Problem With HOST_NAME Function With Linked View
Oct 30, 2005
I have an Access 2000 MDB file with a SQL 7 back end. I have a main table
with 50,000 records; and I have a selections table with 50,000 records for
each machine that uses the database (about 25-50). This allows each user to
have their own set of selections.
The selections table has three fields: ID (int), Sel (bit), MachName
(varchar). ID and MachName comprise the primary key.
I have a view that combines the main table and the entries for the
selections table for the current machine (SQL below). The view works fine
when opened in EM and QA. And if I create a pass-through query from my
Access MDB file, the results are displayed fine.
However, if I link the view to the Access MDB file, I get "#Deleted" in
every field of every record (which seems to indicate that the records were
there and then they were gone). However, if I hard-code the machine name
into the same view instead of using HOST_NAME and then relink the view to
the MDB file, the linked view opens fine. Only when I use HOST_NAME as a
parameter in the view is there a problem with it.
Anyone have any idea what's going on here, or have heard of any issues with
HOST_NAME and ODBC linked objects? SQL for the view is below.
SELECT INVTRY.*, InvtrySelections.Sel, InvtrySelections.MachName
dbo.InvtrySelections ON
dbo.INVTRY.ID = dbo.InvtrySelections.ID
WHERE (dbo.InvtrySelections.MachName = HOST_NAME())
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Nov 1, 2005
Hi,I have a question regarding host_name() and IP addresses of clients. I'mrunning on a shared server - so access to xp_cmdshell is barred which is thestandard response to questions about getting the IP address of a client fromsql server. My issue is this:For security reasons every user of our database system logs into our customsecurity system all under the *same* sql-server user name (who only hasaccess to a discrete set of stored procedures). This can't be changed as weare limited to 3 database users. I store the host_name that the user log'sin from when he logs in - and then check the host_name of any further callsto sp's under this login context. I have however just discovered thathost_name() is set in the connection string - so the client can pass prettymuch whatever he wants to - so all an imposter would have to do is *fake*the client name of an existing user. Is there anyway of detecting the *real*client's host? Is there any way of forcing a client to be limited to justone client machine? Can I get hold of the IP address in a reliable way?ThanksNick
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Apr 13, 2006
I am wanting to limit the amount of rows that are merged between the server and the wm device. Host_name() doesn't seem to be supported in sql mobile. I created a column called host and set the default value as host_name(). I get the table to replicate however when I try to insert into the table on the mobile side I get errors. Is there another option to filter like this or if I hard code a deviceID how can I add this to the filter rows options? Thanks.
Table script:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tstHost](
[peoplid] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,
[image] [image] NULL,
[host] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tstHost_host] DEFAULT (host_name()),
[rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [MSmerge_df_rowguid_F9DD287E09FF4064813E154D2F0ACBC6] DEFAULT (newsequentialid()),
[peoplid] ASC
Query on sql mobile side:
insert into tsthost (peopleid) values (2)
FAILED: insert into tsthost (peopleid) values (2)
Error: 0x80040e14 DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND
Native Error: (25503)
Description: The column name is not valid. [,,,Node name (if any),Column name,]
Interface defining error: IID_ICommand
Param. 0: 0
Param. 1: 0
Param. 2: 0
Param. 3:
Param. 4: peopleid
Param. 5:
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Jun 7, 2001
All developers use same login to access database (I know is it is not the best solution)
We need track when user insert value or edit value in specific table
It is done by triger and work fine with USER_ID() or user_name()
But all users (developers) use same login and USER_ID() and user_name()always the same.
