Problem Joining Child Data (JOIN, Subquery, Or Something Else?)
Jun 21, 2006
The problem:
I'm updating a report to be "multi-language" capable. Previously,
any items that had text associated with them were unconditionally
pulling in the English text. The database has always been capable of
storing multiple languages for an item, however.
Desired output:
Given the test data below, I'd like to get the following results
select * from mytestfunc(1)
Item_Id, Condition, QuestionText
1876, NOfKids <= 10, This many children is unlikely.
The current SQL for my UDF:
SELECT tblCheck.Item_ID, tblCheck.CheckDescr AS Condition,
FROM tblCheck LEFT OUTER JOIN tblQuestionText ON (tblCheck.Item_ID =
WHERE ((tblQuestionText.LanguageReference = @Lang_ID) OR
(tblQuestionText.LanguageReference IS NULL))
Test data:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblCheck] (
[Item_ID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[CheckDescr] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[CreationDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[RevisionDate] [datetime] NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblCheck] ADD
CONSTRAINT [DF__tblCheck__Creati__0D7A0286] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblLanguage] (
[ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[Priority] [int] NULL ,
[Name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[Spoken] [bit] NULL ,
[CreationDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[RevisionDate] [datetime] NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblLanguage] ADD
CONSTRAINT [DF__tblLangua__Creat__2CF2ADDF] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR
GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblQuestionText] (
[Item_ID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[LanguageReference] [int] NOT NULL ,
[QuestionText] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[SameAs] [int] NULL ,
[CreationDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[RevisionDate] [datetime] NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblQuestionText] ADD
CONSTRAINT [DF__tblQuesti__Creat__76969D2E] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR
INSERT INTO tblCheck (Item_ID, CheckDescr)
VALUES(1876, 'NOfKids <= 10')
INSERT INTO tblLanguage (ID, Priority, Name, Spoken)
VALUES(1,1,'English', 1)
INSERT INTO tblLanguage (ID, Priority, Name, Spoken)
VALUES(2,2,'Espanol', 1)
INSERT INTO tblQuestionText (Item_ID, LanguageReference, QuestionText)
VALUES (1876, 1, 'This many children is unlikely.')
I have two table, tblCharge and tblSentence, for each charge, there are one or more sentences, if I join the two tables together using ChargeID such as: select * from tblCharge c join tblSentence s on c.ChargeID=s.ChargeID , all the sentences for each charge are returned. There is a field called DateCreated in tblSentence, I only want the latest sentence for each charge returned, how can I do this? I tried to create a function to get the latest sentence for a chargeID like the following: select * from tblCharge c join tblSentence s on s.SentenceID=LatestSentenceID(c.ChargeID) but it runs very slow, any idea to improve it? thanks,
I'm stuck on something here. Any help would be great. This is a relational database question.
I'm trying to inner join two columns of one table with one column of another. The follwoing code doesn't work, but I think you can see what I'm trying to do.
Procedure _Links_List AS CREATE TABLE #TempTable ( LinkId int, LinkCategory varchar(50), LinkStatus varchar(50), LinkName varchar(50) ) INSERT INTO #TempTable ( LinkId, LinkCategory, LinkStatus, LinkName ) SELECT LinkId, _SubCategories.SubCategoryName, _SubCategories.SubCategoryName, LinkName FROM _Links INNER JOIN _SubCategories ON _Links.CategoryId = _SubCategories.SubCategoryId INNER JOIN _SubCategories ON _Links.StatusId = _SubCategories.SubCategoryId SELECT LinkId, LinkCategory, LinkStatus, LinkName FROM #TempTable
Also, I know how to do this if I had seperate category tables for each category (LinkCategory, LinkStatus). For examlple:
Procedure _Links_List AS CREATE TABLE #TempTable ( LinkId int, LinkCategory varchar(50), LinkStatus varchar(50), LinkName varchar(50) ) INSERT INTO #TempTable ( LinkId, LinkCategory, LinkStatus, LinkName ) SELECT LinkId, _Links_Categories.CategoryName, _Links_StatusCategories.StatusName, LinkName FROM _Links INNER JOIN _Links_Categories ON _Links.CategoryId = _Links_Categories.CategoryId INNER JOIN _Links_StatusCategories ON _Links.StatusId = _Links_StatusCategories.StatustId SELECT LinkId, LinkCategory, LinkStatus, LinkName FROM #TempTable
I know the above works but I'm trying to figure out how to have just one category table and one subcategory table for all of my categories of all my tables.
