Prevent SQL Connections During Database Schema Upgrade

Mar 21, 2007


We utilise SQL scripts, executed via sqlcmd.exe, to upgrade the schema and common data of our database(s) when we deploy new versions of our software to a production site. At the moment we simply wait until after hours to do the upgrade and ask nicely for all users to not use the system for a while.

Obviously, asking nicely doesn't always work, and there is also the issue of scheduled server tasks and web services / web sites that operate against the database 24/7.

What are our options for putting the entire server (or preferrably just one database) into a semi-offline state so that users and services cannot connect to it while our script connects and performs the upgrade? I imagine there may be several approaches each with their own pros and cons.

If you could point me in the right direction or perhaps mention what strategy has worked for you, it would be greatly appreciated. We perform these upgrades from hundreds of kilometers away via VPNs and Remote Desktop so we can't just unplug the network cable :).

Thank you.

- Jason

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How Do I Upgrade An Existing Database Schema?

May 8, 2006

I have written some software using .NET 2.0, a WinForms app, which uses SQL Server Express as a database. Although I've done my best to set up the database to take into account all of the features, etc., after releasing the first version, I need to make some changes to the database schema, but want to do so without wiping out the entire database for existing users. How do I go about upgrading the database schema for users who are already using the software? I'm thinking I should start by writing a helper app to do so whose sole purpose is to upgrade the schema. The app would be run at install-time, but I don't have any idea how to actually upgrade the schema. I am using C++/CLR .NET, but examples in other .NET languages are more than welcome. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Available Strategies To Upgrade A Database Schema Without Downtime

Mar 29, 2007

There is a great book on database refactoring that contains a comprehensive set or recipies on how to revise databases that are supposed to be always online and may have various clients that can't be upgraded at the same time. I guess this is a typical case with large databases and I would be surpised if Amazon stops their servers just to move a column from one table to another. The book describes necessary steps for such changes. Basically it's all about creating intermediate database schemas that would be used during transition period.

For example, if we need to move a column from one table to another:

Version 1.
Table A columns: Name, Price
Table B columns: Quantity, Date

Let's say we move Price to table B:

Version 2.
Table A columns: Name
Table B columns: Quantity, Date, Price

The book suggests an intermediate version:

Version 1_2.
Table A columns: Name, Price
Table B columns: Quantity, Date, Price
Additional trigger that will synchronize "Price" columns between A and B.

Version 1_2 can be used by both clients written for version 1 and 2. Software developers don't need to rush their upgrades, transition can last months and include several changes.

This technique requires accuracy in version control management, but looks very good to implement non-interruptible database schema upgrade. I wonder if this is the only option available for data schema upgrade with no downtime. I can't think about anything else - it this how large data warehouses updata their databases?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Enable User Connections Limit Per Microsoft Database

Jun 26, 2015

How does one enable sql connections limits for user connections per new and existing databases? how to do it on whole server per database but not set a limit per user.Looks like this must be run on each databases but what if you have 100s of databases:

USE AdventureWorks2012 ;
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
EXEC sp_configure 'user connections', 325 ;

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Setup And Upgrade :: Prevent Saving Changes That Require Table Recreation

Jun 3, 2015

I know there's an option in the SSMS to remove the hook at the option "Prevent Saving changes that require table re-creation".

But how can I set the option silent. I mean for instance at the setup or by a secret T-SQL command or setting a value in a hidden file? I don't want the user to open the options dialog.

I logged the registry by a tool and alas there was it. So the thing is to set the registry entry by our own setup after installing the SSMS.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftSQL Server Management Studio12.0DataProject]

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DB Upgrade/Schema Changes

Apr 1, 2008

Hi, trying to affect schema changes on an SQL DB using however Im encountering a number of errors when trying to do this. Changes are are affected by running a consecutive number of scripts against the DB, see example of script below:

-- The above line must be present in all Upgrade SQL files to catch any gaps in the upgrade chain.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE id=OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpErrors')) DROP TABLE #tmpErrors
CREATE TABLE #tmpErrors (Error int)

PRINT N'Dropping Stats from A DB'
DECLARE @tblname sysname, @statname sysname, @sql nvarchar(2000)

SELECT object_name(id), name
FROM sysindexes
WHERE INDEXPROPERTY(id, name, 'IsStatistics') = 1

FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @tblname, @statname

SET @sql = 'DROP STATISTICS [' + @tblname + '].[' + @statname + ']'
PRINT @sql
EXEC (@sql)
FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @tblname, @statname


The database I am upgrading has a growth limit of 2GB, when running the scripts against the DB two things are happening.

