Please Help!! How To Find Space At End Of Data In A Column
May 14, 2008
I need a query that checks each row in a column (hardness) to see if the last character is a "space". The column holds numbers (73.45) but is a varchar 50 type. It will always be the 5th character but it would be nice to not make this assumption. Please help!!
I am using the below script to get space alerts and now i am interested in sending alerts if for any drive space available is Less than 10% or 15%.. how to convert beelow code to find in %
I am dealing with what I believe is Oracle that is the source of a SQL View.
I am seeing a data type of Integer in the View, but I am not able to see what makes up that View. When I query the View, I can see that an Integer data type column is storing a blank space. I use ISNUMERIC(ColumnName) = 0 and there are a lot of rows that show as a zero length blank space, or text, or something. I just know that it is not an Integer.
I have attempted to CAST and Convert this value, but it will not. I have changed the data type on the table that is being inserted in too, and it still fails with a Conversion error. I have tried REPLACE(), but still the same conversion error.
I need to find a table and column name from some given data. I know what data i want to edit, I just need to know where it is located and the database is too big to manually go through. It is Microsoft sql server 2000. Any help is appreciated.
Hello Everyone,A have a Managed Stored Procedure ([Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlProcedure]). In it I would like to call a UserDefinedFunction:public static SqlInt32 IsGetSqlInt32Null(SqlDataReader dr, Int32 index) { if(dr.GetSqlValue(index) == null) return SqlInt32.Null; else return dr.GetSqlInt32(index) }I than allways get the following ErrorMessage:Column, parameter, or variable #1: Cannot find data type SqlDatareader.Is it not possibel to pass the SqlDatareader to a SqlFunction, do the reading there and return the result.My original Problem is, that datareader.GetSqlInt32(3) throws an error in case there is Null in the DB. I thought SqlInt32 would allow Null.Would appreciate any kind of help! Thanks
I have created some dynamic sql to check a temporary table that is created on the fly for any columns that do contain data. If they do the column name is added to a dynamic sql, if not they are excluded. This looks like:
If (select sum(Case when [Sat] is null then 0 else 1 end) from #TABLE) >= 1 begin set @OIL_BULK = @OIL_BULK + '[Sat]' +',' END
However, I am currently running this on over 230 columns and large tables 1.3 mil rows and it is quite slow. How I can dynamically create a sql script that only selects the columns in the table where there is data in a speedier manner. Unfortunately it has to be on the fly because the temporary table is created on the fly.
I have a SQL text column from SP_who2 in table #SqlStatement:
like 1row shown below :
"update Panel set PanelValue=7286 where PanelFirmwareID=4 and PanelSettingID=9004000"
I want to find what table and column names are in the text ..
I tried like below ..
Select B.Statement from #sp_who2 A LEFT JOIN #SqlStatement B ON A.spid = B.spid where B.Statement IN ( SELECT, FROM sys.tables T JOIN sys.columns C ON T.object_id=C.object_id WHERE T.type='U' )
Something like this : find the column names and tables name
I have Two Database that exist on Two seperate servers. The two database contain same schema and contains tables and columns of same name. Some tables have slight differences in terms of data types or Data type lenght.
For example if a Table on ServerA has a column named - CustomerSale with Varchar (100, Null) and a table on ServerB has a column named CustomerSale with Varchar (60, Null), how can i find if other columns have similar differences in all tables with the same name and columns in the two servers.
I am using SQL Server 2005. And the Two Servers are Linked Servers
What Script can i use to accomplish this task. Thanks
I'm trying to determine how much space some tables use (SQL2000), and I found 2 suggestions posted earlier, but can't get them to work for me.
The first was "Right click on the DB in Enterprise Manager, select view then taskpad."
When I try that, I get some of the tables displayed with the info I want, but I can't see them all and can't scroll down beyond the first 22 tables in the database.
It says "command copleted successfully, but where does the output to this go ?? Is there something other than "print" I should use ? The grid pane is empty.
