I am using the following code to check whether a message exists on the specified queue:
Code Block
DECLARE @RecvReplyMsg NVARCHAR(100);
@RecvReplyDlgHandle = conversation_handle,
@RecvReplyMsg = message_body
FROM TargetQueue;
SELECT @RecvReplyMsg AS ReceivedReplyMsg;
How can I prevent errors being thrown when there are no messages waiting on the queue? For example, if I send a message to the queue and run the above twice I get the following:
Msg 8418, Level 16, State 1, Line 11
The conversation handle is missing. Specify a conversation handle.
We have recently upgraded our SQL Express 2005 server, to SQL Server Standard 2005.
It refused to install a new default instance during install, so i upgraded the SQLEXPRESS instance instead. Im now trying to install Microsoft CRM but when it tries to connect to the SQL server get the following error:
"Setup was unable to verify that the SQL Server Agent (SQLSERVERAGENT) was running."
"[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied."
"Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect ()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied."
As far as i can tell, the problem is that when we upgraded, the pipe(?) or sql service name(?) (im not an SQL expert,so unsure of what to call things at this stage!!) is SQLEXPRESS instead of SQLSERVERAGENT. Is there a way of changing what the install routing is expecting? or a way of renaming this within SQL?
I have a database table where a primary key is defined. When I enter data that is the same as another table, it does not allow and throws an error which I do want. What happens is that a Server Error in Application error type is thrown with the following message:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_cs_sc'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'cs_sc'. The statement has been terminated.
How can I detect the error in my own asp.net page code so that it does not forward my users to the asp.net server error page? Heres my code below... how can I check for success or failure within this code?
Dim conSqlConnect As SqlConnection Dim strInsert As String Dim cmdInsert As Sqlcommand conSqlConnect = New SqlConnection( "Server=localhost;uid=var;pwd=var;database=var" ) strInsert = "Insert cs_sc ( [name] ) Values ( @name )" cmdInsert = New SqlCommand ( strInsert, conSqlConnect ) conSqlConnect.Open() cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery() conSqlConnect.Close()
I have a package in which I have enabled "Package Configuration".
When I run the package i am sure that it reads the configuration file and executes the package correctly.
However if I remove the configuration file, the package still executes correctly with the settings which were used at the time of development.
I have event handlers for OnError and OnWarning and both these are NOT invoked.
IMO, this is incorrect behavior because if a package has been configured for "package configuration, then we should atleast have a warning generated that SSIS did not find the configuration and it would execute the package with hard coded values (from the time of development).
Is there any work around for this? how can I make SSIS warn me if the config file is missing for a package which was configured for package configuration?
've got an execute task that take data from a simple table ,I set up the variable Passing as object and I pass the variable to a For Each loop container..
I call the variable in the for each loop container and using the script VB I try to msgbox the variable but it gives me the error:
exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
DB-Library Error 10007: General SQL Server error: Check messages fromthe SQLServer.CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spu_Import_Export_Image](@srvr varchar(50),@db varchar(50),@usr varchar(15),@pwd varchar(50),@tbl varchar(50),@col varchar(50),@mod varchar(1),@imgpath1 varchar(1000),@pk varchar(50))ASBEGINdeclare @path varchar(50)declare @whr varchar(200)declare @fil varchar(100)declare @cmd varchar(1000)declare @imgpath varchar(800)declare @ext varchar(5)--declare @pk varchar(50)declare @KeyValue varchar(8000)declare @image varchar(50)--declare @imgpath1 varchar(1000)declare @imgpath2 varchar(1000)declare @sellist varchar(2000)set @path = 'c: extCopy.exe'select @sellist = 'DECLARE curKey CURSOR FOR SELECT ' + @pk +' FROM '+ @tbl + ' ORDER BY ' + @pkexec (@sellist)OPEN curKeyFETCH NEXT FROM curKey INTO @KeyValueWHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)BEGINset @whr = '"where '+ @pk +' = "' + @KeyValueset @fil = @imgpath1 + '' + @KeyValue --+ @extset @cmd = @path + ' /S ' + @srvr + ' /D ' + @db + ' /U ' + @usr+ ' /P ' + @pwd+ ' /T ' + @tbl + ' /C ' + @col + ' /W ' + @whr + '/F ' + @fil+ ' /' + @modexec Master..xp_cmdShell @cmdFETCH NEXT FROM curKey INTO @KeyValueENDCLOSE curKeyDEALLOCATE curKeyENDGOAbove srcipt runs fine with image data type in one table but when irun for some other table it gives me Error MessageTEXTCOPY Version 1.0DB-Library version 8.00.194SQL Server 'WSQL01' Message 170: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '99'.