Problem Creating View For Cube

Jan 30, 2004

Anyone see a problem with creating this view for a cube??

The error I get seems to be in line 8 with the sum function, but I see nothing wrong with it.

ELSE ISNULL(CarType, 'Not Known')
END AS CarType,
ELSE ISNULL(Color, 'Not Known')
END AS Color
SUM(Amount) AS TotalAmt
FROM Inventory

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Analysis :: Creating Cube With AMO - Cube Has No Measure Groups?

May 19, 2015

I have problems creating a cube with AMO.

I can add the cube to the database object and fill it with dimensions and a measuregroup (see code below).

If I call cube.Update() it says something like "Error in meta data manager. Cube has no measuregroups." (getting the message in german language)

The error in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException.Results.Messages is -1055653629

I can't find any documentation about this (or any other) error code in Microsoft documentation.

Here's my Code:

Cube newCube = database.Cubes.Add("MyCube","MyCube");
newCube.Language = 1031;
newCube.Collation = "Latin1_General_CI_AS";
CubeDimension dim = newCube.Dimensions.Add("dim1","dim1","dim1");
CubeAttribute attrib = dim.Attributes.Find("dim1Attr1");


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Creating Index On A View To Prevent Multiple Not Null Values - Indexed View?

Jul 23, 2005

I am looking to create a constraint on a table that allows multiplenulls but all non-nulls must be unique.I found the following script works fine, but the following lineCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX idx1 ON v_multinulls(a)appears to use indexed views. I have run this on a version of SQLStandard edition and this line works fine. I was of the understandingthat you could only create indexed views on SQL Enterprise Edition?

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Creating A Cube...and Some ?'s

Jan 26, 2004

1.Create a table. The table must contain four columns of your choice and at least ten rows. Create a meaningful example of your own. The last column in the table must be a quantity. Provide output showing your CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements. Also include output showing their successful execution.

2.Create a ROLL-UP query using the table you created in problem #1 Provide output showing your SELECT statements and the resulting output rows. Next use the TRANSCT SQL help function of SQL Server and write definitions of the following SQL statements:

3.Create a CUBE query using the table you created in problem #1 Provide output showing your SELECT statements and the resulting output rows.

4.Create the following CUBE queries using the table you created in problem #1. Provide output showing your SELECT statements and the resulting output rows.
a.A CUBE query with Grouping used to distinguish Null values.
b.A CUBE query showing a multidimensional cube.
c.A CUBE query created using a view. For this problem you must not only create your view but query it and display the results.

5.Create one example of a query using COMPUTE and one example of a query using COMPUTE BY. These queries should use the table you created in problem #1 Provide output showing your SELECT statements and the resulting output rows.

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Calling A Stored Procedure From A View OR Creating A #tempTable In A View

Aug 24, 2007

Hi guys 'n gals,

I created a query, which makes use of a temp table, and I need the results to be displayed in a View. Unfortunately, Views do not support temp tables, as far as I know, so I put my code in a stored procedure, with the hope I could call it from a View....

I tried:

EXEC pr_MyProc

and unfortunately, it does not let this run.

Anybody able to help me out please?


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Dynamically Creating Cube

Jun 21, 2005

Hi guys

I'm investigating whether if its possible to Dynamically create a cube. Then Process this cube before exporting it to a .cub file.

I know that DTS in sqlserver is able to process a cube given at a scheduled time interval. But I'm not sure how I can export a cube to a offline .cub file dynamically. The only way that i know to create a .cub file is via PivotTable in Excel.

Any help in pointing me to the right direction is appreciated.

Thankyou :)

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Regarding Creating Cube In SQL Server 2005

Jun 23, 2008


We wish to create cube in SQL Server 2005,
where we can create a cube using query.

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Analysis :: Cube XML Is Different Than Design View

Aug 4, 2015

I have a cube. Its xml is different at some point than its design view. Suppose for some dimension and its attributes, source table is different than what it showing in the properties window for them..

Is this possible? How to read cube xml because there are repeating tags in it. There are two type if dimension tags.. one has only attributed and other has all properties.

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Creating Offline Cube From Excel 2007

May 17, 2008

When I try to create an Offline cube from Excel 2007 I get the following error message. This used to work but I cannot figure out what to loo for.

Code Snippet
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 2005 :
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: XML for Analysis parser: The 'CreatedTimestamp' read-only element at line 1,
column 38747 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Cubes/Cube/Scripts/MdxScript was
ignored.; XML for Analysis parser: The 'LastSchemaUpdate' read-only element at line 1, column 38803 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Cubes/Cube/Scripts/MdxScript was
ignored.; XML for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 4554
(namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 17325 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 57387 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 60047 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 62847 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 65497 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 72718 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 75425 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.;
Errors in the metadata manager. The attribute hierarchy for the Month attribute cannot be created because a
hierarchy with the same ID or name already exists..

