Problem With FILENAME As @variable

Jul 20, 2005


I am trying to create a database based on variables from xp_regread.
Somehow I can�t pass @dBDir as FILENAME.

I get the following error-message :
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 24
Line 24: Incorrect syntax near '@dBDir'.
What am I doing wrong ?
I think the problem is somehow related to a datatype-problem or
it is simply not possible to pass a variable to a "create

I have checked the xp_regread-output...naturally :) ...and it is correct.
Hope someone can help :)


Source-code is as follows:

USE master

DECLARE @dBDir nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @dBlog nvarchar(128)

Database','dBDir',@param = @dBDir OUTPUT

SET @dBDir =@dBDir+'IRPF.mdf'
SET @dBlog =@dBDir+'IRPF.ldf'

( NAME = IRPF_db,
( NAME = 'IRPF_log',
FILENAME = @dBlog)

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Getting FILENAME Into @variable In SQL

Oct 10, 2001

Does anyone know how to execute a directory listing of a file and return the file name to a variable in SQL? For instance, there's a file called c:datach20011010.txt and i execute the following:
xp_cmdshell 'dir  c:datach*.txt'

or any other transact sql or procedure, how can i get the filename into a variable...all in sql?

FYI - I need to pass a filename to a process so that it can bcp the data into a temp table. But I don't know the filename at the time the process is setup/scheduled.

Mike Nolen

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How To Read A Filename Into A Variable

Jan 14, 2008

I'm trying to read the filename from a file that I'm downloading by FTP (FTP Component) into a string variable so I can later use it for another part of the process, how can I do this?

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Filename Variable Trouble

Sep 15, 2006

I want have multiple records from 1-4500 that I must insert a picture into the database for. I am trying to set up a variable to do this if someone can show me my error I would apprieciate it. This table has 4 columns (id# Float is a FK) (ImageName nvarchar (10)) (ImageFile Varbinary(Max)) (rec# int PK Increment Seed).

declare @jpg as int

Set @jpg = 0

While @jpg <4500


set @jpg = (@jpg + 1)

use consumer

insert photo (id#, ImageName, ImageFile)

Select @jpg, '@jpg.jpg',

bulkcolumn from Openrowset (Bulk 'D:DataPics@jpg.jpg', Single_Blob) as 'ImageFile'

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Output Filename Downloaded To A Variable

Sep 7, 2007

Hope I can make this clear...

I have to download a file via FTP from one of our vendors, the filename is, this is a weekly file and is posted between Tuesday and Thursday, so basically I never know exactly what the file is going to be called, to fix that, I added a FTP Task that will download a file if the date = today (Today = Thursday, when the job kicks off), if this fails, try a file where the name = today-1 (Wednesday), if this fails, try today-2 (Tuesday), all of that inside of a Sequence Container and with MaximumErrorCount set to 3. This is fine and it works fine, good.

Now my other issue, the .txt file inside the zip file (1080.txt), after being decompressed, needs to be renamed to MMDDYYYY.txt, where MMDDYYY = to the file I downloaded, but I never know what the file is going to named (MMDDYYYY, MMDD-1YYYY, MMDD-2YYYY).

Is it possible to output the filename of the file that I successfully download to a variable, so I can re-use name?

Any other thoughts?

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Concatenating Filename And Variable/string

Mar 31, 2008

I'm trying to write a stored procedure in SQL that will make a copy of a file and then append the current date to the end of the copy's filename. I'm storing the date in a variable called @currentdate which is defined as:

@currentdate varchar(10)
set @currentdate='' + 'select datepart(month,getdate())' + '-' + 'select datepart(day,getdate())' + '-' + 'select datepart(year,getdate())'

Here is the SQL code I'm using:

exec xp_cmdshell 'copy "C:DevelopmentParticipant Limits ReportParticipant Limits Report template.xls" "C:DevelopmentParticipant Limits ReportParticipant Limits Report ' + @currentdate + '.xls"'

The resulting file should have a filename something like "Participant Limits Report 3-31-2008". I get an "Incorrect syntax near '+'." error.

