set @AbbreviationExists = (select Short from Eaglef90.Abbreviations where Short = @SubSet)
set @ImageExists = (select ImageName, Game, SubSet from Eaglef90.Images where ImageName = @ImageName and Game = @Game and SubSet = @SubSet)
set @Error = 0
if @AbbreviationExists is null
insert Eaglef90.Abbreviations (Short, Long) values (@SubSet, @FullSubSet)
if @ImageExists is null
insert Eaglef90.Images (ImageName, Game, SubSet, Width, Height, AltText) values (@ImageName, @Game, @SubSet, @Width, @Height, @AltText)
set @Error = 1
but when I hit execute in Query Analizer I recive this error:
Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Procedure AddImages, Line 7
Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
Line 7 has this code on it:
set @ImageExists = (select ImageName, Game, SubSet from Eaglef90.Images where ImageName = @ImageName and Game = @Game and SubSet = @SubSet)
Does anyone know what is wrong with that select statement?
If I get used to envying others...
Those things about my self I pride will slowly fade away.
Using SQL Server 7 I am trying to modify an existing stored proc and make it more flexible. The below example represents the first part of that proc. The temp table that it should return is then used by another part of the proc (this query represents the foundation of my procedure). I need to figure a way to change the SQL Select statement, choosing between C.CONTRACTCODE and CB.EMPLOYERCODE on the fly. The query below will run but no records are returned. I am starting to believe/understand that I may not be able to use the @option variable the way I am currently.
I've tried creating two SQL statements, assigning them as strings to the @option variable, and using EXEC(@option). The only problem with this is that my temp table (#savingsdata1) goes out of scope as soon as the EXEC command is complete (which means I can not utilize the results for the rest of the procedure). Does anyone know how I can modify my procedure and incorporate the flexibility I've described?
CREATE PROCEDURE test @ContractCode varchar(10), @dtFrom datetime, @dtTo datetime, @Umbrella int
declare @option varchar(900)
if @umbrella = 0 set @option = 'c.contractcode' else set @option = 'cb.employercode'
select c.claimsno, c.attenddoctor, c.patientcode,, cb.employercode into #SavingsData1 from claimsa c inner join Patient p on c.patientcode = p.patientcode inner join claimsb cb on c.claimsno = cb.claimno where @option = @ContractCode and c.dateentered between @dtFrom and @dtTo and c.claimsno like 'P%' and in('M','F') and c.attenddoctor <> 'ZZZZ'
I have a [TestTable] table with three rows. The pair of columns [Test1] and [Test2] are id, the [Test3] is a data column. First, I get a table variable with list of id pairs. Next, I would like to update the rows of that ids. However, I have not found the elegant way how to do it. For one column it is simple, just IN clause, which does not work (or I could not find how) for multi-columns. Does someone have a hint?
Note: The example bellow is dummy; on the other hand, I hope it shows the important points. Please, do not beat me on syntax errors.
Code Block DECLARE @MyTableVar table( Test1 int NOT NULL, Test2 int NOT NULL );
SELECT [Test1],[Test2] INTO @MyTableVar FROM [TestTable] WHERE [Test3] = '%dd%';
UPDATE [TestTable] SET [Test3] = [Test3] + 'ds' WHERE ([Test1], [Test2]) IN (SELECT [Test1], [Test2] FROM @MyTableVar);
Code Block @LegalCounsel int = 0, @ClientID int = 0, @FundID int = 0
DECLARE @thisQuery as varchar(max)
SET @thisQuery = 'SELECT p.Portfolio, SeniorMgr, fl.Legal FROM FundClient f' BEGIN SET @thisQuery = @thisQuery + ' INNER JOIN FundPortfolio p ON p.ClientID = f.ClientID' END BEGIN SET @thisQuery = @thisQuery + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN Staff s ON (s.ClientID = p.ClientID AND s.FundID = p.PortfolioID AND s.ClientID = f.ClientID)' END BEGIN SET @thisQuery = @thisQuery + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN myLegal l ON (l.ClientID = p.ClientID AND l.FundID = p.PortfolioID) INNER JOIN FullLegalList fl ON fl.LegalID = l.LegalCounsel' END BEGIN IF @Legal != 0 SET @thisQuery3 = @thisQuery3 + ' WHERE rl.Legal = ' + cast(@LegalCounsel as varchar(11)) END BEGIN IF @ClientID != 0 SET @thisQuery = @thisQuery + ' AND p.ClientID = ' + cast(@ClientID as varchar(11)) END BEGIN IF @FundID != 0 SET @thisQuery = @thisQuery + ' AND p.PortfolioID = ' + cast(@FundID as varchar(11)) END BEGIN SET @thisQuery = @thisQuery + ';' END
Let's say I have a procedure called spGetData, which accepts two params ParamA and ParamB. It returns all the columns of a view that match the criteria specified by the two parameters. That works fine, no prob.
