Problem Installing On Win2K Server

Feb 7, 2002

I'm having a problem installing SQL Server 7 Enterprise Edition (no service pack)on a Windows 2000 Server SP 2 machine (256 MB RAM,40 GB drive) off an original MSDN CD. Only the client components get installed. This is the output from the SQLStp.log file:
15:19:51 Begin Setup
15:19:51 7.00.623
15:19:51 Mode=Normal
15:19:51 ModeType=NORMAL
15:19:51 ValueFTS returned: 1
15:19:51 ValuePID returned: 1
15:19:51 ValueLic returned: 1
15:19:51 GetDefinitionEx returned: 0, Extended: 0xf000000
15:19:51 System: Windows NT Server
15:19:51 SQL Server ProductType: Enterprise Edition [0x3]
15:19:51 Begin Action: SetupInitialize
15:19:51 End Action SetupInitialize
15:19:52 Fixed install: 0
15:19:52 Begin Action: CheckRequirements
15:19:52 Platform ID: 0xf0000000
15:19:52 Version: 5.0.2195
15:19:52 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)
15:19:52 File Version - C:NTSRVRSystem32shdocvw.dll: 5.0.3315.2879
15:19:52 ComputerName: SERVER-5IQ8359Z
15:19:52 User Name: Administrator
15:19:52 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1
15:19:52 C:NTSRVRTEMP\_ISTMP44.DIRscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Timeout 5000 -Service MSSQLServer
15:19:57 Process Exit Code: (0)
15:19:57 OS Language: 0x409
15:19:57 End Action CheckRequirements
15:19:57 Begin Action: Detection
15:19:57 End Action Detection
15:19:57 Begin Action: ODBCLocked
15:19:57 End Action ODBCLocked
15:19:57 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a client install only.
15:19:59 The Enterprise Edition server component cannot be installed on Windows NT Server using this CD. Only client components will be available for installation.

