Right now I am leaning towards joining a temp table that pulls my aggregates in and then joins them on metric id and year month. But I noticed my bosses boss who knows this stuff a lot more than I, seemed to do direct inserts dropping that whole range.
Same criteria but different approach. I like updating the new results and not dropping or deleting the contents. I like using temp tables too it makes it easy to just select into them and join off of them on the destination table that will be updated.
What is the best approach to utilize a recursive CTE (Common Table Expression) to filter a resultset? The CTE function is used in all application queries to limit recursively the final resultset based on a provided hierarchical organization identifier. i.e. join from some point in the organization chart on down based on an organization id. I would prefer that the query could be run real-time. i.e. not having to persist the prediction portion of the results to a sql relational table and then limiting the persisted results based on the CTE function.
It appears that I can use a linked server to access the prediction queries directly from SQL Server (link below). I believe that I might also be able to deploy a CTE recursive function within a .net assembly to the Analysis Server but I doubt that recursive functionality is availalble without a linked SQL Server. Executing prediction queries from the relational server http://www.sqlserverdatamining.com/DMCommunity/TipsNTricks/3914.aspx
Can you describe the best (or your preferred) method for updating data held in a related table using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server. For example; if you had a stock control system with the product names and current stock levels in one table and all stock movements in and out held in another table, what is the best, fastest, safest and most reliable method of inserting a stock movement and then updating the current stock level? I have tried a couple of different methods but would really appreciate a wider range of opinions. Thanks
I have a DataSet which I am holding in .NET and I would like to know the quickest way to get the DataSet in to a Table on SQL Server? Any sample code would be great.
Lets assume database A is production, B is copy. SQL Server 2005 sp2, SQL CE 3.5
Database A has a variety of transactions against it 24x7 Database B (the copy) is for reporting and as a source of merge replication for SQL CE instances Merge replication and reporting is used 24x7 as well
I have the following requirements: Maintain an up to date copy of the production database (need not be up to the minute, could be hourly, even daily update) Database B is read-only. The merge replication is NOT bi-directional.
Here is the caveat (which I think prohibits using some solutions to this problem): The production application accomplishes much of it's functionality with in-memory copies of records. I have no control over the production application. When it works against the database, it sort of does a 'withdrawal-deposit' scenario. (to the best of my knowledge it's not using SQL Server transactions) So, for every record it works with, a copy is made out of the database, changes are made in memory, a delete of the database record is done, then the record is re-inserted.
With this kind of behavior in db A, I'm not sure what it would do to log-shipping or transactional replication. I do know that I want to minimize the changes required at the SQL CE instances to keep the sync operation to a minimal cost.
I got a problem. I am working on DTS package. The last step is updating a table field. I wrote a stored procedure as below:
CREATE PROCEDURE [Update_product_manufacturer] AS
Declare @product_id int Declare @supplier_name VarChar (255)
Declare ValueCursor Cursor For
select product.product_id, [P21_SUPPLIER_id_name_ke].[supplier_name] from [VARIANT],[P21_INV_MAST_uid_itenID_weight_ke],[product], [P21_INVENTORY_SUPPLIER_uid_supplierID_price_cost_k e],[P21_SUPPLIER_id_name_ke] where [product].product_id = [VARIANT].[product_id] and [P21_INV_MAST_uid_itenID_weight_ke].[item_id]=[VARIANT].[SKU] AND [P21_INV_MAST_uid_itenID_weight_ke].[inv_mast_uid]=[P21_INVENTORY_SUPPLIER_uid_supplierID_price_cost_k e].[inv_mast_uid] AND [P21_SUPPLIER_id_name_ke].[supplier_id]=[P21_INVENTORY_SUPPLIER_uid_supplierID_price_cost_k e].[supplier_id] order by [product].[product_id] for read only
Open ValueCursor while (0 = 0) begin fetch next from ValueCursor Into @product_id, @supplier_name
update product set manufacturer = @supplier_name where product_id = @product_id
close ValueCursor Deallocate ValueCursor
Notes: Table: Product has 28,000 rows, other tables with 28,000 - 56,000 rows
it's been 2 hours, the job is still working.
Who has this kind of experience? How can I make updating quickly?
