Problem While Setting Global Params Using DTEXec Utiltiy

Jul 31, 2007

Hi pals,

I am new to SSIS.I am getting a problem while setting the global parameters.
I created a package with a single task i.e an Execute SQL task.The associated sql is
"delete from src_emp where deptno=?" and i added a new user defined variable as "dno" i.e "user:no"
which of String type with scope=<package name>.The name of my package is "test.dtsx" which is a Structured File
save in my d: directory. I harded code the value in SSIS package desiner i.e in BIDS and tested the functionality,
it is working fine. But when i remove the hard coded value and when i tried to call the dts package using the command line
utility DTExec, i am getting. Below are the different ways i tried to set the global parameters.

trial 1:

D:>dtexec /f test.dtsx /SET "Package.Variables[User:no].Properties[value]";"20"
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.

Started: 11:06:51 AM
Warning: 2007-07-31 11:06:53.00
Code: 0x80012017
Source: Aug
Description: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "Package.Variables[User:no].Properties[value]".
This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found.
End Warning
DTExec: Could not set Package.Variables[User:no].Properties[value] value to 20.
Started: 11:06:51 AM
Finished: 11:06:53 AM
Elapsed: 1.094 seconds

trial 2:

D:>dtexec /f test.dtsx /SET "Package.Variables[User:no].value";"20"
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.

Started: 11:08:04 AM
Warning: 2007-07-31 11:08:05.99
Code: 0x80012017
Source: Aug
Description: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "Package.Variables[User:no].value". This occurs
when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found.
End Warning
DTExec: Could not set Package.Variables[User:no].value value to 20.
Started: 11:08:04 AM
Finished: 11:08:05 AM
Elapsed: 1.078 seconds

trial 3:
D:>dtexec /f test.dtsx /SET "PackageExecute SQLTask.Variables[User:no].value";"20"
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.

Started: 11:09:56 AM
Warning: 2007-07-31 11:09:57.58
Code: 0x80012017
Source: Aug
Description: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "PackageExecute SQLTask.Variables[User:no].val
ue". This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found.
End Warning
DTExec: Could not set PackageExecute SQLTask.Variables[User:no].value value to 20.
Started: 11:09:56 AM
Finished: 11:09:57 AM
Elapsed: 1.062 seconds

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,

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Setting Package Variable Using Dtexec

Feb 15, 2008


If this is the syntax to set a property in a package using dtexec:

/set PackageMyForEachLoopMyDataFlow.Disable;False

What is the syntax for setting a global variable in the package?


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Problem Setting Gvar With DTEXEC

Jun 19, 2006

I am attempting to execute a pckg using DTEXEC.  I need to set a package
variable to the text value "SQLAgent".  This variable, 'Caller', is scoped
for the package itself.  This is the command stmt:


I am receiving the following message when I execute this from cmdshell. 
What am I doing wrong when trying to set the variable??

Executed as user: SERVERNAMESYSTEM. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute
Package Utility  Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit  Copyright (C) Microsoft
Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.    Started:  12:53:54 PM  Warning:
2006-06-16 12:53:55.04    Code: 0x80012017    Source: PCKGNAME     
Description: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found:
"Package.Variables[User::Caller].Properties[Value]". This occurs when an
attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found. 
End Warning  DTExec: Could not set
Package.Variables[User::Caller].Properties[Value] value to SQLAgent. 
Started:  12:53:54 PM  Finished: 12:53:55 PM  Elapsed:  0.125 seconds. 
Process Exit Code 1.  The step failed.


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DtExec: Setting User-defined Properties With Whitespace?

May 2, 2007

Hi there.

I'd like to call dtexec with something like this:

dtexec /f myPackage.dtsx /Set package.variables[User::connStr].Value;Source=localhost;Provider=blah;Integrated Security=SSPI;

I get an error along the lines of

Option "Source=localhost;Provider=blah;Integrated" is not valid".

How do I pass in a property containing spaces? I've tried all of the usual quote-encasing patterns I can think of.



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Setting DTS Global Var From Another DTS Package

Oct 25, 1999

How can I set a global var in another DTS package from inside the one I'm excuting. An example would be that I have in package #1 an ID that gets assigned, and it executes package #2 which needs the ID from the previous package.



