Problem With SQL Server 2000 Developer Reinstall

Dec 19, 2001

I uninstalled a previous version of SQL Server 2000 Developer because it had some custom configurations that I didn't want. When I try to re-install, I get an error message saying:

A previous program installation created pending file operations on the installation machine. You must reboot the computer before running setup.

I don't know what other programs affect SQL that I have on my machine. My previous instance only contained two known databases and I have deleted the applications that went with those databases.

I have deleted all known registry settings for SQL Server. I have also stopped the IIS service because I thought it would impact the install.

I rebooted my machine, but I still get the same error when I try to install. I don't know what to do next? Please help!

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Reinstall Sql Server Express After Developer Edition

Oct 27, 2006

I had to uninstall SQl Server 2005 Developer Edition because of hardware requirements, and reinstall Express Edition download version.

But SQL Server Database Services fails with this message:

SQL Server Setup has determined that the following account properties are not specified: 'AGTACCOUNT' . Error Code: 28006.

The first time I installed Express the flow of setup ended well without any message. How to act?

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Reinstall Sql Server 2000

Feb 3, 2008

I need to reinstall on one production server. What steps to be taken before uninstall and install

I am new to SQL Server, please can anyone guide me on this?

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How Can I Reinstall The Enterprise Manager? (SQL SERVER 2000)

Mar 19, 2008

I can€™t use the DTS editor because shows an error.
So, I want to reinstall the enterprise manager without uninstall the sql server 2000, Is that possible?
If the answer is yes, How can I do that?

I think that reinstalling only the Enterprise Manager the DTS editor can be fixed.

Sql Version: Sql Server 2000
SO: Windows 2003 Server

Tanks in advance

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How Can I Reinstall The Enterprise Manager? (SQL SERVER 2000)

Mar 18, 2008

Something happened when the server fall down because of no disk space.
Now everything is fine but I have a problem in de DTS (from the Enterprise Manager) editor, I can€™t run, modify and even make a new DTS.
What can I do? Is it possible reinstall de DTS components without reinstall sqlserver 2000?

Sql Version: sqlserver2000 Enterprise
SO Version: Windows 2003 Server

Thanks in advance


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Reinstall Sql Server 2000 Ent Edition Named Instan

Apr 6, 2008

I need to recover an entire named instance because of data corruption on the SAN. The DBs are OK but the SQL Server Service will not start due to a 'windows internal error' so I'm going to restinall the instance. I have all of my data and log files from all databses including the master.. can I use these to recover or is a restore of system databases better??

Also, I have a database with 5 .ndf files. I can't quite get the syntax right to attach these files after I do a restore to get the LATEST data? Can anyone help?

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Sql Server 2000 Developer Edition W/MSDE 2000 Release A Install

May 21, 2005

Can you install Sql Server 2000 Developer Edition with MSDE 2000 release A already installed?

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Installing SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition On Same Box As SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition

Nov 1, 2005

I tried to install this on the same box and I'm not sure how to reply to setup questions since I want to keep my SQL Server 2000 intact.

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Can't Run SQL Server 2000 Developer On XP MCE

Nov 21, 2007

I started with SQL Server 2005 Express and created a database. Due to circumstances I needed SS 2000. Uninstalled SS 2005 and installed SS 2000 without incident. I already had SS 2000 Enterprise Manager running with other client databases registered.

When I went to Ent Mgr and tried to register my new SS 2000 instance, I got this error: "A connection could not be established to LOYDSLAPTOP. Reason: SQL Server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect()). Please verify the server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties (by right-clicking on the LOYDSLAPTOP node) and try again."

I have verified that the following services are both running: MSSQL$SQLSERVER2000 and SQLAgent$SQLSERVER2000.

I am certain that I used the sa user with password originally entered when I installed SS 2000 when I tried to register/connect to the local instance of SS. Plus I also tried to connect using the domain user and password entered when I installed SS and got the same error message.

What am I doing wrong? What do I need to change?

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

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Reinstall SQL Sever 2000

Sep 22, 2004

Hi all,

I have a server that is missing some important files, and instead of doing process of elimination, I feel it is best just to reinstall 2000.

Now is there a way to reinstall 2000 and just getting the files that the server is missing?

Is there any guidelines or steps for reinstalling 2000 out there?

