Power Pivot :: Show Images In Power View With Power Query On Excel Desktop Version / Office 365
Aug 2, 2015
I am trying to show images in a product listing in power view.I work with an excel 2013 desktop version based on an office 365 pro account.I did the following steps:
import of an excel file with an article list via power query and loading the data to the data model import jpg images from a folder via power query, setting content as binary type and loading the data to the data modellinking both tables in power pivot--> manage via the image namesetting the table behavior for the images table under power pivot --> manage --> Advanced (e.g. Default Image: Content)opening power view and building article cards with article number and imageProblem: only a camera icon shows up in power view
Is there a solution with a desktop version?Can I use my Office 365 Pro account to make it work? How?Why is there no solution showing images in a pivot table?Link to Dropbox with power pivot files
I have several reports in a Power View Gallery. In Gallery view, most of the reports show the "Open New Excel Workbook", the "Create Power View Report", and the "Manage Data Refresh" buttons on the right side of the report list. Why would some reports not have these buttons available? In the attached image you can see one report with the buttons and one without the buttons.
We are trying to build dashboards using Power BI desktop version with Power Pivot data model as a back end. To import the data to Power BI,we used Import ->Excel workbook contents option and successfully imported the model to Power BI .When I tried to refresh the Power BI,It's hitting the backend tables available in the power Pivot model. But my requirement is I need to refresh the Power BI from the power Pivot Datamodel(I'm expecting an option like Import from Power Pivot in Tableau).
I'm a relative newcomer to Power View. I've been playing with charts and have been struggling to combine both line and bar on the same chart. It would appear this functionality is not available. Considering this is basic functionality when it comes to charting, how to achieve this....
I have opened an account in [URL] and taken the 60 days trial for power bi pro. I've developed power pivot and generated power views in share point 2013. But, I'm new to Power BI desktop. I have created a report in power BI desktop and published to [URL]. Also, I have uploaded an excel file directly to [URL] and created the report from the workspace available there itself and pinned the report to dashboard also. Everything is fine till this. But, I need to refresh the file which I have uploaded. I have some dummy data in excel sheet.
ZipCode State ZipName
2345 AA AA 456 BB BB 6787 CC CC
This has been created as a table and then added to data model. So, power pivot has been created for the same. Then I have uploaded this file to [URL] site. But, I'm getting an error message while trying to schedule refresh for the same.
"You cannot schedule refresh for this dataset because it does not contain data model connections. You cannot schedule refresh on worksheet connections or linked tables. To schedule refresh the data must be loaded into the data model."
How can I create a data model connection? How can I schedule refresh for an excel file like this?
I've imported a number of excel sheets into a Power Query Table. All seems to appear ok until I load the data. Of the 15k rows around 2k have a similar error where it cannot convert an integer to type string as below example
Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value 40 to type Text. Details: Value=40 Type=Type
The columns in question are all of integer type, I've looked through the M query and there is no conversion to string taking placeThe values where we don't get the error are also integers hence the intriguing question is why does the error occur on a subset and not the others. I suspect there is a limit to the number of errors also somewhere internally M query is converting the column to text for some reason.
Slow loading issue with an if statement. In the raw data the field [Location] is a text field e.g. 0010. I have a parameterised query that get a Location_Value from Excel and passes it to the PQ query using:
#"Filtered Rows1" = Table.SelectRows(#"Removed Other Columns", each ([SalesMode] = 0) and ([SalesType] = 0) and ([Location] = Location_Value))
This works fine if you chose a single location. However I wanted to be able to select all locations and text is horrible to work with so in PQ I used the change type function to change the location column into whole numbers. I changed excel to also pass a number as Location_Value. I was therefore surprised when the same query took 2.5 times longer to refresh????
My PQ now looks like this
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Removed Other Columns",{{"Location", Int64.Type}}), #"Filtered Rows1" = Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type", each ([SalesMode] = 0) and ([SalesType] = 0) and ([Location] = Location_Value))
I'm wondering if I need to do something to the ([Location] = Location_Value) bit as maybe it still thinks [Loation] is text and it is trying to compare it to a number. I st assumed the step above meant that [Location] was now a number, but maybe you still have wrap it with some kind of VALUES or TEXT function?
I'm looking to replace text in a given column given a set of conditions in the other columns. Please see below the M query in the advance editor and in particular the bold text. Here I've created a new entry that would appear in the query applied steps window in the power query editor that I have called "Replace Values". The logic is if Data.Column4 column equals "London" then replace null values in Data.Column5 with London. However when I save the query below I get the error
Expression.Error: There is an unknown identifier. Did you use the [field] shorthand for a _[field] outside of an 'each' expression?
