Problem In Accessing SQL Server Views From Oracle Using TG4MSQL(Transparent Gateway Connectivity)

Dec 13, 2005

Dear All,
I am using the oracle transparent gateway connectivity with sql server
using tg4msql,as far as

settings are concerned those were set and Connectivity is working Fine,
and getting the response

from that server.
here is description what I done as:-There is a View on Sqlserver which
is Join of 6 tables and have

data around 1 million in 2 tables and 0.5 million in rest of the
tables, as the Query for creating

sqlserver view is given below:

CREATE view Account_anila_test as
SELECT ......(around 50 Columns)
FROM GE_Init.dbo.Person INNER JOIN
GE_Init.dbo.Konto ON GE_Init.dbo.Person.Person_ID =

GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Person_ID INNER JOIN
GE_Init.dbo.Produkt ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Produkt_ID =

GE_Init.dbo.Produkt.Produkt_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =

GE_Init.dbo.calcKontoOBSdt ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =

GE_Init.dbo.calcKontoOBSdt.Konto_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

GE_Init.dbo.calcKonto ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =

WHERE (GE_Init.dbo.Konto.SlettetKonto = 0) AND
(GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.MarkertForSletting = 0
OR GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.MarkertForSletting IS NULL)

Now,I made a table in oracle adjacent to sqlserver View and Inserted
data as:

SELECT .............
FROM Person@dbl_getgc1 a INNER JOIN
Konto@dbl_getgc1 b ON a."Person_ID" = b."Person_ID" INNER JOIN
Produkt@dbl_getgc1 c ON b."Produkt_ID" = c."Produkt_ID" LEFT OUTER JOIN

CRMKonto@dbl_getgc1 d ON b."Konto_ID" = d."Konto_ID" LEFT OUTER JOIN
calcKontoOBSdt@dbl_getgc1 e ON b."Konto_ID" = e."Konto_ID" LEFT OUTER

calcKonto@dbl_getgc1 f ON b."Konto_ID" = f."Konto_ID"
WHERE (b."SlettetKonto" = 0) AND (d."MarkertForSletting" = 0 OR
d."MarkertForSletting" IS NULL);

This insert Satement worked fine,but when I inserted from the view
already created in SQLSERVER as


SELECT .............
FROM Account_anila_test@dbl_getgc1;

This gave a following error:-

"WEB_30_SUM", "WEB_360_COUNT", "WEB_360_SUM", "WEB_90_COUNT",
ERROR at line 48:
ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this
[Transparent gateway for MSSQL]
ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from DBL_GETGC1

Elapsed: 00:01:01.04

after this I set The paramater "HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL=ON" in INIt file of
tg4msql Folder then in the

trace File of tg4msql folder following error comes:-

(0) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired (SQL State:
S1T00; SQL
(0) Code: 0)

If any one has Faced the similar kind of problem and Can help me,Please
let me Know where I am

doing Wrong and How this error can be ractified.

Waiting For Reply ASAP.


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Can SQL Express Be Accessed By Oracle Transparent Gateway ?

Apr 3, 2006

Able to access SQL express remotely using SQL mgt Studio after certain configuration.

But notice that I must use IP address/SQLEXPRESS for server name in order for connection to work. What is this "/SQLEXPRESS" ? Is it a standard surfix for SQL Express ?

I have installed the Oracle Transparent Gateway on the machine with SQL Express and setup the tnsname for SQL Express. For the tnsname, have used IP address/SQLEXPRESS as the host name but it gave this error :

ORA-28545: NCRO Failed to make RSLV connection

Tried with just the IP address and it gives the same error.

Any idea ?? ?? Help !

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Data Access :: Accessing Oracle Tables From Server Via Oracle DBLINK?

May 8, 2015

we recently got a scenario that we need to get the data from oracle tables which is installed on third party servers. we have sqlserver installed on ourservers. so they have created a DBLINK in oracle server to our sqlserver and published the DBLINK name.

what are the next steps that i need to follow on my sqlserver in order to access the oracle tables ?

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Ms Sql Server Accessing Oracle Loses Precision

Dec 1, 2004

We have a view in a 9205 oracle database. We can query fine
and the decimal precision is there.
When we query this same view from ms sql server we lose the precision
so 115.25 becomes 115.
does anyone know a workaround for this?

