @Rows 0BEGINSET @Ind1 = CHARINDEX(' ', Course_Number, 4)SET @Ind2 = CHARINDEX(' ',Course_Number, (CHARINDEX(' ',Course_Number, 4)+1))UPDATE @crstblSET Col = SUBSTRING(Course_Number, 1, 2)WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyUPDATE @crstblSET Area = UPPER(SUBSTRING(Course_Number, 4, @Ind1-4))WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyUPDATE @crstblSET Number = UPPER(SUBSTRING(Course_Number, @Ind1+1, (@Ind2-@Ind1)-1))WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyUPDATE @crstblSET Section = SUBSTRING(Course_Number, @Ind2+1, 3)WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyENDINSERT @CourseTableSELECT Col, Area, Number, Section, Term FROM @crstblRETURNENDGO

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Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The SUBSTRING Function.

Feb 1, 2008


I was trying to execute the following query.

select substring(ISNULL(CAST(FullAdress AS NVARCHAR(MAX)),''),1,charindex(',',ISNULL(CAST(FullAdress AS NVARCHAR(MAX)),''))-1) from tbl_lrf_company_details_with_codes

but i am getting the error as "Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function."
Please advice
Thanks In advance

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Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The SUBSTRING Function

May 27, 2008




(CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue)), --expression

(CHARINDEX ('>', CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue)) + 1), --start

( (LEN (CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue))) -

(CHARINDEX ('>', CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue))*2) - 1


) AS Version


This does not work while



(CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue)) as expression, --expression

(CHARINDEX ('>', CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue)) + 1) as start, --start

( (LEN (CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue))) -

(CHARINDEX ('>', CONVERT (VARCHAR (255), D.CurrentXmlValue))*2) - 1

) as length --length

--) AS Version


I get

Msg 536, Level 16, State 5, Line 2

Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function.
Any idea why i am getting this??
I am trying to get rid of xml tags in the column.


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Error: Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The SUBSTRING Function.

Sep 28, 2007


I am using a simple procedure to pivot results (found in another forum and adapted it). It is done on SQL Server 2005 server with all service packs. Procedure:
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[EthnicityPivot] @StDate as Datetime, @EndDate as Datetime
DECLARE @Teams varchar(2000)

truncate table ForEthnicPivot

INSERT INTO ForEthnicPivot
FROM dbo._EthnicityByTeamEpisode
where Startdate between @StDate and @EndDate
GROUP BY Ethnicity, Team

SET @Teams = ''
--// Get a list of the pivot columns that are important to you.

SELECT @Teams = @Teams + '[' + Team + '],'
FROM (SELECT Distinct Team FROM ForEthnicPivot) Team
--// Remove the trailing comma

SET @Teams = LEFT(@Teams, LEN(@Teams)-1)
--// Now execute the Select with the PIVOT and dynamically add the list
--// of dates for the columns
EXEC( 'SELECT * FROM ForEthnicPivot PIVOT (SUM(countID) FOR Team IN (' + @Teams + ')) AS X' )

I can call the function:
exec EthnicityPivot '01/01/2007','09/09/2007'

and it works fine in SQL analyzer, but when I want to use it in Visual Studio in a new report I am getting this error

There is an error in the query. Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function. Incorrect syntax near ')'.

Anyone had similar error and sorted it?



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Sql 2005 ... Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The SUBSTRING Function.

Oct 9, 2006

I am new at sql 2000 and 2005, I have created a package in 2005 which I am trying to execute on a daily bases by creating a job. At first because of security issues the job would not execute. Hence, I had to create a credential and a proxy to run the job with sa account. Now it is giving me this error,
€œSQLServer Error: 536, Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function. €œ
Through research I have no clue as what I need to do, or where to look.
The package runs without error when I execute the package itself.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Right/left Outer Joins && Performance

Nov 13, 2003

Other than being much less readable, is there a downside to combining left and right outer joins in the same SELECT? I'm reviewing some generally poor code done by a contractor and it's peppered with queries with both left and right joins. I've always thought it was just a semantic difference, but I was just wondering if, other than readability, there were any performance issues.


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How To Improve Performance Of 'LEFT JOIN'

May 18, 2006

I am developing reporting service and using lots of 'LEFT OUTER JOIN',I am worried about the performance and want to use some subquery toimprovethe performance.Could I do that like below,[the origin source]SELECT *FROM TableALEFT OUTER JOIN TableBON TableA.item1 = TableB.item1WHERE TableA.item2 = 'xxxx'TableB.item2 > yyyy AND TableB.item2 < zzzzI add the subquery to query every table before 'LEFT JOIN'--------------------------------------------------------------------------SELECT *FROM(SELECT *FROM TableAWHERE TableA.item2 = 'xxxx') TableCLEFT OUTER JOIN(SELECT *FROM TableBWHERE TableB.item2 > yyyy AND TableB.item2 < zzzz) TableDON TableC.item1 = TableD.item1WHERE TableC.item2 = 'xxxx'TableD.item2 > yyyy AND TableD.item2 < zzzz--------------------------------------------------------------------------Can anyone give me some suggestion?Thanks a lot.Leland Huang

