Pivot Query - Assigning Row Value Based On Column Name
Sep 27, 2007
Hey all,
i have a question for all the SQL Gurus out there. I have tried to think of a way around, it, but i cannot work it out.
I have a set of data: Samples Below:
Item Warehouse FOR1 FOR2 FOR3 FOR4 FOR5 FOR6 FOR7 FOR8 FOR9 FOR10 FOR11 FOR12 FOR13 FOR14
01-0001 010 329 329 335 343 317 331 328 331 31
I have written a Query to Pivot this data like below:
(SELECT ITEM,WAREHOUSE,FOR1,FOR2,for3,for4,for5,for6,for7,for8,for9,for10,
for22,for23,for24 FROM mvxreport.tbldmsForecasttoMovex) p
(QTY FOR tbldmsForecasttoMovex IN (FOR1,FOR2,for3,for4,for5,for6,for7,
for20,for21,for22,for23,for24))AS unpvt
Warehouse Item Qty
010 01-0001 329
010 01-0001 329
010 01-0001 335
010 01-0001 343
010 01-0001 317
010 01-0001 331
010 01-0001 328
010 01-0001 331
010 01-0001 315
010 01-0001 344
010 01-0001 334
010 01-0001 321
010 01-0001 327
010 01-0001 328
010 01-0001 332
010 01-0001 342
010 01-0001 316
010 01-0001 330
010 01-0001 330
010 01-0001 331
010 01-0001 315
010 01-0001 343
010 01-0001 333
010 01-0001 322
I would like to add some more code to the query, so for each FOR% column,
i can put a numeric value in it. The value will be the numbers ,1 - 24 . One for each line as this represents Months Forward.
Warehouse Item Qty Month
010 01-0001 329 1
010 01-0001 329 2
010 01-0001 335 3
010 01-0001 343 4
010 01-0001 317 5
010 01-0001 331 6
010 01-0001 328 7
010 01-0001 331 8
010 01-0001 315 9
010 01-0001 344 10
010 01-0001 334 11
010 01-0001 321 12
010 01-0001 327 13
010 01-0001 328 14
010 01-0001 332 15
010 01-0001 342 16
010 01-0001 316 17
010 01-0001 330 18
010 01-0001 330 19
010 01-0001 331 20
010 01-0001 315 21
010 01-0001 343 22
010 01-0001 333 23
010 01-0001 322 24
Does anyone know how i can do this?
Many Thnank
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Sep 4, 2015
I have two tables shown below and I wish to add a calculated column to Table 1.
Table1 Table2
ID Activity Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 etc etc etc Total
1 Activity 1 values values values Total value
2 Activity 2 values values values Total value
3 Activity 3 values values values Total value
I want each row in the new column to show the corresponding activity divided by the sum of the total. So in the row with Activity 3 I want the formula SUM(Table2[Activity 3])/SUM(Table2[Total]). Also the number of activities will vary.
I am actually wanting to calculate a more complicated formula which calculates the correlation .
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Jun 4, 2014
I am trying to pivot data based on columns value in year column... but results are not showing up correctly. I want to see all columns after pivot.I want to Pivot based on year shown in the data but it can be dynamic as year can go for last 3 years
I am also using an inner join as i have two amount columns in my code and i want to show both amount columns for all displayed year.I am able to pivot but I need in output all the columns like this Id,MainDate, Year1,Year2,Year3(if any), AMT1 for YR1, AMT2 for Yr1, , AMT1 for YR2, AMT2 for Yr2, AMT1 for YR3, AMT2 for Yr3,
Here is some data:
--[FileType] [varchar](19) NOT NULL,
--[dType] [char](2) NOT NULL,
--[dVersion] [char](2) NOT NULL,
--[Id] [char](25) NOT NULL,
--[MainDate] [char](40) NULL,
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Feb 6, 2008
I'm try to get the query second column value when it is assinged to a varchar variable.
Ex:In SP below is statement I wrote
Question 1: How to access the COL2 value from @Value2?
Question 2: How to access the other row values if above returns more than a row?
Please send me the solution as soon as possible.
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Jul 20, 2015
I'm trying extract a column from the table based on certain Conditions: This is for PowerPivot.
Here is the scenario:
I have a table "tb1" with (project_id, month_end_date, monthly_proj_cost ) and table "tb2" with (project_id, key_member_type, key_member, start_dt_active, end_dt_active).
I would like to extract Key_member where key_member_type="PM" and active as of tb1(month_end_date).
Is this possible using DAX ?
