I use forms authentication with my Report manager. The problem is that I can't display the same information to all the users into the report. For example, in my report, i have one dataset that give me a list of all the store of a compagny. And i have to display only the store onto the user is working. If the user is a boss, he can see the information of all the stores. So i have to know in my report what is the login he uses in the form authetication and i don't know how to do.
I need help. The security principal is the correct DomainUser, but the error message says I am not authenticated. So here is my error Message: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'. Me.User.Identity.Name=CompanyDomainRyan; System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent=CompanyDomainRyan; HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name=CompanyRyan Generated by: Dim secPrinc As System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent Me.lblError.Text = ex.Message & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Me.User.Identity.Name=" & Me.User.Identity.Name & "; System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent=" & secPrinc.Name & "; HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name=" & HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name Here is the Connection String: Private ConnString As String = "Server=;Database=DNS;Trusted_Connection=True"
IIS has 4 websites hosted on it. The parent level allows anonymous with windows auth off, but the website level has anonymous off with widnows auth and digest. In IIS, is there a problem with having the parent level anonymous and website level windows auth?
I have several reports for users to view on our Intranet. After installation of SQL 2005 SP2 patch, I cannot delete user or user's authority from Report in Properties Tab. An error message was shown on the status bar. It indicated that JavaScript Error: 'Return' statement outside of function. Seems something wrong with the 'Delete' funciton in SQL 2005 after update. The other functions worked fine. Could you point me out how to fix it or need to install any updates / hotfix. Thanks a lot!
HiI have a Jobs Table: Job_ID,User_ID,Job_Info,...Job_ID is the Primary Key.I want to add [Job_ID_PerUser] so I wiil get:Job_ID Job_ID_PerUser User_ID1 1 A2 1 B3 1 C4 2 A5 3 A6 2 CThanks
Hi,I have an on screen control to select data from a table. Here are the parameters for the select: <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="bezlan" Name="recievername" /> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="bezlan" Name="recieversname" />this works perfectly if I sign in as bezlan <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="User.Identity.Name" Name="recievername" /> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="User.Identity.Name" Name="recieversname" /> this doesnt pick up any data at all if I sign in as bezlan.Why is this? Is there a special bit of code I need for parameters?Thanks,Jon
Hello everyone, In SQL Query I need to update a field to my ASP.NET app which has a variable User.Identity.Name() where it contains the Form Authentication of current logon user, SQL has the suser_name() function but this is not what I needed because it returns the user accessing the Database. UPDATE [tblData] SET [UserUpdated] = User.Identity.Name() <= this failed because SQL doesn't recordnize the User.Identity.Name() function. Is there any method I can use to achieve this? Thanks in advance.
Hello. I am trying to write a report that pulls information in from Active Directory. I have a view created that gets a listing of users and a view that creates a listing of user groups, but I can't seem to figure out how to get all user groups that are associated with the users. This is what I have.
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT * FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, 'SELECT cn, groupMembershipSAM FROM ''LDAP://wmdomain.local'' WHERE objectcategory=''group''') Rowset_1
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, 'SELECT title, displayName, sAMAccountName, givenName, telephoneNumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber, sn FROM ''LDAP://wmdomain.local'' WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''user''') Rowset_1
is there a way that I can use the sqldatasource with a form view where my sqldatasource select statement is like this select * from tblUsers where vcUserName=@vcUserName <selectparameters> <asp:Parameter Name="user.identity.name" Type="String /> </selectParameters>
Hiy all, I have used the code below to capture the current logged in user into my LoginID Filed in my SQL DB. Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters("LoginID").DefaultValue = Page.User.Identity.Name End Sub Now that I have this in my DB I want to create a Gridview that will filter by this LoginID. So I want to filter all records where LoginID = the currenlty logged in user ie: filter using Page.User.Identity.Name So in my SQL code I have WHERE loginID = @Currentuser. VWD now wants me to define a parameter for this Varaibale @Currentuser... So I want to set this to Page.User.Identity.Name. My Problem is that in the datasource define parameter area I'm not sure what to define this as. ie: is Page.User.Identity.Name a cookie , control , Query String , session ? can someone point me in the right direction to what syntax to use? Ray..
