Populating A Javascript Array From SQL Database

Apr 2, 2008

Can anyone help with the proper syntax to use to populate a JavaScript array using values from an SQL database.
I tried doing the following with no results:

Dim sql,Rs1

sql = ""
sql = sql & "SELECT EmpNumber FROM EmpFile "
Set Rs1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Rs1.Open sql, DecryptedText(TheFile,"ConSQL"), 3

<script language="JavaScript">
EmpNumber=new Array(<%=Rs1("EmpNumber")%>);

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Populating An Array From A Sqlreader

Jun 8, 2006

I am trying to populate an array from a sqlreader.  I am getting the error "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index".  Can anyone help?  I have my code below.
        Try            sql = "...."            cmd = New SqlCommand(sql, conn)            SqlReader = cmd.ExecuteReader       'Get the data from SQL Server            Dim Counter As Integer = 0                        Do While SqlReader.Read()                    Counter += 1                    PageArray(Counter) = SqlReader("WebPageID")           Loop                    Catch ex As Exception            lblMessage.Text = ex.Message        End Try

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Database + Javascript

Jan 12, 2008

Hello all
 I need to fill javascript array from database on page load
 I need your advice , any tutorial please ..
thank you

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Database And Javascript

Mar 12, 2008

i have created a database where information on the web page is pulled out from the database. however i need to add javascript functionality to it. does anyone have any suggestions as to how i can achieve this and what is the best way to do it, eg, use dataview, gridview. if anyone thinks it would be easier for me to post up some of my code then i will upon request.
thanks for any help given, it is much needed

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Much Needed Advice About Database And Javascript

Feb 27, 2008

iam thinking of changing my ajax slideshow so that it gets the data from the databse. currently i am finding it hard to add text functianlity the way i want with the slide show.
what my query is, that if i to using a datalist can i add javasscript functionality to the data being retrived. for example, currently i have written some javascript so that a series of text is diplayed one after the other in a sequence from just one button click. so if im pulling data out of a databse can i still add this javascript functionality to it? i hope this makes sense, if it doesnt then i am willing to elaborate. please can any one offer any advice or examples or any suggestions on how i can do this. any help is much appricated as i am struggling to find a solution as i orinally wanted to be able to add this javascript functionality with the play button of the slide show but i couldnt find a solution.also i think its better to use some kind of database as i can use the editing funtions visual web developer offers
thank you

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Something/Someone Compromising Database -- Replacing Data With Javascript

May 19, 2008

Has anyone ever seen this code (I put the script tags in brackets so it would not get embedded in forum page)?

[script src=http://www.qiqigm.com/m.js][/script]

We have a number of MSDE 2000 databases running on a Windows 2003 SBS. These databases feed information to their respective websites. One of our databases (and on this one only) something or someone is somehow overwriting the text and varchar fields in all of the tables in the database and replacing it with the above or similar javascript. I've been a database developer and administrator for a long time and I have not a clue how this is being accomplished. When this code replaces our data, what ends up happening is 1) the virus detectors start going off the chart if you go to the site and 2) the script somehow appears to attempt to mimic the site its taken over.

When I do a search on qiqigm to see if anybody has had this problem before, really the results you get are pages and pages of sites that appear to be infected directly with the same bogus javascript code...and not a word about what it is or where its coming from. In our case, and it appears many others by looking, replacing the product description or title description or ordering information in the database causes the script to be written to the browser where otherwise the product/order information would be. This causes the script to run when the page is loaded. Since it overwrites the data in all fields in all tables, it assures itself that it will get displayed no matter what a user attempts to do on the site.

On this database, the only user that has access to the database is the IUSR_<domainadmin> account.

I restored this particular database a couple of days ago to an uninfected backup. I had done this before, but the script would eventually manifest itself again at some point. This time I have removed the ability to get to the product pages for now until we figure out the problem. This appears to be keeping the beast at bay. So far (2+ days), the database has remained in tact.

Anybody got a clue as to what it is I'm up against?


Ray Jefferson

Database Whiz Consulting

2657 Windmill Pkwy #158

Henderson, NV 89074702-376-6955

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Populating Database With Timestamps...

