Power Pivot :: Currency Symbol Dynamically Based On Column In Data-source?
Oct 15, 2015
Is it possible to include a currency symbol in an amount-field in PowerPivot/Pivottable based on a Currency column in a table? Something as the same as with SSAS MD. And I don't want fixed values in my code.
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Jul 8, 2015
I have two data tables:
1) Production data with column headers: Key, Facility, Line, Time, Output
2) Costs data with column headers: Key, Site, Cost Center, Time, Cost
The tables have a common key named obviously as Key. The data looks like this:
I would like to have two pivot tables which I can filter with ONE slicer based on the column Key. The first pivot table shows row labels Facility, Line and column labels Time. Value field is Output. The second pivot table shows row labels Site, Cost Center, and column lables Time. Value field is Cost.How can I do this with Power Pivot? I tried by linking both tables above to a table with unique Keys in PowerPivot and then creating a PivotTable where I would have used the Key from the Keys table.
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Sep 4, 2015
I have two tables shown below and I wish to add a calculated column to Table 1.
Table1 Table2
ID Activity Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 etc etc etc Total
1 Activity 1 values values values Total value
2 Activity 2 values values values Total value
3 Activity 3 values values values Total value
I want each row in the new column to show the corresponding activity divided by the sum of the total. So in the row with Activity 3 I want the formula SUM(Table2[Activity 3])/SUM(Table2[Total]). Also the number of activities will vary.
I am actually wanting to calculate a more complicated formula which calculates the correlation .
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Jul 20, 2015
I'm trying extract a column from the table based on certain Conditions: This is for PowerPivot.
Here is the scenario:
I have a table "tb1" with (project_id, month_end_date, monthly_proj_cost ) and table "tb2" with (project_id, key_member_type, key_member, start_dt_active, end_dt_active).
I would like to extract Key_member where key_member_type="PM" and active as of tb1(month_end_date).
Is this possible using DAX ?
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Jul 8, 2015
Is it possible to generate automatic refresh of excel 2013 table which displays some table of a power pivot model on file open?? I dont want to use pivottable (which supports this ...)
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Feb 25, 2014
I have an Excel 2013 file with lots of DAX connected to an Azure database. I'd like to reuse all that work by changing the data source for the PowerPivot model to a different database which is an exact copy (just empty) on the same server, but Excel won't let me. In PowerPivot I can change the database connection, the user ID and password as well as the connections name. When opening each table properties (inside PowerPivot model) the new connection is used and all old data is removed, but as soon as I refresh using Existing connections, both from PowerPivot or from the Excel Data tab, the old connection is used and old data is reloaded.
If I use Existing connections from inside PowerPivot, I can se that the new connection is highlighted and has the correct variable, but I think maybe that one is run first, then the old one is run afterwards (or something like that).
On the Excel Data tab, I can see that the old connection is the only one Excel itself seems to know about, but I cannot change anything there as it's read-only.
There must be a way to change this. Even with copy and paste it would take me days to recreate this Excel file from scratch and it would be a serious flaw and reduction of usability for PowerPivot.
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Oct 12, 2015
I've question about how to handle structural datamodel changes in a datasource of PowerPivot. Suppose I'm developing a starmodel in SQL Server and sometimes a datatype changes or a name of a field changes in a table. It seems to me that PowerPivot handle this not gracefully as Analysis MD does (mostly). I received an error because of a wrong fieldname or even no error when a dattype changes in PowerPivot. Is this common or do I something wrong here. Does this mean that every time the datamodel changes the PowerPivot should be recreated? Or am I missing the clue here?
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Jul 16, 2015
I would like to know how to split the phone number into two columns based on - symbol Dynamically.
for example
Phone Number
so output should be
code number
123 12323
1234 1222
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Apr 10, 2015
I have data like below
Country State Rank
India Kerala 1
India Kerala 2
India Kerala 3
India Tamil Nadu 1
India Tamil Nadu 2
India Orissa 1
India Orissa 2
US Florida 1
US Florida 2
US NewYork 1
I have to generate rank like this in power pivot. How can I achieve it?