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BufferTempStoragePath - Global Setting?

Jul 13, 2006

By default the BufferTempStoragePath is mapped to the user running the package's Documents and Settings folder. This is problematic when numerous packages are running simultaneously and using this disk location (i.e. sorts), and you don't have a large disk for your C: drive.

The property of course can be changed. However the property is specific to a data flow task, so this would require developers to change the property is every data flow task of every package. Is there a global setting to change the default location that SSIS will use?

An alternative is to use configurations, however a configuration will be required for every data flow, as it is specific to the data flow task (and name of that data flow task)

Any ideas?


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Report Run OK W/ Default Params But Not Changed Params

Mar 25, 2008

I have a set of reports that run just fine with the default parameters (Country = US). The report returns data within 60 seconds. However, if I change the default parameters, say to Country = UK, the report will run and won't seem to stop. The user will be prompted every few minutes to relogin to the domain (which they are not prompted when they first run the report). On the server, the report is taking up 1 of the four CPU's and is using a huge amount of disk paging.

Here's the kicker. If I go in, change the default parameters to Country = UK and deploy the report, it will run in 60 seconds with the new default parameters. Now I try to run the report by changing the country = US and it locks up when it is executed.

Anybody run into something like this?


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Setting Global Variables In A Script Task, HOW?

Jan 3, 2007

I'm playing (and trying to learn)...

I have an FTP task in a for each containter and am setting the RemotePath using an expression (works great). Thought I could use this to start learning some of the scripting funtionality in SSIS (in a script task) so found some code in this forum (thanks Original Posters!) and tried my hand at some coding... Intent was to create a variable and then dynamically overwrite the Expression in the FTP Task from the script (I know I don't need to do this, I just wanted to use it for learning purposes)....

I have a variable named varFTPDestPathFileName (string) and want to set it to the value of varFTPDestPath (string) + varFTPFileName (string). Note: all variables are scoped at the package level (could this be the problem?). I did not assign any of the variables to ReadOnly or ReadWrite on the Script Task Editor page (seems to me that doing this in the code is a whole lot cleaner [and self documenting] than on the Task Editor page)...

I keep getting the following error:
"The element cannot be found in a collection. This error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during execution of the package and the element is not there."

Here is the script:

Public Sub Main()
Dim vars As Variables
' Lock for Read/Write the variables we are going to use

' Set Value of varSourcePathFileName <<--- ERROR OCCURS HERE
vars("User::varSourcePathFileName").Value = _
Dts.Variables("User::varFTPDestPath").Value.ToString + _


Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

I would also like to be able to loop through the Dts.VariableDispensor to see the contents of the variables and their values.

Somthing like

For each ??? in vars

One other question... Do we always have to preface the variable with "User::" or "System::", if so can you explain why?

Any help would be much appreciated....

View 17 Replies View Related

Setting The Global Variable Values In SSIS

May 27, 2008

I am trying to create an SSIS package but am not able to set the global variable values.

I want to have a Global Variable as @EventID

and the create a Execute SQL Task which will run this query:

FROM EventTable

and assign this Max value to the global variable @EventID

How can I achieve me please



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Problem: SSIS Package Failure Using 32-bit DTExec And 64-bit DTExec

Apr 17, 2008

Hi all,

I have a serious problem with my SSIS Package while executing using 32-bit DTExec and 64-bit DTExec.

Here are the details:


Windows Server 2003 64-bit (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
SSIS 32-bit & 64-bit installed
SQL Server 2005 (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (X64) - RTM)

SSIS Package details (compiled in 64 bit)

Script tasks only
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (using TRY...CATCH block)
PreCompileScriptIntoBinaryCode = TRUE
Run64BitRunTime = TRUE


Batch file that uses DTExec to execute the Package.

I am trying to exeucte the above SSIS package using both 32-bit and 64-bit DTExec to make it failure by providing invalid connection string. Here are the details,

Wrong connection String using 32-bit Execution

While establishing the connection the error message has been nicely captured in to my Exception block and writes into the log file.

Wrong connection String using 64-bit Execution

While establishing the connection the error has not been catpured anywhere (although I have TRY CATCH block) and it haults there itself with the message "Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException". Later I found that the error is due to the connection string along with the unhandled exception.