So instead of having to create a new table for every category and all the procedures for them for all my tables, I want to be able to just use these two tables.
If anyone knows how I go about this, especially when a table uses two category columns, I Thank you.
SELECT CASE WHEN WM_Template.WBS2 = '500' THEN '1750.00' + WM_Template.WBS2 ELSE '2000.20' + WM_Template.WBS2 END AS WBS2, WM_Template.WBS3 AS WBS3, CASE WHEN WM_Template.WBS2 = '260' THEN 'Pre Con Mtg / Inspections/ Punch List' WHEN WM_Template.WBS2 = '250' THEN 'All Environmental Permits & Approvals' WHEN WM_Template.WBS2 = '150' THEN 'Project Admin / Clerical / Status Reports ' ELSE WM_Template.LongName END AS LongName, (ISNULL(LB.AmtBud, 0) + ISNULL(EB.AmtBud, 0)) AS AmtBud, SUM(CASE WHEN LedgerAR.TransType <> 'CR ' AND LedgerAR.Period <= '200408' THEN Ledgerar.amount * - 1 ELSE ' 0 ' END) AS BTD, SUM(CASE WHEN LedgerAR.TransType <> 'CR ' AND LedgerAR.Period = '200408' THEN Ledgerar.amount * - 1 ELSE ' 0 ' END) AS BillExt FROM PR LEFT OUTER JOIN LB ON LB.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = LB.WBS2 AND LB.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 LEFT OUTER JOIN EB ON EB.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = EB.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = EB.WBS3 LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerAR ON LedgerAR.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND LedgerAR.WBS2 = PR.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = LedgerAR.WBS3 LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerAP ON LEdgerAP.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND LedgerAP.Wbs2 = PR.WBS2 AND LedgerAP.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 LEFT JOIN WM_DA_Template ON WM_DA_Template.WBS2 = PR.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = WM_DA_Template.WBS3 LEFT OUTER JOIN WM_Template ON WM_DA_Template.WM_Key = WM_Template.WM_Key WHERE (PR.WBS2 <> '9001') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '98') AND (PR.WBS2 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS3 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '') AND (WM_Template.WBS2 <> '') AND WM_Template.WBS2 <> '210' AND pr.wbs1 = '001-298' GROUP BY WM_Template.WBS2, WM_Template.WBS3, WM_Template.LongName, lb.amtbud, eb.amtbud
second query
SELECT WM_Template.WBS2, CASE WHEN (SUM(isnull(LB.AmtBud * - 1, 0)) <> '0') AND (SUM(isnull(EB.AmtBud, 0)) <> '0') THEN 'HM & SC' WHEN (SUM(isnull(LB.AmtBud * - 1, 0)) <> '0') AND (SUM(isnull(EB.AmtBud, 0)) = '0') THEN 'HM' WHEN (SUM(isnull(LB.AmtBud, 0)) = '0') AND (SUM(isnull(EB.AmtBud, 0)) <> '0') THEN 'SC' WHEN (SUM(isnull(LB.AmtBud, 0)) = '0') AND (SUM(isnull(EB.AmtBud, 0)) = '0') THEN (CASE WHEN (SUM(isnull(LedgerAP.Amount, 0)) <> '0') THEN 'SC' END) WHEN (SUM(isnull(LB.AmtBud, 0)) = '0') AND (SUM(isnull(EB.AmtBud, 0)) = '0') THEN (CASE WHEN (SUM(isnull(LedgerAR.Amount * - 1, 0)) <> '0') THEN 'HM' END) WHEN (SUM(isnull(LB.AmtBud, 0)) = '0') AND (SUM(isnull(EB.AmtBud, 0)) = '0') THEN (CASE WHEN (SUM(isnull(LedgerAP.Amount, 0)) <> '0') AND (SUM(isnull(LedgerAR.Amount * - 1, 0)) <> '0') THEN 'HM & SC' END) ELSE 'N/A' END AS FeeType FROM PR LEFT OUTER JOIN LB ON LB.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = LB.WBS2 AND LB.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 LEFT OUTER JOIN EB ON EB.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = EB.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = EB.WBS3 LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerAR ON LedgerAR.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND LedgerAR.WBS2 = PR.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = LedgerAR.WBS3 LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerAP ON LEdgerAP.