Thanking you in advance.


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Developer Version Of SQL Server 2000

Dec 8, 2003

I installed SQL Server 2000 Developer and I get an Error 1069 Server does not exist or Access Denied. Also it is saying there is a login error. Can anyone offer any help?

Thank you,

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SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition

May 5, 2004

I am currently using MS Access for my site and am ready to move on.

I have obtained (legally) SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition.

Before I install this on my pc to learn this new tool and begin adjustments to my site, I have an important question, If I can phrase it correctly.

1. Will this set up my pc as a SQL server as well as keep the current configurations?
2. I have some projects I would like to keep using MS Access, how would this effect it?
3. I have never created a database using SQL or MySQL, any suggested tutorial links?


<has new toys now :) >

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Installing Sql Server 2000 Developer

Jul 21, 2006


Well I have completely reformatted my computer and reinstalled windows XP professional with all the updates, xp service pack 2 and .net framework 1.1. Now when I try to install sql server 2000 developer, I get the following message where it asks Local Account or Domain account (I choose Domain):

The logon account cannot be validated for the SQL server service. Verify that the user name and password entered are correct. The logon attempt failed

I am using the administrators account, I didn't have a password on it so I created one but this makes no difference. I also tried creating a new user account with admin rights but this also fails to solve the problem.

Please can someone help me with this,


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MSDE Or MS SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition ?

Feb 25, 2004

I have been using MSDE and I recently got Microsoft SQL ServerTM 2000 Developer Edition as part of my MAPS pack. Can and should I replace MSDE with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition on my development pc? Thanks in advance for any advice on pros and cons or known issues?

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SQL Server 2005 Express With 2000 Developer

Nov 24, 2006


I have working on SQL Server 2000 Developer which is installed on WinXP Pro 2 and want to install SQL Server 2005 Express.

Can we install the both on same Operating System.



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SQL Server 2000 Developer Vs SQL Server 2000 Standard

Nov 22, 2004

I have installed the SQL Server 2000 developer that came with Office XP Developer. I now have a copy of SQL Server 2000 Standard. What will happen if I try to install the standard version? Will I loss any of my current database logins or settings, etc...?

Thank you for any help,

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition Tools?

Oct 7, 2005

Ok so i am thinking of get the Microsoft SQL server 2000 Developer Edition, i have some questions. -  Does it include the server and tools?-  What tools does it include? The same as the Enterprise Version?-  Will it positively work on Windows XP Pro?-  Will you need to install anything else? Does it come with the Microsoft Server Desktop Edition as the server or something?-  Will this version allow me to use it to make databases for websites? I searched this forums but i can seem to find what " is prohitbited in production..." that means?Thank you and i have tried to search the forums but have gotten no real answers Hope you can read my questions clearly. Thanks!!!!

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Error Installing SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition

Feb 12, 2007

Hello, I hope someone knows the answer to this issue. I am trying to install SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition and once I get to the screen that is asking for the SQL Server instance and Login Information I receive the following error when trying to proceed.

(Report Server database is a different version and cannot be used for this installation)

I have installed reporting services 2000 developer edition many times and I have never seen this error.

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Developer Edition Licensing SQL Server 2000/2005

Nov 26, 2007


I have two question with respect to the developer edition licensing in SQL Server 2000 and 2005:

Question 1
I wanted to install a developer edition on a Development/Test Server. The server needs to be accessed by our development and Testing team of a team of 20 from their workstations. Is that possible?

Question 2
And if so what are the different licensing options that I can choose from considering that I don't want to install a developer edition of sql server on each workstation? The developer edition will be installed on the Dev/Test Server and the workstations will connect to the server using NT or Standard authentication.

Looking forward for any advice and suggestions.


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App Server Unable To Connect To SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition On Localhost.

Jul 20, 2005

Anyone encounter differences between SQL2K EE and SQL2K Dev Editon?FAILS-----Machine_A [App Server] <-- JDBC --> Machine_ASQL2K_Dev_Ed..dbError: "com.inet.tds.SQLException: Connection refused"When app server on Machine_A attempts to connect to database onMachine_A the conenction is refused.SUCCEEDS---------Machine_A [App Server] <-- JDBC --> Machine_BSQL2K_EE..dbWhen app server on Machine_A attempts to connect to database onMachine_B the conenction succeeds and the app server runs normally.JDBC driver: com.inet.tds.TdsDriverjdbc:inetdae7:locahost:1433I don't believe the app server is exhausting the 10-connection max onSQL2K developer edition (there is a 10-connection limit imposed on thedeveloper edition, correct?)LB

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Why I Cannot Create/edit Tables In VS.Net Server Explorer For SQL Server 2000 Developer Local Database?

