Postback Causing Database Transactions To Replay

Dec 7, 2006


 I hope someone can quickly tell me what I am obviously missing for this weird problem. 

To give a general picture, I have an webpage that allows users to select values from several dropdown menus and click an add button which formats and concatenates the items together into a listbox. After the listbox has been populated the users have the option to save the items via a save button.

The save button parses each item in the listbox to basically de-code the concantenated values and subsequently inserts them into a table residing on a backend MSSQL 2005 database.


In the process of testing the application, I noted this strange behavior. If I use the webpage to insert the values, go to the table where the values are stored and delete the rows; Upon a refresh of the web page the same actions seem to be getting replayed and the items are again inserted into the table.

Naturally, what I'd really like would be for the page to refresh and show that the items aren't any longer there and not the other way around. 

If the code that performed the insert was residing in a component that was set for postback I'd expect this type of behavior but its in the Save buttons on_click event. I have tried practically everything in effort of targeting the problem but not having much luck with it.

Is this behavior practical and expected in or has anyone ever heard of anything similar? I have never encountered this type of problem before and was hoping someone could provide some clues for resolving it. If more information is required I'd be happy to supply it. Hopefully, there's a simple explanation that I am simply unaware since I haven't experienced anything like this before.

Anybody got any ideas???


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Changing Connection Transactions To Database Transactions

May 22, 2005

Hi there,
I have decided to move all my transaction handling from to stored procedures in a SQL Server 2000 database. I know the database is capable of rolling back the transactions just like myTransaction.Rollback() in But what about exceptions? In, I am used to doing the following:
<code>Try   'execute commands   myTransaction.Commit()Catch ex As Exception   Response.Write(ex.Message)   myTransaction.Rollback()End Try</code>Will the database inform me of any exceptions (and their messages)? Do I need to put anything explicit in my stored procedure other than rollback transaction?
Any help is greatly appreciated

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Poor Man's Trace Replay?

Apr 23, 2008

A while back I captured a large trace but only the SQL:BatchCompleted event and not the usual list of events so I'm not able to use the RML Utilities or Profiler to play it back. Really though all the queries are from the same login so there's no issue just playing them straight through I would think and using the stored duration to back calculate a start time and just play them all through. Are there any tools to do this or I am on my own having to whip something up?

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Database For BCM Causing Errors??

Feb 28, 2007

Hi All,

I tried to create a new project in BCM and I get an error indicating that there is already a project with that name. There is no project with that name in my list of projects! However, I think during one of the frequent installs and uninstalls before I was able to install a somewhat stable BCM, i might have created a project with that name prior to one of the many crashes (it still hangs and has to be killed in task manager periodically). I suspect I might have a rogue database that was created during one of the reinstalls which included installing and uninstalling small business accounting, which I have since also uninstalled. I have tried to use studio manager express to look at the tables in the databases, of which there are two, "mssmallbusiness" and "contctmgr 16022007" , in order to find an instance of a record with the name in question, no joy yet. Do I need the "mssmallbusiness" database to run BCM and if not can I delete it? I suspect that the mssmallbusiness database could be interfering somehow with the "contctmgr 16022007".

Since installing BCM, my outlook has slowed down considerably and hangs often on launch, I would abandon BCM, but I think it's a really cool tool and I would like to install small business accounting too! My machine is a centrino duo with 1 GB RAM and plenty HD space.

I know this message is somwhat convoluted, but if you can make sense of my issues, pls help.



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Xp_cmdshell Command Causing Database To Lock-up

Nov 26, 2002

I am in the process of writing a stored procedure that takes data from a table, within a cursor, and puts that data to the network server via the xp_cmdshell procedure. The xp_cmdshell command is at the end of the cursor in the SP.

I have worked with the admins on getting the proper permissions to execute this procedure and have tested it by running the procedure directly in Query Analyzer and by calling it in Query Analyzer successfully.

