Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong... I am trying to populate some textboxes from a table by doing a SELECT statment.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As SqlDataAdapter
myConnection = New SqlConnection("Server=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|CustomerInfo.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
myCommand = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [CustomerSalesNum] WHERE [WorkSheetID]= '" & lblRWorkSheetID.Text & "'", myConnection)
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet("CustomerSalesNum")
hi i have a database with a table with several columns: ID - primery key customer company now lets say i want to edit one row in the database and i have the primery key ID for that row. so i click on that row (which is displayed in a gridview) when i click I want the text that is in the customer cell to appear in a textbox1 and the same with compeny text I want it to apear in another textbox2. so what code can i write in the GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged eventhandler to populate the textboxes? thank you
I want to create a details view page without using the DetailsView control. I would prefer to have separate textboxes or labels for each column. I just don't have a clue how to go about after the Select is done putting the data into the boxes. Below is as far as I've gotten. The purpose of the label is just my way of wanting to display the QueryString value, it serves no other purpose. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { { string tktid = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); Label1.Text = tktid.ToString(); } { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select tkt_creator from Ticket where tkt_id = @tktid", HelpdeskConnectionString); HelpdeskConnectionString.Open(); cmd.ExecuteReader(); Label2.Text = ?; } Any help would be appreciated. So far, I've learned a lot from this forum. Y'all have been great.
I've got a page with a SQLDataSource control successfully populating a Dropdownlist... However, now I find I need extended functionality - so I've got another page with links to this page, using querystrings - I need to hit the page, check the querystring, and if it's blank, just continue, but if the querystring is populated, then choose that item. I've tried the page_load and the page_prerender, but so far, it's not working:CC = Request.QueryString("center")If CC <> "" Then' DropDownList1.Items.FindByText(CC).Selected = TrueDropDownList1.SelectedIndex = DropDownList1.Items.IndexOf(DropDownList1.Items.FindByText(CC))End if I've double checked, and yes, every time CC is populated, that item is definitely in the dropdownlist - it just doesn't get changed to that item. ideas?
Beginner question, I know -- but in ASP.NET 2.0, I can't figure out (or find out) how to populate a TextBox with data from the db using a SqlDataSource control (without using a formview control)??? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I have a report that contain at least 7 subreports. Each with their own datasource. I have set the subreports datasource to the correct datasource and on a few of them passed in parameters.
however, upon running it I noticed that the reports would show "SubReport cannot be shown". I made sure my parameters were being passed and its of the same type.
I googled and found a lot of examples that used the 'LocalReport_SubreportProcessing' event to populate the datasources for each subreport.
Is this the right way to go about it? I cannot find any good examples of how to populate a subreport. I need to justify putting the logic like this inside the ReportViewer form rather than someplace else.
Could someone please shed some light on this for me?
I am using VS 2005 C#, Sql 2k, on Windows Server 2003. I am using Reporting Services however the reports in my project are .rdlc files not .rdl they are inside my Windows Project not a Reporting Project...if this matters.
I want to read a value from a datasource and send it to a textbox on an ASP page from the page's attached VB file. Both the textbox and datasource exist, but I don't know the proper commands to get the datasource value and then set the textbox value to it.
Dim Text As TextBox = FormView0.FindControl("Header") Dim SQL As String = "Select [Customer] From [Datasource]" Datasource.SelectCommand = SQL
Oh yeah, I don't want the textbox control to be databound as shown: Text='<%# Eval("Customer") %>'
Hi! I dont know if i will explain this correctly, but my problem is with reporting service. I'm supposed to Sum value in one textbox and than that sum use it in sum in other textbox.
Something like this: Sum(Fields!Abc.Value/(Fields!dfg.Value+Sum(Fields!abc.Value)),"matrix1_RowGroup1")*100 I get error msg 'The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox49' contains an aggregate function (or RunningValue or RowNumber functions) in the argument to another aggregate function (or RunningValue). Aggregate functions cannot be nested inside other aggregate functions.'
