Primary FilesGroup Change Path
Apr 28, 2006
I want modify the path Files of 'Primary' FilesGroup when DataBase is create.
The smo create a default 'primary' FilesGroup when DataBase.Create().
After database is create the path 'primary' FilesGroup' was not change.
Thats possible?
Dim srv as new Server ("SQL instance")
Dim db as new DataBase (srv,"DataBaseTest")
--> how code for modify the FilesGroup 'primary' and the files path?
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Sep 25, 2015
I want to redirect the logshipping primary backup folder to another drive, how to change the configurations steps to move the primary logship folder to another location within the same server!
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Oct 10, 2006
I have a question on how to change a hyperlink path. I have an ADP that has our scanned files linked to it the path is on SQL server. The problems is that we are migrating sql server and the files to their own seperate server,
The server is called \gcfsql Instead of gcfs01.
does anyone know how we can change the unc path to gcfsql without
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Mar 26, 2007
when i change the database path or sub directory then
i can not open it directly. and the computer is restart again.
what i do becasue all time if some error occur the pc is restart?
give me any idea
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May 26, 2006
My server name is SERVER1SQLEXPRESS
When I create a new data base on my server it saves at
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData
How Can I change this default path?
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Oct 22, 2015
How do I change the file path from C: drive to E:
See attached
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Jun 27, 2014
I instance where customers want to migrate SQl dB to a new server. I want to change part of the path to lowercase.
The part to be change is always a computer name i.e. ComputernameDatareportA24440 testUser.doc I want to define the computername and the script changes only the computername to lowercase
Update Table
set Path =LOWER(Path) -- etc.
Changes all the path to lowercase,
Note the Computername will always be different depending on the customer. The reason for changing the PCname to lowercase each client can type the PC name in various ways
i.e. Texdom, servicedom, XDB-XDE-46
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May 1, 2007
In my system, for creating a databae the default path is in C: drive, but iwant to change into D: drive as a default path.Please tell me how to change??
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Jun 22, 2007
I need someone that knows something about SQL queries.
I have a client that is running a Database known as ProLaw. It is in part a
document management system for Law Offices.
They have an SQL 2005 database that tracks per client all the documents they
We had to replace there server with new server. The new server is running
sbs2003 and had to have a different Netbios name then the old sbs2000
server. (Small Bus. Server has some weird quirks that make simply using the
same netbios name impossible. Google search it if you don't believe me.)
The database holds in a single column the full network share path to each
A document for example may have had a path of
"\lawwillsbs2000ProlawDocumentsACME wigets Incsmith_deposition.doc"
Different documents may have different names and more subdirectories but the
root path of "\lawwillsbs2000ProlawDocuments" is shared by all.
The new server is named \sbs2003 I need to change
the first part of almost 3000 path statements to the new server. The rest
of the path is unchanged.
I have had several people running prolaw tell me that I should run this
SET DocDir=REPLACE(DocDir, '\\lawwillsbs2000', '\\sbs2003')
WHERE EventKind='O'
This doesn't work. Nothing is changed. I'm guessing it is because this
query assumes the value will be ONLY \lawwillsbs2000 I see nothing in here that tells the query that this is only part of the string. No wild card or other marker.
I need some kind of string function here do I not? Anyone know enough to
help me craft a proper query?
Nathan Williams
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Jul 3, 2015
Currently we have SQL instance on C: drive.We are now going to upgrade SQL Server 2008 RTM to SQL 2008 SP4.Can we change the path of SQL instance during upgrade?What services need to be stopped during upgrade.
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Feb 1, 2007
My WinCE device loads the Windows folder from NAND falsh on start-up and therefore I cannot install SQL into WindowsProgram files.
I would like to deploy SQLCE apps and dlls (from VS2005 or CAB file) into my NAND_Flash directory but I don't know how to do it.
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Feb 29, 2008
Hi guys.
acutally my network dept. has change the backup file server IP address.. i m now hving problem for taking backup.
i have around 85 backup that runs everyday.. what i m doing now running every single command to drop backup device and then adding again.. but it's taking agess to do..
is there any simple script that just update the device path folder..
Thanks and looking foward.
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Apr 18, 2007
I have connected to the SQL Server 2005 instance usign the SQL Server Management Studio; I have changed the default locations for the database and log files. I have also rebooted the machine. When I look in the SQL Server Configuration Manager in the properties for the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) I see that the data path is still set to the old value and this field is read-only. How can this can changed without going through the registry?
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Feb 4, 2015
We have a table, which has one clustered index and one non clustered index(primary key). I want to drop the existing clustered index and make the primary key as clustered. Is there any easy way to do that. Will Drop_Existing support on this matter?
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Oct 28, 2006
Is there any way to change the value of a primary key value?