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND LedgerAP.Wbs2 = PR.WBS2 AND LedgerAP.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 LEFT JOIN WM_DA_Template ON WM_DA_Template.WBS2 = PR.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = WM_DA_Template.WBS3 LEFT OUTER JOIN WM_Template ON WM_DA_Template.WM_Key = WM_Template.WM_Key WHERE (PR.WBS2 <> '9001') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '98') AND (PR.WBS2 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS3 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '') AND (WM_Template.WBS2 <> '') AND pr.wbs1 = '001-333' GROUP BY WM_Template.WBS2
I have one data table (tblPresultPeriods) and one lookup table (lkpStatus).
The query is:
select PPPeriodNumber as PeriodNumber, Max(PPstatus) as Status from tblPresultPeriods where ppmemberid = 133 and pptransseq > 0 group by ppperiodnumber
It returns (correctly):
PeriodNumber Status ------------ ------ A1 1 Q1 4 Q2 1
I want to do a join so that I get the lkpStatus.StatusDescription value to display.
The query is:
select PPPeriodNumber, Max(PPstatus)as status, StatusDescription from tblPresultPeriods, lkpStatus where tblPresultPeriods.PPstatus = lkpStatus.Statuscode and ppmemberid = 133 and pptransseq > 0 group by PPPeriodNumber, PPstatus, StatusDescription order by PPPeriodNumber, PPstatus, StatusDescription
but I get (not what I want):
PPPeriodNumber status StatusDescription -------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------- A1 0 Initialize A1 1 Enter Presults Q1 0 Initialize Q1 1 Enter Presults Q1 4 Re-Review Presutls Q2 0 Initialize Q2 1 Enter Presults
because the of the additional group by & order by columns.
I assume this requires a sub-query, but I am baffeled.
Hi, Iwant to make a left join between two tables connected with a specific field but I also want to have some criteria on the right table. I want to display all the rows from the first(left) table and only the rows from the secod (right) table that match the join and the criteria. However If I have criteria on the second table the join behaves like an inner join displaying only the rows that exist in both tables. In MS Access instead of the right table I use a query in which I enter the criteria and then I connect it with a left join in a new query in order to get the right results. How can I do itin MSSQLServer without using Views? Must I use a subquery with Exists and what is the right syntax in order to achieve this?
I know I can't do this but I dont know will work. any help is much appreciated. the code below in red will always return more than one value, and yes the ?? is actually data (dont ask i didnt do it).
I am basically coding this because of the ?? someone before me thought was a good idea.
inner join MHDDTest.dbo.Admin_tbl_Vendor f on (case when len(b.vadr) > 0 then (case when (b.vadr = '??') then (select vendorNumber from MHDDTest.dbo.Admin_tbl_Vendor where (substring(afunction,3,2) + object) = '42305' and substring(vendorNumber,1,5) = b.vend) else b.vend + '-' + b.vadr end) else b.vend end = f.vendorNumber)
After working with Oracle (can I say that out loud here? ) databases for a couple of years, our company recently switched to SQL2005. So far I really like it, and the switch has been relatively easy for me. Except for one thing...
I'm trying to find out how to join a subquery on multiple columns. In Oracle it would like this:
select * from #temp1 where (id_1, id_2) not in (select id_1, id_2 from #temp2)
But this doesn't work in SQL-T. I've temporarily solved it by doing this:
select * from #temp1 where id_1+id_2 not in (select id_1+id_2 from #temp2)
I don't like concat solutions for joins though (it always feels 'unsafe' to me). Plus, I can't believe there's no way to solve this.
