Problem Connecting To SQL Server On Vista

Dec 19, 2007

I have two computers each with SQL Server Developer edition on them. Each is set up identically with remote connections enabled. Once machine is running Vista Business the other is running XP Pro SP2. From the Vista machine I can connect to the instance on the XP machine but I cannot connect to the Vista instance through the XP machine. I keep getting the error that indicates SQL Server isn€™t set up for remote connections even though it is. There is obviously some access problem that is due to Vista but I have no idea what it might be.

Thanks for any help you might provide.

Dane R. Vinson
PS I wasn't totally sure of the correct forum to post this but it seems like it might be a setup issue.

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Connecting To SQL Server 2000 Via VB6 Program On Vista

Jul 18, 2007

I am having difficulty connecting to SQL Server 2000 on one of ourservers via a VB6 program on Vista. I can connect fine to a differentserver, but it gives me the following error with the server inquestion:"Unable to connect to database. Please check your internet connectionError# -2147467259[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist oraccess denied"Using the program, I am able to access the database just fine whilerunning on Windows XP, but when I run the program on Vista, it givesme that error message for that server. If I change the connectionstring to a different server address, it works fine on Vista. Whatdifferences in the servers might cause this?Here is my connection string:"driver={SQL Server};Server=ipaddress;Uid=userID;Pwd=pwd;databa se=db"

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SQL Server Express And Vista Connecting Issues...

Jul 13, 2007

Alright I glanced over the forums to see if there was an answer for this and I didn't see one. I saw a few similar issues however nothing that fixes my issue. Here is my problem.

I installed SQL Server 2005 Express on my Vista partition along with Visual C# Express. For some reason I cannot get the SQL Server 2005 Express to function correctly. Back when installed this on XP it worked flawlessly, and I don't even recall doing anything special...I installed it and it worked. I do know that you have to manually add the user account to the admin list for the SQL server on Vista, and I did that. I chose the option to have it do it during installation as well as through the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration just to be sure.

I am just trying to get the basics of it working right, and that is connecting to the server using C# and filling a shouldn't be this hard. This morning when I started with this I could connect and fill my DataSet programmatically however it wouldn't pass the test through the Data Source Configuration Wizard. When I did it manually, as I said it worked and filled the DataSet with the info I asked for below in the code sample. After getting annoyed by it not working through the wizard I decided that maybe I had my permissions wrong and I may have messed up when installing it. So I uninstalled everything to do with SQL Server 2005 and reinstalled it fresh.

This time when I installed it I made sure to set it up to use Windows Authentication. Now it will pass the Test in the Data Source Configuration Wizard and everything is working by doing it that way. However now it doesn't work when I do it manually with the code below(same code as before when it When I use the code below it crashes with the error: "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)". When I go through it with the debugger it throws that error at the call dataAdapter.Fill(...). The code is the following:

Code Snippet

string connStr = "server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes;database=northwind";

string commandStr = "Select CompanyName, ContactName from Customers";

SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(commandStr, connStr);

DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "Customers");

DataTable dataTable = dataSet.Tables[0];

foreach(DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows)


" ("+dataRow["ContactName"]+")");

Why doesn't that work yet I can basically ask for the same information and it will work if I do it through the wizard? If it works 1 way I wouldn't think there could be any issues with the server being accessed remotely, right?


Danny B

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Connecting To SQL Server Express 2005 From Vista

Jan 18, 2007

Hi all,

I am having problems with connecting to a SQL Express server running on server 2003. I can connect with the program concerned from a windows xp client without problems. I cannot however connect from a vista machine using the software. In the logs i see the client trying to logon, wich fails with Login failed for user: 'user'. [client: clientIP] severity 14 state 8. On the vista client i have tried everything from disabling the firewall, windows defender, running the app as admin etc. I can connect using sqlcmd or the management tools with the username the app is using. This is a SQL user, we are not using windows users to connect to the DB.I also ran a app like ethereal to see what is happening packet wise, i see the login failed packet on a windows client, from a XP client everything seems fine and it starts using RPC.

