Primary Key Search Tool Needed

Dec 29, 1998

I need to search through a database that has a large number of tables to see if each table has an index that is based on the
primary key. I need this information in order to determine whether I can setup database replication or not. I believe all tables
involved with a replication need to be indexed on the primary key. Does anyone know of a stored procedure or command file that
will provide this information for me in a timely manner? I've used the sp_pkeys stored procedure but it is very time consuming
running this against one table at a time.

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Database Reporting Tool Needed

Apr 20, 2006

I need software that will write a report on the following items that I can have prepared to show our auditors. Any suggestions ??? OUr databases are SQL*Server 2000, SP 3a / SP4

1) database consistency checking
2) re-indexing
3) shrinking
4) allocation of growth boundaries
5) backup routines
6) disk space
7) table space
8) processing speed

Thanks so much,

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Primary Key Analysis Tool

Sep 28, 2007

I have a client database where the users are experiencing very unpredictable behavior and I found after investigating that the majority of the tables don't have primary keys. :o

They were imported from an Access database and I think the table creator or the Access wizard itself added auto-number fields, so I know most of the tables have at least one column that could become the primary key.

Is there a free tool available that will allow me to analyze these tables to identify and list the tables that need primary keys and also help identify candidate columns for the primary key?

It would be helpful if I could automate some of the script generation to install the primary keys so I don't have to do them all manually.

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Search Tool

Mar 6, 2008

I have a typed dataset where I used the sql query builder to build the following:
SELECT     DealManager.*, Contact AS Expr1FROM         DealManagerWHERE     (Contact = @Contact)
How can I incorporate the "where % % " clause into this statement and still except the required parameter. In other words, I want something like this:
SELECT     DealManager.*, Contact AS Expr1FROM         DealManagerWHERE     (Contact like %@Contact%)
but I get an error when I compile this...
Any help always appreciated!!!

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Needed To Connect Remote DB By Client Tool (Enterprise Manager)

Dec 28, 2005

Here is what I knew: usr/pwd, Domain, Server and Database.
How to set Enterprise Manager, then can I connect to DB ?

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URGENT!!! MP3 Lyrics Search Tool

Jan 14, 2008

Hi All,
I am tasked to create an MP3 Lyrics Search Tool, but here is the catch, the database content given are all in Chinese Characters.
So my problem is as such:
Currently, lets say I am looking for the lyrics of this singer and this song: �德伟 - �给我
The results returned will be only be the lyrics of ONLY this singer and this song: æ?œå¾·ä¼Ÿ - å«?给我
So, if user missed out any single chinese character IN BETWEEN like this: æ?œ - å«?, NO RESULTS WILL BE RETURNED AT ALL!!!
This is because, the database/system reads æ?œå¾·ä¼Ÿ - å«?给我 as a SINGLE STRING!!!
What I have to do now:
This have been a rather pressing problem of mine, and I would really appreciate any help given!!!
Thanks for all the help in advance!!!

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URGENT!!! Search Tool Function: Splitting A String

Jan 14, 2008

Hi All!!!
I was tasked to come up with a search function and the content of the database given to me is in Chinese Characters. This would be my first time dealing with Chinese characters in the database and I need help with the following problem:
The company wants to conduct the search in such a way that, instead of having the system read the entire sentence/phrase which the user keyed in as a SINGLE string, they want the Chinese Characters to be accessed individually, so that as long as any information in the database contains any one of the characters which the user have entered, they will be retrieved and returned.
So how do I go about doing this? Does it have anything to do with Unicode? By the way, everything abt the search tool is working fine, I am just left with this dilemma of having the system recognise the entire sentence as ONE STRING, instead of conducting a search word by word or character by character.
Anyway, the following is the SQL statement of my SQL Data Source which is bound to a Gridview displaying the returned results after a search is done...1 SELECT Name, Trans, Address1, Address1T, Address2, Address2T, City, CityT, CRPLID
3 WHERE (Trans LIKE '%' + @Trans + '%') OR
4 (Name LIKE '%' + @Name + '%') OR
5 (Address1 LIKE '%' + @Address1 + '%') OR
6 (Address1T LIKE '%' + @Address1T + '%') OR
7 (Address2 LIKE '%' + @Address2 + '%') OR
8 (Address2T LIKE '%' + @Address2T + '%') OR
9 (City LIKE '%' + @City + '%') OR
10 (CityT LIKE '%' + @CityT + '%')

Thanks for all your help in advance!!!

