Problem Converting XML To Table In SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi There, I'm new to the .Net environment, and I am currently trying to convert an xml document and its appropriate schema, to a dataset then with this Dataset I would like to load it into the database. This XML file is generated from the Access 2000 format. Then sent over the internet where it is received by an HttpFileCollection object, then the schema and xml file are loaded into a dataset. I have created a new SQL database in which I imported the table required from Access, so in theory the table that the xml is generated from should be the same as the table that the xml is destined for. I am getting the data loaded into the dataset however, when I try to execute the data adapter update command 

oda.Update(myDS, "MSGLOBAL") it is throwing an Exception, in this exception the message is telling me that there is a problem near the key word 'on'. Now I have added a watch window to monitor the sql statements, now the oda has an insert statement generated from a query builder, however this same query builder will not create either an update or delete command. I hope this is a good enough explanation to get a few answers, or a possible example, it seems to be a topic that is quite difficult to research. Thank you, and if you require more info please indicate this. Damon Http://


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SQL Server 2008 :: Converting Adjacency List To Hierarchy Table

Feb 10, 2015

I have been trying to convert an existing table that used adjacency list model (parentid,childid) to a table that use hierarchy Id type. So early on, I notice my original data does contains multiple roots. So I took a step to create dummy nodes to ensure all nodes fall into a single root structure. Another important fact is that each child node can have multiple parents.

My original source table contains 22461 records, when running the query below step 2 produces explosive number of records around 175,000+ records. I spent hours study the result and couldn't understand what actually causing this, I ran it against small set of test data I didn't seem the issue caused by child with multiple parents.

select * from SourceTable -- produces 22461 records

--step 1: first, get row number of child records in each parent

INTO #RelationshipTmp
FROM SourceTable;

[Code] ....

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Converting .dbf To Sql Server Table...batch File? Command Line?

Jul 20, 2005

My client will be receiving a .dbf file which needs to be uploadedinto a sql server database table (as an append) every week. They areNOT computer savvy and I would like to automate this process ratherthan go into enterprise manager and run data transformation.Is there any way to write a batch file or a set of command lines whichwill do this?Thanks.Monica

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SQL Server 2012 :: Moving Identical Data From One Table To Another - Error On Converting To Float

Jun 11, 2014

So I have two tables with similar columns etc, unfortunately the Insert to the History table fails. Noto sure how to format.

Source Table.
[SKU] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
[WHSELOC] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[WEIGHT] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

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Converting DataSet To New SQL Table

Aug 10, 2006

Hello Everyone,
I have a dataset that I created from an external database using an ODBC connection.  I would like to take that dataset and create a new table in an SQL 2005 database.  Can anyone point me in the right direction.  The problem that I am having right now is getting the object types etc.
Thank you!!

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Converting Text To Table With DTS

Jun 4, 2004

I am using DTS to import text to a table. This mostly works except for the 'DateTime' datatype where I always run into either 'Arithmetic overflow' or 'Unable to convert varchar to DateTime format.' I can convert same data without incident in Access.

Has anyone run into this problem?

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Converting A Table Column Into Csv.

Apr 8, 2008

Hi everybody,

I have this situation here:
I have a table structure something like :
id name keywords

60 tabs
Action Labs

60 tabs

60 tabs
Actions Labs

60 tabs
Super Glucosamine

60 tabs
Super Glucosamine And Chondroitin

60 tabs
Super Glucosamine Plus Chondroitin

60 tabs
Super Glucosamine Plus Chondroitin Sulfate

60 caps
Action Labs

60 caps

60 caps
Actions Labs

60 caps
Super Glucosamine

60 caps
Super Glucosamine And Chondroitin

60 caps
Super Glucosamine Plus Chondroitin

60 caps
Super Glucosamine Plus Chondroitin Sulfate

How can I bring all the values under 'keywords' as comma seperated under one column identified by their ids?
id name keywords
100 60 tabs Action Labs,Actionlabs,Actions Labs,Super Glucosamine,Super Glucosamine And Chondroitin etc.

Please help me!!!
Thanks in advance,

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Converting A SQL Table Into Text File

Dec 8, 2004

How to convert a SQL table into Text file? I have a table and I want to extract the values with the field names above to a text file. The query should also allow me to define the starting position of the fields in the text file.