15:19:59 Reading SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionCommonFilesD ir ...
15:19:59 CommonFilesDir=C:Program FilesCommon Files
15:19:59 Windows Directory=C:NTSRVR15:19:59 Begin Action: ShowDialogs
15:19:59 Begin Action: DialogShowSdWelcome
15:20:00 End Action DialogShowSdWelcome
15:20:00 Begin Action: DialogShowSdLicense
15:20:01 End Action DialogShowSdLicense
15:20:01 Begin Action: DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
15:20:06 End Action DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx
15:20:06 Begin Action: DialogShowCdKey
15:20:06 End Action DialogShowCdKey
15:20:06 Begin Action: DialogShowPID
15:20:06 End Action DialogShowPID
15:20:06 Begin Action: DialogShowSdSetupType
15:20:10 [SetupTypeSQL]
15:20:10 szDir=C:MSSQL7
15:20:10 Result=303
15:20:10 szDataDir=C:MSSQL7
15:20:10 End Action DialogShowSdSetupType
15:20:10 Begin Action: DialogShowSdComponentMult
15:20:10 basesys=0, baseinst=0,basedata=0
15:20:19 SQL program folder: C:MSSQL7
15:20:19 SQL data folder: C:MSSQL7
15:20:19 Windows system folder: C:NTSRVRSystem3215:20:19 Prog req: 46703, Data req: 0, Sys req: 24971
15:20:19 Prog avail: 2147483, Data avail: 2147483, Sys avail: 2147483
15:20:19 Prog req vs. avail, 71674, 2147483
15:20:19 Data req vs. avail, 0, 2147483
15:20:19 Sys req vs. avail, 24971, 2147483
15:20:19 DisplaySystemPreReq
15:20:19 [SQLComponentMult]
15:20:19 Component=
15:20:19 Result=1
15:20:19 End Action DialogShowSdComponentMult
15:20:19 Begin Action: DialogShowSdStartCopy
15:20:38 End Action DialogShowSdStartCopy
15:20:38 Begin Action: DlgCPLLicense
15:20:38 End Action DlgCPLLicense
15:20:38 End Action ShowDialogs
15:20:38 Begin Action ProcessBeforeDataMove:
15:20:38 DeinstallStart returned (C:MSSQL7): -1
15:20:38 DeinstallStart returned (C:MSSQL7): 0
15:20:38 End Action ProcessBeforeDataMove:
15:20:38 Begin Action ProcessComponentSelection:
15:20:38 End Action ProcessComponentSelection
15:20:38 Begin Action LogSelectedComponents:
15:20:38 MgtTool
15:20:38 MgtToolSEM
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMHTML
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMMSD98
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMMSD98SYS
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMMSD98Res
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMMSD98Hlp
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMHelp
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMSEMSys
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMRes1033
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMResIntl
15:20:38 MgtToolSEMMSD98RsI
15:20:38 MgtToolProfiler
15:20:38 MgtToolProfilerHelp
15:20:38 MgtToolProfilerRes1033
15:20:38 MgtToolProfilerResIntl
15:20:38 MgtToolQryanlz
15:20:38 MgtToolQryanlzHelp
15:20:38 MgtToolQryanlzRes1033
15:20:38 MgtToolQryanlzResIntl
15:20:38 MgtToolDTCCLi
15:20:38 MgtToolWzcnflct
15:20:38 MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnsys
15:20:38 MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnHlp
15:20:38 MgtToolUtilSys
15:20:38 MgtToolUtilBinn
15:20:38 Connect
15:20:38 ConnectConnSys
15:20:38 ConnectConn9x
15:20:38 ConnectConnNT
15:20:38 Books
15:20:38 BooksBookso
15:20:38 DevTools
15:20:38 DevToolsHeaders and Libraries
15:20:38 DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesInclude
15:20:38 DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibx86
15:20:38 DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibAlpha
15:20:38 DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesESQLC
15:20:38 DevToolsMDAC SDK
15:20:38 DevToolsVDI
15:20:38 DevToolsVDIInc
15:20:38 DevToolsVDISamples
15:20:38 DevToolsDbg Int
15:20:38 DevToolsDbg IntDbg Int Common
15:20:38 DevToolsDbg IntEXE
15:20:38 Samples
15:20:38 SamplesADO
15:20:38 SamplesDBLIB
15:20:38 SamplesDTS
15:20:38 SamplesESQLC
15:20:38 SamplesMSDTC
15:20:38 SamplesODBC
15:20:38 SamplesODS
15:20:38 SamplesOLEAut
15:20:38 SamplesRepl
15:20:38 SamplesSQLDMO
15:20:38 SamplesSQLNS
15:20:38 Core
15:20:38 CoreSys
15:20:38 ODBC
15:20:38 OLEDB
15:20:38 Repostry
15:20:38 RepstSys
15:20:38 CoreMisc
15:20:38 Monarch
15:20:38 Jet
15:20:38 NetCore
15:20:38 NetExt
15:20:38 SFExt
15:20:38 ReplExt
15:20:38 Core1033
15:20:38 CoreIntl
15:20:38 CrMi1033
15:20:38 CrMiIntl
15:20:38 Monr1033
15:20:38 MonrIntl
15:20:38 SFEx1033
15:20:38 SFExIntl
15:20:38 RpEx1033
15:20:38 RpExIntl
15:20:38 SysCore
15:20:38 VOLEDB
15:20:38 VODBC
15:20:38 MiscCore
15:20:38 MCHlp
15:20:38 MC1033
15:20:38 MCIntl
15:20:38 CnctBinn
15:20:38 CrRepCom
15:20:38 {E07FDDC8-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:20:38 {E07FDDBF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:20:38 End Action LogSelectedComponents
15:20:38 Begin Action MoveFileData:
15:21:11 End Action MoveFileData
15:21:11 Begin Action ProcessAfterDataMove:
15:21:11 DeinstallSetReference (C:MSSQL7sqlservr.exe) returned: 0
15:21:11 End Action ProcessAfterDataMove
15:21:11 Begin Action InstallPkgs:
15:21:11 Setup is installing Microsoft Management Console (MMC) ...
15:21:11 D:x86Otherinstmmc.exe /Q
15:21:35 Process Exit Code: (0)
15:21:35 Setup is installing HTML Help ...
15:21:36 HTML Help installer exit code: 0
15:21:36 End Action InstallPkgs
15:21:36 Path successfully updated.
15:21:36 %SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%syst em32WBEM;C:Program FilesSymantecpcAnywhere;C:MSSQL7BINN
15:21:36 Begin Action SelfRegister
15:23:39 Return code: 0
15:23:39 End Action SelfRegister
15:23:39 Begin Action SetupRegistry:
15:23:39 End Action SetupRegistry
15:23:39 Begin Action PostSetupRegistry:
15:23:39 C:MSSQL7BINNdcomscm.exe /RegServer
15:23:39 Process Exit Code: (0)
15:23:39 C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1MICROS~1SQLDEB~1sqldbreg.exe -RegServer
15:23:39 Process Exit Code: (-2147312566) Error loading type library/DLL.

