Point Me To Some Resources

May 21, 2008

I normally develop for MySQL and PHP, but we have a new application that runs on MS SQL and I'm having difficulty using the same structure as MySQL to run queries. Can someone here point me to a good resource to learn the basics?


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Is Point In Time Recovery To A Point Before The Last Full Database Backup Possible?

Mar 26, 2008

Hello all,

First off, I appreciate the time that those of you reading and responding to this request are offering. My quesiton is a theoretical and hopefully simple one, and yet I have been unable to find an answer to it on other searches or sources.

Here's the situation. I am working with SQL Server 2005 on a Windows Server 2003 machine. I have a series of databases, all of which are in Full recovery mode, using a backup device for the full database backups and a separate device for the log backups. The full backups are run every four days during non-business hours. The log backups are run every half hour.

Last week, one of my coworkers found that some rarely-used data was unavailable, and wanted to restore a database to a point in time where the data was available. He told me that point in time was some time back in November.

To accomplish this, I restored the database (in a separate database, as to not overwrite my production database) using the Point in Time Recovery option. I selected November from the "To a point in time" window (I should note that this window is always grey, never white like most active windows, it seems), and the full database backup and the subsequent logs all became available in the "Select the backup sets to restore" window.

I then tried a bevy of different options from the "Options" screen. However, every restore succeeds (ie: it doesn't error out), but seems to be bringing the database back to a current point in time. It's never actually going back to the point in time I specify.

My questions are as follows:

a) Is it possible to do a point in time recovery to a point in time BEFORE the last full database backup?

b) If so, what options would you recommend I use? (ie: "Overwrite the existing database", restore with recovery, etc etc).

I again appreciate any and all advice I receive, and I look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone on this topic. Thank you.


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SQL Server Over Point-to-Point T1

Nov 10, 2006

I'm running SQL Server 2005 on a Server 2003 machine serving both our home network as well as a remote site through a point-to-point T1. While file transfer speeds are up to par, the remote site's interaction with SQL Server (Point of sale system) is very slow. After testing I am certain that it has nothing to do with the actual physical machine in place neither is it an issue with the program itself since speeds are as they are supposed to be over the home network lan. It seems that there might be a packet size issue or something of the sort. Has anyone dealt with this before or have any thoughts?


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Why Does ADO.NET Used So Many Resources?

Nov 10, 2003

I used SqlConnection/SqlDataReader to read data from SQL Server 2000 in my ASP.NET project, but I found that the CPU usage is too high, and I used SQL Query Analyzer to run the same SQL statement, The CPU usage is the half of the previous, is there anyone can tell me why? Thank you!

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SQL Resources

May 8, 2006

Hi everyone!Being new the SQL, I wanted to ask everyone if there are good resources out there that they use?  I could use all the help I can get!  Books, links, websites, etc.Recently my friend sent me this, I found it informative and best of all, free! https://store.pentontech.com/index.cfm?s=9&promocode=qe2165f7
Thanks in advance for your help!- Lizzy

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Jul 5, 2001

Sometimes logging in to SQL 7 I get 'Memory resources not available...' and
log in process terminates. Do I need to up number of locks !
If so, how ! Pls. suggest any other ideas !

I have 2g ram, 4 CPUs NT 4 SP5


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What Is Using Resources...now!

May 5, 2006

This proc will show you what is using SQL system resources right now. If a process is not currently using any resources, it will not show up on the list. Also, a dump of the input buffer is printed so you can see just what is going on.

I use this code whenever somebody whines that "The server is slow!".

The magic is ::fn_get_sql which came with service pack 3 for sql 2000.

use master
IF (object_id('sp_Now')) is not null
PRINT 'Dropping: sp_Now'
PRINT 'Creating: sp_Now'
set nocount on
declare @handle binary(20),
@spid smallint,
@rowcnt smallint,
@output varchar(500)

select sql_handle, spid
from sysprocesses
where sql_handle <> 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-- and spid <> @@SPID --> Uncomment to stop seeing your own process
order by cpu desc

INTO @handle,

set @rowcnt = @@CURSOR_ROWS

print '===================='
print '===================='
print ' '
set @output = 'ACTIVE SPIDS: ' + convert(varchar(4),@rowcnt)
print @output

print ' '
print ' '
print 'O' + replicate('x',120) + 'O'
print 'O' + replicate('x',120) + 'O'
print ' '
print ' '
print ' '