1) DB size begins to increase rapidly and eventually breaches 2GB mark
2) LDF file swells to upto 3GB

My first thought is that the schema changes are gathering in the log file and not being commited to the DB, or that there is some kind of open transaction that the script is constantly trying to execute over and over.

Would like to point out im a novice SQL user, if the information above is sketchy please dont hesitate to say and I will endeavour to provide you with more accurate information.


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The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' Requires A Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'.

Sep 27, 2007

Locally I develop in SQL server 2005 enterprise. Recently I recreated my db on the server of my hosting company (in sql server 2005 express).I basically recreated the tables and copied the data in it.I now receive the following error when I hit the DB:The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a
database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the
current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may
need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe
(available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the
provider to a newer version.I heard something about running aspnet_regsql.exe, but I dont have that access to the DB. Also I dont know if this command does anything more than creating the membership tables and filling it with some default data...Any other solutions/thought on what this can be?Thanks!

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Setup And Upgrade :: Unable To Make Remote Connections

Apr 26, 2015

For some reason i am not able to make remote connections from VS 2013 to my current installation of SQL server 2008 so i thought to uninstall it and install another edition i got from MSDN but i the uninstall process keeps failing saying theres a known compatibility issues with 2008 and 2008 R2. it also gave me the option to seek solution online but when i click on it it is unable to get a solution online and i am never able to uninstall it. i need to get SQL server up and running.

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Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'

Apr 12, 2008

Hello everybody!I'm using ASP.NET  3.5,  MSSQL 2005I  bought virtual web hosting .On new user registrations i have an error =(The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe (available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the provider to a newer version. On my virtual machine it work fine but on web hosting i have an error =(What can you propose to me?

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Prevent From Copying Database ?

Jun 24, 2008


How can prevent from stoping sql-server sevice and copying database,
note user has a access right to pc/server.

Kind Regards,

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SQL 2012 :: How To Prevent Database Access

Aug 13, 2014

Are there ways in SQL server to deny connecting to a instance? Basically i am looking for a way where data is accessed only through application , even the DBA's shouldn't have access to the data though they are sysadmins? Someone told me this is possible in SQL 2014? This is only for individual access, i know i can put some encryption in app layer.

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Need To Prevent Database Assembly Creation

Oct 12, 2006

On certain servers, I don't want developers to be able to create assemblies.
Unfortunately, the command

sp_configure 'clr enabled', 0

only prevents the CLR-type from being executed, not its creation.

I am unable to rename nor put triggers on
sys.assembly_files, and
sys.assembly_references .

I would prefer the user know the boundaries well before implementation.

Has anyone succeeded at this?

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How To Prevent The Insertion Of The Same Entry Of An Unique Value Into The Database

Jun 4, 2008

how to prevent the insertion of the same entry of an unique value into the database?
assume that I have a primary key username " abc"  in the database
and then I insert the "abc" again ,the debuggging error msg pops out saying the primary key cannot be duplicated..
how can I do an if--else statement to check the database against this unintentional inputs of the same unique data " abc"???

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DB Engine :: Prevent User To Backup From Database

Apr 28, 2015

We have a user with read,write and execute permissions.

But this user with is used by a windows application,Is able to backup on the Database server(On C: drive).

How can I prevent it to backup on the server.

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How To Prevent Database Drops In SQL Server 2000

Aug 28, 2007

Does anyone have a good strategy or technique for preventing database drops in SQL Server 2000? I know in 2005 DDL triggers rock, but in 2000 what can you do to audit who drops a database why keeping the same permissions intact.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Database Triggers To Prevent Large DDL Transactions?