15:23:40 C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1MICROS~1DATABA~1wzcnflct.exe /RegServer
15:23:40 Process Exit Code: (0)
15:23:40 End Action PostSetupRegistry
15:23:40 Begin Action SetupFolders:
15:23:40 Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Folder refreshed.
15:23:40 End Action SetupFolders
15:23:40 Action CleanUpInstall:
15:23:40 Uninstall command: C:NTSRVRIsUninst.exe -fC:MSSQL7Uninst.isu -c"C:MSSQL7sqlsun.dll" -msql70.mif
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDA8-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDA9-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDAA-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDAB-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDAC-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDAD-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDAF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB0-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB1-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB2-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB3-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB4-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB5-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB6-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB7-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB8-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDB9-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDBA-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDBB-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDBB-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDBD-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDC8-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 SetTracking: {E07FDDBF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
15:23:40 Installation Succeeded


View 1 Replies


Installing Sql7 On Win2K Server...issues?

Aug 16, 2000

I have been asked to install Sql 7 on a Win2K server. I am looking for White papers, articles, postings etc which identify potential issues or known issues. I have looked through MSDN, Win2K, Microsoft Sql7 and TechNet for specifics. Any suggestions?

Thank you,

View 1 Replies View Related

How To Installing MSDE In Win2K Pro

Jul 20, 2005

I am new to MSDE and want to deploy it in my company (because it is free).However, when I install it in a W2K professional machine, there is a messagebox saying that a "strong SA password is required". How can I solve theproblem?Arthur Cheung(The MSDE engine was downloaded from the microsoft sql server web page)

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Upgrade Server To Win2k

Jan 21, 2003

I am planning to upgrade our SQL Server 2000 box from Win NT to Windows 2000. Have anyone done the same thing and has encounter problems? Thank you.

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How To Backup Up Win2K And SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am new to Win2k and SQL server and need to back up everything each night.I used the supplied NT backup utility to schedule a backup but this missedsome files that were open or in use.I am more used to Unix/Informix where I could backup everything whether itwas in use or not.How or what would you recommend I use to do my backups?Thanks.

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Error In Sql Server 2005 Setup On Win2k Sp4

Feb 14, 2007

error msg in summary.txt

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.1399.06
OS Version : Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 4 (Build 2195)
Time : Wed Feb 14 03:31:27 2007

LDINTSQL1 : There was an unexpected failure during the setup wizard. You may review the setup logs and/or click the help button for more information.

SQL Server Setup failed. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.