Please help me how can get HOST_NAME of user who is trying to modify table and place it into triger insted of user_name()
Thanks a lot
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Jul 20, 2005
I did this thing with host_name(). I'm hoping someone can tell me ifI'm gonna get into trouble with this scheme before it's too late...I have maybe 75 users.They all call on a table of appointments (many thousands) and I dumpthe ones being viewed into a temp table named TaskTEMP.I am using a custom function within a View to grab a bunch of rows inone table and slap them into a single column on the records returnedby the view.Here's where I'm concerned-When I insert the records into the TempTable I insert the valueHOST_NAME() into every row of a column named myMachine.So the row looks like:TaskID aName myMachine1234 Jim Smith Dell1011235 Fran Jones Dell1011235 Mary Cat Dell101When I run the view, I get:TaskID myNames1234 Jim Smith1235 Fran Jones, Mary CatWhat I'm concerned about is when user 2 is looking at the same recordat the same time and inserts the following into TaskTEMP:1234 Jim Smith CompaqXYZ1235 Fran Jones CompaqXYZ1235 Mary Cat CompaqXYZI use the HOST_NAME()filter in the example below to deal with this sothat both user one and user two get what they want instead of:TaskID myNames1234 Jim Smith, Jim Smith1235 Fran Jones, Mary Cat, Fran Jones, Mary CatIt works great in testing. The obvious problem is if two users havethe same machine name, but in this installation business rules preventthat.I hope someone can either validate this approach or improve or trashit before it gets too late with this project.thanks.lqThe view and function look looks like this:SELECT TaskID, dbo.fn_myNameGroup(TaskID) AS myNamesFROM dbo.TaskTEMPGROUP BY TaskIDIDThe function looks like this:CREATE function dbo.fn_myNameGroup(@TaskID as int) returnsnvarchar(500)asbegindeclare @ret_value nvarchar(500)SET @ret_value=''Select @ret_value=@ret_value + '; ' + aName FROM TaskTEMP whereTaskID=@TaskID AND myMachine=HOST_NAME()RETURN RIGHT(@ret_value,LEN(@ret_value)-2)end
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Feb 5, 2007
I am using dynamic filtering on host_name() for SQL 2005 SP1 merge publication. It had been working fine, but something has caused the configuration to stop working.
Setting up the publication and a test subscription via the GUI works fine. However, if I script out the publication and subscription and attempt to run the script (with suitable password), then I get the error
€œa value for the parameter @host_name was specified while publication does not use host_name() for dynamic filtering€?
I did some digging and was curious to find some differences in the information returned by sp_helpmergepublication and the content of dbo.sysmergepublications.
The sp_helpmergepublication output showed expected content after both GUI and script setup €“ with a value of HOST_NAME() for validate_subscriber_info.
The content of dbo.sysmergepublications was as expected after setup via the GUI €“ with a value of HOST_NAME() for dynamic_filters_function_list.
However, I noticed that if I performed setup using scripts the dynamic_filters_function_list value was null.
Further note that the subset_filter_clause value was correct for the filtered article with both GUI and script setup (<column name> = HOST_NAME())
After some experimentation, I found that if I executed sp_changemergearticle to set the subset_filter_clause again (after all the normal publication setup scripts had run) €“ then the dynamic_filters_function_list value in dbo.sysmergepublications became correct €“ and everything started working again.
This looks like a bug to me €“ and although the workaround above seems to work €“ it would be good to know if this is a known issue
If this is not a known issue, then I will attempt to put together a simpler repro than I currently have available.
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Jul 23, 2005
I previously posted re. this, but thought I'd try again with a summary offacts.I have an Access 2000 MDB with a SQL Server 7 back end. There is a view thatis linked to the database via ODBC and has been in place for several yearswithout any performance problems.Recently I added a couple of fields to the output of the view, and it becamevery slow when scrolling. When just opened in the database window, thelinked view takes about a second to scroll down one screen. When opened inthe form (in Continuous Form view), it takes about 2-3 seconds. It used toscroll just about instantaneously.I tried removing the few fields I added to restore the view to its previousform, but it had no effect. The view was still much slower than it had been.The total number of records returned from the view is about 1300, so it'snot a large number of records. The view has about 25 fields.I found that when I link the view in the MDB without specifying a uniqueindex, it scrolls very quickly -- almost instantaneously. But when I specifythe unique index, it is slow. Since the view needs to be edited, it needsthe unique index defined.As noted, it's been in place for years, with a unique index defined, yetwithout the slowness. Any ideas as to what might have caused this and whatmight be done would be appreciated. I've included the SQL for the viewbelow.Thanks,NeilSQL FOR MAIN VIEW:SELECT INVTRY.