Jan 19, 2005

Hi Everyone....

Crazy one here....

I need to populate a table with all the times that
are available in a 24 hour period, down to the 5 minute

So the table should look like....

id ds (datetime stamp)
--- --------------------------
0 1/1/2005 00:00:00
1 1/1/2005 00:05:00
2 1/1/2005 00:10:00
3 1/1/2005 00:15:00
xx 1/1/2005 23:55:00

Please advise on a way to accomplish this in a script....


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Populating Data From One SQL Database To Another

Jul 13, 2007

I have a project that entails the following:

There are two separate SQL Server databases involved that reside on two different servers. One of the depts within our building wants to have building permit data imported from Permit Database on Server "A" to their own database on Server "B".

I dont think this will be an overly complicated process. There are only a few fields they want populated (5 or 6 tops). This will have to be ran every
weeknight via some sort of scheduled task in Windows or SQL.

I was just interested in seeing if anyone has had prior experience working on data transfer like this. I would like to know what would be the best and most efficient way to approach this.

Thanks in advance.

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Populating A Database With Data From Db If A Value Exists

Nov 16, 2004

Hi all,

I have a table where I want to populate it with data (certain fields) from another table. But I only want to populate the table if there is data in a certain field in the table I wish to get the data from.

How exactly would I do this test? Would an I have to perform an IF statement to test if the field contains a value first?



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RS2005: Export To Excel Error: Destination Array Was Not Long Enough. Check DestIndex And Length, And The Array's Lower Bounds.

Jan 25, 2007


I am using Reporting Services 2005. One of my reports is getting the following error when I try to export to Excel. It will export to .CSV though.

"Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds."

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please copy me at machelle.a.chandler@intel.com.


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How Would I Send A String Array As A Integer Array?

Jun 25, 2007

I have a stored procedure that has a paramter that accepts a string of values. At the user interface, I use a StringBuilder to concatenate the values (2,4,34,35,etc.) I would send these value to the stored procedure. The problem is that the stored procedure doesn't allow it to be query with the parameter because the Fieldname, "Officer_UID" is an integer data type, which can't be query against parameter string type.
What would I need to do to convert it to an Integer array?
@OfficerIDs as varchar(200) 
Select Officer_UID From Officers Where Officer_UID in (@OfficerIDs)

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Populating Datas From Sql Server Database And Displaying Them In CSV File Format Using C#

Dec 7, 2006

       I have to populate some datas from sql server database and display it directly in a CSV Format or CSV file. When i run the project it should provide me an option to whether open or save or cancel the file. when i click open it should be opened and be viewed in a excel sheet in CSV format and when i click save it should ask the destination folder and should be saved there in CSV format and when i click cancel it should be cancelled and the application should be closed. pls note that all these actions should happen in the same browser and should not be redirected to anyother page. Can anybody give me the detailed description and code in Asp.Net using C# .It's very Urgent.

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Populating SQL Database With Something Similar To Access's Dropdown Lookup Field.

Sep 5, 2007

I am using two tables, courses and video with a one to many relationship with the videos table being the many. How do I populate the courseID in the video table with the corresponding courseID from the courses table using a combination of Formview & Gridview or two Gridviews, or a dropdown field populated with the course name and courseID in a Form or details view.This is a simple task in Access accomplished using a dropdown list to select the correct video.

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Replication :: Populating Local Database Daily With Data From Linked Servers?

Jul 29, 2015

I have multiple web databases for storefront orders as linked servers on SQL Server 2008 R2. I need to organize the data for these orders into a structure that can be imported into my ERP application db frequently either on demand or periodically during the day. We are essentially trying to make the manual order entry process automated. My thought was to get the data into views that resemble the schema of the order table in my application db and then schedule a stored procedure with sql jobs or a load routine from within the ERP application that would insert data from the view into the order table.

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Populate The Array From Database

Oct 18, 2006

Hi,   I want to populate the array with a single column values from database(sqlserver 2000)Ex. name      ageaaaa         23bbbb         43cccc         18 Now i want to populate the array with name field values. Please anyone guide me how to do this.Thanks in advanceBala


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Database Results Stored In A Array

Jul 22, 2004

How would I go about storing (1 column) database results in a Array?