Hi, any suggestions on why my label doesn't show the current user.identity.name when used in a detailsview (header-field or insert-field), when it works just fine placed directly on my page ? Please help ! (I want to bind myLabelX.Text to a db-table, but it contains no value..) codebehind : 1 using System; 2 using System.Data; 3 using System.Configuration; 4 using System.Collections; 5 using System.Web; 6 using System.Web.Security; 7 using System.Web.UI; 8 using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 9 using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; 10 using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; 11 12 13 public partial class Test_2 : System.Web.UI.Page 14 { 15 16 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 17 { 18 if ((!IsPostBack)) myLabelX.Text = User.Identity.Name; 19 } 20 21 }
I have done the following and a domain user would not access report created a login to the SQL server to the user (this SQL Server is where data source DB is)went to site setting in Report Manager and made this use a system userright clicked on report folder and made this user in the browser roleeven checked that in the report in question, the user is already in the browser role Still the user would not access the report! "User .......... does not have required permission" is the error message I am getting.
I have environment that use SSRS 2005 ad hoc reporting.
One of the users (out of 200) is unable to open or save reports in the report builder.
the user succeed to open the report builder, when he try to save report that he build from shema he get error. as well when he try to open an existing report that build in the report builder he also get an error,
On open the error is:
The numeric portion of 2pt cannot be parsed as a unit of the type point.
The Initilizer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception
On Save the error is:
System.IO.StreamReader: Deserialization failed: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception. Line 2, position 2
Please note that I succeed with second user to create ad hoc report on the first user
computer. I also failed to with the first user to create ad hoc on another computer.
Hi,How do I get hold of the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name from within an sqldatasource? I want to create a WHERE clause that says WHERE UserName = @UserName and the @UserName parameter be filled with the current user name. I would be able to do this in code, but I don't know how to get at this information from within a datasource. At a guess I tried to use the Cookie option from the drop down list, and use the name of the FormsAuthentication Cookie, but this didn't work. Is there a way I can do this? If so how? I don't want to resort to using a hidden field or anything like that if I can help it. Many thanks, Steve
Hello everyone, I have a view, NAS_vPosition that has a coloumn vLogin_Acting and I want to use the user.identity.name to select the row from this table that matches. So far i have tried: SelectCommand = "Select * FROM NAS_vPosition WHERE vLogin_Acting = ' <%=User.Identity.Name %> ' " with no success. Any help is appreciated
I am having issues getting this to work. I have the user login to a page to put in a request for vacation. When they login, I have a label that isn't visible that is equal to their User.Identity.Name. I select the user from the employee table where the username = the label User Identity Name and pull in the emp_id which is the primary key that identifies the user. I need to insert the request into the request table with the emp_id from the select statement, without showing the em_id on the screen. I tried using a hidden field and assigning the emp_id as the value, but it isn't working. Not sure if this is the best way to do this. Really new to ASP.NET 2.0 so I really appreciate any help. Thank you!
I am new to MS SQL SERVER 2005. My web application using SQL Server 2005 as back end database to store all the information. I am using connection pooling to get connection form db. But my fron end user( user who logged in into webapplication) lost his identity b'coz for database user is application server. Now I wanna to track front end user in db.
In oracle I can do it by using CLIENT_IDENTIFIER. But in sql server I don't know how to do it.
in oracle i can do it as below public void setIdentity(Connection conn, String identity) { PreparedStatement ps; try { ps = conn.prepareCall("begin dbms_session.set_identifier(?); end;"); ps.setString(1, identity); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // Handle the exception } } <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> once the transaction is complete, the application should reset the identity as follows:
public void clearIdentity(Connection conn) { PreparedStatement ps; try { ps = conn.prepareCall("begin dbms_session.clear_identifier(); end;"); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // Handle the exception } } <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> Please guide me for same.
I'm a very basic user to VSS 2005 and I've created a simple report to display our customer master table. The problem is that we have 1000's of customers, but the report must scroll page by page.
My question is I want to be able to create a report specific to each individual user. More specifically I want to be able to create one report and once the user logs in with the appropriate credentials, I want the report to populate based on those credentials. Another important aspect is that each individual only sees their data. So once again I need to report to populate from the database based on the users logon credentails
hi, can anyone help me out with this report.I need to produce a report for the database level user permission.like for a database: DB_A, I want to output as such:[SELECT] [INSERT] [UPDATE] [DELETE] [CREATE TABLE] .... otherpublic G Dguest D D D D Ddbo G G G G Guser_A G D D D GG stands for Grant and D stands for Deny.I need not only to look at direct grant/deny but also whether that useris a member of fixed database role and fixed server role. like dbo willhave G on all.I am trying to look into sysprotects table and looking at lines with id= 0 but I just can't get to know what different action and protecttypenumbers means!Many thanks
I am trying to create a TSQL statement or stored procedure that cantell me what users belong to what group and what groups have access towhat files. Can anyone help? Can I pull out a list of names fromActive Directory to use as my user list?