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Converting Datetime Format In Table

Aug 12, 2013

I have a datetime field in my table. I call that field with a different software & it comes out in an unexpected format.

My db table stores it in unix format: 2013-08-12 09:29:00.000

But the software pulls it as: 8/12/2013 9:29:00 AM

I know it's possible, but I don't know how. How do I explicitly call it (in SQL) as a unix timestamp. Or how do I convert to a unix timestamp from the available data above?

I use Microsoft SQL 2008

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Converting Rows Records Into Table Fields

Feb 21, 2002

Hi I have a table that contains duplicates. Custid, order #s
1, 2525
1, 2323
1, 2222
2, 6969
2, 7474
3, 8888

Here what I am trying to do. I want to create a table that contains rows from the above table in this format.

custid, order#,order#,order#
1 ,2525 ,2323, 2222

basically, I want to convert the duplicate rows into fields in a new table.

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SQL 2012 :: Converting From Table With Varbinary To Filetable

Feb 17, 2014

I have a very large database running in a production environment. The backup files are getting to be very difficult to manage. They are at 70gb as of now and growing at a rate of 10gb per month. This is due to document images being stored in the database in one table. I have read a little about a new feature in SQL Server 2012 called Filetable. Can we migrate to SQL Server 2012 and convert to the filetable structure, will this decrease the size of the backups? Would backup of the document images be taken care of by our nightly file system backups now?

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Converting Case Statement Into Config Table

Nov 3, 2015

I have a stored procedure in which we are deriving some flags. So, we used series of CASE statements.

For examples

     WHEN LEFT(CommissionerCode, 3) IN ('ABC','DEF',...) THEN 1
     WHEN PracticeCode IN (.......) THEN 1
     WHEN (CommissionerCode IN (.....) OR PracticeCode NOT IN (.....) OR .....) THEN 1
      ELSE 0

I need to put these conditions in config table and generate dynamic sql. What is the best way to do this? especially, 3rd condition with OR logic with multiple columns involved. 

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Converting Table Scripts To Stored Procedure

Aug 5, 2015

i have  table scripts , i want to create all the tables by passing database name as variable using stored procedure in sql.

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SQL 2012 :: Converting Case Statement To Config Table?

Nov 3, 2015

I have a stored procedure in which we are deriving some flags. So, we used series of CASE statements.

For examples

WHEN LEFT(CommissionerCode, 3) IN ('ABC','DEF',...) THEN 1
WHEN PracticeCode IN (.......) THEN 1
WHEN (CommissionerCode IN (.....) OR PracticeCode NOT IN (.....) OR .....) THEN 1

I need to put these conditions in config table and generate dynamic sql.

What is the best way to do this? especially, 3rd condition with OR logic with multiple columns involved.

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Converting From SQL Server 2005 Back To Sql Server Express Edition?

Feb 17, 2007

Hi folks,I was working on MS sql server 2005 evalution where i have built a number of databases. However, i came to discove that the evalution version has expried before i finished my work. Now i have disinstalled the sql server 2005 and installed the Sql express edition.My concern here is how can i keep my databases so they can work with sql express edition?Thank you very much in advance.

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Converting From MS SQL SERVER

Mar 27, 2007

I am developing a project that using the one of the starter kits which use the MS SQL EXPRESS database.The project is almost ready to be launch.
few questions:

I am looking for a good host with good support reasonable paid.
What is my options if I would like to convert from the current database, to other databases like MySql, MS SQL Server or any? which tools can help with this convertions?
thats all, thanks.

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Converting To SQL Server

Jul 26, 2004

So where I work is thinking about one day moving to SQL server. Right now they have indexed files that aren't normalized with repeating fields in them and lots of repeat data and blank space (so a customer number in one file may be stored literally in 10 other files that are easily realted). In the intrest of saving time and money I think that they will not normalize, index, or anything to any of these files. From what I hear it will be a straight field by field creation for the most part and preserving the primary keys.

My question: I keep thinking this is going to be massive hit on performance and maintaince. How much would converting in such a manner hurt the performance of their database and how much could it potentially add to maintaince?

