Problem With StoreProcedure

Feb 5, 2008

I write a simple StoreProcedure, but it shows error: "Error converting data type nvarchar to float.", please help with thanks:

 @lastQID nvarchar(50) OUTPUT
 SELECT @lastQID=Str(Max(QID))
   FROM Questions
   RETURN @lastQID 


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Aug 12, 2000

Hi there,
Can I be able to call a Activex DLL from Sp or from triggers.

Looking for a answer..

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Call StoreProcedure But Does Not Return Value.

Apr 2, 2008

I try to run the storeprocedure to get retRandomCode.Value, but it returns no value.
 Using myConnection2 As New SqlConnection(connString)
 Dim myPuzzleCmd2 As New SqlCommand("GetRandomCode", myConnection2)
myPuzzleCmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
 Dim retLengthParam As New SqlParameter("@Length", SqlDbType.TinyInt, 6)
retLengthParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
 Dim retRandomCode As New SqlParameter("@RandomCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30)
retRandomCode.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
 Dim reader2 As SqlDataReader = myPuzzleCmd2.ExecuteReader()
myPuzzleCmd2.ExecuteNonQuery()Catch ex As Exception
 Response.Write("sp value : " & retRandomCode.Value)                       <----- no value
Dim iRandomCode(1) As StringReDim Preserve iRandomCode(1)
iRandomCode(1) = Convert.ToString(retRandomCode.Value)Session.Remove("RandomCode")
 HttpContext.Current.Session("RandomCode") = iRandomCode
myPuzzleCmd2 = Nothing
End Try
End Using

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Using A Storeprocedure In A Select Statement

Aug 10, 2004

i would like to use a storeprocedure as the from clause for a select statement..

something like

select * from exec spGetData

which obviously doesn't work.. anybody know a way i can do this?


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Sql Storeprocedure Transfer From Local To Server

Mar 6, 2008

 Hi everyone,I have a problem. The problem is my local database which I have to transfer from local to server. I can transfer all my table but I cant transfer my all Sp.Please Somebody help me.What I can transfer all my database from local to server.I real need help. 

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Storeprocedure Having Two Variables Having , Seperated Values

Mar 15, 2008

can u give me some idea how to make Sp who having two variables as a parameter having values seperated by ","
now thses vaues have to insert in to two tables tbColor .... colorname,product_id
                                                           and   tbSize.......sizename,product_id

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Exec Storeprocedure - Multiple Joins

May 5, 2008

Hi,I am written a store procedure that would access four tables and grab appropriate fields.. I am using JOIN functionality because it can have multiple rows. ( The goal is: )Step 1: User can search by ID  or MEMBER_ID or both .. grab all the data from mainTable based on the search. WORKS.Step 2: TABLE 2 (userTable table) get EMAIL for each record that was grabbed.. based on the ID. WORKS.Step 3: TABLE 3 and TABLE 4.. I am having some problems combing into the query.. how to add multiple JOINS… Is it safe? Please see below what data needs to be combined into the query.--Code works for Step 1 and 2.declare @ID varchar(20), @MEMBER_ID varchar(20) set @ID= null --testing data.. set @MEMBER_ID ='15552' –testing data.. Select MainTable.REFNO,MainTable.ID,mainTable.MEMBER_ID,userTable.EMAILFROM mainTableLEFT JOIN userTableON mainTable.ID = userTable.IDWhere (mainTable.ID = @ID  OR @ID IS NULL) and(mainTable.MEMBER_ID = @MEMBER_ID OR @MEMBER_ID IS NULL)TABLE 3:  (works by itself)SELECT  SR.COMPANY, SR.LOCATION_NOFROM    SI INNER JOIN  SR ON      SI.SR_ID = SR.SR_IDWHERE   SI.ID = MainTable.ID)ORDER BY SR.DATE_RECEIVED DESCTABLE 4:  (works by itself)I will be retrieving LOCATION_NO from SR table and comparing the value to the below query: for each record that was found in  the LOCATION_NAME from locationwhere LOCATION_NO= SR.LOCATION_NO       Please help me solve this.. Thank you  

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An Issue With Calling A Function From Storeprocedure.

May 9, 2008

This is an issue with calling a stored procedure, which calls a function.this input parameter of the function is a list nvarchar.where i am giving the input like : 1,2,3,4,8 here for the corresponding id's 1,2,3,4,8i wanna take all the details and displaying it ina crystal report........  CREATE FUNCTION iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl (@list nvarchar(MAX)) RETURNS @tbl TABLE (number int NOT NULL) ASBEGIN DECLARE @pos int, @nextpos int, @valuelen int SELECT @pos = 0, @nextpos = 1 WHILE @nextpos > 0 BEGIN SELECT @nextpos = charindex(',', @list, @pos + 1) SELECT @valuelen = CASE WHEN @nextpos > 0 THEN @nextpos ELSE len(@list) + 1 END - @pos - 1 INSERT @tbl (number) VALUES (convert(int, substring(@list, @pos + 1, @valuelen))) SELECT @pos = @nextpos END RETURNEND create proc [dbo].[Comparison](@ProductVersionID VarChar(50))asbeginselect PV.Productversionname, F.FeatureID, F.Title, F.description, F.Modifieddate,PVF.IsPresent, FG.Title from features F,ProductVersionFeatures PVF, productversion PV, Featuregroup FG where F.FeatureID = PVF.FeatureID and PVF.productversionid = PV.ProductVersionID and iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl(@ProductVersionID) i ON PVF.productversionid = i.numberendThis is my Storeprocedure, where i am calling a function in this stored procedure but when i am trying to execute the Sp, i am facing an error liek this :Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Procedure Comparison, Line 4'iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl' is not a recognized built-in function name. can any body please help me why this is hapenig, how can i solve this issue  

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Writing Storeprocedure For Change Data Load Operation

Apr 28, 2008

i am trying to write a store procedure which inserts data from flat file to table but i want to align the rows for data transformation, like which column should be transferred to which column on the existing table. can anyone help me with this..i know how to do it thru DTS or SSIS but just want it in script...


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