Permissions To See Server Logins/Create Database Users

Feb 2, 2007

Our company has 2 Database Roles (DBE and DBA). The DBE creates
database schema, performs SQL Server Administration, and manages server
security. The DBA writes data access, ETL, and manages database
security. In 2005, we're struggling with how to allow the DBA to see
all of the logins on the server in order to add them as users of their
database. What permissions does the DBA need to select from any of the
logins on the server to add them to their database?


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Script To Copy Logins And Users With All Permissions

Jan 26, 2007

Hello all,I am looking for the script, which I believe exists already.I need tobe able to populate the script for security of one database andapply it to another database, even if it is located on another server:1. All logins which not exist have to be created and which existsignored including the NT accounts2. Users same as the old database + the existing ones stay in database3. Passwords for the new logins.4. All permissions/grants on all objects for the users that exists(usually it's the case) and ignore those that don't.I have script which does some of it, but it's not perfect, so everytime there are some errors.Please let me know, if you need me to email script that I have. It'spretty long so I cannot just post it in here.Thank you in advance.

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Permissions Hierarchy - GRANT On Logins/users/roles

Jun 20, 2005

A question on the permissions hierarchy:
Since logins, database users, and database roles are both principals and securables - what does it mean to GRANT permission on a login/user/role to another principal? Does it mean that for a login - you can GRANT permission to EXECUTE AS that login or modify it, for example?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Logins With No Database Permissions

Nov 3, 2014

Query to show logins that don't have any permissions within the SQL instance? I'm tasked with doing some cleanup and have found some cases where the database was deleted or moved to another server but the logins that used it were not deleted. I'd like to identify them to research.

For instance a query to show logins that have no permissions in any of the existing databases would be handy. I'm thinking it would be complicated by the need to loop through all of the existing databases and then outer join it to the list of instance level logins. Going to try to write something like that but was hoping that a script already exists.

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SQL Server 2000 To 2005 Upgrade (Database Users Logins)

Jul 6, 2007

Hi All,

I have just migrated couple of test databases

from SQL Server 2000 to 2005 (side by side).

I also migrated the server level logins using SSIS transfer logins task, available on SSIS 'Transfer logins', I selected all the databases that I have migrated so that I have all database users account in server logins (to avoid orphaned users); but I don't have all the database users in server logins, also the sys.sysusers doesn't have the database users, that I have moved to SQL 2005. Can anybody help?

Also do I need to back up the SQL Server 2000 database and restore it on SQL 2005? What impact this operation can have?

Thanks for your time..


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How Can I Create A List Of Users Permissions Daily

Aug 16, 2004

I need to be able to set up a table listing users permissions, this needs to be run daily and then notify me of any changes without using the auditing or profiler software.

Any ideas?? :eek: :eek: :confused:

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Database Users And Logins

Mar 20, 2006


I can't figure out what the purpose of having seperate users is as I can't actually login to the database using one.

Here is my scenario.

I have a single login called LoginA and I have a database which I want to carve up using schema's. At the database level I need to create a user, associate a login with this user and can set a default schema and specifiy what schemas this USER can access. The login created can access multiple schemas.


I created a database login called loginA.

I created a user for the database called UserA set it's login name to LoginA and

I then created 3 schemas called SchemaA, SchemaB and SchemaC and set their schema owner name to UserA.

I went back to UserA and set their default Schema to SchemaA

How can I login using the new user created as it has no password associated with it. If I login using LoginA then I have no default Schema set becuase the schema is associated with a USER not a LOGIN.

I can understand why you can only have one login account assicated with one user account for each database but I can;t understand why you can specify a user name if you can't use it to login.

Has anyone got any ideas?


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Way To Determine Which Logins Have Write Permissions To Database On Sever

Nov 15, 2007

Hi there,

Does anyone know a way (a query perhaps?) to determine which logins have write permissions to a specific database on SQL Server 2005? Ive thought about joining sys.syslogins & sys.sysusers but looking at the columns, not sure which one would render me that info.