Something like this wont work either Sum(Fields!abc.Value/ReportItems("textbox56").Value)*100 Error The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox55' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.
So, pls help if you know how to reference textbox in other in body of report. Thx.
Sorry if this is to basic but I am just starting out. Any help is appreciated.
Basically I am attempting to populate a listbox with items from a MSSQL DB so the user can select either one or multiple items in that listbox to search on.
Red = If ID due date was overdue, i.e. if last task completed after the ID end date(2014-06-18 00:00:00). AMBER= If any task in the ID is overdue but completed before the ID end date(2014-06-18 00:00:00) Green = If all tasks were completed on time.
I am looking for the logic to implement the AMBER for the whole ID, because the TASK_ID 3 is overdue, but completed before the ID end date (2014-06-18 00:00:00).
I am trying to update a name column in the following way: (I wrote a description, but I think this visual is easier to understand).
This is what I have:
name1 name2 address etc
Bob null 123 street
Sue null 123 street
Jack null ABC circle
This is what I want:
name1 name2 address etc
Bob Sue 123 street
Jack null ABC circle
I'm just trying to get 2 names on the same row if they have the same address and get rid of the spare row. Name2 is currently null. Seems simple enough but I don't know how to do it in SQL. I can do it in FoxPro, but that doesn't help me here.
I added an index to a SQL Server 2005 table. How do I populate that index? I thought it might be automatically populated but the operation to add the index happened so quickly that I don't think it could have done it that quickly. Also, I expected faster performace when selecting rows based on the indexed column, but performance remains the same.
Here is what I have and (somewhat understand). I’m using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition and have setup my application to use form authentication (which automatically creates the ASPNETDB.MDF file with several default tables and views). I’m using the CreateUserWizard which is fine…but I need to collect additional information like (firstname, lastname, address…and on..). What I’ve done. I’ve created a tabled named UserProfile and set UserId as the primary key (uniqueidentifier). I then setup a 1-to-1 relationship between aspnet_Users and UserProfile (which I think is correct). On my UpdateContactInfo.aspx page (where users go to update their personal information) I use a hidden label control (UserValue) to receive the UserId during the page_load event as below:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load UserValue.Text = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey().ToString() End Sub Now with the UserID available I need to populate the UserProfile table with the UserId, firstname, lastname, address of the currently logged in user. How can I do this and am I on the right track..?
Hi i'm pretty new to this, how do i connect to my database a put all the values from one column into the arraylist. Any help and a easy example would be nice Thanks in advance Richard
Hi, I want to populate the array with a single column values from database(sqlserver 2000)Ex. name ageaaaa 23bbbb 43cccc 18 Now i want to populate the array with name field values. Please anyone guide me how to do this.Thanks in advanceBala
Using the SqlDataReader, I am retrieveing records from a SQL Server 2005 DB table. Since I am using the SqlDataReader to retrieve the records from the DB, I have to use the Read method of the SqlDataReader like this:Dim sqlReader As SqlDataReaderWhile(sqlReader.Read) Response.Write(sqlReader.GetValue(0) & "<br>") Response.Write(sqlReader.GetValue(1) & "<br>") Response.Write(sqlReader.GetValue(2) & "<br>")End WhileThe records retrieved can only be accessed inside the While loop. I want to access the records outside the While loop as well. Is there anyway by which I can do this, maybe by populating the recordset in an array variable & then using it outside the While loop?
In my data access layer class I have Populate methods on the bottom.One of the the objects, color, is an ArrayList, how do I write that? private Product PopulateProduct(IDataReader r) { Product product = new Product(); product.BrandId = Convert.ToInt32(r["brandId"]); product.BrandName = Convert.ToString(r["brandName"]); product.Color = whatGoesHere? (r["color"]); return product; } thanks
Hi there!I'm trying to populate automactly a record in a table. I've tried this: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ProducaoLigacao %>" SelectCommand="UPDATE [Producao] SET [Prodas] = @Prodas WHERE ([ProdUserID] = @ProdUserID)"> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="1" Name="ProdUserID" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="999" Name="Prodas" Type="Int32" /> </UpdateParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> Is this possible? Thanks in advance!