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Jun 11, 2015
When updating a Power Query Source in Power Pivot, I'm getting the following error message:
Basically saying that OLE DB or ODBC-error occured when:
- Connections have been imported from a different workbook or
- the workbook has been created in a newer Version of Excel
None of which is the case here. What can cause this?
System: Virtual machine (VMware) on Windows 2008 R2, Office 2010, 64bit, using temporary profile.
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Oct 1, 2015
I have a problem copying data from column A to column B in Power Pivot.
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Oct 2, 2015
Any way to create a measure that filters the second column to mimic the behavior of only filtering for slicer for the Open Pool Date values as per the image below. Ultimately, I need to create a measure that only includes accounts that were opened 6 months prior to the month row context.
Trying to get the values in the second column to only include aging accounts 6 months prior instead of 12 months prior.
Trailing6Month Conversion:=CALCULATE([TOTAL LTD Converted Amount] ,Filter(Settlement700,Settlement700[OpenDatePool]>=RELATED(DimDate[Trailing6MonthsEnd])))
Trailing6Month LTD Conversion Amount:=CALCULATE([Trailing6Month Conversion],DATESINPERIOD(DimDate[FullDate],LASTDATE(DimDate[FullDate]),-6,Month))
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May 19, 2015
DELETE FROM Report_temp2
( Select Report_temp.MSSalesID FROM Report_temp)
DELETE FROM Report_temp
WHEREMSDate < '2015-07-01'
Actually the year stating form july.
Q1 is july,aug,sep.
Q2 is oct nov,dec.
Q3 is jan,feb,mar.
Q4 is april, may,june.
So what I need is dynamically I want to delete the data every year prior to current year.
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Aug 4, 2015
PowerPivot 2013. In this example I am trying to get revenue per employee (highlighted in yellow)
In order to do that I need the numerator to appear in every row (red arrow in subtest)
I thought this would do the trick, but ...
=CALCULATE(sum('JOB COST DETAILS'[Job Line Income Amount]),ALLEXCEPT(Employee,Employee[Employee Name]))
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Sep 3, 2015
I have a requirement in Power Pivot where I need to show value based on the Dimension Column value.
If value is Selling Price then Amount Value of Selling Price from Table1 should display, if Cost Price then Cost Price Amount Should display, if it is Profit the ((SellingPrice-CostPrice)/SellingPrice) should displayMy Table Structure is
My Report Output should be look like
If tried the below option:-
1. Calculated Measure:= If(Table[Category]="CostPrice",[CostValue],If(Table1[category]="SellingPrice",[SalesValue],([SalesValue]-[CostValue]/[SalesValue])))
*[Sales Value]:=Calculate(Sum(Table1[Amount]),Table1[Category]="SellingPrice")
Tried this in both Calculated Column and Measure but not giving me required output.
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Nov 20, 2015
I want to calculate the target based on Flag value if Flag value is "Y" ....than MAX(Customer Target) else MAX(SLA target).Flag column contains "Y" , "N" and some blank values . Flag, Customer Target and SLA target are the columns in Table1. I have used the below formulas
Target:=IF('Table1'[ Flag]= "Y",MAX('Table1'[Customer Target]),MAX('Table1'[SLA Target]))
Target:=IFERROR(IF('Table1'[Flag]= "Y",MAX('Table1'[Customer Target]),MAX('KPI'[SLA Target])),BLANK())
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Oct 13, 2015
Can I force the following measure to be visible for all rows in a pivot table?
Sales Special Visibility:=IF(
VALUES(dimSalesCompanies[SalesCompany]) = "Sales"
FYI, I also have other measures as well in the pivot table that I don't want to affect.