Any help is appreciated. Many thanks!

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How To Use Transfer SQL Object To Copy An Entire Database Including Logins And Users

Dec 14, 2007

I have read the previous threads on the bugs with this task mainly: . These are great posts that helpmed me avoid wasting time. I haven't seen one yet that addresses copying an entire database including the sql server logins.

I would like to import the ENTIRE database from one (2005) server to another(2005) using the SSIS Transfer SQL Object task (not just sprocs,tables,views and functions). I have figured out how to pull the tables,views,sprocs and functions ... by using an execute sql task to drop these objects. But I cannot get this to work for users since the user dbo cannot be dropped and guest can only be disabled. I am creating a new database (this is the database where the sql objects will be copied to) via management studio to test this. There has to ba a way to get this working ... Microsoft must have published some sort of KB article on this task or a Script Task using SMO object calls. If need be I can drop the entire database on the target machine and have SSIS recreate it.

The only reason I'm willing to take a risk with SSIS rather than backup and restore is because of time constraints (I assume the SSIS task is faster) and backup storage administration.

declare @name varchar(200)
declare @object varchar(200)
select table_name,table_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
Select name,'SPROC' table_type from sys.procedures Where [type] = 'P' and is_ms_shipped = 0 and [name] not like 'sp[_]%diagram%'
select name,'FN' from sys.objects where type_desc like '%FUNCTION'
OPEN object_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM object_cursor INTO @name,@object
PRINT ' <<None>>'
if @object = 'BASE TABLE'
exec ('drop table ' + @name)
else if @object = 'VIEW'
exec ('drop view ' + @name)
else if @object = 'SPROC'
exec ('drop procedure ' + @name)
else if @object = 'FN'
exec ('drop function ' + @name)
FETCH NEXT FROM object_cursor INTO @name,@object
CLOSE object_cursor
DEALLOCATE object_cursor

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Migrating SQL Server Logins/permissions

Apr 12, 2000

I need to move several databases to a new server while retaining the same logins/permissions. Books Online indicates that DTS can move the SQL Server logins, but it sets the passwords to NULL in the process. Is there any way to move the logins and keep all passwords/permissions intact?

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Enumerate SQL Server Logins And Permissions

Sep 10, 2007

Haven't been able to find the answer to this after sever searches. So decided to open the thread myself.

I am trying to write a report enumerating logins in SQL Server and all database-level and object-level permissions granted to each login.

Can someone tell me what system objects I can query to fetch this information?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Logins Or Users Without Any Permission?

Feb 13, 2015

How to find the list of logins/users who do not have any permission (except default Public) access.

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Getting All Logins / Users With Their Password Into Other Server While Doing Migration?

Jun 24, 2015

How to get all logins & users with their password into other server while doing migration?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Restore Database And Create Users Using Minimal Elevated Privilege

Apr 29, 2015

What I want to do is :

- restore a backup of a 3rd party database onto one of our servers
- this has no users that I can use
- there is some ETL processing so we're using Control-M to manage the process
- create a database user and grant it db_reader.

I'd like to do this without granting any users elevated privileges if possible.

What I've done so far is grant the Control-M user (this is a domain user) dbcreator rights and made it owner of our copy of the database that is being refreshed.

The refresh is completing, but Control-M is not able to log onto the database to create the user.

What is the best way to accomplish this task without granting the control-m user sysadmin rights?

Would I be able to do it if I used a SQL Agent job for the restore and user creation?

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Have Transferred Database &&amp; Users From Sql 2000 To 2005 But How Do I Transfer Their Permissions ?

Aug 14, 2007

We are currently running sql 2000 and are moving our database onto sql 2005 running on a different box.

We have managed to move the entire database, with users however the users permissions on specific tables/views/stored procedures have not been transferred, does anyone know a way of transferring user permissions rather then doing them all by hand?

