Preventing Access To Databases Using The Machine Number

Jun 28, 2001


Does anyone know how to prevent a certain machine from accessing SQL server? We have users who use a generic username and password (i.e. one login for 15 users) and I need to prevent a certain machine (in a high risk location) from hitting my databases. Any ideas

Thanks for your time and help


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Preventing Access To SQL Server From Other Servers

Oct 9, 2007

I'm using MSSQL7, NT authentication and application roles so only my application can access the data. Also, other applications (like Excel) can not access the data and read it. So far, so good...

Yet, I noticed that if I try to access the SQL Server from another SQL Server on the network, it is allowed to see the list of tables, SP, etc. It is not allowed to open the table, but the Import/Export wizard is working and will allow retrieving data from the secured tables.
If I change to MSSQL authentication, any user will be able to access the data from my application and I don't want that either.

Unless I'm missing something, this is a big problem, especially today where any VPN connection with valid user name and password can actually log in to the domain and therefore connect to the database via SQL Server.

By the way, the server still must allow access to users via applications so logins must exist. I just don't want other SQL servers on the network to be able to connect to and import/export, view table and SP, etc.

Any ideas?

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Preventing Access To SQL Server From Other Servers

Oct 10, 2007

I'm using MSSQL7, NT authentication and application roles so only my application can access the data. Also, other applications (like Excel) can not access the data and read it. So far, so good...

Yet, I noticed that if I try to access the SQL Server from another SQL Server on the network, it is allowed to see the list of tables, SP, etc. It is not allowed to open the table, but the Import/Export wizard is working and will allow retrieving data from the secured tables.
If I change to MSSQL authentication, any user will be able to access the data from my application and I don't want that either.

Unless I'm missing something, this is a big problem, especially today where any VPN connection with valid user name and password can actually log in to the domain and therefore connect to the database via SQL Server.

By the way, the server still must allow access to users via applications so logins must exist. I just don't want other SQL servers on the network to be able to connect to and import/export, view table and SP, etc.

Any ideas?

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Trusted Connections && Preventing Direct Db Access

Aug 29, 2007

Is there a way to use trusted connections in ASP.NET and WinForm applications yet prevent users from accessing databases directly (outside of applications) ?  I know the use of trusted connections are recommended for several reasons however I have a lot of applications that I need to prevent users from accessing databases directly outside of the applications themselves.

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Integrated Security: Preventing Access Via Unauthorized Applications

Feb 20, 2008

Hi €“

We have built a .NET on SQL Server application with extensive business functionality and security. It uses SQL integrated security to control logon and access to the database objects. There is business logic built into the .NET code, so I don€™t want any chance that users access the tables directly through a tool such as Management Studio - many users need update, delete, insert on tables in order to use the applications functions. With integrated security they can logon through SQL Management Studio and change data in the tables directly.

How are people who are using integrated security for their business applications preventing logons through unauthorized tools or applications?


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Help In Moving RS Databases To Another Machine

Jun 5, 2006

We plan on moving our sql 2000 db's to a sql server 2005 box this week.

What's the best way to point RS to the new database machine?

I'm not extremely familiar with Reporting Services and would like to know are there any "gotchas" in doing this?


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Help!! What Is The Best Way To Move A SQL Server And Its Databases To A New Machine????

Jul 10, 2000

Hello all. I am a baby new database administrator who hasnt finished all the courses yet. I have my Administration exam but not the Implementation yet. I got hired anyways! woo hoo.. Anyways, my question is this. I have a SQL Server 7.0 machine and its databases. I have been asked to move it all over to a new, skookum fast machine with access to 3.6 Terabytes of storage. I have been researching the best way to do this but am not sure. First there is detaching and reattaching the databases. I dont like this one cuz when I have done some practice ones it completely erases the databases of the original machine. The other way I was considering was using DTS. This is easy to use with the DTS wizard but the transaction logs of the databases are not transferred. What would be your advice on this move?? I need to make a this a reasonably seemless move. Help!!

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One Package, Two Configurations, Mutiple Databases On Same Machine

Jun 14, 2007


I have package on a single server. This packages extracts Data from System A and loads System B, database C. What I'd like to do is use configurations to have this one package loads System B, database C and D.

When a I create two configurations (one pointing at database C and one pointing at database D) and run the package only the last configuration pointing at database D gets loaded.

