Performance Problem With Views And Stored Procedures..

Nov 8, 2000

Hello Everybody,

I posted this same question couple of times in the news groups but no answers. I have a 2 tables and i am doing a union query using a view. each has 250 rows. The query takes 20 seconds to return the results. no joins or anything. the create view simply looks like this:

create view myview as
select id, name from table1
select id,name from table2

Where as if i write a stored procedure like below, it returns the rows in 4 seconds.
create table #mytable
( id int, name varchar(30))
insert into #mytable (id, name) select id, name from table1
insert into #mytable (id, name) select id, name from table2
select id,name from #mytable.

I prefer doing in the view since both returns the same result. I tried running dbcc, update statistics. but no luck. Can anyone please help me in this issue.


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Using Views Within Stored Procedures

Jul 22, 2007

Good evening:Can anyone give me the low-down on using view from within my stored procedures?  I've got some rather complex views that join multiple tables resulting in a staggering SQL query.  I then use stored procedures to accept input parameters to determine order by and direction clauses.  This results in some rather large "IF ELSE IF ELSE IF..." statements in my SP.  Put a complicated SQL query together with lots of IF THEN and it becomes difficult to keep stuff straight in the SP.  Therefore, using the view to keep my SQL in one place is an ideal solution. However, and here's the question, does it have a negative impact on speed and/or scalability.  We plan to use these SP's within an ASP.NET website that may get a very large amount of traffic. Any advice/help you can give me would be really appreciated. Thanks!
- Future Daddy

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Getting At Views And Stored Procedures

Feb 15, 2001

I have been having troubling getting at views and stored proceduers with ADO objects while developing in VB.

I can get a list of the views and stored procedures, but I don't know how to actually get the text values of them... i would like the text so that I can parse/compare them agianst one another...

Any thoughts or help on this?

I would really appreciate the help!


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Views In Stored Procedures?

Feb 16, 2007


This maybe a simple question, I'm using reporting services to make a report, question is can I write a stored procedure that queries from a join of two views instead of two tables?

I'm having trouble getting my table data into the reportable state I want it, and I think organising into views might be easier.

Thanks for any help.

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Views Inside Stored Procedures.

Apr 18, 2007

Hi everybody,I am trying to alter a view inside a Stored Procedure and sql server is not allowing me to do so.Can we not have an alter view inside a Stored Procedure?Here is the code: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[UPDATE_VIEW_LINEITEMALLOTMENT]     -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here@MAINID int,@BE VARCHAR(8)ASBEGIN    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from    -- interfering with SELECT statements.    --SET NOCOUNT ON;        ALTER VIEW [Budget_Management_System].[dbo].[LineItem_OCAFund]        AS        SELECT     TOP (100) PERCENT SUM(dbo.ALL_OCAFUND.AMOUNT) AS Expr2, dbo.APP_LINEITEM.LINENUM, dbo.APP_LINEITEM.PC,                               dbo.APP_LINEITEM.CATEGORY, dbo.APP_LINEITEM.ROWID, dbo.APP_LINEITEM.MAINID        FROM         dbo.APP_LINEITEM INNER JOIN                              dbo.ALL_ORG ON dbo.APP_LINEITEM.ROWID = dbo.ALL_ORG.LINEITEMID INNER JOIN                              dbo.ALL_OCAFUND ON dbo.ALL_ORG.ROWID = dbo.ALL_OCAFUND.ORGID INNER JOIN                              dbo.APP_AMENDMENT ON dbo.ALL_ORG.AMENDMENTID = dbo.APP_AMENDMENT.ROWID AND                               dbo.ALL_OCAFUND.AMENDMENTID = dbo.APP_AMENDMENT.ROWID        GROUP BY dbo.APP_LINEITEM.LINEORDER, dbo.APP_LINEITEM.BE, dbo.APP_LINEITEM.MAINID, dbo.APP_LINEITEM.LINENUM, dbo.APP_LINEITEM.PC,                               dbo.APP_LINEITEM.CATEGORY, dbo.APP_LINEITEM.ROWID, dbo.APP_AMENDMENT.AMENDMENTORDER        HAVING      (dbo.APP_LINEITEM.BE = @BE) AND (dbo.APP_LINEITEM.MAINID = @MAINID) AND (dbo.APP_AMENDMENT.AMENDMENTORDER = 1)        ORDER BY dbo.APP_LINEITEM.LINEORDER   ENDthanks a lot,Murthy here 

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Accessing Views From Stored Procedures

Sep 7, 2007

Hi,I was just wondering if it's possible to access views from stored procedures? I know it doesn't make much sense, but would it be possible? If so, can you also give me some code example?Thanks. 

