Positioning Tables And Graphs On A Page Using Rectangles (or Anything!)

May 15, 2007

I am creating a report that contains several tables and graphs. The report should fit on one page. It is a dashboard type of report that gives a quick look at key information. I have several sections that have related objects - a table and a graph for the same subject. I grouped the subjects into rectangles so that I could have a nice border around each section. However, when the report is rendered in IE, the rectangles do not stay together, and I have white space between them. I tried putting a background color on the body, but the background color does not show when the report is rendered in IE.

I tried a work-around using lines, not rectangles, to separate sections. The spacing seems to be working, but again the background color is not showing on the rendered report, so that is not a viable option.

As a work-around for my work-around, I put the objects within one rectangle, again using lines to separate sections. However, the spacing of the objects within the rectangle is not working - I am left with large blank spaces again.

Has anyone run into the same problems?



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Tables And Positioning

Jun 11, 2007


I am trying to create a report which needs to print the table footer (not page footer) at the bottom of the page, regardless of the amount of data (detail). How do I go about this?



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Reporting Services :: Tables Are Showing Up In Same Page When There Is No Data Even After Giving Page Break Option

May 7, 2015

I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?

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Overlapping Images And Rectangles

May 7, 2008

I am trying to create a report where I want overlapping images and rectangles... but when I upload it to report manager it seems to push them all seperate??? How do I stop doinh this... it does print okay! Just looks wrong on screen?


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How To Draw The Shapes Other Than Rectangles?

Feb 14, 2007


I'm just wondering if it's possible to draw the shapes other than rectangles, like circles, triangles....in reports.


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Horizontal Positioning

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,Thinking about building a new database in the enterprise addition ofsql server and using some horizontal parititioning techniques in orderto accomaodat what will eventually be a monster huge database.Can you share some hard earned experience, gotchas, etc...with me? Wewill be setting up this server on a SAN array that will be made up ofjust one or two huge virtual RAID10 volumes and I am also wonderingabout the wisdom of this? Its simple and should work, but is thatconfig relevant in any way specifically to our plan to partition?

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Pie Char Positioning

May 2, 2008

In a report we have a couple of pie charts one for each category.
for eg. if there are 3 categories red,blue and yellow there will be three pie charts. Now the data is shown to a particular user only if the user has access to a particular category.
suppose while designing the report the pie charts are created in the order : chart - red chart - blue chart - yellow.

If a user has rights only on the yellow category, only one chart will be displayed and chart-red and chart-blue will be hidden. Now the problem is, on the report I get blank space before chart-yellow as chart-red and chart- blue are hidden. is there a way to position chart - yellow in place of chart-blue if chart-blue is hidden or position chart-yellow in place of chart -red if chart-red and chart- blue both are hidded?

Thanks in advance,


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Positioning Problem

May 4, 2008

I have a report which contains just one textbox. I set the location of this textbox to 0cm x 0cm. Page size is 8,27in x 11,69in (A4). I want this textbox to be printed 15cm from the top and 15cm from the left. What should I do to achieve this? I tried using report maegins, but no success.

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Positioning Of Stored Procedures

Aug 15, 2007

Hi all,I have been facing this dilemma since when I started coding in asp.net 2.0. I can have Data Access Layer wherein I can write stored procedures to access the data from database. I can create data access object, data table and all other stuff. Also I can create stored procedure in SQL 2000 server, and then access them from the Data Access layer. Which of the two method is preferable, and why. i have been searching net for answers to this question since long, but could not find anything. All answers can contribute may be little but invaluable knowledge.Thanks. 

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Positioning An Added Column...

Jan 28, 2004

how do I position a newly added column in the table?
the default is at the very end.

what would I have to add to this code:

ADD Model varchar(55)


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Contract And Queue Confusion If Named The Same Plus Positioning Issue.............

Nov 17, 2006


The problem I was having regarding re-enable a queue was because it was in another database. I am guessing it did that because the contract and Queues have the same name. I double checked and nothing pointed to that database. I fixed it because I can re-enable the queue in the other database and it is fixed. My question is why did this happen? The other issue I am still having is regarding why the queue got disabled to begin with. I understand that it was because of positioning but do not understand how or why and how to provent it from being disabled.


Scott Allison...

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Nov 26, 2007

Hi All,
I have a resultset which I want now to be hosted on the Reporting console. It is expected that the data should be in terms of graphs. The result set has data for different servers. Now, the graph is expected to be a different one for each server. How can I extract this separately onto a separate graph?