[Index], INVTRY.TITLE, INVTRY.AUTHILL1,INVTRY.attFirstEdition, INVTRY.attSigned,ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD, ' ') SignedCond, INVTRY.YRPUB,INVTRY.PRICE, INVTRY.Web, INVTRY.Status,INVTRY.WebStatusPending, INVTRY.ActivateDate,INVTRY.DeactivateDate, INVTRY.WebAddedBatchID,INVTRY.AllowDuplicate, INVTRY.WebAction,INVTRY.WebActionPending, INVTRY.DateModified,INVTRY.DateWebActionApplied, INVTRY.JIT, INVTRY.MImage,INVTRY.HImage, INVTRY.AdCode,CASE WHEN INVTRY.WebAddedBatchID IS NOT NULLTHEN - 1 ELSE 0 END AS OnWebFROM vwInventory_Dupes INNER JOIN(WebStatus INNER JOIN(INVTRY INNER JOINtabStatus ON INVTRY.Status = tabStatus.Status) ONWebStatus.WebStatus = INVTRY.Web) ON(vwInventory_Dupes.YearPub = INVTRY.YRPUB) AND(vwInventory_Dupes.SignedCond = ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD,' ')) AND (vwInventory_Dupes.Signed = INVTRY.attSigned) AND(vwInventory_Dupes.FirstEd = INVTRY.attFirstEdition) AND(vwInventory_Dupes.Author = INVTRY.AUTHILL1) AND(vwInventory_Dupes.TITLE = INVTRY.TITLE)WHERE (((tabStatus.ForWeb) = 1) AND ((WebStatus.IncludeDupe)= 1))SQL FOR vwInventory_Dupes:SELECT INVTRY.TITLE, INVTRY.AUTHILL1 Author,Cast(attFirstEdition AS tinyint) FirstEd,Cast(attSigned AS tinyint) Signed,ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD, ' ') SignedCond,INVTRY.YRPUB YearPubFROM WebStatus INNER JOIN(INVTRY INNER JOINtabStatus ON INVTRY.Status = tabStatus.Status) ONWebStatus.WebStatus = INVTRY.WebWHERE (((tabStatus.ForWeb) = 1) AND ((WebStatus.IncludeDupe)= 1))GROUP BY INVTRY.TITLE, INVTRY.AUTHILL1,Cast(attFirstEdition AS tinyint), Cast(attSigned AS tinyint),ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD, ' '), INVTRY.YRPUBHAVING (((COUNT(INVTRY.[INDEX])) > 1))
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Nov 2, 2006
BOL says the following (headed with important):
"The HOST_NAME() function returns an nchar value, so you must use CONVERT if the column in the filter clause is of a numeric data type, as it is in the example above. For performance reasons, we recommended that you not apply functions to column names in parameterized row filter clauses, such as CONVERT(nchar,EmployeeID) = HOST_NAME(). Instead, we recommend using the approach shown in the example: EmployeeID = CONVERT(int,HOST_NAME()). This clause can be used for the @subset_filterclause parameter of sp_addmergearticle (Transact-SQL), but it typically cannot be used in the New Publication Wizard (the wizard executes the filter clause to validate it, which fails because the computer name cannot be converted to an int). If you use the New Publication Wizard, it is recommended to specify CONVERT(nchar,EmployeeID) = HOST_NAME() in the wizard and then use sp_changemergearticle (Transact-SQL) to change the clause to EmployeeID = CONVERT(int,HOST_NAME()) before creating a snapshot for the publication."
We have setup a publication with this scenario and by accident a nonconvertable HOST_NAME slipped in when someone tried to create a subscription in the database with the wrong parameters.
The consequence was not only that he failed to create the misconfigured subscription but all our several hundred subscriptions failed to synchronize from this point on.
It's weird that one single subscription causes all other subscriptions to fail (BUG??) but how to resolve this miserable situation?
First thing I tried was to delete the faulty partition via the Publication Wizard but all I got was an nasty error which was also related to the SQL Server trying to convert the partition string to integer.....
The next thing I tryed was setting PreComputed Partitions to false and re-initialize all subscriptions. Also this did not help. All the failed subscriptions continued to fail synching.
As a thing of last resort I changed the article filter to convert the partition key to nvarchar and then compare it to the HOST_NAME() value. Thank god this worked and the existing subscriptions started to synch successfully again.
So my question is:
How do you correctly recover in this situation?
As it really a wanted feature that one faulty partition causes all subscriptions to fail?
Shouldn't it be possible to delete the unwanted partition?