Mar 2, 2014

A server I'm working on has a very unique situation, where user tables and production tables reside on the same database. Users update / create tables or populates these tables, so it can't be a table-specific trigger. However, they give a new meaning to "kamikaze pilots" as it's not uncommon for them to "accidentally" update / insert / delete 500,000,000 + records in a single statement. I've tried educating them to use batching, but to no avail, so now I'm forced to stop these statements BEFORE they execute, based on rowcount, as they fill up the database log so quickly that it goes into recovery mode (It has a 200GB log file - insane, I know).

I recon the mosts transactions allowed should be 1,000,000 records in a single statement. Looking for database trigger to stop them from executing statements with large records?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Trigger To Prevent Logon To A Database

Mar 19, 2014

OK, I know about this: [URL] ....

But the script has "ALL SERVER".

What I want is a trigger that is specific to my DB called "JunkStuff". I only want to block a servername from connect to my super dooper DB "JunkStuff".

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DB Engine :: How To Prevent User Of DB Owner To Backup Database

Nov 6, 2015

vendor did a full backup for his database and put some folder not being backed up by TSM, he is the owner of the database, and delete his backup later. The backup is not copy only, all the differential and log backups taken are based on his FULL backup. so they cannot be restored.

QUESTION: To prevent this happen in the future, what is the normal practices? or any way to prevent db_owner to do the ad-hoc full backup? I am thinking of using DENY backup database, or write a policy  claiming no responsibility if vendor make it happen again.

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How Prevent The Local Administrator To Read The Content Of The Database

Jan 15, 2008

Hi everybody,

I have an application in dotnet that uses sql express.
This application will be deployed on the user computer and I have to find a way to prevent the user to be able to read the data and access the structure of the database.

Is there a way to do this ? Even if the user is a local administrator of the computer ?

That's a difficult question, isn't it ? ;-))))

Thank you for your possible ideas,



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How To Prevent System Administrator To View And Edit A Database Structure And Data

Dec 26, 2007

I represent a software development house and we have developed a client server system based on SQL Server. Most of our customers have already purchased Enterprise License of SQL Server, therefore they own the SA Login and Password. We are bound to attach our Database with their Server on their machine.

My question is how can we stop a System Administrator of SQL Server to view our Database Structure, Queries, Data installed on their SQL Server on their machine.

Our database structure is a trade secret and we cant reveal the structure to the client.

please answer this question by email to me at

Thanks & Regards

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Northwind Database In SQL Server Express Is Busted And Gone,after SqlCommand Fails In VB2005Express-How To Prevent It Happen?

Aug 21, 2007

Hi all,

I tried to use dbo.tables of Northwind database in SQL Server Express to do SqlCommand to populate a DataTable in DataSet. The SqlCommand failed in the project execution and I found that Northwind database in SQL Server Express is busted and gone (just the name "Northwind" remained in the SQL Server Management Studio Express). How can I prevent it from happening in my "SqlCommand-SqlConnection" project? Please help and advise.

I tried to repair my "Northwind" database by using the SQL2000SampleDb.msi of Northwind and pubs Sample Databases for SQL Server 2000 downloaded from the My "pubs" database is still in my SQL Server Management Studio Express. How can I just repair my "Northwind" database by using the Microsoft SQL2000SampleDb.msi program? Please help and advise this matter too.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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SQL Server 2005 Express: The Database Principal Owns A Schema In The Database, And Can Not Be Dropped.

Jan 11, 2006

I recently added a new user to my database.  Now I want to delete that user, but I keep getting the error above.  What do I need to do to delete my recently added user?

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SELECT Permission Denied On Object 'TableID', Database 'Database', Schema 'dbo'

Mar 21, 2007

The error message:

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for data set 'TestID'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

The log file reads:

---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Query execution failed for data set 'TestID'. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SELECT permission denied on object 'TableID', database 'Database', schema 'dbo'.


General Users got an error message when trying to access any reports we have created.
All admin have no problems with the reports. Users (Domain Users) are given rights (Browser) to the reports and the Data Sources (Browser) and yet cannot view the reports.