Time : Wed Feb 14 03:39:30 2007

List of log files:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_Core.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_Datastore.xml
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_.NET Framework 2.0.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_.NET Framework 2.0 LangPack.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor LangPack.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_.NET Framework Windows Installer.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_.NET Framework Windows Installer LangPack.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_SNAC.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_Support.log

error msg in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_LDINTSQL1_Core.log

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Wed Feb 14 03:31:27 2007
Process ID : 2176
\ldnas1msdn versionsServer ApplicationsSQL Server 2005 stdServerssetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27
Loaded DLL:\ldnas1msdn versionsServer ApplicationsSQL Server 2005 stdServersxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27, returned true
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27
Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27, returned true
Delay load of action "DetectPatchedBootstrapAction" returned nothing. No action will occur as a result.
Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__2176" returned false.
Running: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27
Loaded DLL:C:WINNTsystem32msi.dll Version:3.1.4000.2435
Loaded DLL:C:WINNTsystem32msi.dll Version:3.1.4000.2435
Complete: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27, returned true
Running: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27
Complete: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27, returned true
Running: ComponentUpdateAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:27
Complete: ComponentUpdateAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:54, returned true
Delay load of action "DetectLocalBootstrapAction" returned nothing. No action will occur as a result.
Action "LaunchLocalBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchLocalBootstrap__2176" returned false.
Running: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/1/14 3:31:54
Complete: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/1/14 3:31:54, returned true
Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/1/14 3:31:54
Error: Action "InvokeSqlSetupDllAction" threw an exception during execution.
Failed to determine path to bootstrap files : 2
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.

Source File Name: setupsqlsetupactions.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Thu Sep 1 22:23:04 2005
Function Name: sqls::InvokeSqlSetupDllAction::perform
Source Line Number: 1663

any ideas?


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Moving Database Server From WIN2k To WIN2003Advanced 64 Bit Including System DB's

Dec 12, 2007


Today I have task to move all UDB's including matser,msdb form Windows 2000 server to Windows 2003 Advacned Server with 64bit(8 Hours Down time)

Present Plan

1.Install same Version of SQL Server in Destination Server
2.Take all Databases Backup
2.Move DTS,JOB and Scripts with same location
3.Stop both servers SQL Server's
4.Deattch all Databses and Move to Destination Server
5.Place all Databases(Same Loaction i.e Soruce Server master DB is C:<folders>.. Place in Destination Server C:<folder>..)
6.Start the Databse Servers(Destination)
7.Port the Apllication and Test.

Note:for our project we are using windows users,so that no problem with Orphan users.

Please some body Advice me, or suggest me is ok

View 6 Replies View Related

Running SQL Server 6.5 On Win2K Server??

Jul 23, 2005

Is anyone here successfully running SQL Server 6.5 in a Windows 2000Server??We tried to and had some runtime problems relative to tempdb.

View 3 Replies View Related

Installing MSDTC Resource After Installing SQL Server 2000 Cluster

Oct 19, 2006

Is it possible to install and configure the MSDTC resource in a SQL Server 2000 cluster after SQL is installed and running?

When I recently went through a rebuild of my cluster, I forgot to install the resource before installing SQL Server. Now, if I install and bring online the MSDTC resource the SQL disk groups will not fail over correctly. The SQL Server resource will not come online.

Thanks in advance for any help. I would really like to avoid rebuilding again.


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Help With Sql In Win2k

Jul 10, 2006

Hi All          Can I install sqlserver2000 as a desktop version in win2k professional ?
Please Help

View 2 Replies View Related

SQl Server 2000 Backup And Win2k Backup

Nov 29, 2001

I want to know how people are backup up their win2k system and SQL 2000 server. If you want a run backup once a night and first backup win2k file system and then run backup using sql agent will that work?

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL Server 65. Run On WIN2K Server

Feb 19, 2004

Yeah, Yeah, I know...

But I was asked, and have no idea (and hope I never have to have any experience)

I was hoping my 6.5 days were Loooooooooooong behind me....guess not

I'm working on explaining that an upgrade is a better solution....

