Problem Loading Data From Foxpro Tables Under Multiple Folders
Oct 17, 2007
I am trying load data from multiple Foxpro tables which are under a folder. I can have multiple folders with 17 foxpro tables. I was able to do it in DTS using ActiveX script. Here is the ACtiveX script.
' Visual Basic ActiveX Script
Option Explicit
Dim conObj,DSNGosfbill,comObj,objRs,HostServer
Dim sFolder,sFileFolder, Details,subFolderoccur,sFileFolderDBF,sFileFolderFPT,CheckFile,dFiles,Fil
Dim fso, folderObj,subFolderList,dFolderObj
Dim objPackage,oStep,objPackage_1,oStep_1,ConnObj_001,ConnObj_004,ConnObj_031,ConnObj_032,ConnObj_033
Dim ConnObj_Hclaimb, ConnObj_HProv, ConnObj_Hids, ConnObj_HCodes, ConnObj_HSpan, ConnObj_002, ConnObj_HCHGB
Set conObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
HostServer =DTSGlobalVariables("gvServer").Value
'DSNGosfbill ="DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" & HostServer & ";DATABASE=GOSFBILL"
DSNGosfbill ="DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" & HostServer & ";UID=syntelhum;PWD=syntel123;DATABASE=GOSFBILL" DSNGosfbill
sFolder =DTSGlobalVariables("gvSSIUnzipPath").Value
CheckFile =DTSGlobalVariables("gvSSIBatchPath").Value
set comObj=CreateObject ("adodb.command")
set comObj.ActiveConnection =conObj
Function Main()
Dim Dir_Name,DirFlag
Dir_Name = ""
DirFlag = "N"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(checkFile) Then
Details = "***** Success.Lst file is missing in Batch folder. BATCH job may not be successfull or there are no folders in UNZIP directory to process. Check the batch run.*****"
Call Write_Log
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
Exit Function
End If
Set folderObj = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
Set subFolderList = folderObj.SubFolders
For Each subFolderOccur in subFolderList
DirFlag = "Y"
Dir_Name = subFolderOccur.Name
Call Process_Dir(1,subFolderOccur.Name)
If DirFlag = "N" Then
Details = "***** No directories to process in SSI UNZIP folder*****"
Call Write_Log
End If
If DirFlag = "Y" Then
Call Process_Dir(2,Dir_Name)
If objRs.Eof Then
Details = "***** No directories to process in SSI UNZIP folder*****"
Call Write_Log
End If
While not objRs.EOF
set sFileFolder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder & objRs("zip_file_name"))
Details = "***** Start-Time " & sFileFolder & " " & Date & " " & Time & "*****"
Call Write_Log
Call Update_Process_Flag("L",objRs("zip_file_name"))
'*******Execute the package for each directory****************'
'********* Call the Package**************'
Set objPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package")
Set objPackage_1 = CreateObject("DTS.Package")
'objPackage.LoadFromSQLServer HostServer, , ,256, , , , "GOSFBILL_SSI_STAGING_LOAD"
objPackage.LoadFromSQLServer HostServer,"syntelhum","syntel123", , , , , "GOSFBILL_SSI_STAGING_LOAD"
'objPackage_1.LoadFromSQLServer HostServer, , ,256, , , , "GOSFBILL_SSI_Update_FileSource"
objPackage_1.LoadFromSQLServer HostServer,"syntelhum","syntel123", , , , , "GOSFBILL_SSI_Update_FileSource"
Set ConnObj_001 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH001")
ConnObj_001.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_002 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH002")
ConnObj_002.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_004 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH004")
ConnObj_004.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_031 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH031")
ConnObj_031.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_032 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH032")
ConnObj_032.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_033 = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATH033")
ConnObj_033.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_Hclaimb = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHCLAIMB")
ConnObj_Hclaimb.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_HProv = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHPROV")
ConnObj_HProv.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_Hids = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHHIDS")
ConnObj_Hids.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_HCodes = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHCODES")
ConnObj_HCodes.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_HSpan = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHSPAN")
ConnObj_HSpan.DataSource = sFileFolder
Set ConnObj_HCHGB = objPackage.Connections("SSIPATHCHGB")
ConnObj_HCHGB.DataSource = sFileFolder
