I need to know if there's any way to call a VB function from within an SQl statement. We have text in Rich Text format in a database and need it converted to regular text before we are able to perform searches on the data. Maybe I can use a stored procedure to accomplish this conversion or to call a function that would do this? Any help would be appreciated.
Does anyone know if you can call an Access function from DTS? I'm trying to delete data from an Access database, Compact the database, and load new data. My snag is calling a function in Access to compact the database.
I'm faced with a situation where I will need to calculate a column fora resultset by calling a component written as a VB6 DLL, passingparameters from the resultset to the component and setting (orupdating) a column with the result. I thought that perhaps the bestway out would be to create a UDF that passes the parameters to the VBcomponent using the sp_oa* OLE stored procs.For a test, I created an ActiveX DLL in VB6 (TestDLL) with someproperties and methods. I then created a function that creates theobject, sets the required properties and returns a result. I usesp_oaDestroy at the end of the function to remove the objectreference. The function seems to work surprisingly well except for asmall problem; when I use the function to calculate a column for aresultset with more that one row, the DLL appears to stay locked up("the file is being used by another person or program"). This leavesme with the impression that the object reference is not beingdestroyed. I have to stop/restart the SQL Server in order to free theDLL.Question:Is the UDF approach the best way? I don't like the idea of creatingand destroying the object at every pass which is what the UDF does.As an alternative, I suppose that I could have a single SP where Icreate the OLE object once, loop through the result set with a cursorand do my processing/updating, then close the OLE object. I must saythat I'm not too fond of that approach either.Thanks for your help,Bill E.Hollywood, FL(code is below)___________________________--Test the functionCreate Table #TestTable(Field1 int)INSERT INTO #TestTable VALUES (1)INSERT INTO #TestTable VALUES (2)SELECT Field1, dbo.fnTest(Field1,4) AS CalcColFROM #TestTableDrop Table #TestTable___________________________CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnTest/*This function calls a VB DLL*/(--input variables@intValue1 smallint,@intValue2 smallint)RETURNS integerASBEGIN--Define the return variable and the counterDeclare @intReturnValue smallintSet @intReturnValue=0--Define other variablesDeclare @intObject intDeclare @intResult intDeclare @intError intSet @intError=0If @intError = 0exec @intError=sp_oaCreate 'TestDLL.Convert', @intObject OUTPUTIf @intError = 0exec @intError = sp_OASetProperty @intObject,'Input1', @intValue1If @intError = 0exec @intError = sp_OASetProperty @intObject,'Input2', @intValue2If @intError = 0exec @intError = sp_oamethod @intObject, 'Multiply'If @intError = 0exec @intError = sp_oagetproperty @intObject,'Output',@intReturnValue OutputIf @intError = 0exec @intError = sp_oadestroy @intObjectRETURN @intReturnValueEND
I was wondering if anyone knows the best way to call a function that is located in database on a different server then the database that is calling the function. Is it possible to do this with out linked servers? I am running SQL Server 2000. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
I have VS 2003 & SQL Server 2005.I have created VB.NET console application which calls various function. Based on data insertion/ updatation in SQL 2005 I need to call function from my VB.NET application. That is from SQL insert/update trigger I need to call function from my console application which is continuouly running.
I need help on how can I capture insert trigger event VS 2003 console application?
hai, the problem is - I have created a userdefined function using SQL 2000 create function getfulldate (@date varchar(10))returns datetimeasbegindeclare @getfulldate datetime set @getfulldate = dateadd (mi,55,@date) return @getfulldateend and normally we call this in the SQL statements as select *, dbo.getfulldate('2006-05-03') from emp This works fine and what I need was, I need to invoke the user-defined function like select *, getfulldate('2006-05-03') from emp that is, without using "dbo". If I call in that manner, it gives error as - 'getfulldate' is not a recognized function name. So, here what is the purpose of dbo and can I call in my desired manner as mentioned above. anyone guide me, thanks!