Please suggest any one of the following my findings, also if you have any other advice would be very much appreciated.

1. Shall I go ahead and fix the issue by handling those unhandled errors? (e.g Appdomain, application). I tried several but still not working using 64-bit DTExec.

2. Shall I go ahead and use 32-bit DTExec to execute the package? If so, is there any other major performance or anyother bug?

P.S: We cannot apply any service pack for SQL Server 2005 at the moment. Sorry abt it. If you have any specific hotfix for DTExec (without affecting SQL Server) then we can decide.

Sorry for the lengthy one and Thanks very much for you help in advance .

Thanks again!


View 13 Replies View Related

SqlDataSource Params ?

Jan 27, 2006

HeyLet's say I have some stored procedure that takes as a param userId and it's simple SELECT statement. I want to assign this param and value in my code how to do it ???Jarod

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Can DTS Take Input Params?

Oct 13, 1999

Can I pass a parameter to a DTS package?

Here is what I am trying to do: Every month we need to import a fixed format text file into one of our tables. The format and location of the file is same every month except for the name. I want to create a DTS package to import it and call this DTS package first thing in a stored procedure(after which I do some processing with this imported data). I want to create the filename in my stored procedure and then call this DTS package to import it.

I am usig DTS as the interface is so much easier and want to avoid bcp :-)

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance,

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Order By Using @Params

Oct 31, 2007

Basically I am trying to do an order by statement using variables.

I have the SQL:

IF @SortOrder = 'ASC'


SELECT DISTINCT D.Code as 'T1', D.CompanyName as 'T2',

S.SpendAmount as 'T3', E.SpendAmount as 'T4',

E.SpendAmount - S.SpendAmount as 'T5',

Case When S.SpendAmount > 0 Then ((E.SpendAmount - S.SpendAmount)/S.SpendAmount) * 100

When S.SpendAmount = 0 Then ((E.SpendAmount - S.SpendAmount)/1)

When E.SpendAmount > 0 Then ((E.SpendAmount - S.SpendAmount)/E.SpendAmount) * 100

When E.SpendAmount = 0 Then ((E.SpendAmount - S.SpendAmount)/1)

END as 'T6'

FROM DivisionData D,

(SELECT Code, SpendAmount FROM DivisionData WHERE Year = @StartYear and Month = @StartMonth and Division = @Division) S,

(SELECT Code, SpendAmount FROM DivisionData WHERE Year = @EndYear and Month = @EndMonth and Division = @Division) E

WHERE D.Division = @Division

AND S.Code = D.Code

AND E.Code = D.Code


I have the params @Crit1 @Crit2 .... to @Crit6. These parameters come from a web form and can have the values 'T1' 'T2'... to 'T6' They correspond to the field names I have put in my select statement.
What I want to do is use these params in an Order By statement, enabling the user to select how the fields are ordered.
I have tried using something along the lines of:


CASE WHEN @Crit1 = 'T1'


This works as long as I dont use the word DISTINCT in my select statement, otherwise I get the error:

Msg 145, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

I do need the distinct... I was wondering if there is a simple way to get round this, or if anyone can point me in the right direction or a article/example of this?

Many thanks

Andrew Rayner

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Conditional Input Params To SP

Feb 2, 2004

I've got a pretty straightforward search/results suite with several possible search parameters on the search page. I've been using an inline SQL server query with logic on the results page as shown below. How do I convert this kind of conditional logic to a stored procedure?

Dim strWhere
strWhere = " WHERE dbo.""User"".UID IS NOT NULL "

If Not request.querystring("EmployerID") = "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND dbo.""User"".EmployerID = '" & replace(request.querystring("EmployerID"),"'","''") & "'"
End If

If Not request.querystring("AccountNumber") = "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND dbo.""User"".AccountNumber = '" & replace(request.querystring("AccountNumber"),"'","''") & "'"
End If

If Not request.querystring("LastName") = "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND dbo.""User"".LastName = '" & replace(request.querystring("LastName"),"'","''") & "'"
End If