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Error In Query; Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The Substring Function

Nov 28, 2005

i got errro mess "Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function" from this below. Anyone how can give me a hint what cause this, and how i can solve it? if i remove whats whitin thoose [] it works, i dont use [] in the code :)
VLF_InfectionDestination is nvarchar 254

SELECT TOP 10 tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_VirusName, COUNT(tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_VirusName) AS number
__CustomerMachines002 ON tb_AVVirusLog.CLF_ComputerName = __CustomerMachines002.FalseName
WHERE (CONVERT(varchar, tb_AVVirusLog.CLF_LogGenerationTime, 120) BETWEEN @fyear + @fmonth + @fday AND @tyear + @tmonth + @tday) AND
(__CustomerMachines002.folder_id = @folderId) [OR
(CONVERT(varchar, tb_AVVirusLog.CLF_LogGenerationTime, 120) BETWEEN @fyear + @fmonth + @fday AND @tyear + @tmonth + @tday) AND
(tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_InfectionDestination LIKE N'%@%')]
GROUP BY tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_VirusName
HAVING (NOT (tb_AVVirusLog.VLF_VirusName LIKE N'cookie'))

View 7 Replies View Related

Left Function

Apr 7, 2008

i have a query

select message from ticket

but i want to only get the first 100 characters

select left(message,100) from ticket

is giving me an error - please advise?

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Odd Error Upon SqlDataReader.Read() Invalid Length Parameter Passed To The Substring Function.

Nov 12, 2003

An application I developed normally works great, but it seems that when processing a certian record (and none of the others so far), SQL Server throws this error:
"Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function."

Here's the code in question:

orderReader = orderCommand.ExecuteReader()


Private Sub setControls(ByVal dr As SqlDataReader)
If (dr.Read()) Then '<--*******problem line*******

The SqlDataReader (orderReader) doesn't blow up or anything until I call .Read() (and, as mentioned, this problem only occurs for one order). What could be happening here?

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String Index Function (substring / Charindex) - Extract Specific Characters From Data

Aug 5, 2013

SQL Query. What i need is to be able to extract specific characters from data.

Eg name

1.2-KPIA1-App-00001 this is a name i require, but i also require the '1.2' and the 'KPIA1' to be displayed in new columns in the results

i.e. 1.2-KPIA1-App-00001 1.2 KPIA1

*I need this in part of a script as there is thousands of rows of data.

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Left() And Right() Function In MS SQL Vs MS ACCESS

Jun 29, 2006

I normally use MS ACCESS vs MS SQL,, which has a left() and right()function. I need to use MS SQL for this project but I am not familiarwith it. I have read a few books, but can not figure out how to dothis. Please help.If I need to compare the first 4 letters of a field, with the firstfour letters of another field, how can I do this?Select field1, field2 FROM table1 Where left(field1,4)=left(field2,4)(MS SQL does not have left() and right() functions)Please help.In addition, I have a CSV file with data like 10.20, which I importinrto a numberic field. Unforunately the value gets changed to 10.It's seems to get rounded. How can I fix this.The import SQL I use is....BULK INSERT dbo.tableFROM 'c:MYDATA.CSVWITH(FIRSTROW = 1,FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',ROWTERMINATOR = '')Thank you in advance!!!

View 9 Replies View Related

LEFT And String Function

Nov 3, 2006

select left('Hello World /Ok',charindex('/','Hello World /Ok')-1)Hello WorldThat works fine.However I got an error message:select left('Hello World Ok',charindex('/','Hello World Ok')-1)Instead of:'Hello World Ok'I get:Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 1Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.Microsoft Doc incorrectly says:"LEFT ( character_expression , integer_expression )integer_expressionIs a positive whole number. If integer_expression is negative, a nullstring is returned."Is there an easier solutoin using left or any other string functioninstead of using a case statement?Also, charindex('/','Hello World Ok') should return NULL instead 0 sothat we can use isnull function.Thanks.

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Combining A Right And Left Function

Dec 6, 2007

How do you combine a left and a right function. I have tried different variation and none seemed to work. What I want to accomplish is 6 spaces to the right and 2 spaces to the left.

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Left Outer JOIN Proceducing Very Slow Performance...

Oct 28, 2007


I'm executing a nested queries consisting of LEFT OUTER JOIN for:
Duration = 27 sec;
Reads = 1690;
Number of users = 1.

This is extremely slow for a small set of data. I'm afraid that when we have a larger dataset and more concurrent users that query will take forward.

What am I doing wrong for my query to be taking too long?

