Placing Sub Total Coulmn To The Left Of The Coulumn In Matrix Report
Jul 4, 2007
If I am taking a Matrix and right clicking on the column header and click on the SubTotal then it always place that column on the right of it .If I want to place that column to the left of my original column then I can't do it.
Adding manual column and then puuting the Expresstion =Sum(Fields!MyCol.Value) is not halping as it will give me the same value that is there in the column instead of giving me the column
Hi everyone, I have created a matrix report which takes 3 parameters being store, year and quarter which then displays budget information in a matrix. This all works fine but I would also like to have a bar chart below the matrix to visually show the results.
However when I add the bar chart and add the relevent dataset details etc the chart does not appear when I preview the report. I wondered if the chart wasn't showing because the parameter values are not being passed to the chart.
Has anybody any idea of adding charts to reports in this way or knows of any instructions to do so.
I am designing a report in SQL Server 2005 Report Designer that uses a Matrix table. The matrix table is grouped by month. How can I add a Year-To-Date total column on the report? This is driving me nuts...I cannot figure this out.
I am having some trouble getting a Grand Total column at the end of my matrix report (not row at the bottom), such as you get by default in an Excel pivot table.
I have managed so far to add another column that sums up all values across the data range for a particular product code. My intention was to hide all but the last (I did something similar on rows). However you cannot use an expression on the width property for columns, so this will not work.
My report is very standard: Year Month (grouped by year) Product code | Description [qty]
I want a column that displays the total qty across all dates for each row. Surely this is possible?
I have a dataset with weekly salary of multiple employees of same grade from different dpt. We are not going to show the report based on employ. The report will be showing data based on Employee grade and their department.
Grade        Dpt       wk1         wk2         wk3       wk4 manager    hr         3000         2500        1000      2000 senior         hr          1300         1500        1300      1600 manager    hr          2500         2300        2100       3000
We need to show the result by grouping grade and dpt. So the Wk1 rate will be the sum of (3000+2500).
Grade       Dpt        wk1           wk2        wk3      wk4     Total manager   hr           5500        4800        3100       5000      18400 (how to find???) senior       hr           1300         1500        1300      1600      5700(??) Total                       6800         6300       4400       6600      24100(??)
How to find the total for each row on the right most end ?
I have a define formula that is SUM(Loan Loan Amount[2]) and this formula has a addition filter off of it.
The report is pulling off of calander months months so if in some of the fields it has a dollar amount but in others it is blank. Trying to write formula that if there is no amount then place zero otherwise put the $ amount.
I have created a Report using Visual studio-the report displays a subreport within it.
On the Subjective Report I have 12 values for each month of the year.
For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value), and I have named this text box €™SubRepM1€™ The name of the subreport is €˜subreport1'.
On my Main Report, again I have 12 values for each month of the year. For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value)*-1, and I have named this text box 'MainRepM1' The name of the main report is 'GMSHA Budget Adjustment Differentials'
The report displays both of the subreport and main report values but I now need to total these values together for each month in order to produce a grand total.
I have tried using the following to add the totals for Month 1 together, =subreport1.Report.SubRepM1 + MainRepM1 but this does not work and I get the following error message €˜The value expression for the text box 'textbox18'contains an error [BC30451] Name subreport1 is not declared'.
I feel that it should be a simple matter of adding the two sets of values together but I€™m having major problems trying to get these totals to work.
The problem that I have is that I can reference the total for the row: SUM(Fields!total.Value, "matrix_rpt_week") but I don't know how to reference the sub-total for the relevant group (eg London). Once I have this I can use it as the divisor in my calculation. I've tried using InScope but can't get it to return the value I need. Any ideas?
I am novice to SQL reporting services. I have created a report using SSRS. In this report I would like to show a column value as button and wants to execute vbscript code on click. Or at least execute vbscript code on click of that field (button is just an option!) The code will launch another application (exe file or else)
<P>Greetings,</P> <P>I am new to reporting services and am struggling with trying to add a column to the end of matrix report that has totals. You can see a jpg of the report at What I need to do is repeat the school code that is in the first column into another column that follows the total. </P> <P>Any help would be much appreciated.</P>
I have a report that calculates shipping quantities based on customer orders, and color codes them based on whether or not we have stock for a full shipment (green), have partial stock for a shipment (blue), or if we have none (red). Every week we get customer orders and build accordingly.
I have this all worked out except for parts with multiple ship to locations. RS seems to parse the entire row of the first ShipTo, then the second ShipTo. I'm using the running total function to calculate if there is a need or not. Anybody have any ideas?
Here is an example of the output I am getting. On the 17th, the 360 should be in green not red. I double checked the grouping, and it is on part number. This is for a matrix.
Hi. I am looking to create a Matrix-based Report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. I have my query, and a dynamic number of both rows and columns. I have Totals on the "bottom" and "right".
What I'd like to do is add a Percentage column to the right of the right-based Totals column. So the columns would read Col1, Col2, .., ColN, Total, Percentage.