For Each oStep In objPackage.Steps
If oStep.ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then
Details = "***** GOSFBILL_SSI_Staging_Load failed. " & Date & " " & Time & "*****"
Call Write_Log
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
Exit Function
End If
Call Update_Process_Flag("X",objRs("zip_file_name"))
objPackage_1.GlobalVariables("gFileSource").Value = objRs("zip_file_name")
For Each oStep_1 In objPackage_1.Steps
If oStep_1.ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then
Details = "***** GOSFBILL_SSI_Update_FileSource failed. " & Date & " " & Time & "*****"
Call Write_Log
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
Exit Function
End If
Details = "***** End-Time " & sFileFolder & " " & Date & " " & Time & "*****"
Call Write_Log
Set objPackage = Nothing
Set objPackage_1 = Nothing
sFileFolder = ""
sFileFolderDBF = ""
sFileFolderFPT = ""
End If
Call Close_Conn
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
Sub Process_Dir (Para_cntl,Dir_Name)
comObj.CommandText ="dbo.Usp_Process_Dir"
comObj.commandtype = 4
comobj.parameters("@Para_Cntl")= para_cntl
comobj.parameters("@Dir_Nm")= Dir_Name
comobj.parameters("@File_Type")= "SSI"
If (Para_Cntl = 1)Then
Else If Para_Cntl = 2 Then
Set objRs = comObj.Execute()
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Update_Process_Flag(P_Flag,Dir_Name)
comObj.CommandText ="dbo.Usp_Process_Flag"
comObj.commandtype = 4
comObj.parameters("@Process_Flag")= P_Flag
comobj.parameters("@Dir_Nm")= Dir_Name
End Sub
Sub Write_Log
comObj.CommandText ="dbo.usp_etl_write_log"
comObj.commandtype = 4
comobj.parameters("@Text")= Details
Comobj.parameters("@NDC_SSI_IND")= "SSI"
Comobj.parameters("@Process_Stage")= "Staging"
End Sub
Sub Close_Conn
Set comObj = Nothing
Set objRs = Nothing
Set conObj = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Set folderObj = Nothing
Set subFolderList = Nothing
End Sub
When I migrated this code to SSIS, its not working. How can I achive this functionality in SSIS. Any one pls help me.
Thanks in advance
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May 6, 2008
Hi Guys,
I have to work with a poorly designed table :(, that has columns
thisIDvarchar(50) null,
parentIDvarchar(50) null,
Titlevarchar(255) null,
Description varchar(8000) null,
ProductTypevarchar(255) null,
The reason it is poorly designed is the table is used to hold questions and answers, all with a 1:1 relationship. Instead of having ID, ProductType, Question, Answer they have unfortunately adopted the approach of the above i.e:
id 1
thisID 3
parentid nuLL
DESCRIPTION: this is a question
id 20
thisID 3_1
parentID 3
DESCRIPTION: this is the answer to the question above
So I am writing a sproc that does this using a temp table. I got this far:
-- =============================================
-- Author:Spencer
-- =============================================
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@ProductType varchar(255)
-- Insert statements for procedure here
thisIDvarchar(50) null,
parentIDvarchar(50) null,
Titlevarchar(255) null,
DescriptionQvarchar(8000) null,
DescriptionAvarchar(8000) null,
ProductTypevarchar(255) null,
ProductType = @ProductType AND parentID IS NULL
This gets all my questions for that product type.
What I need to do is load the questions into my temp table and then run through the a2z table again gaining the answers to the questions (the parentid holds the question ID). The answers then will also get loaded into the temp table.
Any bright sparks out there that can help me?
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Nov 21, 2007
Hi All,
I have problem in loading multiple excel sheets data in to according to that excelsheets tables in a DB.
All the excel sheets are in a folder,from that folder i have to acces all excel sheets.
For this i am unsing script task and one dataflow task.
But the error is coming in script task i am not able to put the path in the script..
Is this the correct way to do like this? Or any other way?
Can u please tell me the solution for this..Thanks in advance who are responding to this mail...
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Aug 18, 2007
I need to load the data from this table to three different tables all have foreign key relationship
Registration Table:
Registration_key ( Indetity) -PK
Episode_Key(Identity)- PK
Registration_key (FK)
Assessment Table:
Assessment_Key(Identity) €“ PK
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Mar 16, 2008
Is it possible to use SSIS to synchronize the data between a Foxpro .dbf and a compatible SQL Server table on a near realtime basis?