I've searched the FAQ and BOL but I just can't seem to find the solution. Please help. I feel stupid.
Hi, I have a long sql query and I have to left join two tables. The problem is that I need to do a subquery in the left join for the second table. Let me give an example.
My second table haves this data: ID GAME CREATED 1 SOCCER 1-8-1980 1 BASKKET 1-9-2000 2 TENIS 1-10-2000 2 GOLF 1-12-2000 2 CARS 1-9-2010 3 BIKE 1-2-1930
My first table left joins the second one by the ID column. So, I want first to determine the max record of each ID of the second table. Ones I have the max record for each ID in table one i want to left join it with table A. How do I have to build the subquery in the inner join? I believe is something like this:
I need to run an Insert query which pulls data from a table located on server A database AA Table AAA conditional on (or JOINED with) Table BBB in database BB sever B. In SQL 2000 it could be done as:
From Server A: sp_addlinkedserver B INSERT dbo.ResultsTable SELECT SourceTable.* FROM B.BB.dbo.BBB SourceTable INNER JOIN A.AA.dbo.AAA ConditionTable ON SourceTable.RecID = ConditionTable.RecID sp_dropserver B
In SSIS one of the possible solutions is to use a package which does the following: OPEN A + OPEN B-> SORT A + SORT B->MERGE JOIN A and B->OUTPUT RESULT
The problem with this approach is that it's extremely slow for large datafiles (50M records each)
1) In the procedure above could the SORT step be avoided? 2) Is there another approach to run cross-servers JOIN in SSIS?
SELECT A.EmpId,A.IncidentDate FROM EmployeePoints1 as A WHERE IncidentDate= (SELECT MAX(IncidentDate) FROM EmployeePoints1 WHERE EmpId = A.EmpId) AND (DATEADD(day,28,DATEADD(WEEK, DATEDIFF(WEEK, 0,A.IncidentDate), 0)) < DATEADD(WEEK, DATEDIFF(WEEK, 0,GetDate()), 0)) AND (A.IncidentCode = 'I' OR A.IncidentCode = 'A') LEFT JOIN EmployeeTotalPoints1 ON EmployeeTotalPoints1.EmpId = A.EmpId
I have got question about the performance of subquery and left outer join
My scenario is that I have two tables Customer Mater and address book.
Customer Mater and address book tables hold the record for both carrier and customer. and i want retrieve the record for customer and related carrier as well
i have two options
1. either use left outer join (i.e. Join Customer master to Address Book 2 times, 1 for customer and 1 for carrier) by:
Address book (as customer) Left outer Join Customer Master (on related Key)
AddressBook (as carrier) Left Outer Join Customer master (on related Key)
2.or use 1 join for customer and use subquery to retrieve carrier name (from Customer table) as I only need that one
Address Book AB (as Customer) Join Customer Master CM Subquery: Select carrier_name From customer_master cm2 where cm2.carrier = ab.carrier
can any one tell one which is the best as far as performance is concern. My opinion is that the subquery is better becuase left outer join will have the overhread of extra columns... not pretty sure about it..
Given the sample data and query below, I would like to know if it is possible to have the outcome be a single row, with the ChildTypeId, c.StartDate, c.EndDate being contained in the parent row. Â So, the outcome I'm hoping for based on the data below for ParentId = 1 would be:
hello friends.. I am newbie for sql server...I having a problem when executing this procedure .... ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spgetvalues] @Uid intASBEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; select DATEPART(year, c.fy)as fy, (select contribeamount from wh_contribute where and contribename like 'Retire-Plan B-1% JRF' ) as survivorship, (select contribeamount from wh_contribute where and contribename like 'Gross Earnings' and ) as ytdgross, (select contribeamount from wh_contribute where and contribename like 'Retire-Plan B-1.5% JRP') as totalcontrib, from wh_contribute c where c.uid=@Uid Order by fy Asc .....what is the wrong here?? " Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression."please reply asap...