Any help appreciated,


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Connecting To An External SQL 2000 Server From A Vista Machine With SQL 2005 Installed

Nov 26, 2006

hi there - I'm praying someone here can shed some light on this - after many google and web searches, I have found users with similar issues, but have yet to find a solution.
Problem: I have recently upgraded my desktop from Windows XP to Windows Vista Ultimate (clean install) and have migrated my local machine to SQL Server 2005. However I have a number of .Net projects that access databased on another server running SQL Server 2000 - prior to my upgrade to Vista, I was running SQL Server 2000 on my desktop as well. During the install, everything seemed to go well, and I also installed the SQL Server 2005 Service pack as instructed via the MSDN site.  However, when attempting to test my .net projects on my desktop pc (ie visit http://localhost), I encounter the error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
 note that the server I am attempting to connect TO is the old SQL 2000 server - NOT 2005.  I specify my connection info in the web.config - and it points to an external ip address on the web.
Can anyone shed some light on this?  I've tried enabling remote access on my local SQL 2005 install, but I'm fairly sure thats for servers that want to connect to my desktop, rather than my desktop attempting to connect to external servers. Any help is greatly appreciated - I'm pulling my hair out over trying to figure this out! :)
 To summarize my setup (if it helps)
Desktop PC:Windows Vista (Ultimate)SQL Server 2005Visual Studio 2005II 7.0.Net 2.0 (ASP.Net Application)
External Server (co-located at a datacenter)Windows Server 2003SQL Server 2000IIS 6.0.Net 2.0 (ASP.Net Application)
 Much appreciated,

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Connecting To SQL Express On Vista Issues

May 21, 2008

I'm having issues talking to Vista Sql Express, but selectivly.

The following diagram shows you what works, and what doesn't :

As you can see, the Vista/Express server is running - has all the required connectivity enabled, however we cannot talk from the Windows Server 2003 SQL to the Vista SQL.

The error that is given suggests issues with remote access enabling on Vista - but this is working alsoVista's firewall turned off (We can connect to it).

All machines are on the same subnet, behind the same firewall - Neptune and Headoffice are on a domain, Neptune points to Headoffice for DNS, Headoffice forwards DNS requests to the same DNS all other machines use.

File sharing and Ping work from Headoffice to Neptune ... just can't get SQL connection to work.

Any help appreciated.


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Bad Error Message Connecting To SSCE V3.5 From Orcas Beta 1 In SSMSX SP2 Under Vista

May 12, 2007

I'm receiving a bad error message when attempting to connect to SSCE .sdf files installed by Orcas Beta 1 (e.g., Northwind.sdf from the ...v3.5Samples folder) and created by the Orcas Beta 1 Sync Designer with SQL Management Studio Express SP2 (version 9.00.3042.00).

The message is:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.5SamplesNorthwind.sdf.


You are trying to access an older version of a SQL Server Compact Edition database. If this is a SQL Server CE 1.0 or 2.0 database, run upgrade.exe. If this is a SQL Server Compact Edition 3.0 or later database, run Compact / Repair. [ Db version = 3505053,Requested version = 3004180,File name = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.5SamplesNorthwind.sdf ] (SQL Server Compact Edition ADO.NET Data Provider)


Obviously 3505053 is a newer than SSCE 3004180, not earlier. I don't understand why SSMSX SP2 would request a specific version and refuse to open the latest version.

I don't recall having this problem with SSMSX SP2 and VS Orcas March CTP under Windows Server 2003 (March CTP wasn't certified for Vista).

VS Orcas Beta 1's Server Explorer can open the .sdf files and display their content but won't execute DDL commands against them.

There also is what I believe to be a related problem with the Sync Designer failing to add LastEdited and CreatedDate fields to the .sdf files (see Sync Designer/SSCE Version Problems with Orcas Beta 1 in the Sync Services forum.


VS Orcas

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Cannot Install SQL Server Express On Vista Ultimate - Cannot Find MS SQL Server Native Client

Apr 5, 2007

I am trying to install SQL Server Express - (the non ADV version) and get the following error.

"An installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'sqlncli_x64.msi'".

I have 64 bit Vista Ultimate running on an HP dv9000.

I am using the download from the bottom of the download page for SSX where it says 64 bit version.