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Jun 4, 2014
I am trying to pivot data based on columns value in year column... but results are not showing up correctly. I want to see all columns after pivot.I want to Pivot based on year shown in the data but it can be dynamic as year can go for last 3 years
I am also using an inner join as i have two amount columns in my code and i want to show both amount columns for all displayed year.I am able to pivot but I need in output all the columns like this Id,MainDate, Year1,Year2,Year3(if any), AMT1 for YR1, AMT2 for Yr1, , AMT1 for YR2, AMT2 for Yr2, AMT1 for YR3, AMT2 for Yr3,
Here is some data:
--[FileType] [varchar](19) NOT NULL,
--[dType] [char](2) NOT NULL,
--[dVersion] [char](2) NOT NULL,
--[Id] [char](25) NOT NULL,
--[MainDate] [char](40) NULL,
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Sep 10, 2015
As part of analyzing our fire department's response times, we measure the time it takes to get a certain amount of people on a fire scene. I have two table that contains incident data. The incident table contains one row per incident. The apparatus table contains multiple rows per incident with each row contain the information for each unit. They are connected by the incident key with a one to many relationship.
The column apparatus.num_personnel contains the count of personnel for each fire truck. The goal is to capture the response time of the unit that is carrying the 10th person to the scene. In the example below, E78 was the unit that the sum of apparatus.num_personnel was => 10. There response time of 0:06:18 is returned to the incident table.
I realize I will need to create a logical test (calculated column on the incident table) that sums the number of personnel for each incident and then when that number => 10, then return the MIN Response Time of that row. From past projects, I understand I can create a temporary table (ADD COLUMNS) which will iterate over each incident row, comparing the units for that incident. I"m just not sure how to put it all together.
Overview of data model. The incident and apparatus are my data tables and the rest are lookup tables. The parameter table is used for a percentile measure, but doesn't play a role with this project.
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Aug 2, 2015
I am trying to show images in a product listing in power view.I work with an excel 2013 desktop version based on an office 365 pro account.I did the following steps:
import of an excel file with an article list via power query and loading the data to the data model import jpg images from a folder via power query, setting content as binary type and loading the data to the data modellinking both tables in power pivot--> manage via the image namesetting the table behavior for the images table under power pivot --> manage --> Advanced (e.g. Default Image: Content)opening power view and building article cards with article number and imageProblem: only a camera icon shows up in power view
Is there a solution with a desktop version?Can I use my Office 365 Pro account to make it work? How?Why is there no solution showing images in a pivot table?Link to Dropbox with power pivot files
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Nov 20, 2015
Q1-2013 Q2-2013 Q3-2013 Q4-2013 2013 Total
Distinct Count Member Distinct Count Member Distinct Count Member Distinct Count Member Member Months
AMBULANCE - LAND 264 301 355 352 1272
I have the above data, and want to create a column adding up the Distinct count member of each quarter. The number of distinct count member of each quarter is from a measure. The result I want to create is the column of 2013 Total Member Months as shown above. How to create a dax formula.
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Aug 24, 2015
Using PowerPivot I created a connection to a view on a SQL Server database. All fields imported correctly.A column has since been added to the view. How do I get this to appear in my PowerPivot?
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Oct 30, 2015
I have written a simple DAX calculated column formula using SEARCH and got an error: It tells the text "PWP" cannot be found but as you can see the screen shows this text exsist within "Promotional Claim"The same happens when I try FIND function.
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Oct 13, 2015
My simplistic data model looks like this:
Spread Product Sales Channel ..
2 x CB ..
2 y CB …
4 x GFR ..
4 y GFR ..
I need a column with Spread Mapping, which should look like this:
->There are more columns in data model.
-> Spread for GFR is wrong so it must be mapped to be able to compare with CB
I guess there should be calculated column formula to calculate Spread Mapping. How to do it?
