Print Statement For Query

Nov 18, 2014

How to write query with PRINT Statement for below query.

CTE2 AS (SELECT * FROM table2),
CTE3 AS (SELECT * FROM table3)

In between to use PRINT statement seeing where my current query is.

So once we process "SEELCT * FROM table1" and gets completed I want to print as "Table table1 completed".

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MS SQL Print Statement

Mar 23, 2007

i would like to enquire about the Print statement. If I do not want to use the Raiseerror to raise an error as its not an error, but want to just print out in a dialog box, how do i do it?I tried using the Print statement but nothing happened.  I am using this inside my trigger, can someone help?Thank You 

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How Can I Get The Result Of A SQL PRINT Statement

Nov 5, 2003

I am using MSDE and WebMatrix. My stored procedure is creating a Dynamic SQL query and is is about 200 lines long.

I am not getting the expected results, but also not generating any errors. I inserted a Print statement to print the resultant SQL query, but I don't know how to see or display that print result.

I do NOT have SQL2000, only MSDE. I am using WebMatrix and to create my application. Is there some class in that will help me, or some free utility. One of the problems is that the dynamic SQL is using over 20 parameters to create the query; the end result of the user picking fields on the webform.

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Attribute Value In A Print Statement

May 2, 2008

Hey i have written a constraint trigger that will return an error message, but i want to include values from a count in the error msg. i know how it would be doing in oracle

RaisError('You cannot add more then' ||Bedroom_Count|| 'student tenants into this house', 10, 1)

how do i achieve the same result in MS SERVER



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Print Statement Not Working...

Jun 2, 2008


Mine Below Query is not Printing Anything though there is a matching record in table "gpcb_proj_paras"

Can any one help me??

declare @catg as char(1)
set @catg = '''A'''

declare @qry as nvarchar(3000)
declare @paras as varchar(200)

Set @paras = (Select convert(nvarchar(200), app_paras) from gpcb_proj_paras t
where t.act = @catg)

print @paras

-- Regards
Prashant Hirani

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SSIS And T-SQL Print Statement

Feb 14, 2007

First, I will apologise in advance for my ignorance, but I am new to the subject of SSIS.

My objective is tbe able to execute a stored procedure from SSIS and have a log of what the stored procedure did - preferably a log file

At the moment the stored procedure diagnostics etc are via T-SQL Print statement .

When I execute the stored procedure from SSIS I don't get any of the print diagnostics.

I've experimented with raiseerror - 1 severity < 11 gives no output, but a severity of 11 results in the print diagnostics being displayed in the output window - but the task goes red.

Could someone help,

Thanks In advance.


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SQLInfoMessageEventHandler And PRINT Statement In SQL Express

May 4, 2006

I have a stored procedure contains a few PRINT statement that return the status to the client.  On the client side, I am using to add handler for it, as follow:

con = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=IntranetMaster;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False;Connect Timeout=0")

AddHandler con.InfoMessage, New SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(AddressOf ShowSQLMessage)

Sub ShowSQLMessage(ByVal o As Object, ByVal e As SqlInfoMessageEventArgs)
  Dim err As SqlError
  For Each err In e.Errors
   Console.WriteLine(Now() & " - SQL Message: " & err.Message)
  Next err
End Sub


The stored procedures as follows:


 PRINT 'Remove Sales Data in Current Year'
 EXEC uspMRT_RemoveSalesDataInCurrentYear @dbName

 PRINT 'Remove Reference Tables'
 EXEC uspMRT_RemoveRefTablesData @dbName

 PRINT 'Import Data'
 EXEC uspMRT_ImportData @dbName, @folder



The result is that the message from several PRINT statements are coming out only at the end of the stored procedure and all in once, so I cannot time the individual processing time.

Is there anything I have done wrong? or anyway to make the PRINT result comes out immediately?



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How Do I Print The Results Of My SELECT Statement?