Can somebody advice my on what to look for? Thx!

The attribute hierarchy for the Month attribute cannot be created because a hierarchy with the same ID or name already exists. ----- There is no other Month?


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Problem Creating Multivalue Parameters With An OLAP Cube

Jan 21, 2008

I am using a 2005 SSAS cube as a datasource for 2005 SSRS report with multivalue parameters. I use the design mode query builder to generate my MDX. I then add my parameter to my parameter field in the filters section. The name and value of the parameter in the dataset editor is as follows:

Name: FacilityFacilityNumber
Parameter: Parameters!FacilityFacilityNumber.Value

I then proceed to layout mode and then open up report parameters. I then check the multivalue box and select non-queried available values. I choose non-queried radio button because I want my asp page to be passing in the parameters, not a dropdown list.

The problem is that when I try and preview the report and I type in just one parameter I get the following:
"Query (1, 437) The restrictions imposed by the CONTRAINED flag in the STROSET function were violoated"

After looking through a couple of forums I found that adding the following Parameter value in the data tab and dataset editor would help me out a bit:
"[Facility].[Facility Number].&["+Parameters!FacilityFacilityNumber.Value+"]"

Ok so now (in layout mode) I type in one parameter and I get a report back, BUT when I try to type in a second or more parameter I get the same error as before:
"Query (1, 437) The restrictions imposed by the CONTRAINED flag in the STROSET function were violoated"

Here is the MDX query that I am using for this report:

SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Claim Count], [Measures].[Item Reasons Count], [Measures].[Charged Amount] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Facility].[Facility Number].[Facility Number].ALLMEMBERS * [Claim Status Codes].[CLaim Status Code].[CLaim Status Code].ALLMEMBERS * [Claim Status Codes].[Claim Status Description].[Claim Status Description].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@FacilityFacilityNumber, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Claims Remittance]) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS

Please, if anybody know's what I am doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it.......I have to have my report accept non-queried multivalued parameters. Thanks

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Analysis :: Creating OLAP Cube / Dimension In Visual Studio ERRORS

May 15, 2015

When I want to create a dimension i always end showing up errors below:

<Batch xmlns="">
  <Process xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ddl2="" xmlns:ddl2_2=""

[Code] ...

Errors and Warnings from Response
    Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully.
    The following system error occurred:
    Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'DB LAB2', Name of 'DB LAB2'.

[Code] .....

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Analysis :: Changing Ssas Cube Form-view Background Color?

May 13, 2015

I want to change the color of the ssas cube calculated member in formview from red background to white or back to default color settings. This also includes changing the text color back to default. What properties do I have to change?

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Analysis :: How To Save Parameter From A Report Created In Browse View Under Cube

Nov 10, 2015

After connected to Analysis Services and following the path below:

Analysis Service - Databases - Cubes

I create the parameters for a custom report after right click on a specific Cube and select Browse to arrive at a view where i can define dimensions and parameters as well as drag and drop measure to the report rows and columns. The left top File bottom only give me a Save Selection or Save ALL option. However, i'm not sure where it saves it to or if it saves the settings for this custom report at all.

I pull this report monthly and it's a pain to recreate all the parameters. How to save this template for future pulls or maybe even incorporate the pull into excel for monthly refresh instead?

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Creating A View Help

Aug 6, 2007

i have a table which has 2 columns 1 'report'  2 'part'
now in my 'report' cloumn i have # with 6 digits ex. '111111' and 'part' has '1, 2, 3, 4, 50'
i want to create a view that will put them together in format like this:
1111110003 .. and on
it needs to be in 10 digits.
is there anyway i can create a View or may be a column in the table which can create the #'s in this format.

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Creating A View

Dec 5, 2005

What are some possible purposes of creating a view and how can it be used to reinforce data security. What description of circumstances can be used for a view to save re-programming?

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Help With Creating View

Apr 16, 2008

Hi All,

I have a sql command with temporary tables, but whenever I am trying to create a view with temporary tables
I am getting an error as below:

"Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with ‘#’ denote temporary tables."

Please anybody let me know is it possible to create a view with temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.If not, then is their any way how I can create a view with temporary tables.

Thank You

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Help With Creating View

Apr 16, 2008

Hi All,

I have a sql command with temporary tables, but whenever I am trying to create a view with temporary tables
I am getting an error as below:

"Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with ‘#’ denote temporary tables."

Please anybody let me know is it possible to create a view with temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.If not, then is their any way how I can create a view with temporary tables.