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Accessing Oracle Tables From Within SQL Server 2000

Mar 24, 2006

We are running SQL Server 2000 SP3. We have linked servers in use thatwe use to access Oracle tables.Recently the claim has been made that you can access Oracle tables fromwithin SQL Server without using a Linked Server. I searched BooksOnline using keywords: linked, remote, and Oracle and did not findanything.A search of the newsgroup archives found only entries related to usingLinked Servers.Is there any such method as claimed? I do not think there is, but Ineed to find some support for my position or else learn something new.Thank you-- Mark D Powell --

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Accessing Oracle Data In Sql Server 2005

Feb 20, 2008

I need some help regarding the data access.
I needs to access some data from tables which are in oracle and load it into sql server tables.
Please let me know the process for this.

Thanks in advance.

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Transformation From 10 Views Oracle To Sql Server

Dec 19, 2006

I have to come up with a SSIS package to tranform data from oracle database to our sql server database. This oracle db is managed by a third party , I have been given 10 views from oracle so I can extarct information I need. How should I design my SSIS package? Do I have to have 10 different data flows or there is an eaier way to run my 10 select statements from these views?

Is there any article that can give me some ideas on how to design SSIS packages to extract information from oracle?

Thanks a lot

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Creating VIEWS (from Oracle To SQL Server)

Nov 20, 2006

Cordial greetings,

Again i need help with a couple of issues in migrating from Oracle to SQL Server 2005. I need the equivalent sentence in SQL Server of the following sentence:


I know that (+) is for outer joins (left or right). I also know that UNION may mean FULL OUTER JOIN. but this query? The real query is a lot more complex, well actually there are just more fields needed from more tables but with this exmple is enough. The bottom line is that i need data from various tables, most of them involved in a JOIN clause. Also check out that in SQL Server doesnt exists the REPLACE word or does it?
Thank you in advance,

Fernando Martinez

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Accessing SQL Server Data From Oracle Developer 2000 Apps

Feb 17, 1999

Hello there

I have a customer that wants to start using SQL Server 7.0 instead of Oracle, but they have a lot of Oracle applications (made in Developer 2000 and Forms). Due to the big effort needed to convert those applications (to Visual Basic), they want to be able somehow to migrate only data from Oracle to SQL Server, and then use some tool that will allow them to use the same applications with the SQL Server 7.0 engine.

I found on the "SQL Server Developer's Kit" a document describing the process of migrating data and applications from Oracle to SQL Server. There is a mention to an Oracle tool called "Oracle Gateway to SQL Server" that will translate calls received by the Oracle engine to the SQL Server engine, but this approach will still require the existence of Oracle servers (which is the thing the customer no longer wants).

The second option mentioned on that document, and the one that seems more attractive, is the use of Oracle "Open Client Adapter" (OCA) that will allow Developer 2000 applications to communicate directly to SQL Server via ODBC. However, I have been unable to find (on the Oracle site) any documentation regarding this tool.

Has anynoe heard or used such tool (OCA) ? Any comments, tips, drawbacks, experience you could share ? Any other idea on how a thing like that could be accomplished ? Perhaps a third-party application that can act as a gateway between the Forms app and ODBC/SQL Server, or that will be able to generate VB code from a Developer 2000/Forms app...

Any help will be appreciated.

Please respond directly to me, as I am not a member of the distribution list.

Luis Francisco Silva

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SQL Server Equivalent For Oracle System Tables/Views

Sep 12, 2006

We are in the process of supporting two databases (Oracle 10g, SQL Server 2005) for our application.

I want to know what is the equivalent Tables/Views in SQL Server for the Oracle System tables dba_tab_comments, dba_tab_cols

Thanks in advance

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SSIS Oracle Connectivity

Mar 30, 2007


I am trying to write a SSIS package which will pull data from Oracle.

Problem is that the server where I will be installing it does not have Oracle client installed.

Can anyone tell me which driver I should be using?

Thanks in advance.

View 11 Replies View Related

Accessing Views From Stored Procedures

Sep 7, 2007

Hi,I was just wondering if it's possible to access views from stored procedures? I know it doesn't make much sense, but would it be possible? If so, can you also give me some code example?Thanks. 