Anyone know how to get around this and use configurations to load both database C and D?



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Number Of Database In A Single Machine

Jul 27, 2000

I use SQL 7.0 server to build large scaled Web application.
I want to know that reasonable number of database in single machine. I know
single machine can get a 32,767 database in SQL 7.0.
We think database deploying method as following two cases.

Case 1)
We will provide multiple web application services and each service will be put into each database. Some table in a database will get about 1,000,000 records. 1,000,000 users will access each database. The number of services will be 100.

Case 2)
Or, we group 4~10 services and these group put into one database and another group of services put into another database.

What is the best database deplying method that reliable to performance and maintenance ?

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How To Access Database In Another Machine?

May 17, 2007

machine A and B in the same network.
A has dbs A1, A2,A3...
B has dbs B1 B2 B3....

I conect to B first using sql query analyzer. how I can access A1 in A?


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Maximum Number Of Databases In SQL 7

Aug 10, 2000


How many separate databases can one SQL Server (7.0) manage?

Thanks in advance

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Maximum Number Of Databases

Jul 18, 2007

Hello everyone -

Running SQL Server 2000

What is the maximum number of databases that can be had in a single MS SQL installation??


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Can I Access Sql 2000 From Machine Having Sql2005

Jun 21, 2007

Dear All,I am developing a network application in The database is in local machine having sql 2005. But the user database is already existent. So I am accessing that database which is sql2000. does it give any problem while connecting from sql2005 machine to sql2000. If yes it is giving me error as follows:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)connection string is :"Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=mycatalog;User ID=myuserid;Password=mypwd;" Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks and Regards.Fazal 

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Help! How Do I Create An SQL Database On My Machine? + Access -&> SQL ??

Jan 19, 2004

According to my technical support for web hosting, for database format they only use "MS SQL" operating on a windows system, usualy clients create they're sites on their local machines using "MS SQL".

I'm just wondering.....

Is 'MS SQL' free? where can I get it?

I also have the option of creating the site round an access databse but I'm worried about the security issues,

do you think it would be wise to use access?

Is it easy to convert a site written in ASP.NET&ACCESS into a site using ASP.NET&"ms sql"?

because then I could code a site in the former on my machine and then change the code to link to an sql server.

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SQL Server Access Across A Remote Machine

Jul 24, 2006

I was just trying out Microsoft SQL Server 2000. I created a sample application which reads in 2 values from a textbox and writes it into a databse. This application works fine on my computer and the values are written to the database (In the connection string, I give my IP address as the datasource so that anyone on the internet can hit this database). However, when I copy this application to another computer and try to run it, it gives me an error "SQL Server does not exist or access is denied." I know this is a minor problem with some setting, but I haven't been able to find the solution on the internet. Can someone whose worked with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 please help me out.

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To Get The Total Number Of Databases In A Server

Dec 5, 2007

I want to create a web application which will give the information of the total databases in a server or local machine.  also I want to know about the number of tables, its properties in each databases. Pls help me.

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Help On Error 610: Maximum Number Of Databases

Jul 30, 1998

Hi all,

I take error 610 "Maximum number of databases that may be accessed by a
transaction is 8. This number has been exceeded by this query" when I
execute a SELECT query.

In this query there are about 12 sub-query.

How can I fix the problem?

Thanks in advance.

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Large Number Of Databases On 2005

Feb 23, 2007

For anyone with a larger number of databases (500+): How many do you have in a single instance. If you are using multiple instance on a single server, how many dbs per instance. This is why I'm asking

We are experiencing 701 "out of system memory" and temporary (usually) system freezes when the error occurs. We have 32bit 2005 version 9.00.2153.00, 32GB of memory, AWE enabled, quad dual-core 3GHz hyperthreaded server. Nether the bPool or VAS show any pressure when the "out of system memory error" occurs. Since this error usually indicates a VAS problem we tried increasing VAS to 1GB w/the -g flag. It made no difference. PSS has been working on the case for 3 weeks. They dont seem to be finding any evidince of memory pressure either. When I last spole to the escalation engineer yesterday it seemed that they are going to recommend reducing the number of databases on the server. I asked for clarification as to whether we are hitting a 32 bit barrior, an instance limitation, or both. I am awaiting the answer. How many databases do you have on your server? We had between 1700 and 1900 (the number varies) at times when the error occured. We are now at 1500, and have not had the error in the 2 days since reducing the number of databases...