Mar 15, 2008

After running a select statement in vb 6, how do i send the results to the printer. Here is the code i've written so far:

Private Sub ProcSelectRecords()
Dim MyConn As ADODB.Connection

Set MyConn = New ADODB.Connection
Dim MyRecSet1 As New ADODB.Recordset

MyConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:DocumentsA2 Computing Courseworkdb1.mdb"

Set MyRecSet1 = MyConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM tblItem_Sales")

End Sub

Im using MS Access as my backend

any help would me much appreciated.

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Get A Returned Print Statement Into Something That Can Be Evaluated...

Jan 11, 2008

We have some SQL CLR code that was written to go get information from a web service...all works great and the CLR code does what it is supposed to. The problem is, it returns its success or failure status as a string text value (equivalent of a print statement I imagine) instead of as a result set or output parameter that i can check. In the proc I wrote to call the CLR stored proc I do some cleanup that i would like to rollback if the call to the web service that the CLR proc makes fails. Problem is, how can i get there. I have tried every way that I know and I can't seem to get that text into an object (temp table, variable whatever) that i can evaluate. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Print A Select Statement Within A Store Procedure

May 8, 2008

I want to create store procedure which will print out something like this:

Insert into [dbname].dbo.[gameBooks] value (@gameBookID, gameBookTitle, ganeVolumn)
But first one print out good, as I expected. I either got nothing or the error message on second piece.

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line xxx
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Insert into [dbname].dbo.[cookBooks] value (' to data type int.
Any Help will be greatly appreciated.

on SQL 2005 SP1.
Here is my example code (not the real one):
Create Procedure [dbo].[makeNewString]
Declare bookID int
Declare newRowID int
Declare insertBookInfoString nvarchar(150)
select 'Declare @newBookID int'
Set insertBookInforString =
(Select 'Insert into [dbname].dbo.[gameBooks] value (' + @gameBookID + ',' + gameBookTitle +',' + ganeVolumn +')'
from [dbname].dbo.[gameBooks])
where @gameBookID=@myBookID
Print insertBookInforString
select 'SET @newRowID = Scope_Identity()'
print @newRowID
select 'Declare @newBookID int'
Set insertBookInforString =
(Select 'Insert into [dbname].dbo.[cookBooks] value (' + @cookBookID +',' + cookBookTitle +','+cookVolumn+')'
from [dbname].dbo.[cookBooks]
where @cookBookID=@myBookID)
Print insertBookInforString
first insertBookInfoString prints out fine.
But I kept this error on second part:

DECLARE Declare @newBookID int
(1 row(s) affected)
Insert into [dbname].dbo.[gameBooks] value (@gameBookID, gameBookTitle, ganeVolumn) (this is what I want)
SET @newBookID = Scope_Identity()
(1 row(s) affected)

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line xxx
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Insert into [dbname].dbo.[cookBooks] value (' to data type int.

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InfoMessage Event Does Not Fired For Each PRINT Statement

Jul 10, 2007

Hello all,

I'm trying to cath content of PRINT statements through InfoMessage event. I have subscribed on InfoMessage event through ConnectionEventsVt interface. The problem that event fired only once for statement. For example i have following T-SQL script:

Code Snippet

PRINT 'Message1'
PRINT 'Message2'

PRINT 'Message3'
PRINT 'Message4'

When i execute this script InfoMessage event fired twice. First time Error object Description property contains "Message1" text. Second time it contains "Message3" text.

What i'm doing wrong?

Server: MS SQL Sever 2005
OS: Windows XP SP2
IDE: Delphi 7

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Print Out From Dynamic Query

Feb 26, 2008


I need help on the procedure below. this procedure gets intput table_name and do a row count. I want to print out the result from the Dynamic query within the procedure.