Prior to this I got the. "64-bit is registered. Required 32-bit ASP.NET to install Microsoft Reporting services 2005(32-bit)." messagd during the pre-install scan. From what I gather in the posts, the reporting issue is different from my installation package problem.

I have been trying to prove a point to friends about how far you can go with SSX but am having no luck installing it. This whole process took 1 hour in XP but I've been stymied for 2 days.

I would appreciate being pointed at the right downloads for what seems to be a simple install.

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Transerfering Development From MS SQL Server Windows2003 Server To SQL Express On A Vista Machine?

Mar 23, 2008

Hi all Pros I am transfering from windows2003 server and MS SQL 2000 to Windows Vista and SQL Express ...... Before I allways created a database manually and I could allways use as many databases I needed so in that way I could have several versions of a database for a certain software during development. Can you use separeted databasenames when developing in SQL Express? I am using a dotnetnuke installation file and inside the project there is a file /App_Data/Database.mdf should this file be renamed everytime I make a new testinstallation or setting up a separate dev environment /Johan
[Moderator Edit: unrelated links removed from post body.]

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SQL Server Compact Edition Server Tools Setup Error On Vista

Oct 21, 2007

SQL Server 2005 SP2 Replication

I am having problems installing the SQL Server Compact Server Tools on my
Vista laptop to allow me to connect my Mobile Device running SQL Server
Compact directly to my SQL Server 2005 database through IIS.

I have done this successfully with an XP machine so I'm not sure if it is
Vista problem or not.

I have installed SQL Server 2005 SP2. When I try to install the replication
server tools (Sqlce30setupen.msi), in "System Configuration Check" window I get a failure on "SQL Server requirement" that says: "You must first install the Replication Components for SQL Server 2000 SP 3a
or higher or the SQL Server 2005 Replication Components" and the client components are full instaled in my computer.

I need help for detect and correct the problem.

Alonso Junior

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Can't Connect To Local Server Instance MSSQLSERVER In SQL Server Management Studio (SQL2005 Sp2/Vista)

Apr 7, 2007

Can't connect to local server instance MSSQLSERVER in SQL Server Management Studio (SQL2005 sp2/Vista).

SQL Server Configuration Manager reports SQL Server2005 services: SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) Running. This would indicate the name of the SQL server is "MSSQLSERVER" correct? I chose "default" instance during the install and that is the name it gave itself.

I tried connecting to the server using the following for the Server Name: MSSQLSERVER and .MSSQLSERVER neither works.

The only thing that works for my installation is just plain "." (no quotes) and nothing else. Can this be correct because I can't find any reference to this. Thanks.

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SQL Server On Vista

Aug 14, 2007

I am trying to install SQL Server Enterprise 2005 on Windows Vista Enterprise.
The installation has finished "successfully", but when I am trying to open the MS SQL manager, I see that the manager has not installed.

How can I fix it?
Thanks, Idan.

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SQL Server On Vista Please Help

Mar 20, 2008

Hi all,
I'm a part time Web Developer and have recently upgraded to Vista Ultimate. I used to run SQL Server 2000 on XP without a hitch. Obviously I have had to upgrade to SQL Server 2005 to get it to run on Vista, I see Microsoft provide the free SQL Server Express, I tried that but I could not get it to connect to any databases out on the internet. (is this correct?)

So I downloaded the SQL Server 2005 Evaluation, installed then ran the Service Pack over the top. Now my problem is that I dont seem to have any access to anything that looks like a Management console for me to connect to any datatbases.

In my Start/All Programs list I have Microsoft Server 2005 but it only has a shortcut to Configuration tools, nothing else!

Even in Express there was a shortcut to some sort of interface that allowed me to setup DB's etc, but I can't find it in this version.

I am used to using Enterprise Manager from 2000 could someone please advise me on what I need to run or if I have missed installing something or have downloaded the incorrect version or something!

Any help would be great and have a great Easter!

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SQL Server 2005 Setup Of 2 Vista Machines, Can't Get Individual Network Login Accounts To Work On Each Others SQL Server

Apr 16, 2008

Hello all,

I have 2 networked PC's both running vista ultimate

1st is Laptop and is running its own SQL Server at laptoplaptopSQL
2nd is Desktop and is running its own SQL Server at desktopdesktopSQL

Now both machines have seperate windows login accounts.

