Problem With In Place Upgrade Of Named Instance??

Jun 21, 2006

I have two software products that are accessing the same MSDE Database instance. I recently upgraded the MSDE instance to SQL Express using the in place method. The upgrade runs with success. However, one scenerio is breaking both software products.

1. Product A is not installed

2. An older version of Product B which uses MSDE is intalled.

3. I upgrade the MSDE instance to SQL Express

4. An older version of Product A is installed that uses MSDE.

Note: At this point the install of product A attempts to install an MSDE named instance that is the same as the upgraded instance

5. The install of Product A fails and corrupts the registry keys

6. Now my SQL Express named instance is corrupt and product B can not find the database instance.

Question: Can MSDE and SQL Express run side by side with both having an instance with the same name? I am pretty sure that the answer is going to be No.

If not, how can I prevent this scenerio from occurring. I'm thinking that I will have to do a side by side upgrade creating a new instance with a different name. Then I will have to direct both products to the new named instance. Any ideas or suggestions?

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Get Authentication Error In Upgrade SQL 2005 Named Instance To SP1 TCP

Apr 3, 2006

I got the following error using either NT or SQL Login ('sa') that are sysadmin in my SQL 2005 instance:

Your Account information could not be verified for one or more instances. Ensure that you can connect to all the selected instances using the account information provided. To process further deselect the instances to which connectivity cannot be established.

However, I would login to SQL 2005 named instance, either NT or SQL login 'sa' without any problems to do anything I want because both are sysadmin.

<PS> Note that my default SQL instance in my local server is SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 named instance.


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Setup And Upgrade :: Determine What Port Does Named Instance Are Listening?

Sep 22, 2015

I have a named sql instance on SQL 2012. The issue is that the clients is having problem connecting to it when the firewall is on, this is not consistent. The connection is fine when I disabled the firewall. When I turned the Windows firewall back on, it will work for awhile and it fails. I checked the SQL configuration manager and saw that a dynamic port is assigned to the named instance. I did put that in the firewall rule and unblock it. I also put TCP 1433 and 1434 as well as the browser service port, TCPUDP 2382 and it still didn't work.What is the best way to determine what port does the named instance are listening?

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SQL 2005 Upgrade Problem - In Place Upgrade

Feb 10, 2007


We are running a test upgrade form sql 2000 standard edition 32 bit to sql 2005 developer edition 32bit. Followed through all the steps and specified the account(SA priveleges and currently used by the 2000 version) and is the local admin on the box for the services and the setup seemed to move fine, except for when it got to the point of installing database services - This is the error message that I got:

MSSQLServer could not be started. Verify you have sufficient priveleges to start system services. The was no choice but to hit cancel and then the set up progressed with a final message of 'SEtup failed'.

Here is a portion of the error log:
Attempting to recover in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
Database Mirroring Transport is disabled in the endpoint configuration.
Starting up database 'master'.
Converting database 'master' from version 589 to the current version 611.
Database 'master' running the upgrade step from version 589 to version 590.
Error: 946, Severity: 14, State: 1.
Cannot open database 'master' version 589. Upgrade the database to the latest version.
System Task Aggregate global counters produced an error that was not handled. Major: 9, Minor: 46, Severity:14, State:1
Error: 928, Severity: 20, State: 1.
During upgrade, database raised exception 15151, severity 16, state 1, address 01C4C50B. Use the exception number to determine the cause.
Error: 15151, Severity: 16, State: 1.
Cannot find the endpoint 'TSQL Local Machine', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks KR

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cannot Connect To Named Instance (2nd Instance) From Local SSMS

Jul 22, 2015

I've two instances(Default, Named[dynamicsFINANCE]) running on SQL server 2014. However, when I try to connect to named instance say (dynamicsFINANCE) using SQL authentication from local SSMS, I get below error message:

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

I assigned a static port number to the named instance [dynamicsFINANCE] 1450. I also setup the firewall rule to allow access to Port 1450.

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SQL 2012 :: Clustered SSAS Unable To Connect To Named Instance (instance Not Found On Server)

Mar 20, 2014

I have a 3 node cluster on which I have installed SSAS as it's own insntance. I have created this as a named instance and can connect to it by serverinstance if I'm on the server itself. However from my desktop I get the error saying instance was not found on server name.

I have defined an alternate port and setup firewall rules and can connect via server:port but not serverinstance. Prior to making this change SSAS was running on default port of 2383 and I could connect just by servername.

I have read many articles for previous versions saying that clustered SSAS will always use 2383 and that you must connect just using servername. However and this is were it gets strange. I have a 2 node UAT cluster with SSAS setup exactly the same way I've described above and I can connect from my desktop as serverinstance.