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Help Needed With Primary Key And Identity

Jan 8, 2004

I have some code in my ASP.NET page which uses a SQL 2000 Database that was created before creating the ASP Page. The problem I'm having is using an insert statement such as the following example from the DATAGRID example on the Matrix Product. I want the option to create new rows but my Primary Key doesn't allow Nulls and when I hard code a number in the first field of my table for my's not automatically generated. I've looked through this forum but I'm having some problems understanding what others have done with Identity or GUID's...etc....:

Sub AddNew_Click(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)

' add a new row to the end of the data, and set editing mode 'on'


If Not isEditing = True Then

' set the flag so we know to do an insert at Update time
AddingNew = True

' add new row to the end of the dataset after binding

' first get the data
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim myCommand As New SqlDataAdapter(SelectCommand, myConnection)

Dim ds As New DataSet()

' add a new blank row to the end of the data
Dim rowValues As Object() = {"", "", ""}

' figure out the EditItemIndex, last record on last page
Dim recordCount As Integer = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count

If recordCount > 1 Then

recordCount -= 1
DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = recordCount DataGrid1.PageSize
DataGrid1.EditItemIndex = recordCount Mod DataGrid1.PageSize

End If

' databind
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds

End If

End Sub

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Help Needed In SQL Query Search!

Aug 2, 2005

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to implement SQL Server database search. The details are:-1. I have table called EMPLOYEE has FNAME,LNAME etc cols.2. User might look for any employee using either FNAME or LNAME3. I have search box in where user could enter search stringThe sample data:FNAME       LNAMEabc         georgedef         georgerkis        litarose        lita
The query i wrote:SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE lname like '%' + searchArg + '%'My problem is:-1. let's say user is looking for employee "george"; In search string instead of typing actual word "george", user could type "jeorge"; because the name pronounce or sounds like similar.Same thing with user could type "leta" instead of "lita". Again these are all similar sounds.
When you look for "jeorge" in GOOGLE; it says "did you mean george"; i would like implement something like that. somewhere i saw SOUNDEX would do what i am looking for; but i no luck for me.
Is this possible anyway in T-SQL or Fulltext search.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

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Search The Primary Key Given The Table Name

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,How can get the primary key string from the given table name? i knowit should from system tables of "sysobjects, syscolumns, andsysconstraints", but when i execute the statement like that:select from syscolumns a,sysobjects b,sysconstraints cwhere = and ='Agreement' and = and a.colid= c.colid and c.status = 1i can't get the primary key out, what the trick here? bye the sql helpfile,'status' in sysconstraints table:1 = PRIMARY KEY constraint.2 = UNIQUE KEY constraint.what is exact value refers to PRIMARY KEY constraint?thanks,Robert

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SQL Expert Needed For Large Community (GCN && CSK) Search Problem.

Sep 27, 2004

Hi all,

We found a SQL problem when searching in a large communty (GCN). Please, we need someone how can help with this problem. It's urgent.

For details see post:
Page 1:
Page 2:

Thanks in advance, Tomas.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Search All Tables For Primary Key Value?

Feb 26, 2015

I found a few 'SearchAllTables' scripts out there to find a value in any table/column/row of any Database.

My problem is that none of these database search queries seem to look at primary key values.

The value I'm looking for is a primary key - I need to find all the other tables that have this primary key value.

how I could accomplish this?

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Transact SQL :: Value Of Adding Identity Primary Key On Table Where Search / Queries Will Not Use It?

Oct 12, 2015

I have a table of raw data where each column can be null. The thought was to create an identity key (1,1) and set as primary for each row. (name/ address / zip/country/joindate/spending) with surrogate key: "pkid".However other queries will not use this primary key. So for instance they may count the # of folks at a zip, select all names, addresses etc. The queries may order by join date, or select all the people that joined on a specific date.No other code would logically use the primary key (surrogate primary id key), therefore would it still have any performance benefits? at this time the table would have no clustured or nonclustured indexes or keys. I'm curious if there are millions of records.

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SQL 2000 MS Search: Boolean Search Doesn't Work When Search By Phrase

Aug 9, 2006

I'm just wonder if this is a bug in MS Search or am I doing something wrong.

I have a query below

declare @search_clause varchar(255)

set @Search_Clause = ' "hepatitis b" and "hepatocellular carcinoma"'

select * from results

where contains(finding,@search_clause)

I don't get the correct result at all.

If I change my search_clause to "hepatitis" and "hepatocellular carcinoma -- without the "b"

then i get the correct result.

It seems MS Search doesn't like the phrase contain one letter or some sort or is it a know bug?

Anyone know?


View 3 Replies View Related Confgiguration Tool. Tool Keeps Timing Out

Mar 2, 2006

is it possible to change the settings on this tool. i want to have it so that it does not time out at all? or is that possible??

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Looking For A Tool/ Middleware Tool Which...