However when I try to call this procedure from another programming envirnoment, once the xp_cmdshell process is called, the procedure locks up and blocks the rest of the process, including the other software programming environment. When I look at the error log, it indicates that correct command, as a matter of fact I have copied the log file command into Query Analyzer and ran the procedure successfully. So for some reason, the statement is not being committed or there is some kind of threading issue I do not know how to address.

If anyone out there has any suggestions or has a simular problem in the past and knows how to address it, it would be greatly appreciated.


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NETWORK IO Causing Database Hang And Blocking

Aug 12, 2015

I've been put in charge of a SQL server recently and I'm completely new to maintaining SQL. For some reason several clients when they are doing their database processing I get network_io hangs and everything comes to a halt. I have to go in there and manually kill the SPID and everything continues where it left off.

SQL Setup

Server 2012 R2
SQL 2014 SP1
Dell 850
VM running in Hyper-V
FusionIO Card
10GB Ethernet between clients and server

All workstations are pretty much

Windows 7/8.1
64+GB of RAM
Several CPUs
SSD and SATA hard drives

It's very hit or miss when this occurs as well, however, it's always the same NETWORK_IO cause.

I've read on the Internet about how the client keep up with what SQL is sending. Could this be poor programming or do I need to investigate my network setup?

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Problem With A Postback

May 3, 2008

I want that a textbox do a postback after I change the text : I change autompostback to true , It's do a postback after
I press on the enter button , how can I do automatic postback after the text change without press on the enter button?

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Sql Insert And Postback Problem

Mar 20, 2008

We have a problem. The sql insert don't work together with postback on the insert button. The following solution has been sugested:Partial Class Login
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected WithEvents loginButton As Button

Protected Sub loginButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles loginButton.Click
End Sub

End Class
 But it doesn't work (the data is saved in the databse but the page isn't redirected to "Tunnel1.aspx"), why?
Here is the code for the page:<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Login.aspx.vb" Inherits="Login" title="Untitled Page" %>

<asp:Content ID="Main" ContentPlaceHolderID="Main" Runat="Server">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DatabaseConnectionString %>"

InsertCommand="INSERT INTO konsult(användarnamn, lösenord) VALUES (@användarnamn, @lösenord)">

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DefaultMode="Insert">

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">
<!-- Menyrad -->
<td colspan="2">
<table align="right" cellpadding="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
<td align="left">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">showMenus(1,'Horizontal')</script>
<td width="100%" align="right">
<!-- Sidan -->
<!-- Topp skuggor -->
<td width="500" height="15" style="background-image: url('Images/toppskugga_Liten.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center bottom">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="20"></td>
<td width="460"></td>
<td width="20"></td>
<!-- Mellan skuggor -->
<td width="500" style="background-image: url('Images/mellanskugga_Liten.jpg'); background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position: center bottom">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="20"></td>
<td width="460">
<table width="100%">
<td width="150">Användarnamn:*</td>
<td width="250"><asp:TextBox Width="150" ID="användarnamnTextBox" runat="server" Font-Size="X-Small" Text='<%# Bind("användarnamn") %>' /></td>
<td width="150">Lösenord:*</td>
<td width="250"><asp:TextBox Width="150" textMode="Password" ID="lösenordTextBox" runat="server" Font-Size="X-Small" Text='<%# Bind("lösenord") %>' /></td>
<td width="150">Upprepa lösenord:*</td>
<td width="250"><asp:TextBox Width="150" textMode="Password" ID="upprepalösenTextBox" runat="server" Font-Size="X-Small" Text="" /></td>
<td width="20"></td>
<td rowspan="3" width="240" valign="top">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="240" align="right">
<asp:Button ID="loginButton" CommandName="Insert" CausesValidation="True" runat="server" Text="Spara" />
<td width="240" style="background-image: url('Images/toppskugga_Mini.jpg'); background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position: center bottom"> </td>
<td width="240" style="background-image: url('Images/mellanskugga_Mini.jpg'); background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position: center bottom">
<td width="20"></td>
<td width="200" valign="top">
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" Text="Jag godkänner att mina personuppgifter registreras enligt PUL." />
<td width="20"></td>
<td width="240" style="background-image: url('Images/bottenskugga_Mini.jpg'); background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position: center bottom"> </td>
<!-- Botten skuggor -->
<td width="500" height="20" style="background-image: url('Images/bottenskugga_Liten.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center bottom">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="20"></td>
<td width="460"></td>
<td width="20"></td>