I plan to change the expression to test for multiple conditions however I need to get the basic expression working first. The other frustration i had with the "if" statement is it had to have an else even though I didn't require it, am i doing something wrong here?
Country State Rank India Kerala 1 India Kerala 2 India Kerala 3 India Tamil Nadu 1 India Tamil Nadu 2 India Orissa 1 India Orissa 2 US Florida 1 US Florida 2 US NewYork 1
I have to generate rank like this in power pivot. How can I achieve it?
I want to show on Power BI Dashboard a moving average - for example, I want to always show the last 30 measurement of body temperature but it looks like Power BI dashboard shows all measurements I have and compress them - which makes the dashboard ugly.
I tried to customize the X-axis properties but I dont know what I should change the default start/stop properties to (where the default property value is automatic).
One big reason why we have turned to Power BI for Office 365 is to share Power Pivot models with our senior executives who all use Macs.
While they have been able to successfully view the Power Pivot models and interact with the Slicers in Power BI, they have not been able to print the reports. We thought it was a Mac issue but it's happening on PCs too. There doesn’t seem to be a way to resize the report so that all columns print. So we then tried to click on the tiny button located in the bottom right corner that says “View Full-Size Workbook.” The file then opens up in Excel Online. Then when we click on the printer icon, we see the report but the slicer becomes invisible. When printing, all columns do show up however the slicer is invisible.
How to successfully print Power Pivot reports with slicers in Power BI?
I have a situation where I have created a report using Power Pivot data Model Manage and linked to a SQL View using external sources from SQL Server. Once the View was linked from SQL server, I created the report in Power View from Inserted --> Power View. Since the business user requested the same data to be replicated in the excel worksheet in the form of excel, I created a version of excel report by selecting Data tab--> From other sources-->SQL Server --> connected to View (Same view that I connected in Power Pivot Data model for Power View report).
Once I created all the reports in my local excel and proceeded to upload in Office 365 share point. I followed the below steps:
1. Create a data source using the admin power bi website
using the connection string..Excel sheet Data tab --> Properties --> Connection String
2. Once the Data Source was created, Uploaded the excel report to the Power BI website.
3. Scheduled for the daily refresh updates.
Expected result:Since the connection set up was all successful and no issues with the refresh schedules, I was expecting to see my reports in both Worksheet reports in excel version and Power View reports to be refreshed on a daily basis. And daily transactions to appear on the reports on both Power view and excel worksheet reports.
Actual Result:I now only see the data refreshed in Power view reports and not the reports linked through Data--> sql server--> view ( i.e., excel worksheet reports). What surprises to me eve more is my refresh schedule was always successful. I do not see the refresh failed message.
I wanted both the power view and excel worksheet reports to get refreshed on a daily basis.
I have 2 columns 1) Total Premium and 2) New-Renew Indicator in my Powerpivot.
The requirement is to show the a) New Premium as a Percent of Total Premium and b) Renew Premium as a percentage of Total Premium. Here is what i did:
a) Created a calculated measure called Percentage:= Divide(Total Premium, Total Premium, 0) . The percentage shows 100% as expected.
b) Now when i try to bring in the Column 2)New-Renew alongside this Percentage in the pivot table, both New and Renew shows 100%. I only have about 20 percent rows with New, and 80% of Renew.
When i bring in the original column = 1) Total Premium, the new-renew split shows correctly, just the percentage is not splitting up correctly. How to achieve it?
I have a powerpivot table which groups customers into ranges of sales figures. When I use a slicer to slice by region, I lose some of the ranges because they contain no data. I need them to show up even if there is no data. I've checked all of the boxes to "Show items with no data on columns (and Rows). But this has no effect. I created a measure using the following formula which also has no effect.
Using PowerPivot I created a connection to a view on a SQL Server database. All fields imported correctly.A column has since been added to the view. How do I get this to appear in my PowerPivot?
We have build a powerpivotmodel that uses a couple of datasources. The user extracts on monthly base an excel file with 20 samples (randomly) from the model to check some aspects of the input. He can put Yes or No into a column if he agrees or not and fill in a remark field. Next this excel file is loaded back into the powerpivot model (in a nightly batch) and the Yes/No field and the remark field are added to the original data. If the user refreshes his excel sample file from the pivot, the remark and YN field will be filled with the values he added. So far so good. One moth later when he extracts the file for a new month a problem arises. Since the excel file only has data for the new month, when the PP-model is reloaded the data for the previous month will be lost. So we need some sort of incremental load for the excel file. Is that possible and is this the best way to handle this situation?