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Flatfile Destination Variable Filename

Jun 20, 2007

Why does the raw file have an option for a variable path and the flat file destination does not? Not having this feature makes it impossible to work with variable environments. Please add this option to the Flatfile Destination.

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Filename To Variable SSIS 2005

Mar 31, 2008

Hi All,

may be i'm asking a question that was discussed for billion time, but i can't find exact answer.

So i have access database that generates .xml or xls files by pressing button. So user select from drop down menu id ( e.g. 100,101,102,103 etc) and then file 101.xml or 102.xml or 101.xls or 102.xls is generating.

i need SSIS package to be configured to get filename is variable and then use insert data from xml or xls file to the related table

I don't understand how to pass file name through variable to SSIS package and then work with so called "variable".xls or
"variable".xml file. Could you please give detailed answers if it's possible?

Your early reply will be very much appreciated

Thank you

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XML Source With Schema Filename In Variable.

Aug 13, 2007

Is there a way to configure the XML source component to use a schema file whose filename is in a variable? Now I know it doesn't make any sense to have an XML source whose schema can vary, however, I have a parent package with a ton of child packages, all of which process the same XML input using the same schema. What I would like to do is for the parent to load the filename of the XML input file into a variable, and the filename of the XML schema file into another. Each child would have its XML source configured to pickup these variables from the parent, so that if the location or name of the schema changes, I don't have to edit each package one-by-one. However, it doesn't seem possible to specify anything but a filename for the schema. Any suggestions?

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Assign Variable For FileName Of Source File

Aug 10, 2006

I am wanting to capture the file name I am using to load data from and use it in a SQL statement to insert it along with the data that I load.

I am using a ForEach container to load all my .txt files but cannot figure out how to capture the name of each source file as it loops through the files and then add it to my insert statement that is populating my history table. I would think that the ForEach container has that information, but I do not see how to access it and assign it to a variable that I could use in my SQL statement.

Any ideas or suggestions?

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CREATE DATABASE Script Doesn't Accept A Variable For A FILENAME

May 2, 2007

I want to create a SP that creates a new database, so I script-ed out the db and paste the script into new SP gui (SQL 2000). I want to pass it a variable for the data/log file location that is not the default location. The original script looks like this:
I replaced the path of the FILENAME variable like this:
declaring the variables as char(500). The error I get is "Incorrect sybtax near '@DBPath'.
Any ideas for workaround?

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Raw File Destination Access Mode Filename From Variable Problem

Dec 31, 2006

I have a raw file destination and am using a variable to store the filename. In an earlier task, I create the value in the variable. User:Filename ... set to C:Test.txt.

When I run the package, I get the "Error: 0xC0202070 at DFT Tekelec Call Events, RFD Tekelec [1365]: The file name property is not valid. The file name is a device or contains invalid characters". error. I then set a breakpoint to examine my variables on the DataFlow pre-execute event and found my variable showing the value "C:\Text.txt" ... so apparently XMLA is adding the escape character when it stores the value in the variable but not retracting it when it uses the value as the filename.

What am I missing? Can I not use pathing in the variable? And if that's the case, how do I specify a path. Went back through my Rational Guide to Scripting SSIS but did not find this addressed specifically ... my second option being build the fiilename by script and set the raw file destination property directly via script.

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Integration Services :: How To Store Details From FileName Into Variable Using SSIS

Oct 19, 2015

I have one package through for each loop container I am loading all flat files into  target table and its working fine.Now I my requirement is to  capture the .txt file and loading into sqlserver table.Please check below file name.


from above file name I have to derived below detail.I have variable @File_Name which is used to stored the file name at rune time.Now I want to derived 5 values from the file name as below


how to write expression for above situation.

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How To Pass Filename As A Dynamic Variable To Flat File Source In SSIS ?

Sep 3, 2007


I am migrating one of my DTS package to SSIS.

