Print Image Different Sizes
Feb 25, 2008
I have reporting services installed on a windows 2003 server. If i open a report directly on the server using Internet Explorer 7 and reportviewer and click the print button on the report viewer control. The print document lines up perfectly on the output page and prints beautifully. I have a winforms app that calls the same report as an IMAGE and then prints it. The size of the output on the print page is way off and the font is almost triple. I have it working in another clients environment with similar serve setup and same versions. I have tried different print drivers and different workstations but I think it has something to do with reporting services config. Can someone please help. I have set all margins in the .rdl file to 0 and when i create the PrinterSettings object I set all margins to zero again.
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 2, 2007
We are having problems printing Reports (when printing by clicking on the AcitiveX print control), where the font for the fields are set to "C39HrP24DhTt" (barcode).
While viewing the report it displays as Barcodes but while printing, the Barcode does not get printed, but the string gets printed.
Environment: SSRS 2005
Using the ReportViewer Control in a .Net 2.0 Web App to render the reports.
BarCodes print fine in the following situations:
1. When the Report is exported to Excel and when printed from there
2. When you click on the print button on Internet Explorer
3. When saving as html (from view source) and opening that html document and printing.
BarCodes do NOT get printed in the following situation:
1. When printing by clicking on the "Print" (Active X Control) icon. Even the "Print Preview" does not show the Barcode.
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Mar 20, 2007
UPDATE #2: When it said "Do you want to install Microsoft SQL Server" I said "yes" and that caused it to work. I exited and re-ran and now the print runs w/o the "install SQL Server" (If the prompt had said "Do you want to install the print dialog" we wouldn't be having this discussion...)
UPDATE: After posting this i discovered that the same thing occurs when attempting to print the report direct from IE6: First a dialog pops up "Do you want to install this software?" Name: Microsoft SQL Server. When I click "Don't Install" I get the dialog "unable to load client print control." Since this happens direct from IE6 I suspect it's browser settings. I'll resume tomorrow and post a followup.
My WinForm C# app integrates Reporting Services by calling them from WebBrowser controls. The problem is attempts to print cause a dialog: "unable to load client print control."
I've read prior posts that say "enable Active-X in your browser" - I don't know how to do that from a WebBrowser control.
Any ideas how to support Reporting Services "Print" from within a WebBrowser control?
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Apr 20, 2007
I am using the 3-tiered architecture design (presentation, business laws, and data acess layers). I am stuck on how to send the image the user selects in the upload file control to the BLL and then to the DAL because the DAL does all the inserts into the database. I would like to be able to check the file type in the BLL to make sure the file being uploaded is indeed a picture. Is there a way I can send the location of the file to the BLL, check the filetype, then upload the file and have the DAL insert the image into the database? I have seen examples where people use streams to upload the file directly from their presentation layer, but I would like to keep everything seperated in the three classes if possible. I also wasn't sure what variable type the image would be in the function in the BLL that receive the image from the PL. If there are any examples or tips anyone can give me that would be appreciated.
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Jun 27, 2007
Hay Friend's
Can u plese send me the way how to save image in sql server and display that images in datagrid or other control also like Image control or Image control Button?? Plese send the coding in C#.
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Jul 12, 2007
hi all,
i have created a table with image field in it. Now i just want to store a jpeg file in it but not finding any way to do so.
how can i store any image ? what are the steps???????
thanx in advance
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Jul 6, 2006
Ok, the problem is that , i have a field called "Attach" in sql of type image, when selecting it , the field is getting data of type BYTE(). which am being unable to display them on an Image on the panel.
using the following code:
'Dim sel2 As String
'Dim myCom As SqlCommand
'Dim conn As New SqlConnection
'Dim drr As SqlDataReader
'Dim image As System.Drawing.Image
'sel2 = "select * from attach where att_desc = '" & DropDownList1.SelectedItem().Text & "' and doc_code = " & w_doc_code & " and subcode = " & w_doc_subcode & " and doc_num= " & w_doc_num & " "
'conn.ConnectionString = ("server=developer01;uid=sa;password=aims;database=DVPSOC;timeout=45")
'myCom = New SqlCommand(sel2, conn)
'drr = myCom.ExecuteReader()
'If drr.Read Then
' Me.ImageMap1.ImageUrl = drr.Item("attach")
'End If
Am getting an exeption on the following line Me.ImageMap1.ImageUrl = drr.Item("attach")
saying: Conversion from type 'Byte()' to type 'String' is not valid.
knowing that i tried converting using ToString but it's not getting any output then.
thanks for your help.