I have succesfully created an SSIS package that will insert data into the SQL Server Table but this is only useful for migrating data. What I need is a way to insure that the data in the SQL Server table matches that in the .dbf on a near realtime basis.
Or is there a way to link from SQL Server to the .dbf (similar to an Oracle DBLink).
Thanks for any and all assistance.....
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Oct 25, 2015
I have been tasked to do the following using SSIS.
We received two csv files each week and we would like to load these files to two different sql server tables using SSIS.
These files should be archived into a folder after each load. Â
How can I achieve this?
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Feb 17, 2011
I have multiple xml data file in a directory say C:XMLData abc1.xml, abc2.xml, abc3.xml etc.
Need to loop through each file in ssis with Foreach loop container, and get the file name say abc1, and load the data of abc1.xml to abc1 table in sql server DB.
Next iteration will pick up the abc2.xml and find the abc2 table in sql server DB then insert the data in abc2 table.
While each iteration, xml source should also point each xsd file correspondingly.
 Tables are already created in DB
I solved my problem up to getting the file name from ech iteration and assigned file name to variable, in oledb destination data access mode I select Table or view name variable, then corresponding table will get selected for data insertation.
Just wanted to know how can I read each xsd file for each xml data files while iteration.Â
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Dec 1, 2007
I have got an xml file with size more than 2 GB. I have to load this file into tables. With 32 bit platform, I am unable to load this file using SSIS. Ram is 8 GB, but it is still bombing out. As I know it uses XML DOM Parser and tries to shred the file in memory and because of memory limition, it fails. Although I have already written code in C# using XmlTextReading object(implemetation of SAX Parser) to load data in tables, but I want to keep this loading process within the limits of DBAs.
I am stuck. Can someone guide me through the situation?
Thanks for your help!
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Jun 23, 2004
I'm having a very irritating time trying to migrate data from a COBOL system to SQL Server.
One of the A/R Master files has approx. 200 columns.
I can export this file any number of ways that will (sometimes) load partially into my database, but always when the load succeeds, columns 75 through N simply contain NULL, even though there is data in the file. When the load fails in DTS, the error is always missing column delimiter. Using BULK INSERT the error is always something like data too long at column 75.
Putting all this together, I have deduced that something isn't working if I try
to load a staging table with more than 74 columns of data. This seems like a way-too-low threshold for a robust database, especially since SQL Server is supposed to be able to handle up to 1,024 columns per table.
Has anyone ever encountered this problem?
Thanks in advance for any help
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Jul 14, 2004
Hi I have a question how to load data to tables linked by Foreign Keys in MSDE/SQL server. Example:
If I have 2 tables linked (by Foreign Key):
One table:
1cheese 2
And another:
1 household
2 food
3 general
How do I enter the load of data
Do I have to enter it as
or is there some way of entering it as
TDS wizard does not allow me to transfer to views/querries what I thought would be a normal way as I would enter data to view(relevant to Access's form) and it would update related tables . When I wrote sql to do it it said I can not update my view table as too many tables would be affected(I had lookup tables empty then though)
I am doing it by number using TDS wizard to transfer it directly to the main table but there must be a better way
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Jul 10, 2007
Hello Everybody,
Can anybody please let me know the procedure for loading data into Dimensions & Facts? And what is the sequence of loading?
Thanks in Advance
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Jan 9, 2008
I want to load data into Excel file with following format,
Basically I want to insert records from multiple rows into a single row; how can I achieve this using SSIS.
I am using Excel as a data source.
Any help is appreciated.
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Apr 4, 2007
I am trying to load a file using SSIS that contains records with two different layouts in one data file but in the flat file connection I can only specify one layout and this is causing the records with the second layout to be loaded incorrectly.
The different record layouts can be identified by the first character of the record. Example: If Field begins with "A" then assign one layout; "B" assign second layout.
Has anybody come accross this issue, if so some guidence would be appreciated.
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Apr 22, 2004
Currently, I'm using the following steps to migrate millions of records from Foxpro tables to SQL Server tables:
1. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then bcp to SQL Server tables in a dummy database. All the SQL tables have the same columns as the Foxpro tables.
2. Manipulate the data in the SQL tables of the dummy database and save the manipulated data into the SQL tables of the real database where the tables may have different structure from the corresponding Foxpro tables.