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Sqldatasource Weirdness On Postback

Jan 7, 2006

If I alter the SqlDataSource select command in code and then bind to a gridview, I run into problems. When I do a sort, next page (basically any postback), the datasource goes back to the original state. It is like the SqlDataSource is not maintained in the  state. I end up having to re-alter the SqlDataSource select command on every page_load. Is this by design or is this a bug?
Is the SqlDataSource any "smarter" than doing it the old fashion way by populating a Dataset on (!IsPostBack) ? For example, if I have a bunch of data in a paged gridview, is the SqlDataSource smart enough not to bother filling the entire dataset if I don't need it for that page's display?  I know the SqlDataSource provides for update/insert/delete, but I am not doing that in this application, it is just a query/report page.
Thanks in advance

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PostBack While Selecting A Parameter

Mar 21, 2007


I'm working on a report having 2 date parameters(which uses calendar control) and a dropdownlist. But on selecting each of these parameters, the page refreshes. For eg On selecting a date from the calendar control results in a postback. The same is the case with the dropdownlist. Could you please help to resolve this issue? We need the postback to happen only on clicking the 'View Report' button.

Also, is there any way to customize the 'View Report' button. It always appears in the right hand side. Can we set the position of this button so that it appears just below the paging button?

Thanks in advance,


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Log Database Transactions

Nov 21, 2007

I would like to have a log where I can see who all updated a particular database table and when.

Is there any such logging facility provided by MS SQL Server?


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Changing Default Parameters Cause Postback Efresh

Jul 26, 2006

I think it has been discussed previously that having default parameter values based on expressions, e.g. a default parameter value of =Split("Bug",",") in multiple parameters will cause a postbacl whenever a user selects different values from the list.

Is this by design? Its a bit of an annoying thing. The refreshpostback doesnt happen if you have basic defaults like ="All" but only when an expression of some sort is used in more than 1 parameter. Does RS think they are linked or something, why does it need to psotback

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How To Persist Title Of 'modal Dialog' During Postback

Oct 18, 2007


Please give me some idea to persist or set title of modal dialog during postback.

The title of modal dialog is going lost whenever postback happen on modal dialog.

document.title is not working after postback.

Sandeep, India

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Prevent Date Parameter Button From Postback

Jan 21, 2008

Hi Everyone-

i have a report that include a parameter of type date and it is visible to the user in order to choose the date and submit view report button to rendering the report.

i don€™t know if it is a bug in SSRS or not

but the problem is that if the user try to click on the date button of the parameter and choose a date

And then try to click again on the date button and choose a date another date .....after repeat the previous step more than one time the page is post back and reset the report and this not desirable by our client


Again the date button I am mention is the date button that auto generated by the SSRS as there is a parameter of type date

This Case happen only if the report run through a browser



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Display The Evaluated Expression Automatically Before PostBack

Apr 28, 2008

I have a report which includes two fields of type date pFromDate and pEndDate.
My pFromDate Available values is 'No-queried', and Default values is 'Null'.
My pEndDate values is 'No-queried', and Default values is the
expression '=DateValue(Today)'.
After I upload my report to the report server and run it pEndDate is disabled until I choose value to pFromDate and a postBack occurs.
I want pEndDate display the evaluated expression automatically when I run the report.
How can I do it? Thanks in advance.

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Write All Transactions In The Log To The Database

Jun 26, 2000

I would like to know write all transcations in the log file to the
database with out doing full backup of the database..
Please let me know is there any dbcc statement or some other method to do this..

Thanks A lot,

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How To Check... Database Transactions/second?

May 23, 2008

I have SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition.
How to calculate database transactions per second?

Thank you,

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Sqldatsource:SelectParameters:FormParameter Not Effective Till Postback?