And then how would I go about extracting the elements from the Array?

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How To: Store And Retrieve Images In A Database As A Byte Array.

Feb 28, 2008

I€™ve inherited a project from one of the guys on our team who will be out sick for a while. He developed two for marshaling data between System.Drawing.Image and System.Byte(). He€™s storing the byte array data in a database image field.

I€™ve retrieved the byte array data from his database image fields and have successfully converted them to images using his ConvertByteArrayToImage method below. I have also converted and image to a byte array with his ConvertImageToByteArray method below and succfully stored the data in a database image field. However, when I retrieve the byte array data that I stored in the database the last line in his ConvertByteArrayToImage method throws an exception (Parameter is not valid). I€™ve not been able to find a working copy of his code that€™s storing the byte array data. Does anyone see anything I€™m overlooking?

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO

Public Sub InsertImage(ByVal pFilename As String)


Dim lImage As Image
Dim lBA() As Byte
Dim lSQL As String
Dim lQuery As Alcon.SQLServer.Database.clsQuery
Dim lParameters As New Alcon.SQLServer.Database.clsParameters

lImage = Image.FromFile(pFilename)

ConvertImageToByteArray(lImage, lBA)

' Initialization
lQuery = New Alcon.SQLServer.Database.clsQuery(mConnection)

lSQL = ""
lSQL += "[SerialNumber], "
lSQL += "[ProcessedDate], "
lSQL += "[CartonLabelImage]) "
lSQL += "VALUES ("
lSQL += "@SerialNumber, "
lSQL += "@ProcessedDate, "
lSQL += "@CartonLabelImage "
lSQL += ")"

lParameters.Add("@SerialNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input, mSerialNumber)
lParameters.Add("@ProcessedDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input, Now)
lParameters.Add("@CartonLabelImage", SqlDbType.Image, ParameterDirection.Input, lBA)

' Execute query
lQuery.Execute(lSQL, lParameters)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

ConvertByteArrayToImage(ByVal pBA() As Byte, ByRef pImage As Image)


' Declaration
Dim lMS As MemoryStream

' Initialization
lMS = New MemoryStream(pBA, 0, pBA.Length)
lMS.Write(pBA, 0, pBA.Length)
lMS.Position = 0

' Create image
pImage = Image.FromStream(lMS, True)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

ConvertImageToByteArray(ByVal pImage As Image, ByRef pBA() As Byte)


' Declaration
Dim lBM As Bitmap
Dim lBR As BinaryReader
Dim lMS As New MemoryStream

' Initialization
lBM = New Bitmap(pImage)
lBM.Save(lMS, Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
lBR = New BinaryReader(lMS)

' Create byte array
pBA = lBR.ReadBytes(lMS.Length)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

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Can One Use Javascript

Jul 5, 2002

I am new, but am good at javascript.Can one use SQL in javescript, that is, to create good html forms whose buttons are linked to SQL datebases?

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SqlDataSource And Javascript

Jan 4, 2007

Hello everyone,
 I am trying to implement two list boxes such that contents of one depends on selection in the other w/o reloading the page. I am using SqlDataSource object to retrieve data from SQL DB. When I am trying to write javascript for listbox population I run into an issue of not knowing which properties I have access to for SqlDataSource object. I need to know how many rows of information is there in the object and how to access that data. Can anyone advise on how would I do that, or direct me to a website that has a list of avalable properties?
Thank you!

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Oct 19, 2001

I would like to know if someone has any idea on how to make a "<select></select>" tag hidden. for a textbox it's simply:
<input type="hidden" id="textCustom2" name="textCustom2" value>.
Is there such a thing for options? a javascript perharps?


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Jump To URL & Javascript

Oct 23, 2007

Hi, I am trying to link to a page outside of reporting services from a report. I am using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services [Standard Edition]. The hyperlink works if it is a straight URL, however, nothing happens if I modify it to use Javascript so I can open the link in a new window. I have found many posts on the web from others indicating it should be really easy, but I can not get the link to recognize ANY Javascript (also tried a basic alert with no luck).