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May 26, 2015
I have inherited a SQL Server Database that has three tables related to one another. The DB uses a Access 2013 front end. I know access fairly well, but am not all that competent when it comes to SQL Server. I am using SQL Server Management Studio 12. I need to change the primary key in one of the tables. When I do so, I get the message illustrated below. How can I get around this?
I did find the place where there is a table option of "Prevent Saving changes that require table re-creation". However, there seems to be a lot of comments that indicate it should not be turned off. If I don't turn it off, how can I
make the changes to the table?
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May 12, 2008
I have a table named "MOTIVE", in this table the primary key is a colum named "MOTIVE_ID". I want to give primary key status to another column named "MOTIVE_CODE" instead. What are the correct statements to drop the primary key from a column and assign it to another.
Thanks for your help.
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Jan 13, 2013
Or can it record before and after column changes based on the LSN only?
An extract from a file based legacy accounting system is performed every night. The system does not have a primary key because transactions are managed through program code. (the more things change...). The extract is copied to text in Unix and FTP'd to Windows, where the file is loaded into SQL Server by kill & fill. Because of the expense of modifying the source system, there is enormous inertia/resistance to injecting a primary key at the source, so kill & fill it stays.
In reading about Change Data Capture, it seemed to me that column level insert update and delete are stored in tables that remember the before and after content of each column tracked. In my reading I have seen many references to the LSN to decide when and what to record as changed, but I have not seen any refereference to the necessity of a primary key for Change Data Capture to work. This is in contrast to replication, where the requirement for the existence of a primary key is made plain.
Is it possible to use Change Data Capture against a table without a primary key? How to use it to change the extract from kill and fill to incremental.
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Apr 16, 2008
When trying to install Business Contact Manager (BCM) for Outlook 2007, the setup failed and I was refered to a log file in my Local Settings/Temp folder. The log actually says that Business Contact Manager was installed sucessfully! BCM is supposed to install SQL Express 2005 as an instance or as instance if SQL Express is already installed. There is an MSSMLBIZ instance in Services..
Who can I send the Log File to for analysis and the fix feedback?
When I first went into Computer Management and clicked on Services and Applications in the left panel, the error message appeared "Snap-in failed to intialize. Name: SQL Server Configuration Manager CLSID:{CA9F8727-31DF-41D2-975C-887D84903967} This message diappeared when I clicked on Services and Applications again. Under Services, there are 3 SQL services - one is an application that was uninstalled 3-4 weeks ago and I disabled this service. The other 2 are: SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) and the other one is SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) When I tried to start either of the last 2, the message appeared: Services "Could not start the SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) service on Local Computer. Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified. Under Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSGL.1 folder is mostly empty. So, it seems like the Path in the Registry is not valid and that nothing is being installed in the MSSQL.1 folder. If so, how do I fix this?
How do I get the BCM SQL instance to install and run properly? what do the messages in Services mean and how do I resolve these.
Thank you!
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Oct 4, 2007
After updating TempDB path to a wrong path (without file name only folder name) the service is not starting. How can i sovle this and start the service
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Sep 4, 2015
We are going to use SQL Sever change tracking. The problem is that some of our tables, which are to be tracked, have no primary keys. There are only unique clustered indexes. The question is what is the best way to turn on change tracking for these tables in our circumstances.
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Jan 11, 2007
Uma writes "Hi Dear,
I have A Table , Which Primary key consists of 6 columns.
total Number of Columns in the table are 16. Now i Want to Convert my Composite Primary key into simple primary key.there are already 2200 records in the table and no referential integrity (foriegn key ) exist.
may i convert Composite Primary key into simple primary key in thr table like this.
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Aug 28, 2002
Hi all,
Can anyone suggest me on Adding primary key to a table which has already a primary key.
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May 12, 2015
Trying to determine what the minimum permissions i can grant to a user so they can see the change tracking data
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Aug 13, 2007
I have recently been looking at a database and wondered if anyone can tell me what the advantages are supporting a unique collumn, which can essentially be seen as the primary key, with an identity seed integer primary key.
For example:
id [unique integer auto incremented primary key - not null],
ClientCode [unique index varchar - not null],
name [varchar null],
surname [varchar null]
isn't it just better to use ClientCode as the primary key straight of because when one references the above table, it can be done easier with the ClientCode since you dont have to do a lookup on the ClientCode everytime.
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Nov 18, 2015
We ran into weird/interesting issue with below details.
Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64) Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200):
We are using SQLCMD to run DDL script on our product database in below order. That script has below content.
step # 1 - database collation change (case -sensitive) statement as very first statement of the script
step # 2 - Actual DDL SQL statements
step # 3 - database collation change back to original (case insensitive)
When we execute all above 3 steps in single script using SQLCMD on our test_server#1 , it is successful but when same is being implemented on test_ server#2 , it is failing.We ensured that there is no other user accessing the db and setting on both the server are all default/basic. Separating out all 3 steps in 3 different script working fine. This is only problem when we combine them into single script and fire it using SQLCMD. If it is something related to session/transaction then we should hit same issue on our test_server#1 server as well but that is not the case.test_server#1 and test_server#2 has exact same database/data, just two different physical machine & SQL Server instance.