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Accessing Views Via ODBC From MSAccess

Jul 20, 2006


This started as a simple thing, allow somebody to access to a database on a SQL 2005 server so they could get to it from MSAccess. I have created a login (Windows Authentication) so they can see the database and gave them "public" and "datareader" abilities.

The user then informed me that while they could see the views they could not see the data. Not being a DBA (sorry) I added "public" to the view's permissions (under properties) and granted it "Select" access and nothing else. After I completed this the user could not even see the views to pick them (via the ODBC link from MSAccess) and when I try to remove "public" from the permissions it dissapears, but when I reopen the permission "public" is back.

I then find out there is no data in the views and so the user would not have been able view anything anyway.

So what I want to do is remove "public" from the views permissions, is this possible?

Thanks for any help,


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Accessing System Views Via Linked Servers

Apr 30, 2007

Is there anyway to access system views on/from a linked server?

I have unsuccessfully tried various permutations of
select *
from [MDEDATAWTDss2005].master.[information_schema.colums]


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Oracle Accessing Data

Oct 22, 2001

There is any tools or products that allow Oracle Users to access SQL 2000 data in realtime? I know how to go in the opposite direction using linked servers, but am not sure on this direction,


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Accessing Oracle DB From SSMS

Jun 9, 2008

How can I use SSMS to display and query an Access database tables.

I can see all the tables when I use a Visual studio dataset designer tool, But i want to be able to do that using SSMS.

Any idea, pls?

thank you very much :)

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SSMA For Oracle And Migrating Views With Outer Joins

May 23, 2008

I am useing SQL Server Migration Tools for Oracle to move some data for archive purposes.

The data is moving great, however the SSMA crashes or just plain stops when it tries to convert a view that has an outer join.

Is ther any sort of fix for this?

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Single Connection With SQL 7.0 Gateway

May 9, 2006

Our company is using a development tool named eDeveloper.

This tool comes with a gateway for SQL 7.0

Since we upgraded to SQL 2005 the connection is limited to a single connection

Are there any setting that related to the number or type of connetctions for backward compatibility? (I have no problem openning multiple connection using VS 2005)

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How Can We Tune The Fastest Speed For The Gateway Between ASP.NET And MsSQL??

Mar 29, 2004

ASP.NET and MsSQL are run inside the same machine, and inside win2000 server,
and the physical memory limit of mssql is set to 192MB.

any one have any good idea(s)? please share to us here


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SQL 2012 :: Is Transparent Data Encryption Useful

Oct 12, 2015

We have a large VMWare environment with HP SAN, and 2 datacenters - primary and DR, with SAN based replication between them.We also backup databases to tape via Commvault and send them off-site using a vendor.TDE protects data at 'rest', meaning, (that if it wasn't implemented, and) if someone got a hold of our physical .mdf/.ldf files, or our .bak's, or tapes, they could recover the data.

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Transparent Data Encryption In SQL 2008

Mar 31, 2008

I need to encrypt certain fields of tables with minimized changes required to my application. I want the database only available to my application so I want to use password to protect the encryption key.

Currently, in SQL 2005, I created view and use INSTEAD OF trigger to encrypt/decrypt data to underlyer table. I also having code at application startup, pass my password to a stored proc to open these key so that my view can encrypt/decrypt data accordingly.

I read some posts mentioned that SQL 2008 supports transparent data encryption. May I know how does it help in my case?

Please advice.

Thank you

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SQL Security :: Transparent Data Encryption

Sep 11, 2015

I have a question regarding Transparent Data Encryption. I have enabled TDE on a database using the below steps:

1. Create a master key encryption by a password.
2. Create a certificate in the the user database named 'TDE_Test' protected by the master key.
3. Create database encryption key 'TDE_Test' using the certificate created in Step 2.
4. Enable encryption by using the command 'ALTER DATABASE 

I understand that if I need to copy this TDE encrypted database to a different SQL Instance, I have to copy the certificate from the source Instance to the destination Instance.Now my question is, do the Service Master Key and Database Master Key come into the picture here anywhere?

Are these related to TDE in any way? Do I have to take regular backups of the Service Master Key & Database Master Key as part of regular maintenance for the SQL Instance that has a TDE encrypted database?

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SQL 2012 :: Does SSIS Catalog Use Transparent Data Encryption

Jul 10, 2014

In cases when the SSIS package has to be deployed in SQL Server, when we use ProtectionLevel ="server storage" while creating SSIS Catalog, does it use TDE? or Database Standard Encryption? if the database is using TDE?