The Javascript I am using is well formatted. I can place it into a test page and it runs fine. I can also RC and View Source on my report, grab the entire link, put it in a test page and it works fine. It just doesn't work from the report - ?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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Javascript And Reportviewer

Jul 12, 2007

Hi everybody,

I need to get the value of the ShowParametersPrompt property of the ReportViewer control.

This Reporting Services control is used in an asp.net 2.0 page.

With javascript I want to change the height of some elements of the page and this accordign to the height of the report viewer.

Can anybody help me to get the value of some properties of this control?

thanks in advance!!

best regards

Filip De Backer

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Inserting Data Into A SQL Db Using VB && Javascript

May 1, 2008

Greetings to all -
I am trying to enter the date fields from my form into a SQL 2005 db by way of Visual Basic. The VB parameters are as follows:
Protected Sub DataEntry_Btn_NewGig_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DataEntry_Btn_NewData.Click        Dim EnterData As New SqlDataSource()        EnterData.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyDB_ConnectionString").ToString        EnterData.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text        EnterData.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO Data(Name,ExpertiseID,Description,PONumber,StartDate,EstHours,HourlyRate)VALUES(@Name,@ExpertiseID,@Description,@PONumber,@StartDate,@EstHours,@HourlyRate)"        EnterData.InsertParameters.Add("Name", TBox_Name.Text)        EnterData.InsertParameters.Add("ExpertiseID", Drop_Expertise.SelectedValue)        EnterData.InsertParameters.Add("Description", TBox_Description.Text)
...and so on...
All works well with data input into the ASP form using VB. The problem is, I'm using a Javascript date picker (calendar) to make it easier for users to input the date into the "StartDate" SQL column mentioned above. Do I want to use Javascript to enter this data, or VB?  And, how do I write this code whether it is one or the other?  I want to have all data entered with one button click event.  Also, the code I am using for the calendar date picker is below:
<td><input type="text" name="date" id="f_date_a" readonly="readonly" />
<img src="img.gif" id="f_trigger_a" style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid blue;" title="Date selector" onmouseover="this.style.background='blue';"
onmouseout="this.style.background=''" alt="Click to Enter Date"/>
<script type="text/javascript">Calendar.setup({inputField : "f_date_a",ifFormat : "%B %e, %Y",button : "f_trigger_a",align : "TL",singleClick : true });
I apologize if this post is in the wrong forum; thanks to all in advance...

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Formatting A Javascript String For SQL - Help Please

Jul 26, 2004

I am well stuck in the mud right now.

Here is the problem. I am trying to write this: strLink2 = "<a href='JavaScript:OpenFile(" & strFileName & ")'>" & strFileName & "</a>" to SQL and then return it to a datagrid when I want it.

Easy enough, and as such all is well except for the fact that the Javascript doesn't work. In the grid it gets written as JavaScript:OpenFile(myfile). I need to add the single quotes around the file name so it writes JavaScript:Open('myfile').

I now know many ways that do not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Need Javascript For Mm/dd/yyyy Format

Mar 21, 2008

I need to dispaly 'mm/dd/yyyy' on a text box(aspx page) by default.
When the user enters the date(only numerics) in the text box it should take the date in that order.
eg.. if the user enters 01012008 on that text box, it should display 01/01/2008, adding '/' by itself.
if the user enters 12312008 on that text box, it should display 12/31/2008, adding '/' by itself.
I am having tuff time,Can anyone, please provide the code for this solution.

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Connecting SQL Server Using JavaScript

Jan 8, 2007

I found an article on connecting SQL server using JavaScript. http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/JavaScript/Combining-North-Pole-with-South-Pole-JavaScript-with-SQL-Server-2000/

Do you people think it's possible? i try out the code already but something wrong with it. I just copy and paste it to a html file but it comes out with error. Do I miss out something? Thanks.

SY Tee

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Help - How Can I Keep A Javascript Opened Window On Top?

Oct 18, 2007

Hi All.

So what I'm trying to do is open a new report in a new window(which I can already do) and keep that new window above all other windows.

