Please Help: Needed T-SQL Query To Get The MIN(LastName)+' - '+MAX(LastName) For Each LastName Initial In The Db
Jan 13, 2008
My users wanted to view all the "FIRST and LAST" Lastname in each of the LastName initial in the database.
I have been trying to join/connect/subquery/merge/etc the following two set of codes but without good results.
Fist, i get all the lastname initials:
SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(LastName, 1) AS LastNameInitial
FROM Persons.Persons
ORDER BY LastNameInitial
Results to:
Then, i want to get all the FIRST and LAST LastName for each LastNameInitial
I only have this partial idea (can't get the rest):
SELECT MIN(LastName) + ' - ' + MAX(LastName) AS LastNameGroup
FROM Persons.Persons
WHERE (LastName LIKE 'A' + '%')
Only results to:
Abad - Ayun
Abad - Ayun
Babaran - Buted
Cabaccan - Curugan
Dacquil - Durwin
Eda - Evangelista
Yadao - Yumul
Zalun - Zunajo
I have a table of users. Table schema: FULL NAME, LOGIN
example data:
Anderman John, AndermaJ Williams Robin, WilliamR Foot Jay, FootJ
The LOGIN field will be my resulting field after I run my query.
It has a "FULL NAME" column, and a "LOGIN" column. I want to extract the first 7 characters of LAST Name from the FULL NAME field and extract the First Name Initial(just first letter of the first name) from the FULL NAME field and then set the LOGIN field with the resulting combination. The FULL NAME column is in the order of LastName FirstName.
Here is what I have been trying to write:
Declare @spacePos as int
Select @spacePos = charindex(' ', fullname) From TIUSER
SEt LOGIN = ltrim(Substring(fullname, 1, 7)) + Substring(fullname,@spacePos+1,1),
where @spacePos <> 0 and LOGIN = ' '
Currently we only have last and first names in our database and we will keep it that way since we don't store middle names and hopefully that will not be an issue.
But it seems that my solution was not working since if the last name is less than 7 characters then it should only grab upto the SPACE and not beyond that , but it was grabbing beyond the SPACE so how do you fix that?
That is I want atmost 7 characters from LAST NAME but incase of less than 7 then upto the space found.
Hello, I need some help being pointed in the right direction. I have a field in my Customer table called Name that is "LastName,FirstName". I need to be able to return a result set with "FirstName,LastName". Any ideas?
I'm sure you all have seen situations where a field has a combined namein the format of "Lastname, Firstname Middlename" and I've seenexamples of parsing that type of field. But what happens when the datawithin this type of field is inconsistent? Here are some examplesApple, John A.Berry John B.CherryJohn CDonald John DHow does one parse the data when the data isn't consistent?
I have 2 data flows tasks, salesperson and customer, where I want to concatenate name and Lastname into Name, using a Derived Column... [name] + " " + Lastname
In the first one, Destination Preview show NULL on every Name row. In the other the names are joined as "DanWinter". Why don't the concatenate according to expression?
I want get get results in sql that are all written in UPPERCASE but I want to receive them in Initial Case format I know UPPERCASE is UPPER lowercase is lower but what is Initial Case(first letter Capital in a word)
I have a pretty large DB and a fairly complex query. If I drop buffers and clear cache the query runs in 20 seconds returning 25K rows. Subsequent runs are 2 seconds. Is this the result of the results being cached, execution being cached, other? Are there good ways to close the gap between the initial and later runs? Does the cache stay present until the service restarts or does SQL recycle the memory and if so, based on what criteria?