When I go SQL Server management studio I go to browse and each machine can see the other machines SQL Server, but when I go to login I get SQL Login falied for users" The user is not associaed with a trusted SQL server connection".

So I then go to logins new login and try to add my other pc's user account.
The problem I see is that when I go to search and then location it only shows its own PC's location and not the location of my other networked pc? So if I am on Desktop and in my theory want to add laptopuser to the desktop SQL Server logins I get:

"create failed for login laptopuser

An exception occurred while executing Transact SQL statement laptopuser is not a valid windows NT name. give the complete name

Not sure on where to go from here.

Any help would be great

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Sql Server Reporting Services On Vista(sql Server 2005 Setup)

Mar 26, 2008

I have visual studio 2008 sql express, vista ultimate is on my computer however I have not installed sql express on my computer
I wish to install sql standard 2005 sp1 I have read microsoft's article 934164 before installing sql standard
I have a couple of questions installing sql server standard edition see -installing
sql 2005

sql instances screen- can I choose default installation?
sql services screen do I need to choose domain name(I am a small business, I do not own a server, I wish to
use a third party to use sql reporting services . I have not registered my domain name

Windows authentication- I wish to use mixed mode.
I wish to configure user account later by stopping sql services and then installing sql sp2 (after windows
authentication screen)
described in microsoft article 934164
do I need to configure the server?(next screen after windows authentication)
I want to avoid a system reboot......
Is there anyway that I can make sure all the parts are installed on sql server and sql sp2?
Is it adviseable to configure my administrative account at the end of sql sp2?
How do this work? I just want to be prepared......
Thank you

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SQL Server Compact Edition Server/IIS7 && Vista Incompatibility

Mar 20, 2007


We are currently having a problem with a client running Vista business for a mobile application that uses SQLCE RDA with the Web Synchronization on IIS7.

I have run through the Configure Web Synchronization Wizard and it doesn't create a virtual directory. I manually create the virtual dir and point it to the new folder the Configure Web Synchronization Wizard created.

Browsing to the url "http://localhost/sqlce/sqlcesa30.dll" gives a valid test string.

Here is the ?diag response...
SQL Server Mobile Server Agent Diagnostics
2007/03/20 15:39:49

General Information


Server Name


Authentication Type

Server Port


Server Software



Logging Level

Impersonation and Access Tests


Impersonate User


SQL Server Mobile Modules Test




Reconciler Test


9.0 Database Reconciler

8.0 Database Reconciler

SQL Server Module Versions



9.0 replrec.dll

9.0 replprov.dll

9.0 msgprox.dll

8.0 replrec.dll

8.0 replprov.dll

8.0 msgprox.dll
When a Windows Mobile or Pocket PC device tries to do a ServerExecute or Push or Pull it gets this error message with SQLOLEDB ...

HResult = -2147467259
Message = " [ 600 ]"
NativeError = 29022
numericErrorParameters = {600,0,0}
Source = "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition"

Which roughly translates to from the header file ...

#define SSCE_M_INCORRECTPROVIDERVERSION 29022 // The version of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server is not correct. Install MDAC 2.8 or later. [,,,Version,,]

When a Windows Mobile or Pocket PC device tries to do a ServerExecute
or Push or Pull it gets this error message with SQLNCLI ...

HResult = -2147467259

Message = " [ 9 ]"

NativeError = 29022

numericErrorParameters = {9,0,0}

Source = "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition"

A very similar error.

From this it seems that both SQLCE 2 and 3 seem to want MDAC 2.8+ drivers. The drivers installed with Vista for SQL Native client seem to be versioned 6.0.* and the required versioning would seem to need to be in line with MDAC 2.8.

Are there installable drivers to bump the versioning of SQLNCLI or SQLOLEDB upto MDAC 2.8+ levels?

Or is there an alternative that will make it possible to run SQLCE RDA apps with Vista as the SQLCE server (i.e. sqlcesa30.dll)?