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Is There Any Point In Views? Vs Stored Procedures?

Nov 8, 2007

I do all my data access through stored procedures. Is there any benefit in creating views that the stored procedure accesses. At the moment, I tend to just write the select and join within the stored procedure.

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Scripting Views && Stored Procedures

Oct 9, 2002

Is there a way to script views and/or stored procedures from Query Analyzer? I am hoping to do this as part of a stored procedure.


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Transfer Stored Procedures And Views Only

Oct 19, 2001

I have two databases named A and B. They are exactly same table structure, but the records are different, and we have near 400 stored procedures and over100 views in the database A. Now my question is that how can I transfer all stored procedures and views from database A to database B?

Thank you very much!

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Views / Stored Procedures / Functions

Dec 1, 2005

Hi All,

Novice question. Would someone explain tell me what a view is used for? Also I am confused about the difference between a function and a stored procedure. They both seem like functions to me.

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Question Regarding Stored Procedures, Views And ASP

Jul 20, 2005

Please could someone explain to me the differences between a storedprocedure and a view.The reason for this question is I have two almost identical ASP pages.Both get the same results but one uses a stored procedure and one usesa view. If the query returns no results the 'view page' generateserrors and therefore I have to check for BOF and EOF, whereas the'stored procedure page' does not generate errors and instead wouldappear to return a recordset with 0 entries.Thanks in advanceNeil.

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Diffrence Between Views And Stored Procedures

Jun 18, 2007


what is the diffrence between views and stored procedures in sqlserver 2005

thanks in advance.

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Create Views In Stored Procedures?

Sep 25, 2007

Can you create views within a stored procedure?

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MS Access And Stored Procedures Or Views

Mar 13, 2008

Can Microsoft Access access a stored procedure on the SQL Server? If not, is there any way to assign a parameter to a view? I can link to a view in Access, but I cannot link to a procedure. I need to SELECT * from aTable WHERE ID = [@PassidInID]. Any way to do this through Access? The reason for this, is because I am trying to run an existing query (which is very busy - using other queries with queries in them etc.), and I keep getting an ODBC error. I am thinking that if I move the queries to the SQL Server, it may get rid of this error?
It's a 2-tier app I have. Tables on the server, forms, queries, and everything else in Access.
Thanks in advance - I hope.

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Views Vs Complex Joins In Stored Procedures

Oct 17, 2007

I have a multiple table dataset that needs to be returned, with at least 5 joins, some inner, some left outer.

Currently, this is done via a parameterized stored prodedure, which is used fairly frequently. The parameters only affect the where clause, not the joins.

Would it be better to create the view with the joins already done, then pass in the parameters with the stored procedure? Which is better for overall performance? Which is better for quicker response times to the calling application?

Thanks in advance,


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Views / Stored Procedures / Updating Records

Jul 23, 2005

This is a general question regarding the use of view and storedprocedures. I'm fairly new to databases and SQL.I've created a SQL database using an Access Data Project ("ADP") andI'm satified with the table structure. I've moved on to building somefront ends for our users.I'm running into situations where I want subreports to be built fromqueries [views or stored procedures-I don't know which to use so I usethe term query] that are dependent on the values in other controls.I've played with stored procedures and I've figured out how to sendcriteria to a stored procedure and then dynamically change the recordsource of a subreport.However, I'm running into cases where I can't add records to theresults of a stored procedure. The table I'm running a stored procedureon has five fields: (1) Primary Key for each record, (2) FundID that'sa primary key in another table, (3) CompanyID that's a primary key inanother table, (4) Attribute 1 of the (Fund/Company) and (5) Attribute2 of the (Fund/Company).The stored procedure filters the set of Fund/Companies based on aFundID from a form. I can update this stored procedure. However, forusers, they would like to see the Fund Name from the table that hasunique FundIDs. As soon as I include that into the stored procedure, Ican no longer add records.My questions are many:1. Is there a primer online that discusses the theory behind myquestion? Recordsets, updatability, working with recordsets in forms?2. What are some best practices for developing subreports, combo boxes,list boxes, etc. where the data is dependent on the values in a control3. I'm struggling with the best ways to grab objects on a form. If I'mon the main form I'm comfortable working with theMe.__object__.__sub-oject routine. However, if I'm in one subform whereI need another subform to change based on the record I'm in, I feelthat my code to get at the subform is very klunky..forms.main form name.sub form name.form.record sourceI don't even know how I figured out the "form" part before recordsource. Again, are there some basic rules or guides about navigatingthrough forms in VBA?4. Should I be developing front ends in some other environment?I know it's a lot, but all the advice from the newsgroups seems topresuppose some knowledge about how ADP, ADO, ODBC..blah blah and Ican't seem to find any documents about ADP and SQL.

