Prediction Join To MDX With Nested Table

Aug 2, 2006

If your prediction join is to a SQL datasource, you can easily write a SQL query which returns a nested table like:

Predict([Subcategories],2) as [Subcategories]
(SELECT 'Road Bikes' AS Subcategory
UNION SELECT 'Jerseys' AS Subcategory
) AS Subcategories
) AS t

What about if your datasource is a cube? Is there some special MDX syntax similar to the SQL syntax above? Or do you have to utilize the SHAPE/APPEND syntax as follows?

SELECT t.*, $Cluster as ClusterName
FROM [MyModel]
select [Measures].[My Measure] on 0,
[My Dimension].[My Attribute].[My Attribute].Members on 1
from MyCube
select [Measures].[Another Measure] on 0,
NON EMPTY [My Dimension].[My Attribute].[My Attribute].Members
*[Product].[Product].[Product].Members on 1
from MyCube
RELATE [[My Dimension]].[My Attribute]].[My Attribute]].[MEMBER_CAPTION]]]
TO [[My Dimension]].[My Attribute]].[My Attribute]].[MEMBER_CAPTION]]]
AS [My Nested Table] AS t
ON [MyModel].[Product].[Product] = t.[My Nested Table].[[Product]].[Product]].[Product]].[MEMBER_CAPTION]]]

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Datamining Model Automatically Add Space To Field Name. Can't Use Prediction Join With Original Table

Aug 30, 2007

Dear All,

I have a database table which has all the inputs, key and the result. In visual studio, I created a decision tree model which has exactly the same fields as in the table. However the visual studio automatically add space preceding the capital letters. As the field name in the Datamining model and those in the database table are slightly different. I cannot use NATURAL prediction join. Is there anyway to told the visual studio not to add the spaces in the variable names?

Thanks and regards,

Tony Chun Tung Siu

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Nested Case Prediction Query Question

Jul 19, 2007

I have a question about what is possible with a prediction query
against a nested table. Say I have a basic customer-product case and nested table mining model like so:

Mining Model DT_CustProd
[Id] ,
[Gender] ,
[Products] Predict
[ProductName] ,
Using Microsoft_Decision_Trees

I can write a query to find the probability of product (and quantity) A like so:

SELECT (select * from Predict(Products,INCLUDE_STATISTICS)
where ProductName = 'A' )

FROM DT_CustProd


(SELECT 'M' AS [Gender],
27 AS [AGE] ) AS t

What if I know that the query customer (M,27) in question has purchased product B, how can I use that in the prediction join to predict product A? The fact that product B was purchased might influence the prediction, right?

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Speed/efficiency Of View Vs. Common/nested Table Expression In A Join

Mar 2, 2008

i have been trying to determine which is the most efficient, with regards to speed and efficiency, between a view and a common/nested table expression when used in a join.

i have a query which could be represented as index view or a common table expression, which will then be used to join against another table.

the indexed view will use indexes when performing the join. is there a way to make the common table expression faster than an indexed view?

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Inner Join? Nested?

Nov 30, 2005

trouble with this...

i have a table that looks like this....

orderid=1 ordernumber=1 customernumber=1 product=1
orderid=2 ordernumber=1 customernumber=1 product=2
orderid=3 ordernumber=2 customernumber=2 product=5

how can i combine by the actual order

in other words 1 actual order has more then 1 orderid, i need this data more or less in 1 table or query for my form, i think.

if you know what im talking about, because i dont think i even do, haha, please help

thanks in advance for your time and understanding with my noob question.


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Historic Prediction And Prediction Steps

Feb 22, 2008

After building a model in BI, I want to view the chart of model in mining model viewer, in the chart tab I can just see one prediction value that means for my model do prediction for some time slice and in prediction steps I can specify how many steps, I want to show this chart
In mining model viewer tab we can see the chart of prediction also decision tree and the chart is for showing all of value prediction, and with choosing prediction steps we can specify that show just one value prediction or two or several values. But sometime I can see just one value in chart and sometime I can see several values in chart,
This difference is for my data or no?
And also for viewing historic prediction I should choice €œshow historic prediction€? and before that I should set
Two parameters: Historic_ model _count and historic _model _count,
But I can€™t see historic prediction (sometime this happens)
Please help me.