Hello all, I'm trying to construct a select statement in a stored procedure that filters based on the returned values of a number of functions. My function works fine, but when I try to call the function from the stored procedure I get an error. I'm going to try explain the thought process behind what I'm doing. Hope I make enough sense.The purpose of the stored procedure is to perform a wildcard search on a tool. The tool contains a number of FK that link to different tables (e.g., manufacturer, vendor). So I'm creating functions that also search the manufacturer and vendor and return the matching IDs. Example of tool SELECT statement:SELECT tool_number, tool_description FROM tool WHERE tool_manufacturer IN (UDFmanufacturer_SearchName(@search_string) This gives me an error:'UDFmanufacturer_SearchName' is not a recognized built-in function name. Function code (removed some wrapping code for simplicity):SELECT manufacturer_id FROM manufacturer WHERE manufacturer_name LIKE '%' + @search_string + '%'These statements both work if I run a independent query: SELECT * FROM UDFmanufacturer_SearchName('mol') SELECT * FROM tool WHERE tool_manufacturer IN (SELECT *FROM UDFmanufacturer_SearchName('mol')) This code fails:SELECT * FROM ato_tool WHERE ato_tool_manufacturer IN (UDFmanufacturer_SearchName('mol')) I'm stuck. I haven't been able to find anything that shows me where I'm going wrong. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks,Jay
This is an issue with calling a stored procedure, which calls a function.this input parameter of the function is a list nvarchar.where i am giving the input like : 1,2,3,4,8 here for the corresponding id's 1,2,3,4,8i wanna take all the details and displaying it ina crystal report........ CREATE FUNCTION iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl (@list nvarchar(MAX)) RETURNS @tbl TABLE (number int NOT NULL) ASBEGIN DECLARE @pos int, @nextpos int, @valuelen int SELECT @pos = 0, @nextpos = 1 WHILE @nextpos > 0 BEGIN SELECT @nextpos = charindex(',', @list, @pos + 1) SELECT @valuelen = CASE WHEN @nextpos > 0 THEN @nextpos ELSE len(@list) + 1 END - @pos - 1 INSERT @tbl (number) VALUES (convert(int, substring(@list, @pos + 1, @valuelen))) SELECT @pos = @nextpos END RETURNEND create proc [dbo].[Comparison](@ProductVersionID VarChar(50))asbeginselect PV.Productversionname, F.FeatureID, F.Title, F.description, F.Modifieddate,PVF.IsPresent, FG.Title from features F,ProductVersionFeatures PVF, productversion PV, Featuregroup FG where F.FeatureID = PVF.FeatureID and PVF.productversionid = PV.ProductVersionID and iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl(@ProductVersionID) i ON PVF.productversionid = i.numberendThis is my Storeprocedure, where i am calling a function in this stored procedure but when i am trying to execute the Sp, i am facing an error liek this :Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Procedure Comparison, Line 4'iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl' is not a recognized built-in function name. can any body please help me why this is hapenig, how can i solve this issue
I need to write SSIS package with 5 script task. I have one function which need to be called from each SSIS one by one. I wrote the that function at first SSIS task. For example:
Public Function Add() As Integer Dim i, j As Integer i = 10 j = 20 Return (i + j) End Function
and I can call this function inside 1st SSIS task but how can I call this function on rest of 4 script task? Thanks Sanjeev
Is it possible to call a user-defined function without prefixing itwith 'dbo.' within a SELECT clause somehow? Just curious; it's not abig issue but just a stylistic one for me.Thanks!Joel Thornton ~ <groups@joelpt.eml.cc>
I want to execute a dynamically generated sql-statementfrom inside an user-defined-function. Calling functions andextended stored-procs is allowed so I tried sp_executesqlas well as sp_prepare/sp_execute ....but both fail with an error 'only functions and extended stored-procsmay be called from inside a function.'any idea where I might be wrong ?thx in advance,Joerg--************************************************** ***********Joerg ClausmeyerMedizinische Informatik und DatenmanagementCHARITE - Universitätsmedizin Berlin************************************************** ***********
Yesterday Peso was gracious enough to help me with creating function/views/sp's
I took those examples and extended what had from excel into function in SQL
however I see myself repeating certain parts of the query and i'm wondering if there is a way to call a function (in part or in whole) from another function?