Now I want to write another stored proc that only returns certain columns from the rowset returned by spGetData. I want something like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE spGetDataList(@A int, @B int) AS SELECT colA, colB, colC FROM (EXEC spGetData @A, @B)
I've tried a few different syntaxes, and I can't seem to get this right. Please tell me there's a way to do this! If not, here's the reason I want it and maybe someone can answer this. We don't always know what search criteria a user will want, and right now we are using ASP to build our our SQL statement. We want to move to stored procs for performance and code maintainability reasons. Sometimes, we want to get the entire row back, like for detail pages. However, sometimes we only want to get back enough information to present a list to the user. We have some views with a large number of columns (~50), and we don't want to waste time returning them all when we don't need them. Finally, the logic for the stored proc to retrieve the desired rows could be long in some cases, and we don't want to maintain that logic twice. Hence, we write one proc for selecting the rows, which we call directly when we want all columns. Then we write another proc which returns a subset of the columns for performance and ease.
I have a stored proc that I'm using to run a report. It works fine, but currently I'm using a parameter that is a single selection from a dropdown. I'd like to use multi select, but have not been able to get it to work.
In the data tab I'm currently using "text" for command type and :
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@p_OfferStatus VARCHAR(100)', @p_OfferStatus = @p_OfferStatus when I run this in the data tab, it works fine, returning data, but when I try to preview it it tells me there are syntax errors. Anyone know the correct way to use multi selects with stored procs?
I have a gridview that is based on the selection(s) in a listbox. The gridview renders fine if I only select one value from the listbox. I recive this error though when I select more that one value from the listbox: Syntax error converting the nvarchar value '4,1' to a column of data type int. If, however, I hard code 4,1 in place of @ListSelection (see below selectCommand WHERE and IN Clauses) the gridview renders perfectly. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceAll" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT dbo.Contacts.Title, dbo.Contacts.FirstName, dbo.Contacts.MI, dbo.Contacts.LastName, dbo.Contacts.Suffix, dbo.Contacts.Dear, dbo.Contacts.Honorific, dbo.Contacts.Address, dbo.Contacts.Address2, dbo.Contacts.City, dbo.Contacts.StateOrProvince, dbo.Contacts.PostalCode FROM dbo.Contacts INNER JOIN dbo.tblListSelection ON dbo.Contacts.ContactID = dbo.tblListSelection.contactID INNER JOIN dbo.ListDescriptions ON dbo.tblListSelection.selListID = dbo.ListDescriptions.ID WHERE (dbo.tblListSelection.selListID IN (@ListSelection)) AND (dbo.Contacts.StateOrProvince LIKE '%') ORDER BY dbo.Contacts.LastName"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ListSelection" DefaultValue="1"/> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> The selListID column is type integer in the database. I'm using the ListBox1_selectedIndexChanged in the code behind like this where I've tried using setting my selectparameter using the label1.text value and the Requst.From(ListBox1.UniqueID) value with the same result:
Protected Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged Dim Item As ListItem For Each Item In ListBox1.Items If Item.Selected Then If Label1.Text <> "" Then Label1.Text = Label1.Text + Item.Value + "," Else Label1.Text = Item.Value + "," End If End If Next Label1.Text = Label1.Text.TrimEnd(",") SqlDataSourceAll.SelectParameters("ListSelection").DefaultValue = Request.Form(ListBox1.UniqueID) End Sub What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
Can you put an ORDER BY clause in a stored procedure? What I'd like to do is have a stored procedure where the proc could be called, with an ORDER BY clause passed on as a variable,
as in: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.select_all_from_users @order_by varchar(100) AS
SELECT * from USERS ORDER BY @order_by;
This doesn't work, I get the following nastygram thrown in my face "Error 1008: The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number 1 contains a variable as part of the expression itentifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression refrencing a column name."