I have been attempting to populate a dropdown (combo) box from a SQL query (SQLConnector) in Web Matrix and I have so far been unsuccessful. I have been able to populate a DataGrid just fine from the query, so then I limited it down to one colum (so itd be in the dropdown box) and set all the properties I could find (DataSource, DataMember, DataTextField, DataValueField) (and in all possible combinations) for that dropdown box to the SQL stuff (SQLConnector for the DataSource and then used the dropdowns for the others), and nothing shows up in my dropdown box. How can I make this populate off of my SQL query properly?
Additionally I will need to do the same thing for a Checkbox List so if it is the same and you know how to do that and could let me know for that too that'd be great.
I have a dropdownlist that is populated from a DB table. I would like to also include any other values that might be in another table. How do I combine these two queries, so I can get distinct values from both tables combined?SELECT Category FROM dbo.TABLE1 GROUP BY Category
The field OrderDate contains BOTH Date and Time information. What I want to do is populate the fields (in bold above) from the OrderDate field... I have tried all that I could think of but nothing works. The last and the best try that I gave was the {B}following[/B] but that too does not work. Can you PLEASE help. Many thanks in advance:
Insert ORDERS (OrderDateONLY, OrderDayName, OrderMonth, OrderDayOfMonth, OrderWeekofYear) select d, datename (dw, d), datename (mm, d), Year (d), datepart (ww, d) from (select convert (char (8), OrderDate, 112)as d from ORDERS ) as x
I am trying to populate a column with date/time info, I am doing this so I can use getdate() on the data for other computations (the format is mon/day/yr/hours/mins, i was told only data having mon/day/yr format can be used with getdate()). The code below says that dateyest is an invalid object name. Actually, any kind of insert I do reports the same error, no matter what column it is (securty on my account is all set, as well as for the stored proc.). I must be overlooking something very simple, right? thanks for the help!
DECLARE @dateYest datetime DECLARE Cur668 CURSOR Keyset FOR SELECT cast(date1 as datetime) dt FROM baclosetable OPEN Cur668
fetch next from cur668 into @dateyest
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN if @dateyest is not null Insert dateyest VALUES (@dateYest) fetch next from cur668 into @dateyest END CLOSE Cur668 DEALLOCATE Cur668
Basically like the topic says, I need to populate a filename with data from other columns and im having a tough time doing it.
UPDATE nice_cls_calls_0027 SET vcarchivepath = 'G:Nice Storageicestorage.safeautonet.netSafe Auto Task - Logger (807101)2006_feb_1SC_807101_'start_time'_'=stop_time'_'=channel'_'=cls_call_id'.aud'
I need start_time, stop_time, channel, and cls_call_id to populate the filename. The first 2 are datetime fields in the db and no conversion is needed for them, just raw data. The remaining two are smallint and raw data is needed there also. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TY
I'm using SQLServer2000/Access 2000 .adp. The .adp has a form with 2 combo boxes. The 1st combo box is bound to a stored procedure and loads fine when the form loads. I then set the 2nd combo box's RowSource passing the value of the first into the stored proc:
I want a trigger in db aaa to fire when table a_aaa is updated in server a and table b_bbb in db bbb in server b to be populated with data. I know how to write a trigger if fired and the result stays in one server with one db. But I don't know how to do it if between two servers and two db.
a win server 2003 standard Edition sql Server 2000 db:aaa table: a_aaa column:a_aaa_a
b win server 2003 standard Edition sql Server 2000 db:bbb table:b_bbb column: b_bbb_b
It's not working because the symtax is incorrect and because I am not sure how to do it between two servers. If it is not correct, where am I wrong? Where should each line be located?? et cetera...... Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.