My task is to read the filename from a database table and transfer the flat file data in to a table.
In SSIS,I am able to fetch the file name using a Data Reader Source; but how to pass this fileName parameter to Flat File Source ?

In DTS I have used ActiveX script to pass filename variable as flatfilecon.Source.
Any help ?


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How To Concatenate Variables For RAW Output Filename I.e.@path + @filename?

Sep 7, 2007

Doesn't appear you can do this.

Am I wrong?

Please tell me I am.

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SSIS Execution Error: FlatFile Connection Problem - FileName &&<fileName&&> Specified In The Connection Was Not Valid.

Apr 19, 2008

Hi Champs,

Scenario Configuration : 2005 Code, WebService for Executing SSIS on Server, SSIS deployed on the Database Server

Problem Description : We are developing windows applicaiton in which we call webservice which was deployed on the same server where SSIS packages are deployed.
Now from Code we are passing FilePath name in variable and execute the Package. But the SSis result says that
The file name "\computernamefol1fol2fol3fol4abc.txt" specified in the connection was not valid.

More Information:

1. Full Permission are given on this network folder.
2. Package executes successfully from SSIS development solution (BIS solution)
3. Deployed packed executes successfully from the Database Server.
4. From Development pc packege executes successfully.
5. Other packages deployed on the same server executed suucessfully with same configuration and scenario.

Only this package is not executing.

-- the only differece with this package with other is -

using ".txt" extension in Flat file connection and using VB Script task

Can any one suggest the appropirate solution for this problem...

Tarang Pandya

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Get Just Filename

May 23, 2008

If you use "SELECT filename FROM sys.sysdatabases" this will return
the full path , such as "E:MSSQLdatamyData.MDF" ,

is it possible to return just the "myData.MDF" part of it?
I know that you can parse the string , but is it stored somewhere else , or is there a command that will return just the physical file name ?

Jack Vamvas
Search IT jobs from multiple sources-

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Add Seq# To Filename

Mar 25, 2008

Hi Guys, got a question that I'm not sure there is an answer to other than 'No Way'.

I have to export a file whose filename must include a sequence number. I have created the table to hold the seq# and the code to increment it. My problem is how do I include the seq# in the output filename. I am using the Flat File Destination tool for exporting. should I be using another tool?

Any suggestions?


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Logical Filename

Jun 19, 2002


Is there any way to change the logical filename of exsiting database


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Get Filename Dynamiccaly

Jul 26, 2007

I am using a foreach loop to go through the .txt files inside a folder.
Using a variable I can pickup the filenames the loop is going through.
At present there is a sql task inside the foreach loop which takes the filename as a parameter and passes this filename to a stored procedure.
Now I would like to add one extra step before this sql task. Would like to have a dataflow with flatfile source which connects to oledb destination.

The question is:
While in the loop, how is it possible to pass the filename to the flatfile source using the FileName variable which I have created?

Please note, this is a different question to my other post.

Many Thanks

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Ssis - Filename

Jul 26, 2007

I think I may have mis-guided some of you in my previous post.
So I thought I explain it properly this time in a new post...

Here is the description of the ssis package:

Inside the connection manager there is a connection to the sql server database and a flat file connection.

The flat file connection inside the connection manager has the expression set
i.e. ConnectionString set to @[User::FileName]

And so there is nothing inside the connectionstring property of this flatfile connection.

Inside control flow:


Dataflow which contains a flat file source and an ole db destination

The flatfile source is supposed to pickup the .csv file that gets passed to the ssis package.
Then the ole db destination is where the .csv gets imported into a sql server table.


Back in the control flow, there is a task that calls a stored procedure with the parameter which is set to FileName

The question is:
How does this FileName parameter gets set before it is passed to the stored procedure?

Many thanks

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How To Read Filename

Mar 28, 2008


I am writing data from a file in to a table and i have a field in that table for filename. How to read the file name to write in that table.

Thanks in advance.

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Get Filename Dynamically

Jul 26, 2007

Using a ssis package I have several tasks.
A variable is also created called FileName.
There is a flat file connection called InputFileName.
initially when I designed the package, I hardcoded the pass of one of the .csv files into the path of the flatfile connection.