That's where I'm stuck. The variable @order_by WILL be refrencing a column name, at least it will in my opinion, but the SQL Server doesn't think so...
Is it possible to install/configure SQL-Server 2005 on a multi-processor machine so that the relational DB utilizes a given subset of processors while Analysis Services utilizes another subset?
I was trying to copy child records of one parent record into another, and wanted to report back new child record id and corresponding child record id that was used to create it. I ran into run-time error with OUTPUT clause. Following is a script that will duplicate the situation I ran into:
INSERT INTO Parent(ParentName) VALUES('Parent 1') INSERT INTO Parent(ParentName) VALUES('Parent 2') GO
INSERT INTO Child(ParentID, ChildName) VALUES(1, 'Child 1') INSERT INTO Child(ParentID, ChildName) VALUES(1, 'Child 2') GO
At this stage, there Child table looks like:
Child 1
Child 2
What I want to do is copy Parent 1€™s children to Parent 2, and report back which source ChildID that was used to create the new child records. So I wrote the query:
Hey there everyone, hopefully someone can shed some light on this problem.
Here is the stored procedure:
CREATE Procedure sp_getRequestorwCredentials
@LoginID varchar(50)
SELECT Users.Name as name, Users.Email as email, Users.Manager as manager, Users.Mgremail as mgremail, Users.Empid as empid, Users.Phone as phone, Users.Dept as dept, Users.Busunit as busunit, Users.Segment as segment, Users.EmpPosition as position, Users.Region as region,
Requests.RequestDate, Users.EmpPosition, Users.Reason as reason, Users.District as district, Users.NetId, Users.Status as status
Requests ON Users.Empid = Requests.UserId
WHERE (Users.NetId like RTRIM(@LoginID))
ORDER BY Requests.RequestDate DESC
Now this query will work fine when using the like operator however if a user with a similar name to another user already in the table then the user may get the other persons record instead of thier own. Of course the solution here is to use the = operator instead of LIKE. This works fine when querying the DB directly however when executed within the stored proc no records are returned using the = operator even if they exact same query text works fine in a query window with a hardcoded var.
Yes I know there are SQL injection issues but the LoginID is being grabbed from the users domain login DOMAINNAME and is grabbed from the authenciation module. Since Active Directory names have a limited char set and theres not a way to pass an invalid name with text that allows for an injection attack.
I'm trying to concatenate fields in SQL stored proc for use in textfield in dropdownlist. I'm running into a problem when I tryto use a DateTime field, but can't find the answer (so far) on theInternet. Was hoping someone here would know?My sql stored proc:SELECT AnomalyID, DateEntered + ', ' + Station + ', ' + Problem As'SelectInfo'FROM tblAnomalyWHERE WorkOrder=@varWO AND Signoff=NullORDER BY DateEnteredbut I get the error:The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted inan out-of-range datetime value.I'm not the brightest bulb on the block, so any clues greatlyappreciated!Thanks, Kathy
I understand that Multi-Select Parameters are converted behind the scenes to an In Clause when a report is executed. The problem that I have is that my multi-select string parameter is turned into an in claused filled with nvarchar/unicode expressions like:
Where columnName in (N'Value1', N'Value2', N'Value3'...)
This nvarchar / unicode expression takes what is already a fairly slow-performing construct and just drives it into the ground. When I capture my query with Profiler (so I can see the In Clause that is being built), I can run it in Management Studio and see the execution plan. Using N'Values' instead of just 'Value1', 'Value2','Value3' causes the query performance to drop from 40 seconds to two minutes and 40 seconds. It's horrible. How can I make it stop!!!?
Is there any way to force the query-rewriting process in Reporting Services to just use plain-old, varchar text values instead of forcing each value in the list to be converted on the fly to an Nvarchar value like this? The column from which I am pulling values for the parameter and the column that I am filtering are both just plain varchar.
I have two tables I need to Select the record from the First table and insert them into the second table and delete the record from the first table how can i do that with the SQL Statment?
Disaster Recovery Options based on the following criteria.