Apr 7, 2006

I found that when I install MSDE, then I can create/edit database objects for MSDE database in Visual Studio 2003 Server Explorer, but when I try to create/edit database objects under the default database created by the SQL Server 2000 installation, I cannot do these tasks as no option for these tasks appear when I right-click on the database object in Server Explorer.  Anyone knows why this is happening?

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SQL Mobile Server 2005 To SQL Server Developer Edition 2000

Oct 30, 2006

I am looking for a detailed tutorial that explains how to set-up merge replication services for a major project. I have seen all of the claims that SQL Mobile Server 2005 is able to connect to a merge publication with SQL Server 2000. However, where are the tutorials? I must have a proof of concept in a few days to quote this project. Can anybody help with this issue? Thanks!

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Accessing SQL Server Data From Oracle Developer 2000 Apps

Feb 17, 1999

Hello there

I have a customer that wants to start using SQL Server 7.0 instead of Oracle, but they have a lot of Oracle applications (made in Developer 2000 and Forms). Due to the big effort needed to convert those applications (to Visual Basic), they want to be able somehow to migrate only data from Oracle to SQL Server, and then use some tool that will allow them to use the same applications with the SQL Server 7.0 engine.

I found on the "SQL Server Developer's Kit" a document describing the process of migrating data and applications from Oracle to SQL Server. There is a mention to an Oracle tool called "Oracle Gateway to SQL Server" that will translate calls received by the Oracle engine to the SQL Server engine, but this approach will still require the existence of Oracle servers (which is the thing the customer no longer wants).

The second option mentioned on that document, and the one that seems more attractive, is the use of Oracle "Open Client Adapter" (OCA) that will allow Developer 2000 applications to communicate directly to SQL Server via ODBC. However, I have been unable to find (on the Oracle site) any documentation regarding this tool.

Has anynoe heard or used such tool (OCA) ? Any comments, tips, drawbacks, experience you could share ? Any other idea on how a thing like that could be accomplished ? Perhaps a third-party application that can act as a gateway between the Forms app and ODBC/SQL Server, or that will be able to generate VB code from a Developer 2000/Forms app...

Any help will be appreciated.

Please respond directly to me, as I am not a member of the distribution list.

Luis Francisco Silva

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From Where To Download SQL Server Reporting Service 2000 Developer Edition

Apr 21, 2008

Hi all,
I want to create reports using SQL Server Reporting service 2000 Developer Edition.For that i want SQL Server Reporting service 2000 Developer Edition.
Any body please tell me from where i have top download SQL Server Reporting service 2000 Developer Edition?
And any prerequist to create the reports?
Thanks in advance.

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Connect From 2005 Developer Edition To 2000 Developer Edition

Jun 1, 2007

Hi, all -

I'm trying to register a developer's 2000 pc from my 2005 pc.

i'm not sure this is even something possible from Dev Edition to Dev Edition- I can register a 2000 server just fine.

I can ping him. Both our systems have remote access 'on'. His server is (local), i've tried connecting to it by just entering his machine name and by using just the ip address. The error I get is "timeout expired. The timeout elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."

Am I just not registering this properly? I entered just the ip address in the 'server' box. I am connecting as sa with the pw he gave me. When i connect to my server, I use the ip addressinstance. However, I am not sure what to use for the instance when all I see when I look at his machine is (local).

I haven't needed to do this before.


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Can I Use SQL Server 2005 Developer With Visual Web Developer?

Nov 24, 2007

There are conflicting postings everywhere about this. I built a small site using VWD and SQL Server Express, but need to convert to Sql Server 2005 Developer because the DB will exceed 4Gb. Tried to install and could not connect or use from VWD. Tried to uninstall, got into large mess with the byzantine uninstall process, and have now started with a clean machine.