i have marked in bold the query in question ..whch gives me the the runtime error mentioned at the below , i double checked everything all the table names and the field names are correct so whats the problem , please anyone??im really stumped! if (Radio_Btn_Book.Checked == true) { string book_query = "update Issue_Book_Reserve I set I.Issue_Book_Reserve_state = 1 where I.Book_Id = Books.Book_Id and Books.Book_Name = '" + Session["Book_name"].ToString()+"'"; SqlCommand Cmd_book = new SqlCommand(book_query, con); con.Open(); Cmd_book.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } ERROR: The column prefix 'Books' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.The column prefix 'Books' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
Hi, TABLES (Association CONTAINS COLUMNS AssociationID), (Group CONTAINS COLUMNS GroupID, GroupName, AssociationID), (GroupMembers CONTAINS COLUMNS GroupID, GroupMemberID, UserprofileID, DateCreated, DateRemoved), (UserProfiles CONTAINS COLUMNS UserProfileID, UserID), (AllUsers CONTAINS COLUMNS UserID, FirstName, LastName) I am trying to write a query to collect information about from the tables. I need to collect all the Users who are not members of Group A in Association I. Note that Users can belong to more than one group and have more than one profile. I would appreciate it if you could help me figure out how to deal with this logic. Thanks in Advance
Hi I have a function which returns the periodId from the period table and the function is as follows: ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_Quarter] (@Date datetime) RETURNS int AS
DECLARE @month int SET @month = Month(@Date) RETURN CASE WHEN @month BETWEEN 1 AND 3 THEN 5 WHEN @month BETWEEN 4 AND 6 THEN 6 WHEN @month BETWEEN 7 AND 9 THEN 7 WHEN @month BETWEEN 10 AND 12 THEN 8 END END Which works fine but i want to do the following with it. We produce quarterly statements.. So the user comes in jan or the begining of Feb to upload and process and order Statements from 10/31 to 12/31 the the 4 quarter data.. So Is there a way i can check if the user orders the statement in between jan and feb it has to reture PeriodId 5.
I have three parameters called @rsLengthofservice, @rsLengthofServicematch and @rsLenghtofservicePS. How do i check if all the three parameters have the same value.. Any help will be appreciated.. Regards, Karen
Hi, I have this query SELECT o.OrderId, o.OrderDate, o.CreatedByUserId, c.LoginId, o.Quantity, o.RequiredDeliveryDate, cp.PlanId, cp.ClientPlanId --cp.ClientId FROM [Order] o Inner Join Plan cp on o.PlanId = cp.PlanId and o.CreatedByUserId = cp.UserId Inner Join User c on o.CreatedByUserId = c.UserId WHERE --cp.ClientId = @ClientId --AND o.OrderDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate ORDER BY o.OrderId DESC Which gives the list of order from the start date to the end date..but it doesnt List the orders which are some mins apart. For eg. 16524/24/2008 10:48:05 AM4252840 16534/25/2008 10:15:42 AM378550 16544/25/2008 10:51:24 AM3147110 16614/25/2008 1:35:54 PM425045 16624/25/2008 2:30:43 PM4174387130 16634/25/2008 2:47:14 PM154825 16644/25/2008 2:49:10 PM265085 it listed order no. 1652 and 1654 but not 1653 and in the next 4 it didnt list 1663.. why is this happening.. I am using a reports in the report server. any help will be appreciated. Regards,Karen
my app contains one form (aspx) and it has different controls to be filled by user (textbox,radiobutton ..etc)it has one button which i want to use to pass values entered in these controls to other page and do some queries to sql server there (2nd page)Now the thing is controls can have NULL values user could enter just one parameter and hit button or user can fill 2 parameter and hit enter so on the other hand (2nd page) how should i query the database accordingly ....
I have some data that looks like this: field1(pk) field2 field3 563136 199535840A D2119562408 199615461C D2119562806 199748610A D2119547463 199748610A D2368562278 200255598A D2368562286 200255598A D2468 Field2 can have the same value. What I need is to return all records where field3 is not 'D2468' ever for field2. So with the above data, I'd want the first 4 records returned, but not 5 and 6 because for those field2 is the same value and in 6, field3 is 'D2468'. So, I can't simply say: SELECT a.field2FROM table1 a inner join table2 b on a.field2 = b.field2 and a.field5 = b.field5where a.field3 not like 'D2468' because it will still return record 5. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you!