Thank You

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Need Help With Creating View

Jul 23, 2005

I need to create a view that scores a research assessment. So I havequestions 1 through 10, but the problem is that Q3 and Q5-10 have to berecoded so that if the response is 3, it becomes 0, 2=1, 1=2 and 0=3.So this is what I have. I keep getting an error message that there is"incorrect syntax near the keyword THEN". I don't know which "THEN" itis referring to (or all of them)?? HELP! I am new to this.CREATE VIEW name ASSELECT ID, DATE, TOTAL=Q1+Q2+CASE WHEN (Q3=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q3=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q3=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q3=3 THEN0)+Q4+CASE WHEN (Q5=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q5=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q5=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q5=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q6=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q6=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q6=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q6=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q7=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q7=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q7=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q7=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q8=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q8=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q8=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q8=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q9=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q9=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q9=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q9=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q10=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q10=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q10=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q10=3THEN 0) ENDFROM tablename

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Help With Creating View

Apr 16, 2008

Hi All,

I have a sql command with temporary tables, but whenever I am trying to create a view with temporary tables
I am getting an error as below:

"Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with €˜#€™ denote temporary tables."

Please anybody let me know is it possible to create a view with temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.If not, then is their any way how I can create a view with temporary tables.

Thank You

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Question About Creating A View.

May 19, 2007

I currently have a website with a page that displays the flags/ keys of the entire roster of guilded characters.  Some more background is that I run a website for my Everquest guild, users can log in , create characters , and update their flags / keys.
 There are 4 associated tables that are used in displaying the flags.
 the Characters , Flags, Expansion, and Char_Flags tables.   The char_flags table consists of 2 foreign keys and a bit field for enabled / disabled. 
Char_flags = char_fk, flag_fk, enabled (bit)
The select statement I'm currently using to get information is as follows.
SELECT Expansion.ExpansionName, Flags.Flag_Name, Characters.Char_Name, char_flags.enabled FROM char_flags INNER JOIN Flags ON char_flags.Flag_FK = Flags.Flag_PK INNER JOIN Expansion ON Flags.Expansion_FK = Expansion.ExpansionPK INNER JOIN Characters ON char_flags.Char_FK = Characters.Char_PK WHERE (Expansion.ExpansionPK = @expansion)
 That displays the information in a format like
Expansion Name,  FlagName, CharacterName, Enabled.   And there are usually 10 -15 flags per expansion so this lists the expansion 10 times, each flag name, then the character name 10-15 times, and wether or not the flag is enabled.
I would like to display the information a little differently and I'm not sure how to.   I would like to display the inormation like this
             Flag Name 1     Flag Name 2,  Flag name 3, Flag Name 4, etc...
Char 1          X                                            X                  X
Char2                                  X                     X                  X
Char 3         X                      X                      X                 X
Char 4
Char 5
where the characters make up the first column, the flag names make up the first row(headers) and wether or not the flag is enabled is in the column under the corresponding flag.
This way the name of the flag, and the character name are only displayed one time instead of the flags and character names being repeated over and over.  
If anyone can help me on how to display the data I would appreciate it.   Here is a link to the page to show how it looks now if it helps
Brad Fortner

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Problems Creating A View

Jan 19, 2005

I have a query on one of my pages that is just too large to keep in the page, so I need to reference a stored view in sql. I'm kind of new to this, so I'm having trouble getting the syntax right. The query is just a simple select statement using the results of several textboxes as parameters. I know how to do the query inside an page, but when I move it to sql, I don't know how to reference the textbox value i.e. @textbox. Here's what I have so far:
USE [Maindb]
CREATE VIEW [tblMain_view] (@textbox nvarchar(30)) ????
AS SELECT dbo.tblMain.Field1, ....
FROM dbo.tblMain
WHERE dbo.tblMain.Field1 = @textbox and ....

First of all, I know that where I declare @textbox is wrong, so where is the right place to declare it? Also, how do I reference the view from the webpage and do I still use:
cmd.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add . . .
in the page to establish the value. Anyone know a good tutorial on this. All the ones I've found were either in C# or didn't really apply. I need to know how to do this in VB. Thanks

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Creating View On Another Database

May 23, 2006

Hi I have two SQL server 2000 machine in my corporateHow to create a SQL View if the database table is located on another SQL server?Example :I am currently working at SQL Server "S01", but need to create a sql view to table customer on "Marketing" database located on SQL Server "S02"if the table is reside on the same machine then it's simple for me, but this customer table is not located on "S01" but located on different machine "S02"how to do this? any tutorial?thanks a lotYonscun

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Creating View Through Sproc

Jun 15, 2001

Hi guys,
I am trying to create a view through SP
as follows, but I am getting as error as Invalid syntax near view.
Please let me know where I am doing wrong.