If Not request.querystring("FirstName") = "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND dbo.""User"".FirstName = '" & replace(request.querystring("FirstName"),"'","''") & "'"
End If

DBConn = New OleDbConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnStr"))
DBCommand = New OleDbDataAdapter _
("SELECT dbo.""User"".*, Convert(varchar(16), dbo.""User"".DateEntered, 101) AS Created, dbo.Employer.CompanyName, dbo.AccessLevel.AccessLevel AS AccessLevelName FROM dbo.""User"" INNER Join dbo.Employer ON dbo.""User"".EmployerID = dbo.Employer.EmployerID INNER JOIN dbo.AccessLevel ON dbo.""User"".AccessLevel = dbo.AccessLevel.AccessLevelID " & strWhere & " ORDER BY " & strSortField,DBConn)

Thanks in advance?

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EXECuting Sp's Within Sp's (using Return Params)

Feb 1, 2005

Hi all,
To optimise certain functionality in my app I want to do a few inserts after another by executing the whole lot in one procedure. I want to use the return param from some procedures (RETURN @@IDENTITY) as input for some of the other procedures.

I am getting errors when I compile the proc:
Line 10: Incorrect syntax near the keyword "EXEC"
Same error on Line 11...

CREATE PROCEDURE addTemplateDetail
@TemplateID int,
@GroupNameID int,
@SubGroupNameID int=null,
@MethodID int,
@AnalyteID int
DECLARE @TemplateGroupNameID int
DECLARE @TemplateMethodID int
SET @TemplateGroupNameID=(EXEC addTemplateGroupName @TemplateID, @GroupNameID)
SET @TemplateMethodID=(EXEC addTemplateMethod @TemplateGroupNameID, @SubGroupNameID, @MethodID)
EXEC addTemplateAnalyte(@TemplateMethodID,@AnalyteID)

I also tried adding brackets around the input params for the EXECed sp's, but that generated even more errors...
Can somebody see what I am doing wrong?

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Dynamic SQL && Output Params

Feb 7, 2005

I have a long running trigger that makes calls to several tables in order to get values for a list of parameters before doing my final INSERT statement into a different table.

One of my parameters is for a local language translation of a particular word which is stored in a table. The problem is - I do not know the name of the table until runtime when I dynamically build the name as follows:

DECLARE @SQL nVarChar(200)
SET @SQL = 'SELECT @Translation = nvcLocalEventDescription FROM Monitoring.dbo.tblSignalTemplate'
+ CAST(@MonitoringCentreID AS nVarChar) + ' WHERE nvcEventDescription = "' + @EventDescription + '"'

EXECUTE Management.dbo.usp_parmsel_LocalEventDescription @SQL, @LocalEventDescription OUTPUT

If there is a MonitoringCentreID of 1234, then there will be a table named tblSignalTemplate1234 - which will contain a nvcLocalEventDescription field containing the value that I am after. Here is the code for the stored procedure...

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_parmsel_LocalEventDescription]
@strSQL nVarchar(150),
@Translation nVarChar(100) OUTPUT
EXECUTE sp_executesql @strSQL

The error I get is "Must declare the variable '@Translation'" - which has thrown me a little as it declared on the 3rd line of the stored proc.

Anyone got any ideas where I am going wrong, or as usual, is there a simpler way ?


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Execute An SP By Passing Params From Another SP

May 7, 2008


I am trying to execute a stored procedure from another stored procedure by passing parameters. any idea please.
I have tried with EXECUTE PROC dbo.dxGetMemberActivityData (@author) RETURNING_VALUES RESULT

but I am getrting incorrect sytax near PROC

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Displaying Params In Report

Feb 6, 2007

Hi... I am trying to display a parameter in my report.. the parameter can have up to 5 chocies... if all 5 are checked I want to display all 5..

I know how to trick it and use: Parameters!Country.Value(0)&Parameters!Country.Value(1) etc

Is there a way to do this that I dont have to have from (0) to (5)..

another thing... when you only choose 2 of the 5 params the rest show errors.. (#Error)

Thanks for help... and Happy Reporting !!

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Array Params To Stored Procedures?

Jul 13, 2004

This is not obvious to me...

As far as i can tell, you cannot pass an array (or structured) parameter to a stored procedure...