Anyone have any war stories?

Is it possible (please say no)

View 3 Replies View Related

Win2k And SQL7

Apr 3, 2000

Starting with Win2k you are not suppossed to have to install MDAC, as it comes with the OS. What about when I install SQL7 and it automatically installs MDAC. Do I have to reinstall MDAC in this case?

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL 2000 Sp2 And Win2k Sp2

Dec 27, 2001

I have heard that when installing Win2K sp2 and SQL 2000 sp2 they should be done in a certain order. Does anyone know anything about this?


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SqlMail With Outlook On Win2k

Oct 9, 2001

Does anyone know the 'trick' in getting sqlmail (sqlserver 7.0) to work with Outlook 2000 on a windows 2000 server machine. I've setup a mail profile on Outlook, but it is not listed in the dropdown menu in the sqlmail properties.
Outlook communicates with my smtp/pop3 mail server - no problem. I can't get sqlmail to interface with outlook. Basically it is telling me that it cannot find ANY profiles on the server.

View 1 Replies View Related

Does SQL7 Work Well On Win2K?

Aug 14, 2000

My shop is thinking of migrating from NT4 to Win2K. Is anyone running SQL7 on Windows 2000 (which edition?)? How's you're experience been? Anyone hear any anecdotes of particular things that don't work (well)?

Thanks for your input.

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Admin Pack For Win2k

Sep 27, 2002

does anyone know where I can get the admin pack for win2k. thanks

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Can Install MS SQLServer2000 On Win2k Profestional?

Aug 13, 2004

I only can install client-side of SQLServer2000 on Win2kProfestional
But i need to set up server-side, so can i?

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Cluster Install.on Sql2k/win2k

Aug 7, 2002

Hello all,

There are have 2 nodes.Both on cluster and on a test_domain.Test domain is a active directory domain.

Node_A & node_B has C and D drives.D drive will have programs.

There is one common drive E - where data will go.

Now,I have to install SQL2000 on it.Can anyone tell me in layman's way how to install it.Do I have to have D drive in shared mode?When I give remote connection what should I give here?

Win 2000 clustered was installed by a NT expert and is working fine.

I am assuming drive_D will hold the SQl programs.

I tried one article posted here from Sqlserver preformance side but nothing worked.

Does it matter as both the nodes are on a Active Directory?

Any hint may help.

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Painful Installation Of RS 2005 On Win2K

Jul 13, 2007

Ok I'm am going through a rather painful experience of installing Reporting Services on:

Windows 2000 SP4

MDAC 2.8

.Net Framework 2.0

IIS 5.0

SQL Server 2005 Developer

I have installed RS 2005 on Windows 2003, and seen it installed on XP no problems. However this is a nightmare.

RS goes ahead and installs - note that there is no Network/Local service option on the service accounts just Local system or the domain account option. I have tried using the Local system and tried using the NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM.

After the installation I go to the Reporting Services Configuration Tool, where I have crosses on:

- Server Status

- Report Server Virtual Directory

- Report Manager Virtual Directory

- Web Service Identity

- Database Setup

I- nitialization

So I go to report server/manager and click on "New.." on each to create the virtual directories and check "apply default settings" and click "Apply", all goes well

Web Service Identity I cannot change so I go to:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServer

and change the web service account to:

<WebServiceAccount><<MACHINE NAME>>ASPNET</WebServiceAccount>

When I restart the reporting services service I no longer see a warning in the reporting services log file about the WebServiceAccount

I go back to the Reporting Services Config Tool, where I have crosses on the following:

Web Service Identity

Database Setup


The Web Service Identity stays greyed out...

I go to Database Setup:

connect to the server

select the reportingserver database

leave it set as service credentials

Click "Apply"

and I get the most vague of all error messages:

"There was a failure applying your change

A virtual directory must first be created before performing this operation"

What virtual directory, where???