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Views Vs Stored Procedures, Whats The Difference?

Jan 27, 2006

The purpose for my questions is accessing these technologies fromapplications. I develop both applications and databases. Working withMicrosoft C#.NET and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Production and 2005 TestEnvironments.What is the purpose of a view if I can just copy the vode from a viewand put it into a stored procedure?Should I be accessing views from stored procedures?Should I use views to get information? and Stored Procedures forInserts, Updates and Deletes?What are the performance differences between the two?Thank you for any and all information.SBProgrammer

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Problematic Stored Procedures Using Views With Triggers

May 9, 2006


I would like to use the view of the company data in the following stored procedures

without needing to pass a value into the CompanyID identity column. Is there a way to do this? The following code contains the view, the insert trigger on the view, and the desired stored procedures.

Also, this code is given me problem as well the error message says it cannot convert varchar to int. This code is located in the insert trigger.

INSERT INTO State(StateName)

Here is the code of the company view, notice the C.CompanyID it is used in the GetCompany stored procedure.

SELECT C.CompanyID, C.CompanyName, A.Street, A.City, S.StateName, A.ZipCode, A.Country, P.PhoneNumber

Address AS A ON C.AddressID = A.AddressID INNER JOIN
State AS S ON A.StateID = S.StateID INNER JOIN
Phone AS P ON C.PhoneID = P.PhoneID

Here is code for the insert trigger on the view

CREATE TRIGGER InsertTriggerOnCustomerView
ON ViewOfCompany

DECLARE @CompanyName VARCHAR(128)
DECLARE @PhoneNumber VARCHAR(32)

--@CompanyID = CompanyID,
@CompanyName = CompanyName,
@Street = Street,
@City = City,
@StateName = StateName,
@ZipCode = ZipCode,
@Country = Country,
@PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber

INSERT INTO State(StateName)


INSERT INTO Address(Street, City, StateID, Country, ZipCode)
VALUES(@Street, @City, @StateID, @ZipCode, @Country)


INSERT INTO Phone(PhoneNumber)


INSERT INTO Company(CompanyName, AddressID, PhoneID)
VALUES(@CompanyName, @AddressID, @PhoneID)


The stored procedures are here.

@CompanyID INT
SELECT CompanyName,Street, City, StateName,
ZipCode, Country, PhoneNumber
CompanyID = @CompanyID

@CompanyName VARCHAR(128),
@Street VARCHAR(256),
@City VARCHAR(128),
@StateName VARCHAR(128),
@ZipCode VARCHAR(128),
@Country VARCHAR(128),
@PhoneNumber VARCHAR(32)
VALUES(@CompanyName, @Street, @City, @StateName,
@ZipCode, @Country, @PhoneNumber)

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Starting Out With : Views, Stored Procedures, Functions, Synonyms

Mar 22, 2006

Hi,Right, i have a fairly good understanding of SQL. However, i have a fairly basic understanding of SQL Server.I know Storedprocedures are really good and i'm starting to use them. I understand they are good for making inserting, updating very easy.However when you look at a SQL Server database you get various folder, this leaves me a little confused with what they are all used for? whats the difference between these?Thanks in advance!sorry for the basic question, i'll try to challange you next time

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Do You Replicate Views, Stored Procedures, And User Functions?

Jul 22, 2007


We have recently begun using transactional replication to keep the data in our SQL Servers synchronized in a geographically dispersed environment. We replicate our tables but we have never replicated views, stored procedures, or user functions in our production systems. We are thinking of doing so but wonder if the overhead of running the replication agents doesn't outweigh the benefits of having replication assist with the occassional change to these design elements.

Is anyone on this forum replicating views, sprocs, and user functions? What has your experience been?

Thanks for any ideas that you share.


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Switching Schema Ownership Of Views, Stored Procedures, Tables

Feb 20, 2007

Hi all--I used the following type of script to migrate tables, views and stored procedures from 'dbo' to 'hqmsuser':
alter authorization on dbo.PK_T_PQ_MASTER to HQMSUSER
alter schema HQMSUSER transfer dbo.PK_T_PQ_MASTER

This was per recommendations from the BOL to use instead of the 'sp_changeobjectowner' procedure. I returned the following error:

Msg 15346, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Cannot change owner for an object that is owned by a parent object. Change the owner of the parent object instead.
Msg 15347, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Cannot transfer an object that is owned by a parent object.

How do I find and change the parent object on this from 'dbo' to a non-dbo schema ownership?