Ok, this means when you have to store data for an item and its sub-items (e.g. a product and its - say- version specific infos) you cannot code all the logic into a single procedure. You need to code it into your DAL, where you first insert then loop to sub-insert...

Is this correct?
Is there any other way to approach the problem?

Thanks a lot. -julio

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Passing Params To SP Using OPEN QUERY

Oct 8, 2014

How to pass parameter values to Stored Procedure using Openquery ?

DECLARE @CenterNumber nvarchar(8)
DECLARE @CenterName nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @tblLeads table(
LeadCount int)
SET @CenterNumber = '98454152'
SET @CenterName = 'neck'


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Please Help! Cannot See Values In Output Params From SQL Server 2000 Using C# / ASP.NET

May 26, 2004


I've got the following C# function to add a customer record to the database. The record gets added without any problems but the OUTPUT PARAMETER (Parameter[10]) is always NULL and I can't see why. I'm also using the Microsoft Data Application Block.

Here's the C# function:

public void SaveCustomer(int customerId,string customerName,string address1,
string address2,
string town,
string county,
string postcode,
string webSiteAddress,
string mainTelNo,
string mainFaxNo)

SqlParameter[] parameters = DA.SqlHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(this.ConnectionString,"UpdateCustomer");
parameters[0].Value = customerId;
parameters[1].Value = customerName;
parameters[2].Value = address1;
parameters[3].Value = address2;
parameters[4].Value = town;
parameters[5].Value = county;
parameters[6].Value = postcode;
parameters[7].Value = webSiteAddress;
parameters[8].Value = mainTelNo;
parameters[9].Value = mainFaxNo;
parameters[10].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

int RetVal = DA.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(this.Connection,"UpdateCustomer",parameters);

if (RetVal > 0)
int Key = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[10].Value.ToString());

catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message.ToString(), ex);


And here's the SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure:


@CustomerId int,
@CustomerName varchar(100),
@Address1 varchar(50),
@Address2 varchar(50),
@Town varchar(30),
@County varchar(30),
@PostCode varchar(10),
@WebSite varchar(50),
@MainTelNo varchar(15),
@MainFaxNo varchar(15),
@ReturnValue int OUTPUT


IF @CustomerId = 0
(CustomerName, Address1, Address2, Town, County, Postcode, WebSite, MainTelNo, MainFaxNo)
VALUES(@CustomerName, @Address1, @Address2, @Town, @County, @Postcode, @WebSite, @MainTelNo, @MainFaxNo)

IF @@ERROR = 0
SELECT @ReturnValue = @@IDENTITY
SELECT @ReturnValue = -1

UPDATE Customer
SETCustomerName = @CustomerName,
Address1 = @Address1,
Address2 = @Address2,
Town = @Town,
County = @County,
Postcode = @Postcode,
WebSite = @WebSite,
MainTelNo = @MainTelNo,
MainFaxNo = @MainFaxNo
WHERECustomerId = @CustomerId

IF @@ERROR = 0
SELECT @ReturnValue = @CustomerId
SELECT @ReturnValue = -1

Any help would be appreciated as it's starting to drive me mad now!!

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Getting Data (rows) And Output Params From A Query

May 15, 2005

I have a stored procedure that I use to return Purchase Orders from our PO system. It returns the data rows for PO's that match the criteria passed in (including the page to show etc.) + it returns two output params, Number of rows and Number of Pages.
Using query analyzer I can confirm the query works exactly as we want. I cannot however seem to get the data out to our app.
Here is a function that I use in one of my classes:
Function fnListPOsByCoordinatorIDPaged(ByVal strCoordinatorID As String, ByVal intPOStatusID As Int16, _
ByVal intUserTypeID As Int16, ByVal intArchived As Int16, _ByVal intPageNum As Int32, ByVal intPerPage As Int32, _ByVal strConn As String) As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
SqlConnection1.ConnectionString = strConn
prListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@CoordinatorID").Value = strCoordinatorIDprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@POStatusID").Value = intPOStatusIDprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@UserTypeID").Value = intUserTypeIDprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@Archived").Value = intArchivedprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@PageNum").Value = intPageNumprListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@PerPage").Value = intPerPage
SqlConnection1.Open()dr = prListPOByCoordinatorPaged.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Me.Pages = prListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@Pages").ValueMe.Rows = prListPOByCoordinatorPaged.Parameters("@Rows").Value
If Me.Rows / intPerPage > Me.Pages Then   Me.Pages = Me.Pages + 1End If
Return dr
End Function
It does not crash, it returns my data reader with the correct records. Unfortunately my property values are returned as 0. They should have values.
Anyone know how to do this?

