Ok, my host is free and for some reason when my users submit there code inside the discreption "textarea" with this (don't) it crashes the form without sending it to the database?
But if it is sent like this (dont) its ok!
So i am working on replacing the invalid strings so it'll be ok if they forget not to do it. But i am stuck...
Function CleanInput(strIn As String) As String
' Replace invalid characters with empty strings.
Return Regex.Replace(strIn, "[^w.@-]", "")
End Function
Hii every one When i use the function of (select) from the data bass it return dataset or some thing else But I need it to return string or the data element which in the query not all the query
I dont need that _____________ | Id | Name | ----------------- | 1 | Bill | -------------------- I dont need All of that to display But I need to display the name only in Label or textbox like Bill
Hi I am trying to create a Quiz system and i need to put the user's Unique ID in the Result Data Table, so that the when they submit there results it puts there Unique ID by the side so that they can view it in there profile, and not anyone elses. Thanks Gareth Cork
I have a registration form, and upon the user clicking the submit button, I want the information to be processed and sent to my SQL database. Each textbox (i.e. username, password, email address) has a corresponding field in a table in the database.
How can I accomplish this? I under stand that I will need an onclick event handler.
Old Frontpage user here... I need to submit a form to a database, like in Frontpage and store the database on the web server. How do I accomplish this with Visual Studio Express...is there a ASP.NET component or do I need to code it? Many Thanks, Jake p.s. my ASP.NET 2.0 books are coming for Christmas!
I need to have an way to automatically submit a sql query in Sql 2000 - the query joins several lables and exports the info to a file. Right now I've been doing it interactively in Query analyzer and using the export to option... I can't use DTS (query way too complicated!) and the file created is >255 lrecl so that seems to be a big problem too!
Any suggestions? Save me from this same predicament on New Years Day! Thanks and Happy Holidays! :(
Hi there, i have written a page and for a long time it worked (or so i thought) now all of a sudden it dosnt. I have gone right back to basics and tried to only insert one variable, tried using a text box, a string pre populated, or a string populated by the text box - nothing seems to work. However if i hard code in the thing that i want, even into the SQL or into my param it works, whats going on! i think my programming skills are letting me down here! here is what i am trying to use (as you can see i have commented out all that i was using to get back to basics) Are there any pointers?SqlConnection objConnAddStock = new SqlConnection(sAddStock); //This is the sql statement. int intUpdateQSStockID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["qsStockID"]); string strCondition;strCondition = "Brand New 12";using (objConnAddStock) { objConnAddStock.Open();string sqlAddStock = "UPDATE tbl_stock SET condition = @condition WHERE stock_id = " + intUpdateQSStockID;
I have a Monthlyexpense column. How do I Sum up this column and put the Total in my ytdexpenses column. Do I use a stored procedure, because I want the monthlyExpenses to SUm up every time I submit a monthly expense to the database and siplay in the ytdExpenses Column. When I Write a Query all of the rows in the ytdExpenses shows the same amount and do not total up every time I submit to the database. Help please.
pls i have asp.net page that i want to connect to sql server express edition database and i want data to be submited from the page into sql server express edition database that i have in my project folder when i click on submit button pls help me with the code to do this
I have a report created in Reporting Services that contains 5 parameters. Two are text [date] fields, and three are drop-down multi-value parameters. One is driven from the result of another, and both of those work fine. My issue is with the final multi-value parameter, which is simply a list of customers. It gets populated from the data set without a problem, and I can select from 1 to all of the options. However, on submitting the report. This one parameter gets cleared out, the report does not run, but instead waits for me to select the customers (again) and resubmit.
Occasionally, I can select a few customers and it will, in fact, run the report. However, 90% of the time it just clears the field and waits.
I can trace the database, and everything looks normal - on submit nothing is sent to the database, so it's not like there's a problem with the query. I've verified the customer table and all records look similar - I don't see any obvious data issues.
Currently, I have a set of data that is available on a SQL Server. I want to be able to display the information in the front-end (ie. Access form, excel, webpage?), and if the user wants to edit any information they may do so and with a click of a button, submits to the sql server.