I only know the following ways to import Foxpro data into SQL Server:
#1. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then bcp to SQL Server tables
#2. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then Bulk Insert to SQL Server tables
#3. DTS Foxpro records directly to SQL Server tables
I'm thinking whether the following choices will be better than the current way:
1st choice: Change step 1 to use #2 instead of #1
2nd choice: Change step 1 to use #3 instead of #1
3rd choice: Use #3 plus manipulating in DTS to replace step 1 and step 2
Thank you for any suggestion.
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Nov 14, 2007
I have Table A . we already have 80 columns . we have to add 65 more columns.
we are populating this table from oracle .and we need to populate those 65 columns again from the same table.
Is it a better idea to add those new 65 columns to the same table or new table.
If we go for the same table then loading time will be double, If I go for new table and If i am able to run both the packages which loads table data from same oracle server to difffrent sql tables then we should be good. But if we run in to temp space issues on oracle server . Then i have to load the two tables separately which consumes the same time as earlier one.
I was thinking if there is a way in SSIS where I can pull data from same oracle table in to two diff sql tables at same time?
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Aug 5, 2015
I have one excel sheet contains 50 sub sheets with different names on it. Is it possible can i load all sheets into SQL using SSIS?
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Feb 28, 2008
Report A contains a textbox that should navigate to Report B using the Jump To option. Report A and Report B are located in separated folders on the Reporting Server.
SSRS looks for the rdl file within the same folder when using the Jump To option. Is there away to navigate to a report located in a different folder on the same server?
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Jul 30, 2015
If I run the below command, it clean up the files inside the folders but unable to clean up the folder and sub-folders older than 30 days. xp_ cmd shell ' forfiles -p "D:abcd" -s -m *.* -d -30 -c "cmd /c del /Q @path"'
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Aug 25, 2015
I have an excel file that has multiple sheets and I need to import data from each separate sheet to a separate table using SSIS.Â
E.g. Sheet A data should go to Table A and Sheet B data should go to Table B and so on. Is it possible to do this with out using script task.
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Sep 8, 2006
I have just taken over the job of sorting out a rather poorly designed database. It looks like it was 'upsized' from an access database to the SQL server. The SQL server is the 2000 version.
Now I am trying to generate a report of what the students in the database are owing by referencing the Receipt table and then all the available payment methods and allocations. I was wondering if there was anyway to work out data being displayed twice (Let me demonstrate)
Note1: All the tables are linked by a key of ReceiptNo. From what I can see there is a table for every payment type and allocation but no link between the two other then the receipt number.
Using the query:
SELECT T_Receipt.ReceiptNo, T_cheque.Amount AS Chq_Amount, T_credit.Amount AS Cre_Amount, StandingOrder.Amount AS Stn_Amount,
T_BankTransfer.amount AS Bnk_Amount, T_cash.TotalAmount AS Cas_Amount, T_RentPayment.AmountPayed AS Ren_Paid,
T_AdminPayment.AmountPaid AS Adm_Paid, T_InternetBilling.Total AS Int_Paid, T_Utilities.AmountPaid AS Util_Amount,
T_InvoicePayment.amountPaid AS Inv_Paid, T_OtherPayments.paymentAmount AS Oth_Paid, T_parkingBill.paymentAmount AS Prk_Paid,
T_TelephoneBills.TelephoneCredit AS Tel_Paid, T_DepositPayment.[Deposit payment] AS Dep_Amount, T_Receipt.cancelled AS Canceled,
T_Receipt.RemittanceReceiptNo AS Rec_Ref, T_Receipt.Student
T_DepositPayment ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_DepositPayment.receiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_RentPayment ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_RentPayment.RentPaymentNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
StandingOrder ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = StandingOrder.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_TelephoneBills ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_TelephoneBills.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_parkingBill ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_parkingBill.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_OtherPayments ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_OtherPayments.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_InvoicePayment ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_InvoicePayment.receiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_cash ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_cash.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_AdminPayment ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_AdminPayment.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_BankTransfer ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_BankTransfer.receiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_Utilities ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_Utilities.receiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_credit ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_credit.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_cheque ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_cheque.ReceiptNo LEFT OUTER JOIN
T_InternetBilling ON T_Receipt.ReceiptNo = T_InternetBilling.ReceiptNo
GROUP BY T_Receipt.Student, T_Receipt.ReceiptNo, T_cheque.Amount, T_credit.Amount, StandingOrder.Amount, T_BankTransfer.amount, T_cash.TotalAmount,
T_AdminPayment.AmountPaid, T_InternetBilling.Total, T_Utilities.AmountPaid, T_InvoicePayment.amountPaid, T_OtherPayments.paymentAmount,
T_parkingBill.paymentAmount, T_TelephoneBills.TelephoneCredit, T_Receipt.cancelled, T_Receipt.RemittanceReceiptNo,
T_DepositPayment.[Deposit payment], T_RentPayment.AmountPayed, T_Receipt.Student
HAVING (T_Receipt.Student LIKE N'06%')
Which gives a result of:
This is fine but when I do analysis on this it appears as though the student has paid two deposit payments. I was wondering with out querying each table independently from an application if there was a criteria to specify that I only get one deposit result.