Hope the question is clear. Please ask if not. Thanks a lot.


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DM Graphs

Jul 10, 2006

I'm having the same issue. It's different depending on the algorithm. For example, in Mining Model Viewer, if I have a tree displayed and I right click on the tree, I get the options to "Copy Graph View," and "Copy Entire Graph." Those options will allow me to paste the tree graph into a Word doc. But if I'm in Cluster Analysis, I only get "Copy" when I right click on the chart. If I select it, and try to paste it into a Word doc, I get a table instead. I just assumed that the software wasn't finished yet and you couldn't copy those charts. But maybe it's a bug? I'm using SQL server standard edition on my desktop, single CPU.

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Reporting Services :: Dynamic Positioning Of Text Boxes In SSRS

Sep 30, 2015

I have a user table with Label and value fields where i would like to control the display of the text boxes based on the values selected in my user table.Can we adjust the text box positions dynamically based on the user table values.

Ex: Table

Label1 Field1 Label2  Field2  Label3 Field3
ID       100                           Dept   Sales

Report Design :

Label1: ID    Field1:100
Label2:          Field2:
Label3:Dept   Field3:Sales

Expected Result :

Label1: ID    Field1:100
Label3:Dept   Field3:Sales

In my table i don't have values for Label 2 & Field 2 , can we adjust the spacing conditionally to be utilized by Label3 & Field3 in SSRS.

Note : Above mentioned data is just for an example and in my actual report i can have more than 3 columns and report is looking ugly with all the spacing if i don't have data in all the fields.

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Grouping And Graphs

Jan 10, 2008

I have a table with six columns:

Salesman Product1 Product2 Product3 Product4 Total Sales

each of the product columns is an amount of $, how much each salesman has sold for each respective product.

I have grouped the table by Salesman.
I also have a stacked-column graph that is a SINGLE column showing composite breakdowns for all Salesman selected from the multi-value parameter. The problem is that this data is composite.

Is it possible for me to get a stacked column for each salesman?

Thanks for the help!


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Navigating From Graphs

Feb 22, 2007


Is it possible to navigate by clicking on a graph to another report. If so how?



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Graphs And Charts

Aug 2, 2007

Does anyone here use 3rd party graphs and charts for SSRS 2005?

What do you use? Is there a superior package out there?



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Combination Graphs?

Jun 11, 2007

Are combination graphs possible in reporting services?

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No Labels Showing In The Graphs

Aug 24, 2006


Just want to ask if anyone has encountered the same problem..

I have used the Simple Bar Graph to display the list of employees with the most number of emails/chats and sorted it so that the highest number of emails will appear at the bottom of the graph. The problem is that the graph doesnt display a label on the highest number of email/chats. It displays the number of email/chats that the other employee has and its only the employee with the highest number of email/chats that has no number label. It just wont show and I have no idea now on what to do about it.

Does anybody have a solution for this one?

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Problems In Showing Graphs

Feb 27, 2007

Dear All

I am Sundaraguru from India..

Can any one give idea for error while showing the graph informations in Reporting Services.

I have a record set with 6 records. First 3 is same employee , next 1 (4th one) is 2nd employee. And 5,6th record is another one employee.

Here i need to show the graph who are having more than one record then for me 1st & 3rd Employee i have to show graph's..

(ListMain) - Group By - AddressId
In Body First i placed one list in that i placed all the
necessary information about employee. ( for that i gave
group by Employee-Address ID).

DetailList: - Parent list is -> ListMain , Group By - AddressId

In that i placed another one list - This list is contain the
employee detailed informations(Group By is-Emp-Address Id)

GraphList: - Parent list is -> ListMain , Group By - EmpId
Reporting is showing all the Employee. But i need it only who are having more than one Address Informations.

Please give your suggestion for getting report for who are having more than one Address...

I am using SQL Server 2005 , & VS.Net 2005 With November 2006 CTP

And Send your valuable suggestions to following mail id's sundaraguru@yahoo.co.in

Advance Thanks

Kind Regards
Sundaraguru S [Confused]

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Dynamic Graphs In SSRS

Jan 8, 2007


Im building a horizontal bar graph, but according to the parameters it could have a different number of bars, how can i make the SSRS resize the graph?

Or how can i make ssrs to give the same size as a table right next to it?