I have created a matrix with multiple rows in the main data cell and a subtotal at the end of the row. The first row in my matrix main cell is just a count of records, whereas the 2nd row is a % of the value in the 1st row compared to the total of that row. I have 5 columns in the matrix as below (only first row is shown plus the total row. Ignore any rounding issues):
Status A B C D E Total
02/01/2007 No. 9 32 3 13 0 57
% Total 15.00% 56.00% 5.00% 24.00% 0.00% 100.00%
Total No. 77 143 25 72 2 319
% Total 135.00% 350.00% 48.00% 250.00% 2.00% 556.00%
I have a total column at the end. I want to hide the %Total row within the total row as it does not make sense in this context. Anyone know how to achieve this?
Hello Guys, I am working on a matrix report which has several row groups and 1 column group. After execution, the column group wil end up with several columns containg numeric counts. I would like to have the grand total for each "column group" column as a last row on this report. For row groups you can just right click "Subtotal", but that is not possible for column group. Could someone please help me to find a clever way of accomplishing this, please. Thank you so much for your help!
There seems like there must be a way, but I'm a bit new to power BI. Â I've easily created a pivot/matrix summary table with all the numbers I need except one.....Percent of Total.For example, my table looks like the table below. Â What do I need to do to add an additional row that calculates the Percent of Total? Â So in this example, I'm looking to calculate the values of 40% (40/100) and 60% (60/100).
 1     2 Total Row 1 20 10 30 Row 2 15 20 35 Row 3 5 30 36 Total 40 60 100 % Total 40% 60%
Status as the row heading and month as the column heading. The detail is a count off the records which fall into these statuses and the month columns.
The detail also contains a navigation link to a subreport which returns the records which make up the count.
For example if the detail contains a 7 , when i click on the 7 it returns 7 records with details off these records. The subreport accepts 2 parameters which is passed over from the navigation link, the parameters are - status id and month.
My question is - I have put a total on the matrix for the month columns, when i click on the total value the subreport appears (as the total is treated as part off the details) but it does not return the correct number off records. Im unsure as to why the total would not return all records , but it seems it is not passing the month parameter correctly, it seems to not to know to pass 'all' months which appear on the matrix as it is the 'total'. It seems to get confused and returns records only for a particular month. I thought the matrix would be smart enough to know that when a total has a navigation to return all records.
This "Total" is of All States(AZ, CA, ID, NV, WA, OR). But I Just want the total of just four states i.e(ID, NV, WA, OR). And I also Want that States which are not included in the total i.e(AZ, CA) Should also appears in the matrix , but their values should not include in the total. I have already applied the filter on the subtotal, but (AZ, CA) did'nt appears in the matixr after filter.
Adding more columns in a matrix report that don€™t belong to the columns drilldown dimensions€¦
That is, for example, having the following report:
Product Family
Country City Number of units sold
Then I would add some ratios, that is, Units Sold/Months (sold per month) and other that is the average for Product Family (Units Sold/Number of Product Family), for putting an example€¦ some columns should be precalculated prior to the report so do not get into it, the real problem I don€™t see how to solve is adding one or two columns for showing these calculated column that doesn€™t depend on the column groups but they do for the rows groups€¦
Any guidance on that?
The only way I am seeing by now is to set it as two different reports, and that is not what my client wants€¦
Is there a way to define the report from right to left? and I mean all the report and not just the textBox and stuff?
For example: Right now, When I have a table that spread over the whole page, If I change the visibility of a column from the center to False - The table shrink to the left (and there is a spare room in the right side of the page).
I tried changing the lenguage to hebrew but no good.
I got a Report Model Project, in which i have created a model of my Database and deployed it on the server...
Then I have a Report Server project for my reports. The reports are using Report Model as the DataSource...
Now in the Report Designer, inside a report, when I define query for Dataset using Report Model , I can't find a way to write a left Outer Join query... It always performs Inner Joins... was wondering ether Report model supports Outer Joins ?... I might achive this using two different datasets but then i'll end up using two data regions e.g. 2 tables, but i don't want to do that... instead I want all of my data to appear in a single table which can reference to single dataset.
Is there a way to define left outer joins using Report model ? I am new to this Reporting Servces and I might be missing something here... would any body please point out that
I developed a matrix SSRS report for a specific scenario, and the results look something like the example below. The result set is grouped by the date value, so for all records on that date in the first column I have just one value - 2/5/2007. The client would like to see a value for each cell in every row in the date column, so they can sort the results and do other manipulation in Excel. I tried to make it happen but I doesnt seem to work using the matrix. I would really appreciate if anyone has any suggestions on how to make it work. btw, it really has to be a matrix report :)
Now I want to add Approved into one row and decisioned into the next row like that. I can easily do row grouping in the matrix. but then I wont be able to add new rows inbetween those groups. I want to add some rows inbetween those groups to include calculated fields.