--Currently running SQL 2012 standard edition --We have 18000 databases (same schema across databases)- majority of databases are less than 2gb-- across 64 instances approximately --Recovery needs to happen within 1 hour (Not sure that this is realistic -- We are building a new data center and building dr from the ground up.
What I have looked into is:
1. Transactional Replication: Too Much Data Not viable 2. AlwaysOn Availability Groups (Need enterprise) Again too many databases and would have to upgrade all instances 3. Log Shipping is a viable option and the only one I can come up with that would work right now. Might be a management nightmare but with this many databases probably all options with be a nightmare.
More often than not, I typically don't touch DTC on clusters anymore; however on a project where the vendor states that it's required. So a couple things here.
1) Do you really need DTC per instance or one for all? 2) Should DTC be in its own resource group or within the instance's group? 2a) If in it's own resource group, how do you tie an instance to an outside resource group? tmMappingSet right?
Hello,I am trying to construct a query across 5 tables but primarily 3tables. Plan, Provider, ProviderLocation are the three primary tablesthe other tables are lookup tables for values the other tables.PlanID is the primary in Plan andPlanProviderProviderLocationLookups---------------------------------------------PlanIDProviderIDProviderIDLookupTypePlanNamePlanIDProviderStatusLookupKeyRegionIDLastName...LookupValue....FirstName...Given a PlanID I want all the Providers with a ProviderStatus = 0I can get the query to work just fine if there are records but what Iwant is if there are no records then I at least want one record withthe Plan information. Here is a sample of the Query:SELECT pln.PlanName, pln.PlanID, l3.LookupValue as Region,p.ProviderID, p.SSNEIN, pl.DisplayLocationOnPCP,pl.NoDisplayDate, pl.ProviderStatus, pl.InvalidDate,l1.LookupValue as ReasonMain, l2.LookupValue as ReasonSub,pl.InvalidDataFROM Plans plnINNER JOIN Lookups l3 ON l3.LookupType = 'REGN'AND pln.RegionID = l3.Lookupkeyleft outer JOIN Provider p ON pln.PlanID = p.PlanIDleft outer JOIN ProviderLocation pl ON p.ProviderID = pl.ProviderIDleft outer JOIN Lookups l1 ON l1.LookupType = 'PLRM'AND pl.ReasonMain = l1.LookupKeyleft outer JOIN Lookups l2 ON l2.LookupType = 'PLX1'AND pl.ReasonSub = l2.LookupkeyWHERE pln.PlanID = '123456789' AND pl.ProviderStatus = 0ORDER BY p.PlanID, p.ProviderID, pl.SiteLocationNumI know the problew the ProviderStatus on the Where clause is keepingany records from being returned but I'm not good enough at this toanother select.Can anybody give me some suggestions?ThanksDavid
Hi All,Quick question, I have always heard it best practice to check for exist, ifso, drop, then create the proc. I just wanted to know why that's a bestpractice. I am trying to put that theory in place at my work, but they areasking for a good reason to do this before actually implementing. All Icould think of was that so when you're creating a proc you won't get anerror if the procedure already exists, but doesn't it also have to do withCompilation and perhaps Execution. Does anyone have a good argument fordoing stored procs this way? All feedback is appreciated.TIA,~CK
I have an ASP that has been working fine for several months, but itsuddenly broke. I wonder if windows update has installed some securitypatch that is causing it.The problem is that I am calling a stored procedure via an ASP(classic, not .NET) , but nothing happens. The procedure doesn't work,and I don't get any error messages.I've tried dropping and re-creating the user and permissions, to noavail. If it was a permissions problem, there would be an errormessage. I trace the calls in Profiler, and it has no complaints. Thedatabase is getting the stored proc call.I finally got it to work again, but this is not a viable solution forour production environment:1. response.write the SQL call to the stored procedure from the ASPand copy the text to the clipboard.2. log in to QueryAnalyzer using the same user as used by the ASP.3. paste and run the SQL call to the stored proc in query analyzer.After I have done this, it not only works in Query Analyzer, but thenthe ASP works too. It continues to work, even after I reboot themachine. This is truly bizzare and has us stumped. My hunch is thatwindows update installed something that has created this issue, but Ihave not been able to track it down.