I have Developer's Edition of SQL Server installed on my PC. I want my users to run and view my new RS report from their PCs across the network without installing SS on their machines.
We experimented a little bit by asking one user to use these URLs...http://mymachine/reports$myinstance and http://mymachine/reportserver$myinstance) after giving her browse rights in report manager from my PC.
When she uses the first URL, she gets a popup asking for sign in info, but gets nowhere when typing in her windows sign in info. When she uses the second, she gets thru to the report choices but gets an error like...
* An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
* Cannot create a connection to data source 'xxxxx'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
* For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
...after choosing my report. xxxxx is the name of the only datasource in the report.
Before we began, we also turned off 'enable anonymous access' and instead clicked 'integrated windows authentication' in IIS on my pc.
My user is on a different domain controller than I am. I asked a colleague who is on the same domain controller to try the URLs and he had no problems running my report from either. He wasnt given any explicit permissions/rights at either the reporting or db level.
Is it possible to set up a report so that there's a column where the user can insert data of their own, which then gets saved to the underlying database?
What I'm thinking of is the ability to have a drop-down box at the end of each row of data in the report, whereby the user can select an option to specify the action they have taken in response to the data. Is this possible, and if so, how exactly would I achieve this?
I'm trying to do something simple that has turned out to be a frustrating problem. I have a field in my report that needs to be populated by user input. Based on this user input, I will use the field in a calculation. The simple solution to me, was to create a custom assembly that has a function that uses Console.Write("Input Data") and Console.readline() to assign the input to a string, and then return that string to the report. This works fine in a test console application, but when I copy and paste the code to my custom assembly, it returns #Error to the report. I've debugged, and found that when I hit F10 on Console.Write("test"); it skips right over it, and nothing happens. It also skips over Console.readline(); with nothing happening. This makes me unable to take the user input and set the textbox equal to that value.
Am I doing this completely wrong? Is there something I'm missing, or just not understanding correcly? It seems like reporting services has to have this option. I'd really appreciate some advice. Thanks!
I am really new to SSRS (This is my first report) and I am looking to create a drop down that will allow a user to select the value to appear in a report. Meaning that is my values are:
a b c d
If the user types a B it would "jump to that letter in the selection.
I have to select last 5 days login data from UserLog Table, Based on the LogMessage, Please find below example for clarity
Table : UserLog Sample Data : LogId | UserID | IP | DateTime | LogMessage 1 | 1012 | 102.34.23.xx | 2013-10-22 08:42:00 | User ID 1012 (Soft Token)[] - Primary authentication successful from RDS 2 | 1012 | 102.34.23.xx | 2013-10-22 08:43:00 | User ID 1012 (Soft Token)[] - Network Connect: Session started from RDS Location 3 | 1012 | 102.34.23.xx | 2013-10-22 08:45:00 | User ID 1012 (Soft Token)[] - Network Session Initiated: Success Session from RDS Location 4 | 1015 | 102.xx.203.xx | 2013-10-22 09:42:00 | User ID 1015 (Soft Token)[] - Primary authentication successful from RDS
[Code] ...
Expected Result:
I would like to select the user loged data by UserID for last 5 days, I will pass the UserID as a parameter, Time taken should be calculated based on LogMessage ( Time Between "Primary authentication successful" message and "Network Connect: Session started " Message), If multiple login for the same day We have to take the most recent one for the day.
I m facing problem in order to publish my reports on the web. the anonymous person will not be able to see my reports, I do not why might be Reporting service restriction for anonymous person. My reports can only see by the person who are my domain user. I want to publish these reports to web. Can you please help me and tell me how to permit anonymous person to view my reports on the web out side domain
Hi, I am new to SSRS. Is there a way to show part of a report based on User. Say we have a report consisting data for all department. When a department director view it, the report only display data for his/her department. Can this be achieved in SSRS? Thank you in advance for your help.