Here's the query:

SELECT B.Business_Id as Business1_0_,

B.Place_Of_Business_Id as Place2_30_0_,

B.Business_Type_Id as Business3_30_0_,

B.Business_Name as Business4_30_0_,

B.Business_Description as Business5_30_0_,

B.Last_Update_Timestamp as Last6_30_0_

FROM Busines as B

LEFT OUTER JOIN Business_Service as BS

ON B.Business_Id = BS.Business_Id

LEFT OUTER JOIN Business_Service_Category as BSC

ON B.Business_Id = BSC.Business_Id

LEFT OUTER JOIN Business_Sub_Category as BSSC

ON B.Business_Id = BSSC.Business_Id

where B.Business_Id IN (

Select B.Business_Id from Busines as B

JOIN Business_Address as BA ON B.Business_Id = BA.Business_Id

JOIN Address as A ON A.Address_Id = BA.Address_Id

WHERE A.City_Name like '%New York%'

and A.state = 'NY') AND ( FREETEXT(B.Business_Name, 'Designer')

or BSC.Service_Category_Id IN

( Select SC.Service_Category_Id from Service_Category as SC

where FREETEXT(SC.Service_Category_Name, 'Designer') )

or BSSC.Sub_Category_Id IN (

Select SSC.Service_Sub_Category_Id from Service_Sub_Category as SSC

where FREETEXT(SSC.Service_Sub_Category_Name, 'Designer') )

or BS.Service_Id IN (

Select S.Service_Id from Service as S

where FREETEXT(S.Service_Name, 'Designer') ) )

Here's the SQL Query Plan:

|--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join, OUTER REFERENCES.[Business_Id], [BS].[Service_Id], [BSC].[Service_Category_Id], [BSSC].[Sub_Category_Id]))
|--Nested Loops(Left Outer Join, WHERE[PB].[dbo].[Busines].[Business_Id] as .[Business_Id]=[PB].[dbo].[Business_Sub_Category].[Business_Id] as [BSSC].[Business_Id]))
| |--Nested Loops(Left Outer Join, WHERE[PB].[dbo].[Busines].[Business_Id] as .[Business_Id]=[PB].[dbo].[Business_Service_Category].[Business_Id] as [BSC].[Business_Id]))
| | |--Nested Loops(Left Outer Join, WHERE[PB].[dbo].[Busines].[Business_Id] as .[Business_Id]=[PB].[dbo].[Business_Service].[Business_Id] as [BS].[Business_Id]))
| | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES.[Business_Id]))
| | | | |--Sort(DISTINCT ORDER BY.[Business_Id] ASC))
| | | | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[BA].[Business_Id]))
| | | | | |--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH.[Address_Id])=([BA].[Address_Id]), RESIDUAL[PB].[dbo].[Address].[Address_Id] as .[Address_Id]=[PB].[dbo].[Business_Address].[Address_Id] as [BA].[Address_Id]))
| | | | | | |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Address].[PK__Address__0519C6AF] AS ), WHERE[PB].[dbo].[Address].[State] as .[State]='NY' AND [PB].[dbo].[Address].[City_Name] as .[City_Name] like '%JayVille%'))
| | | | | | |--Index Scan(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Business_Address].[ClusteredIDX_Business_Address] AS [BA]))
| | | | | |--Index Seek(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Busines].[UI_ukBusiness] AS ), SEEK.[Business_Id]=[PB].[dbo].[Business_Address].[Business_Id] as [BA].[Business_Id]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | | |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Busines].[PK_Busines] AS ), SEEK.[Business_Id]=[PB].[dbo].[Busines].[Business_Id] as .[Business_Id]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Business_Service].[ClusterIDX_Business_Service] AS [BS]))
| | |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Business_Service_Category].[ClusterIDX_Business_Service_Category] AS [BSC]))
| |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Business_Sub_Category].[ClusterIDX_Business_Sub_Category] AS [BSSC]))
|--Filter(WHERE[PB].[dbo].[Busines].[Business_Id] as .[Business_Id] = [Full-text Search Engine].[KEY]))
| |--Remote Scan(OBJECTFREETEXT))
|--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join)
| |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Service_Category].[PK__Service_Category__15502E78] AS [SC]), SEEK[SC].[Service_Category_Id]=[PB].[dbo].[Business_Service_Category].[Service_Category_Id] as [BSC].[Service_Category_Id]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| |--Filter(WHERE[Full-text Search Engine].[KEY] = [PB].[dbo].[Business_Service_Category].[Service_Category_Id] as [BSC].[Service_Category_Id]))
| |--Remote Scan(OBJECTFREETEXT))
|--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join)
| |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Service_Sub_Category].[PK_Service_Sub_Category] AS [SSC]), SEEK[SSC].[Service_Sub_Category_Id]=[PB].[dbo].[Business_Sub_Category].[Sub_Category_Id] as [BSSC].[Sub_Category_Id]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| |--Filter(WHERE[Full-text Search Engine].[KEY] = [PB].[dbo].[Business_Sub_Category].[Sub_Category_Id] as [BSSC].[Sub_Category_Id]))
| |--Remote Scan(OBJECTFREETEXT))
|--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join)
|--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[PB].[dbo].[Service].[PK__Service__117F9D94] AS ), SEEK.[Service_Id]=[PB].[dbo].[Business_Service].[Service_Id] as [BS].[Service_Id]) ORDERED FORWARD)
|--Filter(WHERE[Full-text Search Engine].[KEY] = [PB].[dbo].[Business_Service].[Service_Id] as [BS].[Service_Id]))

Please Help....

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No Left Function In Expression Builder?

Dec 22, 2006

Anyone know the reaon the Left function was left out of the list of string functions in the Expression Builder?


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