Here are excerpts two functions I have:
We'll call this function UserUsage() ------------------------------------ RETURN( SELECT ut.LastName, ut.FirstName, CEILING(Sum(hu.session_time)/ 60000) AS [Time Spent(MIN)], Max(hu.time_stamp) AS [Last Log Date], pct.Title, cat.topic_name FROM ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.UserTable ut, ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.history_usage hu, ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.pc_CourseTitles pct, ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.cam_topics cat WHERE ut.student_id = hu.student_id AND hu.course_id = pct.CourseID AND hu.topic_id = cat.topic_id AND ((ut.ClientID=@ClientID) AND (pct.ClientID=@ClientID) AND (ut.GroupID=3400) AND (hu.time_stamp>= @StartDate And hu.time_stamp< @EndDate) AND (hu.session_time<21600000)) GROUP BY ut.LastName, ut.FirstName, pct.Title, cat.topic_name )
and will call this function UserSummary(): ----------------------------------------- RETURN ( SELECTut.LastName, ut.FirstName, CEILING(SUM(hu.Session_Time) / 60000.0) AS [Time Spent(MIN)] FROM ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.UserTable AS ut INNER JOIN ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.History_Usage AS hu ON hu.Student_ID = ut.Student_ID WHERE ut.ClientID = @ClientID AND ut.GroupID = 3400 AND hu.Time_Stamp >= @StartDate AND hu.Time_Stamp < @EndDate AND hu.Session_Time < 21600000 GROUP BY ut.LastName, ut.FirstName )
As you can see the first part of the both query are simlar. In particular the:
SELECTut.LastName, ut.FirstName, CEILING(SUM(hu.Session_Time) / 60000.0) AS [Time Spent(MIN)]
and also the variables @StartDate and @EndDate.
In C# it would create a method and just call that method as well as the variables. However i'm not sure how to do that with sql functions. Could someone shed some light please?
I seem to be getting tasks that I am not familiar with these days. I am a guy that has coded it all in the asp page or in the code behind in .NET. This problem is outlined below and I need a help / advice on doing this. I had the flow of the 3 parts to it expanded below. A call is made to a Stored Procedure, The SP then calls a user defined function that runs SQL, this returns a 1 or 0 to the SP which then returns the value back to the call on the asp page. This is a lot I know but it is the way the lead guy wants it done. Any help so I can keep most of the hair I have left is appreciated :-)
Short list of process flow:
1. Form.asp calls to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient in SQL SERVER
2. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then calls ab_HasAccessToClient
3. ab_HasAccessToClient runs SQL command on db and sends return bit back to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient
4. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then sends this back to the call in the Form.asp page
5. Form.asp then checks the Boolean and if 1 then show or if 0 then deny.
This is not the correct syntax but is showing what I understand sort of how this is to be done so far.
This panel loads up the Vendors and id's when the user clicks on the link "view detailed list of vendors associated with this client". This is the beginning of the process.
This is code in Form.asp
If ValidateInput(Request.Querystring("Postback"))="FormDetails" then 'Check Postback Type
'We need to load up vendors associated with the current client.
'--------- CHECK ACCESS HERE via function ab_HasAccessToClient --------
'If the call returns 1, then the employee has access.
'Otherwise, just write out "Access to this client is denied."
'CALL SP - Not sure what parameters need to go with it or its syntax
I seem to be getting tasks that I am not familiar with these days. I am a guy that has coded it all in the asp page or in the code behind in .NET. This problem is outlined below and I need a help / advice on doing this. I had the flow of the 3 parts to it expanded below. A call is made to a Stored Procedure, The SP then calls a user defined function that runs SQL, this returns a 1 or 0 to the SP which then returns the value back to the call on the asp page. This is a lot I know but it is the way the lead guy wants it done. Any help so I can keep most of the hair I have left is appreciated :-)
Short list of process flow:
1. Form.asp calls to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient in SQL SERVER
2. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then calls ab_HasAccessToClient
3. ab_HasAccessToClient runs SQL command on db and sends return bit back to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient
4. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then sends this back to the call in the Form.asp page
5. Form.asp then checks the Boolean and if 1 then show or if 0 then deny.
This is not the correct syntax but is showing what I understand sort of how this is to be done so far.