@intJob as int
if @intjob=1
CREATE VIEW Purge AS SELECT Btch_id AS Batch_ID, DLN, Process,End_DLN, Job,

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Creating Indexes On View

Nov 9, 2000


I want to know if we can create indexes on Views in SQL 7.0. If yes, then how



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Help Needed For Creating View

Sep 2, 2004


Need help in writing a query. I have a table contains details about an item. Each item belongs to a group. Items have different status. If any one of the item in a group is not "Completed", then the itemgroup is in state incomplete. if all the item under the group is completed then the item group itself is completed. Now I need to create a view with itemgroup and itemstatus.
Suppose I have five records

item itemgroup status
1 1 complete
2 1 Xyz
3 2 complete
4 2 complete
5 2 complete

my view should be

itemgroup status
1 incomplete
2 complete

All the Statuses are not predefined...they get added as and when required........

Right now I am using a function. But dont want to use it for performance reasons. Would appriciate any help.


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Creating A View With A New Column

Jan 31, 2014

I'm using SQL Server 2008 to solve the following exercise.

I have three Tables:
Table CUSTOMER with columns: CustomerID,Company,ContactName,Phone
Table ORDER with columns: OrderID,OrderDate,ShippedDate,ShipperID,Freight,CustomerID
Table Shipper with columns:ShipperID,Company,Phone

I need to Create a view listing the shipper and the number of unshipped orders. I have been trying to use joins or possibly subqueries, but I'm not getting a correct result for a ShipperID with NO unshipped orders.My view should looks like: ShipperID, Company, Phone, UnshippedOrders

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Creating A View Using A Union?

Jan 14, 2015

I am looking to create a new view by combining two tables, but i would like to create a new column in the view that identifies what table the data came from. For example I have a Table A and Table B, using a union i combined the two table but i want a new column titled Source which could be populated by A or B.

This is my code so far:

Create View Table_AB As
Select *From Table_A
Union All
Select*From Table_B

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Creating Columns In A View

May 10, 2006

Hi im trying to create a view that creates another column for a table and then adds the value but i cant get it could sum1 help


Alter Table Employee
Add EMP_BONUS Decimal(6,2)

Update Employee
Set EMP_BONUS = EMP_PCT / 500000

Select Employee.EMP_LNAME, Employee.EMP_FNAME, Employee.EMP_PCT, Position.POS_TITLE, Employee.EMP_BONUS
From Employee
Inner Join Position On Employee.POS_ID = Position.POS_ID

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Error Creating View

Jul 25, 2007

i tried running the statement :

create view qcostcentre
select * from dbo.costcentre.dtblcostcentre

>ERR: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure qcostcentre, Line 4
Invalid object name 'dbo.costcentre.dtblcostcentre'.

create view qcostcentre
select * from costcentre.pcusers.dbo.dtblcostcentre

>ERR: Msg 7202, Level 11, State 2, Procedure qcostcentre, Line 4
Could not find server 'costcentre' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.

note: pcusers is a user of 2 database (costcentre & datamaster) with dbo_datareader owned & role schema .

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Creating An Indexed View

Nov 15, 2006

I am trying to create an indexed view, on a date from a date dimension table...I am new to SQL, and I am at a loss of ideas on this one. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Here is the Error I am given

"Msg 4513, Level 16, State 2, Procedure VEW_F_MZT_ORDER_HEADER_DAY, Line 3

Cannot schema bind view 'JJWHSE.VEW_F_MZT_ORDER_HEADER_DAY'. 'JJWHSE.VEW_F_INVC_SHIP_TO' is not schema bound.

Msg 1939, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Cannot create index on view 'VEW_F_MZT_ORDER_HEADER' because the view is not schema bound."

Here is my code..
















































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Creating View Problem

Dec 12, 2006

Hi all. I'm new to SQL Server and I've run into a tough problem. I currently have a SQL Server database with 54 US states/territories tables. I'm working on creating a view so that I can view all the states data in a single table-like structure. I've mapped all the columns from all the different tables to their new names and made sure that all the new attributes match. When I use the Management Express tool to open the view, it executes but fails because for some reason it's chosen to map a field called 'id' into an int, rather than a varchar. Is there a way to force the view to treat the 'id' as a varchar and not an int? I can't see a way to change its type through the GUI tools.

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Creating Table From A View!!!

Jan 15, 2008

Hi folks!!

I have been working on a view and now I want to create a table which has not only similar columns and datatypes but also same data as I have fetched in the view.
How can I do that? Do I have to use a cursor or there is a simpler way to do it?
Please advice me here..

Can I use
Create table <tablename> as ( Select * from <viewname>) ?????

Thanks in advance for reading this.

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Reporting Services :: Error When View Reports Or Manually Processing TFS Data Warehouse And Analysis Services Cube

Apr 24, 2015

I am trying to configure the reporting for TFS using SQL Server. But I get following error when viewing any report:

So I try to manually process the cube to check if it works. I am following this article: [URL] ....

When I click on GetProcessingStatus and invoke it (with last field set as TRUE) I get following error:

How to resolve this issue and be able to see the reports.

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