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Converting To SQL Server

Jul 27, 2004

So where I work is thinking about one day moving to SQL server. Right now they have indexed files that aren't normalized with repeating fields in them and lots of repeat data and blank space (so a customer number in one file may be stored literally in 10 other files that are easily realted). In the intrest of saving time and money I think that they will not normalize, index, or anything to any of these files. From what I hear it will be a straight field by field creation for the most part and preserving the primary keys.

My question: I keep thinking this is going to be massive hit on performance and maintaince. How much would converting in such a manner hurt the performance of their database and how much could it potentially add to maintaince?

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Converting From Ora To SQL Server

Dec 29, 2005

I'm new to SQL server.
I've been working with oracle and now need to convert this sentence to SQL Server but I get this error:

Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'A'.
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 6
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'where'.m_proceso;

My sentence is:
update data_grup A
new_grup_code =( select cod_grup_2
from data_grup_new B
where A.cod_grup = B.cod_grup )
where zone = '001' ;
Can anyone help me to convert this to SQL server, I don't know why I get this error.

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Converting From Nvarchar To Int Into Sql Server

Jul 21, 2006

Columns from database have values like 1,5 etc and I'm getting the error: Syntax error converting the nvarchar value '1,5' to a column of data type int. when trying to convert from nvarchar to int:
SELECT CONVERT(int, MyNVarChar_column) FROM MyTable
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks a lot

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Converting SQL Server Data Into XML

Apr 11, 2006

Hi Folks!

I have the following sql script I wrote using Explicit Option to convert data from SQL Server tables into a single XML file. I am aware of the tedious nature of the select statements, but this seems to the only option I have to depict parent-child nature of the data in XML format and also to schedule it as a job to run via SQL Server Agent.

My problem is that as I run this using the following command, I get "There is insufficient system memory to run this query" error.
I am using the following commnd:
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "EXEC swr_cv2..sproc_BuildXMLTree" queryout "C: est.xml" -U -P -c -r -t'

Is there any way I can tune my query to fix that error?

Thanks so much for your help!


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Converting From Mysql To SQL Server

Mar 29, 2004

hi.. currently i need to convert from mysql to sql
how am i to convert it ? below are my previous codes

Imports System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings
Imports System.Web.HttpContext
Imports System.Data.Odbc

Public Class DB
Dim myDB As New OdbcConnection
Dim myCMD As New OdbcCommand
Public Sub New()
Dim db_server = AppSettings("db_server")
Dim db = AppSettings("db")
Dim db_user = AppSettings("db_user")
Dim db_pwd = AppSettings("db_pwd")
Dim DBConnection As String = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" & _
"SERVER=" & db_server & ";" & _
"DATABASE=" & db & ";" & _
"UID=" & db_user & ";" & _
"PASSWORD=" & db_pwd & ";" & _
myDB.ConnectionString = DBConnection
myCMD.Connection = myDB
End Sub

Public Function q(ByVal mySTR As String) As OdbcDataReader
myCMD.CommandText = mySTR
q = myCMD.ExecuteReader(Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConn ection)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Function

Public Sub c(ByVal mySTR As String)
myCMD.CommandText = mySTR
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub Err(ByVal strError As String)
Current.Response.Write("<h1>An error has occurred.</h1><br>" & vbCrLf)
Current.Response.Write("Please report to us the error message<br>" & vbCrLf)
End Sub
End Class

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Converting Access To Server

Apr 13, 2015

I'm currently using Management Studio 2008 R2 and struggling as I am very raw to SQL full stop eg a complete newbie to it.

WHERE (((dbo_ED_ATTENDANCE.AttendDateTime)>=Date()-IIf(Weekday(Date(),2)<2,4,2) And (dbo_ED_ATTENDANCE.AttendDateTime)<=Date()-1)

The above criteria is cut from an existing Access query which I am trying to replicate in SQL Management Studio 2008 R2.

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Converting Access App To Sql Server

Dec 14, 2005

Hope this makes sense.
I am trying to convert an Access based blog app to SQL Server but I'm having some trouble with some SQL.