Thank you for your help!
regards, Stefan
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Feb 26, 2008
Hi,I have created a linked server to oracle, which works fine.But when I try and create a view joining the SQL table with the linked Oracle table, it only returns the primary key field in the Oracle table and nothing else.Anyone know why?ThanksN.B. I'm using SQL Server 2005 btw.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hii have created a new database and a new linked server that points to anAccessDB using an ODBC DSN.Now inside that new sql db i have create i need to created a new view soi open EM went to views and paste the followingselect * from openquery (AccessLinkedServer,'select * from mytable')i press run and i see the data ok .but when i try to save the view i getthe followingODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The operationcould not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' was unableto begin a distributed transaction.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server][OLE/DB provider returnedmessage: [DataDirect][ODBC dBase driver]Optional feature notimplemented.][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]OLE DB error trace[OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' ITransactionJoi JoinTransaction returned0x8004d00a].*** Sent via Developersdex ***
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Feb 7, 2008
I am working with Two Server €˜X€™ and €˜Z€™
In €˜X€™ server, I have a linked server named €˜CustSrv€™ which is connecting to €˜Z€™ server
In the €˜Z€™ server I have a Database named €˜SalesDB€™
I have a view name vw_CusgtomerData in my €˜X€™ server which is selecting data from SALESDB..Customer_Tbl from the €˜Z€™ server through that linked server (€˜CustSrv€™)
The View is simple selecting data from Customer_Tbl from SalesDB
[Note here using * for all columns?? Is it ok for performance aspects]
Now I have some Application which are using that view through some stored procedure.Few of them passing some parameters like Cust_Id etc
Now my query is that.. Am I fulfilling all performance issues?
What is the suggestive way to fetch data from that remote (Linked Server) server to get good performance benefit?
In my opinion we can fetch data 4 different way from that linked server€¦
B.exec GetCustomerData 65
[Sp_GetCustomerData is a Storedprocedure which is passing a parameter 65 that is Customer_ID and the procedure is selecting data from the view vw_CusgtomerData]
C.SELECT cu_customer_id, cu_customer_name FROM vw_CusgtomerData ORDER BY cu_customer_name
SELECT * FROM vw_CusgtomerData where Customer_ID=65 * FROM OPENQUERY
(CustSrv,'SELECT Customer_ID,cu_customer_name FROM SalesDB.dbo. CUSTOMER_Tbl ORDER BY cu_customer_name ')
Am I bypass the concept of view and fetch data directly in the stored procedure through the linked server ??
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Jul 20, 2005
I have my own function, which I can use:declare @dt as datetimeselect @dt='20040121 12:22:33'select * from index_gold_iif(@dt)When I try do it from linked serwer:declare @dt as datetimeselect @dt='20040121 12:22:33'select * fromlewiatan.e_.dbo.index_gold_iif(@dt)I have massage:Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 31, Line 2Line 4: Incorrect syntax near '('.Did server can't see function from linked server? Is it true or I have donesome error (what)?MarekPS. all done as "sa" user, linked server linked with sa account
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Jun 3, 2015
I am trying to check if a view exists on a linked server using sys.views. I tried to fully qualify it but that produces an error telling me the below, which both the database name is correct as well as the server name. Is it possible to obtain a list of views from a linked server connection? Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 321 The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "alpha" does not contain the table ""salesdata"."sys"."views"". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
SQL Server 2008 is the server I want to query from and sql server 2000 is the server I want to query even if I try to use this syntax it still produces the above said error
I also tried to qualify the views by using the below and still same error
table_schema = 'dbo'
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May 20, 2014
Can i refresh view through linked server? I have full rights to modify the view?
Ex:ABC.MNC_DB.dbo.sp_refreshview 'view_ABC'
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Apr 14, 2008
Hey everyone. I've linke an access database and I am able to query the tables like so:
FROM QFinity...tblEmployees
I can do that to all the tables, however, I'd like to create a view to this linked database. Is this possible? I have a more complex query I'd like to run:
SELECT dbo_evaluations.eval_id, dbo_evaluations.quality_date, dbo_eval_questions.status
FROM QFinity...dbo_evaluations INNER JOIN dbo_eval_questions ON dbo_evaluations.eval_id = dbo_eval_questions.eval_id;
I get the error "Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'dbo_evaluations'."
I'm afraid I've reached the limit of my know how concerning sql server 2005... I think I read that I need to create a view? But I can't figure out how to do that.
Thanks for any help!
Windows XP, Office XP
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi there,I'm pretty new to SQL and am having some porblems with a linked server.I have a table on a SQL server which stores employee information.I also have a view on a linked server which stores the same information.What I would like to happen is, whenever the view changes on the linkedserver I want the information to be changed in the table on my server.I've been trying to write a trigger to do this, but have had noluck so far.Can anyone help me?ThanksSimon--Posted via
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Jan 24, 2008
This is the siuation:
I have on server A SQL 2005
on server B i have SQL 2000
I want to create in a database on server A a view which uses a linked server to get data from server B.