I am new to Reporting Services and hope that what I am looking to do is within capabilities :-)
I have many identical schema databases residing on a number of data servers. These support individual clients accessing them via a web interface. What I need to be able to do is run reports across all of the databases. So the layout is:
Dataserver A
Database A1
Database A2
Database A3
Dataserver B
Database B1
Database B2
Dataserver C
Database C1
Database C2
Database C3
I would like to run a report that pulls table data from A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1, C2, C3
Now the actual number of servers is 7 and the number of databases is close to 1000. All servers are running SQL2005.
Is this something that Reporting Services is able to handle or do I need to look at some other solution?
I have a quite big SQL query which would be nice to be used using UNION betweern two Select and Where clauses. I noticed that if both Select clauses have Where part between UNION other is ignored. How can I prevent this?
I found a article in StackOverflow saying that if UNION has e.g. two Selects with Where conditions other one will not work. [URL] ....
I have installed SQL Server 2014 and I tried to use tricks mentioned in StackOverflow's article but couldn't succeeded.
Any example how to write two Selects with own Where clauses and those Selects are joined with UNION?
I cant find the error in this sql statment. What I want it to do is return everything from book, locations.locationname, and author.fullname. I want to to only return the first 10 rows. This will be used in paging, so, eventually it will be first 10, than 11-20, etc. Heres what I have, without the row limitSELECT RowNum, book.*, locations.LocationName, author.fullname FROM (SELECT book.*, locations.LocationName, author.fullname ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY as RowNum FROM book INNER JOIN Author ON book.AuthorID = Author.ID OR book.AuthorID2 = Author.ID OR book.AuthorID3 = Author.ID OR book.AuthorID4 = Author.ID OR book.AuthorID5 = Author.ID INNER JOIN Locations ON book.LocationID = Locations.ID WHERE (Author.FullName LIKE '%' + @Search + '%') OR (Author.FirstName LIKE '%' + @Search + '%') OR (Author.LastName LIKE '%' + @Search + '%')) as BookInfo
I have two tables. One for videos and one for a "block list"Videos : VideoID UserID VideoURL VideoTitle etc. VideoBlockList :VideoID UserIDI have a datalist to show the videos but i want for the datalist to miss out any videos that a user can not see.So if the block list has "VideoID" = 2 and UserID = 1 if user 1 does a search then the search will skip out the video is this done? i tryed to do it using a specific / custom SQL statment but it errored cos the NOT value conflicted with the search... any ideas? thanks in advance si!
Select @ID = top 1 ID From Contents Where Contents.UserID=@UserID And Contents.Status=4 AND Contents.InEdit=1 why it dosn't get back the ID vlaue but when i remove the top1 one its work well why
Hi I have two tablesTABLE 1 named problemas with the field N_problem (numeric)Tabe 2 named resolvidos with the field Resol (numeric) How can i select all the records from table 1 who are not in Tabe2 ? Thank you mario
Does anyone know how to write a statement in SQL Server that is similiar to Microsoft Access's IIF function. Im not quite sure how the syntax works in a SQL Server IF statement. Thanks!
if (@cknum is not null) and (@company is null) select * from PMTK_tbl where Company = @company
else if (@compnay is not null) and (cknum is null) select * from PMTK_tbl where check_Num = @cknum else select * from PMTK_tbl where Check_Num = @cknum and Company = @company end if
I have a database used for a point of sale system it has a main table with the total amount of a check - the tip the tip is save in a different table that holds payments the issue is i need to make a statement that finds checks based of the total with the tips added. the table that holds tips can have more then one tip because you can have multiple payments on a check.
The statement i have now is like this
select + sum(jp.tip) as total from jc innerjoin jp on key where total <= @max and total >= @min group by
but this statement uses total before the tip is added. I am not sure how else to do this any help would be great
I imported a excel file from SSIS and created a table called Lockbox. To avoid the user from having to change the excel file -it is being imported as is. I only need 4 fields: [Contract ID] , [Check Number], [Owner ID], [Site ID]
The table I need to import to Transaction has Diffrent Column Names -ex-CustomerID, ResortID. The columns are in diffrent order. And I need to add more information into them like UserID = 'Hwells', Trantype = 'MF' and convert to a diffrent data type [Site ID] to text.