Should I be able to connect as serverinstances for a named clustered instance in 2012 ?

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Migrating From SQL2K Named Instance To SQL2K5 Default Instance

Feb 19, 2007

Hi, I have a task in hand to migrate (upgrade) from SQL2K named instance to SQL2K5 default instance. There are many intranet applications touching current SQL2K. I would like to perform this upgrade such that I don't have to touch any application code - meaning I don't have to change the connectionstring to point to new Default instance. How can I achieve this?

So, in otherwords, here is what I want to achieve:

Current Server: SQL2K: SERVER_AINSTANCE_A (named instance)

Upgraded Server: SQL2K5: SERVERB (default instance)

If I have both default, I could achive this by setting up DNS alias after migration done so that any call for SERVER_A would point to SERVER_B. But in my case, I don't have SERVER_A, I have named instance. Is there any solution?



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Named Instance Problems (Default Of 7.0/2000 Instance)

Oct 10, 2001

I am trying to set up a Named Instance of SQL 2000 on the same machine that has a default instance of SQL 7.0. The setup always completes and I am able to register the Named Instance of the SQL Server with which it was installed on. However, when I try to connect the users to the database, with both windows and SQL authentication, I receive a SQL server not found error. I have tried an alias setup as well as physically specifying the port number in settup up an ODBC connection.
Has anyone ran into similar problems?
Also, has anyone been able to successfully complete the process as mentioned above?

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Move SQL2005 From Default Instance To Named Instance

Mar 2, 2007

I have a server with sql server 2005 installed as the default instance -- I have a piece of software that needs SQL2000 to be the default instance. Is there a way other than install new sql2005 named instance and move databases to rename my SQL2005 instance from <machinename> to <machinename>sql05 for example?


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Installing A Default Instance AFTER A Named Instance???

Aug 24, 2006

I have SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition (sp3a) running on a windows 2003 (sp4) Server.

It is a Production Server with 3 NAMED Instances and NO Default Instance.

Does anyone know if I can rerun the SQL Server Install and add a DEFAULT Instance to this box without disrupting the other Named Instances???

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Migrating From Named Instance To Default Instance

Oct 30, 2007

I installed SQL Server 2005 recently on a cluster. I didn't go for the default instance and instead I named the instance option. Now I would like to migrate everything from the named instance to the default instance, which I haven't yet installed.

Is this an easy process? What about the logins and the maintenance plans and jobs? Is there anything else I need to be aware of?

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Create A Named Instance On Top Of A Default Instance

Apr 13, 2007


I've never had to do this, but when I downloaded the Web Workflow Approvals Starter Kit, it requested that I install the database into a User Instance of .SQLEXPRESS.

Now the problem is, I've installed it onto a default instance, so I was wondering whether you can create a named instance on top of a default instance... and if so, how would you do that?



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In-Place Upgrade Query

May 10, 2007


While we choose in-place upgrade for upgrading to SQL Server 2005 from SQL Server 2000, does it actually change the code in Stored Procedures/functions also?

e.g. if I have *= in some old procedure does it change it to INNER JOIN while migrating?

Please help me on this ASAP.



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SQL 2000 To 2005 In-Place Upgrade - How ?

Aug 15, 2007

I've installed a test instance of SQL 2000 on a test box. I want to try the In-Place upgrade to 2005. I installed 2005 on the test box also, but have been unable to see how to perform the upgrade. I thought running 2005 setup again would prompt me for an instance name .... but it just tells me 2005 is already installed. I must be missing something simple.

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In-place Upgrade From SQL 2000 SP4 Failed

Feb 19, 2008

Perhaps someone here can give me a hand with this... I have three servers running SQL Server 2000. Two are running Windows Server 2000 SP4 with SQL 2000/SP4 and one Windows Server 2003 with SQL 2000/SP?(probably not 4). I copied the installation DVD to a network drive and successfully performed an in-place upgrade of the Windows Server 2003 machine. However, when I try to upgrade either of the other servers, I get an error indicating that I have a service pack problem.

Reason: Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.
Service pack requirement check:
Your upgrade is blocked because of service pack requirements. To proceed, apply the required service pack and then rerun SQL Server Setup. For more information about upgrade support, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

My SQL 2005 media was probably released before SP4 was released because the Setup Help indicates that you can directly upgrade from SP3, but makes no mention of SP4. I can't imagine there are any migration problems with it since I can't find any reference to it as a problem on any SQL Server sites... So... I'm left wondering what my problem really is...

Any help would be appreciated.

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Does In-place Upgrade Set Compatibility Level To 9.0

Jun 19, 2007

This may be very obvious and when I get to the first test server I will find out, but I only have a new installation of SQL2K5 so far to test with. I have several databases that need to be upgraded to run on 2K5, but the application requires them to run in 8.0 compatibility. Does this mean that an in-place upgrade is not an option?