The system is a large (over 500 table/views/stored procedures) and a very active one and therefore downtime is not optional.

any suggestions would be appreciated


Chris V

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Server Level Role That Can Add / Alter Logins And Corresponding Users On All Databases

Jul 7, 2015

Does securityadmin Server level role can add, alter logins and corresponding users on all databases ? 

If not what is the best role other thn SA to have to manager logins and users.

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Wanting To Move An Entire Database Using Backup? Export? That Takes All Users, All Data, All Permissions

Apr 25, 2008

I've had issues where backup up and restoring data from sqlserver2005 does not reattach the data to the correct users.  Any tips on how to best accomplish full database moves where data is owned by different security users?

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Schemas, Users, Logins, Database Roles, Application Roles

Mar 5, 2006


I am new user of SQL Server. I have some problems with these words. I want to make my database works in my specified permissions. I will specify permissions with schemas and these schema wants an owner. I want this owner should be my user. When creating a user it needs a valid login. I am selecting my login and it occurs and error says this login has an different user. I am specifying permissions with roles. But i can't make association all of them. I hope i told my problem to you as well. If you explain these words to me and tell me how can i do my database's works with my own schemas, users and roles i'll be grateful. Thanks for advices.

Happy coding...

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Finding All SQL Users Permissions And Access On Every Server And DB?

Sep 18, 2007

Hello team, I have learned quite a bit from everyone here. I have decided to post a question for you guys and see what the best method is. Our Sr. DBA has asked me to get a list of all of our users permissions on all of our databases. We have about 20 SQL servers some of which have more databases and instances than I have fingers and toes. Can anyone recommend any solution to this problem? Perhaps there is a script I can download/write which will help me on this? Thanks in advance.

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Permissions In SQL Server 2005 To Allow Users To View The Management Activity Monitor?

Sep 27, 2006

For SQL Server 2000 we have a user login mapped to msdb with database role membership of db_datareader and public checked. This seems to allow the developers to view the Management Activity monitor. For SQL Server 2005 the same mapping is in place but the developers cannot view the Management Activity monitor. Developers are NOT granted the sysadmin role, and should not have that role.

What permissions need to be set for SQL Server 2005 to allow users to view the Management Activity monitor? They should not be allowed to take actions on the activities.

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Logins And Users

Sep 4, 2006

I wanted to create two users in SQL Server to be used by my application. The first would have read only access to all the tables in the database, the second would have read and write access.
I tried to use one login for both but when I tried to create the second user in my database I encountered the following error :

Error 15063 : The login already has an account under a different user name.

Do I need to create two separate logins in SQL Server to achieve this? If so, what if I want various users all with different access rights to different tables. Do I need a new login and a new user for each.

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Users And Logins

Jan 14, 2007

hi all ,
any decribtion about users and logins and differncs between them ??
and any example for real use in real life ??
i use logins user name and passwords in the connection string from c# but how users can make difference with that ??

thnks so much for your help

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Logins And Users

Sep 29, 2006


How can I login in one databse from Sql Management Studio? Do I need one login for each user?

How does it work?


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Logins And Users Question

Sep 13, 2007

Ok, let me preface my question with a little info about the application I am working on. I am in the middle of creating a project in VB.Net for my company. We have a data management system for handling sampling data. Now the database design is like so. The application is able to handle multiple "Sites". We create a new database for each site that is create dint eh application. These databases are identical in structure but the data is obviously different.

Now we don't actually delete any records in this application rather we mark items as deleted instead. This allows us to easily undo any changes that have been made to the data. When a change or delete are made, we record this change so that reports can be printed to show what changes were made and by who. This is all well and good, but my thoughts are this.

At the moment I am writing lots of VB code to handle adding these records of change and inserting them into the database... What I would like to be able to do is to just create Triggers on the tables to add them. This is something that I know how to do and i feel like it would be the better way to do it except for one thing... here comes the issue...

