Hi! I am joining 3 tables in SQL , I am getting the results I want exept it's duplicated. So the resultinmg table fom my stored procedure has 3 rows that have the same bulletin. How do I filter the storedprocedure to output only the rows that don't have duplicate entries for the column 'Bulletin' Thanks. Here is my stored procedure:PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetCompBulletins] @Userid uniqueidentifier OUTPUT,@DisplayName varchar(200)
SELECT * FROM dbo.UserProfile INNER JOIN dbo.bulletins ON dbo.UserProfile.UserId = dbo.bulletins.Userid INNER JOINdbo.Associations ON dbo.Associations.BusinessID = dbo.bulletins.Userid WHERE UserProfile.DisplayName=@DisplayName and Userprofile.Userid = @Userid ORDER BY Bulletins.Bulletin_Date Return
I have a table with no primary key and i just want to see all the duplicate entries on the basis of two columns. Can anyone suggest me how should i go about it.
Can anyone provide me the syntax for the same? I have only 1 table say ISSR_TBL and two columns using which i want to delete the duplicate ones. i.e. MIN and MAX.
Someone ran an update statement multiple times so their are multiple entries in the table. What is the quickest way to track down the multiple entries? I would only want to see where timein and timeoff exist in the table multiple times for the same id. So this would be a duplicate
I am using Sql Server 2000. I have a customer table with fields - CustId, Name, Address, City, StdCode, Phone. I used to insert entries in this table from an excel file. One excel file will contain thousands of customer. In this table combination of StdCode and Phone should not be repeated. If I do it in my VB.Net coding.then application gets drastically slow. So I want to write a procedure or trigger for this. Here what I will do, I will send all records into database then this trigger or procedure will check for any existing entry of combination of StdCode and phone. If entry exists then this will delete new entry or will not allow this new entry. Is this possible to do using Trigger or stored procedure?
I'm extracting data from a log (log_history) of patients where nurses perform various actions on a call, such as assessing and reassessing, despatching etc. This is the script:
Select L.URN, LH.THE_TIMESTAMP, LH.ACTION_TYPE, LH.ACTION_BY, LH.ACTION_REQD, LH.NOTE, em.position_type_ref From LOG L Join Log_history LH on (L.URN = LH.LOG_URN) left outer join employee em on (em.code = LH.action_by) Where (L.Taken_at >= :DateFrom and L.Taken_at <= :DateTo) and (LH.ACTION_TYPE = 'D') and (em.position_type_ref ='NU')
The result I get shows duplicate 'timestamp' entries and I only want to return unique timestamp entries. Does anyone have any ideas. I'm self taught and have hit a wall
I have an application that allows the user to enter data into a table. There are multiple users so I put in some code that, I thought, would keep 2 users from creating a new record at the same time. The IDs for the records are identical and this is causing a problem.
The IDs are in the format of ####-mmyy. at the start of each month the #### part goes back to 1.
We tried a test today where we had 2 users click on the New button at exactly the same time. The IDs that were created were identical. Is there anyway on the database that I can prevent this from happening?
Here is how I create the new record id:
I get the MAX(ID) from the table I add 1 to the ID and then insert a new record with the new ID into the table.
I have an issue where certain parts of data are repeated several times after i create my query. Without providing my SQL code for now could anyone suggest possibly the main reason(s) for data being duplicated?
I am a newb at ms sql and was hoping someone could help me eliminate duplicate PRODUCT.PRODUCT from this statement. I have tried using DISTINCT with the same results.The ProductImage table is causing this because the duplicates are from the PRODUCT.PRODUCT that have more than 1 image.
If anyone could rewrite this statement so I can learn from this, it would be most appreciated!
Hi. I have a table with Login and Logoff Time of users, but there could be duplicate Logtimes in the dataset, but for different products. Because of this I cant do a distinct in the dataset. I need the Product and some other details in my Report.
I tried to make two datasets. One for the Select distinct and one for the other.