I have created an order form for my business. I placed a submit button at the bottom. I wanted all the clients information to go into my emailbox. Someone told me about MS SQL Server. I got excited and downloaded the 2005 Express version with all the trimmings. Now I am more confused than I was before. Someone please explain to me what I should do first. Redo the form with the studio then work with the server? I think I may have deleted something important from the server trying to figure it out. Help!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all,I have a internet page written in asp to submit into authorscurriculum vitae publications (title, author, year, etc.).If the author submit less than 8000 characters it functions OK, but Ifthe author try's to submit more than 8000 characters the asp page doesnot return an error but the text is not saved in the database or,sometimes, it returned a "Typ mismatch" error.Here is the sp:---------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CV_publications(@formCommandnvarchar(255)='process',@id numeric=null,@id_personint=null,@typPubID tinyint= NULL,@publicationstext=null)ASif @formCommand='process'beginINSERT INTO CV_publications(idperson,typPubID,publications)VALUES (@id_person@typPubID,@publications);select 1 as status, @@IDENTITY AS insertedID, * FROMCV_publications WHERE id=@@IDENTITYend----------------------------------------------------------------------------The server is running IIS5 and SqlServer 2000Any ideas ???
I tried to remove AdventureWorksDB in the "Add or Remove Programs" of Contol Panel and I got the following errors: (1) AdventureWorksDB Error 1326: Error getting file security: CProgram FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL1MSSQLGetLastError: 5. |OK| and (2) Add or Remove Programs Fatal Error during installation (after I clicked the |OK| button). Please help and tell me how I can solve this problem.
I have uninstalled the CTP version of the SQL Server express so that I can install the released version but CTP version is still listed in the add/remove program list but without the change/remove button. I have been to different sites to find information on cleaning this up and I have ran all the uninstall tool I can find but the problem still prevails. I cannot install the released version without completely getting rid of the CTP version. Please help anyone.
I am having a hard time removing my SQL instance inside the Add/Remove program. After i select the SQL Instance name and then I tried to remove it but it won't allow me to delete it. There isn't any error message or whatsoever. Actually, when i try to log it in my SQL Management studio, that certain sql instance name is not existing according to the message box. Is there any way to remove the Sql Instance in my system?
Hi all In my table one of the column consists the values like this Krishna" Rama" - - - - - I want to remove ". I started with instr to findout the occurence. Its giving the message that 'InStr' is not a recognized built-in function name.. How to solve it. Waiting for valuable replies Thank u Baba
Please help to remove (-) The EM_TERMINATION_DATE column have records with no data. I am using the following below script to format the dates. The problem is : the format with (-) between yyyy-mm-dd retrive NULL records with (-) see the output. How to fix it? Here is my ouput: EM_TERMINATION_DATE 2006-03-15 - - - - - - - -
Here is my script:
cast(left(EM_TERMINATION_DATE, 4) as varchar(4))
+ '-' +
Cast(right(EM_TERMINATION_DATE, 4) as varchar(2))
+ '-' +
Cast(left(Right(EM_TERMINATION_DATE,2), 2) as varchar(2))as TERM_DT
Hi, I don't need sql express, never use it and I would like to remove it. Is it possible without loosing important functionalities in VWD? Is that true that cannot compile the applications (ctrl+f5) anymore?
I had sqlcachedependancy installed. But now I cannot uninstall it? 1. I unregistered: C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727>aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S localhost-d DNN1 -dd 2. I remove the Dependencry.Start() from my application_start ' System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.Start(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SiteSqlServer").ConnectionString) 3. I removed the cache section from my web.config 4. I removed the outputcache statements from my aspx pages. <!--<%@ OutputCache Duration="1" VaryByParam="*" SqlDependency="CommandNotification" %>--> However, I still get the next error:
Error When using SqlDependency without providing an options value, SqlDependency.Start() must be called prior to execution of a command added to the SqlDependency instance. What to do? Any help or advice is appreciated. Jelle
Would someone mind helping me with formatting a string please?? I have a column DECIMAL(4,2). In a stored proc I am selecting this field and converting it to varchar so I can append certain characters to it (this is really irrelevant to my question). However, before appending the characters, I need to remove zeros after the decimal point. Examples: 3.00 should be 3 3.20 should be 3.2 3.05 should be 3.05 etc
I have a field name call firstname and other field middleinit, now the table contains data. and i want to extract data, the firstname field sometimes contains the middle initial, for for example JOHH D. now I would like to set the firstname field with JOHN only and and set the middleinit field like D only thanks
From Sql-server enterprise manager : Management-Current Activity-Locks/Process ID, I found several locks, which preventing some of application working property.
So, I want to remove locks manually. How Can I do this?