Planning Database On SQL Server 2005

Apr 30, 2007

We are establishing a database server for our product suite containg 14 products- these products is basically intended to be used by CAs and Accountants.

my databaseserver will have 14 databases-
4 are very small, 4 are complex and 6 are Very complex- there is a close intraction between all these databases.
at any time there will be around 500 users using these products but since these products are seasonal there is a chance that all 500 users are connected to one database only.(but there is also a possiblity that load is equally distributed on all the databases)
My product will run on intranat.

My requirement is:
1. What is best server configuration for hosting such type of database.(sqlserver 2005)
2. How many concurrent users sqlserver supports(MSaccess supports 15 concurrent users)
3. I want that if user has license for 10 users my Database should bear load of only 10 user.

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Planning Database Storage For SQL Server 2005

Feb 13, 2008

Here are my planning details:


2 disks RAID 1 for OS and BINS
2 disks RAID 1 for Backups.


4 disks RAID 10 for data
4 disks RAID 10 for log
4 disks RAID 10 for TEMPDB

Should i put the master and other system database on RAID 10 along with TempDB.

Or what else a guru fellow will advise in above setup.


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Planning For SQL Server 2005: 64-bit, OS, Processor, Memory

Jul 23, 2005

I was browsing Microsoft's SQL Server site, looking forsome details about SQL Server 2005. Didn't find whatI was looking for...I'm thinking about moving an existing SQL Server 2000workload to a new box, using SQL Server 2005, andmaybe the 64-bit version.My questions are:1. What is the current target date for release of SQL Server 2005?Will 64-bit ship when 32-bit ships?2. Will 64-bit SQL Server 2005 require a special versionof Windows Server 2003 (e.g. Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64)?Will it work with both Intel and AMD processors?3. How many CPUs, and how much memory, will be supported bySQL Server 2005, 32-bit and 64-bit, on each OS that can runSQL Server 2005.I'm looking for a chart here, something like the chart onpage 117 of Kalen Delaney's "Inside SQL Server 2000" book.SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005Feature Enterprise 32-bit Enterprise 64-bit------------------- ----------------- -----------------CPUs supportedWin Srvr 2003:Win Srvr 2003 Adv:Win Srvr 2003 Ent x64:Physical memorysupportedWin Srvr 2003:Win Srvr 2003 Adv:Win Srvr 2003 Ent x64:Has Microsoft published this info, and I just can find it?

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Using Visual Studio 2003 With Sql Server 2000 And Planning To Switch To Sql Server 2005

Aug 24, 2006

We have a project already developed iusing VS 2003 Enterprise architect edition using sql server 2000(have lots of table and stored procs etc.)
Now planning to switch to Sql server 2005 are there any issues associated with the switch.
I mean front end programming wise and front end codes do they work straight away or need to make any changes to all the front end codes, we are using datasets, data readers calling stored procs and also using lot of hash tables and XML object to make bulk loads to sql server via sqlxml3.0 sp3.
Please help thank you very much for the information.

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Planning A Database

Aug 7, 2007

Hi all,

I'm very new to SQL and am learning via books and whilst on the job. I'm putting together my logical design at the moment and was wondering if anyone could suggest any websites that might give me an insight into the best way to go about this in an effective manner.



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Need Advice On Planning For DataBase Changes

May 16, 2005


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Database Capacity Planning

Sep 27, 2001

Does any one know where I can locate a document or template for database capacity planning on the web? Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

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Planning For Creating A Database

Nov 16, 2007

Dear Experts,
now i was allotted as a complete DBA for one client and i've to take care from the creation itself.

we've understood the data will be around 20 GB initially, and from there onwards, 1GB data will grow in the database. total number of tables are around 1400. and we have primary key on each table.

Now you Experts, please guide me that how can i take the Fragmentation levels for best performance? or i need to give you more information regarding that.....

i need your valuble suggesions and guidence

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Model Database Recovery Planning

Mar 29, 2007

I cannot think of any reason, in our environment, why I would recover the model database. Change framework has all databases coming from DEV & QA before landing on PROD. We have never used the model database as framework of new databases either.

So, if I discontinued backup of the database, what is my recovery method if it become corrupt? Since mine is not used, can I simply copy it from another server?

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Planning Ahead W/ SQL Server...

Jan 3, 2004

With the current web app that I am writing, I am starting to plan ahead to the scalability problems that I am planning on encountering with the number of users that I may have...