So as such say, give me all the payments but I only want one result from the other tables. I though about discrete but that wouldn't work here.
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Nov 15, 2006
I have 7 source databases and one target database, all using the same structure. The structure is made of 10 tables, with foreign key constraints.
I need to merge the source databases into the target (which won't have any data before that process, but will already have the correct schema), and to keep the relationships between the records.
I know how to iterate over the source databases (with SMO foreach), but I'd like to know if someone can advise the best copy method for that context in SSIS ? (I don't want to keep the primary keys, but I need to keep the relationships...)
Any pointer most welcome!
best regards and thanks
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Jan 29, 2008
Is there a possible way to create multiple folders in a report project so that different reports can be categorized and arranged in separate folders. Apparently, it seems not. Is there a workaround?
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May 18, 2015
I have 14 Windows folders containing a mix of Word and PDF documents. Each folder contains up to 500,000 files and these documents are the source for a document management system.
I need to create an audit table which can take the file names and date modified for every document in each folder but I want to avoid having to do a DOS command like dir *.* > filenames.txt then importing as a text file 14 times. Is there a way of automating this in T-SQL?
Each Windows folder is named by year e.g. 2002Docs, 2003Docs, 2004Docs etc.
Documents within the folders are named like this - 20020401_doc1.doc, 20020401_doc2, 20020401_doc678.pdf etc.
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Jun 5, 2014
I'm using sp_OACreate in a scalar function to create a folder if it doesn't exist, and it works fine if you're asking it to create a single folder. For instance: C:Newfolder
It creates "Newfolder"
However, if I try to ask it to create C:NewfolderNewsubfolder
It doesn't work
Here's the code:
DECLARE @Exists int, @ObjFile int, @ObjFileSystem int, @Folder nvarchar(500) = 'C:',
@Action tinyint = 1 --(0 to check if folder exists, 1 to actually create it)
EXEC dbo.sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @ObjFileSystem OUT
EXEC dbo.sp_OAMethod @ObjFileSystem, 'FolderExists', @Exists OUT, @Folder
[Code] .....
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Jun 28, 2007
Windows XP Pro - Sql Server 2005 Management Studio (current) - current visual foxpro oledb driver
I have an origin data folder with many foxpro dbf files
When I go through the "wizard" to import data from the origin folder using the "free table" option, I can locate the folder just fine. The form shows me a list of the files in the folder - but I cannot scroll through the list.
When I select the folder and continue, I test the connection and get a message that it is fine.
Then I go on to actually import tables. The list that is presented of tables that I can import does not include all the dbf files in the folder. There are 207 files in the origin folder, but only a fraction (about 120) of those show up in the list as candidates to be imported. I cannot see a pattern to the ones that are excluded from the list.
Does anyone know what could be causing this strange behavior?
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Aug 7, 2014
How can I add the option to import data from Visual FoxPro tables into SQL 2012 database?
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Jul 31, 2015
I have a report where in I have a combination of matrix ,table data regions.
The problem what I am facing is that the data tables don't remain fixed in their position and they tend to move down.
E.g. table 1 and table 2Â are on the same page in design time side by side (right and left)however during the runtime the table1 is pushed down and table2 is at its position .
Now how can I keep them all fixed in their same position. Most of the tables have fixed size rows and some who have high size of rows have been put at the end . What settings we can set?
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Aug 21, 2013
I have 3 tables
say table1 , table2 and table3
table1 have three columns say name,lastname, id2
table2 have 3 columns say details,id2,id3
table3 have 3 columns say payment,id3 ,session
I have to get data as
select * from table1
select * from table2 where
select * from table3 where id3=table2.id3 and session=something say 4
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Mar 10, 2005
I didn't want to maintain similar/identical tables in a legacy FoxPro system and another system with SQL Server back end. Both systems are active, but some tables are shared.