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Number Of Databases In Sql Server 2005

Sep 20, 2007

Hello,If I have a database of 5 GB with only 20 tables in it, how many ofthose can we put in how many database servers on a high end machine(Dual Xeon 8 GB on windows 2003)?It is to maka a quotation and an estimation of the cost.TIAMario

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Access Denied For User &<machine Name&>ASPNET

Jan 14, 2005


I've just started to learn to use Visual Studio, and has come to database access.
I ran into this errormessage:

access denied for user <machine name>ASPNET

The book I'm using just only say that I have to grant the ASPNET user account permissions before the Web application will have access to a SQL database. ... Seems clear at first glance ... but I lack a "how to" ...!


I've tried to search the net for solutions ... several thousands of pages came up ... indicating that I'm far from the first who have this problem. ... So after I now have spend hours reading, without finding any useful ansver to the question. ...

So let me just tell the most popular answers. (So You don't repeat something I allready have read hundreds of times.):
This question has been asked before
Yes, true answer, but it doesn't help.

See the FAQ
If it was stated were in the FAQ to look it could have been useful.

Use something called "enterprise manager" (WIN XP pro, don't have this, though.)
I use WIN XP pro, so that answer dosn't help me either.


Hope some one can help.

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What Is Requirement To Make Remote Access To Other Machine ?

Jun 14, 2007

What is requirement to make remote access to other machine ?

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SSRS Report Access From A Network Machine

Mar 28, 2007


I have created and deployed an SSRS report, which I am able to access from the same machine using the URL. But I am not able to access the URL from a another machine in the same network.

What could be the problem, do I need to make some configuration changes to the reporting server?

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Cant Get Access Database Synchronizer Set Up On Client Machine

Apr 17, 2007

I have created a PPC application that uses ADS to synchronize my sqlce db with a desktop MS Access database. It works fine on my computers, but my client cant get it to work on his. Here is the situation.

His "Computer Name" as it's stated in his 'My Computer' properties is "PAVSGP024FE.NWFSC.NOAA.GOV"

However his Access.MDW File is located in the directory "C:Documents and SettingsJoe NobodyApplication DataMicrosoftAccessSystem.MDW".

There is no directory called "C:Documents and SettingsPAVSGP024FE.NWFSC.NOAA.GOVApplication DataMicrosoftAccessSystem.MDW".

His current config.xml file looks like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AccessDB>C:Program FilesNOAA Release LoggerNOAA_ReleaseLogger.mdb</AccessDB>
<DeviceDB>Program FilesNOAA Release LoggerNOAA_ReleaseLogger.sdf</DeviceDB>
<Login>Joe Nobody</Login>
<URL>http://Joe Nobody:1024/</URL>

He has tried adding port 1024 as an exception for his firewall settings, has installed Access Database Synchronizer on his computer, and I have also tried using the "long" computer name as the url setting in the config file. (i.e. <URL>http://PAVSGP024FE.NWFSC.NOAA.GOV:1024/</URL> but this throws the error

"The HTTP request failed due to incorrect format or content. Try restarting the IIS server.[]"

I dont know what else to try! Anybody have any suggestions?

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Sharing 1 Set Of Stored Procs Between A Number Of Databases

Jan 13, 2005


I’m looking for an efficient way of using a singe set of stored procedures to access a number of different databases (Sql Server).

The most feasible option I’ve come up with so far is to send the specific database name through as a parameter. Unfortunately the function “use” isn’t available to stored procs, so it seems I must move the query into a varchar, to then exec it.

There’s been another suggestion of using a web service to store the procedures, but I imagine that this would be very slow and cumbersome.

There must be a better way – any ideas?


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Maximum Number Of Databases Used For Each Query In 2005?

Mar 22, 2006

In MS Sql Server 2000, if you run a stored procedure that query's morethan 8 databases, you get this error gets raised:Maximum number of databases used for each query has been exceeded. Themaximum allowed is 8.In 2005, does this maximum number still exist? if so, is it still 8, orhas the number been increased?Thanks,Mike

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What Is The Limit Number Of SQL Mobile Databases Per Application?