My hosting plan now allows for a 50MB SQL Server database, but, I know that will not last long, each user will be using 3-5MB each of the database, so I am going to outgrow my space fast.

Would looking into (until i have enough subscribers to get a dedicated host), SQL Hosting be a good idea? Atleast to start off with something like ?

But then again, would a SQL Database growing to large get bad? Within a few years, i expect to have at max 5,000 users, so that could grow to a 25GB database... with millions of rows.

Would breaking it up into smaller databases for each N amount of users be a wise idea? Or would it not really matter?

Any help is much appreciated

Happy New Year

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Sql Server Sizing Planning - Architecture Help

Jul 20, 2005

HiI joined a project where 100,000 rows were added everyday. Now due toadditional customers the expectation is 2 million reocrds/day ie 10 GB worthof textfiles. We have to estimate the hard disk, memory, # of CPUs etc.Wewill have one yearworth of data in the db. Rest will be in tapes etc.We will be using WIN2000, SQL Server2000.- Any comparable server sizing willbe appreciated.1. Tohandle every day load, I thought that we will have a table for each day(pre created in the database )and have a view with union all selectingfromall these 365 tables. (This is the only way to partition in MSSQL Serverright?).2. The requirement is to populate datawarehouse tables with all the data.However there will be only inserts mostly but there can be updates too whichhappenned in the past 12 days.Hence we have to use the data from the last12 days and massage it etc and populate into datawarehouse tables.How can I do this so that I will have the datawarehouse tables with n-12days of data and I will alwys add the last 12 days data to it.Do you have any suggestions?Ragu

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SQL Server Capacity Planning Best Practice

Aug 8, 2007


I have been working on SQL Server Capacity Planning for a few weeks now and have gathered a lot of materials, but non of thes materials contain recommended best practices on SQL Server capacity planning and also they do not contain operational guidelines.

I would be glad if anyone can recommend a website or book that contain information on SQL Server Capacity Planning Best Practices.


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Importing Database From Analysis Services 2005 To SQL Server 2005 Database

Jul 26, 2006

Hi all,

How can I Import a database from Analysis Services database to SQL SERVER using SQL SERVER 2005.

forexample the Adventure Works DW database from Analysis Services to SQL SERVER database.

Any ideas will be higly appreciated.


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DR Planning Help....

Mar 8, 2007

I was told that my company is thinking about inplementing a "backup" server for out content loading server (aka load server)... this server loads files from several companies and then replicates the data out to our production environment to be seen. This server has serveral DTS/IS packages that do all this data movement and manipulation... I am not too up to date on technology for what they are asking so I thought I would ask here for some recommendations to head in the right direction...

I am not sure if clustering will work or maybe mirroring the database...

The server now is a publisher so the backup server would have to pick up if the #1 failed and then give command back to #1 once it is good... this is the part I have no idea about...

The #2 server would not have to really do anything but keep its data up to date unless #1 fails so you could say it would be fine to be a passive server...

Any ideas on what direction I should look into???

Thanks ahead of time.

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Migrating Sql Server 2005 Express Database To Sql Server 2005 Database

Mar 16, 2007

Hi, I have an application developed using VWD and sqlserver express database. The express database is turning out to be small in size and we need to migrate to larger sqlserver 2005 database. What are the steps for this migration, please list in detail.
Regards, Sandy

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Sql Server 2005 Compact Edition 3.1 RDA Synchronization Fails On Table With Index In Sql Server 2005 Database

Jan 21, 2008

We have been using Sql Server 2005 Compact Edition 3.1 RDA synchronization method successfully on Sql Server 2000 database. Recently we moved the database to Sql Server 2005, sync doesn't work anymore, it just hangs on one table. On further investigation, we found out that it's the index on that table that causes this. We removed the index, it works fine. We are wondering the root cause, removing the index is not a solution for us. Any thoughts?. Thanks.

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Planning To Install SP3

Jan 8, 2001

Hi All

I am planning to install SP3, anyone have suggestion before installation what are the precaution I need to take. please post your comments. Thanks in advance.



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Capacity Planning

Nov 4, 2000

hi, can any one tell me what is the meaning of capacity planning and where do I get info about it,and how does this help me in sql server admin role


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Replication Planning

Feb 8, 2001

Hi every body,

my company wants implements transactional replication. We have three servers one in chicago(production)
second server in chicago, third server in kansas city.Can give me plan for implementing the replication.