select convert(char(15), loginame) as 'loginame',
convert(char(10),hostname) as 'hostname',
convert(char(20),db_name(dbid)) 'database',
str(spid,4,0) 'spid',
str(blocked,5,0) 'block',
-- str(waittime,9,0) 'wait_time',
str(physical_io,8,0) 'phys_io',
-- str((cpu),10,0) 'cpu(ms)',
-- str((cpu/60000.0),9,3) 'cpu(mins)',
str((cpu/1000/60),6) + ':' + case when left((str(((cpu/1000) % 60),2)),1) = ' ' then stuff(str(((cpu/1000) % 60),2),1,1,'0') else str(((cpu/1000) % 60),2) END as 'cpu(mm:ss)',
str((convert(float,memusage) * 8192.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0),8,2) 'mem(MB)',
convert(char(30),program_name) as 'program_name',
convert(char(15),lastwaittype) 'lastwaittype',
convert(char(20),login_time,120) 'login_time',
convert(char(19),last_batch,120) 'last_batch',
convert(char(10),status) as 'status',
convert(char(15),nt_username) as 'nt_username'
from master..sysprocesses
where spid = @spid
print ' '
print ' '
dbcc inputbuffer(@spid)
print ' '
print ' '
select * from ::fn_get_sql(@handle)
INTO @handle,
close TEST
deallocate TEST
IF (object_id('sp_Now')) is not null
PRINT 'Procedure created.'
PRINT 'Procedure NOT created.'

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SQL Resources

Jul 31, 2006

Im just looking for someone that has a demonstration Visual Basic database script.
Something that makes a database, ad / removes rows and information, does all basic database stuff, just as an example of how a SQL database is supposed to be handled.

Anyone have any links?

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Resources Used By UDF

Jul 23, 2005

I know that a query inside a called UDF does not show up when displaying theestimated query plan, but are the resources (CPU, DiskIO) used by a UDF thatis call from within an SProc or embedded in a SQL statement included insp_who2 and Profiler BatchCompleted?Also how performance draining is it to do something like the following. Iassume for every row returned the udf will be called causing 8000 tablescans on DateTable?Create Functionu udf_GetCountDates (@StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime)Returns IntbeginReturn(select count(*) from DateTablewhere ColDate > @TestDate and Col1Date <)end--DateTable has 5,000 rowsCreate proc Test@TestDate datetimeAsselect Col1, Col2, udf_GetCountDates(@TestDate, Col2)From OTable--OTable has 8,000 rowsGoThanks,Ray

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Jul 20, 2005

I have a question...say I have an asp app that works as a front end toan sql server 2000 database. Would it be better, performance wise, toseperate the webserver from the sqlserver or to have them on the samemachine?-Jim

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Indentifying How Much Resources Are Used

May 13, 2004

I have a sql job(that runs several stored procs) that is run to fix a problem, it is set to run every few minutes (no, this is not my idea). What would be the best way to identify how much this specific job/and it's sp's are using in resources, such as cpu and memory?

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Resources For MS Certification

Jun 19, 2002

I was thinking of doing certification from Microsoft. I was first intending to write exam 70-229 which is :
Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

The Microsoft site http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/exams/70-229.asp#TOOLS has a list of topics that I need to be familiar with in order to pass the exam, but it does not have the detailed information.
Can someone guide me to a place where I can go to get the detailed information about these topics so that I can prepare better for the certification exam?

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Mssql Resources

Mar 9, 2006

Hi folks, thought I'd wade into the mssql waters, I've used mysql for some time, thought I'd familiarize myself with the other.

I downloaded mssql server 2005 express edition. Don't know if I missed anything on the site, maybe I did. I've got it running from the command line.

Are there any GUIs out there that are decent to use? Where can I download it?

Is there a specific manual available like mysql has? I think I stumbled across something but wasn't sure it was searchable, sorry the link is on my other 'puter at the moment so I can't see what I was looking at.

perhaps a sticky in this forum with good resources would be helpful to all.


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Resources Usage

Oct 20, 2005

Hello, I need to know how to see the cpu and memory usage per session, and the cause (What query is causing It)

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Limiting The Resources

Jun 13, 2007


I have a problem on microsoft sql server 2000.
I need to limit the amount of resources(eg cpu, mem..) a query uses
Is there a way to do this in SQL server 2000

Thks in advance

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NOLOCK And No Resources?

Mar 31, 2008

What will happen if I'm running a query with the NOLOCK hint but the SQL Server has run out of resources?


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Using Resources With SSIS

Apr 2, 2008


There are many Errorcodes which SSIS uses to represent errors, warnings etc.

List of errorcodes are at: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345164.aspx

Now, in my SSIS package, I have defined error handler(OnError) and warning handler(OnWarning) to handle the events. Which logges them to a flat file with some formatting and condition checks including addional information about faulty row.

I dont want to log the exact error messages sent by SSIS as they are too much technical and not understanadble by normal user. I want them to be replaced with some custom message which I 'l pick from some resource file by matching the ErrorCode. One can consider this resource file as collection of key(ErrorCode), value(Custom Error Message) pairs.

In .NET we normally use resource files(.resx) to achive the same task. I found no way to use such resource files in SSIS.

Is there any way by which I can implement this functionality?

I dont want to implement custom logging mechanism as it does not fit into my application needs.
Please guide.

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SQL Is Using Up All My System Resources

May 8, 2007


SQL Server is using up all of my system resources and i can't find where the problem is, i have used

exec sp_who

exec sp_who2

but i don't know what to look for, i'v even checked the memory comparison according to SQLSkills but that is all fine, the server is extremely slow all the time. I battle to open Query analyser or even just to connect to it takes forever, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Carel Greaves

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Learning Resources

May 8, 2006

could we download the videos of SQL Express learning resources as we can do it with the VWD, VB, C#????

there is another link to do it???

will they be available in a short future?