CREATE TRIGGER [enddate_changed_on_alert] ON [dbo].[USER_DATA]
INSERT INTO @CategoryTable (ColID, ColCategory, ColValue) SELECT 0, LEFT(RawCollectionData,CHARINDEX(':',RawCollection Data)), LTRIM(SUBSTRING(RawCollectionData,CHARINDEX(':',Ra wCollectionData)+1,255)) FROM Collections_Staging
--Assign an ID to each block of data for each occurance of 'Reason:'
DECLARE @ID int SET @ID = 1 UPDATE @CategoryTable SET [ColID] = CASE WHEN ColCategory = 'Reason:' THEN @ID - 1 ELSE @ID END, @ID = CASE WHEN ColCategory = 'Reason:' THEN @ID + 1 ELSE @ID END
--Then put the data together
SELECT --cast to Nvarchar for MSAccess a.ColID, CAST(a.ColValue as Nvarchar(30)) AS OrderID, COALESCE(CAST(b.ColValue as Nvarchar(30)),'') AS SellerUserID, COALESCE(CAST(c.ColValue as Nvarchar(100)),'') AS BusinessName, COALESCE(CAST(d.ColValue as Nvarchar(15)),'') AS BankID, COALESCE(CAST(e.ColValue as Nvarchar(15)),'') AS AccountID, COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING(f.ColValue,CHARINDEX('$',f .ColValue)+1,500)AS DECIMAL(18,2)),0) AS CollectionAmount, COALESCE(CAST(g.ColValue as Nvarchar(10)),'') AS TransactionType, CASE WHEN h.ColValue LIKE '%Matching Disbursement%' THEN NULL ELSE CAST(h.ColValue AS SmallDateTime) END AS DisbursementDate, --COALESCE(h.ColValue,'') AS DisbursementDate, CASE WHEN i.ColValue LIKE '%Matching Disbursements%' THEN NULL WHEN CAST(LEFT(REVERSE(i.ColValue),4)AS INT) > 1000 THEN CAST(i.ColValue AS SmallDateTime) WHEN LEFT(REVERSE(i.ColValue),4) = '1000' THEN NULL END AS ReturnDate, --COALESCE(i.ColValue,'') AS ReturnDate, COALESCE(CAST(j.ColValue as Nvarchar(4)),'') AS Code, COALESCE(CAST(k.ColValue as Nvarchar(255)),'') AS CollectionReason
FROM @CategoryTable a LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable b ON b.ColID = a.ColID AND b.ColCategory = 'Seller UserId:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable c ON c.ColID = a.ColID AND c.ColCategory = 'Business Name:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable d ON d.ColID = a.ColID AND d.ColCategory = 'Bank ID:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable e ON e.ColID = a.ColID AND e.ColCategory = 'Account ID:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable f ON f.ColID = a.ColID AND f.ColCategory = 'Amount:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable g ON g.ColID = a.ColID AND g.ColCategory = 'Transaction Type:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable h ON h.ColID = a.ColID AND h.ColCategory = 'Disbursement Date:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable i ON i.ColID = a.ColID AND i.ColCategory = 'Return Date:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable j ON j.ColID = a.ColID AND j.ColCategory = 'Code:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable k ON k.ColID = a.ColID AND k.ColCategory = 'Reason:'
WHERE a.ColCategory = 'Order ID:'
This statement parses. I can preview the data. I've tried to set up both an OLE DB destination to a SQL Server table and an MS Access table destination (Jet). In either case, the data will not populate the tables. I set up a Data Viewer, and no data appears in the Viewer. With the Access destination, I have the package set up to run in 32 bit mode.
If data appears in the preview, then why doesn't the data appear in the data viewer, and why will the data not populate either of the destination tables?
The field OrderDate contains BOTH Date and Time information. What I want to do is populate the fields (in bold above) from the OrderDate field... I have tried all that I could think of but nothing works. The last and the best try that I gave was the following but that too does not work. Can you PLEASE help. Many thanks in advance:
Insert ORDERS (OrderDateONLY, OrderDayName, OrderMonth, OrderDayOfMonth, OrderWeekofYear) select d, datename (dw, d), datename (mm, d), Year (d), datepart (ww, d) from (select convert (char (8), OrderDate, 112)as d from ORDERS ) as x