Thanks in advance

create PROCEDURE [dbo].[SRC_sp_Batch_test]

@table_name as varchar(50)


DECLARE @execstr2 as varchar(1000)

declare @count as varchar(10)

set @execstr2 = 'select count(*) as count1 from ' + @table_name

exec (@execstr2)

-- want to print out the records count from executing @execstr2

set @count = count1

print @count

print 'here'

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Unable To Print In Query Analyzer

Apr 18, 2008

This is a simple problem. I just don't know how to fix it.
I want to print out the item that I am fetching in my cursor. look at line 12 below. My value is not being printed out. Does anyone know why?
1 DECLARE @mycur1 CURSOR2. DECLARE @InMarketId INT3. SET @InMarketId=5754. DECLARE @test VARCHAR(10)5. SET @mycur1 = CURSOR
6. FOR7. SELECT SubDivisionId FROM SubDivision WHERE MarketId=@InMarketId8. OPEN @mycur19. FETCH NEXT FROM @mycur1 INTO @test10. WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 11. BEGIN --  Delete from SubDivivisionSubMarket where SubDivisionId=@test12.  PRINT @test 13.  FETCH NEXT FROM @mycur1 INTO @test14. END15. DEALLOCATE @mycur1

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Print Results From Query Analyzer

Apr 7, 2000

Hi everybody,
When I run my query analyzer I am getting results in the bottom window.
How can I print results in that situation.
Any ideas?

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Print Results From Query Analyser

Jan 10, 2007

If I run an sp in query analyser is there a way I can print the output ?

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Print Stored Procedure Query

Dec 5, 2007


How do I print the SELECT statement in my Stored Procedure??

I have a set of variables and I want to see how they output in the select statement.


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Print Barcodes With The Active X Print Control

Mar 2, 2007

We are having problems printing Reports (when printing by clicking on the AcitiveX print control), where the font for the fields are set to "C39HrP24DhTt" (barcode).

While viewing the report it displays as Barcodes but while printing, the Barcode does not get printed, but the string gets printed.

Environment: SSRS 2005

Using the ReportViewer Control in a .Net 2.0 Web App to render the reports.

BarCodes print fine in the following situations:

1. When the Report is exported to Excel and when printed from there

2. When you click on the print button on Internet Explorer

3. When saving as html (from view source) and opening that html document and printing.

BarCodes do NOT get printed in the following situation:

1. When printing by clicking on the "Print" (Active X Control) icon. Even the "Print Preview" does not show the Barcode.

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'set' Query Option To Results In Text? Print Ss, Mis?

Jul 17, 2003

In TSQL, is there a way to 'Set' the query option results in text as the head of my sql statement?

kind of tired of hit contol+t to get the text result.

also, when I
print '@dateStart--' + cast(@dateStart as varchar(30))
I don't get seconds and I even need mis.
Is there a simple way instead of a combination of datepart() to get ss, mis?


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Looping Through Query Result Column And PRINT To Log File....

May 24, 2007

i am creating a log file, and at 1 point I record how many rows are deleted after an update process.. I want to also record which productID are actually deleted... how would I write that?!

Basically I need know how I would get the list, and I am using PRINT command... I need to somehow write a loop that works through the list and PRINTS to the file....

Thanks in advance

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View And Print Contents Of Query Analyzer (was Big Time Newbe Needs Help)

Feb 28, 2005

Hello, I need some help, I am in school right now and I am in a SQL server class. We have been working in the query analizer making a database. Well I have to print out everything that I have typed. But I want to view it first. How do I do that?

Sorry I did a search and couldnt find anything.. Probably cause I dont really know what to search for or look under. Thanks for your guys time.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamic Query To Print Out Resultset From A Table?

Sep 9, 2015

I wan to print out the dynamic query result so that i can use as a script for some tasks.This is the scenario wher i got stuck, i am not able to print out the result as it return only the last value because of OUTPUT param limitation

Is there any way to print all the 3 INSERT stmt.

IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb.dbo.#temp') IS NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE #temp (Command varchar(8000))
SELECT 'INSERT INTO Test1(column1,column2)values(1,2)'
SELECT 'INSERT INTO Test2(column1,column2)values(1,2)'


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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Print State Of Running Query To Output

Sep 21, 2015

I want print state of running query to output, because my query need long time to run.But print statement dos not work correctly!