This panel loads up the Vendors and id's when the user clicks on the link "view detailed list of vendors associated with this client". This is the beginning of the process.
This is code in Form.asp
If ValidateInput(Request.Querystring("Postback"))="Fo rmDetails" then 'Check Postback Type
'We need to load up vendors associated with the current client.
'--------- CHECK ACCESS HERE via function ab_HasAccessToClient --------
'If the call returns 1, then the employee has access.
'Otherwise, just write out "Access to this client is denied."
'CALL SP - Not sure what parameters need to go with it or its syntax
I use a database that has user names stored in Encrypted format usingthe following API.Declare Sub Encrypt2 Lib "QPRO32.DLL" (ByVal Work As String, ByValPASSWORD As String)Every time i require the user name i have to again decrypt the nameusing the same function.My problem is that when i fetch a large number of records i have toloop through every record and call the encrypt function for eachrecord.Instead of binding the recordset to my control i need to loopthrough and fill my controlA MSHFlexGrid in Vb6.0.Is there a way out to this problem that will make my record populatiogfaster withoutout changing the current Encrypted users.Thanx in Advance
Hi!I have a scalar function that returns integer:xview (int)Now, I'm trying to build a procedure that has the following selectinside:select atr1, xview(atr2)from tablenameBut, I get the 'Invalid name' error when I try to execute thatprocedure.If I got it right, I must use user.fn_name() syntax, but I cannot usedbo.xview() inside my procedure since it means xview will always beexecuted as dbo, which is unaccaptable.I'm a bit confused, so any hint is very welcomed.Thanks!Mario.
Hi, all I'm using Sql server 2000 I want to make select statement dynamically and return table using function. in sp, I've done this but, in function I don't know how to do so. (I have to create as function since our existing API..)
Following is my tials... 1. alter Function fnTest ( @fromTime datetime, @toTime datetime) RETURNS Table AS
RETURN Exec spTest @from, @to GO
Yes, it give syntax error..
2. So, I found the following
From Sql Server Books Online, Remark section of CREATE FUNCTION page of Transact-SQL Reference , it says following..
"The following statements are allowed in the body of a multi-statement function. Statements not in this list are not allowed in the body of a function: " ..... * EXECUTE statements calling an extended stored procedures.
So, I tried.
alter Function fnTest ( @fromTime datetime, @toTime datetime) RETURNS Table AS
RETURN Exec master..xp_msver GO
It doesn't work... syntax err...
Here I have quick question.. How to execute statements calling an extended stored procedures. any examples?
Now, I'm stuck.. how can I create dynamic select statement using function?
I have several UDFs created. Inside one of the UDFs I need to execute a dynamic SQL statement and then take that result and do something else with it, before returning the final value.
I know you can not execute a stored proce from inside a function. I also know you can not use the EXEC statement.
I did read that you could use an external stored procedure and/or managed CLR procedures inside a function.
I have created a managed procedure CLR (C#) that simply executes a passed statemetn and returns the value to the calling routine. I have this all coded and is working fine.
However, I am struggling with knowing how to call this CLR procedure from inside my function, seeing how I can not use EXEC statement.