Initially I was going to use a Linked Server to the FoxPro to pull the FP data when needed. This works. But, I've come up with what I believe is a better solution. Keep in mind that these tables are largely static - occassional changes, edits.
I will do a 1 time DTS from FP into SQL Server tables.
I then create INSERT and UPDATE triggers within FoxPro.
These triggers fire a stored procedure in FoxPro that establishes a connection to the SQL Server and fire the appropriate stored procedure on SQL Server to CREATE and/or UPDATE the corresponding table there.
In the end - the tables are local to both apps.
If the UPDATES or TRIGGERS fail I write to an error log - and in that rare case - I can manually fix. I could set it up to email me from within FoxPro as well if needed.
Here's the FoxPro and SQL Server code for reference for the Record Insert:
FOXPRO employee.dbf InsertTrigger:
employee_insert_trigger(VAL(Employee.ep_pk),Employ ee.fname,Employee.lname,, er_login,
FOXPRO corresponding Stored Procedure:
PARAMETERS wepk,wefname,welname,weemail,WEUSERID,WEPHONE
nhandle=SQLCONNECT('SS_PDITHP3','userid','password ')
IF nhandle<0
IF !USED("errorlog")
USE tisdata!errorlog IN SELECT(1)
SELECT errorlog
INSERT INTO errorlog (date, time, program,source,user) ;
values (DATE(), TIME(), 'EMPLOYEE_INSERT_TRIGGER','nhandle<0 PARAMS: '+STR(wepk)+wefname+welname+weemail+WEUSERID+WEPHO NE,GETENV("username"))
IF m.errclose
USE IN errorlog
nquery="exec ewo_sp_insertNewEmployee @WEPK ="+STR(wepk)+",@WEFNAME ='"+wefname+"',@WELNAME ='"+welname+"',@WEEMAIL ='"+weemail+"',@WEUSERID ='"+weuserid+"',@WEPHONE='"+wephone+"',@RETCODE =0"
IF nSucc<0
IF !USED("errorlog")
USE tisdata!errorlog IN SELECT(1)
SELECT errorlog
INSERT INTO errorlog (date, time, program,source,user) ;
values (DATE(), TIME(), 'EMPLOYEE_INSERT_TRIGGER','nSucc<0 PARAMS: '+STR(wepk)+wefname+welname+weemail+WEUSERID+WEPHO NE,GETENV("username"))
IF m.errclose
USE IN errorlog
SQL SERVER Stored Procedure called from FOXPRO Stored Procedure
CREATE procedure ewo_sp_insertNewEmployee (
@WEPK int,
@WEFNAME char(20),
@WELNAME char(20),
@WEEMAIL char(50),
@WEUSERID char(15),
@WEPHONE char(25),
insert into WO_EMP (
IF @@ERROR <> 0
return @RETCODE
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Jun 22, 2006
i want to insert data in database(sql server2000). there are some attributes in database which are present in two/three tables and these tables are related. e.g. when i create new user; it's userId and name should be inserted in 2 tables. how can i do it?
i think; it should be implemented through transaction statements but not much aware about these
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Oct 10, 2007
hi. can anyone help me, please.
i am using vwd2005 express edition and sql server 2005 express. i want to insert data in multiple tables at once. the tales are linked to each other through primary key and foreign keys. for example i have one table with a primary key. when i add data to it, i have to retrieve the id of the newly inserted record and then introduce this id in another table as a foreign key. i have 10 tables linked in this way, and only one form to add data to the database.
can you help me, please? i'd be very greatful. thanks.
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Nov 7, 2005
Hi all,
I am a newbie to .NET and would appreciate all your valuble
suggestions. I have and issue were I am trying to import data from a
few selected columns MS Access and a couple of columns in SQL
Server Table Y and trying to populate another table X . Both
tables X and Y are in the same Database . I am wondering if I could
design a custom package for this task.
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Mar 14, 2007
I need to load a database with new data, from an existing parallelsystem, but the database schema has changed and I did not make a script to do the changes. Sure wish I had. So, now I would like to copy the data from the existing parallel system into the new SQL database that has the correct schema. I have built the new database from the existing changed database. Now I would like to know if there is an easy way to clear the data out of all the tables, then copy all the data from the old schema into the new schema's tables.Thanks!Vic
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