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Capacity Planning

Dec 11, 2000

What si capacity planning?
Where can i find more stuff on it?

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New SQLSERVER Planning?

May 26, 2004

Hi Guys,

We are planning for a new SQLSERVER for one of our application. The database will receive around 58 million events/year is roughly 160,000 messages/day

Making the assumption that an average message size is 2K. The messages comes to database through edi processes.

Any suggestion about database server configuration, and any other steps that need to be take care of before even thinking about creating a database??

help is greatly appericated..

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Capacity Planning !!!

May 28, 2001

Hi Everybody,

Can anybody explain me, what is Capacity Planning and what is Load Balancing?

tks in advance

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Project Planning

Feb 13, 2007

HelloBased on three tables (Projects, Tasks and UserCalender) I would liketo work out the total amount of available resources (UserCalendertable contains a entry for each user for each day, day being 7.5hours) and total required effort (sum of Tasks.EstimateLikley) splitover 12 months.For example:Jan:Available Resources: (4 Users, 7.5 hours per day, 5 working days perweek, 23 Working days in Jan) = (23 x 4) = (92 * 7.5) = 690 AvailableHoursRequired Resources:Project Start Date: 1/1/2007Project End Date: 1/6/2007Total Required effort (Sum of Tasks.Hours for above project): 500Hours Average over 6 months = 83.33 Hours per month, so in Jan I needto deduct 83.33 from 600 = 516.67 Hours.etcHow could I do this, I have tried several ways but finding it hard.Thanks

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Planning On Going With Dynamic SQL, But...

Jun 13, 2007

I've read a few posts on the stored procedure vs dynamic sql debate. I ran a few performance test for myself and it appears to be a wash.

Given that, I'm leaning toward dynamic sql mostly because it would mean one fewer place to have things.

But, before we go that route we wanted to ask the question:

Is there any compelling reason why we shouldn't abandon all of our stored procs and just write the SQL inside inside our functions in our business layer (essentially our data access layer)?

Or, is it just preference these days?

I was leaning toward procs, but I have to admit it would be nice not to have to keep up with all of them per all of our functions that call them.


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Planning A Replication

Aug 5, 2006

we have a sql2000 in the headquarter, and 3 new remote branches opening in few weeks with no sql servers installed yet.
We plan to setup a merge replica. The headquarter will have the highest activity on the replicated tables.
Shall we use all SQL2000 in the remote branches? Or could we use SQL2005, using a 2005 as a publisher and distributor?

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Planning Multiple Queries

Dec 2, 2005

I'm cleaning data which involves updating ~12 million rows with threedifferent models, progressively. First clean values using the modelwith finest granularity, then the remainder with the next model,finally what's left using the last model. The first model sets ~1/2 ofthe rows, the second ~1/4, the third ~1/5, and the remaining 5% don'tget updated.It's something like this:UPDATE t SET value=value*m.AdjustmentFactor, updateFlag='updated'FROM Table t JOIN Models m ON ....WHERE m.ModelID='first model' AND t.updateFlag IS NULLStart with 'first model' then 'second model' etc.I'm wondering what happens if I submit all three queries together, oras three separate submissions, waiting for the one before to complete.If I do them all as one group, the query planner might plan for thesecond and third updates based on the initial distribution of values.However, the first update removes half of the rows from consideration,so it seems to me a new plan should be prepared for the second query,based on the distribution at that time. If I highlight the queries inQuery Analyzer and execute, are all three plans created at thebeginning? Does putting GO between them (which I do) make anydifference?This is SQL Server 2000.Thanks,Jim

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SSRS Hardware Planning

Oct 18, 2007

I've done a fair amount of hardware planning for the SQL Server Database Engine. Now I'm doing so for SSRS which I don't have as much experience with. I haven't been able to find much information, especially around RAM capacity and have a few questions. Any responses or pointers to resources are appreciated.

Scenario: 2 load-balanced SSRS 2005 App servers with an independent back-end SQL DB for the config database. Total userbase is about 2000 (not simultaneous), and I'm still trying to get statistics for per hour requests. May also install multiple SSRS instances on these boxes with one of them in Sharepoint Integrated mode (don't anticipate high volume here). Load-balancing is for both performance and availability goals.