JOIN (Select DISTINCT qcParent_ID, dbo.openItemsIntoList(' / AND ',qcParent_ID) as openItemListToFix FROM dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix) i
on a.qcParent_ID = i.qcParent_ID
But data is needed from 3 tables... - Created a VIEW that returns all (82) rows (negating distinct of the function on qcParent_ID) - Failed Miserably Integrating Function call into a multi-table select (inexperienced with complex joins)
JOIN (Select DISTINCT qcParent_ID, dbo.openItemsIntoList(' / AND ',qcParent_ID) as openItemListToFix FROM dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix) i
on a.qcParent_ID = i.qcParent_ID
AND THEN THERES... Failing miserably on Integrating the Function call into This SELECT ON MULTI-TABLES:
How to integrate the Function call: JOIN (Select DISTINCT qcParent_ID, dbo.openItemsIntoList(' / AND ',qcParent_ID) as openItemListToFix FROM dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix) i
on a.qcParent_ID = i.qcParent_ID
into the multi-table Select relationships (while maintaining Where & Order By):
We are trying to create a TVF that executes a CLR Stored Procedure we wrote to use the results from the SP and transform them for the purposes of returning to the user as a table.
Code Snippet
[SqlFunction ( FillRowMethodName = "FillRow",
TableDefinition = "CustomerID nvarchar(MAX)",
SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.Read,
DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read,
public static IEnumerable GetWishlist () {
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection ( "Context Connection=true" )) {
using ( SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader ( System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow )) {
if (reader.Read ()) {
myList.Add ( reader[0] as string );
return (IEnumerable)myList;
When command.ExecuteReader is called, I am getting an "Object not defined" error. However, the stored procedure can be used in SQL Management Studio just fine.
I need to call a function to calculate a value. This function accepts a varchar parameter and returns a boolean value. I need to call this function for each row in the dataflow task. I thought I would use an oledb command transformation and for some reason if I say..
'select functioname(?)' as the sqlcommand, it gives me an error message at the design time. In the input/output properties, I have mapped Param_0(external column) to an input column.
I get this erro.."syntax error, ermission violation or other non specific error". Can somebiody please suggest me what's wrong with this and how should I deal this.
The VB code was complied into a DLL called totalmem.dll and call following TSQL to map it into a SQL function:
create assembly totalmem from '!WORKINGDIR! otalmem.dll'
create function fnGetTotalMem()
returns int
as external name totalmem.SqlClrVB.GetTotalPhysicalMemory
When I call this function, it returned following error:
select dbo.fnGetTotalMem()
Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'fnGetTotalMem':
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.MyServices.Internal.ContextValue`1.get_Value()
at My.MyProject.ThreadSafeObjectProvider`1.get_GetInstance()
at SqlClrVB.GetTotalPhysicalMemory()
Anyone knows why I'm hitting this error? I didn't reference any System.Web interface why it needs to load System.Web assembly? The same code runs OK if I compile it as a separate VB application out side of SQL Server 2005.
When I am trying to call a function I made from a stored procedure of my creation as well I am getting:
Running [dbo].[DeleteSetByTime].
Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.TTLValue", or the name is ambiguous.
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Finished running [dbo].[DeleteSetByTime].
This is my function:
RETURN SELECT Settings.TTL FROM Settings WHERE Enabled='true'
This is my stored procedure:
SET @TTL = dbo.TTLValue()
DELETE FROM SetValues WHERE CreatedTime > dateadd(minute, @TTL, CreatedTime)
CreatedTime is a datetime column and TTL is an integer column.
I tried calling it by dbo.TTLValue(), dbo.MyDatabase.TTLValue(), [dbo].[MyDatabase].[TTLValue]() and TTLValue(). The last returned an error when saving it "'TTLValue' is not a recognized built-in function name". Can anybody tell me how to call this function from my stored procedure? Also, if anybody knows of a good book or site with tutorials on how to become a pro in T-SQL I will appreciate it.
I have this function in access I need to be able to use in ms sql. Having problems trying to get it to work. The function gets rid of the leading zeros if the field being past dosn't have any non number characters.For example:TrimZero("000000001023") > "1023"TrimZero("E1025") > "E1025"TrimZero("000000021021") > "21021"TrimZero("R5545") > "R5545"Here is the function that works in access:Public Function TrimZero(strField As Variant) As String Dim strReturn As String If IsNull(strField) = True Then strReturn = "" Else strReturn = strField Do While Left(strReturn, 1) = "0" strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 2) Loop End If TrimZero = strReturnEnd Function