I apologize if this is a silly question, but I have not yet found the answer specifically.

Thanks very much.

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SQL 2000 To 2005 In-place Upgrade Blocked!

Feb 19, 2008

Perhaps someone here can give me a hand with this...

I have three servers running SQL Server 2000. Two are running Windows Server 2000 SP4 with SQL 2000/SP4 and one Windows Server 2003 with SQL 2000/SP?(probably not 4). I copied the installation DVD to a network drive and successfully performed an in-place upgrade of the Windows Server 2003 machine. However, when I try to upgrade either of the other servers, I get an error indicating that I have a service pack problem.

Reason: Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Service pack requirement check:
Your upgrade is blocked because of service pack requirements. To proceed, apply the required service pack and then rerun SQL Server Setup. For more information about upgrade support, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Of course, the error doesn't indicate what the service pack problem actually is. My SQL 2005 media was probably released before SP4 was released because the Setup Help indicates that you can directly upgrade from SP3, but makes no mention of SP4. I can't imagine there are any migration problems with it since I can't find any reference to it as a problem on any SQL Server sites... So... I'm left wondering what my problem really is... :confused:

Any help would be appreciated.

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Connection String For Default Instance Of SQL Server 2005, On A Box Also Running A Named Instance Of SQL Server 2000

Nov 15, 2007

The box I am trying to connect to is running two instances of SQL Server.
There is a SQL Server 2005 instance which is the default. There is a SQL Server 2000 instance which is named 'SQLSERVER'.
 I can connect to the SQL Server 2000 instance no problem:<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=MYPCSQLSERVER;database=mydatabase;user id=****;password=****" />
However,  I am having trouble connecting to the Default SQL Server 2005 instance. I have tried:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=MYPC;database=mydatabase;user id=****;password=****" />
 but it doesn't work. I have tried explicitly setting SQL Server 2005 to use port 1434 (as SQL Server 2000 is running on port 1433), and then used:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=MYPC,1434;database=mydatabase;user id=****;password=****" />
but this doesn't work either.
Am I mssing something here? Any help much appreciated

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Is Using A Named Instance Better Over Using A Default Instance??

Jan 17, 2007

If you were asked to install SQL 2005 on a machine, would u install a default instance or a named one? And why would u choose one over the other?? Also, r there any issues with using a default instance?

Thank you for all your help.

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In-place Upgrade Vs Fresh Install 2005 From 2000

Apr 21, 2008

hello, what is the general consensus on installing SQL 2005. I usually run a backup of SQL 2000 dbs and then restore on SQL 2005 and change compatibility to 9.0. Is it the right way to upgrade? I'm only asking because I also did one db in-place to SQL 2005 and thought it went well until I browsed my system dbs. All of them are missing tables that usually appear in SQL 2005 system dbs. Other than that I haven't run into too many problems.

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Named Instance

Sep 4, 2003

I am running SQL2k SP3 with a default instance. I have recently added a second, named instance. When I try to connect to the named instance through Enterprise manager, it often times out. I never get a timeout accessing the default instance. Is there something I missed when setting up the second instance that is causing this access delay?

Ken Nicholson

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Named Instance

Mar 18, 2008

What is the easiest way to check wether a server has named instance or not? Is there a command from DOS?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Connecting To Named Instance

Jan 3, 2004


How can i connect to Named Instance of MSDE on remote server from Enterprice Manager in my local computer ?

Instance name is Helm

I can connect inside server like

osql -S -E .Helm

But how i access from remote machine using Enterprice Manager ?


Yujin Boby

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License And Named Instance?

May 26, 2004

Hi, all.
To use Named instance on the same machine, Do I need to check any license issue?
My Company has one server license and wants to use Named instance.
thank you..

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Can't Access Named Instance By It's Name

Apr 5, 2007


I have sql2005 sp1 active-active installation.

I've fixed the named instance port.

I can't reach it from clients with i'ts name (servernameinstancename) .

I manage to rech it only by using servername, ip-port.

The sql browser has the following error:

"The configuration of the AdminConnectionTCP protocol in the SQL instance GILBOACL is not valid."

your help is appreciated!


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How To Create A New Named Instance

Feb 3, 2006


I did install SQL-server developer edition. During the installation it asked me the name of de instance. I let the installation create the default Named instance.

Now I want to add an instance with a new name. What is the best way to do this? Is this the same as creating a Notification service?