I am getting 2 resultsets depending on conditon, In the secondconditon i am getting the above error could anyone help me..........CREATE proc sp_count_AllNewsPapers@CustomerId intasdeclare @NewsId intset @NewsId = (select NewsDelId from NewsDelivery whereCustomerId=@CustomerId )if not exists(select CustomerId from NewsDelivery whereNewsPapersId=@NewsId)beginselect count( NewsPapersId) from NewsPapersendif exists(select CustomerId from NewsDelivery whereNewsPapersId=@NewsId)beginselect count(NewsDelId) from NewsDelivery whereCustomerid=@CustomeridendGO
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
while running the following query.
SELECT DISTINCT EmployeeDetails.FirstName+' '+EmployeeDetails.LastName AS EmpName,
LUP_FIX_DeptDetails.DeptName AS CurrentDepartment,
LUP_FIX_DesigDetails.DesigName AS CurrentDesignation,
LUP_FIX_ProjectDetails.ProjectName AS CurrentProject,
ManagerName=(SELECT E.FirstName+' '+E.LastName
FROM EmployeeDetails E
ON E.Empid=LUP_EmpProject.Empid
ON LUP_EmpProject.Projectid = LUP_FIX_ProjectDetails.Projectid
WHERE LUP_FIX_ProjectDetails.Managerid = E.Empid)
FROM EmployeeDetails
INNER JOIN LUP_EmpDepartment
ON EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpDepartment.Empid
ON LUP_EmpDepartment.Deptid=LUP_FIX_DeptDetails.Deptid
AND LUP_EmpDepartment.Date=(SELECT TOP 1 LUP_EmpDepartment.Date
FROM LUP_EmpDepartment
WHERE EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpDepartment.Empid
ORDER BY LUP_EmpDepartment.Date DESC)
INNER JOIN LUP_EmpDesignation
ON EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpDesignation.Empid
ON LUP_EmpDesignation.Desigid=LUP_FIX_DesigDetails.Desigid
AND LUP_EmpDesignation.Date=(SELECT TOP 1 LUP_EmpDesignation.Date
FROM LUP_EmpDesignation
WHERE EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpDesignation.Empid
ORDER BY LUP_EmpDesignation.Date DESC)
ON EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpProject.Empid
AND LUP_EmpProject.StartDate=(SELECT TOP 1 LUP_EmpProject.StartDate
FROM LUP_EmpProject
WHERE EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpProject.Empid
ORDER BY LUP_EmpProject.StartDate DESC)
ON LUP_EmpProject.Projectid=LUP_FIX_ProjectDetails.Projectid
I've running the below query for months ans suddenly today started getting the following error :"Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression."
Any ideas as to why??
SELECT t0.DocNum, t0.Status, t0.ItemCode, t0.Warehouse, t0.OriginNum, t0.U_SOLineNo, ORDR.NumAtCard, ORDR.CardCode, OITM_1.U_Cultivar, RDR1.U_Variety, (SELECT OITM.U_Variety FROM OWOR INNER JOIN WOR1 ON OWOR.DocEntry = WOR1.DocEntry INNER JOIN OITM INNER JOIN OITB ON OITM.ItmsGrpCod = OITB.ItmsGrpCod ON WOR1.ItemCode = OITM.ItemCode WHERE (OITB.ItmsGrpNam = 'Basic Fruit') AND (OWOR.DocNum = t0.DocNum)) AS Expr1, OITM_1.U_Organisation, OITM_1.U_Commodity, OITM_1.U_Pack, OITM_1.U_Grade, RDR1.U_SizeCount, OITM_1.U_InvCode, OITM_1.U_Brand, OITM_1.U_PalleBase, OITM_1.U_Crt_Pallet, OITM_1.U_LabelType, RDR1.U_DEPOT, OITM_1.U_PLU, RDR1.U_Trgt_Mrkt, RDR1.U_Wrap_Type, ORDR.U_SCCode FROM OWOR AS t0 INNER JOIN ORDR ON t0.OriginNum = ORDR.DocNum INNER JOIN RDR1 ON ORDR.DocEntry = RDR1.DocEntry AND t0.U_SOLineNo - 1 = RDR1.LineNum INNER JOIN OITM AS OITM_1 ON t0.ItemCode = OITM_1.ItemCode WHERE (t0.Status <> 'L')