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Nested Loop Join

Jan 26, 2006


I have came across a situation -
When there are no indices on the tables and if we force SQL server to use the "Nested Loop" joins, the query becomes very slow. Since there are no indices then Nested loop join should not be used.

The background for this problem is -
Analysis services is sending some query to SQL server while doing the cube processing. SQL server is using Nested loop joins even though there are no indices on any of the tables. Is there any way by which we can force the SQL server/Analysis services not to use Nested loop joins since there are no indices in any of the tables.


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Nested Loop Join - Need Help :)

Mar 31, 2006

i'm running the following code on Ms SQL Server 2000, Query Analyzer to analyze the result of Nested Loop Join.

SELECT pdN.ProductID, pdN.ProductName,
spN.CompanyName, spN.ContactName
FROM dbo.ProductsNew pdN
INNER JOIN dbo.SuppliersNew spN
ON pdN.SupplierId = spN.SupplierId

but the execution plan give me the following result :-

instead of using nested, why does it using hash join? is there anything wrong with my code?

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Nested Query Or A Join?

Feb 8, 2007

I have a database that contains a PERSONNEL table, a VISIT table, and a STARSHIP table.
I am trying to generate a single column list of the personnel that are from Vulcan (PERSONNEL.PLANET) and all starships that have visited Vulcan (VISIT.PLANET). VISIT.SHIP and STARSHIP.REGISTRY columns contain the ships identifiers. How would I accomplish this? I am just beginning sql so please be nice ;)

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Example Of Merge ,hash And Nested Join

Jun 21, 2006

Could Any body Please give me one example of each of three types of joins that is
Merge Join
Hash Join
Nested join

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Save Prediction Query Results To A SQL Table

Feb 7, 2007

Can anyone show me how to run a prediction query and save the results to a sql table without using the T-SQL OPENQUERY tip here I am looking for an example in that I can use in a SSIS script task.


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Nested Join To Return Only Rows With Null Values From All Tables

Oct 17, 2007


I have this INNER JOIN that is fine to show all possible combinations. But I need to show only rows that have one or more Null values in tbIntersect.

Should I use nested LEFT JOINT? How?

This is the SQL statement:
sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tbCar100.Car100_ID, tbCar100.Description100 AS [Caractéristique 100], " & _
"tbCar200.Car200_ID, tbCar200.Description200 AS [Caractéristique 200], " & _
"tbCar300.Car300_ID, tbCar300.Description300 AS [Caractéristique 300], " & _
"tbCar400.Car400_ID, tbCar400.Description400 AS [Caractéristique 400], " & _
"tbCar500.Car500_ID, tbCar500.Description500 AS [Caractéristique 500], " & _
"tbCar600.Car600_ID, tbCar600.Description600 AS [Caractéristique 600], " & _
"tbCar700.Car700_ID, tbCar700.Description700 AS [Caractéristique 700], " & _
"tbProducts.Prod_ID, tbProducts.PartNumber AS [Part Number] , tbProducts.Description AS [Description] , tbProducts.DateAdded AS [Date] " & _
"FROM tbProducts INNER JOIN (tbCar700 INNER JOIN (tbCar600 INNER JOIN (tbCar500 INNER JOIN (tbCar400 INNER JOIN (tbCar300 INNER JOIN (tbCar100 INNER JOIN " & _
"(tbCar200 INNER JOIN tbIntersect ON tbCar200.Car200_ID = tbIntersect.Car200_ID) " & _
"ON tbCar100.Car100_ID = tbIntersect.Car100_ID) ON tbCar300.Car300_ID = tbIntersect.Car300_ID) ON tbCar400.Car400_ID = tbIntersect.Car400_ID) ON tbCar500.Car500_ID = tbIntersect.Car500_ID) ON tbCar600.Car600_ID = tbIntersect.Car600_ID) ON tbCar700.Car700_ID = tbIntersect.Car700_ID) ON tbProducts.Prod_ID = tbIntersect.Prod_ID " & _

Here is the content of the tbIntersect table:
Car100_ID Car200_ID Car300_ID Car400_ID Car500_ID Car600_ID Car700_ID Prod_ID ID
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1 1 1 1 19
1 3 1 1 1 1 1 20

I need to return the rows that have null data, ex: second row because Prod_ID is NULL and third row because Car300_ID is NULL. In fact I need the data from the other joint tables that correspond to these ID fields.