Feb 28, 2008

Hi There,

I would like to know what the recommended Number of Sql Mobile Databases Per Application?

I appreciate any response!

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Can I Access MSDE On A Remote Machine With Enterprise Manager?

Sep 22, 2007

We just installed an application, WhatsUpGold, to monitor our servers. Management won't let me host that on my primary SQL box. So, we are using MSDE on the local machine (call that box my_netmon).

I can access the db with very basic functionality using osql while on the my_netmon machine. I've added my domain user account as a System Admin using the following commands.

exec sp_grantlogin @name

exec sp_addsrvrolemember @name, 'sysadmin'

But when I go to the my_sql machine and try to attach to it with Enterprise Manager I get an error that the server does not exist.

What gives??? Is it just not possible, or am I missing something here?

My goal is to just be able to see the data stored in the MSDE db. Write views, etc...

Please advise,


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SQL Server 2008 :: Restore Number Of Databases Using Powershell

Aug 15, 2012

I have a new problem with doing a restore of a number of databases using powershell. The script I'm using is based mainly on this one (Part 2 in particular): [URL] .....

The problem I'm having is around the RedgateGetDatabaseName function. My hunch is that its down to the different version of red gate and how sqlbackup works. Basically when the call is made to the function it is returning both the Database Name and the number of row's that the SQL command in the function has ran. I've tried to include a SET NOCOUNT ON at the start of the SQL command in the function but its still returning the now count.

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Recovery :: Maximum Number Of Databases That Are Supported In AlwaysOn?

May 13, 2015

I believe to configure maximum number of replicas it is required to have 5 nodes (1 Primary & 4 Secondary replicas). But how many databases can be included in one availability group, it think it is 32767. When I am referring to below URL it is mentioned something like "An availability group supports a set of read-write primary databases and one to eight sets of corresponding secondary databases. " What does this 'sets' means, is that maximum limit for only eight databases or maximum groups should be eight?

[URL] ....

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SQL SERVER 2005 Database Mirroring For Large Number Of Databases

May 30, 2006

I am trying to enable database mirroring for 100 database.
It goes error free till 59 databases (some times 60 databases) with the
status (principal, synchronized) on principal. on the 60th or 61st database
it gave the status (principal, disconnected). Also mirror starts acting
abnormal. connection to mirror starts to give connection timeout and it is
not enabling database mirroring on any more databases. I have SQL SERVER
2005 Enterprise with SP1 on the servers. witness is not included yet.

this are my test servers... i have more than 500 databases on my production

principal and mirror both are using port 5022 for ENDPOINT communication.

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SQL SERVER 2005 DATABASE MIRRORING For Large Number Of Databases

Jun 1, 2006

I am trying to enable database mirroring for 100 database.
It goes error free till 59 databases (some times 60 databases) with the
status (principal, synchronized) on principal. on the 60th or 61st database
it gave the status (principal, disconnected). Also mirror starts acting
abnormal. connection to mirror starts to give connection timeout and it is
not enabling database mirroring on any more databases. I have SQL SERVER
2005 Enterprise with SP1 on the servers. witness is not included yet.

these are my test servers... i have more than 500 databases on my production

principal and mirror both are using port 5022 for ENDPOINT communication.

All of the databases are critical and all must be included in the Database Mirroring.
so, after that I tried to implement database mirroring again......
System has 3 GB of RAM, SQL SERVER (Mirror) using 85 MB of RAM but still
giving this error while trying to enable database mirroring for 37th

"There is insufficient system Memory to run this query"


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Mirroring :: Async Mirror Setup For High Number Of Databases

Oct 27, 2015

I have a 2 node cluster having 4 cores each wherein having 3 instances of SQL 2008 R2 enterprise comprising of 60 databases, 20 on each instance. I need to setup mirroring for each of the databases to a secondary server having 4 cores and 3 instances.

What i understand is that in this case the mirror server will be providing max of 512 worker threads and the 60 mirror databases would consume 240 threads.

What all needs to be checked for looking into the feasibility of going ahead with a async mirror setup as mentioned above.

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What Is The 'Data Type' For A Field Containing Both Text And Number, In VS Studio 2005, Databases?

Dec 1, 2007

For a field in a database to accept both text and number what 'Data Type' should I be using, i.e. 23t5

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