OK so there is some data in an Oracle DB that I need to query and analyze. Unfortunately, the criteria for selecting/grouping the data is stored in a MS Sql Server DB. This cannot be changed. SqlServerGroup Name ID# Item ConditionAAA123 1 a 1AAA123 2 a 1AAA123 3 a 1AAA123 4 a 2AAA123 5 a 2AAA123 1 b 3AAA123 2 b 4AAA123 3 b 3AAA123 4 b 4AAA123 5 b 3BBB123 1 a 1BBB123 2 a 1BBB123 3 a 2BBB123 4 a 2BBB123 5 a 2 OracleGroup Name ID# ValueAAA123 1 50%AAA123 2 55%AAA123 3 60%AAA123 4 80%AAA123 5 70%BBB123 1 35%BBB123 2 45%BBB123 3 50%BBB123 4 50%BBB123 5 80% I need to be able to get this:Group Name Item Condition ValueAAA123 a 1 55%AAA123 a 2 75%AAA123 b 3 60%AAA123 b 4 67.5%BBB123 a 1 40%BBB123 a 2 60% Any idea how I can get the data from these two DBs to talk to each other? Thanks.
I know similar questions have been asked but I wanted to try my luck that my issue is somehow different.
I am querying a database which has detail information (sales transactions) and is grouped by customer. I also have a table with one record for each customer with some historical sales information (summary information). The requirements for the report are to have the sums of the sales for each customer along with the historical data for that customer in the same row in the table. I haven't found a way to do this using one dataset and from what I've read, the current version doesn't support joining multiple datasets over a grouping field (customer).. or at all.
I have multiple table with the same schema as follows Table1 ID Date ---------------
1 D1 2 D2 3 D3 4 D4
Table2 ID Date --------------- 2 D21 3 D31 4 D41
I just want to build a mater table out of these existing tables . I need a query that builds as faster as possioble as these tables might contains millions of records
Hello, I am using Visual studio 2005 and have such a problem. I have a report that takes most of its date from €œordersview€? that is linked to lots of other fields. The final report has fields such as product name, number, Date, quantity and actual quantity etc. This works fine, but the program that I get the data from can€™t keep all the data in itself, because it slows the time of its work enormously. So we made it so that all the data of orders that are completed ant older that 2 days would be copied to another table €œOrdersArchive€? and deleted from €œOrders€? table. Now I need to make a report that takes data from €œordersArchive€? if its older that two days, and from €œorders€? if it is new. The fields are the same in both cases and I would like the data to appear in the same table so it could be grouped, sorted and evaluated by the same criteria. Is it even possible and if it is how should I do it? For now I only managed to create 2 separate tables in the same report that take date from different datasets. Regards Darius
Request ID Parent ID Account Name Addresss 1452 1254789 Wendy's Atlanta Georgia 1453 1254789 Wendy's Norcross Georgia 1456 1254789 Waffle House Atlanta Georgia
............child |parent|.............a1 |a | .............a2 |a |.............a11 |a1 |.............b1 |b |.............b11 |b1 |.............b111 |b1 |............. Here is my table I want to get all childs of "a" ie {a1,a11,a2}I mean recursivelyie child,chid of child ,child of child of child ........etc up to any extentet the table containHow can i for mulate the select querry?