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Feb 13, 2007
I have learned lots of informative thing from your forums. I have little problem regarding “Display image from SQL Server on ASP.NET� I have done it and image display on my page from SQL Server. I have cleared you here I have adopt two different methods which are following for displaying picture.
2.image.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg)
but in both above methods I have faced little problem when image display on my page all other information can not display and I also want to display picture on my specific location on the page. My second question is can use any web control like “Image1� to display image from SQL Server where my pictures are stored.
Hope you will help me.
Thanks and regards
Aftab Abbasi
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Mar 7, 2006
hi,i have inserted the image present in mydocuments using alter commandcreate table aa(a int, d image)insert into aa values (1,'F:prudhviaba 002.jpg')when i doselect * from aai am getting the result in the column d as0x463A5C707275646876695C70727564687669203030322E6A 7067how i can i view the image?pls clarify my doubtsatish
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Jan 30, 2007
In my application I have a local report with an image control in thedetail row of the table and the Value attribute set as="File://" & Fields!FQPhotoFileName.ValueThe first row in the table always shows the wrong image and it's always thesame wrong image. The problem is there even when I change the sort order orthe criteria for the underlying dataset. For example, I ran a small testthat populated the dataset with 2 rows and 2 images. When I sort by anycolumn (e.g. ID) in ascending ascending order the ID=1 row (the 1st row)shows the wrong image and the ID=2 row shows the correct image. When I rerunthe report sorting in descending order the ID=2 row (which is now the 1strow) shows the wrong image and the ID=1 shows the correct image.Any suggestions?
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Aug 17, 2007
I have a website and i am uploading the gif image to the database. i have used varchar(500) as the datatype and i am saving the file in the webserver so the path to it c:intepub....a.gif
my upload table has the folliwing feilds
UploadId Int Identity, Description, FileName, DiskPath varchar(500), weblocation varchar(500). I have a main sproc for the report where i am doing a inner join with other table to get the path of the gif..
So my question is how can i get a picture to show up on the report. .
What kinda datatype the gif file should be stored in the database? If it is stored as a varchar how can i access it and what is best way to reference that particular.
any help will appreciated....
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Sep 20, 2006
I have inherited a VS 2005 database with a table that has a column of type IMAGE. I need to change the image for one of the rows in the table. I have the new image in a *.PNG file on my C: drive. What is the correct method for inserting this file into the IMAGE column.
Many thanks!
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Jul 23, 2004
Anyone here with a ready to go sqlscript that lists all db's, files, sizes, owner etc? I guess it's a combination of sp_databases, sp_helpdb and sp_helpdb [db].
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Sep 18, 2007
i'm planning to create a DB of about 1TB of text.
can SQL EXPRESS handle this sizes of data? what about SQL 2005?
does it matter if i put all the data in 1 table?
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Mar 23, 2000
I was told a while ago that your Log should be 2 times the size as your data. Is this a good rule of thumb?
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Jul 29, 2002
Does anyone know of a quick way to find out what the largest indexes on a database are? I have a number of tables and was wondering if there's a stored proc or query that I can execute that will list the indexes and their size in order by size? Thanks
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Jul 30, 2002
Does anyone know of a quick way to find out what the largest indexes on a database are? I have a number of tables and was wondering if there's a stored proc or query that I can execute that will list the indexes and their size in order by size? Thanks
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Jan 18, 2006
Hi there
I hope this isn't a totally stupid question, but I was wondering how to check the physical size the DBs take up on disks...
Does MSSQL save DBs as a specific file-extension? Is there an SQL command I can run that will give extensive info on DB sizes?
Any help welcome :)
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Apr 28, 2008
When you have the autogrowth turned on for log files. What happens when you put a max file size on it? Will just overwrite the old logs to keep the file at the max size or will it just create a new file every time it hits the max size?
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Feb 20, 2008
I'm putting together a manual system that tracks data growth in a certain database. I was going to use sp_spaceused as a part of it, but then realized the datatypes for size are CHAR, not INT or BIGINT. I was going to do counts, averages, etc. on those columns but that wouldn't work against a CHAR field obviously. I could easily write a little something to strip out the KB, but was hoping there was another way to get those figures.
Secondly...has anynoe seen a stored procedure/code/etc. that just calculates the largest/smallest/average row size for a table? I haven't been able to find anything anywhere...
Any insight would be greatly appreciated...
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Jun 19, 2004
Hello again everyone....
I have another question for everyone....
I am currently cleaning up my database to get its total size down and am not sure how nvarchar and varchar work exactly.