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SP: Number Of Params Does Not Match Table Definition

Jun 20, 2000

I am getting an insert error with the following SP. I don't have to pass the CampID because it is an IDENTITY field. The error says "number of supplied values does not match table definition."

Do I pass in the CampID to the SP and allow nulls? Thanks in advance


@Countryvarchar(20) = NULL,
@Phonevarchar(20) = NULL,
@AlternatePhonevarchar(20) = NULL,
@Faxvarchar(20) = NULL,
@URLvarchar(50) = NULL,
@CampProfileText =NULL,


INSERT INTO TempCampSignup


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User Functions As Params To Stored Procs

Mar 19, 2003

Can I use the result of a scalar function as the parameter for a stored procedure? ie

exec [dbo].[usp_insert_into_table]
@integer = [dbo].[uf_getAnIDfromName]('PLAYER')

where the @integer parameter expects an integer and the user function uf_getAnIDFromName returns an integer related to the 'PLAYER' name.

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Problem With OUTPUT Params In Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all!Running the code below in SQL-analyzeer (or through dbExpress) results in NULL.As one might guess I would like the result to be 1. What is wrong? I.e, whywont the result of the SP come back to the caller?CREATE PROCEDURE test@val INTEGER OUTASSELECT @val = 1GODECLARE @val INTEGEREXEC test @valSELECT @val

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Statement For Returning Stored Procedure Params

Oct 27, 2005

Hi all,I'd like to put together a SQL statement that will take the name of astored procedure as a param, and return that SP's parameters.I'm writing a test application, and I'd like to wrte a generator tosave myself some time, but I can't seem to figure out how to get theparams from a SP. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks in advance,Craig

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Using Variables As Input Params In WebService Task

Jul 24, 2007


I have a SSIS package with a Sequence which Contains a Webservice Task, in the input section of this task i want to pass a User Variable as Parameter for my webmethod. but it doesn´t work, it allways sends the variable definition as string "@[User::Filename]". so i searched Microsoft Technet how to pass User Variables in Webservice Tasks and found this site:

which says :


Select the check boxes to use variables to provide inputs. "

but there is no such checkbox on the input page of my Webservice Task... there is just the Value column which i can edit... but as mentioned before when i try to set the value to a variable it doesn work

i tried the following strings in the value column:





any ideas?

thanks for your help



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Datetime Params Quit Working When I Switched From Ws To Wcf

Mar 15, 2007

HHello!, the following 3 webmethods still work after i switched them to WCF but now it never accepts my parameters. i didn't change anything in reporting services, but i have a feeling it's not sending the params to the service anymore.

is there an operation contract attribute change i need to make to require the datetime be provided by RS?
here's the schema provided by my serviec wsdl (the relevant portion)

- <xs:element name="EeoByAssignmentReport">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:sequence>

<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="start" type="xs:dateTime" />

<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="end" type="xs:dateTime" />

- <xs:element name="EeoByAssignmentReportResponse">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:sequence>

- <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EeoByAssignmentReportResult" nillable="true">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:annotation>

- <xs:appinfo>

<ActualType Name="DataSet" Namespace="" xmlns="" />

- <xs:sequence>

<xs:element ref="xs:schema" />

<xs:any />

- <xs:element name="EeoByPersonReport">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:sequence>

<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="start" type="xs:dateTime" />

<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="end" type="xs:dateTime" />

- <xs:element name="EeoByPersonReportResponse">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:sequence>

- <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EeoByPersonReportResult" nillable="true">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:annotation>

- <xs:appinfo>

<ActualType Name="DataSet" Namespace="" xmlns="" />

- <xs:sequence>

<xs:element ref="xs:schema" />

<xs:any />

- <xs:element name="EeoCountsReport">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:sequence>