I have 2 table that I want to join and output a row on a condition that one of the records have a null in the field. Heres what I have.employee table (empid, name)tasks table (taskid, empid, taskname, resolution)If the resolution is null than I want it to be accounted for in each employee record. Heres my query so far that joins the 2 tables and accounts for each employee and counts each task they have. I need another column that counts the tasks.resolution's null values for each employee but cant figure it out. Thanks for any help!SELECT e.empid,, COUNT(t.ID) as 'tcount'FROM tasks t RIGHT JOIN employee e ON c.empid = t.empidGROUP BY e.empid, e.nameorder by 'tcount' desc
1. to display all parent with ORDER BY ItemOrder (no need to sort by ItemDate) 2. display all child row right after their parent (ORDER BY ItemOrder if ItemDate are same, else ORDER BY ItemDate) 3. display all grand child row right after their parent (ORDER BY ItemOrder if ItemDate are same, else ORDER BY ItemDate)
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2191 (Intel IA-64)
Mar 27 2006 11:51:52
Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
sp_dboption 'BB_XXXXX'
The following options are set:
trunc. log on chkpt.
auto create statistics
auto update statistics
OK, the problem is that if a run the below query in server01, i get error 512:
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
But, if run the same query in the server02, the query work fine -.
I know that I can use IN, EXISTS, TOP, etc ... but I need understand this behavior.
I find that dynamic masking does not work on joining tables in SQL Server 2016 CTP2.1.
For examples, I create the following table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[HRM_StaffAppointment]( [StaffID] [nvarchar](11) NOT NULL, [ApptSeqNo] [smallint] NOT NULL, [ReportingDept] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[Code] ...
Then I apply mask on StaffID and RankDesc.
alter [dbo].[HRM_StaffAppointment] alter column [StaffID] add masked with (function='default()') alter [dbo].[HRM_StaffAppointment] alter column [RankDesc] add masked with (function='default()')
When User A logged in and query on HRM_StaffAppointment, StaffID and RankDesc are perfectly masked. But User A can remove the masking using another table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[staffID]( [staffID] [nvarchar](255)Â ) ON [PRIMARY] select a.* from dbo.HRM_StaffAppointment as a left join dbo.staffID as b on a.StaffID = b.StaffID
It looks like a security hole to me, or I'm doing anything wrong?
1. For U_ID = 1, we have two diffrent U_NM and for one U_NM we have 2 child data.  Need to show parent data order by U_ORD and need to show child data within their parent order by U_DT
2. For U_ID = 2, we don't have child data, hence need to show data order by U_ORD only
SELECT 1 AS U_ID, 'Plan' AS U_NM, '06/01/2015' AS U_DT, 1 AS U_ORD, NULL AS P_U_NM UNION ALL SELECT 1, 'Cust Plan 2', '06/05/2015', 0, 'Plan' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 'Cust Plan 1', '06/10/2015', 0, 'Plan' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 'Design', '06/15/2015', 2, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'Plan', '06/20/2015', 1, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'Design', '06/25/2015', 2, NULL
I am trying to add the results of both of these queries together:
The purpose of the first query is to find the number of nulls in the TimeZone column.
Query 1:
SELECT COUNT(*) - COUNT (TimeZone) FROM tablename
The purpose of the second query is to find results in the AAST, AST, etc timezones.
Query 2:
SELECT COUNT (TimeZone) FROM tablename WHERE TimeZone NOT IN ('EST', 'MST', 'PST', 'CST')
Note: both queries produce a whole number with no decimals. Ran individually both queries produce accurate results. However, what I would like is one query which produced a single INT by adding both results together. For example, if Query 1 results to 5 and query 2 results to 10, I would like to see a single result of 15 as the output.
What I came up with (from research) is:
SELECT ((SELECT COUNT(*) - COUNT (TimeZone) FROM tablename) + (SELECT COUNT (TimeZone) FROM tablename WHERE TimeZone NOT IN ('EST', 'MST', 'PST', 'CST'))
I get a msq 102, level 15, state 1 error.
I also tried
SELECT ((SELECT COUNT(*) - COUNT (TimeZone) FROM tablename) + (SELECT COUNT (TimeZone) FROM tablename WHERE TimeZone NOT IN ('EST', 'MST', 'PST', 'CST')) as IVR_HI_n_AK_results
but I still get an error. For the exact details see:
NOTE: the table in query 1 and query 2 are the same table. I am using T-SQL in SQL Server Management Studio 2008.