Nov 14, 2007

I have a simple gridview that loads on page load. It uses an on page sqldatasource declaration in which there's a parameter in which value is already available in cookies. I added an asp:HiddenField and set that value on PageLoad() to the value of the cookies. I then set a FormParameter in the sqldatasource mapped to that hidden field. However that appears to have no effect at all. I'm guessing the sqldatasource will only use the form field after postback.

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Postback Issue While Selecting Parameters In SQL Reporting Service

Sep 5, 2007


I am working on a report (in 2005 version) having 6 date parameters ( which uses calendar control). When on selecting the date parameter(except the last data paramenter), the page refreshes. For eg On selecting a data from the calendar control results in a postback. but if I select the last data paramenter, the page is not refreshed.

I did another test on a report that only has 2 data paramters (use the calendar control), it is the same. you select the second the data parameter, no postback happened, but if you select the first data parameter, the postback happened.

Dose anybody know what is the issues? We need the postback to happen only on clicking the 'View Report' button.

Thanks in advance,

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Nested Database Transactions In Forms

Sep 19, 2007

This should be a fairly simple question. It's based on this error message:"Transaction count after EXECUTE
indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing.
Previous count = 1, current count = 0." I get this when executing a stored procedure upon processing a form. This error happens when I intentionally provide input to the stored procedure that I know should cause it to error out. I catch the exception, and it contains the error message, but it also contains the above message added on to it, which I don't want.  I won't post the entire stored procedure. But I'll list a digest of it (Just those lines that are significant). Assume that what's included is what happens when I provide bad input:BEGINBEGIN TRYBEGIN TRANSACTION RAISERROR('The item selected does not exist in the database.', 16, 1); COMMIT -- This won't execute when the RAISERROR breaks out to the CATCH block END TRY BEGIN CATCHROLLBACKDECLARE  @ErrorSeverity INT,   @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000)SET @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()SET @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, 1) END CATCH END   Okay, so that works fine. The problem is when I execute this with an SqlCommand object, on which I've opened a transaction. I won't include the entire setup of the data (with the parameters, since those seem fine), but I'll give my code that opens the connection and executes the query:         con.Open();        SqlTransaction transaction = con.BeginTransaction();        command.Transaction = transaction;        try        {            command.ExecuteNonQuery();            transaction.Commit();        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            transaction.Rollback();        }        finally        {            con.Close();        } I'm calling the stored procedure listed above (which has its own transaction), using a SqlCommand object on which I've opened a transaction. When there is no error it works fine. But when I give the stored procedure bad data, it gives me that message about the transaction count. Is there something I need to do in either my SQL or my C# to handle this? The entire message found in the Exception's Message is a concatenation of the message in my RAISERROR, along with the transaction count message I quoted at the beginning.  Thanks, -Dan 

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Using Transactions Causes Database Connection To Fail

Feb 8, 2006

In one of my packages, I set the package-level property called TransactionOption=Required. During run-time I saw an error saying "[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "SQL_DW". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection. ". When the property is changed to anything other than Required, it works fine (the calling package that calls this package is not involved in a transaction).

The machine running the packages is Windows Server 2003, and so is the database where the data lives. I verified that the machine containing the database does has Enable Network DTC Access checked in Control Panel -> Add/Remove Windows Components -> Application Server.

Is anyone else having this problem?

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Sql 2005 Database Contains Deferrd Transactions

Nov 13, 2007

Help, I had a tran log grow to it's restricted size, however the person that created this made the max size almost equal to the set max size. Needless to say I have not space to work with. SQL got bounced and my db went into recovery mode. After recovery mode was complete I tried to put my database in emergency mode but it exec's but never sets the mode. Next I tried to dbcc checkdb and I get msg 7929, level 16 state 1, line i Check statement aborted. Database contains deferred transactions. There is no back up for this database. Dev play area. I can not detatch db becase of the same error. What next? Any help would be great.