Note: I cannot use "go" in my query!

/* My query */
print 'Fetch Data From Table1 is Running...'
insert into @T1
select x,y,z
from Table1
print 'Fetch Data From Table1 Done.'


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RDLC Client Report And Query Parameters And Print Button

Feb 9, 2007

Hi, this is my first post here. I hope to be helpful trying to help and not only asking questions arround here. After I have my report ready I will share here the total experience from top to bottom!But for now, here's the issue:

I'm building a RDLC Repor on my ASP.Net VB web application. I added the .rdlc file to the application and created a table to show lines of data binded from a dataset. The thing is:

- The DataSet expects a parameter @intNumber, a identifier to get the correct data to display the correct report.

- I'm using ReportViewer to view the report, and by code I've passed a Report Parameter to the *.RDLC report with success, just like this:

Dim parms(0) As ReportParameter
parms(0) = New ReportParameter("intNumber", 37)

The present issue is the following:
I want to use that parameter sent to the report to be sent to the query of the DataSet as parameter to the query to return the data to fill the report. I've heard that this is not possible, just with report server...

Another issue is the print button, also heard that only can appear on report way to display and work on RDLC reports?Very confused right now...these issues are stupid, MS tools should allow these operations, which are not efficient if this is not possibla on RDLC...

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Print State Of Running Query To Output

Sep 21, 2015

I want print state of running query to output, because my query need long time to run. But print statement dos not work correctly!!

Note: I cannot use "go" in my query!

/* My Query */
print 'Fetch Data From Table1 is Running...'
insert into @T1
select x,y,z
from Table1
print 'Fetch Data From Table1 Done.'

[Code] .....

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Reporting Services From WebBrowser Control - Print = Unable To Load Client Print Control

Mar 20, 2007

UPDATE #2: When it said "Do you want to install Microsoft SQL Server" I said "yes" and that caused it to work. I exited and re-ran and now the print runs w/o the "install SQL Server" (If the prompt had said "Do you want to install the print dialog" we wouldn't be having this discussion...) 

UPDATE: After posting this i discovered that the same thing occurs when attempting to print the report direct from IE6: First a dialog pops up "Do you want to install this software?" Name: Microsoft SQL Server. When I click "Don't Install" I get the dialog "unable to load client print control." Since this happens direct from IE6 I suspect it's browser settings. I'll resume tomorrow and post a followup.

My WinForm C# app integrates Reporting Services by calling them from WebBrowser controls. The problem is attempts to print cause a dialog: "unable to load client print control."

I've read prior posts that say "enable Active-X in your browser" - I don't know how to do that from a WebBrowser control.

Any ideas how to support Reporting Services "Print" from within a WebBrowser control?




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Select Statement Within Select Statement Makes My Query Slow....

Sep 3, 2007

Hello... im having a problem with my query optimization....

I have a query that looks like this:

SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE location_id IN (SELECT location_id from location_table WHERE account_id = 998)

it produces my desired data but it takes 3 minutes to run the query... is there any way to make this faster?... thank you so much...

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The If ... Else Statement In SQL Query.. Please Help To Correct Query.. Thank You

