I'm trying to create a case function for home phone ,work phone and cell phone. The thing is some of the home phone numbers either null, zero or less than 10 digits then i'd like to get either cell phone or work phone if they are not null, zero or less than 10 digits.
Hi Everyone, I have a phone number coming from the database coming in the format of 2132563111. How can I do this in sql query213-563-3111 Please let me know if there is any function that does it. Thanks.
Hello, I have a phone number field with the format (123)-456-7890 I need to convert this to 1234567890 formats while I am retrieving data from the table. How can I do this?
How to format phone numbers in sql? in current fields some phone number entered like this: 1 800 7894564 8001237878 1237878 1800blue etc... I am trying to get into uniform like this: 8007834444 Thanks
Hi, I have phone number column in Excel file. The phone number is in this format: 523-349-0212. When this data imported in to SQLServer file, it is not keeping the format, storing it as 5233490212. The data type of this column is varchar. How to keep this format?
I would like to format the US phone number format in say 123-456-7895 either at SSRS level or SQL level. Currently the client is not having proper standard way to enter phone numbers and this is cauisng wrong display in the report.
Is there any function that I could use in SQL for formatting phone numbers that will be of the type (516) 491-6675,5164916675 into correct US format phone numbers.
I assume a SS# or Phone# should be either a varchar or char field. Butis it a good idea to store a phone# or SS# w/ seperator characters orwithout them?Phone# "(123)-456-7890" or "1234567890"SS# "123-45-6789" or "123456789"I'm not sure which is better. Any opinions? Also has anyone had asituation where a phone# could have an extension? How was it handled?Seperate field or just one?Any input appreciated. Thanks.
What is the simplest way to format the 10 digit numeric string that represents a phone number, so that the result appearing on a web page looks like (xxx) xxx-xxxx. Should this take place in the database or out at the web server or where?
How would I go about setting up a "mask" to automatically place the hyphen in phone numbers in SQL Server? I.e., the user types in an area code and then a hyphen automatically inserts and the cursor is on the next blank space. Thanks for the assist.
I am trying to update a bunch of phone numbers in a sql 6.5 db. The phone numbers are in the following formate. (aaa)-xxx-cccc I need to update xxx to yyy. Has anyone done this before. Please help.
And I would like to pull them from the table using sql 2008 and have the formatting look like this:
(111)555-1212 x1234.
How can I make this happen? Where numbers are missing, I would prefer to leave the area blank, ie 5551212 becomes 555-1212, and 1115551212 becomes (111)555-1212, extension numbers only where they are currently included.
Here's my problem: I have to clean up a SQL Server 2005 database with a large number of phone number records (several hundred thousand). The records are of varchar datatype and contain phone numbers in every format imaginable. In fact, many records have written notes regarding the phone numbers after the numbers themselves. What I need to do is format all of the phone numbers to this format:
Basically I'm figuring I need to do the following: 1. Strip all non-numeric characters from the record 2. Remove the 1 from any records that have a leading 1 (in many cases the records contain stuff like 1-888-555-1234) 3. Remove any digits following the first 10 digits (they don't want to keep any extensions - the formatting is more important) 4. Add dashes after the first three digits, after the second three and at the end of the phone number
This seems like a rather complex problem to me, and honestly I don't even know where to begin. I can accomplish this rather easily in javascript or C#, but writing SQL to solve this is beyond me. I'd really appreciate any help you guys can provide. Thanks alot!
Hi,In SQL Server 2000, if I have to create a table to store a very largenumber of 10 digit telephone numbers, would I be better off to have abigint field or just use a varchar field? If I do a lot of queryingbased on the telephone numbers, would it be faster if I use bigint?Are there any other tricky points that I should know when using bigintfields? I need to be able to accesss this field from VB6 and VB.NET.Thanks,--TP
i am trying to write a query for phone number lookup . The query should be able to search numbers which have anything matching .... like if the person enters 1918767899 or enters 918767899 the query should be able to find both the records. Itried using the LIKE , but it doesn't work the way it is required.
I am developing a Translator for a mobile phone and I am using MS SQL server 2005 for creating my database.. I am having a problem in creating a relationship between my tables.. I have the following tables: English(engcode,engword) - engcode is primary key Esperanto (espcode, espword) - espcode is promary key EngEsp (engcode,espcode)..
The problem is that the icon "relationship" is disable in sql 2005 and i am nt able 2 create the relationship..
I need to formate one of my phone number field in SQL. now the data in the field is: 1234567890. I would like to formate the number to 123-456-7890. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks.
I was assigned to a projectin which i have to get the status ( active or inactive) of the VOIP phone. From Where Can i get the information from the CISCO CALLMANAGER database. Waiting for the help....
Hi,Can you recommend the best way (fast and most productive) to search anemployees table?Let's say I have a table that has this kind of structure:firstname, lastname, state, city, street, phonenumber,socialsecuritynumber, dateofbirth, etc.I'd like to provide a search window with one text entry field, thatthe text entered will be searched at all fields, and even in more thenone field toghether (like if you enter "david z" it will search forlike '%david%' in first name and like '%z%' in last name).the problem is I can't write the query that'll perform fast but searchall of these fields, plus there's no way to use an index when usingLIKE.I can't loose the functionality described above (I'm not the client,and not the project manager) but I am trying to find an efficientsolution to the problem.Since most systems has some sort of directory table (like authors inpubs) you would think it will be a classic problem, but I found norecommendations on how to approach it.any help will be most appreiciated.
To maximize the number of names and phone numbers we can fit on a page, we'd like to have three or four columns of LastName, FirstName, Number on each page. The first column starts with the A's and goes down until the bottom of the page then goes back up to the top of the page in the second column. When the maximum number of columns (probably 3 or 4) is reached for one page, it starts again in the first column of the second page.
I have a column of phone numbers that have formatting such as (xxx)xxx-xxxx, or xxx.xxx.xxxx or xxx.xxx-xxxx; however, not all phone numbers are formatted in this fashion. I need to remove all characters and only leave behind numeric digits to look like xxxxxxxxxx. I have tried select replace(colname,'-','') from table. This does the trick but does not actually change the values in the column. Any help in accomplishing this would be helpful. Thanks in advance.