The linked server works fine.
But when I want to execute the creation of that view i get this error:
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "BI_AX_LINK" returned message "Unspecified error".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "BI_AX_LINK" returned message "The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server. Please contact your system administrator.".
Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Procedure VW_ASSETTABLE, Line 1
Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO" for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "BI_AX_LINK". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.
I have checked and the collations between the to databases are the same.
Anyone an idea on who to do such thing?
The rights that i have an server B or not that much.
Thanx for the info
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Jul 21, 2004
Hiya folks,
Having a problem with a view.
I'm using the syntax
Right('000' & Myfield,3) to 'pad' out the results.
ie if MyField contained 45 the answer should be : 045
but i'm getting the results of : 0
Stuck!! Any offers kind people??
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Sep 18, 2007
FROM dbo.Objects
WHERE (UserRights & dbo.GetUserRights()) > 0)
The purpose of this view is to implement row level security. The Field, UserRights is a BigInt and holds up to 64 bits corresponding to the user or group that has a right to view this record.
The Function GetUserRights() is a function which returns an Int corresponding to the user rights of the person who is currently logged in. In a bitwise fashion, it then "ands" them together to see if the value is greater than 0. If so, the user has rights to the record.
If I hardcode a value to replace the function, the Select statement is very fast. However, if I use the function it is extremely slow. I believe this is due to the function getting run once for each row of the table, instead of just once.
Is there a way to rewrite this so that it only runs once? I could do this in a stored procedure, but I need it in a view so that I can use replace "Objects" (the table) with "vwObjects" the view.
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Jul 29, 2004
Hi All,
How can I link a view into MS Access from MS Sql Server, that I can update as a tabble.
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Dec 5, 2007
Hi, Is there anyway to create a view within a Function? The code is as below. I execute the code between "BEGIN" and "END". SQL Analyzer report error that said
'CREATE VIEW' must be the first statement in a query batch.
I could make the variable constant in SELECT statement, but I'm wondering if there is a way to make CREATE VIEW as part of code piece.
CREATE Function GetCommonFailurs()
DROP VIEW CommonFailures
DECLARE @Run1Result as char(4), @Run2Result as char(4);
SET @Run1Result='Fail';
SET @Run2Result='Fail';
CREATE VIEW CommonFailures
SELECT Run1Failures.RunID as Run1ID,
Run2Failures.RunID as Run2ID,
@Run1Result as 'Run1Result',
@Run2Result as 'Run2Result',
Run1Failures.SmartyDOTXMLFilePath as Run1SmartyFilePath,
Run2Failures.SmartyDOTXMLFilePath as Run2SmartyFilePath,
Run1Failures.SDET as SDET,
Run1Failures.CommandLine as CommandLine,
Run1Failures.OutputFilePath as OutputFilePath
FROM Run1Failures
INNER JOIN Run2Failures
ON Run1Failures.TestID = Run2Failures.TestID
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Jul 20, 2006
I have the following data in a table:
Item Qty
1 1
1 -1
2 3
2 -1
2 -1
Using a function, how can I code it so that I get the following:
Item Qty
1 0
2 1
Also, if a Qty does equal 0 (as in item 1), can I use a >0 in the Criteria field of the resultant expression to remove it from the Function results?
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Sep 5, 2007
what is more efficient between a table-value function or a View
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Mar 16, 2007
Could anyone shed some light on the syntax of accessing system function on a linked server?I'm trying to get the recovery models of databases on a linked. However using databasepropertyex locally generates wrong results.e.g. select databasepropertyex(name, 'recovery') RecoveryModel from [server/databasename].master.dbo.SysDatabases I tried select [server/databasename].databasepropertyex(name, 'recovery') RecoveryModel from [server/databasename].master.dbo.SysDatabases which does not work. Thanks.
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Nov 23, 2006
I have a Progress DB set up as a linked server.
To get the data through to SQL Server 2005 in a useable format i need to use the progress PRO_ELEMENT function call. How do I delimit this so it gets passed to the progress DB.
I've tried
{fn PRO_ELEMENT(fldarr1,1,1)} as fld1
This just returns an unknown function message which I believe is on the SQL Server end of the call.
This statement works fine through Business Objects.
