Please Take A Look... Database Changes Not Maintained Between VS2K5pro And SQLServer Dev Version.

Apr 17, 2007

Well that's pretty much it. I discovered this when I added tables to a database from within VS2K5. The tables are visible in VS but not in the server management studio.
To clarify further...I added a db to a website in VS. I then used the server management studio to delete tables from the db. They appear to be gone in server management studio, but are still visible within VS, even after a refresh and shut down/restart of VS.
I don't get it. What am I missing here? This is killing me.
Any thoughts? 
The only other thing I can think to add is that I originally created the db in question from within VS2K5. I did nothing I am aware of to make it act differently than any other db. So why it shows up in the server management studio but changes I make aren't consistently maintained between there and  VS2K5, I do not understand.
TIA - Regards,

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After Restoring MASTER Database, Can't Start SQLServer Service: Configuration Block Version 0 Is Not A Valid Version Number

Jul 16, 2007

Now, I checked and verified that my backup version of SQL Server is the same as the version installed on the computer I'm restoring too.

I have SQL Server on a production machine that I backed up and want to test a full restore on a dev machine to make sure it will work when I need it to.

Now that I've run the restore command on my tape backup and go to restart the SQL server service I receive:

Configuration block version 0 is not a valid version number. SQL Server is exiting. Restore the master database or reinstall.

I'm afraid I don't understand why this is happening. If the builds are the same, then shouldn't restoring the MASTER database have worked normally and I'd be able to restart the service now?

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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Restore Database From Evaluation Version Sqlserver 2005

Apr 3, 2008


I have an sqlserver 2005 Enterprise edition (Evaluation version) installed on one of my servers.It got expired after 180days and now i want to transfer the database that was residing on that Evaluation version sqlserver to a new Development server.

Do we have any way to restore the database from a already expired Sqlserver trail version to a new Development server.
I dont want make an upgrade.
Please suggest me.


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Dec 27, 2000


I have sqlserver 6.5 setup in our server.

We have a problem with all blocks and I am trying to find it whether service pack is to be run.

When I tried to see the version of that using "select @@version" or tried to find in the Attributes we see

Microsoft SQL Server 6.50 - 6.50.427 (Intel X86)
Feb 24 1999 14:11:23
Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Microsoft Corporation

and this version is not at all in the list of Microsoft Service packs.
If anyone give a solution as early as possible I appreciate that.


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Sqlserver Version

Sep 22, 2004

Someone can tell me what is the release datet of the following versions of SQLSERVER :


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restore A Database Of Higher Version To Lower Version?

Sep 1, 2014

Is there any way to restore a database of higher version to lower version.

E.g. I have created a database in sql server 2012, created some tables & procedures in that.I took Full backup of that database. Can I restore it to sql 2008r2 or any lower version.

I know direct restore is not possible, I have to use either import or export option or generating script,but i want to know is there any easy step to do so.

Vimal Lohani
SQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)

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How Do I Find Out Which Version Of Express Sqlserver I Have?

Mar 9, 2008

I am not sure which one I downloaded. whether it was the one with or without "extra" analysis and reporting features.

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The Database 'x.MDF' Cannot Be Opened Because It Is Version 611. This Server Supports Version 607 And Earlier??

Mar 11, 2006


I have tried to attatch a database ,created by SQL server Express within a C# application , in SQL server 2005 Enterprise edition, but the following error message appears:


TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Attach database failed for Server 'MEDO'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click: SQL Server&ProdVer=9.00.1187.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Attach database+Server&LinkId=20476


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


The database 'E:X.MDF' cannot be opened because it is version 611. This server supports version 607 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
Could not open new database 'E:X.MDF'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 948)


so , how can I solve this problem , I need to reed the data resides in the tables of 'X' database , how can I do it?? please help me.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Ssis Error Converting Database From Version 539 To The Current Version 611

Jan 7, 2008

I have an ssis package that downloads a SQL Server 2000 database and restores it to a SQL 2005 server. Ninety-five percent of the time it runs just fine, but every so often the job fails and I get the following set of error messages in the log file. (I have had to delete some of the proprietary information for this message to satisfy my boss like putting in [Database name] in place of the actual name of the database in the error message).