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Cannot create a connection to data source 'DS2'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

I'll add this from the report logs...

w3wp!processing!1!3/20/2007-11:43:25:: e ERROR: Data source €˜DS2€™: An error has occurred. Details: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Cannot create a connection to data source €˜DS2€™. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database €œDatabase€? requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user €˜DOMAINUsername€™.

The user has rights via a local group to the report and data source (Browser rights) and the local group has been added as a SQL login.

I gave rights to the databases themselves instead of just to SQL and the error changed (Ah-ha...progress, but why!?!?)

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Database Create ODBC Connections To Access Database Directly And Update Data?

Sep 10, 2012

We have a SQL database that uses Active Directory with Windows Authentication. Can users that are members of the Active Directory group that has read/write access to the SQL database create ODBC connections to access the database directly and update the data? They dont have individual logins on the server. They are only members of the Active Directory group that has a login?

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How To Export Whole Database Schema To Another Database But Not Include The Data?

Sep 21, 2007

I need to export a database, x, of a server, X, to another database, y, of a server, Y and I need export the database schema only, not include the data.
Does anyone know how to do that?
Many thanks for replying.

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The Database Principal Owns A Schema In The Database, And Cannot Be Dropped.

Feb 15, 2006

Trying to get my hands around all the new security features of SQL Server 2005. In Management Studio did something I don't know how to undo. I added a database role ReadOnlyRole and clicked the box next to db_datareader in the owned schemas box. Then I tried to remove the ReadOnlyRole and could not. How do I undo what I did? Is it possible?

The below is the TSQL that generates the my issue.

Use [master]
create database [test]

USE [test]

CREATE ROLE [ReadOnlyRole]

USE [test]

ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::[db_datareader] TO [ReadOnlyRole]

drop role [ReadOnlyRole]

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Database Schema

Apr 28, 2005

What would be the best way to get the Schema from a complete database.


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How To Get All Database Schema?

Sep 9, 2005


here is my problem.
I have to rebuild database after crash. there is no backup. So
I did a bcp to get data from. But I do not have the original database so my question is how to get the full schema off the data base, tables,colomns,stored procedures etc...

thanks lot for any help.

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Help For Database Schema

Mar 16, 2007

Hello All,

My project uses MS SQL server database and is not too big database (have aound 200 table).

Now I have to create Database schema for my database as my project needs to be integrated with some other product.

I don't know much about database schema and how to start with it.

Can someone please give me some inputs on following:

1) What exactly database schema should include?

2) How should I start creating the schema for my database?

3) Are there any tools for doing this?

Thanks in advance

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Sql Database Schema

Oct 24, 2005

Hi. I would like to retrieve the table names of a database, the column names nad its contraints of each table in a database.. How can this be achieved???

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Database Vs Schema

May 24, 2007

We currently have a product in which each client has their own Database. We adjust the connection when a user for that client logs into the system. This system has continued to grow and a good pace, but we have come to a point where failover is taking too long.

Refactoring the Database to handle multiple sites in a single database is not an option because of the time it would take to make the change. So, we are looking for another way in which this could be handle. One idea is to take multiple clients and place them in a single database using a schema to seperate them. (ex. Client A = server1.db1.schema1, Client B = server1.db1.schema2, etc).

Is there another option that would be better, or what kind of performance can we expect if we follow this path? Or, is there a way to decrease the failover time (it appears the problem is the startup of the database on the failover server)?


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RS Database Schema?

Oct 26, 2007

We have a RS 2000 server with a over a hundred reports, and about half as many weekly and monthly subscriptions.
In reply to my request to upgrade to RS2005, the boss asked me today for a compete list of the reports, who subscribes to them, and their delivery frequency.

He was not interested in paying for a VB or C# development effort with the SOAP API that it would require to obtain a simple list from a SQL server database, since he already has SQL programmers on staff.

So how can I get this list? Anyone know of any demo code out there?

Forgive my sarcasm and Thanks in advance.


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Changes To Database Schema

Oct 23, 2007

Does anyone know which database table/view one can query to get a list of all objects that have been changed by users accessing a database?

Is there any? or is there some other way of doing this?

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