There is a dataflow which has flatfile source and oledb destination. These two basically pickup the file and import into the database using mapping.

So therefore the package works and data gets imported into the database.

Then I used the variable to make the filename dynamic. So I removed the hardcoded connectionstring in the InputFileName.

Is this the right thing to do to make the package dynamic? I would like to pass in any .csv filename and so the package runs.
My question is now that the connectionstring is deleted but instead placed an expression for the filename, then how does the system know which file to use?


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Pass Filename

Jul 11, 2007

Using SSIS foreach loop I get the files names inside a folder on the network.
How do I pass this variable i.e. file name to a stored procedure?

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Looking For A Filename With A Certain String

Feb 27, 2008

Hi, I want to get my SSIS package to look for a file in a named directory that has a ceratin string in the filename.
example - My file is in a folder called data and the filename is 'System_UT_INCR_BOOKINGHEADER_20080214000000.TXT' Every day the fiel name changes to reflect the current date. I need my package to search for the String "BOOKINGHEADER". I know I need to create a variable with that value but I am not sure (using the example below) how to write the code to do this.

Imports System.IO

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()


File.Move(Dts.Variables("Source").Value.ToString, Dts.Variables("Destination").Value.ToString)

Dts.Events.FireInformation(0, "", "File Moved Succesfully", "", 0, True)

Catch ex As Exception

Dts.Events.FireError(1, "", "Source file or destinations does not exist", "", 0)

End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

End Class

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T-sql Check A Filename

Sep 11, 2007

I take a backupfile every night and its named like 20070911_xvall.bak.
Now I need a procedure for an automatic restore in another sql server but I have to do a check to se that the date of the backupfile is the same as actual date so it can�t happened that an older backupfile being restored.
Is it a good way to take actual date och build up the wanted filename and how can I then check if the file exist, its stored on another computer?
Anyone who has some sample I can start with?

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Filename In Subscription

Feb 15, 2006


I have a question regarding the report file which is included in an email, when a subscription is created:

Is it possible to programmatically add something to the name of the created file of the subscription? I want to have one parameter of the report, which is a date, added at the end of the filename to let the clients distinguish between different report files.

Thank you in advance.

Sandra Geisler

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Filename In SSIS

Apr 28, 2008

i have four text file which comes in different format , one of the fields i need to generate is the source Filename without extension as one of the coloums in the target tables.

The name of the file is requirment in the destination, how could i read the file name of the text file source and make it a coloumn and insert it into target.

Please advise

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The Database Filename Can Not Contain The Following 3 Characters: [ ] And '

Aug 3, 2006

How do I correct this error: 
"The database filename can not contain the following 3 characters: [ (open square brace), ] (close square brace) and ' (single quote)" ?
Where is the database stored and/or how can I change the relevant settings?
I have Both Visual Web Developer Express and SQL server express.
Exception detail:
System.Web.HttpException was unhandled by user code  Message="The database filename can not contain the following 3 characters: [ (open square brace), ] (close square brace) and ' (single quote)"  Source="System.Web"  ErrorCode=-2147467259  StackTrace:       at System.Web.DataAccess.SqlConnectionHelper.CreateMdfFile(String fullFileName, String dataDir, String connectionString)       at System.Web.DataAccess.SqlConnectionHelper.EnsureSqlExpressDBFile(String connectionString)       at System.Web.DataAccess.SqlConnectionHelper.GetConnection(String connectionString, Boolean revertImpersonation)       at System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider.GetPropertyValuesFromDatabase(String userName, SettingsPropertyValueCollection svc)       at System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider.GetPropertyValues(SettingsContext sc, SettingsPropertyCollection properties)       at System.Configuration.SettingsBase.GetPropertiesFromProvider(SettingsProvider provider)       at System.Configuration.SettingsBase.SetPropertyValueByName(String propertyName, Object propertyValue)       at System.Configuration.SettingsBase.set_Item(String propertyName, Object value)       at System.Web.Profile.ProfileBase.SetInternal(String propertyName, Object value)       at System.Web.Profile.ProfileBase.set_Item(String propertyName, Object value)       at System.Web.Profile.ProfileBase.SetPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object propertyValue)       at ProfileCommon.set_MyNewProperty(String value) in c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Fileslesson04385e3cebf08b8b90App_Code.jqcpv0qn.0.cs:line 24       at _Default.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:Daniel's DocumentsVisual Studio 2005WebSitesLesson04Default.aspx.vb:line 15       at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()       at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
Thanks in advance