OnError, Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Converting database [Database name] from version 539 to the current version 611.
OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Converting database [Database name] from version 539 to the current version 611.
OnError,Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Database [Database name] running the upgrade step from version 539 to version 551.
OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Database [Database name] running the upgrade step from version 539 to version 551.
OnError,Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,The transaction log for database [Database name] is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,The transaction log for database [Database name] is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
OnError,SQL5,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,RESTORE could not start database [Database name].
OnError,SQL5,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,RESTORE could not start database [Database name].
OnError,SQL5,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,-1073548784,0x,Executing the query "RESTORE DATABASE [Database name]
FROM DISK = '[Path to back up file]' WITH REPLACE,
MOVE 'ASP_Live_Data' TO [Path to MDF file],
MOVE 'ASP_Live_Log' TO [Path to LDF file]" failed with the following error: "RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,-1073548784,0x,Executing the query "RESTORE DATABASE [Database name]
FROM DISK = '[Path to backup file]' WITH REPLACE,
MOVE 'ASP_Live_Data' TO [Path to MDF file]',
MOVE 'ASP_Live_Log' TO [Path to LDF file]" failed with the following error: "RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
OnTaskFailed,Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,(null)

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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How To Get The Rowid Of The Table Maintained By The Sql

Mar 24, 2008

I want to fetch the records from the table which does not have Id column and also I don't want to use the temp tables, as my table is having thousands of records then it will create temp and all the records will be added to that temp table which will consume a lot of time
so I want to fetch the records depending upon the rowid maintained by the sql
 please revert with ur valuable answers
thankx in advance

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What Is The Command To Know The Exact Version Of SQLServer 2000

Oct 22, 2004

I want to be sure that the SP3a ghas been applied

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Does 64-bit Version Of SQLServer Compact In Microsoft's Develop Schedule?

Nov 11, 2007

I am looking forward to a native 64-bit file-based database solution on Microsoft Windows platform. And I don't know why Microsoft didn't release the native 64-bit solution for JET engine (MDB file).

So, before I using this light-weight and file-based version of SQL Server, I will like to ask the question that the 64-bit version has been put into develop schedule?


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When Changing To Type Text From Nvarchar, The 255 Character Limit Is Maintained?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi - I am changing a field from type nvarchar to type text, given thatI need to store strings longer than 255 characters. To do this Ichange the data type in SQL Server, then I change the parameter code inthe calling procedure, as per below:cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("@title", adVarWChar,adParamInput, 255, title));becomes:cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("@title", adLongVarWChar,adParamInput, 1073741823, title));However, when I do this, for some reason, the field is still limited to255 characters - when I try to update the field with 256 characters,the error 'Application uses a value of the wrong type for the currentoperation.' occurs.Why is this? I've checked that the correct data is contained in theparameter. When I look at the data in the database, the column inquestion shows the content, whereas the next column, which has alwaysbeen of type text, shows '<LongText>' - does this mean anything? Do Ineed to do something special to convert the column from nvarchar totext?Many thanks,Iain

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How To Transfer Data From A SqlServer Database To A SqlServer Express Database

Mar 29, 2006

Is there a way to transfer data from a SqlServer db to a SqlServer Express db. I tried to use the backup file of SqlServer, but this file is not valid for SqlServer Express. Or there any alternatives?



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Trying To 'load' A Copy Of A SQLServer 2000 Database To SQLServer 2005 Express

Apr 18, 2008

I am trying to 'load' a copy of a SQLServer 2000 database to SQLServer 2005 Express (on another host). The copy was provided by someone else - it came to me as a MDF file only, no LDF file.

I have tried to Attach the database and it fails with a failure to load the LDF. Is there any way to bypass this issue without the LDF or do I have to have that?

The provider of the database says I can create a new database and just point to the MDF as the data source but I can't seem to find a way to do that? I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express.


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Upgrade SQLServer Mobile (.sdf) Database To SQLServer 2005

Feb 9, 2006


I have an SQLServer Mobile database, and I would like to know if there is a way to upgrade it to SQLServer 2005 (.mdf) database. My database has no records in it, just the structure (tables etc). What I am actually asking is if I can create automatically a new SQLServer 2005 Database with the same structure as my existin SQLSErver Mobile database

Thanks in advance,


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Sybase Version (linking Sybase To Sqlserver 2005)

May 18, 2008


i tried the document below pertaining to linking sybase 12.5 to sqlserver 2000 and sqlserver 2005

but when our company upgrade the sybase to 15.x i can't find the oledb configuration stated on the document.

so i can't linked the sybase 15.x now to sqlserver 2005. can somebody help me.!!!please...

where i can find the oledb configuration in sybase 15.xx..


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Database Version

Sep 16, 2004

What is the difference between a personal edition and the msde edition ?

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Database Version

Apr 17, 2006


if we generate a database file on a particular version of ms sql express and in time to come if there are a few more versions of ms sql express out there with the users - if we continue to package with our app a database file from an older version of sql express will that be a problem with users running a newer version of sql express ?

Also what about the converse scenario - where we ship a database file from a newer version of sql while the customer is still running on an older version.



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Can I Install A Enterprise Version Analysis Service On A Standard Version Of SQL 2005 Server?

Jul 25, 2006

Hi all,

Since some analysis services features are only available in Enterprise version , I have to upgrade my SQL 2005 server from standard edition to enterpise edition.

