PeopleFields PersonID FieldDefID FieldValue 1 1 John 1 2 Smith 2 1 Alice 2 2 Johnson
Of course, we need to be able to search and display this data in a tabular format like: PersonID PersonType FirstName LastName 1 Consultant John Smith 2 Partner Alice Johnson
We have been building dynamic queries based on which fields are needed (users can select the fields), e.g.:
SELECT p.PersonID, p.PersonType, pf1.FieldValue AS 'First Name', pf2.FieldValue AS 'Last Name' FROM People p LEFT JOIN PeopleFields pf1 ON (p.PersonID=pf1.PersonID AND pf1.FieldDefID=1) LEFT JOIN PeopleFields pf2 ON (p.PersonID=pf2.PersonID AND pf2.FieldDefID=2)
This is very flexible but slow. We've done lots of optimization but can't get this below 5 seconds for common scenarios.
So I'm back to the drawing board now trying to figure out a better way to approach this. I'm wondering if it would be better (if even possible) to break this out into some sort of view or table UDF that would contain a full representation of all person data, pre-joined. Problem is, this is almost certainly going to have to involve dynamic SQL since we can't know anything about what fields are defined. I think that rules out any sort of view or table UDF, no?
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good approach? Thanks.
I am trying to find a solution in order to make a pivot dynamically. One of my department charge every month all the sales figure in one table and I need to pick up the last two months archived in order to make a pivot and to see if something is changed or not. What I am trying to do is to have these last two months dynamically. create table forum (customer varchar (50), nmonth varchar(6), tot int, archived datetime)
insert into forum values ('Pepsi','201503',100,'2015-04-28'), ('Pepsi','201504',200,'2015-04-28'), ('Texaco','201503',600,'2015-04-28'), ('Texaco','201504',300,'2015-04-28'),
As you can see I have to change manually the values underlined every months but it's a temporary solution. How can I set up the last two months in a dynamic way?
consider the following table: name , TaskDate john , 01/01/2006 john , 01/03/2005 steve , 01/05/2006 i want to build a select statement that gives result like the following: name , JanuaryTotal , FebruaryTotal john , 150 , 110 steve , 170 , 50 so the result will be total tasks in specific month, is it doable in one select or should i turn around using hash tables ???
Hi guys, I have a car_race table which has these fields
car_id int race_id int b_car_won varchar // can have 'y' or 'n'
I need to know if the car lost the 1st race but won the next race
And example of that table for car_id 1:
car_id 1 race_id 1 b_car_won 'NO'
car_id 1 race_id 2 b_car_won 'YES'
Now this is the tricky part, the database has some data integrity issues, so this can occur:
car_id 1 race_id 1 b_car_won 'NO'
car_id 1 race_id 3 b_car_won 'YES'
So I cant used a fixed race_id value, need to use the race_id > 1 to know whats the next race. But this raises another issue if I have this in the database:
car_id 1 race_id 1 b_car_won 'NO'
car_id 1 race_id 3 b_car_won 'YES'
car_id 1 race_id 4 b_car_won 'YES'
If I query I'd get 2 rows where race_id > 1. And I only need the first one, because 3 is the next race.
I need to fetch in a single row if possible, the result of the 1st race and the 2nd race. How can I do this?
select contractnbr,affcontractnbr,tdd,affrtramount,affturn, pt=datediff(d,afffirstfundingdate,affRTRBalanceZeroDate),ratio=datediff(d,afffirstfundingdate,affRTRBalanceZeroDate)/afftrun from #targetfinishedaff
datediff(d,afffirstfundingdate,affRTRBalanceZeroDate) appears two times in this code, Is there a way to make it appear only once? Thx
I have two SQL query that I would like to make in to one, if possibleHere is the first one: (Query4)SELECT rooms.DESCRIPTIO, rooms.ID, bookings1.DATEFROM bookings1 INNER JOIN rooms ON bookings1.ROOMID = rooms.IDWHERE (((bookings1.DATE) Between #4/3/2004# And #4/9/2004#));And the second one:SELECT rooms.ID, rooms.DESCRIPTIO, Query4.ROOMIDFROM rooms LEFT JOIN Query4 ON rooms.ID = Query4.ROOMIDWHERE (((Query4.ROOMID) Is Null));Is it possible to make one query of this two?With the same result.