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Oct 15, 2015
Is it possible to include a currency symbol in an amount-field in PowerPivot/Pivottable based on a Currency column in a table? Something as the same as with SSAS MD. And I don't want fixed values in my code.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,Suppose I have a table containing monthly sales figures from my shopbranches:Branch Month Sales-----------------------London Jan 5000London Feb 4500London Mar 5200Cardiff Jan 2900Cardiff Feb 4100Cardiff Mar 3500The question I am trying to ask is this: in which month did each branchachieve its highest sales? So I want a result set something like this:Branch Month----------------London MarCardiff FebI can do a "SELECT Branch, MAX(Sales) FROM MonthlySales GROUP BY Branch" totell me what the highest monthly sales figure was, but I just can't figureout how to write a query to tell me which month corresponded to MAX(Sales).Ideas anyone?Cheers,....Andy
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Dec 21, 2006
I need to assign the value for a field in a report based on Expand/Collapse state of another field.
Eg. If Collapsed, the value should be "AA" else if Expanded "BB".
Is there any way to get the value of InitialToggleState for any field in SSRS.
Thanks in advance.
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May 18, 2015
i have a table like below,
Name VARCHAR(20),
AttDate DATE,
PresntTime TIME
and then i pivot table by date as column wise using the below query and also displays total time by rowswise
SELECT t1.*, t2.Total
SELECT name,[2015-08-01],[2015-08-02]
SELECT name, AttDate,PresentTime
now what i need is to display sum of time at last row as well, means total time of against date
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Jul 31, 2014
I have a data set that looks something like like this:
Row# Data
1 A
2 B
3 B
4 A
5 B
6 B
7 A
8 A
9 A
I need wanting to assign a group ID to the data based on consecutive values. Here's what I need my data to look like:
Row# Data GroupID
1 A 1
2 B 2
3 B 2
4 A 3
5 B 4
6 B 4
7 A 5
8 A 5
9 A 5
You'll notice that there are only two values in DATA but whenever there is a flip between them, the GroupID increments.
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Feb 5, 2007
I'll try to simplify the problem as much as I can.
There's survey. It has different types of question answer pairs, but the problem is in Multiple Choices, Multiple Answers questions, where user can choose, for example 3 checkboxes from 5 at the web form, for the question.
I am emphasizing three tables:
IDquestion (primary)
question (textual question)
IDanswer (primary)
IDquestion (foreign,to table tbl_questions)
answer (textual answer)
IDresult (primary)
IDquestion (foreign, to tbl_question)
result (string based on CSV, may contain few IDanswers, because visitor may choose few checkboxes, for example it can be "4,6,7")
Inside those tables are data (I'll put here just two questions):
1_________Which OS do you use?
2_________Which databases do you use?
3________1_________Mac OS
4________2_________SQL Server
5________2_________MS Access
9________2_________No, I do not use databases
Is there a possibility to make query, using columns, but also the data inside the CSV format in results (varchar or char) column?
Result of the query would be:
2_________4________SQL Server
Further queries based on this query should be able to make statistics (GROUP BY).
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Nov 24, 2014
I have a table that is something like this:
Animal | Count
Dog |10
Dog |5
Dog |16
Dog |2
Cat |1
Cat |12
Cat |14
Cat |7
I need to write a query that will return something like this:
Dog_Count| Cat_ Count
10 |10
5 |5
16 |16
2 |2
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Mar 27, 2015
I have 2 independent queries which run just fine, the 2nd one returns a dollar value. I need this dollar value as a column in my first query so that I can return it in a reporting program. The 2 queries are pasted below.
SELECT dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.InvoiceNumber AS "InvoiceNumber",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.TransactionType AS "TransactionType",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.Date AS "Date",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.DueDate AS "DueDate",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.CustomerName AS "CustomerName",
[Code] ....
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Mar 5, 2006
Supose I have the following select:
Select Name, Age, (select TelNums from Telephone)
From Person
The problem is that (select TelNums from Telephone) can return more than 1 record:
I was wondering how I can make a select to return the tel numbers like: 'tel1,tel2,tel2'
»»» Ken.A
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Mar 18, 2008
I have a stored procedure which selects results based on some date calculations.
In my table I have a status column and two date fields (Approval Date and Signature Date)
If the value in the status column says approved I want to select results where approval date - signature date is less than a certain number of days.
If the status is naything other than approved i want to select results where sysdate - signature date is less than the given number of days.
How can i achieve this?