The sql is as follows:
SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblComment WHERE tblComment.blogID = tblBlog.BlogID AND tblComment.commentInclude <> 0) AS TOTAL_LINKS
FROM joinBlog
WHERE BlogIncluded <> 0

The access version returns blog entries & the number of comments posted to each entry.

joinBlog is an Access query:
SELECT tblBlog.BlogID, tblBlog.CatID AS tblBlog_CatID, tblBlog.BlogHeadline, tblBlog.BlogHTML, tblBlog.BlogDate, tblBlog.BlogIncluded, tblCategory.catID AS tblCategory_catID, tblCategory.catName
FROM tblCategory RIGHT JOIN tblBlog ON tblCategory.catID = tblBlog.CatID;

I assume I need to make a view out of the Access query, I have done this & that appears to work.

The problem I have is when I try the 1st sql that is in my page with sql server I get the following error:
The column prefix 'tblBlog' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.

I can make the following change which returns data but does not attach the blog comment counts to the proper blog entry, instead it returns the total comments in the query:
SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblComment,tblBlog WHERE tblComment.blogID = tblBlog.BlogID AND tblComment.commentInclude <> 0) AS TOTAL_LINKS
FROM joinBlog
WHERE BlogIncluded <> 0

Can anyone tell me how to convert this for SQL Server? This is my 1st access to sql server attempt.

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Converting Access To MS SQL Server

Feb 23, 2007

I'd like to convert my Access database table to MS SQL Server 2005 Express.
I have a text field and a memo field.
What are the corresponding datafield types for SQL Server?


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Converting SQL Server Transact-SQL To DB2

May 5, 2008

I am trying to convert the following working SQL Server query to query a DB2 database. I am getting the following error: An ON clause associated with a JOIN operator or in a MERGE statement is not valid. SQLSTATE=42972. Can anyone help me convert it? Thanks for your help!

SELECT a.clmssn,





(SELECT a.clmssn,


Max(a.clm_seq_num) as clm_seq_num,

Max(b.chrs_seq_num) as chrs_seq_num

FROM mt16ic_Claim a

LEFT OUTER JOIN mt16ic_clmchrs b

ON a.clmssn = b.clmssn

AND a.cossn = b.cossn

AND a.clm_seq_num = b.clm_seq_num

Group By a.clmssn, a.cossn

) a

left outer join mt16ic_clmchrs clmchrs

ON a.clmssn = clmchrs.clmssn

AND a.cossn = clmchrs.cossn

AND a.clm_seq_num = clmchrs.clm_seq_num

AND clmchrs.chrs_seq_num =

(Select max(chrs_seq_num)

from mt16ic_clmchrs

where mt16ic_clmchrs.clmssn = a.clmssn

and mt16ic_clmchrs.cossn = a.cossn

and mt16ic_clmchrs.clm_seq_num = a.clm_seq_num)

Order By a.clmssn, a.cossn

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SQL 2012 :: Converting Time String In Temp Table To Military Time Then Cast As Integer?

Dec 26, 2014

I need to take a temporary table that has various times stored in a text field (4:30 pm, 11:00 am, 5:30 pm, etc.), convert it to miltary time then cast it as an integer with an update statement kind of like:

Update myTable set MovieTime = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(5),GETDATE(),108), ':', '')

how this can be done while my temp table is in session?

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Converting .dbf Files To Sql Server 2000

Oct 9, 2006

Hi.. I want to convert .dbf files to sql server 2000 tables.. without using any tools. I need to create a different structure for sql server tables other than contains in the .dbf files. May be the dbf files contain only 3 columns. but i need 5 columns and some calculations to determine the values of some fields to insert into sql server table...  i need to code this using c# in  can u help me? thanks in advance.. Fraijo 

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Converting MSAccess .MDB To SQL Server Database

Apr 1, 2005

I need to switch from MS Access to SQL Server for my database. To set
up a development environment I downloaded the free Microsoft SQL Server
Express (February CTP version). I installed the required .NET Framework
v2, and then SQLExpress. The install was done using all the defaults,
and was done successfully. I also downloaded and installed the SQL
Express Manager Tool.

The SQL Server was installed on the same machine as my VS.NET
development environment. The SQL Server process is now running, and I
can connect to the server using the SQL Express Manager Tool. This
allows me to view and query the sample databases, but not much else.