But the Problem is: in my report, I need a table, where I make the Sum of the Logintime a day and in another column I calculate with data from the other dataset.(Logtime + data from dataset2). But this doesnt work, so I think, that is it not possible to join 2 dataset in one table.
Hi all.. I've been scouring the forums for about 6 hours to no avail. This is a really simple question. I'm trying to have a registration page that lets the user input name, email, desired username, and password. I want to check the username and email fields to make sure ppl cannot sign up twice. So from what I've gathered I have a couple of options:
1) i can set up a unique constraint on the database columns, 2) i can run a select statement before inserting, 3) i can store the whole database column in a variable then search through it.
My question is how to do option 2? All of my transactions are through a sqldatasource object in c#.
Below is a snippet of MS SQL inside ASP that retieves Commodity info such as product names and related information and returns the results in an ASP Page. My problem is that with certain searches, elements returned in the synonym field repeat. For instance, on a correct search I get back green, red, blue, and yellow which is correct. On another similar search different commodity say for material, I get Plastic, Glass,Sand - Plastic, Glass,Sand - Plastic Glass Sand. I want to remove the repeating elements returned in this field. I hope this makes sense.
PS I tried to use distinct but with no luck I want just one of each in the example below.
Thanks in Advance!
Yet another simple query that is eluding me. I need to find records in a table that have the same first name and last name. Because the table has a primaty key, these people were entered twice or they share the same first and last name.
How could you query this:
ID fname lname 10001 Bill Jones 10002 Joe Smith 10003 Sue Jenkins 10004 John Sanders 10005 Joe Smith 10006 Harrold Simpson 10007 Sue Jenkins 10008 Sam Worden
and get a result set of this:
ID fname lname 10002 Joe Smith 10005 Joe Smith 10003 Sue Jenkins 10007 Sue Jenkins
Hi I am trying to insert entries in a table which has a composite primary key and i am inserting it on UID basis.
When i insert it tries to insert a duplicate entries and gives me an error. Since I am new to SQL SERVER 2000 i need some help. I tried IF NOT EXISTS, EXCEPT but i guess i am wrong at the syntax.
I have a database being populated by hits to a program on a server.The problem is each client connection may require a few hits in a 1-2second time frame. This is resulting in multiple database entries -all exactly the same, except the event_id field, which isauto-numbered.I need a way to query the record w/out duplicates. That is, anyrecords exactly the same except event_id should only return one record.Is this possible??Thank you,Barry
Below is a snippet of MS SQL inside some VB that retieves Commodity info such as product names and related information and returns the results in an ASP Page. My problem is that with certain searches, elements returned in the synonym field repeat. For instance, on a correct search I get green, red, blue, and yellow which is correct. On another similar search with different commodity say for material, I get Plastic, Glass,Sand - Plastic, Glass,Sand - Plastic, Glass, Sand. I want to remove the repeating elements returned in this field. IOW, I just need one set of Plastic, Glass and Sand. I hope this makes sense.
Below is the SQL and the results from the returned page.
PS I tried to use distinct but with no luck I want just one of each in the example below.
Thanks in Advance!
I have a table storing only 2 FKs, let's say PID, MID Is there any way that I can check distinct data before row is added to this table? For example, current data is PID MID------------100 2001100 2005101 3002102 1009102 7523102 2449 If my query is about to insert PID 100, MID 2001, since it's existing data, i don't want to add it. Can I use trigger to solve this issue?