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Sql Server And Vista Ultimate 64 Bit

May 27, 2007

I want to install Sql server 2005 or Express on my Machine.I have Vista Ultimate 64 Bit operating System.
Does Sql Server 2005 or Express will work with my vista!?I hear, people using Vista and sql express, and 2005. But I still don't know if its going to work.
Does Sql Server supports 64 bit Operating Systems!? Or I still need to use some ServicePack From Sql Team.
Any Ideas!?
Thanks Antony.

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SQL Server Compatibility With Vista

May 13, 2008


I am trying to install SQL server 2000 on my laptop which has vista as OS. I am not able to install it , somehow it fails. Can anyone please suggest me how can i accomplish this.



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Cannot Connect To Server In Vista

Jul 3, 2007


I am new to SQL server 2005 and Windows Vista. I installed SQL server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 SP2. It seems that I get a "cannot connect to server" problem. I see the "Connect to server" popup window when hit the "Connect Object explorer" under the file menu or "Connect database Engine" under the Object explorer pane. Trying to see a Server name I recognized there was nothing there. Tried "browse for more" but It seems that no servers can be found at all.

I logged into Windows Vista with my account (with administrator rights, but not the Main Administrator account itself). I also tried SQL Server 2005 User Provisioning Tool for Vista, but it cannot find no instances in the "Available Privilegies" window.

I read a lot on forums on the net, but what is the best solution to use for this situation? Maybe I shall log on with the Main Admin Account and install again? Or is there better ways? Please can someone give me the best practices for this topic?

Thanks in advance!


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Vista / SQL Server Issue

Jan 23, 2008

Vista forces us to install SQL Server as an administrator.

If we log in as a non-administrator we can't see or connect to the database from our application.

Any ideas?

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Installing Sql Server On Vista

Sep 7, 2007

Hi Guys,

I m a beginner to sql server 2000 or 2005 .i want to install sql server on my PC (windows vista).can you please tell me how to download and install the sql server.i want to practise some procedures and sql statements.can you please guide me what should i download (server and client).

Thanks in advance

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Vista And Sql Server 2005

May 26, 2007

Hello everyone and thanks in advance for any help. After converting to Vista Ultimate I confess I haven't been able to get sql running right period. The sp just released doesn't update the actual msqlserver file. Any help would be appreciated. I also have VS 2005 installed. I would like this to work as I am learning VB and lots of new stuff about web design. Again, thanks in advance for any help...


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SQL Server 2005 On VISTA

Jul 3, 2007

I am having real problems connecting to SQL Server (Express) 2005 when running Visual Studio 2005. I keep getting the following error:
(provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified).
I have checked through serveral forums and have done the following to no avail.

SQLBrowser server is running.
In Surface area config, remote & Local connections are enabled for TCPIP/and named pipes.
To rule out firewall issues I turned off my firewall (Norton 360) and windows defender - I checked that the windows firewall was off too.
Both VS05 and SQL Server Management studio are both run using admin priviledges.
Visual Studio and SQL Server are on the same laptop.
I can connect to SQL Server Express via VS05 Server Explorer, I only get this error while running my ASP.Net program.
My connection string is as follows:
<add key="Main.OracleConnectionString" value="data source=FENASD;user id=fenas;password=xxxx;persist security info=false;"/>
I have used to logon details to confirm that I can log into the DB using the Management Studio.
Any ideas for what else I can try??

Thanks Ash...

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SQL Server 2005 And Vista X64

Jan 16, 2007

Hi guys!

This is sort of an SQL Server question...

I have an opportunity to install Vista on my machine and I'm wondering which version I should install if I plan on doing development on SQL Server 2005 and VS 2005.

Should I install Vista x64 or x86? Is there a significant performance increase when running x64 (I have an Intel E6400 and 2 GB RAM).

Thanks in advance guys!!!

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SQL Server 2005 SP2 For Vista

Mar 26, 2007

hi all, does the SQL Server 2005 SP2 install work for Vista? I'm running Business Edition and

I have a Geographic Information systems (GIS) application from ESRI (ArcGIS) that installed

SQL Server 2005 express on my desktop to manage geodatabases, so theoretically SP2 should

install OK? Anyone else out there using SQL Server on Vista with similar issues?

thanks in advance


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SQL Server Unable To Connect On Vista

Aug 13, 2007

I have a problem that unble to connect the SQL Server2005 on Vista OS. After searching solution around but still not able to find the solution for me problem.
The Error was Error 26,
provider:SQL network interfaces, error:26 - error locating server/instance specified
Is any1 facing the problem on this? Any solution for this case?