I need help here. I have two queries one on each server and one does not work the way it should be. Can some help me here in figuring out if both these queries are same or no. If there is any difference, what is causing that difference. Thanks
Query1: SELECT Shipment.CountryCd, Shipment.City, Shipment.State, Shipment.CountyName,Shipment.Zip, Shipment.WarehouseCd, Phone FROM Orders INNER JOIN ((NewWarehouse INNER JOIN Shipment ON NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = Shipment.WarehouseCd) INNER JOIN WarehouseCurrency ON NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = WarehouseCurrency.WarehouseCd) INNER JOIN Warehouse ON (Shipment.CountryCd = Warehouse.CountryCd) AND (NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = Warehouse.WarehouseCd)) ON Orders.OrderNum = Shipment.OrderNum WHERE BE = 5 AND AddressTy = 1 AND WarehouseCurrency.CurrencyCd ='USD' AND Active = -1 GROUP BY Shipment.CountryCd, Shipment.City, Shipment.State, Shipment.CountyName, Shipment.Zip, Shipment.WarehouseCd, Phone ORDER BY Min(Shipment.OrderNum) DESC)
Query 2: (This is working) SELECT Shipment.CountryCd, Shipment.City, Shipment.State, Shipment.Zip, Shipment.WarehouseCd, Shipment.Phone, Shipment.CountyName FROM ((Orders INNER JOIN (NewWarehouse
INNER JOIN Shipment ON NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = Shipment.WarehouseCd) ON Orders.OrderNum = Shipment.OrderNum) INNER JOIN WarehouseCurrency ON NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = WarehouseCurrency.WarehouseCd) INNER JOIN Warehouse ON (NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = Warehouse.WarehouseCd) AND (Shipment.CountryCd = Warehouse.CountryCd) WHERE (((Orders.BE)=5) AND ((Shipment.AddressTy)=1) AND ((WarehouseCurrency.CurrencyCd)='USD') AND ((NewWarehouse.Active)=-1)) GROUP BY Shipment.CountryCd, Shipment.City, Shipment.State, Shipment.Zip, Shipment.WarehouseCd, Shipment.Phone, Shipment.CountyName ORDER BY Min(Shipment.OrderNum) DESC
I am sorry I am not that good in sql as some of you may be. Thanks.
I have 2 tables: Table1 has a field [Description](varchar) 100 Table2 has a field [IDDescription] int and field [Description] varchar(100)
In table 2 I have IDDescription store but some time also description wich is not store in table2 I need to pull all description (if it is from table2 or table1). How do I do this?
I have a query that need to do something like this.
About the data: --------------- I have a rules table which has got all the rules, and a log table that has the logs which says whether the rules are satisfied or not over a point of time.
select rules, sum(decode(status,'pass','1')) as passed, sum(decode(status,'fail',1)) as failed from rulestable,logstable where
Lets say i have 2 tables. One called 'Leads' and the other called 'Sales_Reps'. When a new lead comes in would like to assign it to the sales rep who has the least number of active leads. If there is a tie, I'll just assign it alphabetically between the sales reps who are tied with the least.
Can someone point me in the right direction here? I would assume I'd need to do some sort of select count, but I'm not sure how to begin.
The newly generated column contains sequence numbers starting from 1 and the sequence should be resetted again to 1 whenever a new c3 value is encountered(for example when the c3 value changes from 101 to 102 the sequence should be resetted to 1).
consider i have these tables: tbl_requests id description owner
tbl_owners id name
tbl_RequestStatus id description
am looking for output look like this: OwnerName New Completed x 2 5 y 4 3
table requests holds number of requests where each request has an owner, table owners holds the owners names, table status holds values for a request status for example : new, in progress and completed, the query am looking for should show each owner with the number of request he/she is handling grouped by the status, so we can say that owner X has 2 new requests and 5 completed requests.
hi i have a table with below structure id no.of visit no of sales no of delivery.
I want all records to be selected with the following data also average( no.of visit),average( no of sales ), average( no of delivery) in a single query ?
hi all i have table which has a userid,email and other fields. And i have a text file called email.txt,this text file has userid and email values corresponding to those in the table.And this file has only this userid and email fields separated by commas..
hi all I know a constraint's name,say cst_name .And i know which database it is existing,say db.then can i know which table belongs to this constraint in tat db with help of a query?
In the table below for Query3, I need to be able to extract the last time "each' RN_TEST_ID was tested for each month. For example, for RN_TEST_IDs '1453' and '1420', the rows in the results set would look like this because they are the most recent records for that specific ID for each Month. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I have been working on the query that is supposed to pull out data to do the following thing:
there are orders that are both complete and not complete yet in the same table.
there is startDate and endDate for complete ones and forecastStartDate and forecastEndDate for not complete one.
I need to pull out data from the same table but using two different conditions in order to create monthly income.
Is there any easy way of doing it? Or do i need to separate my main table. However the last would result in me changing the whole application because of one stupid statement!
I am trying to write a query to collect information about from the tables. I need to collect all the Users who are not members of Group A in Association I.
Note that Users can belong to more than one group and have more than one profile.
I would appreciate it if you could help me figure out how to deal with this logic. Thanks in Advance