So I uninstall originial standard version of analysis service and install a Enterprise version. However, the analysis service is still a standard version after installation.

Is it possible to keep data engine as standard version and install a enterprise version of analysis service?

Thank you very much


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Exporting 8.0 Database To Version 7.0

Jun 8, 2001

Is it possible to take a Database from version 8.0 (SQL Server 2000) and convert it to version 7.0? My ISP is running SQL Server 7, and I am developing on SQL Server 2000. I will be using Active Server Pages to make most of my modifications to the database, once it is complete. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

Rob Bleile

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Replacing The New Version Of The Database

Aug 23, 2005

Hi friends

I have a database where i need to replace with a new version of the same one.
Can anyone suggest the best possible and reliable way of doing that



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Compare Database Version

May 23, 2007

Greetings All,

I have a SQL Server 2005 DB that contains a version number that is specific to its schema. I have an SSIS package that performs an export/import of user data. I need to be able to compare the DB version number of both the target and the source database before the migrate operation can continue. Does anyone know if there is a Control Flow Task (or some other task) to do such a thing or will I need to write a custom Script Task?

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

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Jun 8, 2007

How can I tell which version of SQL Server that a .mdf file was created with? I have a file from a customer that I cannot open with SQL Server 2005 and suspect it was created with an earlier version of SQL Server. How can I convert it to SQL Server 2005?


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How To Copy Table From Oracle Database To Sqlserver Database ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I need to copy a table from an 8i oracle database to a sqlserver 2000 database.Is it possible to use the command "COPY FROM ... TO ..." ?So, what is the correct syntax ?Thanks for your helpCyril

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Copy Sqlce Database Structure To Sqlserver Database

Jan 6, 2008

I have a complicated sql server mobile database (.sdf) and need to create a SQL SERVER database with the same tables. How can I do it without scripting the whole thing? I thought of using the views.information_schema databases, but it is still a lot of coding.


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What Sql Server Version To Buy? Difference In Performance Between The Workgroup And Standard Version

Feb 19, 2008

Hello,I have been searching and reading a lots of information on the microsoft  website about the different version of SQL server, but still can not make my decision.In term of performance, is there a real big difference between the workgroup and the standard version? The workgroup is limited to 3 GB of RAM while the standard is unlimited, would that really change the performance if my server has 16Gb or RAM?The price difference is pretty substantial so if could only have to buy the workgroup , it would be better.One more question, regarding the type of licence, my server has 2 processors, could I avoid buying 2 licences and get the Server plus CAL instead. I am using this server to host 4 web-application running on SQL server. Each database is about 15 MB.Thanks in adavance for your advises.Arno

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Changing From SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation Version To Developer Version

Oct 30, 2007

I am wondering if it is possible to change from SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation Version to Developer Version. The reason is because the Enterprise Evaluation version expires after 180 days. So if I create reports and cubes in Enterprise Evaluation I can import them into Developer Edition right? Should I remove the Enterprise Evaluation version after 180 days or leave it then install Developer Edition?

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Want To Upgrade Evaluation Version Of SQL 2005 To Full Retail Version. How Would I Do That. Thanks

Jan 31, 2007

Want to upgrade Evaluation version of SQL 2005 to full retail version. How would I do that. Thanks very much for your hel

Sam Commar

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Integration Services :: Package Migration From Version 8 To Version 6 Failed

Sep 22, 2015

I have received the error message "Package migration from version 8 to version 6 failed".I have developed a SSIS package with Visual Studio 2013 which gives me PackageFormatVersion of 8. I then deploy my package to the ssisdb catalog that is running on a SQL Server 2012, this works fine but when I try to execute the package the error arises…due to SQL Server 2012 has a PackageFormatVersion of 6 and it can’t run something that has a greater version.I haven’t seen any good solution for this but one that would work for me would be to upgrade the Integration Services Server from 2012 to 2014, leaving everything else in 2012 (database, ssms, ssas, ssrs).Would this solve the package format problem? Would I then be able to execute my packages in the ssisdb catalog?

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Error 956 : Cannot Open Database Version 525

Nov 26, 2002

I have copied a SQL Server 70 database to SQL Server 2000. Got error message during copying - 'unable to attach db' and when click on the db on SQL Server 2000, go erro - error 946 cannot open database version 525. Upgrade the database to the latest version. Anyone has any idea??:confused:

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How To Reteive Version Number Of SQL Database?

Aug 29, 2006

I need to retrieve the version number of SQL database. Does anybody know how to retrieve it?

Thanks and Regards

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Version Controlling For OLAP Database

Oct 20, 2006


Can someone tell me how I can manage different versions of my OLAP Database, in Analysis Services 2000 without having to use Archive database ?
I want only the design of my cubes and my dimensions. Is there any way to get the script of a cube?

Is there any tool available to do this kind of actions ?

Thanks in advance.

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