I'm creating an application that will allow users to contribute "content". The content can be tagged, saved as "my content", etc... very web 2.0'ish. The site will rely very heavily on SQL Server 2005. By default, there is a Content table that simply stores the content with an identity column PK. There is also a Tag table and User table. What is the most effective schema for speed and reliable scalability? Eventually there could be hundreds to thousands of people contributing and tagging content. Idea 1: Lookup TablesSimply make a new table that holds the TagID and UserID. The table will be very important as it will be queried very regularly to show the users which tags they have stored.Pros: This will effectively allow me to store & query what tags the user has selected. It's simple to setup and the application won't have to work much with the data returned from the query.Cons: What happens when there are thousands of users tagging content? At what point does it become very inefficient to query a table that has a huge number of rows? Idea 2: Comma Delimited ListSimply has a field in the user table that has a comma delimited list of TagID's the user has selectedPros: Keeps table size low, fairly easy to implement.Cons: Application has to perform more work. It has to separate the TagID's by comma, and requery the database to get each tags data, based on TagID. Those are basically the only two methods I've really got experience using. The reason for this post is to see if there are methods that I'm not aware of that are better suited for what I'm trying to do. Any assistance is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!
Hi All,I am new this week to sql*server / query analyzer, coming from yearsof an oracle / TOAD background. Does anyone have any tools theyprefer for writing and executing sql code other than query analyzer?Thanks!Mike
I'm working on a query for a report. I've done this before and it works, but I think it's a little slow due to the joins and I'm wondering if I'm doing this the best way.
This is from a Microsoft CRM system. I'm only using the LEAD table. There is a field on the lead table called StateCode. When a user "Qualifies" a lead, the statecode changes. The report requires a column for total leads, a column for # of leads qualified, and a column for % of leads qualified. There are other columns, but those three will illustrate the problem.
Because total leads means all statecode values are included, and Qualified leads means only one statecode value is included, I can't get those two values from the same query (that I know of). So what I do is take two queries, one for total leads, and one for qualified leads, put them in parenthesis and name them, and then join them on the name of the leadsource, like below. I often end up with 10 or 15 of these "Query Tables" in my main query. Is this the best way?
Code Block SELECT * FROM ( SELECT LeadSource , COUNT(CreatedOn) FROM Leads GROUP BY LeadSource ) as A
( SELECT LeadSource , Count(CreatedOn) , Count(CreatedOn) / (SELECT COUNT(CreatedOn) FROM leads) AS "% of Leads Qualified from this Lead Source" FROM Leads WHERE StateCode = 2 GROUP BY LeadSource ) as B ON A.LeadSource = B.LeadSource
What is the best way to check for an existing table in a db (i.e. check to be performed when creating a table) I have came accross the following:
Code Block
Code Block if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('[someUser].[someTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsUserTable') = 1)
Note I want to work with tables that can have any name (unicode chars accepted);
I realise that INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES is a view, and views are generally preffered, but why then does enterprise manager create the SQL found in the second example?
If anyone could explain what is best practice, it would be much appreciated,
I can't see what is going on, this is the situation:
I call the Pull method, specify the table to be affected, the query to be used, the connection string to the remote SQL server, the tracking options (On) and the Error table. The pull method executes with no errors however, no table is ever created. I don't know why, here's what I have done so far:
I read the SQL BOOKS ONLINE help on preparing RDA, I set up the IIS virtual directory for anonymous access and on the connection string I send in the user name and password for the SQL server, I went into the SQL Server and grated access to the user name to the database that I am going to access and I made the user a db_owner.
So, according to SQL BOOKS ONLINE I have everything right however, it won't populate, so right now I am open to suggestions on how to get this to work, heres the code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ string rdaOleDbConnectString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=<Server>;Initial Catalog=<DB>; User Id=<User>;Password=<Password>"; (it's not exactly like this, but in it has the proper values) string connectionString = "Data Source="\Program Files\client\db\MobileDB.sdf"";
SqlCeRemoteDataAccess rda = new SqlCeRemoteDataAccess("", connectionString);
IList _tableNames = new ArrayList(); IList _queries = new ArrayList();
############ Code that prepares tables and queries ############
I have a table which contains suppliers that can supply certain articles. There can be many suppliers to each article, and therefore there is a field that tells you if this supplier is the main supplier for the article, this field is called "arthuvudavt". However, you aren't forced to use this field in the table. As a alternative you can use priority. Each supplier has given priority where 0 means "most preferred" and any other means "less preferred" What I want to do is to pick the right supplier for a given article in one SQL-statement regardless of if you choose to use the priority or if you choose to use the main supplier field.
In the above case, I'd like the statement to return supplier 10202 for article A-10 (the one that has the arthuvudavt checked), and only one row for B-10, which one doesn't really matter, since someone has been making a fault here, this should not happen, but my SQL-statement should break because of this scenario. For C-10 supplier 10303 should be returned.
Is there any way this could be done?
The reason I ask is that I try to learn new ways of solving things, and this problem was kind'a easily solved using variables, but I was wondering if it was possible to do it without it.
Thanks in advance Jonas
Sorry for the poor formatting, I didn't have the time to make it right.