I'm looking at the SSRS App servers only and am analyzing amount of RAM, 32 vs 64 bit, and perhaps CPU core count.

1. Does 32-bit Enterprise SSRS benefit from more than 4 GB on a server, using AWE or other memory extension? Or is anything > 4 GB unused at 32 bit?
2. Are there material benefits to going to 64-bit OS / SSRS and increasing memory above 4 GB? (does IIS handle this?), Perhaps to 8 or 16 GB.
3. The boxes will be 2-way, dual core, with possibility of going to quad core. Is increasing core count a better use of budget than increasing RAM above 4 GB?

I've read the white paper, "Planning for Scalability and Performance with Reporting Services" ( which briefly (but incompletely) discusses 32 vs 64 bit, and really doesn't touch on RAM at all.

Thanks for any pointers,


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Restoring A SQL Server Express 2005 Database To SQL Server Standard 2005

Mar 24, 2007

Hello,If I backup and restore an express database to sql server 2005 standard, will there still be limitations in regards to the database size, cpu...etc.? Thanks,Jon 

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Migrate Database From SQL Server 2005 Beta 3 To Sql Server 2005 Release

Dec 16, 2005

Do you now, How can I move database with datas to release version of sql server?
Procedores backup/restore can't help becouse of unsuported version database.

Any ideas?

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Exporting/Importing Database Data (Sql Server 2005 To Sql Server 2005)

Nov 5, 2007

I'm really new to the whole database deal (as well as - specifically with the capabilities surrounding VB and SQL Server 2005. My question is open to any recommendations...

What I have is an application that a user uses to create 'new' products. They are presented a form to enter the information regarding the product they wish to create. They enter the details of the product and also locate an image that represents the product, too. Currently, this application saves the product information (including binary image data) into a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition database. This application and database reside on a client pc. What I need to do is to be able save updated and newly created product data into a file of some sort. That file will make its way to a memory stick (USB) and then be transported to a 'field' machine. Quite simply, what is the best way to do this? Are there walk-throughs on this sort of thing? The target database is also SQL Server 2005. I thought I'd post this question on here to get the best design ideas... Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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SQL 2012 :: TempDB - Tlog Sizing / Capacity Planning?

Nov 18, 2014

I am in the process of formulating recommendations with respect to the purchase of additional storage for our current SQL 2012 SharePoint (2013) instance. My recommendation is to purchase separate storage (i.e, 15k disks) for the TempDB and Tlogs respectively (two sets of raid 10 disks). Currently, this server is hosting several instances, including SP, using two arrays (one for database and the other for Tlogs).

I am attempting to find information/recommendations on how to go about projecting the amount of storage for each of these while factoring in for growth.

Additional Details:

how to best formulate a reasonable estimate. Our largest content database belongs to IT and is currently ~80GB. That said, this is currently an outlier. The remaining content databases are less than 10GB (most are less than 2-3 GB). However, SharePoint will be used for digital document imaging in addition to, eventually, replacing file shares as our primary document storage medium once we roll it out.

Our current tempDB is ~400MB, but the instance was recently started a few days ago, as we had to failover to our backup server for hardware maintenance. I do not have any historical data on TempDB growth at this time. Also, I don't know how useful this would be given we have not fully deployed yet.

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Analysis :: SSAS Planning / Forecast Copy Data In Cube

Oct 2, 2015

Is there any way to copy my Data of 2015 to the Planning/Forecasting Value of 2016?

My question is based on that we use INFOR ION BI right now and there we can just add an Button in our reports wich physically copies the value from one year to the next year based on some other rules in the cube.

Now I need to make this example work with SSAS and Excel PivotTables but I cant figure out how.

I have absolutely no clue where and how to accomplish it. Do I use Calculations, do I use Actions, do i make it in the Dataview, Cube or directly in Excel?

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Converting Database From 32-bit SQL Server 2005 To 64-bit Version Of SQL Server 2005

Apr 25, 2007

I recently upgraded to SQL Server 2005. My databases are stable and functioning perfectly. However, these databases are using the 32-bit version of SQL Server. The servers are going to be upgraded to 64-bit processors and new Server 2003 64-bit OS's.

Everything I have been able to find says that it is a simple process of backing up the databases in the 32-bit environment and restoring them in the 64-bit environment.

Could it really be that easy? I am looking for someone who has done this to provide any "heads up" commentary on what to look out for during that process. Can anyone provide some information on this process?


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