(Concerning line 1)DB-Library Error 10007: General SQL Server error: Check messages fromthe SQLServer.ERROR: Could not use database 'test1'NULL-----------Aslo it only runs on server console if i run it from workstation uingsame files and tables it gives me an error again. Can anybody help meand reply me at Join Bytes! asap.thnx,dharmesh
"The statement has been terminated.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I have a stored procedure that performs a task on a loop. Sometime it fails, somtimes it succeeds and that's just fine, the errors are handled within the stored procedure and I return counts of success and failures.
The trouble is that the package execution terminates when even one of the task fails. I don't want it to, I just want it to continue as the pakage should then go on to extract the source of the failues and post them back where they came from.
Any ideas how I can achieve this?
I have tinkered with the MaximumErrorCount setting, but I get the same result regardless of whether this is set to 0, 1, or 99999.
I also have a 'failure' path leading from the SQL task, but the package does not follow it.
I'm using an OLE DB connection and when none of the tasks fail, the process works perfectly.
"The log file for database is full. Back up the transaction log forthe database to free up some log space."Now I only know this way to deal with that manually,Step1. in option , chance Recovery model from FULL to Simple.Step2: go to task to manually shrink the log fileStep3: Change recovery model back from simple to FULL.But by this way, I could get same problem again, the log file is fill,and need free up.Could you give an idea how to prevent this from happening? what andhow should I do???Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
I am writing a tracking system. There is a table in the Sql Server 2000 database that contains a column for the user's ntid, the page they visited, the date of the last visit, a column each to track hits for the current year and a previous year column (basically for archiveing and reporting purposes), and 12 columns for hits per month (obviously, one per column). To record a hit, my unit determined we would only track one hit per day, so basically, there are 3 possible outcomes I needed to account for : 1) A user had never hit the page before, so I need to record the user's ID, the page they hit for the first time (since it won't exist yet), increment the year counter for that user on that page, and then determine what month column counter should be incremented as well. 2) A user had hit the page before, but not on this same day, so I need to update the row for that user on that page, changing the last visit field to reflect the current date, and icnrementing the appropriate counters. 3) A user had hit the page already on the same day, so basically, nothing should be changed whatsoever. No action should be taken. I wrote a stored procedure to attempt to accomplish that logic, and though it's probably not very pretty, I was surprised at how few errors I got on my first Syntax check. Here's the stored procedure : CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hitMe@ntid varchar(10),@page varchar(50),@thisHit datetimeASSET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @tempDate datetimeDECLARE @yearCount intDECLARE @monthCount intDECLARE @inMonth varchar(20)DECLARE @monthColumn varchar(10)SET @inMonth = DATENAME(mm, @thisHit)SET @monthColumn = CASE WHEN @inMonth = 'January' THEN 'hitsInJan' WHEN @inMonth = 'February' THEN 'hitsInFeb' WHEN @inMonth = 'March' THEN 'hitsInMar' WHEN @inMonth = 'April' THEN 'hitsInApr' WHEN @inMonth = 'May' THEN 'hitsInMay' WHEN @inMonth = 'June' THEN 'hitsInJun' WHEN @inMonth = 'July' THEN 'hitsInJul' WHEN @inMonth = 'August' THEN 'hitsInAug' WHEN @inMonth = 'September' THEN 'hitsInSep' WHEN @inMonth = 'October' THEN 'hitsInOct' WHEN @inMonth = 'November' THEN 'hitsInNov' WHEN @inMonth = 'December' THEN 'hitsInDec' END DECLARE @insString varchar(500)DECLARE @updString varchar(500)SET @insString = 'INSERT INTO tblTracking (ntid, page, lastVisit, hitsThisYear, ' + @monthColumn + ') VALUES (' + @ntid + ', ' + @page + ', ' + @thisHit + ', 1, 1)' if exists(select * from tblTracking where ntid = @ntid and @page = page) begin if exists(select * from tblTracking where lastVisit = @thisHit) begin -- DO NOTHING! end else begin DECLARE @theColumn varchar (100) SET @theColumn = 'SELECT ' + @monthColumn + ' FROM tblTracking WHERE ntid = @ntid AND @page = page' SET @yearCount = (SELECT hitsThisYear FROM tblTracking WHERE ntid = @ntid AND @page = page) + 1 SET @monthCount = (Exec @theColumn) SET @monthCount = @monthCount + 1 SET @updString = 'UPDATE tblTracking SET lastVisit = ' + @thisHit + ', hitsThisYear = ' + @yearCount + ', ' + @monthColumn + ' = ' + @monthCount + ' WHERE ntid = @ntid AND @page = page' Exec @updString end endelse begin Exec @insString endGO And to my surprise, the only 3 errors I got were : Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_hitMe, Line 39Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'end'.Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_hitMe, Line 45Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Exec'.Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_hitMe, Line 50Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'end'. However, these are of course so vague as to be useless to me. What's wrong with the procedure? What have I missed?
Hello,I'd like to know if I use DTS. If I use it immediately, I can see the errorin the dialog box, instead, if I use it with scheduling, where Can I checkthe error ?ThanksSaimon(Florence)
Greetings I'm learning SSIS and BIDS. I have extreme difficulty making sense of the error messages that come out.
First of all, what do the numbers mean? Each column, error, etc. is assigned a number that obviously means something yet I cannot relate them to anything. For example: The output column Name (713) on output Test (15) and Component (15) -- My table doesn't have 713 columns in it...
Then there are the error codes that obviously contain something useful. For example:
DTS Error: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost/QueueFuzzyName [33]SIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (46)" failed because error code 0xC020907D occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (46)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
Where would I look up: DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR and 0xC020907D? I understand that it tried to convert a value in something numbered 46 (no idea what that is) and the conversion failed. But that's it. How do I transmogrify 46 to something I can look at. I'm a little fuzzy on what a Destination Input is. Isn't an output a destination?
Or this one:
Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors" Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
I have absolutely no idea what this means except that many things happened, one of them failed, I have an error of some sort and it's error code is 0x80040E21. It must be important, it's in there twice, but what does it mean?
I'm thinking that in the help somewhere all these error messages are listed and I can look them up, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Am I supposed to be converting them to decimal first?
Any advice from you experts would be much appreciated.
I've got a package which reads a text file into a table and updates another. I set up configurations so that I could import it into the SSIS store on both my dev and live servers. Now, I'm getting this error. I tried removing the configs and am still getting it.
I've been through each step and everything looks okay. Does anyone have any idea (a) what's wrong, (b) how to localise the error or (c) get any additional information? Or do I just have to recreate the package from scratch?
Error at PartnerLinkFlatFileImporter: The connection "" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
Error at PartnerLinkFlatFileImporter [Log provider "SSIS log provider for SQL Server"]: The connection manager "" is not found. A component failed to find the connection manager in the Connections collection.
I am trying to install Project Server, and i'm having issues with sharepoint, and connecting to SQL:
dataserver is running sbs2003 sql2003 and analsys services.
server2 is running server2003 is to be the application server for project.