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all.I'm looking for a tool which should act like some kind of middleware/logical layer bewtween the SQL server and the webbased user interface.- It should be possible to easily create simple web forms (only datainput and output) without programming effort by "clicking" the fieldsand their order on the web mask within an admnistrative interface.- It should also be bossible to add "new fields" to the database,including field type, permissions, value lists etc. (excluding anybusiness logic) without programming effort by administration.I know, that most workflow tools or "Trouble Ticket Tools", based ondatabases have this feature to easily configure new masks and add newfields to the database, but i need it as an tool-unspecific layer forthe MS SQL Server.Thank you very much for your feedback, any ideas are welcome!Best regards, Heiko.

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Convert Composite Primary Key Into Simple Primary Key

Jan 11, 2007

Uma writes "Hi Dear,
I have A Table , Which Primary key consists of 6 columns.
total Number of Columns in the table are 16. Now i Want to Convert my Composite Primary key into simple primary key.there are already 2200 records in the table and no referential integrity (foriegn key ) exist.

may i convert Composite Primary key into simple primary key in thr table like this.


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Help W/ Stored Procedure? - Full-text Search: Search Query Of Normalized Data

Mar 29, 2008

 Hi -  I'm short of SQL experience and hacking my way through creating a simple search feature for a personal project. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out with writing a stored procedure. Problem: I have two tables with three columns indexed for full-text search. So far I have been able to successfully execute the following query returning matching row ids:  dbo.Search_Articles        @searchText varchar(150)        AS    SELECT ArticleID     FROM articles    WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @searchText) OR CONTAINS(Title, @searchText)    UNION    SELECT ArticleID     FROM article_pages    WHERE CONTAINS(Text, @searchText);        RETURN This returns the ArticleID for any articles or article_pages records where there is a text match. I ultimately need the stored procedure to return all columns from the articles table for matches and not just the StoryID. Seems like maybe I should try using some kind of JOIN on the result of the UNION above and the articles table? But I have so far been unable to figure out how to do this as I can't seem to declare a name for the result table of the UNION above. Perhaps there is another more eloquent solution? Thanks! Peter 

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SQL Search :: Full Text Search With Single Character Returns All Rows

Jul 21, 2015

Our clients want to be able to do full text search with a single letter. (Is the name Newton, Nathan, Nick?, Is the ID N1, N2...). Doing a single character full text search on a table work 25 out of 26 times. The letter that doesn't work is 'n'. the WHERE clause CONTAINS(full_text_field, ' "n*" ') returns all rows, even rows that have no 'n' in them anywhere. Adding a second letter after the "n" works as expected.

Here is an example

create table TestFullTextSearch (
Id int not null,
AllText nvarchar(400)
create unique index test_tfts on TestFullTextSearch(Id);
create fulltext catalog ftcat_tfts;

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2014 :: Semantic Search Not Finding Keywords Identified By Full-Text Search?

Nov 6, 2014

I have a scenario of where the standard Full-Text search identifies keywords but Semantic Search does not recognize them as keywords. I'm hoping to understand why Semantic Search might not recognize them. The context this is being used in medical terminology and the specific key words I noticed missing right off the bat were medications.

For instance, if I put the following string into a FT indexed table

'J9355 - Trastuzumab (Herceptin)'
'J9355 - Trastuzumab emtansine'

The Semantic Search recognized 'Herceptin' and 'Emtansine' but not 'Trastuzumab'

Nor in

'J8999 - Everolimus (Afinitor)'

It did not recognize 'Afinitor' as a keyword.

In all cases the Base of Full-Text did find those keywords and were identifiable using the dmvsys.dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document.It does show the index as having completed.

why certain words might not be picked up while others would be? Could it be a language/dictionary issue? I am using English and accent insensitive settings?

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Create Site Search Using Sql Server Full Text Search

Jul 24, 2007

would you use sql server "full text search" feature as your site index?  from some reason i can't make index server my site search catalog, and i wonder if the full text is the solution. i think that i wll have to you create new table called some thing like "site text" and i will need to write every text twice- one the the table (let's say "articles table") and one to the text. other wise- there is problems finding the right urlof the text, searching different tables with different columns name and so on...
so i thought create site search table, with the columns:
id, text, url
and to write every thing to this table.
but some how ot look the wrong way, that every forum post, every article, album picture or joke will insert twice to the sqr server...
what do you think? 

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SQL Search :: Full Text Search Of PDF Files In A File Table

Mar 30, 2013

I have installed the Adobe iFilter 11 64 bit and set the path to the bin folder. I still cannot find any text from the pdf files. I suspect I am missing something trivial because I don't find much when I Bing for this so it must not be a common problem.Here is the code.

--Adobe iFilter 11 64 bit is installed
--The Path variable is set to the bin folder for the Adobe iFilter.
--SQL Developer version 64 bit on both Windows 7 and Windows 8.
USE master;


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How Can I Search Throught DOCX (MS Word 2007) Documents By SQL Server 2005 Full Text Search Engine?