I am running SQL 2014 2-node AlwaysON Availability groups, Enterprise Edition in our environment and 5 databases are part of AG.
Question is, sometimes AG is getting failed over to node2 but always our preferred node is node1 due to some business needs otherwise some of our jobs will fail.
So, what I looking for is, a sql script which can handle a situation wherein, for some reason, AG is failed over to node2, it should be able to detect if node1 is back online or not and if so, it should fail back to node1. How to do this using tsql query or stored proc or sql agent job ?
Hi,I am trying to write a method which needs to call a stored procedure and then needs to get the response of the stored procedure back to the variable i declared in the method. private string GetFromCode(string strWebVersionFromCode, string strWebVersionString) { //call stored procedure } strWebVersionFromCode = GetFromCode(strFromCode, "web_version"); // is the var which will store the response.how should I do this?Please assist.
Consider i have 2 database namely database1 and database2 . both the databases are in the same server database1 has a following tables 1.the table "class" has following fields and many more fields. consider 50 fields but for the use of example i have given only three fields name and sample values. class studentname rollno (table name - class) 8th std aaaaa 100 2. the table "Fees" has the following fields and many more fields. consider 25 field but for the use of example i have gievn only 2 fields name and sample values rollno fees (table name - fees) 100 50000 101 25000 Now i have created the following tables in database2 the table "class" has the following fields only, class studentname rollnothe table "fees" has the following fields only. rollno fess Question ?please let me know if there is any tool or method . to transfer values from database1 to databse2
now i want to update all the three tables with the help of asp.net in the table PhoneExtraFieldAliasalias should be replased by the inputed values say in filed1 = 'date' so now filed1 should behave like as date column and if no data is inputed then field should be 'null' and it picks up its value from phoneextra and phonemst and all the task are performed in one form of asp.net in phoneextra nad phoneextrafieldalias tables has phoneid is comman.first it takes data from phoneextrafiledalias then its value from phoneextra CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PhoneExtra] ([PhoneID] [varchar] (12) NOT NULL , [Field1] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field2] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field3] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field4] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field5] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field6] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field7] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field8] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field9] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field10] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field11] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field12] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field13] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field14] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field15] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field16] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field17] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field18] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field19] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field20] [varchar] (50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PhoneExtraFieldAlias] ([CampaignID] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL ,[Field1] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field2] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field3] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field4] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field5] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field6] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field7] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field8] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field9] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field10] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field11] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field12] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field13] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field14] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field15] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field16] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field17] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field18] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field19] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Field20] [varchar] (50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PhoneMst] ([PhoneId] [varchar] (12) NOT NULL ,[PhoneNo] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,[Name] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Sex] [char] (1) NULL ,[Company] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[Address] [varchar] (150) NULL ,[City] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[State] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Zip] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Country] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Email] [varchar] (60) NULL ,[Website] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[Fax] [varchar] (50) NULL ,[EntryOn] [datetime] NULL ,[Remarks] [varchar] (10) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]GO
I have a webform contains a list of documents and information about them. What would be the best way to update any changes back to the database where I would need to log each change into an audit table as well. For example:document changedA YesB NoC Yes I would need to take this information and update the documents table with the changes from A and C, but ALSO would need TWO entries in my audit log table. One for A and one for C. Is there a quick way to do this or will I need to use loops and/or cursors? I'm trying to find a way that won't kill my performance. Thank you.
Even if indexes are good, isn't there still a performance issue with updates to a very fat table (333 columns and almost 8030 bytes, with over 100,000 rows). We are looking at 300 users updating this table 400-500 times an hour. I had no input on the table design, but I can complain. All the updates are sql, not sp's
Hello I have two tables users and Private I want to be able to view, update, delete info from the two tables from one screen
scenario user logs in to system system stores userID and transfers userID to new table this user id will be used by sql to load only that users details (UserID is PK for users and FK for private) the user will be able to update some of their info. as an admin they will use the same procedure except they will be able to see all members details and add new members using update or delete. I have tried to use a data Sqladaptor to do this but the info will display it will not allow delete update. If I load both tables into separate Sqladaptors they are not in sync anyone have any suggestions
Okay, here is my issue:I have an access program that tracks the location of certain items.When the items are moved their record will be added with transferinformation.So, there are two tables: tblContents and tblTransfertblContents holds all the relevant information about each item as wellas a flag for transferred items and tblTransfer holds all thetransferred item information.My problem is: How do I update tblTransfer when an item in tblContentsgets flagged true?btw, this is using a .asp front end to interact with the database.
When I try to compile this I get the following error:
Error Message Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure UpdateLicense, Line 35 Must declare the scalar variable "@License_id".