To convert my Access .MDB database to SQL Server, I am trying to use
the MS Access Upsizing Wizard. The version of Access I am using is
Access 2002 on a Windows XP-Professional system. The problem is that
Access cannot get a connection to the SQL Server. I tried using the
default server name "(local)" and "Use Trusted Connection", but I
receive the following error:

Connection failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server Error: 2
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver[]Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 17
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver[]Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Curiously, I get this exact same error message even if the SQL service
is stopped. So I'm pretty sure the problem is that it is not finding
the SQL server, and not a security issue.

In order to connect to the SQL server using the SQL Server Manager
Tool, you have to provide the actual instance name for the server
"COMPNAMESQLExpress". So I tried using this server name in the Access
Upsizing Wizard, but this returns the same error message as above
except the first SQL Server Error is 53. I also tried using a Login ID
and password (using the Windows administrator ID and password, and also
the "sa" ID and password) to no avail.

I am at wits end, and can't figure out why Access can't find the SQL Server. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Converting From SQL Server 2000 To 2005

Jan 2, 2006

OK, I have some SQL Server 2000 databases that I want to convert to 2005.  My question: how do I do that?
I tried importing the data, but it only picked up 3 tables out of  7 user tables in one of my SS2K databases.  Plus, it did not pick up any stored procedures or any other kind of objects.
So I tried restoring from a backup, but predictably it could not do that because the original backup was on a different server.
I also tried the upgrade advisor utility that comes with SS2K5, but it could not seem to connect to my SS2K server -- it said it could not find any SQL Server objects on the server, even though I am connected using Enterprise Manager and have been using this server for a long time.  Is it looking for 2005 databases?  That wouldn't make a lot of sense. 
Anyway, I am stumped... can anyone provide help on this?

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Access 97 DB And SQL Server 7 - Converting Nvarchar To Int

May 9, 2001

I need help converting an nvarchar value to int. I receive a SQL error when running the following query...

"SELECT DISTINCT [Time Cards].TimeCardID, [Time Cards].Status, [Time Cards].Verification, [Time Card Hours].[Date Worked], [Time Card Hours].[Billable Hours], [Time Card Hours].[Billing Rate], [Time Card Hours].[Overtime Hours], [Time Card Hours].[Overtime Rate], Employees.FirstName, Employees.LastName, [Function].[Function], [Time Card Hours].[Invoiced Hours], [Time Card Hours].[Invoiced Overtime], [Time Cards].[30 Day Grace]

FROM [Function] INNER JOIN (Employees INNER JOIN ([Time Cards] INNER JOIN [Time Card Hours] ON [Time Cards].TimeCardID = [Time Card Hours].[Time Card ID]) ON Employees.EmployeeID = [Time Cards].EmployeeID) ON [Function].FunctionID = Employees.FunctionID

WHERE ((([Time Cards].[30 Day Grace])=-1));"

[Time Card Hours - nvarchar, Time Cards - int]

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Converting A 6.5 Compatible Db To SQL Server 2005

Feb 7, 2006

I'm trying to convert a 6.5 compatible db from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. The issue I'm encountering is that:

1. I cannot simply convert the 6.5 compatible db to SQL Server 2005. I tried restoring from a backup - no success.
2. I tried creating the structure in SQL Server 2005 and then importing the data from SQL Server 2000. Problem is - after importing the data, I then tried creating the primary key and indexes - get a time-out error (which I never got with SQL Server 2000.) I also tried creating the primary key and indexes in SQL Server 2005 FIRST before importing - got errors when trying to import and import failed.

I know this sounds like a data problem but I have no problems working with this 3 gig database in SQL Server 2000.

Can anyone please help? This is a pretty serious problem I need to overcome with the SQL Server 2005 conversion.

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Help Me In Converting Oracle Procedure To SQL Server

Sep 14, 2006

Hi All

Can any one help me in converting this from WHICH IN ORACLE to MS SQL SERVER

sqlplus -s $UserId/$PassWord@$DataBase <<EOSQL> $LogFile (This is the Connection String)

set serveroutput on
tempCnt Number:=0;
totDelCnt Number:=0;
tempCnt := tempCnt+ SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
totDelcnt := totDelCnt+ SQL%ROWCOUNT ;

End if;

If tempCnt >= 50000 Then
Commit ;
tempCnt:=0 ;
End if ;

End Loop;
Commit ;
dbms_output.put_line('No of Recs Deleted From $TableName: '|| totDelcnt);

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