Any help greatfully received.
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Jul 20, 2005
Greetings,I have 3 servers all running SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.818. Lets callthem parent, child1, and child 2.On parent, I create a view called item as follows:CREATE view Item asselect * from child1.dbchild1.dbo.Item union allselect * from child2.DBChild2.dbo.ItemOn child1 and child2, I have a table "item" with a column named "id"datatype uniqueidentifier (and many other columns). There is anon-clustered index created over column "id".When I connect to the parent server and select from the viewSelect id, col1, col2, …. From item where id =‘280A33E0-5B61-4194-B242-0E184C46BB59'The query is distributed to the children "correctly" (meaning itexecutes entirely (including the where clause) on the children serverand one row is returned to the parent).However, when I select based on a list of idsSelect id, col1, col2, …. From item where id in(‘280A33E0-5B61-4194-B242-0E184C46BB59',‘376FA839-B48A-4599-BC67-25C6820FE105')the plan shows that the entire contents of both children item tables(millions of rows each) are pulled from the children to the parent,and THEN the where criteria is applied.Oddly enough, if I put the list of id's I want into a temp tableselect * from #bv1id------------------------------------280A33E0-5B61-4194-B242-0E184C46BB59376FA839-B48A-4599-BC67-25C6820FE105and thenSelect id, col1, col2, …. From item where id in (select * from #bv1)the query executes with the where criteria applied on the childrendatabases saving millions of rows being copied back to the parentserver.So, I have a hack that works (using the temp table) for this case, butI really don't understand the root cause. After reading online books,in a way I am confused why ANY of the processing is done on thechildren servers. I quote:================================================Remote Query ExecutionSQL Server attempts to delegate as much of the evaluation of adistributed query to the SQL Command Provider as possible. An SQLquery that accesses only the remote tables stored in the provider'sdata source is extracted from the original distributed query andexecuted against the provider. This reduces the number of rowsreturned from the provider and allows the provider to use its indexesin evaluating the query.Considerations that affect how much of the original distributed querygets delegated to the SQL Command Provider include:•The dialect level supported by the SQL Command ProviderSQL Server delegates operations only if they are supported by thespecific dialect level. The dialect levels from highest to lowest are:SQL Server, SQL-92 Entry level, ODBC core, and Jet. The higher thedialect level, the more operations SQL Server can delegate to theprovider.Note The SQL Server dialect level is used when the providercorresponds to a SQL Server linked server.Each dialect level is a superset of the lower levels. Therefore, if anoperation is delegated to a particular level, then Queries involvingthe following are never delegated to a provider and are always it isalso delegated to all higher levels.evaluated locally:•bit•uniqueidentifier================================================This suggests to me that any query having where criteria applied to adatatype uniqueidentifier will have the where criteria applied AFTERdata is returned from the linked server.Any ideas on the root problem, and a better solution to get the queryand all the where criteria applied on the remoted linked server?Thanks,Bernie
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Aug 17, 2007
Is there a way in 2005 to script out, directly, a funciton/SP/View or whatever and not have it binary? I used to be able to script something out in 2000 and it would be text and then I could check it into sourcesafe NP and as you know text is much easier to use the compair feature against than binary. Is there a setting in SQL 2005 to handle this? Is it something in Sourcesafe that I need to set?
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Sep 12, 2007
Hello. I'm a real newbie - using Access 2003 front end and connecting to SQL Server 2005 ODBC.
I'm having trouble accessing functions through access. I've built the following function:
SELECT dbo.tblTRACT.STR, dbo.tblTRACT.[TRACT_#], dbo.tblMIN_OWNERS.Min_Owner_Name AS [OWNER OF RECORD], dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS.LOC_ID, dbo.tblLOCATION.LPR_No, dbo.tblLOCATION.Lease_ID, dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.Date_Mailed, dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.Scan_Lease_Received, dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.Orig_Lease_Recd, dbo.tblLPR_INVOICES.Invoice_No, dbo.tblLPR_PAY.CHECK_DRAFT_No, dbo.tblLESSORS.Name AS [Lease Name]
FROM dbo.tblTRACT LEFT JOIN ((dbo.tblMIN_OWNERS RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER ON dbo.tblMIN_OWNERS.Min_Owner_ID = dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.Owner_Lease) LEFT JOIN ((((((dbo.tblLPR RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblLOCATION ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLOCATION.LPR_No) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLESSORS ON dbo.tblLPR.Lessor_Number = dbo.tblLESSORS.Lessor_Number) RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS ON dbo.tblLOCATION.LOC_ID = dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS.LOC_ID) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLEASE_LOG ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.LPR_No) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLPR_INVOICES ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLPR_INVOICES.LPR_No) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLPR_PAY ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLPR_PAY.LPR_No) ON dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.TRACT__Owner_ID = dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS.Tract_Owner_Id) ON (dbo.tblTRACT.[TRACT_#] = dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.[TRACT_#]) AND (dbo.tblTRACT.STR = dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.STR)
WHERE (((dbo.tblTRACT.STR)=@TRS))
I understand now I can create a view of the function Simply by using the function name in my FROM statement. However I get an error that arguments provided do not match parameters required. However, I'm not getting the prompt to enter my criterion. Is my error in my function statement? I can't save the view. I also understand I could use a pass-through query. Is there some sort of guidance or tutorial on that to which you could point me?