<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="start" type="xs:dateTime" />

<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="end" type="xs:dateTime" />

- <xs:element name="EeoCountsReportResponse">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:sequence>

- <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EeoCountsReportResult" nillable="true">

- <xs:complexType>

- <xs:annotation>

- <xs:appinfo>

<ActualType Name="DataSet" Namespace="" xmlns="" />

- <xs:sequence>

<xs:element ref="xs:schema" />

<xs:any />

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Default Params In E-Mail Delivered Reports

Oct 26, 2006

Hi all,

[Reporting Services 2005]

I have reports delivered by email subscription. My "date from - to" parameters are set to "default" as "=Today()" and "=Now()". Report is delivered fine but I have problems with "link" to that report (attached to email). RS don't add my default parameter values to this link so every time user click this link, report is generated with new "date from" and "date to" and I want to generate exact the same report (same parameters) as in the email.

Is there a way to send default parameter values as static values in email delivered report link ?



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Calling Stored Proc With Default Params From .NET Not Working.

Mar 20, 2006

I have the following :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_FindNameJon]

@NameName varchar(50)='',
@NameAddress varchar(50)='',
@NameCity varchar(50)='',
@NameState varchar(2)='',
@NameZip varchar(15)='',
@NamePhone varchar(25)='',
@NameTypeId int=0,
@BureauId int,
@Page int=1,
@Count int=100000
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
DECLARE @SqlString nvarchar(3000),@SelectClause nvarchar(1000), @FromClause nvarchar(1000),@WhereClause nvarchar(1000)
DECLARE @ParentSqlString nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @Start int, @End int
INSERT into aaJonTemp values (@Page, 'here2', @NameCity);
And inside of aaJonTemp, I have the following :


How is this possible?  If @Page or @NameCity is NULL, how come it doesn't default to a value in the stored proc?

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SqlCeResultSet Looses Updatable Option If Query Has 2 Params

Feb 26, 2008

i have result set from such query :

resultSetOptions = System.Data.SqlServerCe.ResultSetOptions.Scrollable | System.Data.SqlServerCe.ResultSetOptions.Updatable;

queryText =
SELECT agvb_id as ID
,agvb_cat_id as Category
,agv_brn_id as Brand
,agvb_brn_name as BrandName
,agv_brn_area as Area
,agv_brn_sku_qty as SkuQuantity
,agv_brn_qty as Quantity
,agv_orderliness as Orderliness
,agvb_importance as Importance
WHERE (AGENTS_VISITS_BRANDS.agvb_agv_id = @agv_id)
AND (AGENTS_VISITS_BRANDS.agvb_cat_id = @dad_id)
ORDER BY agvb_brn_name

if i open resultSet with such qury it looses its updatable option.

If i remove from where 1 param (no mater which) everything runs ok.

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Dataset Using Stored Proc With Multi Select Params

Aug 7, 2007

I have a stored proc that I'm using to run a report. It works fine, but currently I'm using a parameter that is a single selection from a dropdown. I'd like to use multi select, but have not been able to get it to work.

In the data tab I'm currently using "text" for command type and :

Code Snippet

declare @sql nvarchar(2000)

set @sql = '
EXEC [Monitor] '' + @p_OfferStatus + '''

exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@p_OfferStatus VARCHAR(100)', @p_OfferStatus = @p_OfferStatus
when I run this in the data tab, it works fine, returning data, but when I try to preview it it tells me there are syntax errors. Anyone know the correct way to use multi selects with stored procs?

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Reporting Services :: Getting Execution And Session Timeout Params

May 12, 2015

We run std 2008 r2.  I've never been able to get to my ssrs server thru ssms as u can see as part of the question at 

[URL] ..... but I've found workarounds to this point by knowing how to look at the rs db itself and by having access to the server itself thru rdp with an admin acct.

I'm looking at an error from a user that reminds me of what we used to call session timeouts.  They would occur when the user has walked away from his desk long enough for ssrs to delete refs to the report he just ran.

I logged into the server itself hoping to find both exec and session timeout params via the rs config tool but did not see them there. What the config file is called and where i'd likely find it?  Or perhaps a query I could use to see what the current values are?

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