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Jan 28, 2004
Hi all
I have the following table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[property_instance] (
[property_instance_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[application_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[owner_id] [nvarchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
[property_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[owner_type_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[property_value] [ntext] NOT NULL ,
[date_created] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[date_modified] [datetime] NULL
I have created an 'artificial' primary key, property_instance_id. The 'true' primary key is application_id, owner_id, property_id and owner_type_id
In this specific instance
- property_instance_id will never be a foreign key into another table
- queries will generally use application_id, owner_id, property_id and owner_type_id in the WHERE clause when searching for a particular row
- Once inserted, none of the application_id, owner_id, property_id or owner_type_id columns will ever be modified
I generally like to create artificial primary keys whenever the primary key would otherwise consist of more than 2 columns.
What do people think the advantages and disadvantages of each technique are? Do you recommend I go with the existing model, or should I remove the artificial primary key column and just go with a 4 column primary key for this table?
Thanks Matt
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Feb 13, 2008
Sorry if this is not the correct forum... I am using the FOR XML PATH feature of SQL Server 2005 (Amazing!!) Is it possible to return multiple rows? For example:SELECT 'Field1' AS 'Element1/@Field1'FROM TableFOR XML PATH('Repeating') Say the above SELECT returns 5 records, I want it to return 5 rows of xml in my ASP.NET application. So in this case each of the 5 rows would contain:<Repeating><Element Field1="Field1"></Element> <Repeating>Instead of returning 1 row with all the xml together.
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Apr 16, 2008
When using sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT, @doc I see code everywhere with huge xml text embedded in some store procedures. Can the
FOR XML PATH('') syntax be used instead to produce the second parameter @doc (xmltext) for sp_xml_preparedocument ?
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Dec 19, 2007
Im trying to reference a ExcelFilePath connection properties using a UNC path, however it doesnt seem to like it, when i use a mapped drive everything works fine.
Can UNC paths be used in ISIS ?
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Jun 4, 2007
Hello to all,
help, help,...
i have with this problem since 3 weeks, until now i cann't resolve this problem. Maybe can somebody help me. I am hopeless.
i have a data table ValidRelationship, i will check if there is a relationship between two members by this table.
datas in the table ValidRelationship:
IDMember IDOtherMember IDType
I will give two member and check their Relationship with a sql query. but it can be that this two member have no relationship. So i define here that man should search processor <= 6 . To better describe i use a example: max. Result of this query is: 1-2-3-4-5-6. If this is a relationship between 1-7 is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, but i will give a answer that this is no relationship between 1-7. because processor > 6.
But my problem is: this query executing is too slow. if i habe two member no relationship, the time of this complete sql query to execute is more than 1 minutes. Is my algorithm wrong, or where is the problem, why this executing is so slow? How can i quickly get the relationships between two member, if my algorithms is not right? The following Query is only to processor = 3, but it works too slowly, so i don't write remaining processors.
declare @IDM int;
declare @IDO int;
set @IDM = 3418;
set @IDO = 4270
select top 1 IDMember
from v_ValidRelationships
where IDMember = @IDM
and @IDO in (select a.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as a where a.IDMember = @IDM)
select top 1 a.IDMember, b.IDMember
from v_ValidRelationships as a, v_ValidRelationships as b
where a.IDMember = @IDM
and b.IDMember in (select c.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as c where c.IDMember = @IDM)
and @IDO in (select d.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as d where d.IDMember = b.IDMember )
select top 1 a.IDMember, b.IDMember, e.IDMember
from v_ValidRelationships as a, v_ValidRelationships as b, v_ValidRelationships as e
where a.IDMember = @IDM
and b.IDMember in (select c.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as c where c.IDMember = @IDM) and e.IDMember in (select f.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as f where f.IDMember = b.IDMember)
and @IDO in (select d.IDOtherMember from v_ValidRelationships as d where d.IDMembe = e.IDMember)
If someone has a idea, please help me. Thank a million
Best Regards
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Apr 16, 2008
I have my SqlDataSource with my connection string:<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersLaurensDesktopstockmanASP****.accdb" providerName="System.Data.OleDb"/> but I wanted to make a relative path from it because when I put it online i get an error. Thanks in advance
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Jun 14, 2008
Hey everyone,
I'm in the midst of setting up hMailServer on my server and at one point it tells me to enter the name of my database I setup for my email. I entered my database name along with the username and password to access the database. What I'm lost on is the database server address. I thought that would be localhost but I wasn't quite sure and I was hoping that someone might be able to help me with this.
Thanks for any help,
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