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Sqldatasource Setting Reset After Page Postback, Could Anyone Give Me A Hand On This

Nov 25, 2005

Hi, I have created a search page which needs to perform different
search function in same page. I have setuped a sqldatasource then
setup the connection string and command inside the codefile. So the
select command can be various depends on the event. The problem is
all of those setting will be reset after I click on the pageindex in
the girdview control to go to next pages. Since this gridview is linked

with this sqldatasource control, I need to restore the connection
string/command when user choose decide to view next page of data inisde

I think I must have done something wrong in here becuase it will end up
retrieving  the total amount of data when everytime user choose to
view next
or perivous page.

Can someone give me a hand on this ? Thanks

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Finding Out Database Usage (number Of Transactions)

Nov 20, 2003


Is there somewhere in MSDE (or SQL) where you can see how many transaction are made to a sertain database or by a sertain user? At this way i could figure out witch database/user uses most (or least) recources (cpu) over a period of time.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Database Triggers To Prevent Large DDL Transactions?

Mar 2, 2014

A server I'm working on has a very unique situation, where user tables and production tables reside on the same database. Users update / create tables or populates these tables, so it can't be a table-specific trigger. However, they give a new meaning to "kamikaze pilots" as it's not uncommon for them to "accidentally" update / insert / delete 500,000,000 + records in a single statement. I've tried educating them to use batching, but to no avail, so now I'm forced to stop these statements BEFORE they execute, based on rowcount, as they fill up the database log so quickly that it goes into recovery mode (It has a 200GB log file - insane, I know).

I recon the mosts transactions allowed should be 1,000,000 records in a single statement. Looking for database trigger to stop them from executing statements with large records?

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Transact SQL :: Replicating / Synching Data Between Two Tables On Same Database With Live Transactions

Oct 7, 2015

Client is running X- version of application and corresponding database size is huge. Now client's vendor is releasing Y-version of same application with many database schema changes (like new tables added, new columns added, renamed existing columns and etc) To upgrade to the Y-version, vendor is suggesting to my client that down the system and do the upgrade for application/database to Y-version. We are sure that this process will take days together to upgrade to the Y-version. My client is not ready to down the system for that long. So we are trying to find the solution with minimal down time.The approach we are thinking is, 

1) Create the replicated database to another server (server2) from production server(server1) using golden gate with X-version

2) Create new tables/schema updated tables from Y-version database on same server1. Here for  Updated schema tables we are planning to use the name <table_name_Y_version> as the same table name exists in X-version.

3)With above 2 steps, golden gate replicate the changes from production to server1 and server1 will have the new Y-version table schema (with different concatenate name ' _Y_version'). BTW , there is no affect for the production

4) At this stage we are planning to find best approach, to fill the '<table_name>_Y_version' from X-version tables. two challenges here a) all data needs to be moved to Y-version tables b) they have to sync data in real time.

we thought of going to

a) ssis package to pump the data to Y-version tables, but real time data will not sync.

b) trigger based technique, previous experience said, lot of load

c) thinking about sql replication.

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Need Help W/ Postback To 'Customers' Table On Form Using Select Query From 'Parameters' Table

Dec 20, 2007

I have set up a 'Parameters' table that solely stores all pre-assigned selection values for a webform. I customized a stored query to Select the values from the Parameters table. I set up the webform. The result is that the form1.apsx automatically populates each DropDownList task with the pre-assigned values from the 'Parameters' table (for example, the stored values in the 'Parameters' table 'Home', 'Business', and 'Other'  populate the drop down list for 'Type').
The programming to move the selected data from form1.aspx to a new table in the SQL database perplexes me. If possible, I would like to use the form1.aspx to Postback (or Insert) the "selected" data to a *new* column in a *new* table (such as writing the data to the 'CustomerType' column in the 'Customers' table; I clearly do not want to write back to the 'Parameters' table). Any help to get over this hurdle would be deeply appreciated.

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Can CREATE DATABASE Or CREATE TABLE Be Wrapped In Transactions?

