Problem Conecting To The Same DB From Two Applications
Apr 7, 2006
I'm new to VB and SQL server. I have a windows forms application and a Web application that need to connect to the same database (Named WebCenter). But when I try to connect to it from the Web app while running the windows forms app this error message apears:
Unable to open the physical file "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataWebCenter_Data.MDF". Operating system error 32: "32(The process has no access to the file because is being used by another process).
Unable to open the physical file "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataWebCenter_Log.LDF". Operating system error 32: "32(The process has no access to the file because is being used by another process.)".
Cannot open database "WebCenter" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'CARLOS-PCASPNET'.
File activation failure. The physical file name "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataWebCenter_Log.LDF" may be incorrect.
Can anyone give me hand or point me in the right direction.
When i try to add a connection, as intructed in the tutorial video for visual basic 2008, it says "access to databasefile not allowed. [filename= c:program filesMicrosoft SQL server compact editionv3.5samplesorthwind.sdf"
Tried scrolling the forums for quite a while now, but can't seem to find anything helpfull, so please?
I want to connect over the internet to get data from clients.What wouldbe the easiest method and the most stable methos to do it1.Use a Point to Point prtotcol from the client pc and then upload thedata to our sql server2.Export the data from the clint pc in XML format and then Enter it inour computer.3.Have all clienst ftp the data in a dirctory and then upload the xmlfiles from the directory?Thanking you in anticipation.Would love it if we could discuss anddistribute our thoughts on this.Ajay
I downloaded sql express a couple of days ago, first time using it.
I want to connect to it from visual studio , but i get an error message.
I can connect to an access database fine.
The Message i get is as follows from within visual studio
'generating user instances in sql is disabled. use sp configure 'user instances enabled' to generate user instances.'
My problem is i dont know were to go to to do this/enable it, or even if i have downloaded enough of the sql express package as there was about 4 options.
I hope i have posted my queston in the correct place.
Hello, i'v installed a pogram that uses SQLEXpress and reporting sevices on a clients computer. I can acces the reports wih http://localhost/reports$SQLEXpress from that computer, but i can't reach them from other computers in the netwok by typing http://servername/reports$SQLEXpress i am asked to imput a pasword for user "servername/guest" (which i do not know and dont think there is one) and then get the following:
You are not authorized to view this page
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.
Please try the following:
Click the Refresh button to try again with different credentials. If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please contact the Web site administrator by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the preactor home page. HTTP 401.3 - Access denied by ACL on resource Internet Information Services What should i do to solve this problem?
I am using ASP.NET 2.0 login control. this control connect to ASPNET.MDF database. I built another application using windows service, and this application also connects to ASPNET.MDF database. problem is that the first application that connects to the database, locks the database, and so the other application cannot use the database untill the other application is closed. I am going on circles about this, and just don't know what to do. Please please please. love me do.
I have a SQLexpress db that i would like to be able to access from both a windows app and web app (both running on the same machine) at the same time. Is this possible. I've been able to connect either one or the other, but not both at the same time. Thanks
If there are 2 different web application connecting to a sql server database through ODBC connection, both of them have full privilege to update , create , add column etc. Would there any issues of SQL server impacts when actually on live.
Hi to all.. Does anyone know about some useful resources of programming Accounting and General Ledger applications..SQL scripts,books..etc. Thanks to all..
I am running SQL Server 2005 Dev x86 with SSRS SP1 on Windows2003 Svr SP1.
My SQL Server is running and SSRS is working. When I come to run certain installs though, my Server name is not present in the dropdowns or in the browse for installed server lists.
I entered the name of my SQL server manually, but when I ran the application, it gave me an error: 00250 unable to run dtabase locator service.
i am a computer sciences engineering student and and we have an assignment to create a web project with a database.
Our lecturers will store our submissions on a db server but they want our projects enable the restoring our own databases..
that is, they wanna be able to have a copy of our databases to a new db that they have just created.. and they want us to enable this feature in an install.aspx page in our project.. the new db is guaranteed that will have the same name as ours..
so now what i am supposed to include in install.aspx?