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Catalog Using Transparent Data Encryption?

Aug 7, 2014

In cases when the SSIS package has to be deployed in SQL Server, when we use ProtectionLevel ="server storage" while creating SSIS Catalog, does it use TDE? or Database Standard Encryption? if the database is using TDE?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - Making Smooth Area Chart Values Transparent

Jul 14, 2015

Am using SQL Server 2012 and Visual Studio 2010.

The above chart has three Values in it (slightly late in pink, rather late in hot pink and very late in red). Because of the ordering of these values the red very late values can't be seen. When I shuffle the order around slightly they are indeed there:

...This report runs dynamically for one of a number of activities the user can select, as such I have no way of knowing which of these series will be at the lower end of the scale and which will be at the higher end. Is it possible to set the Values/Series to be transparent so I can be assured that all will be visible to the user at runtime?

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Setting Up Oracle Linked Server : Need Help : Sql2005 Running On XP Linking In Oracle 10.2

Oct 26, 2006

Is there any step by step help sites for setting up SQL 2005 linked (oracle 10) server?

I find MSDN articles but they referance winNT and 2000, I'm not getting very far and I'm not a DBA but need to get this working asap.

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Trouble With: Linked Server To Oracle Using OraOLEDB.ORacle Provider

Jan 11, 2007



I am running SQL Server 2005 on Win2k3:

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio      9.00.2047.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools      2005.090.2047.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)      2000.086.1830.00 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447)
Microsoft MSXML      2.6 3.0 4.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer      6.0.3790.1830
Microsoft .NET Framework      2.0.50727.42
Operating System      5.2.3790

I have the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider installed to the (C:oraclexe) directory.

I am having problems querying from linked oracle server.  When i setup oracle as a linked server and purposely enter an incorrect password the query i run tells me i have an incorrect password.   So it at least knows that.  when i set the correct password and run a query I get this error:

(i replaced the real server name with "someServer".)

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "SomeServer" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "SomeServer".


This is how I set up my Linked server:

Provider: "Oracle Provider for OLE DB"

Product Name: SomeServer

Data Source: SomeServer

Provider String:  "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=SomeServer;User Id=MyLogin;Password=MyPassword"



The query I run is:

Select * from [Someserver].[schema or database]..[tbl_name]


Any help???  What am i missing?

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SQL Server Db Connectivity With

Dec 27, 2004

I m in new in and can't connect sql server db with write exact code.but it give error in connection string and server error some time.I found that error is in web.config file.can any one have running project of with sqlserver db..
if any one have then mail the project at this mail address..

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SQL Server 7 Connectivity In C# && ASP .NET

Dec 13, 2005

I am using webforms for ASP .NET which has code in C#. My database is running on SQL Server 7. Whats the best way to connect to database. I have tried ODBC connection through myConnection=new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["dsn"]);but it gives me an error that can not connect to the SQL Server 2005 or it does not allow remote connections though it is running SQL Server 7 and not SQL Server 2005.  Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server And Dos Connectivity

Feb 17, 2000

hello , i have a small problem , an associate want to connect to a micrsoft sql server under nt from a pc with only dos! can such a thing be done?

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SQL Server Connectivity

Feb 19, 2007

I am trying to connect to my dev Sql server instance remotely from my developer edition and I get the following error

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

i Made sure that the following are complete

# [Link] Enable the TCP/IP protocol using the Surface Area Configuration Utility
# [Link] Make sure the TCP/IP protocol is enabled in the SQL Server Configuration Utility
# [Link] Make sure the SQL Server browser is started

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DB2 Connectivity With SQL Server

Jun 6, 2007


We have a DB2 server which is linked to our SQL Server 2005 database. The link is through ODBC connection. Now, we are able to access some of the tables without any problems. But couple of tables are not accessible and we get following error::"

" A database manager error occurred. : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL1822N Unexpected error code "08S01" received from data source "TESTPROD". Associated text and tokens are "Communication link failure". SQLSTATE=560BD "

Any ideas on why this is happening and how to resolve this?


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Connectivity To Sql Server Ad Asp.Net

Mar 20, 2008

Hi All

how i connect sql server 2000 to Asp.Net.

Please Help me

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