When defining the length of a varchar or nvarchar in enterprise manager, will that effect the size of the entry (as far as data size) no matter what the length of the entry? In other words, will there be a difference in Data Size for an entry with the length of 4 characters with a definition of varchar(4) versus an entry with the length of 4 characters with a definition of varchar(50).
****If there is no difference, is there any reason in trying to best guess the size to give nvarchar or varchar columns? It would seem easier to just define the lengths of columns which need variable lengths to 200 or 400 just to save time in not trying to best guess what the size might be...*****
Thanks ahead for any help...
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May 17, 2002
I am looking to runa query to get the sizes of the tables in my SQL 7 DB.
I know I can access the info in Enterprise Manager, under "Tables & Indexes".
But I need to get this info via a query.
I need rows and size.
I figured out how to get rows through the sys tables:
select, sysindexes.rows
from sysobjects,sysindexes
where =
and xtype = 'U'
Is the size of each table stored in a sys table as well? I can't find it.
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Apr 17, 2001
Hey all,
Got a little problem. have 2 matching tables on different servers with the EXACT same column layout and data (the tables are being replicated with MSSQL7) and one table is 200MB while the other is 2000MB. I'm running MSSQL7 SP2. Any ideas???
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Nov 8, 2000
my log files are growing like anything. One of my log file size is 20GB.
How i have to reduce the log file size.
If i run DBCC command is it come backs...
Pls tell me the way how i have to find the free space and reduce logsizes.
After taking backups also my log file sizes are not reducing.
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Dec 16, 1999
I have inherited a number of databases which were substantially over sized when they were set up. I'd like to reduce both the log and database files to be smaller than their original sizes, what's the easiest way to do this? If anyone has any experience of doing this please reply.
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Aug 5, 2003
We are looking at installing a new Oracle server for a client but have been told that they have used Oracle in the past but had a lot of problems with slow response even though the bandwidth on the WAN was barely being used. He says that this was due to the fact that Oracle sends out very small packets across the network meaning that there are hundreds of packets being sent out. This caused a problem on the routers being used as it was killing the processors. Is this still the case and have you had other reports of slow response of this nature?
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Mar 30, 1999
Ok, I have a new one. Several of my devices are showing with negative sizes when viewed in edit in enterprise manager. I cannot edit them as the change now button is grayed-out. Oddly enough they are all located on the same drive. The master (on C drive), and the tempdb (on D drive) both show as the default device. I am very confused. User access to the information is fine. What gives?
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Jul 21, 2006
Hi All,
I ran the following query to get the log file sizes for all databases:
select (size*8.00)/1024,filename from master..sysaltfiles
When I compared the results from this query with the transaction log properties in EM, not all of the sizes match.
For example, EM shows the transaction log size for tempdb to be 2 MB but the results of the query shows that transaction log size for tempdb is .5 MB. Which query can I run to get the numbers that would match between two? Thanks.
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Jan 22, 2004
Wonder if anyone can help me out here.
I'm trying to set up a job to run overnight that mails me the size of all the databases on SQL Server.
The way I'm getting the size of the db's is by running the following in SQL Query Analyzer...
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command1="print '?' select cast(name as varchar(32)), round(size * 8 / 1.024,3) from ?..sysfiles"
Can anyone suggest a way that I can export the results of this to a text file that can then be mailed to me as part of a scheduled job.
Or can anyone suggest a better/easier way of doing this??
Thanks in advance. :)
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Oct 1, 2007
Admin is kind of new to me. Could someone recommend how to reduce these file sizes?
In Dev, my MDF is 16 MB, LDF .5 MB.
I run a script to recreate the schema and insert rows on the Host.
When downloading a db backup from the Host and restoring it to Dev, my MDF is 24 MB, LDF 25 MB.
The same dataset grew by ~35 MB!!!
Any advice is welcome. Thank you. Rick
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Jul 23, 2005
Can any one direct me to sources for best practices of field types and sizesto use for commonly used information such as address, names, city, businessnames ....Thanks, Brian
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May 31, 2007
Got a question,
still new to sql server express, been playing with it for a while, kinda enjoying it.
If you were designing a database that had many tables with the possibility of a large amount of data, would you keep them all in one database or would you disperse them into multiple databases. There will be some relations used in some of the tables, but not all.
I believe I will end up with about 21 different tables, 9 of them have the potential for 1,000's of records.
I do appreciate anyone's thoughts or concerns
Davids Learning
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Nov 14, 2001
How can I get the table sizes for data and transaction logs just like we had in SQL Server 7.0 on the first screen of the Entreprise Manager?
I remember having a bar showing used space in blue and unused in magenta. I bet there are a couple of functions that can be added in a script that will retreive this info.
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