I havea textbox for searching by patient name but now and though I am searching with LIKE% i can only search for exact string, for example if user typed JASSIM it will search for field full_name LIKE '%JASSIM%" ad if user typed JASSIM RAHMA it will search for full_name LIKE '%JASSIM RAHMA%' but i want to search if the field CONTAINS '%JASSIM% AND %RAHMA% when the user types JASSIM RAHAM in the textbox
Hi all. I have tried making this query for a while and i didn't manage to. I know it is something related to JOIN, but i didn't manage to make it work : I have two tables. Table1- db_stockprices Table2- db_stockSymbols
and so on for all the stocks. ID is Primary Key SymbolID is related to SymbolID in db_stockSymbols which contains all the stock information.
What i am trying to do is an SQL QUERY that will delete all same SymbolID Rows if a specific INPUT date do not exist within that SymbolID.
Example: If the INPUT date for the query is 1/3/2007 all rows with SymbolID "2" abd "4" will be deleted since 1/3/2007 does not exist in SymbolID "2" and "4". Moreover, the row in db_stockSymbols with SymbolID "2" and "4" will also be deleted.
Is this possible within 1 SQL Query? I would really appreciate a good query example for this example..
Hi, I got a problem. I installed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 version. And I created a Compact database. I created an connection in SSMSE to connect the database and opened a query form. then, i run the following sql:
Select * from Table1
It returned 3 records to me. After that, I used program to insert record into this table. Then i ran this sql again, it still show me 3 records. I closed the query form, and re-created a new query form, then run the sql, it returned 4 records to me.
Why? It's very strange and difficult to operate, right? Is there anyone know how to make the SSMSE to return whole records without any close query form and re-create query form operation?
Hi, I have a query thatI need to make into one query for the sake of an application reading only one cursor.
Here's the syntax: select (select distinct(x.amount) from escrow k inner join e120 x on k.escrow = x.escrowinner join a10 g on x.escrow = g.escrow where k.ftype = 'S' group by x.amount, g.officer) As New,a.officer as Officer, count(distinct(j.fstatus))as Escrow_Type, count(distinct(j.amount))as Amount, count(distinct(d.open_date))as [Open], count(distinct(d.close_date)) as Closed, count(distinct(can_date))as Cancelled from a10 a inner join escrow d on a.escrow = d.escrowinner join e120 j on j.escrow = d.escrow where j.id_scr = 'e21' and j.fstatus = 'PAID' group by a.officer
The error message i'm recieving is the following:
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
I have table 'OrderTab' in Sql Server database which have Company Number,ContactId,Quantity fields and data in tables are in following format. Company ContactId QuantityNumber100001 101 1100001 102 2100001 103 9100001 104 8100001 105 4100001 106 3100001 107 2100001 108 1100001 109 3
I need to create the query and want the result in following format. CompanyNumber |MaxQuantityContactId |MaxQuantity| MinQuantityContactId |MinQuantity100001 103 9 101 1 Where MaxQuatityContactId = ContactId which has order max quantityMaxQuantity = max quantity order by single company(100001) MinQuatityContactId = ContactId which has order min quantityMinQuantity = min quantity order by single company (100001) Any idea how to do that. Thanks in AdvanceArvind
I'm a bit new to MS-SQL so i thought maybe you could help me.
This is my prob. I have an Access application that i have upsized to a MS-SQL server. I have a query based on 3 tables: Customers, Companys and Payreminders. When i run this query, i can't add new records or make any changes. If i only run the query with the tables: companys and payreminders i can add new records and edit them. If i run a query that's based on companys and customers, i can edit and add new records, but when i run the query based on companys and customers i can't add or edit records.
companys, payreminders: Editable payreminders, companys: Editable Companys, customers: Non editable Companys, payreminders, customers: Non editable
Something must go wrong when i use the companys and customers table. Can anybody help or give a suggestion what to do.