Hi All.. I have an 3 tier web applications and I want to use sql transactions but not in each class. Example : I have 3 clases who need to update each table in one transaction how I do use sql transactions. I try to do in this way but not work: sub cmdupdate_click dim a as new class1 dim b as new class2 dim c as new class3 dim cn as new sqlconnection...... .....transactions.... scripts =cn ...I pass the same connection via property to each class a.update b.update c.update Transaction...scripts to commit cn.closeend sub maybe that logic is incorrect. I dont now is my explain is clear.
There is a possibility of a unique database for various applications. Example users of a table that has the name, email, registro.Uma application included in a user table and other application also included in this table.
Our company wants to run web based application in folowing way.
Browser --> WebServer -->Sql Server
Sql server is part part of corporation domain and has about 25 more databases
Should we dedicate extra SQL server to run Web apps , or it would be safe to run web apps on corporation Sql Server? or If any one can point on links on this subject?. Thank you
What is the correct way to move applications from one server (2000) to another server(SQL 2005). I have to move all the databases as well as applications from one server to another.Here is my procedure: 1) Backup all 65 databases in first server(600GB total) 2)copy all the backup files from one server to another(destination) 3)Make all database(single user)and take transaction Log backup 4) Restore all database to destination server in norecovery mode and restore all transaction log in Recovery mode) 5)stop server 1 and point the application to another server
So how much downtime i have to face since it is 24/7 production server. and Can you please give the correct details so i can apply.
Hi All,During the past couple of years I have been maintaining the company'sAccess databases, in the coming weeks I will be migrating data to SQLserver, I will be using the Access forms as a frontend to access datawhile we developed a new front end through VB.Net.I was wondering if anyone will recommend an application that makes anexact replica or backup of the SQL server in the case the SQL serverfails. With MS Access, if a record is corrupted we needed to go backto the previous day backup of the database, we cant afford to havethis issue any longer.Regards,John
Hi there!I'm programming in delphi and new to querieng MS SQL Server. Is there a wayto monitor the queries sent to the server and something of the returns. Atleast execution time would be interesting ...Thx in advance,Fritz
I am looking for the right tools to do application monitoring.I'm hoping to find one single tool that can do the entire job but ifit does not exist then a few monitoring apps would do as well.I need the ability to do the standard things like testing for ping,checking for windows services running and restarting them after somethreshold is met, and wmi.Some of the more tricky things I need it to do are:* Parse log files looking for specific error codes, and the ability toset an alert only if it sees that error X times over some period oftime.* Run custom slq queries like row counts and max values returned froma query and if that condition is met X times over some period oftime.* Run an external app that does its own custom testing and act on itsresults, which could be to parse the result file from the app.Keep in mind cost is not the isssue right now - so this can befreeware to some type of enterprise solution that our company can use.Does anyone know of any tools that you can point me towards?Thanks...
I am presently tasked with improving the performance of a chatty application. What I mean by a chatty application is that the application makes multiple calls to the database server for each user request. In many cases it appears that many of the windows are making multiple calls to the database for the population of dialog boxes. In a couple of cases there are more than 10 dialog boxes that are populated similar to this.
To me this is kind of an "old issue", but my response is (1) cache the dialog information as much as possible and (2) make one call to the database to return all of this data for the dialog boxes if it is not cached. For update calls again make a single call to the database rather than making a call for each individual row of a table that is updated.
I admit that some of this will complicate the code of the application; however, my perspective is that I am supposed to look at this from the database perspective and not from the perspective of "programmer convenience." There will be times in which something that would otherwise get to hairy for a programmer will dictate an additional trip to the server, but this should not normally be the case.
I have created a C# Windows Forms application that can be run connected directly to SQL Server 2005 (publisher) for in-office users and to a SQL Express (subscriber) on a tablet PC for remote users. The server is set through configuration and the remote users sync using replication and it all works.
The issue I'm having is that I've found it necessary to install SQL Server management objects (SQLServer2005_XMO) on the clients who sit at desktops and never use replication or SMO. I believe this is because SMO has to be installed in the GAC and I can't just distribute the required dlls with my app.
Is there any way I can deploy this app to always connected users without installing SMO on their machines?
I have a windows application that uses a small MySql as its data source. I would like to convert it to SQL Express. I would like to continue to manage the data from the windows application, but would like to make it available to the web using Visual Web Developement. I can create the new database in VWD, but how do I access the data from my application? I can use either ODBC or ADO.