Here is my situation. I have a table in my application that pairs users with cars they like. We'll call this table Favorites. A user can browse the site and they can designate as many cars they want as favorites. For example, a user can go to the Honda Accord page and add that as a favorite car and then go to the Toyota Camry page and add that as a favorite car. However, if he/she goes to that Honda Accord page and tries to click the "Add to Favorites" button again, at the present state of my application, it will just add another entry into the Favorites table with a duplicate pairing. So, if I were to datalist the table to generate a listing of all favorites belonging to a certain user, he/she may potentially be returned with superfluous duplicate entries. Not to mention, taking up valuable database space and not looking very professional. In my Favorites table, the 3 fields are.....favoriteId (set as primary key)userIdcarId I've been thinking about this for awhile and I've come up with 2 solutions. I'm a newbie to ASP.NET/programming so I don't have enough insight to make a decision or to even think up of other alternatives. 1) Check proactively by doing a.....SELECT favoriteID FROM Favorites WHERE userId = x and carId = y (where x and y are variables)If I get a null return, it means I can go ahead and let the user add the car as a favorite in the database. If I get a valid value, then it means there already exists the same pairing, so I exit out without updating the table. 2) Check reactively by forcing an exception whenever a user tries to enter a duplicate pairing. I'm not sure how to do this, but perhaps, instead of making "favoriteId" a primary key, perhaps, I can make a primary key pairing of "userId" and "carId". And by trying to do an insert with a primary key that already exists, we know it won't work since primary keys by definition are unique. Now, I expect some concurrent users on my site, so I must take into consideration pros and cons of each and determine which is more efficient. Checking proactively will force a check even if the table does not contain a duplicate pairing of user and car. However, having a duplicate primary key may be more expensive from a database point of view and may slow down lookups, etc. Or maybe neither has significant benefits, in which case, I rather go with proactive, since I've already coded it and it works fine. Or maybe there is a third alternative, which I did not think. Which method do programmers usually take and which is a better practice? TIA for your help.
Hi,I need to enforce that a table does not have "duplicates" for aspecific status type in the table.If the column "STATUS" = 2, then there can not be more than one rowwith a specific "ID" column.I can not use a unique key constraint because duplicate values for thiscombo of columns is valid for the status = 1.Just when the status = 2, there can not be any other rows with the sameID and status = 2.Any ideas?-Paul
What is the best way to compare two entries in a single table wherethe two fields are "almost" the same?For example, I would like to write a query that would compare thefirst two words in a "company" field. If they are the same, I wouldlike to output them.For example, "20th Century" and "20th Century Fox" in the companyfield would be the same.How do I do this? Do I need to use a cursor? Is it as simple as using"Like?"
How can I delete duplicate entries from tables in my database using Query Analyzer, as there are many duplicate entries in my tables, I want to delete them.
I am using the Import/Export wizard to import data from an ODBC data source. This can only be done from a query to specify the data to transfer.
When I try to create the tables, for the query, I am getting the following error:
Msg 2714, Level 16, State 4, Line 12
There is already an object named 'UserID' in the database.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 12
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
I have duplicated this error with the following script:
USE [testing]
IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users1]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users1]
CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users1] (
[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,
IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users2]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users2]
CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users2] (
[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,
IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users3]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users3]
CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users3] (
[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,
I have searched the "2714 duplicate error msg," but have found references to duplicate table names, rather than multiple field names or column name duplicate errors, within a database.
I think that the schema is only allowing a single UserID primary key.
I have a table which stores phone numbers of a customer in a table.
Say this table is as below
CustomerName - PhoneNumber Customer 1 - Phone number 1 Customer 2 - Phone number 2 Customer 2 - Phone number 3 Customer 3 - Phone number 4
What would be the best approach to prevent adding another entry against Customer 2. I should be able to add new customers and add multiple phone number against all other Customers. The restriction should be only against Customer 2.
Hi,I have a form that should show 2 pictures based on table entries.I want those 2 pictures to be randomly selected based on a database table. So, my table has all the entries, and I want to pull out a random entry that has been approved to display it.Can someone help me with the sql query?I can do SELECT VoteId FROM tblVotes WHERE Approved=True..But how do I make selection a random one that changes every time the user gets another entry?
For example some data has entered into a table in a random manner i.e the pk filed value is not in a serial fashion.Is there any table or index that holds the entries of rows into a particular table as entered .
i.e 'some_table' has data like this
3,entry3 2,entry2 4,entry4 1,entry1
I want some DB table or Index that holds data like this about above 'some_table'
row_id .... .... .... 1 2 3 4
here 1 refers to entry of the first column in 'some_table' i.e 3,entry3 and so on...