I look in the log files..nothing. I look in the event viewer...and...nothing.

I look on here...

Either unanswered or there is the one answer but it is not relevant in this case.

Can someone please provide some advice before I lose my sanity?

Thanks in advance

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Installing SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 After Installing SQL Server Express 2005

Feb 14, 2007


I have installed SQL Server Express 2005 on my machine.

I want to install SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 on my machine to check new services it has.

Can these 2 Editions coexist with each other, or any troubles you think might encounter?


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Win2K Users Cannot Connect To SQL2005 Database

Feb 5, 2007


I recently migrated our database from Access to SQL Server 2005. All the WinXP users can connect to the new SQL2005 database. But all the Win2K machines fail to log on. To diagnose the problem, I tried to connect from a Wind2K machine using an .udl file. The connection failed because "a provider failed to initialize".

The SQL2005 server is residing on a WinXP machine. Users log on via SQL Server authentication layer using a dedicated login that only has read/write privileges to one specific database.

Does anyone know a solution? Thanks in adance.



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SQL 2000 On Win2K AS: Failing To Bind On TCP Port 1433

Jan 11, 2001

I've got SQL 2000 set up on a cluster running Windows 2000 Advanced Server (w/SP1).
Setup for Failover Clustering appeared to succeed normally on both nodes.

The SQL 2000 server logs show:

2001-01-11 10:02:57.82 server SuperSocket Info: Bind failed on TCP port 1433.
2001-01-11 10:02:57.85 server SQL server listening on Shared Memory, Named Pipes.
2001-01-11 10:02:57.85 server SQL Server is ready for client connections

I've checked to see if something else is using port 1433 (unlikely) and don't see anything.
The physical node that SQL 2000 is currently on has no other cluster resources assigned to it.
Any ideas?

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Installing IIS After Installing SQL Server 2005 And Visual Studio 2005 Help Requested!

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all, Im new here so il start with a little introduction of myself, My name is Arjan im 19 years old from Holland, and i work for a company to compleet my ICT Education.

My situation:

My boss gave me a server with server 2003 standard and Sql server 2005 and visual studio 2005 installed already, he asked me if i could figure out how the 'new' reporting services work, Im pretty new to SQL and the reporting service but i figured out i had to install / frameworks and IIS.

So right now i wanna start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and i get an error that says 'Invalid namespace' and when im trying to approach by using my browser i get 'page not found' so obviously their is Alot wrong. I asked my boss if i could not reinstall everything and do it in the correct order (IIS / / Frameworks before installing SQL server 2k5 but that was not an option because we dont seem to have the cd's anymore.

The server is not connected to any network or the internet.

My Question:

Is their any way to fix this? and if yes could anyone tell me where to start

Thanks in Advance!

ps if their is information or logs that u need in order to help me just say so :-)


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Problem Installing SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition On Windows Server 2003 Box

Sep 20, 2007

While attempting to install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition on a Windows Server 2003 box, it is failing as follows...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Thu Sep 20 11:11:35 2007
Process ID : 5440
E:setup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35
Loaded DLL:E:xmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35, returned false
Error: Action "ParseBootstrapOptionsAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Could not parse command line due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005
Function Name: writeEncryptedString
Source Line Number: 124
writeEncryptedString() failed
Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005
Function Name: writeEncryptedString
Source Line Number: 123
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: cryptohelpercryptsameusersamemachine.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Mon Jun 13 14:30:00 2005
Function Name: sqls::CryptSameUserSameMachine:rotectData
Source Line Number: 50
Could not skip Component update due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "InstallMediaPath" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "5440"} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope"
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/8/20 11:11:35
Error: Action "ActivateLoggingAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
Datastore exception while trying to write logging properties.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "primaryLogFiles" {"SetupStateScope", "", ""} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupStateScope.primaryLogFiles
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupStateScope"
00CFCFC8Unable to proceed with setup, there was a command line parsing error. : 2
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath
Source Line Number: 44
Failed to create CAB file due to datastore exception
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "HostSetup" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "5440"} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.HostSetup
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope"
Message pump returning: 2