I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer first, then installed VWD Express 2008 without installing SQL Server Express. VWD won't let me connect to an existing database, won't let me add a new database and doesn't even show the Database Tools option under the Tools menu.

Is there someone with specific knowledge that can provide any enlightenment? Would be much appreciated.

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SQL Developer 2000 Issue

May 11, 2008

Hi all!
I have an issue with my DB I deleted my developer 2000 and then redownloaded it but now I cant access my local host which I was able to do befor the error I am getting is
A connection cannot be established to (local)
any opinions
Also I was wondering is the developer editions only for local host or should I be able to hook it up to a DataBase on my hosting service?
Thanks Jonny

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Can't Install 2000 Developer

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to install a default instance of Developer edition on alaptop. I'm getting the following promblems shown in sqltp log. Thelaptop has previously had the SQL Developer installed but has sincehad OS installed.I've tested named pipes to another server (net view, net use) and itseems to be working.any ideas ?Starting Service ...Latin1_General_CI_AS-m -Q -T4022 -T3659Connecting to Server ...driver={sql server};server=J6Y741J;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Connection broken.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionRead(GetOverLappedResult()).driver={sql server};server=J6Y741J;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Connection broken.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionRead(GetOverLappedResult()).driver={sql server};server=J6Y741J;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Connection broken.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionRead(GetOverLappedResult()).SQL Server configuration failed.

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SQL 2000 Developer Edition

Nov 1, 2006

I have a SQL cluster that is using SQL 2000 developer
edition on both nodes - I need to bring these servers into production, the
question is how do I upgrade Developer edition to Enterprise edition?

I have been told it€™s a simple REG change? but can't find it on any forum. Or
do I need to de-install and reinstall the correct version - Any help is appreciated.

Thanks all in advance

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Cannot Install SQL 2000 Developer's Edition On WIN XP

Dec 29, 2004

** Error in msgbox : “Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and C:WINDOWSsqlstp.log for more information. �

** Cut From: C:WINDOWSsqlstp.log – ( previous exit codes look OK) ---

(previous text removed) …

21:54:29 C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinncnfgsvr.exe -F "C:WINDOWSsqlstp.log" -I MSSQLSERVER -V 1 -M 0 -Q "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" -H 66364 -U sa -P

Starting Service ...


-m -Q -T4022 -T3659

Connecting to Server ...

driver={sql server};server=cn91909-a;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]General network error. Check your network documentation.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionRead (recv()).

driver={sql server};server=cn91909-a;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]General network error. Check your network documentation.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionRead (recv()).

driver={sql server};server=cn91909-a;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]General network error. Check your network documentation.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionRead (recv()).

SQL Server configuration failed.


21:54:55 Process Exit Code: (-1)

21:57:07 Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and C:WINDOWSsqlstp.log for more information.

21:57:07 Action CleanUpInstall:

21:57:07 C:WINDOWSTEMPSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 4 -Service SQLSERVERAGENT

21:57:07 Process Exit Code: (1060) The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

21:57:07 C:WINDOWSTEMPSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 4 -Service MSSQLSERVER

21:57:07 Process Exit Code: (0)

21:57:07 StatsGenerate returned: 2

21:57:07 StatsGenerate (0x0,0x1,0xf000000,0x200,1033,303,0x0,0x1,0,0,0

21:57:07 StatsGenerate -1,debbie)

21:57:07 Installation Failed.

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Reinstall SQL Server 2005 Express

Apr 18, 2008

 Since there is not a method to uninstall SP2 for SQL Server 2005 Express, it is recommended to completely uninstall and then reinstall.  I have backed up all databases as well as generated a script to recover username/passwords, is there anything else I should be taking into consideration?

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Reinstall SQL Server Without Loosing The Data

Mar 26, 2002

hi Everybody,

for some reason my Sql Server has stopped and i am not able to restart it at all, do i have to reinstall the complete SQl Software or is there ne way i can start the MSSQL Server

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How Do I Reinstall The SQL Server ODBC Drivers?

Jul 23, 2005

They are corrupt. I cannot get the odbc driver applet for sql serverto open when I click add and I cannot configure any existing ones. Andthe usage of the drivers fail.Other ODBC drivers work.Does anyone know how to reinstall the SQL Server set of ODBC drivers?MDAC wouldn't install, said it was already at current level.Thanks for any ideas.

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