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Deadlock - Which Resources Are Really Deadlocked?

Apr 10, 2000

The errormessage after a deadlock gives very little information: "Your transaction (process ID #12) was deadlocked with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun your transaction."

But what resources, ie tables, indexes etc, are really deadlocked?

Is it possible to set a switch or something to log all relevant information about a deadlock for later investigation?

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Performance Tuning Resources

Jun 13, 2000

Anybody have a suggestion on text books or other materials that deal with performance tuning in SQL 7.0. From what I have seen SQL 7.0 is far diffrent than 6.5. I'm specificaly interestd in information about query plans, profiler and what a table spool does.

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Resources On Security Implementation

Jun 9, 2000


a) Thanks for all contributions on this site, they have been very useful but,
i am trying to implement a security procedure including auditing on sql server 6.5,7, sybase and oracle can anyone help?

b) does any one know any site like this that covers issues on oracle ( besides Oracle Technet)?

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Data Warehousing Resources

Sep 20, 2002

I am planning to give the microsoft 70-019 data warehousing exam. I am not able to find any good resources to prepare for the exam. Please help!

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server Deadlock On Resources??

May 30, 2007

We've got a 3rd party application that periodically runs SQL commands throughout the day. We've been getting issues with this application showing a sql error:

Transaction (Process ID 71) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

In checking the processes on SQL Server, there were a lot, and process ID 71 was actually hitting a completely different database.

Is there a way to streamline how SQL Server handles processes, and what's the limit at any given time?

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SQL 2005 Express Resources

Jun 9, 2007

Will I am running SQL 2005 Express on windows 2003 sp1 with a P4 3.4Gh (with hyperthreading), 2GB ECC RAM.
I am running software that connects to SQL and reads/saves data.
One of the programs which is CPU hungry manages data and the other manages the SQL connection and reads/saves the data.

My problem is that I am recieving an error that usually means connection to SQL is lost, this tends to be because the CPU hungry application is denying SQL from functioning.

However the annoying thing is the CPU use rarely passes 45% and in a another test environment never passed 5%. RAM is the same, consumption is less than 35%.

Please advise
Thanks a lot!

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Limit Resources Per User

Feb 15, 2006

Is there some kind of way to limit the resources (CPU, number of sessions)per user in MS SQL 2000 database.Some kind of resorce manager thing...

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What Resources Does Truncate Table Use

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,We have a heavily used production server and a table which logs everyhit on a web site. This table has grown large over time and we want toclear it down as efficiently as possible. We would like to issue atruncate table statement, but with millions of rows we are a bit waryof how this will affect server performance. The alternative is todelete is stages using rowcount but of course this will generate alarge amount of logging.Can anyone confirm whether issuing a truncate table will have anyaffect on performance - i.e. does it just clear a header block ordooes it have to do more?CheersMartin

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Resources For ABSOLUTE Beginners

Jan 26, 2007

Seems to me like microsoft mentions learning, but it's never for beginners. I haven't found a single tutorial that says how to make a simple database step by step.

Does anybody know about a tutorial focused on teaching the very basics (a kind of "hello world" application) from setting up the new database with a few sample fields to "deploying" it (making it ready to be used)?

Please let me know.

Once I'm through with these first steps there seems to be a lot of helpful learning resources meant for experienced and expert users, but I'm not there yet...



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How Can Internal Activation Use More Resources?

May 5, 2007


I'm using service broker queue with internal activation to run a stored procedure.
The DB server is windows 2003 R2, 4 cpu, with SQL server 2005 SP2.
When I'm runing the stored procedure directly from the sql management studio it takes about 75% of the cpu and running for about a minute, but when the stored procedure is activated by the queue internal activation (as a background process) it uses only 25% of the machine cpu (my guess it uses only 1 cpu insted of all 4 cpu) and running for much longer time (sometimes even more than one hour).
How can I change this behavior? I want it to run as fast as possible.

The queue decleration is:

PROCEDURE_NAME = ProcessTasksProc,

Thanks in advance,
Shai Brumer

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Reporting Services Resources

Apr 4, 2008

I'm new to this forum and have just started working with Reporting Services. I was wondering what were some good resources to help.


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Resources In CLR Stored Procedures?

Jul 15, 2006

Can Resource Files (containing, for example, string resources holding the text of exception messages) be part of a .NET project holding Sql Server CLR Stored Procedures?

Thanks for you help,


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SQL Server Express Learning Resources?

Jan 16, 2006

I am new to SQL Server 2005 Express, where can I find some tutorials on developing web applications with this product?

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Estimating Hardware And Resources For SQL Development

Jun 9, 2000

Are there any packages or routines that can assist in estimating the resources needed for an
SQL based system?

The system will be developed using Visual Basic. We have the number of records that will be
converted and the volume information for daily activity.

I am looking to find a tool that will help me size the equipment and resources needed.


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