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Howto: Save Prediction Query Results To Relational Table

May 29, 2006

I believe saving prediction query results to relational tables is possible (the BI studio does it!). I am not clear on how to do this w/o the BI studio, which means if I write a DMX query and want to store its output to a relational table, how do I do it?

Tips, anyone?


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Why I Got The Message As You Need To Create The Many-to-one Relationship Between The Case Table And The Nested Table?

May 30, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am trying to create a new mining structure with case table and nested table, the case table (fact table) has alread defined the relationships with the nested table(dimension table), and I can see their relationship from the data source view. But why the wizard for creating the new mining structure showed that message? Why is that? And what could I try to fix it?

Hope it is clear for your help.

Thanks a lot for your kind advices and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Transact SQL :: Difference Between Inner Join And Left Outer Join In Multi-table Joins?

Oct 8, 2015

I was writing a query using both left outer join and inner join.  And the query was ....

        S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
        (Production.Products AS P
         INNER JOIN Production.Categories AS C


However ,the result that i got was correct.But when i did  the same query using the left outer join in both the cases


        S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
(Production.Products AS P
LEFT OUTER JOIN Production.Categories AS C
ON C.categoryid = P.categoryid)
S.supplierid = P.supplierid
WHERE = N'Japan';

The result i got was same,i.e

supplier     country    productid    productname     unitprice    categorynameSupplier QOVFD     Japan     9     Product AOZBW    97.00     Meat/PoultrySupplier QOVFD    Japan   10     Product YHXGE     31.00     SeafoodSupplier QOVFD     Japan   74     Product BKAZJ    10.00     ProduceSupplier QWUSF     Japan    13     Product POXFU     6.00     SeafoodSupplier QWUSF     Japan     14     Product PWCJB     23.25     ProduceSupplier QWUSF    Japan     15    Product KSZOI     15.50    CondimentsSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULLSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULL

and this time also i got the same result.My question is that is there any specific reason to use inner join when join the third table and not the left outer join.

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Question On Case Table And Nested Table

Jun 5, 2007

Hi, all here,

As we are allowed to select one table as both case table and nested table, however what is the benefit of using one table as both case table and nested table? Thanks in advance for your advices.

I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Multi-table JOIN Query With More Than One JOIN Statement

Apr 14, 2015

I'm having trouble with a multi-table JOIN statement with more than one JOIN statement.

For each order, I need to return the following: CarsID, CarModelName, MakeID, OrderDate, ProductName, Total ordered the Car Category.

The carid (primary key) and carmodelname belong to the Cars table.
The makeid and orderdate belong to the OrderDetails table.
The productname and carcategory belong to the Product table.

The number of rows returned should be the same as the number of rows in OrderDetails.

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When To Use A Nested Table?

Jul 19, 2007

Why would someone choose to model a problem with a case and nested table versus just using a case tables with multiple rows?

For example, a simple customer and product scenario where you could say:

Mining Model DT_CustProd
[Id] ,
[Gender] ,
[Products] Predict
[ProductName] ,

But you could also model as:

Mining Model DT_CustProd
[Id] ,
[Gender] ,
[ProductName] Predict,
[Quantity] Predict

and just insert multiple rows per Id/Gender/Age? Is there any rule of thumb to use here when deciding to model with a nested table?

I understand that a nested table essentially pivots the data ( and the data becomes an attribute, but how do you know if you want that, or you want the data as a value of an attribute?

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Why Use Nested Table?

May 17, 2006

Hi, all here,

I have a question about nested table use. I dont quite clearly see through why the nested table is very much necessary? I mean if we need information from both the current case table and nested table for mining models, we can just join both tables?

Thanks a lot in advance for any guidance and help.