ProjectDb is the database that i have setup in sql.
username is the account that can control everything as administrer.
in Sharepoint is asks for the database server: <<dataserver>>
SQL Server database name: <<ProjectDb>>
I'm using windoes authentication and then i click ok, and get the error message.
I've also see the error message can not find the SQL Server, and access denied. Under ODBC i have installed the sql server information under System DSN.
I'm using SqlBulkCopy. Does anyone know how I can output what row (its column names) are throwing a duplicate primary key message when I bulkCopy.WriteToServer(datatable1)?Thanks
Have this dynamic sql statement that I'm working on. It works fine outside the execute (running the query by iteself) and prints fine but when I execute it, I get errors. Spacing is good. Here is the SQL statement. set @sql = 'insert into #participantInfo (strfirstname,strlastname,strindividualfk,strusername,dtelastlogin,blninactive,fk_intrightid,imgPhoto, stre_mail,strmiddleinitial,straddress1,straddress2,strcity,fk_intlocationid,strpostalcode,strhomephone,strbusinessphone,strmiscinfo1, strmiscinfo2,strsecretquestion,dteDateOfBirth,intgender,strsecretanswer) select p.strfirstname,p.strlastname,p.strindividualfk,l.strusername,l.dtelastlogin,p.blninactive,r.fk_intrightid,p.imgPhoto, p.stre_mail,p.strmiddleinitial,p.straddress1,p.straddress2,p.strcity,p.fk_intlocationid,p.strpostalcode,p.strhomephone,p.strbusinessphone, p.strmiscinfo1,p.strmiscinfo2,l.strsecretquestion,p.dteDateOfBirth,p.intgender,l.strsecretanswer from tblparticipants p inner join tblparticipantrights r on p.strindividualfk = r.strindividualfk inner join tblparticipantlogin l on p.strindividualfk = l.strindividualfk where p.fk_strsubgroupid = ''' + @strsubgroupid + '''' exec (@sql) Error messages are: Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Invalid object name 'tblparticipants'.Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Invalid object name 'tblparticipantrights'.Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Invalid object name 'tblparticipantlogin'. Anyone see what may be the cause? thanks ^_^
So far I have not been able to figure out how to get more info regarding the sql server errors. For example, I get this error from sql server query analyzer (this just an example):
----------- Server: Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Line 5 The name 'does' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted. -----------
Is there a way to find more information regarding this error, or like Oracle has MeataLink, where you can search, if someone else already got this error and how it got resolved?
Or how you folks go about resolving errors you get? Is it based on trail and error, or experience (like already encountered this type before) etc.?
I was wondering if anybody knows where to get a complete list of SQL Server error messages. I am writing a stored procedure that scans SQL Server Logs for errors and if there are errors in the logs, I get paged.
How can I avoid certain messages from SQL Server being recorded into the Event viewer ? For example, every time I truncate the transaction log with 'Backup log with truncate_only', It is being recorded into the Event viewer as an Error. But, I know that it is not an error. How can I avoid this ?
I have a SS2K5 stored procedure that executes 2 others stored procedures sp_zero1 and sp_zero2 sp_zero1 and sp_zero2 do the same thing ... raises an Divide by zero error I need to (print / select into a database) both error messages using just one try catch block instead of 2 blocks like in the next example:
if I try the next code
only the first error message is printed and the execution is stopped
This is a generic example ... in reality I have a stored procedure that executes tens and hundreds of other stored procedures ... so thats the reason I need just one block of try catch instead of hundreds of blocks
My understanding is that in a stored procedure (or any code for thatmatter) if an error occurs you can detect it by checking @@errorvariable and raise your own error with raiserror statement.The problem is that the original error is not suppressed. For exampleI received the following output from a stored procedure from the sameerror:Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spUpdateSecurityMaster,Line 49INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint'FK_SM_mm_Exchange_Exchanges'. The conflict occurred in database'Trading', table 'Exchanges', column 'IsoCode'.Server: Msg 50000, Level 14, State 1, ProcedurespUpdateSecurityMaster, Line 57Unable to insert into "SM_mm_Exchange" tableThe statement has been terminated.So why should we bother to use raiseerror if the orginal error isgoing to be given to the client anyways? The end result is two errormessages.