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Programmatically Extract Stored Procedures, Views, Tables, And Functions

May 21, 2008

Hi Folks,

I am writing a program that transforms a generic MS SQL database to make it compatible with our application. In order to make the transformation, I have to access all the elements of the generic database programmatically.

I know that the Master database contains all this information. Is there a query that allows me to access the "non-system" tables, sps, views, and functions?

For Tables, I need to know the Name(s) of the tables, the column names, the column type, ALLOW Nulls, Primary Key, Identity Seed settings, and Triggers.

For SPs, I need to know the Name(s) and access the SP source code (assuming it's unencrypted).

For Views, I need to know the Name(s) and access the Views Source

For functions, I need to know the Name(s) and access the function source.

I can see various tables in the Master database from management studio, like sys.objects, sys.tables - which look like they have the info I need. However, when I run a query against master like:

select * from sys.objects .. I get an error:

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'sys.objects'.

Thank you in advance.

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Is It Possible To Make An Installer Package(msi And Exe Files) For Stored Procedures,tables,views

Nov 9, 2007


I've a doubt regarding deploying and creating package (MSI and EXE files) for SQL Stored procedures,views,tables,functions,triggers etc.,just like ASP.NET application by publishing and deploying..Is it possible in the same way for sql objects.If so,pls help me how to do it?

Thanks in advance.

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Help With Stored Procedures (low Performance)

May 27, 2004

Hi, im developing an action site and im having proplems with stored procedures
that are causing extreme load on the server.


The action-site uses an auto-bid-feature that is causing a load.
Basically when a user makes a bid, i have to loop through all other users that have a bid in
the product and automatically increase a bid untill it matches the highest bid of a user.

F.e. a user bids auto-bid $2000 in a product where another user has a $2100 bid in the product and the current bid is $1200. So the SP loops through the users increases the bid-history untill it mathces the highest bid of a user.

- $1250
- $1300
- $1350
- etc...

This is the SP that loops through the users and calls another function each time to increase the bid in the bid-history.


CREATE PROC HaekkaBodIUppbodi

SELECT @curUpphaed = MAX(upphaed) FROM bodsaga WHERE uppbod_ID = @uID

IF(@curUpphaed IS null)
SET @curUpphaed = 0

SELECT @curCount = COUNT(kaupandi_netfang) FROM bod WHERE upphaed >
@curUpphaed AND uppbod_ID = @uID

-- skilgreinum notanda breytu
DECLARE @notandi NVARCHAR(255)

SELECT @notandi = kaupandi_netfang FROM bod WHERE upphaed >
@curUpphaed AND uppbod_ID = @uID

EXEC HaekkaBodAVoru @uID, @notandi


-- búum til cursor fyrir alla notendur
-- sem eru með hærri boð en núverandi boð
SELECT kaupandi_netfang FROM bod WHERE upphaed > @curUpphaed
AND uppbod_ID = @uID

-- opnum cursorinn
OPEN crs

-- sækjum fyrsta notandann inn í @notandi
INTO @notandi

DECLARE @returnValue INT
SET @returnValue = 0

DECLARE @tempValue INT
SET @tempValue = 0

-- lúppum í gegnum notendurna
EXEC HaekkaBodAVoru @uID, @notandi

INTO @notandi


-- sækjum hæstu upphæð í boðsögu
SELECT @curUpphaed = MAX(upphaed) FROM bodsaga WHERE uppbod_ID = @uID

SELECT @curCount = COUNT(kaupandi_netfang) FROM bod WHERE upphaed >
@curUpphaed AND uppbod_ID = @uID



And here is the SP that increases the bid...

@notandi NVARCHAR(255)

-- Hækkun á uppboði
SELECT @haekkun = haekkun_upphaed
FROM uppbod WHERE id = @uID

-- Hæsta boð í vöru
SELECT @haesta_bod = MAX(upphaed) FROM bodsaga
WHERE uppbod_id = @uID

-- Hæsta boð sem notandi vill gera
DECLARE @haesta_bod_notanda DECIMAL
SELECT @haesta_bod_notanda = upphaed FROM
BOD WHERE kaupandi_netfang = @notandi

-- Seinasti notandi sem gerði boð í uppboðinu
DECLARE @seinasti_notandi NVARCHAR(255)
SELECT @seinasti_notandi = notandi FROM
BODSAGA WHERE uppbod_id = @uID

SET @upphaed = @haekkun

-- Ef búið að bjóða í vöruna
IF(@haesta_bod IS NOT null)
IF(@haesta_bod = @haesta_bod_notanda)
SET @upphaed = @haesta_bod
SET @upphaed = @haesta_bod + @haekkun