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Vista Sql Server Express Sp2 Issues

Dec 24, 2007

I am having issues with adding a new database in vwd 2008 as i keep getting the error
“Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.�
 I have tried most of the tips on the net already including changing SQLEXPRESS Built-in account to Local System instead of Network Service, running as a administrator and going into surface area to add new admin and adding priveledges to my account. None of these have helped.
I can create a database in the management studio but can't create it in vwd and also the applications doesn't run either. can anyone help as i have no idea what to do.

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Help Please To Install SQL Server 2005 Under Vista

Apr 19, 2008

I am unable to make SQL Server 2005 work under Vista. As soon as I try to register a server I get a message saying error 40. It does not seem as straightforward as SQL 2000. Under Registered servers I can see a green arrow and a local instance called paul-pc....
I have no idea what credentials to put into the login properties. I am from an Access background so this is new to me.
I would appreciate it if someone can talk me through the process 

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Accessing SQL Server 2005 Through Vista

May 10, 2007

I just bought a new HP laptop that has Vista installed. Not happy about the OS but it is what it is...

I need to use Enterprise Manager, or an equivalent, to access a remote server, running SQL 2005.

With XP, I always installed and used SQL Server 2000 Client features.

Vista does not play well with SQL 2000 so I am looking for an alternative to simply be able to access, and perform DTS functions, a remote SQL 2005 system.

Does SQL Server 2005 Express offer client alias features?

Can anyone recommend another approach or product?

Thank you,


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SQL Server Connection Error In Vista

Nov 6, 2007

Hi friends....

Plz help me out in the problem mentioned below....

Our server is Windows 2003...Sql server is SQL SERVER2000...I am trying to register this sql server from a local machine...It is showing the erroe

"SQL server registration failed because of the connection failuredisplayed below.Do you wish to register anyway?
SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
ConnectionOpen (Connect()) "

TCP/IP and Named Pipes are the enabled protocols in Both Server and Client network Utilities.

Local machine configuration is

OS- Windows vista Business...
SQL- SQL Server 2000 client

I am able to connect from other local machines which is having windows 2000 as OS.

Also I am able to register from the windows vista machine to another sql server which is having Windows 2000 OS. connection problem is only happening when I am trying to connect to Windows 2003 server.

Please help me as I am having urgency to resolve this.

Thanks in Advance


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SQL Server Certified For Vista And MS SharePoint

Oct 29, 2007


I have (2) questions about SQL versions and (1) question about "Standard Log Sizing" for SharePoint directory. I am pretty sure about SQL 2000 versions "Not being Certified".

1) Which versions of MS SQL Server 2000 and 2005 are certified to run on Vista?

2) Which versions of MS SQL Server 2000 and 2005 are certified to run on Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)?

3) What should the "Standard Log Sizing" be for MS SharePoint Server drive be? Or is there an actual standard?

Thank you.

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Installing SQL Server 2005 On Vista

Mar 6, 2008


I'm about to purchase a new development laptop and want to ensure I won't have any issues installing SQL Server 2005 on Windows Vista.

I can see from that it is possible but states that SQL Server 2005 SP2 must be installed.

My install CD is for SQL Server Developer Edition without SP1 or SP2. Will I be able to install off this and then install SP2 afterwards or will I encounter problems because I need SP2 present on the install media?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Registering SQL Server Possible Vista Problem

Mar 10, 2008

Dear All,

My office computer just had Vista installed on it and while going back through to re-install my software, I have encountered a problem in SQL Server 8.0. (Yes, I know it's old and likely has comparability issues with Vista, but I don't have the option to upgrade at this point.) I have two servers to register. One works fine, but the other won't register and returns the error "SQL Server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect())". I am able to register these on machines running XP and Windows Server 2003, but not on my Vista machine. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

Thank you!

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