Thanks for your time.
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Oct 16, 2006
I am translating some of my Access queries to SQL views. In one of those, I had a very convenient function called "IIF" (e.g. IIf(IsNull([Remark]),"NULL","NOT NULL").
How is this function called in the MS SQL Server 2000? Apparently I cannot use either "IIF" nor "CASE" in the query/view.....
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Aug 23, 2007
I was thinking about Luis' post about a similar question here. After thinking about this, I was left with this particular question:
What is the difference between an inline TVF that takes no arguments and a view? Do / should these optimize the same?
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Jan 23, 2008
I'm very new to SQL Server. Please help. I need to create a FUNCTION that creates a view. Then call this function in a SQL which is passed as a parameter to BCP. In Oracle, it would be something like:
create function CREATEVIEW
return number as
create view SampleView as SELECT a,b,c from Mytable;
return 1;
when others then return 0; -- for exception handling
create function DROPVIEW
return number as
Drop view SampleView;
return 1;
when others then return 0; -- for exception handling
Then my BCP will have something like:
BCP "select CREATEVIEW from dual"... QUERYOUT ..
BCP "select * from SampleView"... QUERYOUT ..
then drop the view again:
BCP "select DROPVIEW from dual"... QUERYOUT ..
I know there is no DUAL table in SQL SERVER. I just want to know how to code this in SQL Server.
The origin of my problem is that my SQL statement is too long to fit as BCP parameter, hence, am creating a view and reading there and dropping it again. If you can provide me with a better workaround, that would be great.
Thanks in advance.
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May 21, 2008
Hi guys,
I am trying to call a function from a remote sql server (linked server) using the following syntax:
select [ServerName].[dbName].dbo.CLRHelloWorld('SomeMessage'). I am getting the following error:
The object name '[ServerName].[dbName].dbo.' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2.
I need to call this function remotely and using this syntax; I don't want to use OPENQUERY...
Any hints?
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Mar 2, 2007
I have created the following view:
Create view vwOrderItemTotal2
SELECT ItemName, fkMenuItemID, Sum(Quantity) as [SumOfMenuITems] FROM OrderItems GROUP BY fkMenuItemId, ItemName
When I present my data in a GridView, it works fine. For example, several orders for milk are returned as a summary quantity of 26 gallons in a single row of the GridView like this:
26 Milk
Now I need to filter my data by OrderDate and Zipcode. I created this new view:
Create view vwOrderItemTotal5
SELECT Orders.Zipcode, Orders.OrderDate, OrderItems.ItemName, OrderItems.fkMenuItemID, Sum(Quantity) as [SumOfMenuITems]
FROM Orders INNER JOIN OrderItems
ON Orders.OrderID = OrderItems.fkOrderID
GROUP BY fkMenuItemId, ItemName, Zipcode, OrderDate
When I present my data in a Gridview using the new view I get a GridView with multiple rows for milk where each order has its own row like this:
1 Milk
5 Milk
6 Milk
6 Milk
3 Milk
1 Milk
4 Milk
But I want the data presentation in one row for each ItemName (e.g. Milk) as with my first view. Can I adjust my new view to achieve this, or should I stick with my first view (vwOrderItemTotal2) and adjust the Select Command in my SqlDataSource (hasn’t worked yet).
I think that what I want is for the returned data to be grouped by fkMenuItemId only, but the sql server admin won’t let me create a view without including the other fields in the Group By clause. Thanks for any help provided in solving this.
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