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Store A Filename In A Database

Dec 13, 2006

how can I  store a filename in the database, i have some GIF files which i want to show up on report, how can i specify those filename with a path in the database.
i tried manually entering the path c:Dataimages.gif but it didnt work. Can someone pls tell me how to do it.

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Inserting Filename Into Database

Mar 7, 2008

I have a page called 'upload.vb', which is the code for a file upload project I am working on.  I am trying to write the filenames to an SQL database that I have built, but I keep getting this error: Compiler Error Message: BC30201: Expression expected. It doesn't seem to like the @ on line 46 in the VALUES part of my INSERT statement. Can anybody shed any light on this. Thanks.  1 Imports System
2 Imports System.Data
3 Imports System.Configuration
4 Imports System.Web
5 Imports System.Web.Security
6 Imports System.Web.UI
7 Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
8 Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts
9 Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
10 Imports System.IO
11 Imports System.Data.SqlClient
13 ''' <summary>
14 ''' Upload handler for uploading files.
15 ''' </summary>
16 Public Class Upload
17 Implements IHttpHandler, IReadOnlySessionState
19 Public Sub New()
20 End Sub
22 #Region "IHttpHandler Members"
24 Public ReadOnly Property IsReusable() As Boolean Implements System.Web.IHttpHandler.IsReusable
25 Get
26 Return True
27 End Get
28 End Property
32 Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
34 If context.Request.Files.Count > 0 Then
35 ' get the applications path
36 Dim tempFile As String = context.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath
37 ' loop through all the uploaded files
38 Dim j As Integer = 0
39 While j < context.Request.Files.Count
40 ' get the current file
41 Dim uploadFile As HttpPostedFile = context.Request.Files(j)
42 ' if there was a file uploded
43 If uploadFile.ContentLength > 0 Then
45 uploadFile.SaveAs(String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", tempFile, "Uploads", uploadFile.FileName))
46 SqlDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO tblDocuments(TheFileName) VALUES ('" & @TheFileName & "')"
48 End If
49 System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(j), j - 1)
50 End While
51 End If
52 ' Used as a fix for a bug in mac flash player that makes the
53 ' onComplete event not fire
54 HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" ")
55 End Sub
56 #End Region
58 End Class

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How To Load XML From Filename And Path

Sep 6, 2005

I have inherited a database that has a table called "Resources" that contains a field called "FilePath". FilePath is a VarChar(100) and contains the server path and filename of an XML file on the server hard disk.
I need to join the data in the XML with rows in the "Resources" table (and other tables).
Is it possible to get a Stored Procedure to load the XML file into a temporary table?
Is loading it into a table the best way to do it - or can I join directly to the XML file somehow?
What is the best approach? (I know nothing about XML in SQL Server yet)
Thanks in advance,

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Using Other Columns To Populate Filename...

Feb 23, 2006

Basically like the topic says, I need to populate a filename with data from other columns and im having a tough time doing it.


UPDATE nice_cls_calls_0027
SET vcarchivepath = 'G:Nice Storageicestorage.safeautonet.netSafe Auto Task - Logger (807101)2006_feb_1SC_807101_'start_time'_'=stop_time'_'=channel'_'=cls_call_id'.aud'

I need start_time, stop_time, channel, and cls_call_id to populate the filename. The first 2 are datetime fields in the db and no conversion is needed for them, just raw data. The remaining two are smallint and raw data is needed there also. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TY

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