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Sep 18, 2007
I need to create a derived column for each row in a SQL dataset.
This derived column needs to be created by passing across two values from the SQL dataset and querying an Oracle table based on those parameters. If the Oracle query returns a record(s) then the derived column should be set to 1 otherwise leave it as default (0).
One of these parameters needs to check a date range so I can't use a Lookup Transformation...any ideas how I can accomplish this ?
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Mar 25, 2008
I would like to assign the value of a variable to a column name of a table. For eg:
declare @sam varchar(100)
set @sam = 'Insert'
create table #temp(Sample varchar(100) not null)
insert into #temp(Sample) Values(@sam)
drop table #temp
I would like to generate a table whose column name should be generated dynamically. The value of @sam that is "Insert "should be set to the column name. Is there a way to assign like this. Can anyone please help me in achieving this.
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Oct 30, 2015
I have a set of data spread across a number of tables regarding stock market data. An example of this follows:
Market Capitalization...
Date CompA CompB
01/01/11 100 5
02/01/11 102 4
Share Price....
Date CompA CompB
01/01/11 100 100
02/01/11 101 99
Event Data...
Date Company
01/01/11 CompA
02/01/11 CompB
Pretty simply, I need a way to retrieve the market capitalisation and share price data based on the event data. So for instance I say 'oh, there is an event on the 01/01/11 involving company A, the market capitalisation on this day was 100, then for the next event it was 4 for company B.
I can also transpose the data so that the company name is in the rows and the dates in the columns for the market cap and share price tables, but this leads to the issue that when I try and get the data, I don't know how to query the correct company for that date.
For instance:
SELECT Event.Date, Event.Company
FROM Event
how do I now say.....
SELECT MarketCapitalisation.Column
WHERE Column = Event.Company
AND MarketCapitalisation.Date = Event.Date.
I have played around with a few basic joins, but I am having issue with the principle of that second to last line of SQL (so only getting the correct column).
I still have a copy of the data in excel so can flip things around as needed, but that would only mean that I would have the issue of WHERE Column = Event.Date instead of Event.Company.
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Aug 25, 2007
We have a table with a couple of computed columns. The value of the computed column represents a foreign key reference into another table. We're seeing a major performance problem doing a query joining between the two tables with one of the columns, but not the other. In other words, this kind of query is very fast:
select * from TheTable A, FKeyTable B
where A.ComputedColumn1 = B.KeyColumn
but this one sends the CPU usage of SQL Server to 99% for a very long time:
select * from TheTable A, FKeyTable B
where A.ComputedColumn2 = B.KeyColumn
The main difference we can see that the computed column that causes problems is based on a UDF, and the other one isn't (but again, both are computed). When I look at the execution plan, the slow query shows a Nested Loop (Inner Join) with a "No Join Predicate" warning, with the estimated # of rows being 70 million (which correponds to the product of 1016 rows in TheTable and 69K rows in FKeyTable). The fast query doesn't have that warning, and shows 1016 rows (the # of rows in TheTable).
Does anyone know why the usage of a UDF would induce this horribly inefficient join behavior? Anything we can do to fix it?
This is SQL Server 2005 SP2, btw.
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Aug 7, 2007
Hello all. I hope someone can offer me some help. I'm trying to construct a SQL statement that will be run on a Dataset that I have. The trick is that there are many conditions that can apply. I'll describe my situation:
I have about 1700 records in a datatable titled "AISC_Shapes_Table" with 49 columns. What I would like to do is allow the user of my VB application to 'create' a custom query (i.e. advanced search). For now, I'll just discuss two columns; The Section Label titled "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" and the Weight column "W". The data appears in the following manner:
W44x300 300
W42x200 200
(and so on)
WT22x150 150
WT21x100 100
(and so on)
MT12.5x12.4 12.4
MT12x10 10
I have a listbox which users can select MULTIPLE "Manual Labels" or shapes. They then select a property (W for weight, in this case) and a limitation (greater than a value, less than a value, or between two values). From all this, I create a custom Query string or filter to apply to my BindingSource.Filter method. However I have to use the % wildcard to deal with exceptions. If the user only wants W shapes, I use "...LIKE 'W%'" and "...NOT LIKE 'WT%" to be sure to select ONLY W shapes and no WT's. The problems arises, however, when the user wants multiple shapes in general. If I want to select all the "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" values with W <= 40, I can't do it. An example of a statement I tried to use to select WT% Labels and MT% labels with weight (W)<=100 is:
FROM AISC_Shape_Table
It returns a NULL value to me, which i know is NOT because no such values exist. So, I further investigated and tried to use a subquery seeing if IN, ANY, or ALL would work, but to no avail. Can anyone offer up any suggestions? I know that if I can get an example of ONE of them to work, then I'll easily be able to apply it to all of my cases. Otherwise, am I just going about this the hard way or is it even possible? Please, ANY suggestions will help. Thank you in advance.