My first question is what line is line 1? Does the line count include every line, even comments? Becuase, if so, then line 35 is "location_id = @LocationId," which makes no sense to me given the error message about the scalar variable. I am probably missing a comma or something but I cant see it. Anyone?
Is it possible to update two tables with the same stored procedure. I want to update the tables Member an Login using the same SP. If not is it possible to use two stored procedures but the same SQLconnection with two command statements?
Hello,I read Data Tutorials from this site. here in DAL Different TableAdapters are created for different purpose. I want to know when I want to update More then one table at a time then I have to fire Update Query from more than one Table Adapter. now how to maintain Consistancy? what if one adapter is successed and other fails to update tables in my database ? How to solve this problem???
I have a database which is used for the asp.net login control and i use the same database for my website work too. In this database there are asp.net created tables for login controls and the tables that i have created for the website. Now when i add a user to the website, data is added in the asp.net created tables (like aspnet_membership, aspnet_users). I want to add some of the data that is added to these tables into the tables that i have created. Is there a way i can do this?
I am using SQL server7.0. I am having two databases ,say database A and database B.Database A is the main database which is used in two /three projects.While database B is created by me for my work.From the database A, I am using the 4/5 tables, which i have copied in to the database B. So, i want to update these tables in the database B as soon as any change (insert,update or delete ) occures on the tables in the database A. That's why I am interested in doing these work.I have tried, but it doesn't work.So, I have placed these into these forum. Is any body is having the trigger, procedure ready for doing these job. then plz,mail it to me
I'm trying to update a table with a value that is dependent on another table.
Scenario Table 1 has 2 fields: FieldID, FieldA Table 2 links each Table 1 row to a specific row in Table 3 using FieldID Table 3 has 2 fields: FieldID, FieldA
I need to update Table1.FieldA to equal the value in Table3.FieldA in the appropriate row.
I was attempting this along the lines of: UPDATE Table1 SET Table1.FieldA= ( SELECT DISTINCT Table3.FieldA FROM Table1, Table2, Table3 WHERE Table1.FieldID=Table2.Table1ID AND Table2.Table3ID=Table3.FieldID )
However, I realised that the select query would not know which Table3 row to look at.
I hope that makes sense and if someone can help me urgently I would be most appreciative!
Hi,I want to replicate the system tables of the Northwind database inanother test database that I have created (say NorthwindTest). Istarted with the syscomments table:insert into NorthwindTest.dbo.syscommentsselect * fromNorthwind..syscomments whereNorthwind..syscomments.id not in(select id from NorthwindTest.dbo.syscomments )On doing so,I get the following error:Server: Msg 213, Level 16, State 5, Line 1Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not matchtable definition.Does any one know why the two tables are different?Also, if I try to insert on a per row basis, the following worksinsert into syscomments values(53575229,0,1,0,0x280030002900)but the following DOES NOT workinsert into syscomments values(53575229,0,1,0,0x280030002900,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)FYI, the definition of syscomments table is:CREATE TABLE [syscomments] ([id] [int] NOT NULL ,[number] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[colid] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[status] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[ctext] [varbinary] (8000) NOT NULL ,[texttype] AS (convert(smallint,(2 + 4 * ([status] & 1)))) ,[language] AS (convert(smallint,0)) ,[encrypted] AS (convert(bit,([status] & 1))) ,[compressed] AS (convert(bit,([status] & 2))) ,[text] AS (convert(nvarchar(4000),case when ([status] & 2 = 2) then(uncompress([ctext])) else [ctext] end))) ON [PRIMARY]GOThanks in advance,TC
I have a temporary table that I want to read, update another tablewith the information the delete the record from the Temp table everyhour or so.(The reason for doing this is we have an application that puts data intable1 this has to be moved to table2 before it can be used - thismovement is done using a trigger but can not delete the entry intable1 because the record is locked - so I creat the temporary recordand hopr to clean up later)What is the best way to do this, I was thinking possably an agent ?does anyone have any sample code to get me started.ThanksMartin
we have some tables in a many-to-many relationship. when data is changed in a row in one table, simultaneous changes are also made to a second table. this may not be the best way to do what we are doing, but it's the way it is today. if we were to use merge replication with column-level tracking and a conflict occurs in a column in either table, we want the row for both tables to be including in the conflict and resolved together. we don't want the row for a table that no conflict occured to be updated while the other row in the other table where the conflict did occur to not be updated. is there a way to wrap two updates to two tables in a transaction? or link them together in a single "conflict resolution transaction"? i don't see any online documentation referencing this scenario. if there is documentation on this, i would appreciate a pointer to it.
Although the codes get correctly compiled and executed the tables on the database are not getting updated. I also used the execute sql command manually but it also doesnt work. :-( What to do?