I am having a nightmare getting an answer about what type of licensing I will need for the standard addition of SQL Server 2005 for my application and wonder if anyone has any advice. As I see it its very simple, I have a web app that makes a connection to SQL via a connection string using a single username and password, no impersonation just straight SQL authentication. For this simple scenario I figured I would need to get a SQL 2005 license and then 1 Client access license (CAL), this being a nice affordable way of doing things BUT I am being told by different sources, that I may need to license on a per processor basis as any user of my web application, anonymous or otherwise needs a client access license and given that I don’t know how many users are going to access my website I would need to go for the larger outlay and purchase two standard processor license (my sql server is a dual processor machine). Can anyone tell me if this is the case, is a connection from a ASP.Net website to a SQL server for my website visitors regarded as a new client and therefore needs a client access license or the large investment of a per processor license? I would stick with SQL Express but at 4gigs max it won’t do the job. Thanks in advance.
_____________________________________________using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Configuration;
namespace BaResearch.Data.msSql {
public class Bid : SqlDataObject, IBid {
#region private member & variables
private int _BidID; private string _DateCreated; private string _CreatedBy;
private SqlDataAdapter sqlda = new SqlDataAdapter(); private SqlCommand _command; private SqlParameter[] _parameters = { new SqlParameter("@client",SqlDbType.NVarChar), new SqlParameter("@contact",SqlDbType.NVarChar), new SqlParameter("@sponsor",SqlDbType.NVarChar), new SqlParameter("@priority",SqlDbType.NVarChar), new SqlParameter("@bidstatus",SqlDbType.NVarChar), };
#region public member variables - stored procedures
public virtual DataSet List(string filter) { DataSet result = new DataSet();
_command = new SqlCommand(); _command.Connection = this.Connection; _command.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM bids_view_listall WHERE (clientname like @value) or (contactname like @value) or (sponsor like @value) ORDER BY datecreated DESC"; _command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
public string Client { get { return _Client; } set { _Client = value; } }
public string Contact { get { return _Contact; } set { _Contact = value; } }
public string Sponsor { get { return _Sponsor; } set { _Sponsor = value; } }
public string Priority { get { return _Priority; } set { _Priority = value; } }
public string BidStatus { get { return _BidStatus; } set { _BidStatus = value; } }
#region Properties
public int BidID { get { return _BidID; } set { _BidID = value; } }
public string DateCreated { get { return _DateCreated; } set { _DateCreated = value; } }
public string CreatedBy { get { return _CreatedBy; } set { _CreatedBy = value; } }
Am I on a right path? I will greatly appreciate in any comments or suggestions for a design. I am creating an n-tier application and i don't know if my design is right. I dont have the proper schooling for creating this kind of applications and I am still on layer of data access and business logic.
Hi; I have an ASP.NET application with a SQL Express database.Here is the connection string used on the web application:"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|admindata.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" Now, i create a Windows application which will run on the server to perform some scheduled tasks, for the Windows application I used this connection string:"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:WebSitesmywebsite.comwwwApp_Dataadmindata.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"The problem is, when the web site is running and using the database, the windows application can't connect to the database and i don't know where i'm doing wrong, if it's the web application connection string or, if it's the windows application connection string. I hope someone had the same experience and can point me to a direction. Thank you;Emerson Brito
Good morning,After long hours of search on the subject, I could not find a clear answer to my question.I understand what are ths physical limit fo the express version (1Gb or Ram, 4Gb database, 64 bit WOW).My configuration is as follow, windows webserver 64bit, I have 4 database of 10Mb each for 4 web-application. The maximum concurent connection is a total fo about 8 for all the web-application together.Therefore due to the cost of buying a workgroup of standard license, I was hoping to be able to use the express edition.Please let me know your thought.ThanksArno
If I'm wanting to sell my Web Applications to clients that run using SQL Server, is it best to use a UserID and Password in the connection string, or would using Windows Integrated Security (SSPI) do? The reason I'm wondering is because I wouldn't know my customer's UserID and Password when they purchased one of my web apps, I would have to recompile the app with the new connection string (I'm not storing it in the web.config file)..
What is the best way to handle this on a global level, so that it would work on any system?
for example, would having the following connection string be a good idea for a production site?