Hey - I know that I can find space information about SQL Server. Allocated space, free space, used space, data space, etc... BUT is there a way that I can query how much total/available space is on the actual drive? For example, let's say that I have SQL installed on the D drive of a Server; i also have another application on that drive. I know that I can query how much room SQL Server is using, but can i query how much total/available space is on the drive? Any help appreciated.
The sp_spaceused proc seems to have been removed in 7.0? Dbcc sqlperf also seems to have been removed? Surely there must be a counterpart - which is? I like to have a script which shows the space usage especially on a table basis for a periodic report.
I am managing a sqlserver 6.5 database in my company. I get the message that the datafiles should be expanded but whenever I try to expand it the following message appears:
Could not find enough space on disks to extend the database. Meanwhile, I have about 6 gigabytes free space on my disks. Please help me out. Thanks,
My group is trying to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of cushion between the space allocated and the current size of a database. I know that I can check this using the Enterprise Manager. Is there a stored procedure or a systems table that holds this information. I know that sp_spaceused will give me the unallocated space, but i want the allocated space. Any suggestions?
How do i find Total allocated space and used space of a memory optimized filegroup?
use memory_optimized_db Go select (SUM(size)*8.0)/1024.0 as Space, FILEGROUP_NAME ( data_space_id ) , type_desc from sys.database_files group by data_space_id,type_desc;
above query gives "current used size of the container " of memory optimized file group but doesn't give Total space detail.
Hi,Suppose I have a table containing monthly sales figures from my shopbranches:Branch Month Sales-----------------------London Jan 5000London Feb 4500London Mar 5200Cardiff Jan 2900Cardiff Feb 4100Cardiff Mar 3500The question I am trying to ask is this: in which month did each branchachieve its highest sales? So I want a result set something like this:Branch Month----------------London MarCardiff FebI can do a "SELECT Branch, MAX(Sales) FROM MonthlySales GROUP BY Branch" totell me what the highest monthly sales figure was, but I just can't figureout how to write a query to tell me which month corresponded to MAX(Sales).Ideas anyone?Cheers,....Andy
I am having issues trying to write a query that would provide me the unique GUID numbers associated with a distinct PID if the unique GUID's > 1. To summarize, I need a query that just shows which PID's have more than one unique GUID. A PID could have multiple GUID's that are the same, I'm looking for the PID's that have multiple GUID's that are different/unique.
I created a table with column name "description" as varchar(8000). My doubt is if I am not storing 8000 characters in this column, will SQL Server use memory space needed for 8000 characters ? or will it use only the space that needs for my text. ?
I'm in a flat file connection manager editor and I have a flat file where the columns are separated by a space. Does anyone know how to specify a space in the column delimiter option? I've tried {' '} and {s} but these don't work. Not sure what the syntax is for indicating a space. Thanks in advance
Hi, I am declaring a table with 2 column Id, and Name. Id is a integer column but Name is a Varchar. I am declaring Name as VARCHAR(100) you can say that varchar(100) is more than enougf for a name column. But lets suppose ifn futuer user will enter data only till 100 characters but lets suppose i put or declare it as NAME VARCHAR(4000), That means a column requires only 100 memory space but i am giving 4000 to that column So in case of SQL any drwbacks are there for this approach. Meaning my 3900 space will not be used so will it a wrong thing or we can declare it as ,,, it will put no effect??? or what are the drawback??
I have a huge table in it own tablespace (250 GB). I just deleted more thanhalf of the columns in that table, but I didn't see any change in allocatedspace. I did DBCC CLEANTABLE and DBCC SHRINKFILE, but nothing. MS also saysthat CLEANTABLE only reclaims space for columns with text, char datatypes.How can I get space back for integer, decimal, number datatypes? I'm justall out of ideas.
I have one table with two columns, GUID and PID and another table with three columns, GUID, LastName, and FirstName. For each unique PID, I need to find the PID's that have more than one GUID and then match that with their respective FirstName and LastName from the other table.
I have a table in which there is a column called 'Forecast' of type 'int', that is null for about 25% of the rows in this table. Will null value for this column consume storage bytes?