Jan 3, 2008

  1 SELECT distinct A.EAIndex,
2 A.ChainCode AS ChainCode,
3 A.JobDate,
4 C.BillerName,
5 B.BusinessCode,
6 D.ChainName,
7 A.BillBegDate,
8 A.BillEndDate,
9 A.PostDate,
10 A.BillCount,
11 A.ChAmount,
12 A.PostAmount,
13 A.ProChargeFee,
14 A.BalanceStatus AS BalanceStatus,
15 B.BillerInfoCode AS BillerInfoCode ,
16 CONVERT(varchar(10), A.BalanceDate, 112)BalanceDate,
17 A.AdjustDate,
18 C.BillerCode ,
19 (a.ChAmount- a.ProChargeFee) AS Fee,
20 E.EABillerCode, E.RelAdjustDate
21 FROM ZT_EAccount A
22 Inner Join ZT_BillerInfo B On Right('00000'+Rtrim(Ltrim(A.BillerCode)),5) = Right('00000'+Rtrim(Ltrim(B.BillerInfoCode)),5)
23 Inner Join ZT_Biller C ON B.ParentCode = C.BillerCode
24 Inner Join ZT_Chain D On A.ChainCode = D.ChainCode
25 Inner Join ZT_EAccountAdjust E ON a.EAIndex=E.EAIndex and a.BillerCode=E.BusCode
26 Where A.JobDate BETWEEN '20071001' AND '20071005' AND C.CompanyCode='533'
 In line 13 I want to add a Query to make sure if ZT_BillerInfo.Rmflag = 1, if it's =1 then ProChargeFee =0if ZT_BillerInfo.RmFlag =0 , then ProChargeFee = a.ProChargeFee.I add this line ă€?Case B.RmFlag = '1' then 0 else A.ProChargeFee 】instead of Line 13 (A.ProChargeFee)but I execute Sql I got error message on the line I have jsut modified..can you please help me to know why and how to correct it? thank you very much

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How To Add A If..else Statement To SQL Query?

Oct 15, 2007

  I want to Add a if .. else statement to make sure if the Data is exist in Table                       if (exist ) { do a update query} else{ do a Insert Query}
 I Know how to update and how to insert but how to check if the data is exist in Table and how to add a if ..else to query?
 thank you very much

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If Statement In Query

Jan 26, 2006

In access you can use an imediate if statement in the query. can you do the same thing in SQL server?

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Run An If Statement Within A Query

Aug 27, 2004

Hi all;

I have searched the net for the following but am not too sure how it's done. I am trying to create an if statement within a sql query where based on the results it will stop or continue something like:

count(*) from test_table
where test_column = 0
if result = 0 then
ALTER TABLE test_table DROP COLUMN test_column
select into test_table_2
from test_table

and so on and so forth

any will help will be apprecated


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Sub Query As A Value For An Insert Statement

Oct 10, 2007

Hello! I have this stored procedure:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spAddToFavorites]
 @Userid uniqueidentifier OUTPUT,
@KeyID uniqueidentifier
ASINSERT INTO Associations (Userid,BusinessID) values (@Userid, (SELECT Userid from UserProfile WHERE KeyID= @KeyID))
But it says that I can't do it like that. I need to select that userid based on the keyid I am gonna pass in. Any help on this appreciated.

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Need Help With Sql Query Statement In ASP Form

Jan 28, 2008

I have an ASP form that takes the information that is entered on the form and inserts it into a Microsoft Access database.  It works great.  In addition to the fields from the form, I also want to add the current date into the InitDate field.  How would I modify the SQL query below to insert the current date into the COS database? conn.execute SqlQry        Sql =         "INSERT INTO COS ([Name of School], [Director of COS], [Address], [City], [State], [zip], [PhoneNumber], "        Sql = Sql &    "[general_notes], [type], [DEPT], ) "  
     Sql = Sql &    "VALUES ('" & m_CompanySchoolName & "',
'" & m_FullName & "', '" & m_StreetAddress & "', '"
& m_City        Sql = Sql &    "', '" & m_State &
"', '" & m_Zip & "', '" & m_TelephoneNumber & "', '"
& m_Message & "', 'COSMETOLOGY', '"        Sql = Sql  & m_Department &    "', '" & m_EmailAddress & "')"                response.write Sql        response.end        conn.execute Sql       

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Need Help With Query Statement 'IN' Clause.

Jun 29, 2005

I have a column in the database that stored moduleId that are seperated by '|' (pipes).  For Example: '527|343|454'

I need to add a where clause to a query that pulls the data based on a
ModuleId. For Example: select * from table where 527 in [column above]

Does anyone know how I can do this in a query?  Normally I could
use an IN statement, ex: select * from table where 527 in (527,343,454)

How can I get the column in that format?

Thanks for the help in advance,


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