Here is the code I'm using to open the new window.

javascript:void window.open('http://reportserver2/ReportServer/Primavera/?%2fprimavera%2fcustom+reports%2fIT%2fUnder+Review+Rup+Commitment+IT+Artifacts+subreport&rc:Toolbar=False&rs:Command=Render&pickITDeliveryOID=" & Fields!OID.Value & "', 'Test', 'location=0, menubar=0, toolbar=0, resizable=0, width=450, height=200')

It works great. I'm able to open the window and target links back to the same open window. But what I can't do is keep that window on top above all of the other windows. That is without closing the newly opened window and reclicking another link.

Is there someway for me to set the focus to the newly opened window so it will always remain above all other windows? I know this can be done with javascript(Code below would do the trick) but I'm just not sure how to incorporate the scripts into reporting service.

var newwindow;
function windowopen(url)
if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}


<a href="javascript:windowopen('poppedexample.html');">Pop it</a>

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Including Javascript Into Reports

Jan 31, 2008

I'm using reporting services actions to execute some javascript. My javascript is quite complicated. Thus I don't want to duplicated it on each item. I've created javascript function and wan't to execute it from actions. But I can't find the way how to include my javascript code into my reports. If there's way to include it for all reports generated on reporting services server - it works fine for me.

Thanks in advance!

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Javascript Error When Trying Url Access

Apr 20, 2006


i have a problem with the rs 2005, using url access to call a report:

Error: 'RSClientController' is undefined

Calling a report from the reportmanager works. The rs2005 runs on a machine with a parallel installed rs2000.

I configured the virtual directory to machinename/reports2005 & machinename/reportserver2005.

When i debug the clientscript i see that he requests a "/ReportServer2005/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?OpType=Resource&Version=9.00.1399.00&Name=Scripts.ReportViewer.js" and it seems that he doesn't get the jscript file.

I tried the solution with the axd-mapping, which an user posted here before but it didn't worked for me.

any other suggestions?

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Deployed Reports Have Javascript Errors?

Mar 31, 2006


I have developed a number of reports on Win XP with VS2005. They run on our development server, which is running Windows Server 2003 32-bit. I then deploy these reports on our production server, which is running Windows Server 2003 64-bit edition.

Accessing any of the reports from Report Manager results in javascript errors, such as 'Line 41 Error: 'RSClientController' is undefined'

I get these errors also when invoking these reports through a form post.

It appears that some javascript code generated by the report server is missing. Could this be a 32-bit vs 64-bit issue? Report Manager seems to work fine; it is only when I run a report that I have this problem. This is the first time I've tried to deploy reports to this server.


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Data Corruption With Rnmb.net Javascript

Jan 1, 2008

I have a SQL Server 2000 database that had its data corrupted. Any text field, usually varchar(50) or greater, had most of its text replaced with a script HTML tag pointing to a w.js file on rnmb.net. I think the update came in through a website because only one of the databases on the server had its data corrupted. Has anyone heard of this before? I can't find any information on this corruption on the internet because when I do a search for the exact script, it returns other websites that have been corrupted by it.

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Custom HTML &&amp; Javascript OR Components

Dec 4, 2007

I've been trying to find a solution to adding javascript and/or HTML to a report (not reportviewer). After a search I found that you can add javascript to a textbox under action properties and it works fine. Is there a way to add custom code anywhere on the page.

The problem is the charts that come with SRS is limited so I'd like to add my own. I'd also like to add some ajax functionality as well. I know it's possible because a company called Dundas is doing it but not exactly sure how they implemented it. We considered Dundas but they are just too expensive for the solution we need.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Calling Javascript On OnSelectedIndexChanged Of A Drop Downlistbox

Jun 14, 2007

I have a dropdownlist and a text box.

Once i select the item on a dropdownlist, the control should skip to text box.

Here is the code and i get the error.

'onFocus' is not a member of 'ASP.test_aspx'.

can u plz help me out.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >

<head runat="server">

<title>Untitled Page</title>

<script language="javascript">

function onFocus()


var control = document.getElementById("TextBox1");

if( control != null ) control.focus();





<form id="form1" runat="server">


<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" Width="161px" OnSelectedIndexChanged ="onFocus()">






<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox></div>




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