Hi everybody,I need to trap error messages in my stored procedures and log them. I canuse @@ERROR global variable to get the error code and look it up insysmessages table to get the description. Then using xp_logevent I log theerror.The problem is this description needs to be formatted. For example if I tryto insert NULL into a column which is not nullable, I'll get error #515. Thedescription of error #515 in sysmessages is:Cannot insert the value NULL into column '%.*ls', table '%.*ls'; columndoes not allow nulls. %ls fails.Is there a way to get the formatted message? What is the best approach totrap errors, filter them, add some additional information to the message andsend it to server's event logger?TIA,Shervin
Hi everyone,How do I get the error message?I have a very long sproc that needs to be done in one transaction. Ihave an error happening somewhere in the middle, but with a low enoughseverity it doesn't terminate the procedure. To make sure I don'tmiss any errors, I am storing @@error after every statement:If @Error<=@@error Set @Error=@@errorthat way at the end I can say if @error<>0 rollback trans.How do I get the error message? I have the number, and what I getfrom sysmessages has the wildcards in it %d and so on.Also , I can't use Xact_Abort, the web user permissions don't allowit.Or better yet is there a better way to do this? Sql has@@total_errors - since the server was started, how about since thetransaction or the sproc was started.Thanks a tonPachydermitis
[OLE DB Destination [255]] Error: The "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (268)" failed because error code 0xC020907B occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (268)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
I've condensed the useful information in the statement down to the following:
"An error occured."
I'd like to also provide a plain english paraphrase.
An error occured somewhere to something. This means that something somewhere didn't work right. The cause of the thing not working right is an error of some sort. We'd like to provide you with the following piece of diagnostic information: we know that an error occured somewhere to something because the error row disposition tells us this. We hope that helps. Thank you, and have a nice day.
Now, could anyone translate this into Klingon? I think it would be easier to understand and just as useful.
Hi, I'm storing errorcode and errorcolumn values in a separate table called errorrows, I am using the standard ssis add-on reporting package including the logging database.
When using the OLE DB destination adapter I would like to log the error message (reason). These kind of messages are OLE DB specific and won't be logged in my standard logging (error rows and package logging).
Is it possible to catch the ole DB error message so I'm able to log it?
Can somebody help me how can I capture the exact error message instead of SystemMessages Ex:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Invalid object name 'dbo.Table1'.
Instead of
Invalid object name '%.*ls'.
I tried using Try Catch but no use
select * from dbo.Table1
INSERT INTO dbo.ErrorLog values (ERROR_MESSAGE() )
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Invalid object name 'dbo.Table1'.
Strangely it does work if i try to use some other query.
Truncate Table dbo.NoPlayEvent_3
INSERT INTO dbo.ErrorLog values (ERROR_MESSAGE() )
(1 row(s) affected)
To write a query which will try to do some stuff ( Insert/ Update/ delte/ truncate/ select etc..). If its not able to do and if an error is raised capture the error message in a table and with out quiting the SPROC skip it and go for next line of code. i.e, if an error occurs just skip it while capturing the error and go for next line.
Also advice me how can I do muliple Try Catch
I appreciate your all time Thanks a lot in advance
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.BatchParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. Strong name validation failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013141A) (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
Strong name validation failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013141A)
------------------------------ BUTTONS:
OK ------------------------------
I just opened CMD. and did the following
Command Prompt
cd D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinn sqlservr.exe -s
and it returned the following
Error : 17112, Severity : 16, State: 1. The error is printed in terse mode because there was error durring formatting. Tracing, ETW, Notifications etc are skipped.