-- Ef hæsta boð notanda er sama eða lægra en núverandi verð
-- og notandi var ekki sá síðasta til þess að setja inn boð
IF(@upphaed <= @haesta_bod_notanda)
-- Ef notandi hefur EKKI sett inn þessa upphæð áður...
IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bodsaga WHERE notandi = @notandi AND upphaed = @upphaed)=0
-- Og notandi á EKKI núverandi hæsta boð
AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bodsaga WHERE notandi = @notandi AND upphaed = @haesta_bod)=0)
VALUES(@uID, @notandi, @upphaed, GETDATE())




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Jul 31, 1998

I`ve written a pretty complex powerbuilder application and my performance
is fair use stored procedures. Is there any way to force sql server 6.5
to reevaluate the current query plan and if it is bad create a new
query plan.

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Stored Procedures With Some IFs, Performance Issues

Jul 20, 2005

Hello folks,I usually use this way to store more procedures inside a single SP:CREATE PROCEDURE usp_MyProc(@usp_mode int)ASIF @usp_mode = 1BEGINENDIF @usp_mode = 2BEGINENDand so on...My question is about performance: I don't know deeply how SP executionruns, is there a performance fall following this way? Do you haveother methods or suggestion instead of this way to avoid having dozensof procedures inside my database (obviously I use this method becauseI have many procedures and I prefer a more compact view andorganization)?TIA, tK

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Performance Of Extended Stored Procedures In SQL Server 2000

Jul 23, 2005

What is the overhead of using extended stored procedures?I created a table with 500,000 rows.1) I ran a select on two columns and it runs in about 5 seconds.2) I ran a select on one column and called an UDF (it returns aconstant string) and it takes 10 seconds.3) I ran a select on one column and called a UDF that calls an extendedstored procedure that returns a string and it takes 65 seconds.I also tried running test 3 with 4 concurrent clients and each clienttakes about 120 seconds.

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Performance Comparision - Stored Procedures VS SQL (Inside SSIS)

Mar 23, 2007

I am working on a technical design of data integration ETL package which will be moving data from SQL Server Source to DB2 destination. I currently have two options, when moving data to DB2(IBM AS400). I can call a AS400 Stored Procedure, and pass in the data to the stored procedure, and perform the insert processing within the AS400 environment or I could do inserts from SSIS in a DFT and write individually to AS400 tables. My question is from a performance and good practice perspective, which method should I move forward with. I need a possible list of pros- and cons when using AS400 Sproc vs using SQL within SSIS? I would really appreciate response from individuals who have done something similar in the past. Thanks a lot and I am really looking forward to responses.

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Performance Of Views

Nov 10, 2005

I'm currently using a system where the number of column in any given table is so great that the columns are often split into additonal tables. I know it's a wierd design but there you go. So I have to deal with tables looking like: MathResult, MathResult_2, MathResult_3, etcEach table is basically the same entity, i.e. it has the same number of rows and each row has the same key value as its peer tables. My question is that should I create a view to bring the tables together, given that a View doesn't seem to have any sort of row-size restriction? Normally I shy away from Views because I've always found them to bring performance down. Any thoughts?

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Views And Performance

Apr 17, 2000

Hello everyone,

I want to use VIEWS to filter records using a stored procedure to call the VIEW. Will I get a performance boost from using a VIEW, or should I just use the SQL statement that I used to create the VIEW, in my SP and forget about calling a VIEW at all?


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Views Vs. Standard Procedures

Jan 31, 2007

I have a question where the answer may be simply opinion, or there may be strong reasons.  I guess that's why I'm asking the question... 
The question is - when should one create a view, and when should one use a stored procedure?  Obviously, when doing multiple queries or passing parameters, you must use a SP.  I'm talking about the case of a single query perhaps joins a couple of tables.
Hope that's not a stupid question...
Thanks in advance,

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Oracle Stored Procedures VERSUS SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!

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Performance Tuning On Views?

Aug 27, 2014

I have a query which retrieves data from 4-5 tables. To restrict the acess directly to the tables, views have been created on all these tables. These views are just select * from the tables. Two of these 5 tables have 700 Million and 8 Million rows respectively. And all the tables are having indexes. My issue here is that my query on views take three times more then the duration it takes to retrive data directly from tables. e.g. To retrieve 1 Miliion rows, it takes just 7-10 minutes on tables but on views it takes more than 30 minutes. When I check the query plan for both the options, I can see that indexes are being picked up but still the views are very slow.

Creating indexes on views is not feasible option for me as it requires DDL changes and so much testing efforts.

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