I have no way of knowing what user is logged in to my application from within the trigger because the application uses a single login for accessing the database. My thoughts are this... Would I be crazy to think that it would be a good idea to create SQL server logins for each user that is created in the application, giving these users access to only the database that they have been created in? This would allow me to determine who was logged in when the change was made and could then implement recording changes through triggers... I am not a very experienced dba programming is more my speciality. I know how to implement this idea, but I am just wondering if this sort of thing is considered bad practice or if it is something I should consider implementing...

Sorry for the novel there and thanks for any help or insight.


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Sql 2005 Users Vs Logins

Feb 8, 2007

What is the relationship between the users in a database and the logins on the server.

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Users And Logins Across Databases

Jun 2, 2007


In sql2k you used to be able to have a same user in 2 databases under the same login. Just moved to 2005, using sql authentication, and have some users who need to access 2 databases using the same login credentials. But sql2005 will not let me create 2 users under the same login across databases. Any ideas?


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Diff Between Logins &&amp; Users

Jan 25, 2007

Hi ,

What is the diff between Logins & Users in SQL Server?



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Userids/logins And Permissions?

Jul 13, 1999


We are working on an application but with other users who have been using the SA password. The application is running on MSSQL 6.5 and sp4.
We have been generally assigning logins/userids to new users although some people are using the SA id. The SA id password has been changed so that will stop users (really developers) from using it.

Most users are assigned to a group which has select, insert, update, delete
permission. Some users will be moved to a group which as only select privilege

I would like to query the system tables and see exactly what permissions
are assigned to each user.

I can look at Enterprise manager and cut and paste this information I think.This is cumbersome

1) Does anyone have a query I can run to get the userid/login and the permissions for each userid?

2) How can I make a user a dbo and give him/her the same permissions as a dbo on tablesalready creaetd?


David Spaisman

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Most Logins Dropped-No Permissions

Mar 28, 2007


In my local instance of SQL Server at work (which I use for testing), somehow all of the logins except 2 were dropped. The administrators group no longer exists as a login (nor do any other windows users or groups)-the only 2 remaining are sa (which is disabled) and a SQL login I had created earlier which has no permissions except read permission on master. I can login as this SQL user, but I do not have permissions to create logins or enable the sa account. Do I have any options other than uninstalling and reinstalling my local instance?



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Adding Logins And Permissions

Jun 9, 2006


I am at a company with 18 employees and I have 11-12 databases in SQL
server. I can't seem to give logins and permissions to groups. Is there
a simpler way, or do I have to add every single employee to each
database and give permissions?

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Users And Logins Failed To Restore?

Aug 30, 2004

HI guys,

I just restored a database on a new server with a backup(complete backup stored in backup device) from another database on another server using the "with move" option. In fact here was my process:


restore database ngauge
from disk = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUPgauge1.BAK'
with move 'NGAUGE' to 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatagauge_Data.MDF',
move 'NGAUGE_Log' to 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatagauge_Log.LDF'

Alter database ngauge SET READ_WRITE

it worked.

But it did not move the 98 or so users/logins...from the source database
what is going on??? what am I doing wrong??!!

Please help!


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SQL Security :: Did Not Create Any New Users And There Are No Other Users Listed In Accounts Section

Sep 28, 2015

I am trying to revert back to Windows 7 after upgrading to Windows 10, however it will not let me and the following message occurs: "Remove new accounts.Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you'll need to remove any user accounts you added after the most recent upgrade. The accounts need to be completely removed, including their profiles.You created one account (NT SERVICEMSSQLSERVER) Go to Settings> Accounts> Other users to remove these accounts and then try again".However I did not create any new users and there are no other users listed in the Accounts section.

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Migrate Logins And User Permissions

Jul 31, 2012

I know that there is Microsoft KB to migrate SQL Logins but it doesnt take care of Login Server level permissions or User level permissions.Idera used to have a Free tool SQLPermisions.exe but it works only on Windows XP/Vista not on Windows 7. Any third party tool (free or paid) which can migrate SQL Logins and User permissions ?

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