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Setup Error Installing SQL Server 2005 Eval On Windows Server 2008 Beta

Apr 21, 2008


Is it possible to install SQL Server 2005 Eval on a Virtual PC 2007
client running Server 2008 Beta? Nothing says it isn't possible, it
says I need to service pack it right away, but before it gets started
it comes up with the error 'sqlcu.dll failed to load'. Anyone know
what this is all about?

Any ideas?

Any help would be appreciated.

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COM Plus Catalog Requirement (Warning) When Installing MS SQL SERVER 2005 ENTERPRISE ON WINDOWS SERVER 2003

Sep 21, 2006

COM Plus Catalog Requirement (Warning)


COM Plus Catalog Requirement

If SQL Server Setup fails, Setup will roll back the installation but may not remove all .manifest files. The workaround is to rename the files and then rerun Setup. For more information, see How to: Work Around COM+ Check Failure in SQL Server Setup.

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A Transport-level Error Has Occurred When Receiving Results From The Server. - After Installing New Instance Of SQL Server 2005 W/NO App Changes

Sep 27, 2006

We've devoted a resource to this today, but I have to believe it's something easy that we're overlooking.  The scneario is that we have a production Web application that until last weekend had a SQL 2000 back end.  This weekend we installed a new instance of SQL 2005 and everything works (we tested in a sandbox environment, but someone must not have load tested enough) and never saw these exceptions.   So, after the upgrade we now receive 100's of thexe SQL excptions per day:A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)Does anyone know what we've overlooked that's causing this issue?Thanks for any help! 

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Access Violation Error On Setup.exe When Installing SQl Server 6.5 On NT 4.0 Server

Feb 18, 1999

I have tried several times to install SQL server onto an NT4.0 server which is more than capable of having more than one application to cope with, however, when going through the install procedure the programm stops with the following message

Access Violation
In address :

Any hints as to where the problems lies or point me inthe right direction would be appreciated.

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Installing SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services On Server 2000

Feb 25, 2008

I'm trying to install SQL Server 2005 on a server 2000 machine, everything is working with the exception of the Web Service Identity. It is putting machinenameASPNET, and I don't know where to go to make it use something else. I've look around but I have really seen any answers that have worked for me.

Thanks in advance


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Problems Installing SQL Server 2005 On Windows Server 2008

Feb 25, 2008


I just installed Windows Server 2008. The installation also included Web Server.

When I tried to install SQL Server, I got the following warning:

IIS Feature Requirement (Warning)


IIS Feature Requirement

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is either not installed or is disabled. IIS is required by some SQL Server features. Without IIS, some SQL Server features will not be available for installation. To install all SQL Server features, install IIS from Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel or enable the IIS service through the Control Panel if it is already installed, and then run SQL Server Setup again. For a list of features that depend on IIS, see Features Supported by Editions of SQL Server in Books Online.

Can somebody advise me on how I can resolve this warning? Would running SP2 take care of this?


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Cannot Select Server Database Engine When Installing SQL Server Sep 2005 CTP

Sep 30, 2005

I am trying to install SQL Server Sep 2005 CTP - ENTERPRISE, there are 

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Uninstalling SQL Server Comapct Edition And Installing Sql Server 2005

May 16, 2008


Recently I have installed Visual Studion Team System 2008 Development Edition in my sytem. Along with this, MS-SQL Server aand MSSQL Server Compact Edition is also installed. I need to install the SQL Server 2005 in my system.

In such a scenario, does the Compact Edition is required? Can I uninstall them and install Sql Server 2005 only? If I uninstall anything, would it cause any problems for the .Net programs to work?

Please respond asap.

Thanks for any help.

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