Jul 20, 2005

I have some code that dynamically creates a database (name is @FullName) andthen creates a table within that database. Is it possible to wrap thesethings into a transaction such that if any one of the following fails, thedatabase "creation" is rolledback. Otherwise, I would try deleting on errordetection, but it could get messy.IF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'CREATE DATABASE ' + @FullNameEXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorENDIF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @FullName + '.[dbo].[Image] ( [ID][int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Blob] [image] NULL , [DateAdded] [datetime]NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]'EXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorENDIF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @FullName + '.[dbo].[Image] WITHNOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Image] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ) ON[PRIMARY]'EXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorEND

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Error 16955, What Is Causing This?

Sep 19, 2001

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BDE/SQL Causing GENERAL_SQL_ERROR And Crashing App

Aug 27, 2007

Dear Folks:

I am currently engaged in finding the reason why a certain SQL client application (now running under XP SP2) fails when it attempts to query an sql database. This "failure" happens after the nth operation of the same. The application can run anywhere between 2 seconds and 2 hours before it displays a GPF dialog window and is terminated by the user. The application was developed more than 10 years ago using Borland c++ 4.52 (I am using 5.01) and was deployed as a 16 bit windows app. Since then, they've the client) "apparently" had some success running it under Win95/Win98 and 32 bit OSs like W2K and XP.

At this time, I (think I) know that a specific query operation (runing through the KDBF framework) that returns a 13059 BDE code before the returned object is accessed and the KERNAL reports a NULL Handle error. Inside the KBDEF framework, the query function translates to a DbiQExecDirect(,,) function call to the BDE. I have looked at the code and can not find anything wrong.. nor would i expect too. The application worked at one time. But,clearly, something has changed in the environment of both the test system I have, and one installed at a customer site. I have modifed just about every modifiable parameter I can think of. The system in question is an IBM branded machine running XP pro with SP2 applied. I do not know if the app run under XP SP1 correctly, however.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. (i know.. stop using BDE)

Thank you

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Nov 30, 2007

Hi all

I have set up Transactional Replication from 2005 to 2000. After running a few transactions I disabled the replication, pointed one of our IIS servers to the 2000 database to do a quick functional test and validate replication. We are getting "Cannot insert duplicate value in object XXXX with violation of PK constraint errors. I was able to figure out the cause. This was happening for tables with Identity columns which have been set NOT FOR REPLICATION. The IDENT_CURRENT values are different than the MAX value in the table. so doing a DBCC CHECKIDENT with RESEED seemed to have fixed the issue. Now I am running the DBCC command on ALL tables that have been used for Replication and have NFR set to true. Its taking a while as the tables are big.

Now I am wondering if anyone has faced similar issue? Is this a known issue? I have googled and have found nothing or no one complaining about this. I believe most people have used replication for reporting where they are just querying the databases. We are testing replication as a fall back scenario.

Opinions welcome..

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Big Tables Causing Issues

Mar 3, 2008

I have a very rubbish connection!! And have been having prodlems with "Protocol error in TDS stream" when trying to save a copy locally through a dts. Basically i have a table with about 11,000 rows, but this table had 28 columns. I've now normalised to a certain extent and now have 2 tables one of 11 columns mostly ints and one of 18 columns, but they will both be excess of 11,000 rows.

So, on to the question ... Will these 2 tables likely ease my network issues... The application works fine on 1 big table. It's just copying to my local machine that's always been the issue since the table hit 10,000 rows

If only I knew what I was doing ... Thanks in advance of any guidence

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Autonumbering Causing Deadlocks.

Jul 20, 2005

Gents,I have come into a system that uses a secondary table to generate (forwant of a better word) Identities.egcreate table myidents( name sysname not null, ident int not null)create procedure getnextident @table sysname, @ident int outputasbeginif not exists (select top 1 1 from myidents where name = @table)insert into myidents values (@table, 0)update myidentsset @ident = ident = ident + 1where name = @tableendnow, (ignoring for now the use of reserved words) the problem is thatthis is called frequently, from other procedures. Trouble is that thecalling procedures call it from within a transaction. We now have awickedly hot spot on this table, with frequent deadlocks.Is there any relatively quick fix for this? Some locking hints orwhatever.Or do we need to go and recode, moving this kind of thing outside thetransaction (which are all rather too long for my liking), and evencosidering using identity columns as a replacement?Thanks

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