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Nested Nodes In XML From A Table

Dec 6, 2005

Dear all,I have table called CATEGORY, which is defined as follows:CREATE TABLE CATEGORY(CATEGORY_ID INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,CATEGORY_NAME VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL CONSTRAINTUC__CATEGORY__CATEGORY_NAME UNIQUE,PARENT_CATEGORY_ID INTEGER,CATEGORY_ICON IMAGE,DEPTH INTEGER,CONSTRAINT PK__CATEGORY PRIMARY KEY (CATEGORY_ID))Supposly, the following snap shot was taken later:================================================== ============| CATEGORY_ID | CATEGORY_NAME | PARENT_CATEGORY_ID | DEPTH |================================================== ============| 1 | PC | NULL | 1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 2 | Networks | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 3 | Audio | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 4 | Video | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 5 | TV Cards | 4 | 3 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 6 | Graphics Cards | 4 | 3 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 7 | AGP | 6 | 4 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 8 | PCI | 6 | 4 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 9 | Input Devices | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------and I'd like to create out of this hierarchy the following desired XMLfile:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Hardware><Catgeory name="PC" id="1"><Catgeory name="Networks" id="2" /><Catgeory name="Audio" id="3" /><Catgeory name="Video" id="4"><Catgeory name="TV Cards" id="5" /><Catgeory name="Graphics Cards" id="6"><Catgeory name="AGP" id="7" /><Catgeory name="PCI" id="8" /></Category></Category><Catgeory name="Input Devices" id="9" /></Catgeory></Hardware>The reason for this file is that it will be a datasource of theTreeView Control new in 2.0.Now, programmateiclally using i started using the XmlDocument,XmlTextWriter and XmlTextReader Namespaces and started using susingrecurrsion to genearete this desired XML file out of the records in thesnapshot, but ...Is there an easy way of doing this using SqlServer 2005 with the newdatatype XML?*Any hint would also be ok*Best regards

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I'm Having Issues With Nested Table...

Mar 1, 2007

Hey gang,

I'm having some issues with nested table. This is my setup. [ProductTable] is the case table, and [CustomersTable] is a nested table. I'm trying to organize my algorithms around products.


[ProductTable] table only has product ID, and it is key.

[CustomersTable] table has variety of customer attributes (productID, customerID, location, demographics...) and CustomerRevenue is predict_only. ProductName is the key for the nested table.

I keep getting this error when I'm processing the mining models (Logical Regression and Neural Net).

Error (Data mining): In mining model, Estimate Neural Net, the algorithm does not allow table column as predictable.

Error (Data mining): Error validating attribute for the 'Estimate Neural Net' mining model.

When using Decision Tree, it processes OK, but the result is totally wrong. The model is empty.

Any ideas?

-Young K.

P.S. I'm trying to great a single model for multiple products. This is a label saving device that I'm trying. If this doens't work, I'll have to create a model for each product.

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Nested Table Concept In SQL Server

May 8, 2004

Hi all,

What is the equivalent for Oracle's nested table concept in SQL Server ?
Is there anything like TABLE( ) function to select from nested table as in Oracle ?

Eg in Oracle :

SELECT t.* FROM TABLE(nested_table_datatype) t;

( like the above query used in Oracle PL/SQL and 'nested_table_datatype' is a table datatype created in Oracle using 'create type ...' syntax )

Please give the equivalent for above...


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Nested Select, And Table Joint

Sep 14, 2006

Hi Guys

Am new to sql, and I wold appreciate help with optimising the folloing example. The result of the example should be to list a result with details of the Column names:

OPBal| Receipt| IssTrns| Transfer| ClBal

SELECT dbo.inventory.location, dbo.inventory.itemnum,
(select sum(dbo.matrectrans.linecost) where dbo.matrectrans.issuetype LIKE 'RECEIPT' ) As Receipt,
( select sum(dbo.matrectrans.linecost)where dbo.matrectrans.issuetype LIKE 'TRANSFER' ) As Transfer,
( select(dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.curbal*dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.avgcost)where dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.logdate='2006-07-20' ) As OpBal,
( select (IST_ITEMDETAIL.curbal*IST_ITEMDETAIL.avgcost)where IST_ITEMDETAIL.logdate='2006-08-21' ) As ClBal,
( sum(matusetrans.linecost) ) As IssTrnf
FROM dbo.matrectrans, dbo.matusetrans, dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL , ( dbo.inventory inner JOIN dbo.item
ON dbo.inventory.itemnum = dbo.item.itemnum AND dbo.inventory.orgid = dbo.item.orgid )