Steve G.
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Jul 23, 2005
Group,Is there a way to assign nullability on a column when using a select into?I've tried some of the usual things like coalsce, isnull, and cast. Sincethe new table gets definition from the source table or can be somewhatadjusted with cast is there a way to cast a not null? In the example belowhow can I select into causing tableone_new..col2 to be not null. Wetypically must use an alter statement after the select into but this seemsinefficient.Thanks,Raycreate table tableone (col1 int not null,col2 int )goinsert tableone values (1, 1)insert tableone values (2, 2)insert tableone values (3, 3)goselectcol1,col2into tableone_newfrom tableonegoexec sp_help tableone_newgodrop table tableonegodrop table tableone_newgo
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Sep 11, 2013
I want to update Flag column in second table based on the Adder names.
If the Applicatiion has atleast one AIX and Adder name is UDB then the flag would be True.
If the Application has more the one AIX and Adder names are diferent then the flag would be null.
APpName OS Adder
App1 ||| Windows|||Null
App1 ||| Linux |||UDB
App1 ||| AIX |||UDB
App1 ||| Linux |||Sql
App2 ||| AIX ||| UDB
App2 ||| Windows||| UDB
App2 ||| Linux ||| UDB
App2 ||| AIX ||| UDB
APpName OS Adder Flag
App1||| Windows|||Null|||null
App1||| Linux |||UDB |||null
App1||| AIX |||UDB |||null
App1||| Linux |||Sql |||null
App2|||AIX ||| UDB|||TRUE
App2|||Windows||| UDB|||TRUE
App2|||Linux ||| UDB|||TRUE
App2|||AIX ||| UDB|||TRUE
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Aug 13, 2007
How to assign multiple values to emp1 variable separated by comma
Ex: If ajay karthik vijay are employee names in emp table
then emp1= ajay,karthik, vijay
set emp1= (select employeename from emp) returns error
error: subquery returns morethan one value
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Oct 18, 2007
I am designing a dimension table which will include a short name column based on the (full) name column. For example say Product dimension where I will have ProductName and ProductShortName. ProductShortName will be the first 6 characters of ProductName. I could populate ProductShortName using:
Substring in the select when I select from the original system, e.g. SUBSTR(PRODUCT_NAME, 1, 6) AS ProductShortName
Create a derived column in the SSIS flow which does the same thing
Create the ProductShortName column as a computed column which uses substring on ProductName
Create a trigger that populates ProductShortName based on ProductName when a row is inserted or updated
Create a named calculation in the table in the Analysis Services project's data source view
Create a named query in the Analysis Services project's data source view
I usually use 1, and 5 or 6 would only be used if I only will create reports against the cubes. 3 seems easiest to maintain, so I am thinking about using that one, but maybe it is slow for the data flow as I imagine it must be something like using 4, or when is the column "created" at runtime, i.e. when the table is queried?
Which approach(es) do or would you use? Pros and cons?
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Dec 11, 2013
How do I write a query using the split function for the following requirement.I have a table in the following way
Identity Name Col1 Col2 Col3
1 Test1 1,2,3 200,300,400 3,4,6
2 Test2 3,4,5 300,455,600 2,3,8
I want an output in the following format
Identity Name Col1 Col2 Col3
1 Test1 1 200 3
1 Test1 2 300 4
1 Test1 3 400 6
2 Test2 3 300 2
2 Test2 4 455 3
2 Test2 5 600 8
If you see the data, first element in col1 is matched to first element in col2 and 3 after splitting the string.