In an Excel workbook I'm building a report using a PowerPivot data model.
I've a Calendar filter. If I select an year from this filter I need to show in a cell the total number of working days, present in the Calendar table as a column.
have just implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV. and I'm trying to learn how to use this Excellent tool powerpivot add on, But when I'm trying to connect it to any SQL table that support Dynamics NAV I have an error message while downloading the table :"do not have enough memory or I should use Excel 64 bits instead 32 bits".when I check CPU memory Utilization we are just using less tha 20%. I'm working on a remote server and the using Excel 2010.
When ever I create a new Powerpivot from an AS cube, PowerPivot shows the data only in flattened PowerPivot format. How can I get back to traditional hierarchy dimensional view in Pivot table.
how to combine measures and fields coming from an analytical model (tabular) along with some Excel calculations. Basically I want to provide users with a simple report (to be displayed in SharePoint Excel services) containing charts and slicers. The data comes from a tabular model, and most of the calculations are in the model as well.However there is some little tweaking that must be done. For example I might need additional calculated columns, but I don't feel the need to modify the tabular model for that. I was wondering if I could do this within Excel as well -- but without having to bring all the data through a pivot table, then manipulate it and then show it on the report. So to be clear I do not want any pivot tables lying around, even if on a hidden sheet.
I noticed that when selecting a pivot chart in Excel, at the ribbon menu under "PIVOTCHART TOOLS"/"ANALYSE" there is a group of buttons named "Calculations". One of them is named OLAP Tools.Is it fair to assume that these options will allow me to create new measures at the Excel side, without affecting my tabular model?
One of my excel 2013 power pivot report was migrated from old server to new server after migration i changed the excel power pivot connection string to connect with new server but the workbook connections is still taking the old connection string of old server and there is no option of changing workbook connection string .
I am able to edit the powerpivot connection but workbook connections are not getting updated they are still taking old server connection string.
Is there any restrictions in the number of rows that will be returned when doing a query in PowerBI? I have a query which should return over 1 million rows but the in PowerBI I only seem to get around 57000.
I have been given a request by a business analyst to update the text 'old' to 'new' within the column names / measure names and associated calculations within a PowerPivot model. There are hundred of columns / measures / calculations, etc. which need to be renamed.
Is there any way of updating these changes to the model other than making these changes manually or is there some way of doing the following type of operation in PowerPivot; -
UPDATE tblColumnNames SET Column_name, etc REPLACE ('old','new', all columns),('old','new', all measures),('old','new', all calculations) FROM tblColumnNames
Is it possible to generate automatic refresh of excel 2013 table which displays some table of a power pivot model on file open?? I dont want to use pivottable (which supports this ...)
I have created 60 queries and added them to my data model in Power Pivot/Excel 2016. I created some calculated fields for one of my queries but I would LOVE to know how to just copy these across all queries in the data model instead of having to create them in the data model for one query at a time. That will take forever.
We have some requirement in PowerBI reports. Here we have a table and having Date, Events columns. Below is the sample data..we are creating a measure to calculate the average of the event count for month.We need a measure for calculating Average of Event count per month= sum(Events for a month)/numberofdays in the month.Example for January month : sum(343423)/31 (31 number of days in January)
When we write this measure using DAX query in Excel we are getting semantic error.Tried sample formula : Average:=SUM([Events])/EOMONTH([EventDate],1)
writing this DAX command for measure.After having this data ready, we are creating PowerBI reports on this data.
I have some data in Excel - sheet1 which would be static.
Now I need to import data from SQL Server (using a query) and Union above static data with this SQL data and later I will have to create PowerPivot table in Sheet2.
Which is suitable option for me to import data from SQL to excel as I see "From SQL Server" option under "Data" and "Power Query" tab as well.
How to merge above SQL data with existing static data?
1) Production data with column headers: Key, Facility, Line, Time, Output 2) Costs data with column headers: Key, Site, Cost Center, Time, Cost
The tables have a common key named obviously as Key. The data looks like this:
Key Facility Line Time Output Alpha
I would like to have two pivot tables which I can filter with ONE slicer based on the column Key. The first pivot table shows row labels Facility, Line and column labels Time. Value field is Output. The second pivot table shows row labels Site, Cost Center, and column lables Time. Value field is Cost.How can I do this with Power Pivot? I tried by linking both tables above to a table with unique Keys in PowerPivot and then creating a PivotTable where I would have used the Key from the Keys table.