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Dec 1, 2015
This is an SPC chart controlled by a slicer that operates a powerpivot table. This is then copied (by cell formula) into a "normal" table where the average, UCL, LCL and Erlang are calculated which are just basic calculations involving average and standard deviation. To make it work the values in the Average, UCL,LCL and Erlang must be repeated all the way down the table to create the chart. In the current format it works well and using a standard table keeps the chart range dynamic.
However this is a very clunky solution involving repeating the data tables in excel. I need to create dozens of charts and it will get large and slow.I would like to create the whole thing in a powerpivot table using measures so i can use powerpivot charts and ultimately powerBI. The data column PasID is a text column so I need a measure that calculates the "count of PasID" for each day(the row labels) and then repeats that value down a whole column in the same way the standard table does. I couldn't figure out how to get the correct number repeat down the whole column, which measures to use,Whether to create calculated columns in the data model or any of it. SO I need to be able to get a count of a text column then display the average of that count in a second column all the way down.
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Nov 3, 2015
I've been trying to use a simple calculate forumla when adding a column
or just a CALCULATE(SUM([Credit])
And I have always the same error
Calculate is not recognized. I've try it on PowerBI and Excel ...
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Apr 29, 2015
I have a pivot table that connects to our data warehouse via a PowerPivot connection. The data contains a bunch of comment fields that are each between 250 and 500 characters. I've set the columns in this pivot table to have the 'Wrap Text' set to true so that the user experience is better, and they can view these comment fields more clearly.
However, whenever I refresh the data, the text wrapping un-sets itself. Interestingly, the 'Wrap Text' setting is still enabled, but I have to go and click it, then click it again to actually wrap the text. This is very burdensome on the user, and degrading the experience.
Any way to make this text wrapping stick so that I don't have to re-set it every time I refresh the data?
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Nov 5, 2015
I am try to count number of items that will result by filtering a date column (one Date column). Ex Column "Created Date" between 1-Sep-2015 To 30-Nov-2015.
I am unable to get any function that is getting right value. The below function return 40, however the actual value when i do manual filter and count is 132.
CountofQ1:=COUNTAX(DATESBETWEEN(DumpLoad1[Start Date],[StrtDate],[EndDate]),DumpLoad1[Start Date])
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Nov 15, 2011
I have 2 excel tables files.One table has info about sales by country, by model, by date...and the other table has units by date.Obviously, the common key is "date"....and by creating a relationship, I can add "units" to my combined resulting table.However, I can't create the relationship. Excel keeps telling me: "the relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that contains only unique values".
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Aug 16, 2015
experimenting with powerpivot and I use an simple example of the AdventureworksDW in Powerpivot.
If i use the RELATEd function with Product and ProductSubCategory the column is empty and I expect values.
Relationships are rightfully defined. What am i doing wrong?
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Oct 13, 2006
Hey everyone,
I'm working of a project that has each row of column data stored in this format: AAChieve Initiative - Business Development Consultant|Marketing|4F|210710
Is there a way I can break this rows apart with TSQL based of the | symbol? Thanks in advance!
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Nov 13, 2015
I am working with a data set containing several years' of monetary values. I have entries for past dates and the associated values, and I also have entries for future dates. I need to populate the values of the future date records with the values from the same date the previous year. Is there any way this can be done in Power Pivot?
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Oct 19, 2015
I need to develop a language specific dwh, meaning that descriptions of products are available from a SAP system in multiple languages. English is the most important language and that is the standard. But, there are also requirements of countries that wants productdescriptions in their language.
Productnr Productdesc Language
1 product EN
1 produkt DE
One option is to column the descriptions, but that is not very elegantly. I was thinking of using bridge tables to model this but you have to always select a language in a filter (I think)..
I'm thinking of a technical solution, such that when a user logs on, the language is determined and a view determines whether to pick a certain product table specific for a certain language. But then I don't have the opportunity to interchange the different language specific fields in a report (or in my case PowerPivot).
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