Thank you

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Cant Change The Tables With The Web Page

May 5, 2008

i"m new to sql , i have sql 2005 express

my problam is that i cant change or add the data in the tables from the web page i built.
INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE they all to nothing

( i can read the data and write it to the web!)

why is that?


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Multiple Tables On Same Page

Mar 7, 2008


Could we display two tables in the same page of a report?

Many Thanks,Zulfi

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Dynamic Change Of Graphs Type

Mar 29, 2006

We have a requirement where we show a particular simple graph in type columns. we wanted to give the user a parameter like Type: which has some or different charts in it. i would like to give a user a feature of dynamically changing the chart type.

hope you understand me. let me know which is the property i need to assign the parametere value and where i should write that

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How To Create Charts And Graphs On Reports?

Aug 3, 2007

Hi to all,
I am newbie to Reporting Services technology
I am trying to develop some reports in Reporting Services using Visual Studio Management Express.
Is there a way to create some charts and graphs inside a report?

Have I to use Report Builder?

Thanks a lot

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Page 3 - Multiple Tables Without Relationship

Mar 20, 2007

Inner join vs outer join:

Inner join will remove rows from the first table if there is not a corresponding row in the 2nd table. Outer join will keep the rows, and use all NULL values to fill in the gaps in the 2nd table.

In general outer joins are more likely to grow a result set and inner joins are more likely to shrink one (though that will depend on the data and the query). For this reason, it is usually better when building complex queries to try to do your inner joins before your outer joins, because then you will keep your result set smaller for longer and thus the later joins can run faster.

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Page Breaks On Hidden Tables

Nov 28, 2006

I am having an issue with page breaks on tables.

I have 2 tables that I have set to PageBreakOnStart. They have conditional visibility. What I am seeing is that if i put an item in ToggleItem, the page break functionality does not work anymore.

Is this by design? I would have expected the page break to be there if the item is visible, and not if it is hidden.

Any ideas?



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Print Each Tables In New Page Options

Jun 27, 2007

Hi All,

I have a report which has four tables in it. But I have only one
Dataset. Since this dataset has more then 30 fields, I have divided
this into four tables to be shown in a report. This will help the user
to take print of the report and place each print out side by side for

Showing each table in a new page is just fine. It works. But when we
take print out some times rows of second table are printed in same
page that shows rows of first table.

With this user can not put each print out side by side for view.

Is there any way to set option like print each table in new page? I
mean to say after printing first table, second table print should
start at new page.

Thanks in advance.

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Reporting Services :: All Record Are Displaying On One Page - How To Display Page By Page

Nov 11, 2015

I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.

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SSRS Table Layout Of Multiple Graphs

Apr 30, 2014

I need to have a table type layout of graphs. These various graphs make use of 5 different datasets. Is there a way to use a tablix in the report to do this? I have tried but one requires a dataset and then require all the various fields to be in that table which is not possible.

I require all 5 datasets.

Is there a way of doing this apart from just putting 5 separate tables on the report and the graphs in them, which is not ideal or what I want to do.

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Creating Graphs In Access On A Click Of A Button

Aug 3, 2006

I need to create graphs in access in a lick of a button all the data will be in the sql transfered from the access.

If anybody did this before ar having Idea please let me know

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Select Records From Two Tables, Plus Page And Order Them?

Feb 7, 2008


I'm trying to look for an efficient way to select records from two tables, combine them (not just one set above the other) and also efficiently page the results as well as dynamically order by specific columns. So far I have this....


SELECT i.ID, i.Name, Type = 'I' FROM Item i
SELECT p.ID, p.Name, Type = 'P'FROM Package p


I was going to then implement some sort of of ROW_NUMBER like paging and ordering on the @Temp table variable. Problem is there could be potentially 1000's or more Items and Packages and they would all go in this single Temp table before having records 1 to 10 returned. Is there a more efficient way of doing this before I proceed any further?

Many thanks for any help! :)

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Page Breaks On Groups Within Lists, Tables

Mar 3, 2008

Are groups within a list or table forced to be kept on the same page (if possible)? If so, is there any way around this?

My problem is a report with a list with 3 tables inside the list. All tables show details associated with the grouped individual. The size of one list item can be slightly smaller than half a page or over. When the report can not fit two list items on one page, it starts a new page and leaves unwanted white space.

I have tried:

adding a rectangle
adjusting width, margins, etc.
not using lists, only tables nested within tables
to check for page breaks, I adjusted the page size to 8.5 X 20. Same thing occurs, as many lists as possible on one page without splitting between pages.Thanks for any guidance.

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