Dec 11, 2006

How can I search throught DOCX (MS Word 2007) documents by SQL Server 2005 Full Text Search engine?

Should I something download?

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Full-Text Search: Prefix / Suffix Search

Sep 14, 2004

Please help me to create an SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure for using prefix and suffix terms.


Say I want to find "Terminator" (1984).

I want to be able to use "Term" or "ator" as search results and still return the proper record.

Here is my Stored Procedure creation sql:

CREATE PROCEDURE sps_searchTitles(@searchTerm varchar(255)) AS
WHERE FREETEXT (Video.*, '"*@searchTerm*"')

--- The above does not appear to properly check both prefix ("Term---") and suffix ("---ator") terms.

I am trying to accomplish what is similarly done with LIKE '%term%'.

thanks, YM

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SQL 2012 :: FullText Search - Can Search Terms Come From Another Table

Mar 25, 2015

I have a table that contains words that will be used to search another table where FullText index has been created on searchable columns. I'm basically trying to run something like this:

SELECT t1.col1, t2.col3
FROM tbl1 t1, tbl2 t2
WHERE CONTAINS (t1.col1, t2.col1)

I know this won't work but is there a way to join these two tables so the words (t2.col1) can be passed as search conditions? There is no common key on both tables so normal join won't work. I'm trying to find a way to pass the search words from one table to another.

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Full Text Search- Substring Search Not Working

Jul 6, 2007

I have Sql server 2005 SP2.
I enabled it for Full Text search. Substring search where i enter *word* doesn't return any row.
I have a table testtable where description has word Extinguisher.

If i run a query with *ting* it doesn't return any row.
select * from testtable where contains(description,'"*xting*"') ;

But it works if i do
select * from testtable where contains(description,'"Exting*"') ;

The Full text search document says it supports substring search.
Is it an issue with sql server 2005?Please help.

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SQL Search :: Can't Get Expected Results With Contains And Full Text Search?

Nov 1, 2015

I am using Sql Server 2014 Express edition.I have a table with a varchar(max) column. I have created a full text search that use the stoplist "system". column has this struct: xxx.yyy.zzz.... where xxx, yyy, zzz... are numbers, like 123.345.123123.366456...I can have rows like that:


I am trying this query:

select * from Mytable where
contains(MyColumn, '123.345.')

I gues the contains would return all the rows with column contains 123.345, but this does not return all the expected rows, only one row.I have tried to replace "." with "-" but the result is the same.I have also tried with '123.345.*. In this case I have got more results, but no all the exptected rows.If I use this query:

select * from MyTable where
MyCOlumn like '123.345.%';

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How To Search A Database For A Key Word Based Search?

Mar 1, 2007

Can anyone tell me how to search an SQL database for a given key word in a textbox? I basically have a database that has a qualifications column and this column needs to be searched for the data given in the textbox. Which is the best method to search for the data? Is it a simple SQL query or an XML based search engine type? Can anyone give any suggestions regarding this? If XML is efficient then how do I use it to query my database, as I'm pretty new in XML based searching.Thanks 

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How To Make A Search Engine To Search My Database

Nov 22, 2007

hi there,
 i am doing a school project and i need to have this search engine that will search the data that i have stored inside the database and display the results out
can anyone help?

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Why I Always See That Full Text Search Is Always Slower Than LIKE Search?

Apr 2, 2004

for example:

SELECT * from [table1] WHERE CONTAINS([msgcomment], '"fast" NEAR "performance"')

would always slower than

SELECT * from [table1] WHERE [msgcomment] = '%fast%performance%'

Why? and how can it be solved? can you help me?


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Fulltext Search DB - Allow Users To Search Products

Dec 6, 2011

My site uses a text box to allow visitors to search products. I'm trying to design the SQL Statement to allow search's on full words, part words, and words/phrases regardless of the order the words are in.

mft megger (proper order in the database is megger mft)
mft1710 (using 1710 should find the product)

This is my select statement (classic ASP)

Dim RSResults__param5
RSResults__param5 = "xxx"
If (Request("searchme") <> "") Then
RSResults__param5 = Request("searchme")
End If

[Code] ....

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SQL Search :: Full Text Search Anomaly

Jun 24, 2015

I'm experiencing an anomaly with my Full text index.

Setup : SQL Server 2005
Indexed Table:
ID - int (PK, auto increment)
Ref - varchar(50)


I have re-built the full-text index, no change.

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Adding Primary Key To A Table Which Has Already A Primary Key

Aug 28, 2002

Hi all,
Can anyone suggest me on Adding primary key to a table which has already a primary key.


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