I need help makeing the following query run more efficently.
SELECT t1.ID,t1.firstName,t1.lastName,t1.address,,t1.state,,t1.locationAddress,t1.locationCity,t1.locationState,t1.locationZip FROM Landlord_tbl t1 left outer join Mail_tbl t2 ON t2.potentialSitesID = t1.potentialSitesID WHERE t2.mailed_out_date is null and NOT(t1.firstName+t1.lastName) is Null GROUP BY t1.ID,t1.firstName,t1.lastName,t1.address,,t1.state,,t1.locationAddress,t1.locationCity,t1.locationState,t1.locationZip ORDER BY t1.firstName, t1.lastName,, t1.state
Where, Opening column is 0 when there is no previous closing and Value column would be the daily total. The closing would be the Opening value + Daily Total and this value would Opening value for next line. Please help me how to write the SQL statement to get this result from above table.
I have encountered some problems creating MDX query. There are two input parameters on report, both dropdown list and from query. The first parameter will check "State", and the second parameter "Store Name" depends on previous' result. If there's no "State" found, I manage to show a "No Data" in the "State" droplist. But with "No Data" in first parameter, the second parameter simply is not enabled. I want the second parameter shows " No Data" as well but not succeed.
Here's code
SELECT {[Measures].[A1], [Measures].[B1], [Measures].[C1]} ON COLUMNS ,
[Store].[Store Name].ALLMEMBERS ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@State) ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Cube]) ... The query need to look at dataset that contains [store name] on rows, and some measures on columns. It also restricted by parameter @State.
Store Name that satisfies @State will be displayed. But if nothing from SELECT ( STRTOSET(@State) ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Cube], there's nothing in result. I'd rather like show something rather than nothing. I try codes like ... MEMBER [Store].[Store].[NA] AS '"N/A"' IIF(<Parameter empty>, (SELECT ... ON COLUMNS, [Store].[Store].[NA] ON ROWS FROM ...), (SELECT ...<Original statement >) ) ... It shows "Subselect support only Column axis".
Any one has an idea? Please help me out Many thanks!
Hi, I have the following query that kinda does what i want
SELECT ABTANumber, TourOperator, ReportStatus, COUNT(*) AS Counter FROM (SELECT ABTANumber, TourOperator, r.ReportStatus FROM bookingdetails bd LEFT JOIN report r ON bd.Id = r.BookingDetailsId) a GROUP BY ABTANumber, TourOperator, ReportStatus
SELECT [R].[PaymentMonth], [S].[RegionCode], [S].[CmsStateShortName], [P].[Attribute1] AS [FinalProduct], [Membership] = SUM([R].[Membership])
FROM [RptMMRSummary1] [R] INNER JOIN [RefCmsState1] [S] ON [R].[CmsStateCode] = [S].[CmsStateCode] INNER JOIN [RefPlanBenefitPackage1] [P] ON [R].[PlanBenefitPackageID] = [P].[PlanBenefitPackageID] WHERE [R].[PaymentMonth] IN ('200712', '200711', '200612') -- [P].[Attribute1] IN ('HMO', 'PPO', 'PFFS', 'SNP', 'EVCSNP') GROUP BY [R].[PaymentMonth], [S].[RegionCode], [S].[CmsStateShortName], [P].[Attribute1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- How do we use the pivot query for the above script. Layout as below
200801 Month / Year Selection
------------------------------------------------------- StateShortname | Attribute | Attribute | Attribute | Total ---------------------------------------------------------- AL Values Values Values OL Values Values Values ZW Values Values Values WEST Group By Region Code Total BK Values Values Values MN Values Values Values EAST Group By Region Code Total
200712 Always Previous Month for the above selection Month /Year
------------------------------------------------------- StateShortname | Attribute | Attribute | Attribute | Total ---------------------------------------------------------- AL Values Values Values OL Values Values Values ZW Values Values Values WEST Group By Region Code Total BK Values Values Values MN Values Values Values EAST Group By Region Code Total
200612 Always Previous year End Month for the above select Month / Year
------------------------------------------------------- StateShortname | Attribute | Attribute | Attribute | Total ---------------------------------------------------------- AL Values Values Values OL Values Values Values ZW Values Values Values WEST Group By Region Code Total BK Values Values Values MN Values Values Values EAST Group By Region Code Total
I would like to have it in the following format ======================================================== unitid CCT1 CCT2 CCT3 CCT4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ravi,Raja,Kanna Senthil,Lee,Suresh 2 John,Vijay,Nithya Ram,Krish,Latha Raja,Vijay,Ram Sankar
If we use: select * from ..... , normally, it will return an ordered result ( may be order by ID ), but how can we make an random order select statement. It mean every time we run the query, the result will be different from the other ?