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Select From A Named Instance

Mar 27, 2008

I have sql2000 and sql2005 on one machine.
When I try to query a named instance of sql2005 from query analyzer in sql 2000 I recieved an error regarding an entry not being in the sysservers table. I added an entry pointing to the new install of sql2005. Now I get an error message saying
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Line 2: Incorrect syntax near '-'.
My server name is BB-SERVER1 It definitly does not like the hyphen. Any thoughts?
Changing the server name is not really an option.


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Removing Named Instance

Jan 9, 2007

We want to rename our instance and I understand there isn't a straightforward way to do so. I'm prepared to run SQLEXPR again to create the new named instance. However, I'm not clear on how to remove the other named instance once the data files have been moved over. I do not want the old service "SQL Server (<old_named_instance>)" to be running. I would also like the files "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1" removed along with the registry entries for this instance.

I tried running SQLEXPR with a /? option but that invoked the installer and did not give me the command line options. Is there a simple way to remove a specific named instance? Thanks.

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Named Instance Problem

Oct 25, 2007

Hi everybody,

Here is my problem: I'm setting up a new computer with SQL 2005 to replace the old one with SQL 2000. What I want to do is to transfer all the data from the SQL Server 2000 to the 2005 then rename the 2005 from the temp name to the same name as the SQL 2000, so all the pages can connect to the 2005 instead of the 2000. The problem right now is that all of the pages that that are being published within the network is calling the SQL 2000 by it instance only eg: Data Source = MainSQLServer. With the SQL 2005 I can't just call the instance in the connection string, it requires that the computer's name and the instance be provided, eg: \computer_nameinstance_name. I can't go back and edit every single one of the pages being served. So I need to configure the SQL 2005 in a way that all of the existing pages can access it with the same connection string that is in use right now to connect to the SQL 2000.

Thanks for the help!

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Creating A New Named Instance

Sep 7, 2007

As understand it, the only way to add another SQL Express 2005 named instance is to run SQLEXPR32.EXE again. However, when you to, right at the end, you get the following error message:

"An installation package for the product MS SQLK Server VSS Writer cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'SQLWriter.msi'"

So, I deleted all named instances, and the repeated the procedure and did not get this error and it installed fine. Obviously, I would not be able to delete all instances, but in this case it didn't matter.

So, here are my questions:

Question 1) Am I correct you must rerun SQLEXPR32.EXE to create a new named instance? (I think the answer is yes)

Question 2) Is there a way to rename an existing named instance? (I think the answer is no)

Question 3) The install/uninstall for SQLEXPR32.EXE is incredibly buggy. I have spend days trying to remove an named instance with no succes. Once your remove all named instances from Control Pannel, you stll have not removed SQL Express 2005. How do you remove it? We are considering other avenues because of the incredible problems with this product. Also, we inadvertantly installed SQL Express 2005 Advanced Services, when we meant to install SQL Express 2005, so we would like to uninstall Advance Serviuces and reinstall SQL Express 2005

Question 4) I am switching from the Outlook Express newsgroups to these groups. In the context of these groups, what is the difference betwee a Forum and a Newsgroup?


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Routing Fro A Named Instance?

Mar 12, 2008

Hi There

I cannot find anything online or in BOL about the proper format for a named instance in the routing address.

is it simply


or do you need to provide the port number for the instance.Not sure if TCP recognises the instance part?


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Clustering &&amp; Named Instance

Dec 7, 2007

Hi all,

I have some questions regarding Clustering.

(1) Can we create Default Instance & Named Instance in the clustering environment (i.e.) two instances in clustering on same hardware.

The idea here is , to put some highly transactional databases on default instance ( and giving 5 CPU's to Default instance ) and on the Named Instance ( giving 3 CPU's for Named Instance) in CLUSTERING ENVIRONMENT.

(2) Can anyone guide me , how can we restrict the instances to take 5 Cpu's & 3 Cpu's repectively Iin CLUSTERING ENVIRONMENT.


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Upgrade Advisor + DTS + Named Instances

Jun 4, 2007

I am after a bit of advice about running the Upgrade Advisor tool on a server that has more than 1 SQL Server instance. My particular focus is DTS on each server.
I tried running the tool, setting up an XML file per SQL Server (including named instances). An example of the XML is I used is included below):
<Configuration> <Server>SQL01</Server> <Instance>INSTANCE01</Instance> <Components> <DataTransformationServices /> </Components></Configuration>

When the tool runs, folders get created for the relevant named instances, but the DTS runs against the default instance only. In other words, the default instance DTS.xml file gets overwritten several times.
Does anyone know if the Upgrade Advisor tool can handle multiple SQL instances on the same server, particularly in realtion to DTS?
I had thought this might have been a limitation as the options in the Report Viewer are "Server" then "Instance or Component", when I am really after "Server", "Instance" AND "Component".

Any suggestions welcome.

Thanks in advance, Paul

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