WHERE dbo.inventory.location = dbo.matusetrans.storeloc
AND dbo.inventory.itemnum = dbo.matrectrans.itemnum AND dbo.inventory.siteid = dbo.matrectrans.siteid

OR dbo.inventory.location = dbo.matrectrans.tostoreloc AND dbo.inventory.itemnum = dbo.matusetrans.itemnum
AND dbo.inventory.siteid = dbo.matusetrans.siteid OR dbo.inventory.location = dbo.matrectrans.fromstoreloc

dbo.inventory.location = dbo.ist_itemdetail.location AND dbo.inventory.itemnum = dbo.ist_itemdetail.itemnum
GROUP BY dbo.inventory.location, dbo.inventory.itemnum,dbo.matrectrans.issuetype,(dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.curbal*dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.avgcost),

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Temp Table Or Nested Select

Jan 30, 2007

hi all,
i have speed issue on displaying 4k line of records using temp table.. before this it works fine and fast.. but maybe when i starts joining group by it loads slower.

SELECT DISTINCT customlotno, itemid, ItemName, Ownership, TotalCTNInPlt, TotalCarton, sum(CartonPcs) AS CartonPcs, StorageID, StorageStatus ,OriginUOM, PickQtyUOM, WhsID, WhsName, LocID, Zone, Expirydate, recvDate
SELECT * FROM tblItemdetail
)AS L1
GROUP BY customlotno, itemid, ItemName, ownership, TotalCTNInPlt, TotalCarton, StorageID, StorageStatus ,OriginUOM, PickQtyUOM, WhsID, WhsName, LocID, Zone, Expirydate, recvDate

ORDER BY CustomLotNo


or maybe just use something like nested SELECT like this, but cannot work:-

select customlotno, itemid, locid(

select * from tblitemdetail
where customlotno='IN28606000'

) AS T
GROUP BY customlotno, itemid, locid

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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INSERT INTO Nested Table Error

Jan 9, 2007

I am running the DMX below and I am getting an error we I go to train my structure.  It is probably something stupid but I do not see the problem.  It seems like the SKIP isn't being recognized but I am not sure.  Here is the error:

INSERT INTO error: The '[MSA].[HospitalID]' nested table key column is not bound to an input rowset column.
CREATE MINING STRUCTURE [Hospital_Structure] (
 [HospitalID] LONG KEY,
 [SponsorshipTypeID] LONG DISCRETE,
 [GeographicTypeID] LONG DISCRETE,
 [PercentGovtPayers] DOUBLE CONTINUOUS,
 [TotalNumberInpatientCases] LONG CONTINUOUS,
  [HospitalID] LONG KEY,
ADD MINING MODEL [Hospital_Model] (
 [MSA] (
) USING Microsoft_Clustering;

 [MSA] (SKIP, [MSAGroupMember])
  [HospitalID]') }
RELATE [HospitalID] TO [HospitalID]
) AS [MSA]

Thanks in advance

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How To Count No Of Items In Nested Table

Aug 28, 2007

I have the following table
Region Table


What i tried to do is count the number of restaurants by specific regionname. My current query is
Select RegionID, RegionName, count(*) as RestaurantNo
From Region Inner Join Restaurant
On Region.ID = Restaurant.RegionID

However I only get the results below
RegionID RegionName RestaurantNO
1 A1 0
2 A1.1 2
3 A1.2 1
4 A1.3 0

Where A1.1 , A1.2, and A1.3 are children of A1 in Region table
The result is not correct due to A1 should have 3 in RestaurantNo due to it contains A1.1 , A1.2 and A1.3
Could anyone help me to solve this problem.
Thank you

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Table Update With Count In Nested Query

Oct 8, 2012

I have added some SQL to an Access form which updates the dbo_BM_Map table when the user hits the Apply button. There is a temp table with various fields, two being "Chapter_No" and "Initial_Mapping_Complete" which the update is based on.