Any help would be really appreciated.... My stored procedure...
select distinct CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),Receipts.Companynumber1)+CONVE RT(VARCHAR(10),Receipts.Companynumber2) as co , Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.Premium2 as Premium, "CAN"=case when Receipts.transactiontype='CAN' then (receipts.premium1+receipts.premium2) else 0 end, "NET"=Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.Premium2-case when Receipts.transactiontype='CAN' then (receipts.premium1+receipts.premium2) else 0 end,
"#NEW"=case when Receipts.transactiontype='NEW' then count(Receipts.policynumber) else 0 end,
------- "$NEW"= case when Receipts.transactiontype='NEW' then (Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.premium2) else 0 end, "#REN"=case when Receipts.transactiontype='REN' then count(Receipts.policynumber) else 0 end, "$RENEW"= case when Receipts.transactiontype='REN' then (Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.premium2) else 0 end, "#AP"=case when Receipts.transactiontype='AP' then count(Receipts.policynumber) else 0 end, "$AP"= case when Receipts.transactiontype='AP' then (Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.premium2) else 0 end, "#SENT"=case when policy.Renewalofferdate between @Fromdate AND @ToDate then count(policy.policynumber) end,
"%"=case when case when Receipts.transactiontype='REN' then count(Receipts.policynumber)else 0 end =0 then 0 when case when policy.Renewalofferdate between @Fromdate AND @ToDate then count(policy.policynumber) else 0 end=0 then 0 else case when Receipts.transactiontype='REN' then count(Receipts.policynumber)else 0 end /case when policy.Renewalofferdate between @Fromdate AND @ToDate then count(policy.policynumber) else 0 end end,
"Current Year"= case when policy.Renewalofferdate between @Fromdate AND @ToDate then count(clubamount) end, "Previous Year"=case when policy.Renewalofferdate between DateAdd(year, -1, @Fromdate) AND DateAdd(year, -1, @ToDate) then count(clubamount) end, "#AA"=count(receipts.clubamount), "$AA"=sum(receipts.clubamount)
FROM Receipts,Policy where Receipts.Agencyid=Policy.Agentid group by Receipts.CompanyNumber1,Receipts.CompanyNumber2, Receipts.Premium1,Receipts.Premium2, Receipts.TransactionType,policy.Renewalofferdate, Receipts.Agencyid
I am currently stuck on how to make this 2 separate query work together, both work as i want them to individually, please note the syntax is according to a application i use that uses mysql to manipulate columns in an imported csv file.
CONCAT('at-', REPLACE([CSV_COL(18)],'','') ) removes last character i.e. / SUBSTRING([CSV_COL(18)], 1, CHAR_LENGTH([CSV_COL(18)]) - 1)
basically i need these 2 to work together to give me an output like this
from the this. URL...url above minus the "" as i said both work on there own, but not together.
select no_dossier from dbo.membre where date_MAJ = GETDATE()select no_dossier from dbo.membre where date_MAJ = '2005-07-21'Both should give me the same result, yes or no?thanks
select no_dossier from dbo.membre where date_MAJ = GETDATE()select no_dossier from dbo.membre where date_MAJ = '2005-07-21'Both should give me the same result, yes or no?thanks