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Dec 24, 2003
I’ve reconfigured Microsoft’s IBS Store shopping cart to function within a small e-commerce website. What I am trying to do is to modify the code slightly in order to use a third party credit card processing center. The situation is this: once the customer clicks the final "check out" button, a stored procedure writes all of the product ordering information into the database. I, then, capture what they're wanting to purchase with the following SQL statement:
Dim strSQL as String = "Select orderID, modelNumber from orderDetails" & _
"where CustomerID = " & User.Identity.Name & _
"And orderid = (SELECT MAX(orderid)FROM orderDetails" & _
"where CustomerID = " & User.Identity.Name & ")"
What I would like to do is assign specific values to variables based off of the above query. For example:
Dim orderItem as String = (all of the modelNumbers from the query)
Dim orderIdItem as String = (all of the orderIDs from the query)
How do I do this?? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
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Apr 27, 2006
Hello all,
for a project I am trying to implement PayPal processing for orders
public void CheckOut(Object s, EventArgs e) { String cartBusiness = "0413086@chester.ac.uk"; String cartProduct; int cartQuantity = 1; Decimal cartCost; int itemNumber = 1; SqlConnection objConn3; SqlCommand objCmd3; SqlDataReader objRdr3; objConn3 = new SqlConnection(System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString); objCmd3 = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM catalogue WHERE ID=" + Request.QueryString["id"], objConn3); objConn3.Open(); objRdr3 = objCmd3.ExecuteReader(); cartProduct = "Cheese"; cartCost = 1; objRdr3.Close(); objConn3.Close(); cartBusiness = Server.UrlEncode(cartBusiness); String strPayPal = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_cart&upload=1&business=" + cartBusiness; strPayPal += "&item_name_" + itemNumber + "=" + cartProduct; strPayPal += "&item_number_" + itemNumber + "=" + cartQuantity; strPayPal += "&amount_" + itemNumber + "=" + Decimal.Round(cartCost); Response.Redirect(strPayPal);
Here is my current code. I have manually selected cartProduct = "Cheese" and cartCost = 1, however I would like these variables to be site by data from the query.
So I want cartProduct = Title and cartCost = Price from the SQL query.
How do I do this?
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Jul 28, 2015
I have a excel file which has a column called "Code" and their values are A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. I want to create a new column called "status" based on the values of "Code".
If A,C,E,G then "status" = "Active" else if B,D,F,H then "Status" = "Inactive". I like to do it using "Derived Column".
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Aug 4, 2015
PowerPivot 2013. In this example I am trying to get revenue per employee (highlighted in yellow)
In order to do that I need the numerator to appear in every row (red arrow in subtest)
I thought this would do the trick, but ...
=CALCULATE(sum('JOB COST DETAILS'[Job Line Income Amount]),ALLEXCEPT(Employee,Employee[Employee Name]))
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Sep 3, 2015
I have a requirement in Power Pivot where I need to show value based on the Dimension Column value.
If value is Selling Price then Amount Value of Selling Price from Table1 should display, if Cost Price then Cost Price Amount Should display, if it is Profit the ((SellingPrice-CostPrice)/SellingPrice) should displayMy Table Structure is
My Report Output should be look like
If tried the below option:-
1. Calculated Measure:= If(Table[Category]="CostPrice",[CostValue],If(Table1[category]="SellingPrice",[SalesValue],([SalesValue]-[CostValue]/[SalesValue])))
*[Sales Value]:=Calculate(Sum(Table1[Amount]),Table1[Category]="SellingPrice")
Tried this in both Calculated Column and Measure but not giving me required output.
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Nov 20, 2015
I want to calculate the target based on Flag value if Flag value is "Y" ....than MAX(Customer Target) else MAX(SLA target).Flag column contains "Y" , "N" and some blank values . Flag, Customer Target and SLA target are the columns in Table1. I have used the below formulas
Target:=IF('Table1'[ Flag]= "Y",MAX('Table1'[Customer Target]),MAX('Table1'[SLA Target]))
Target:=IFERROR(IF('Table1'[Flag]= "Y",MAX('Table1'[Customer Target]),MAX('KPI'[SLA Target])),BLANK())
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Jul 13, 2004
I think I'm just braindead or simply thick...since this shouldn't be that hard, but I'm stumped right now.
So, I'm trying to retrieve from a table, with a sql stored procedure with the sql like
"select height, width, depth from products where id=@idinput"
OK, so this part is easy, but if I wanted to say, return this to my code and assign height to a variable Ht, width to Wd and depth to Dp, how could I do that?
This is what I've got so far...
cmdSelect = New SqlCommand( "GetProd", connstr )
cmdSelect.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
The main prob is just what to connect this record to in order to access the individual fields.
Thx :)
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Jul 16, 2015
Is there a way we can get Table and Column name in separate column using PIVOT or something?Right now what i have is:
Text QueryPlan Plan_handle
Name Value
select id,name,Address from person <showPlznXML... 010101 Table Person
select id,name,Address from person <showPlznXML... 010101 column id
select id,name,Address from person <showPlznXML... 010101 Table Person
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