I want this update to only apply to chapters that only have one name in the "Initial_Mapping_Complete" column. If a chapter has more than one then the update should ignore it. The attached screengrab shows you. The update should ignore chapter 19 as there are two people (Jim and James) in the Initial_Mapping_Complete field. Here is my code.

pdate dbo_BM_Map inner Join Temp_Progression_Populate
on dbo_BM_Map.Product_ID = Temp_Progression_Populate.Product_ID
Set dbo_BM_Map.Initial_Mapping_Complete = Temp_Progression_Populate.Initial_Mapping_Complete
Where dbo_BM_Map.Chapter_No = Temp_Progression_Populate.Chapter_No
And Temp_Progression_Populate.Initial_Mapping_Complete in
(Select count(Initial_Mapping_Complete), Chapter_No
from Temp_Progression_Populate
Group by Chapter_No
Having Count(Initial_Mapping_Complete) = 1)

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Sep 11, 2007


I have a query that is executing properly but i want to delete the results of the query. I am trying to do it but i am messing up somewhere in the syntax

Can anybody help me out with this problem?
Below is the query


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Transact SQL :: Casting A Variable To Nested Table?

Sep 24, 2015

Is there any way to convert a bind variable, which is a list of integer or string values, to nested table in MS SQL Server. I am looking for something like

CAST in Oracle, which converts a varray type column into a nested table. Do we have something like this in SQL Server.

in Oracle:

SELECT CAST(s.addresses AS address_book_t)
FROM states s
WHERE s.state_id = 111;

I have read about Table valued Parameter, but I am looking for another solution. 

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X-validation: Problem With Nested Table (SQL DM 2008 CTP)

Dec 14, 2007

Hi, I'm calling the cross validation SP like this
call SystemGetCrossValidationResults([V Product View Event],[V Product Event 1],4,500,'V Product View Event')
and I get this error:
Parsing the query ...
Error (Data mining): The attribute, 'V Product View Event', is not valid in the current procedure call because the attribute is not a PREDICT or a PREDICT_ONLY attribute for the model, 'V Product Event 1'.

Parsing complete

In my model 'V Product View Event' is a predictable attribute. It so happens that I'm using association rules. And 'V Product View Event' is a nested table (a TableMiningStructureColumn). Inside the 'V Product View Event' nested table I have a 'Product' ScalarMiningStructureColumn. Is there any way to call the SP with nested tables in models? I'm using SQL Server 2008 June CTP.

Gustavo Frederico

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Transact SQL :: Nested Cursors To Update Table?

May 15, 2015

I have been wrestling with the code all day to accomplish the following: I need to update a table based on values from another table. So far, I have been able to do the below:

, @SearchCol VARCHAR(255)
, @LogonIDToProcess VARCHAR(50)
, @Matched CHAR
, @Cycle INT = 1
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Glossary','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Glossary
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Employees','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Employees


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Case &&amp; Nested Table Selection And Errors

Aug 31, 2006


Here are the two tables again.



I am trying to select patient table as case and diseases table as nested to create an association model. i m getting following error.

Disease table cannot be used as a nested table because it does not have a many-to-one relationship with the case table. You need to create a many-to-one relationship between the two tables in the data source file.

i have created a relationship by dragging Disease_id from diseases table on Patient_id in patient table. when i am trying to select Patient_id as key, City as input, it is not showing disease_id to choose as a predict column.

please suggest me if i am doing anything wrong? i have not done any thing to do my datbase, just selected the tables i want to create an association model on and trying to create association model.

your help and insight is highly appreciated.



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Error About Nested Table Data Binding

Dec 10, 2007


Referring to the book "Data Mining with SQL Server 2005" written by ZhaoHui Tang, I created a Mining Structure and a Mining Model with the AMO API after creating Database and Data Access Objects(referred to code lists from 14-1 to 14-6). I added Nested Table by creating a table column and added a key column to the nested table, while the error showed that in my structure the column of the nested table didn't include effective data bindings when processing.

Thanks for any suggestion!

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